Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1912, p. 4

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rt wuui i r sbe uton tu tyxzz thursday m aluju 21 uu th bjotb uaar ilia lotlgw with the boots 11m vy boom what a world of a nnimleniu thbli noisiness nnroott how they tumble iuuihrtuiuhle when he drops them latu t night i wblu the stairs down which uy rumble are lha stairs wherou the slnnihlo kohoed from the uppor flight marking tlm limn lime la sort of rueful rliyiim ti thawi fierce expostulation ii pit i nit vent in wild cahoot at the hcota itoota ikmilr iiwlla lioole twin at the fumbling and lit tumbling the boots 1 v lit life on a bohr farm the huti chimbw af vteerers the hiumwiii hapeuasly dull ab auurtmh wont id traveling la south afruu detained by flood iki oairilfd n upend a montu on a lioer lariu i lu orst olgbfa monoto ny she wrllua was broken by tba roaring or ilia ostriches ouder our win dow ua lltougbl ii was a tame lion tba femur and hla family lived ibfen oil sour bnad and sour stim uli k and i troa therefore hungry tnoet or mm time ami ilia rips flgs hanglug clusters wain pretty atlur- 1j after pushing luck ilia akin of iba os nu enjoying tho soft fruit altb its iroplrnl tsstt i hod a rcfresb- lug dlfebt a sleep only lu awaken in the roomlog prvltr well wnred for my tongue to ao nut llvii bu1 black tblt 1 oxim doi talk the lioer tm lmilid ami enjoyed tny dlarnuifoh mill vxlilnlucd lhat the akin of llu ii it ill ntiioaroua one thorns mill i li ul hut brn careful ts niuioir iimmii n in it onlliiif ubi i lolil lir farmers wlfa that i 1 1 led lutitruillu in qlinlilhy i no- ttod unit i 1 1 ml u cupful or so given bmi litil win ilirtw ii by the pailful to ibw pig tbey mrr of far mora eon aaquiwuf lo bir itinn i for the would atay toner r ullli iior ami were bar fa ml i in r i mix not then ecu in mhrn 1 was hungry fit batlrr n ni iimhiii n nlilte clammy aabalnnco ran do from ahria tall cat waa bniidnl lo 1119 anil i could oot al low i be farmer a wlfa to aoa mo qulrcr bba aold bar buttar in lb lllnca cloaa by at to wu a ouni mora or laaa bour bread and ftreeo alrawbeniea plenty of tbam ware conaldarad cood aooajtb thla nr ramlly waa oa or iba waaltbleat or tbelr kind tbara waa not a rlppla of fun or exuberant lira la anjtblaa bat iba lira block con- taraatlobt waa a dead longuega ao- 1u wd08m aiw nolo being ae- cafmlbc tbetr daauny wllb deep atlll- n the wlfa clraa up ber btreogtb to tba umlt and dlaa attar ajrlna blrtb to a doaam or nor chudran to maka way for wlfa no 9 wbo glraa anoumr dozen chddjtwb to bar coontry he adobaboqaa wttb urn djrt floor made af aot bill way mtis4 with bear mil is a ebambar of borrora to an ameri can traraler tb farmer dapeoda upon hla ten or eighteen chlldraa or all alxaa to belp him a kaqr aa an amployaa u dnda- pavmtobl as tba vrtttis that blew yt that kafllr ta tba hired man lo the mlpaa aod ebaiwhera la bontb africa tba whlta man aa a day laborer la a ganeral fat rare ha cannot ba worked ta draraa ilk tba kaffir from the in terior wboaa uosnac lo clicks and rowel aoond u hardly boman tba boar hi not looat uvad on aaldoa met an aged doer of the old stock oon paol kroger wbo waa eeranryora yaara old when ba died wan an ascaprjon natrad toward tba alttandrr and tba hat for gold and powar war what kept thallaaa of ufa tamtaf at wblta beat within bloa- baattb cnttora oratory na oratory la a loat art aald a cjere- laad man tba otbar day i oaad to go down to tba coarte jost to sear tba lortd apechtaa nothing doing in that lino any mora tba lawyers do dot talk aboot oowera rainbows sod aao beaaaa today tbara waa a lawyer to cleveland yaara ago bill r waa bur name wboaa add a jory alwaya utr tractad a crowd i will forever remem ber oiw of his aantancaa tba man bo was fighting in tba suit had a repots- tlon aa something of 0 miser wno la thbi man wbo la bar thun dered itoblnaon ton know and i know that be bolts hta potatoes in wkl owe tears this pbmae caught tba jury and nobluaon won hla case lot one doe not hear any aurli ornlnry na thai dowadarmrt iim nud oimnaut ohildren ory for fletchers o asto r i a naasaiuhino tba faoatloua joe hall tba original looklt in the beggar opera in tlia yaaa 17w the aoe r at uov tit garden theatre being on fire ami tltu audience greatly alarmed watiortlviril by blob the managar to run on ilia stage and ax plain the matter which honest joe did in the following addrea- iadlee and gentlemen for heaven sake dont be frightened dont stir keep your easts the ore la almost nut but if t wsa not we have a reaervulr of over fane hundred hogabead f water over year heads that would drown yoormlrln ave mlnutee hadweapfaidmzzyspells could not sleep at night people u over thb sod toss nlgfat after rugbt on a rtrinlias pillow and do not dose their eyas in fee refitehktg sndasfveasjs right the akeepleatbeas comes entirely from fwfwnt of dtbtr the heart or nerval or both but whatever the cause aflrbnrnv heart and nerve pills offer rbttssing of aoond nfreahlng slumber v do uus by theu invigorating effect 5 t and ww tone spln m to a perfect con- mr a asarteu rockdale na writaajl mriroohled for a long thud with my heart had weak and dlssy apelu couldiqot sfsep and would have to sit ap the greater part of tbe night 1 fuulnmatibktrr nniin lie 0010 krj innd nexto pub and tb 1 1 they srotha bat nteslchn i eyevbcard prion 50 enbprr box ori8 boiei fcr 91 kt je4cri dlroeuon tales of tobac ohrulophsr oolutdbus flrl dlmostr d smoking amonaal vwrt indians tlxi naitbluok r mi 1 i i r t v ly lrairh ami 1 t unit r4 in hi noyhlihiiinr uvluii f llw vt rn vrll mlin iniiuoul alluuli w u 11m lliaro innt and i tlio 1 r tli i mkintr jnxlnt aiiioiii tint latui riif tttht luifiilr lv rltln i lm i1k- unt w- r by iimi hnmlt irinr it mnno pani lu in t l uiiioim it it 1 1 hin i alti r iiih aitroiid vtjgti tn t imtt tint lidianu li i lirutlaiiilj lfn call it a llnrba inn i lianu anil wat il wan rail i t liolia r in ll and tfiuia ho dpflcribon iihuim ur a irk jiliapo inivo onn end i wiillii iho in dlan irilrliil into tli ir triu wlulii ihiy hoi 1 tlm dliui- inr inw ixavm uiiri ad lip 11 i irl lutf rial tur allo1 thin lllln t i arco tltr liaviri in a iiroili ntab f ilia lounbe i laid li n i li w to bkltnuivoly il a viilnt rarlutft by tl luliauu tl invat tro f tlio cmttom if niukina urn 11 ihi liihabltanu f lln went lull i ind4 at tlin hiiua tt ukiiv iiuloiom is aitihlod ly ui acrmint- of all tlici arly liavi and ex iltror and ido oujinrn d ti libarto 8 in soiita il tlinnl r tlnularly uha an 1 trinidad u uia iildorl if r mark nut tnlly iirlalniiu 1 h llt itself iul f h mo intr t iii id tlio irn whiif i h am n ib i 1 biuii wm n f n vlitt u h 1 hwlni t i fr in nn 1rlv i rlan i in ii 11u if lrl in tndral viner m i alii i- rv i hit enn rnll tlm u ii 1 l litn1 mi ri a n l ukmitimf witi m i lli- i r and unmarrrii t li m raj khi ii all t u f ver nil 1 ii 11- muknt filr riw wilh a li iu iulmf if 1 u an 1 flint and onvwjcl hit a if gallalitry is u ink a light hy tiliig it well h- ny imllo a flanio in a lady a heart at all ovenlh to d it bumjingly would lw ill hnd i will mil itpresa my aantlmeiita oil am kinfl aa a cua- torn fr tlio mx i hava rcollt lions of ikiauteous li s prulanetl kovertlioliimh avon iii oil- i have eon a lady slmw her lirattlinss an i refinement baroiy ttiurhlng iimi utraw wiui her lips as it w re klsaliig u tymtly and uklng it away when nnlloman auks a la ly for a light ho always romnves the cigar from her lips juibjink ir in hicidnnu roproduceti by thn cinematograph tha clsarette bui i plays an important part ih flir- latlons in houthpm america and it u all dona w araciirully uiai one cannot say that iho boaullful iw aro rofamxl itli iho pteture theatre 0110 travels natilly nowadas when thmantillm osmo into the pomonriluii of tho v ranch in tha mid die f iho hovmiloentli century to bacco win oxtomilvoly cultivated in tlioin and du tertro in hla aocount f thuita islands deaarlhos four kinds of tho tobacco plant 1 the largo rroon tobacco r imtum with leaves tuo feet in lelijjth and one broad s tonruo tobacco with toiiueahspel leaves 1 aniason tobacco brought from tho bordora of the amaon luver thi loaveh of which are very long and r uii lo i at th nd varinas to rn tab urine potum mua- 111 bnii hi 1 111 tho province ot a 11 a 1 mi i th i nriki of tlie aunura uts sores zanvbufc to all jtadaorcs and yoti wfflbc m how qufcfcfy ft atopa tits snurthic and brings cue it corrs tho wound wftfa a uyerf pto- tectrvebalnvfciniau polnn germs already la tbe woond ans peveots otaari eruarnw ba tkh vslmg brrbal incattbaa bo3d spfnm thabottecnfaaulthab and in a wwfa short tbna tbawouralbibaabdr ifcm ftnkapopawjly ta basalsarh suiailabaaeitrvetlicona basuiesad ralkimi tklag tssininpaj rrialad ee wy sack al tbe s baaae fcmbuk ualtlng itaxt tua hot time frmuant- ly reaitlls in m ttumllng only the unlit undnre tha agony of oorii tliu knowing onne apply uollowwym corn ourc and get ii r an acobpthd oritioiml o in day uuliop oriddltrr waa advo- eating m wore lllwral looalng of the piirsealrlugiy nnd told tha saidlenoe that utvuiil years ago he eent an arotloto to k mpi r in which ha said we pray loo much and work too utile tho intelligent compositor did a neat job and when lbs arolioe appeared it read wb bray too loud and work too little i iwl it go at thai aald the blhop the fnot a i iwlfeved tha printer waa right and i never ventured t6oorrc4 blm r- they keepjtbe whole system in the pink of condition tholr singular curallyo pro perties dlacoverod by tn indian trlblntroducodtocvlllxauon nearly a century ago com- pounded since 1857 in th cotrurtock laboratories at brockvlllo ontario dr morses indian root pills hay rrenaarfcapw rooord or corurjs cliro30tiipa purloin ftej rhioteatudnjchfrfur- tiess and restjcontalns nduar opwmmoiphln0 nor rfioexal not nahootic apofcct hctnrdy for coasuoft- tlon sour stoisrjldlatteka v0rra5 aaivubwnsravettsh- peaa oral lo ss or su racstsasa af of mew yobk castoria ifttrninuiti and chlmfn hi kind you hava always bought bears the signature of for over thirty years castoria wb wan yotf yes we want yon aa a customer ask us to send you our 1912 catalogue its brim full of all that u good in flowers vegetal as field roots grains plants small prulu implements bee supplies poultry supplies etc vtlaawe urenbakan hi what wat alwd lo a lha hiwr oankxr aa4 prnlf puur all ii lll l w write m tosay tke day rm an nadus tku darch hunter skei co umltl dept 3 1 london canada stttey ri ul rr lha kit him pie and sure dr thomas koleotrla oil is so simple in spplleatlon that a child onn understand the instruc tions lfaed aa a linemen t the only direction la to rub and when used aa a dre to apply the directions are so plain and unmistakable that they are readily understood byyoung or old whorto oomolusiom well remarked a lounger at tha railway station in a college town the day after commencement i know of course thats what she ts but i should hardly have expected her to label her trunk so h what do you mean r askrd an other lounger dootyoueeerf rejoined the meat pointing at the letters o o consplonlously marked on a large trunk on end at tba edge of the plat form that means sweet girl graduate my name air austerely replied a dignified young woman standing near u sylvia gale gibson there was no further conversation concerning that trunk back wasso lame ufe was a burden for two years mrs joseph throop upper point da bauv n u w x cuuaot speak too well of doans kidney m1i4 of two yean i was su tired life was a burden and i got up mare tired than when i went to bed and my back waa so lame 1 could hardly straighten up i took dif ferent kinds of medi but none ol them did me any good until a friend advhed me to try doans kidney pilot i did ao and today i dont know what it b to be tired and my lame back b all gone i can recommend them to any person sobcrlng with lama back and that tcrribfa tired feeling doans kidney plus are a purely vege table medicine realising quick perma nent reuef without anyjll after effects doans kidney pilb are 00 cent per box or 3 boxes for si 35 at all dcalent or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t alburn co limited toronto onu k ordering direct spejty doaaa hadniklal unpnnaitand a traveller by poaucbalie from swllserund to wunloh sets for tli aome uf tho trials which arise frutu wander lug in a strange land equipped with rro language save ono e own he says 1 tba day was hot uia road dusty 1 1 fait vary tired and vary cross oblwfly because lha boy wbo drove toe knew not a syllable or any language at my command at hut lie jumped down and addressed ma the word gas uia us indicated lhat he was inquiring which una or tha afunleh hotels i bad chosen i wanted the golden stag but did not know its name and ao began a series or ex perlmenta i bleated like a sheep and the boy abouled yaa yaal but 1 shook my bead thau i nelgbed like a horetf and again he shouted yeal snd again i shook- my hesd next i harked like a dog and be shouted aa before j but by thla time he had got into his bead tbe idea of tbe animal kingdom now 1 raised both baneu to my fore head and parted my fingers to indi cate horns 1 the boy shouted agalo 1 nodded and showed him the case of my silver wateh 1 again be shouted sjidi shook my head as before xat y i opened the watch and showed him tho interior wbleh was of gold thsn i nodded slapped hla shoulder made him a oompllmsntary speech in nglub and lift him to madltat he mnssd for a fav minifies than jwfdtyftlpud iwptd on his bo and ibatbehalljionr put tntf down at idrwsyrjfihgowtnrfui two 11 its are better himii ono if you own them dont blow about your work unleaa you are a whale to alan who uve inactive uvea kserclseln the open sir is tha beat ton i o for the atotnacb ami eystem generally but some are 00m palled lo follow sedentary occupations and tbe inaollv tty tends to restrict tba healthy action of tba digestive organs and slckn follows prtnelee vegetable 1111a regulate tha stomach and liver and restore healthy aatlon it is wise i keep a paeksge of theee pills alwajrs on band the only persons wbo appreciate a mlaex are bis heirs the downward road is macadamised with rooks of adversity it is e rare woman wbo can be haughty in old clothes children ory for fletchers castoria thi usb op oh1vajlry mark twain was e arm bsliavev in tbe national movement for good roads and had many a tale to tell about tba incredibly bad roads of some sec tions i once bad thirty miles sn mark twain began in go by atage in mis- elealppl tha roads were terrible for it waa early spring thn passengera consisted of five men and three women three large women awalbed ul hawl ami veils who krpl to them selves talking iu low toneaon tbe rear seat well we hadnt gone a mile before the stage got stuck two feet in tha black mud d wn jumped every man of us and for tan minutes we tugged and jerked and pulled till we got the stage nut of tha hole we had hardly got our breath back when tba stage got stuck again and again we bad to strain our very hearts out lu release bar lu covering fifteen iiilles we stuck eight limes rand in going tbe whole thirty wa lifted that old stage out of the mud seventeen times by actual count wo five male male passengers were tired wet and filthy when we reached our destination k so you can imagine our feelings when we saw the three women passengers reuiovu their veils their shawls and tbelr skirt add lo and behold i bey were three big hearty robust men ao we stared at them with bulging and ferocious eyes una of theoi aald thanks for your labor gents we knowed this road and prepared for it 70 tears old and getting well tlianksto bhj fbs 61 maniaon avk toaoirro afuibrrn 1911 yurlnsr tha past tuo years x hsve beam aejleriug wllli kidney trouble severs pains to my back at tltuea snd with feet ankles and legs so very swollen that i found groat difficulty w swvinv the house even la slippers smplessed to tail yoo slnoe tsihig oin piil3 the psia bu ntierthe swelling hts subsided and i again was my boots which hev aot been noon my foot for nearly two years x am seventy years of age snd am powumklmykthboxofolwpius a bcapdino old people with lame hack who tlffcr with ubcuuistuui or kldoeyoc ulsddsr troubte will aud weloons relief inoim iha hrery boa goarahleed add money refunded ifflot tlsfsclory 900 a box 6 for pt so asmpufraeif you wilts nstldna unto i am all right now thanks to dr miles heart remedy the tame relief ts ready for you am you sure you do not need it ii dr miles heart remedy pcjpcd charles rtolmet why wont it help your i waa troubled with bear dbaa nd after mdlag alel dr ulua heart kcine y i got a uds k- uj i got the heart luasady i td to sit up mil t uf the night sail felt ry td al mt itmaacli whatever i would cal ataile on feci wmk awl ar hcait beat very 1 diarili iq i milc limit un ly i nm 11 ilclil im w i i4l 8 lp g hhi bdii iki ule mw mm 1 tl ucti i am ul m yet i i i k ln a mur in li c lata l bf lu twill ami wu i ully wnjot cuari i iiioi ul u i lle tn it ib n v int i y vnlmurii wklton dclawani n dr miles heart remedy li kept in thouunda ol homes as a nend always to lie tclicd upon in tunc of need bold by ail druoolala if tha list bottle fall- 1o benefit your monay is return aak any druggist uili3 mcdical co tetania cm honiu men tut sooner get a j ib than they wln bothering 0o iniu a unit a vacation tliein no lw agalnat a man oak log a fool if himself and it la a good thing for otherwise wed have to build more jails a grand uedlclnh la tbe encomium often passed on illokut antmjonsunip- tlvofiyriip and when the results from its use are considered as itorne out by many persons who havn employed it in stopping couglis and rradlcatlng eoldx it la liioro iban grand kept in tbe iioum it la always at hand and it bis- no niual aa a ready remedy if you li r tul 1 tied tl do m al once why wiljlih was abbe nt a kin bigxhrn tracber tells a good j lie on li ih if she has been ery atrial in requiring written excuses from the uiolhrw in cfese of absenoe tbe morning of tbe big snowstorm only a faw of lbs liebies made their pihdcr thn next day they all nkiiif with written rxcuee excpl one ui uaui4d willie when asked for this ba vald i did ferdlt it lie was cautioned to bring it the next day wllllae mother was quite disgusted it seemed to her that anyone with tbe slight est pretentions to grey matter- ought to know uie reason for hla absence tbe next morning he ar rived all rosy with tha cold and hand ed tha teacher hie excuse it read dear uuso little willie- legs are fourteen incbev long the snow waa two feat deep very truly yours fottn4tetloti rvsnadplsw first whan we undertake to ii your preaorlptlonal we give them our undivided attention and bast eare the patients welfare la our first oon b 1 we guarantee our drugs to be of foil strength sta well as pure 1 fresh third 1 oar c are supplied with just what they ask for 1 subatltut- ina bt never auowed padrava csxntt oojcrorjiro if yon are a sufferer from kidney disease liver o plai blood iron bias rheumatism neuralgia or nervous prostration we oonodently reoom mend the one of painee oelery oom- pound this reliable and never dis appointing medicine la a true disease ban labor and system builder we supply the geaulna pel nee oelery compound at brown acton ont dont use all your money to pay your debts says tbe oynlo you might need soma for useful purposes v children ory for fletchers p a juarr ao i saw mr gray down townliuylng herself oxtords snd slippers today what le strange about tbat r why i have beard her say frequent ly that herankleaareeo weak tbat she cant wear low shoes uut they are much belter now r what treatment did ahe take f a doaeii pairs of embroidered hose as a birthday gift caught heavy cold left throat and lungs ivety sore ar there b no better curs for a couth or cold than dr woods norwsy xhoo qyrup it b rich in the lung bcsunf virtues of the norway pine tree and b a pleasant ife and effectual medi that may be sdeausuy relied upon as a specific cougbsv cnfahr bi unthlt b hoarse bess sore throat quinsy snd all throat and lung troubles mr 8 monsslian chsrlottctowo pbi writes i certify that dr woods norway pine syrup u sn eiccl- lent medicine for couth and colds last winter i contracted a heavy cold which left my lungs and throat very sore i had to give up work and stay in the house for two weeks x used several couth nuxturcs but got no relief until a trlcnd advised me to use dr wood s norway iptne syrup three bottles entirely cured roc sod l can recommend it as the but medldoe for oouxlii dont be impored upon by inklns nnj- thlng but dr woods ns ihetv nro nutty imunlloni uf this ileillnx tcitudy on the market dr wkiiu ii put ut in atrltow wnpiiff l tlirotj ii ic iccrt i do imdr 11 ml iints lb rtnfs maiiiifictiiird only by ilia t miluurn co limited toroato birds nest soup qetline the material and preparing it for th peast uninitiated people are apt lo think of birds nest soup as a most disgust i11c stew of twigs fen i here and what as a matter or fact the nest used by the chinese is nj very dsllcale semllransiinrent eflanllnoua siitiatenre built by the swatlowtlke birds known as lbs ealonnnne tlio neala are found in tbe islands about rlnm nud the me lay nrclil petti 50 and the linrrest in a jrnr will be ntkiut lfloo pounds ml ucd at orer flooooo it used to be llioushl thnt the neat was rornwd of inaiilsaatcd unllto scrrclrd by the lilsb ly itereloiinl clatids of ttie bird iv it la kuown tlm l the nest is made of a hipb of uun imlheml by iho bird tlie nanhiin for lutrresllng the nests lusts rt 11 april until kptrnler it tslca ih nioiitha to build the flral t ni d jtlut ic f m tlip esbs ntw lal 1 1 al is alolen by the collector j liv i inirictlinlrly arts aliout 11m imlld i11r of a snoi d limit taking thirty d t f hie woik tills la nlao alolen be fore the mp nrr laid tbo third nrnt bonmr ts muni mled and lite birds rp hriii1ftl i j rols llmlr yuuna after whirl tie neat is tnlti 11 nnd a id in prtxiilnc hints neat soup the heal 1 trnahr1 in mid xreter mid then rook ed for rlclil i lull m in n rlimnl reasal rr whli h it u mlxrd with rhtcken broth sefliu nnl and bollihl or n quar ter of mi hour ocrlilontala who have trim tin houp tlnd it palalslile and much reaetnbllna blclen aoop clil esco sewa waodan ammunition bomo years nco clrll war nni mctnn itetwean two afnhan trfbm the all hhel and iho main kbel the inllrr tribe ttullt prrnt lloie of surreas on a cannon of such a thin 10o iodu were requlrril to draw li a klkh trained u o llrltloh ikatlery was rn saged to work the cun on the under atandlojr that be retelvtd 30 rupeee every uma be hit the vlllace fort of tbe foe title did trtt prove remuner afire for awonllnc in nn ayowitdaaa lha ammunition conalatcd of oil wood balls bound wllb iron hands which hare a hlrld rwrenlrtr rhabt nnd are mlrulntrd to do nlxiui mjnnl dmnokp lo frtnid nnd fno after n lhrti it n ihitnlhirdmvnt in trlilrb tho fort mm lilt only ibree hmeh lh bostlllltrn ml no u nn end fjindo rtnmwj headache seems to be habitual with many people fiome arc srldom if ever fire from ii iiflrrinit condnually ami wondering wby they cut ti no relief headadies are cmerally catucd by some drraugenicut of tbe stomach or bowru or lotb ilurdnck dlotxl hitters rrroow aridity of tljr stomach improves dlgauoa regn- bit 1 the constipated bowebt and pro moter a pcifcct cuculatlon of pure blood to all iorlionof the itody thereby curing the ticxuxichc by t moving the cause mrs i mnguire kinmount oat rrltet i am willing you a few lines in tell you tthat your burdock blood miter lint tone for me i uud to be xicilly ixoi ililcs i with headaches but after umna two imtltlcs f burdock blood hitters i wui comidetely cureil thb wa two years aco and i have bad no return of heaucbe since llunloct hi mvl hitlers is manufactured only by the t miloura co limited i tn critical time of womans life from 40 to so yeara of age how it may bo passed in safety so wellington ii c for ayeardur inff tho change of life i waa all run down i waa rally tin wt ak to walk and w- viy 1 todint am thought i wna limng to die imii a ter tnklng i ydia 1 iinkhani a vegeta ble compound and itlood purifur my health and strength returned i ant v ry thankful to you aiul praise yourmdirin i have advised snvaral woman who suf f erml an i did to try your remedies you may publish this if you wish airs david il uoanui south wellington vancouver island ii c no other medicine for womans ills baa received such wide apnad and unquall ft i endorsemxnt weknowof noouw mi diclne which has such a record of sue cess as has i ydia k- link ham a vegela hie compound ror more than 30 years it has been the standard remedy for wo mans lib such aa infuaarnation ulcera tion tumors irregularitiae periodic cine and ntsrvoa prostration and wo li vo it is unequalled for woman dur ing the period of change of life if you iao tliealbxhtestdonbt that lydln iplnkhntnm vccetn- ble ornpound will help yen write to iyd in i- imnkbum uedldnecnw confidential syntamaussvforavd- vlcw ynur letter will be open riul nml answered by si srosxto nml hold in strict coofldeoce till grand trunk railway pasmtchostn tra1hb so 4 ln isst n m item hill t3r6a excebior bakery 1 pi it st quality line ad gakfu wbddinu cakbu cmnlbtvau cakett ktc btc i maplk bvrui and i ovbthbs ind pibh gall today a girl never knowa until ebe trie ir bow long it lake to buy a pair of diamond earrings by easing car fare- a lteiiely for imitous headache to uiom milject to ulioue headache iarmelee a vegetable pills are reeom nended aa tbe way to speedy relief taken according to directions they will subdue irregularitiae of the stomach and so act upon tbe nerves snd blood vessels that the palee in tbe head will cssm there ere fear wbo are not at sometimes subject to billouaoeae and familiar wilh lie attendant evils yet none need aaffer with these plus at band if you can t say sing iu iteeognued aa for the d of grave worm eatawsalnator baa proved a boon to bbmysi lag cauaavesi everywhere it aeldoaa faua nothing la colder than a aauwauae thaw unlaws it is your coal stove be the thaw castoria fob t baal eaj uekuynsmaawtaech our letter heads are come in and place your order work is right price is right the kcton free press t statham son baker3 and grocers main st acton tib biruo stua 6rasjb a haiali works caarrstff ansaum rveawtesee itaaiaoerbavd lluudarsol bmalaes umh- kveeats uobadal uarkers and head wan aad 111 kind ol artita fewer wat wm hemstreet acevt actov yoar chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills floor oatmeal bran shorts the best- at lowest prices harris co evebt0n edem mills the best quality ol manitoba fakhily and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make moves chopping done and oau- rolled daily kccd for sale cash for wheat ind oats henry hortop w well made good fittiner that we know how to makrglovr tlmt will jmish willi lionormthwuiost critl- r cxaiultiatian as rcuruii quality of skins plinblllty unci hlrciikth ucatueth of stitch- ih and nil round krfcctloii you cau prove yourself by uhltuk for storeys at your dealers tlmt they will outwear your moat sanguine exitectttliouh li our firm ixllcf lusltit ou itotxyii ut ull nlorea h storey son lirnited acton oiitetria cjvme9zr cmbest ismjoverx onersnfiirra ec conscientious plumbing heating is not j myth jnith us to thu contrary wernako it tho motet important factor so if you favor us wjth youcjiatronage you will enthusiastically endors6 us fred 8 iflls edlsmabicaeksa jlkimalcal i vi

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