Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1912, p. 4

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ttbt juton jfra frtss thursday aiblt 4l t mpthin oohh winter if aon cold for work frvoda wttlbw imam me shirk hprlng comes oo an finds mo wuhln i mow end my day aiuhlnv then la wnomr when ii hot i say work kin go to ni auutan flay o calm and basy mortar make me klndr uy thai- lb wytho season run beeav i cant get vbw done writing of the homeless ffeufth- lerltb april american slagesine idsmtkrbrlleys tb too eeenll i blag tor m tradtui la understand u bal her buel- ness i not in mdw hei daughter ufa out lo inlit thai daughter to shape bereell bit ahtmild be prepared to amy to bar tv mt interesting and important lblng in ll world fr ou is to work out ymr own pvtlcul life yon must build it from tba plaoe where yon stand and with th-tert- ais i your band nobody ua ever atood in your particular place or ver wul stand in one identical nobody ever- bad or can paeeees tba kama malarial you alona can fuse tbeele- meoti ilold your place do not try u luft lolo tba pise that another oe- oupte kaep yonr eye on what yoa have to work with not on what o- body aba ba ttuuitoreoittbe originality flavor distinction useful ness of your ufa depend on tba ear tba reverence and tha intajugnoc with which you work up add out from wbara you ara and with what yon bar it u only tb woman who la pre- parad to any something lika tba to br daughter lo help her lo aae it and to rise to it that ha brought into oer boss tba spirit of today children ory fob fletchers c wbta a fallow dm a too dollar fatd elresdattng through hla system things thaoufortha v down tha athlet can flod nothing mt than pr tho b it randan tba mxmxm and stnvwa -plr- ma ukaa the so out of than aad i4ci l m tfar way ba pot to thee it stands pre- i the april woman hdaw com- y anion lbre u an lateraslfog ducuv ion of tha problem raiting rid of tha housefly thar ara a number f praotioal euggenloos and a natnbr of report of the campaign alraady made again the fly following i a report from an ohb town karly in july 1011 the newspaper in our iua tackled the fly problem wild community at the outset it waa announced that on a certain day tba cltlmua vrouldbe asked to eo-nper- ata with tbb paper in swatting the fly a local clothing concern co-pr- iled to i ha unl of distributing without any charge wire tly and on them on the day appointed three ihoueandul them had been dis tributed ihiya and rih were encouraged to aesfet in ridding the community ofnire by the offering of phaee oo tba part of this eoueera and when the day bad come and gone ntore than one hundred ihoueand tlleeliad been slain in hamil ton ring the dye which preceded the day daalgnaud educational arttclea ware carried by the town paper the coop era lion of thecltyaulbo ilea and eapeelajly the health officer waa ee- eured for fly ly and eftiute were pot forth at that limn looking to the pareaaneot- cleaning up of puvcaa where flya could breed fly day in uamiv- generally coooeeded lo bae y eueceaafnl there waa no effort made of couree lo abaolotely itftarmlnate tha 0y because aucb n eauu waa realfead to ba oat of the question but i hie paper had ea it aim almplyto give the people an fdea of how far they oould go in eolrlog the ry problem if they all got together and worked to that one ed how did it happim a welllkbowb dry ffooda store re- oily displayed tba following placard pine stock of kid aaaorted colore and almee blep in and examlna tbem iiow it tuappened no one koowa but the kmntt morqiog the sign wu mh faateoed at the entrance of tba orphan asylum around the corner truth do it now dteordere of dlgesure eprir- aboold ba dealt with at pwea before compueauona arba that may be djflknflt to oop with tba arast ranmy tbl ewd and one tvt u within reaeh of all u w ina vega table phb the bast uxaura and eeda uee on tba market do not delay bat try them now one trial will convtooe myooauielbayare tba beat a regulaor that can be got who for jwatabaea- bean netng it omn tastily to its vmau1allrvat odornmm xh xnusr t an enternrblng i baa coi- laotad tba fobowwg4d4lllee in print a butcbeva abw otweat raada aa fobowai johjaooba kula pigalika atauorhadablulnbb window tba touoing aflaot wanted al tbisfoomt aaakere tbb b floe caaajoe for apara tauora an aalearthn t inabcalon i pv appn ad m fnuowaj wanted man in the dry good trade i to ba partly ontdoora and paruy be- tba following extrack from a eaed adrertbimbnt b narbapa oorreot roonenmpueaa aougb whde yon omn ear altar yon bare taken one boub of aay mixture yon omt to tba umi who loualrea wbetker there hu been any anddao drop ha dry good tbb wmkacommar- ejal writer any t we bare notsoad bat one she said wftan wa bar up that people who ate grape ongbt not to throw their aktna on to ewewalka a tarseer wrote ee follow to a dte- tlinnhhtil aowntloo agrlcnlturbt whom be fau under obugataa jqu txodaoltaltaautiy of awifiav- aaetedsui i want jterdfyo fc ho abow j fonodl mveral pb ot yoarapaciea there- waa a great r- 1 of bona bdira whoa are yaw writing to barf i kthijck wtiubo tu me that hb glri baa tbrdwarhlaa oeavboard ao vat dropping bbi line trominent railroadman i have been a pnttman oondactorba tba c f b inn mhhlgaw rmlnl darlag the lt three yean abont four year ago x was bid up with intense data la the grow a very aere back and suffered ot sererely when i tried t nrlnste i treated with wy isnuly physklaa lor two month for grard to the bbdder hut did not receive any benefit about that time i sent another railroad man who bad beam asaularly affected and who bad bees enrol by taking gin ttlbv after casto tw xtfisd ten bars alwsvrs beigat sad whica ssw wsta ts iuw car ror 30 yonr than lorne jatxnmtaum of and hnn boon nutds under hla posv nonnl a talo ajnon its tnfkncy allow do otto to tlrcolm you in thbu ah ooanterfelta iwlts mid jnntangowti nro hat kxporlomhiut tbnt trlflo with anil ontlniiirr tbo benlth of trmtts sjmi cbodreavzpxsnnoo agaltht nrinmsmt 22c0t what is castoria oextorb in a hawtnioas sabatljbita ibr outor on gortc drop and soouung srrapa ii la plrausant it contnlnai pelther onion horphlno nor other ksrootlo nbaianco iu ago u hs nbsrantoo it drstroyn worms sad aosy fererishncia it cures imoxrlmioa sul wind coue it rousto teething- trophies pore q and pre tnl retry it nsmlmlutm the pood roilac tbo btonaneh and bowola giving aonltlr ohi natorsl aloov- tap children part a rem an motttpf prtonav qenuink castoria i bamnthn stgnatnra of always the km you tee always bought in use for over 30 year sns tr op bx tbb use or hltburns uxa4jver pttll they atlnxtuate the slnabh fiver dean the coated tongoe rwectea the breath dean away all waab aod poison ous matter from the eystets and prevent mw9 m enre pn alpvoea arbrng bom adterdeied onodrrbn rf the rtontach htcs kuubear auiuvan ploe rkbe nj wriua j bad bees troubled with fiver csmpammt for a longtlme i tried saoaaycrytung i omudnk of but none of tbem urmril to dome any rood but wheal at bsttrkd alubnnia uuv uver pids i soon began to ret well again the t uubnra co i would m iff they oast twice aomnva laxauvcf mb are 25 cents per tlal or s vbb fcr iji0 lor sab at au deakn or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t uuburn co united oau protect the child from the ravages of worm by using u other graves worm exterminator ity is a atandard remedy and x umo have so- haoced its repotatlon ohildren ory for fletchers p i a the baal uver i11la torpid uver means a diaordered system mental d- nression lassitude and in tba end if oars be not taken chronic state of debility tba vary best medicine to arouse the live to healthy action b pwmtmti vegetable pill tbeyjare compounded off purely vegelabb aub- stances of careful eebcilon and no other pllb have their hoe uusjily tbay do not gripe or pain and tbayara aareeable to the moat aenava you will 3 on irti town stats na- 1 tjon sad world if bu wehejweajasfibwsahbbs uenouroaruij ihvbntor w vtwonbly la probably the only american inveulor who ou tmvel on bnd water or in the air with hb own inventions lis ha built an aulotuo- bib whlob nakes sersnly tulbe sn hour wltb ease has pneumallo spring and solid ursa and weighs less than two hundred pound lie ba con structed tha fastest motor boat in proportion to its bone power lib latest la an improved biplane as a boy be improved on the bloyole with one known sa the safety and followed tbu with the original motorcycle one of the flrtt ever oon structed believing that aerial navi gation u only in it infancy he b de voting hb entire lime to perfecting a thoroughly safe aerial craft that will kaep lb equilibrium under all condl lions the young people of sis grammar schools in st loul uo are taking ad vantage of tnocbeoa farnbbed by the board of kjuoatlon at a cost of two and onehalf cents per pnplll twelve menu have been provided and if boy or a glri b not aa with oneof of the two and oaahaif cent m the other eleven may b sampled for m on menu i the follow one glass of nallk and two euoas of bread t another indlvldualeupof bak ed bash and two cmehsrs many a sinner u adept at drawing fashion piste for saint purihesbs dr mornsro ii when the sewers of the body bowris itmneys and skin duct get clogged up the blood quickly becomes hnpore and frequently sore break out over the body tie way to besj them as ifr richard wdson who fives near imdom ont found b by pntu blood bt writes for some time i bad been in a low ntpreswd condiuon my appetite left me and i soon began to suffer uommdi- gcstjon- qutta a number of small sores and blotch formed all over my skin i trird mrrijftnc qc the blood and med many kbos of ointments but without sstausctory mults what was wanted was a thorourh cleansing of the blood aod hooked abont in vain for some nedl rine that would accomplish this atantdrrrdorsca lodiaa root pbn were bronrht to my notice sad they are ne et the most woederral meslrtwafl base ever known my blool wesisrl bd m a wtt short time sot aanlmaa say faetos vs they ajways have a plate in nr home and are looked open m the fatnty wty dr horses indnm root mils system thoroughly sold by au i had been given up to die by three or our best doctors i could not stand it j be oo my feet and i was to swcjied in the amomcfl i could hardly breathe butthanks4o drafaes heart remciy and nervine i am able to be about the streeti a walking ad- vcrtbement of the curative qual ities ol youtr remedies although i am 70 fears old joiiw r cociipah lewiuown iii better than any statement we could make regarding the value ol dr miles heart remedy sre thne word of mr cochrsn he speaks from- experience the highest possible source of knowl edge if you hsvc any of the ttgni of a weak heart tuch s pain in the left shoulder or sun bintinz and hungry spells t or ness of brealb smothering tiells flutteruigorpalphsttonof thu heart you neca dr miles heart remedy which for over twenty years has been recognized as the best prepa ration of its kind to be had bold under a pu raw t eseurina tha return si the art ce of the rat bottle it it amin te benefit at all druggists mili3 medical co tereata can rvum 1 au vcaynttroi kn lb baa b never forget the day when ba waa t lte aaklar to know what lo do ban it i 10 do what you know never offer a man ad vice until you find out jut what kind be want about the aweeteet thing on earth b girl of seventeen who u still a testify dont imagine that people re going local you a liar every time theythlnk jl kwry tltoa a woman changes bar mind aha think it up to her to air her view doot l tonodel ieople mvtr crltlcl an old ban for cackling after aha lays an egg owing lo the different in weight people now invest in fake mining stock instead o buying cumberaom goia hrtck if a man ha a big family ba can seldom be induced lo spend hb money on anything else thai my cause him more trouble impos9iblw voud better fumigate llteee u1u be for you go hotne tbay may be covered with microbe said the drag- let one saturday eeenlng aa he banded w faded worn and soiled all certiacates lo hb clerk no danger from that source ponded he latter a tutcrobe could not live on a drug clerk alary if one is troubled with corns and wirt be will find llollowsy corn jure an application tht will entirely relieve uffertng crasolene b the highest or all court vbtor vjnga woldjerrll llscef eot an eminent ncleatlst tba other day gave hb opinion that the most won derful discovery of recent years was the discovery of bambuk just think a soon as a alngle this layer of zaavbafc b applied to s woand or a sore such injury la lossred against blood poison hot ona species of microbe has imuii tonnd that zainbak does not klui then again as aoon m ftambak is applied to s eore or a eut or to skin dlerare u stops the smarting that i why children ara anoh friends or lutnrlak thsy ear nothing for the science of the thing all thsy know b that embak etopn thelr psln mothers should nsver forgat- thb agln an soon as eambnk b ap plied to n woand or to a dbaaaod lurl the eelb beneath the skins sar- face are ao atlmauted that new healthy tissue b qalekty formed tab fomabc of rremh healthy tbsna rasa sebw b lim pahs ssnnt rrff kiallsg tha ussua thns formed la worked ap to tha arise and utotally osata ott tbedhweaad tlmaanhovwtt this la why eanvbok eares ara psrssaasst only the other day mr marsh of 101 dfrtortmler ave montreal cnd upon the zanrbuk oontpaay sad told then that for oven twostybva years h hsd been a nuutyr taeasuu bb band were at ona uma no eovered with sore that ho had to steep la gloves four years ago aaatbok was tntrodscod to bin and in a few raoaths it curod blm to-day- over three years after his euro of a disease he htd for tweatynvy yjfi ull enrod and has had no traoa t any retam of the ecsema all druggbta sell zanvbak at 60a box or we will eend free trial box if yon mad tbb advertisement and a lo stamp to pay return postage adv 4rss zanvbas ok toronto tai itjoawt ulthi world the first of tba boudinge of the fsajunapaelan international kxposl- uon to ba bsld inrsan vrsncuoo in hub baa been daslgosd sad iu msg- nlmrda aa wall aatha idsaa it b intend edtopwpatostaln andarlag form b an indkatton that tba smpnsluoo will sorpass any of its prd lo de- uneaungthe progtaaa and aohlsve- nmatoof mankind tha enposltlon b tnbebsutoosjabrabi the oomplotlon of the panm canal to tbb and tba bunding just atentlooad w0 be erect ed 00 an eminence in flan brenclsco overlodklngthnfsjelflcooommujlul be a massiveeowec with a base s3 feet square and iso feet high br the top of thb base will eris the main shaft to s bslgbt of 850 rest and 88 feat square thar will ba passenger ele vators to carry yianaople to the top at the top of the baft there wul be friss depietlns la relief the develop ment of the north american cootta nt and 1 b expected to make the mseoortsl of great hbtorlo value the total height of the structure will be ok feet making it the loftiest thing of tba kind in the world if ws bad wbatw want wa abould probably be around looking for soma one to help dbpossees of it severe gold developed into pneumonia doctor said he would not uvb nest to consumption there are morej desthi from poctietonb than from any other lung trouble there b only one wsy to prevent pneumonia and that u to ewe the cold jtttt as aoon as it aprcar dr wood narasy ptoe 9rrup wul do this qtuckly and effectively mr hugh mctcod bsterbszy gask wri na wllttk box looks very vre cold and u developed into p thcbcbawtotllv f some of your dr woods norway pine syrup and be began to improve right away ba b now healthy child and sawn no signs of it eonjihgtiack milflsl do not be tsstcdlntq buying any oth norway pine 8yrup but insist on getting the original dr woods it b put up hi atoow wrapper three phie trw tie trsdcnuuk price 311 cents asmuicuuxd only by thox nuiiiri 04 tlnnfoa toronto out i mrnaatina oinousismjiob you vmffl cross lllleey ho i a fallow called me a born idiot loday thai nothing to worry about lb ink it waa very onnslderale of him to blame it on your ancestor rvtuttlydiaepmkkams veg etable compound did for thenrhealtii thwown statements follow qoshima ths atcli i tell you that new landlord of mine b a pretty aquar fellow biggs 8oemint but he always around on rent day boitie persons are more ausoeptlbb to colds than others oonlractlng da- rangemenb of tba pulmonary organ tram the slightest cause tbeae should always have at band a bottb of blckl anticonsumptive syrup the preseut day sovereign remedy cor cough catarrh and inflammation of the lungs it will effect a cure no matter bow severe the cold many be yuu cannot afford to ba wltboot a remedy ilk blehbs for it b tba bast whom lunburton prit had a doctor examine me and ba sal i i had tallintf of the womb so i have been taking lydla e plnkham vagntaku cornponndand it ha don me a lot of goox all the bearingdown pains have vanished i have gained ten ponntla in wolght the discharge l all gone and i feol betur than i have for a long time i think any woman b footuh to cfler as i did for the sake of a few dollars yon can 0 my letter as a testimo nial i trnay encourage other poor wornrn who offer i did to usa your vegetable imposmd sirs gko coujcutt ilallburton lot 7 pri head what thla woman ha hi new moorsasu ohio i takocwet in thanking yon for what your nng3 vegetable coin pound tea don for me i had bearing down ss was dlsxand weak bad pain in lower back and could net be upon my feet long enough to get a meal as long as i bid on my back 1 would feel batter but when i would get up those bearing down pains would coma back and the doctor said i hsd feraab trouble lydl e ptnkhsm vegetable c pou was tba only medicine that helped m and i have been growing etronger ever sine i ornmanced to take il i hop it will help other suffering women as it has me yoq can use this letter mrs curat lijotd new moorefteld clark co ohio tbegekn t5se excelsior bakfery 1 the worst of slave paveloa rub brooke it i a bad thing to so mlspbos yosw conddsnce that you are natevabj to bnd it bl burdock ood bitters cures all skin diseases any one troubled with any hchlag burning briutbg skin dbcaao can place full reliance on burdock blood bittera- to effect a cure no matter what other hear it always buuda up the health and trenith on the foundatkm of pure rich blood and in consequenca the cures it niskes are of a permanent and bating nature mrs richard cou tine jvmlsjl lead quewllll i have been fathered wilh alt rheum on my hsods for two years and it itched so i did not know what to do i trie three doctors sadeven went to montreal to the hospital without setting any relief i was sdvbedto try uurdock blood bitten so i got tfarra bottles aod before i had the second uied 1 found a bifi chaax now today i cm cured uurdock blood till era is nuuufaf tnrrd only hy the t uuburn co lit tut id toronto oot first i wbso we ojidertake to 011 your prescriptions wa give them our undivided attention and best care the patients welfare b oar brat eon- stflssallon second i we g our drag to tmof iml atrength a wu a pur and freeh third t our e aire anpplbd wlthoatwhstthyakroei smbstltut- usw te never allowed provsratksn we ocjsantlw mssdtbneeof pajnsvs oasarj oosn- posusd thb reliable aad never die- apolnuna nssdlom is n tra ills is hsnbhsr and ytw boildar w sappty the gennla psiaas osbry counoond at btvjrwo aoton out law mjoato avtatji in batun oermany n bw waa pssad requiring that baby carriage bellcoosed and lagged ins war similar t lbatusedwub automobue a record b kept by tha nouosantboritie of each baby carrbg its l num barjind tba nam and adarass of it owner tbmothexofbssilaejreeld to he much in favor of tha new bw b i n la publlo parka have baca known to tk boeae tba wrong baby and oarrbge nlncb coo and worry fouowed before the infants war restored to motbere with bosons number a u polio help to keep saattara atraight castoria ac bta u ouhiw tbkislynsmaaastu switti warmest kind for cold weather tougkcaf rkmochidc will nevei be bund becanae die beat la used for storfcyo gloves and gaunttets and yct ijho akin be carefully tanned jby tbe chrome process ir marie pliable insuring wear resistance wctexpfoof and the best working gloves on the sold at all stores insist on storeys cokscilntious plunibiiig heating is not k jwtvth jntlth us to the contrary we make it the most important j so il voo favor as with yonr patronag yon will enthoaiaiticallv endorse ua irbt quality or8ao cakib widdino caksb christmas cakeb tc stc ovstshs and fish ctl totay t statham son bakers and croccrs main stl acton lh baal saul 6mttl ul hnki woru deslgaere and dauders ol htslnes uas bean feloaamaara alarkara sad head atones aad ail kind of wm hemstreet agent acton yoor chopping will be done quickly and well on either plate or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills floor oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co evlcton m eden mius the beat quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily fe f tialev- cash for wheat and oats henry ho i top ara sas s

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