Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1911, p. 2

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da umhai m qaal ivotmj rta ij lahmapldmww b ydwlectwt vs mod- oas tawhwwbw la aqwlf oat aatat w dhantarharrlum eta af wuua- flp- 1 aaa ki t a she jlttnn jfra press thursiavdkckaibkil 11 1011 to oum tubkibim kach aubeerttter nt lb vmjt vumm la rvepeet fully eaked to eiatnlfie the label on till uaoa and whacwvar it i found lhat the atibtohptlon eplne tbla month to eend in a renewal ordrr within tbe nnt iw week we ara aaxloue that all ehoam reoew prompt ly o i hat thara ah 11 ha no dlacontlna met 4jldrwd envelope hare 1- inrlj boon forwarded to all eubae era wboae pap ae clvd at out- id poet uttee to facilitate llwlr re mittance ii jour netsobor dtnj not lake tbe ptun apkaw aak bin to aubacribe for it and offer to eeod in bla order wllb your renewal we will appreciate very much your ktadneae and yua will bo dolae your delfbbor a good turn orroaiai morvai mr r i warren lb liberal aaa- dkut la the atactica on if naday made a highly rdltabla run and auc- oeeded la radadaa l be majority of bla opponent dr nixon by eeventy vote from that of last oontaac mr warran ta dm of tbe ato dealr- bla eandl ever nominated in tbla ooonty tbla appue to bla boati ability caaa hooeet aa oareer and bbjb idaala in pubua affair mr warran ukaa bla defeat in a manly and pb way whaa iba reault breaata ki monday night ha apoka to hia friaada expreselac hla uiaaka co all tbroufrb- outtba eoonty wbo bad given their hind and nh o operation it is vbjnr giutirvika that tha municipal ownotl at tbalr monday evening moating aaaalaaoualy ewp- ported tha rceolauon to aroend iba otcaratta bylaw ao a to reader i tbe eale of cigarette papar aa wall aa otgareuea and cigarette tobacco in acton without a uoeoae medical ex parte aaaart thai tha evil effect of efaj- nratia aaaoklng aie dna aa much if not mora to tha papar wbeb la imprawnat- ad with opium and othar deleterlooa drug aa to tha tobaooo contained tha antenjhnente to tha bylaw ooom into affaeom tha ontof january next tjadar tha cigarette by4aw which gum into focoa in ldos ohjarattaa and cbjaratta tobaooo oansot ha lagally aold la acton without a ucaoaa no daalar in aetoa baa lahaw out uoanar thaaa ooaunodlllaa cannot ha l aold by any daalar lo nay par aoa la acton now altar january lat oaxt it will ha equally idawjal to aah cbjaratta papar ondar tha tlaa of not laaa than 910 nor mora than atioandeoata of oooraatbe municipal antborltlaa will aofbrca tbalr own by law tha dominion atatntaa atraady maka it a criminal offanea to au or 4ja ehjarauaa or cbjaratta papar any paroo undar 16 yaara of aga arlll ha r by hmm t whan tha botabj wara lloanaad ihalr liquor uoaoaa earrlad the rbjht to aatl sbjarattaa bat now that thara ara uqnor uoaoaea thay have no pritilrfaa abora otbaca who daal la tobaooo and any amlaa la botola ara iuaal and uahla toabovo the election in haxton 11m alaethm in halton on monday lackad tha atthiialami of tha ra dominion oanaral blaeuon hat tha vote waa peatty wall brooaht out it ama arltb admlrabat taoaarlty that mr warraa aotarad tha eontaat with a awlorlty of ab acalnat him in tha prarhma af and 4sb ja tha baaaraonsaalth aaaotl on um saptambar uac hapninpaeoaci mm aad manly fajht and awooatdad la adttalna tuahaadloap tbo asajorltlaa in tha plao of tha ooonty wara aa fullowa kixom wakjuof bantfncton oaorjtatown n noml 8towmruawn dumlo obawiluuu nmuaawkya oaipbdlrill bnomk fcboll mbzjwm ns5t uxnttlm 2 m t1utasoap boy dtanmla k pomtiu mooo j iu tha tow in aeton dr nlvon najoritr m nduowl rran m to 17 an bo ou nam fa ii jmt to put in inn limn or tor pcolir no doom on win mr for molt in tlwt out oo daonu taaa a sail paper ut look attar l ssimaadoltbarnb that p0 rlllm vtmkft i j porta ara tftboat j eonal l i avara waaka tba mat tar of hcubg ii acton baa ba ftaly dtaouwad owluft lo lb daimaaroualy oar4oadd condl- tloo of lb local municipal llshtlan htm mr dck waa bar at iba rruaat of iba council lata la oetobar and aaplaluad tba faaalbuuy of hydra klactrlc eonoaeuon tna aafcloarra of lb oom bare mada aavaraj vlalta lo acton lo aacura data and gaoaral laromatlon upon which lo of coat tbe past latlvaaa uf pruduear aaa plant nwanufaclutbta ha ipraaa utambrra of tba ouuacll and intaraatad olliaftoa with iba raaler teonotnj of tbalr ijta- ontaadayavanlns mr flrbura tloc oroaday brom umltad cjfiaipbi e9t aciwtj i ripni l of manehaatar rag and mr gordon funaud l iba oolooul ra- lnaarln ok of mootraal addi tha council ralauva o tba marlta of lr raapnttta ayatama dob aulp nalllad dfuna to abow that prodncar gjaa puwtr could ba auppllrd at a cnv aldvrably lowar rata prr b p than tba ibjuraa quoiad for hydro- power wbaa by qaaationlaa on tha put of tha mambara of iba oouocu it wa aaorrtalnad that tha initial outlay rorallbarof tbraaptanta would ba at laaat vltt000 and that ba aalluaataa in althar caaa did n includa altbar tba ooat of tba nacaaaary naw build inaa or nddluona nor any m fo annual da- praeuuon of tba plany iba prlca par h p bowavar raally raajebad blabar 0bura ihnn for iba llydrokrctria inatallaunn mr p w hulbmau chuf knclnaar of tha uydro- electric puwar oocntnu- alon waa alao praaant and aaa valu abla cocaparlaona and much important information oonotrnlnf hydro- klaetric power and irmtauation ha ahowad that when acton inetala hydro- bleotrlc power thara will not bo n wheal turning for motlra power la iba local etation day or lint and that tba aupervlalon of tha powrr plant wul ba at a mlnlmam of coat while for tba producer plant avetem thara la bibianrtly axpaaalra j ooav atantly in oparatloo expert vuluu laawa depreciation attaouon by axparlaoead workman tba purchaae and haadllaa of eoai ate acton occnpua a vary favorable location for uydroeiectrie aald mr sothamo it bain on tha linn which la to be run from godpb to brampton to complata tha loop to purt credit- by thla eonnactlon wa will baeo the advantaaja of power both from tba goalph and rvjrt credit statlona and in caaa of poaalbla accident to one hoe tha other would bo immediately available mr both man waa lntefro oa many important potnte by r uynda and other to all of which ba gave aatlafaotory rxplanatloo sever al very vital polnla wara 1 ooatracta with tha hydro blee- trlc power oommlaaiou ax h p at daflnhe bguraa t aaay ba lowered and ara in fact beinaj atantly reduced to tha munldpalltlea already inetalled 3 if aclon ooatracta for wo b p and only am bo or iw b p tha mu paya only for what u oaad aa indicated by tba metre in tha local atation and at tha rata contract ad for othar queauona of intereat umiciia buabotiomb cqhiiio council an on tueeday nvenlna at iba call of tba itar mambara preeent iteev ilynd and ovutclllare a beu it- m u w cooper and a t brown tba ooanmluaa on plqaaca ad their twenty oflh raport and racotfa- manded paynrot of eccouota aa fol lowai canaduo uaneral klacl rte cu auppuaa 31 00 j macklnnon votara luta appaala 37 80 bonbaam klactrio co umpa ci 73 wm rlieble taaaaln lo canadian waatuuifaouan c 0 07 v d andereon rpr aa fcr jn harvey aupplu- acton kraa p printing tba kattr charity urant to fireme tbe rrpnci waa adopted tba matter nf iba need fur ll ankendmant nf tba cigarette by law lo include cigarette paper aa vdl ti cagarattaa la cigaratle by law waa introduced moved by a t brown rcnadd by a bell that leave ba granted to amend hjliw no s7s eallud a bylaw for ucaaadng and luguullng tba sale of clgarattaa aa rollowa i th ulla of tba bylaw to includa after the worda dgaratlaa m cgar- tummm that wiixasow when buying fruit and onuiinul irvaaaaa lo it that you buy of a drut whom irene have the hbt mrt of root and have been bandlvd bunvatly in tbe nurcerlee our irvea will mw ibera la a rauon take an agency tend lor- lri outflt rrav tboa w bowman son co ltd ludgevtlle oni dont tall your wroage in ytrur friaoda unleaa you wane to duouvrr that their entbualaui la very weak naaaaann aaanaa mr a o beardmoae aald whatao aver ayatam may ba adoptad if acton produoa it wa will buy it wa want whether it ba hydroblooirlc or pro- ducargaa wa might take 100 h p dmiagthaday whan you would not ha nelng tba poererfor lighting tha gaa prodaoar rapramata certainly did n allow fordepraolalkm aa they abould hava dona in aabmlttlag ihalr approxlmata aatlmatee qaeet ho aald that aa large ratepay er tba council confer with oa before any daflnlta action u taken tba two gaa prodaoar r uvea d vary aoraiklerahly la the rlbclency of prodi qualiuaa of coal that could ba at tha doee of tba dl a vital qoaatloo cr up via tba quanti ty of water need by tba producer gaa engine a four inch pipe to each aa- giaa and iba dkpoeaj of tha blthy water and tar from an inch plpa rnn- nlng contlnuonaly from tba acrabbera in which tba gaa la waabad tbla ow ing to lack of any other drainage would ran into the vtroam through fwjrvlew place aeroea main btraat and into fairy lake from meeera beard mora a co draw tbalr water eupply for i their tnnworle whan thla fact came out mr beard- more at ooco mated t that would navuchdo weve ajready apaat utooa- anda of dollara to aacura pure water and wa could not permit ooatamlna- tloo of thla character now aucmoh aijb tuntut dgc 10th d b baa grain 91 b x km anotionear pmnxjly dkc 3iad atock imphv menta grain atil of tha aetata of tha lata w a hlawart lot m coo ewqiiaal half a mile from acton bcxji pbtqu aneuonaar ftmb awethbav om o t p letter received by the grand trunk padsc by beadqaartar from on of tha prominent artlata of naw york wbohaa juat returned from a trip over tha grand truuk pactao aa far aa tba canajalo rocklea coalalna tba follow ing i i went out to tha and of ataal otla grand trunk paeuk than look iba trail over to maligna lake which i fond lobathanhmtboaatlfql favereaw lo my lira ibadaaallgktlvltrpaod mada aaveral aketcbea baturifilng i atnpprd off at walnwrlght and from ibera eraat oat dock alwotlng dutar- mtdlitiowjmidbadaaoaidtitt- fnl uma next yaax i hope to got a way aaxuaajaaa mora of foatr mag- nlfloent oountryv x la clanaae one and three after tba word dgarattea wherever it occur add tba ward and cigarette paper carried bylaw read a bnt time moved by murray mclonald cod ad by waa cooper that by 1 nt uts aa a be now read a cod and third tlanea tbe council gx into committee of the whole on tba aamerula 10 bet mltof aai tha bylaw waa anally aaaeoded aa par raaotnloa and it waa decided that tha amendment abould not come lal o effect until tba lat january lolx giv ing rlnler a coopaa of weak to return wbatavar etock of dgaratta paper thay may have oa band moved by a t brown acconded by a beu that permleelon be and la hereby granted to m ool to take proceeding to dove and eoavfy that portion of queen btraat between goalph and staria street the usual legal praceedlage mr a o baawdanora requaated in b of the 300 cmpl of tha arm that aa electric lamp ba placed at tha corner of begin and q atreet tba ivjoacn wul look into iba mat ter tba by4aw providing for the munic ipal and school traetea election waa paeaad tha ueual place of pouiag fix ed and the clark and it j henabb be ing appointed deputy return log om oar tba ancceedlng two hour wera apaat la uatanlag to tba raapeetlva merit of producer gaa plant and hydroktactrlc power tha mathodlat bunday school in tend bohung a cbrietmaalrao enter- tela meat oa wedtweday december xotfa for which a good programma la being prepared a email admlaaloo wm ba cbmrgad to defray exprnaa mr bobt nauea many manda wul maaieliilala bin on hla recent marri age to mte pattiaon of garafraxa and will wlah tham many year of mlm k grippe and ml l m cola- aaan of acton epant a few daya laat weak with friend here mia annie orawaon waa home hum muton for a few daya i w6e right house 0ltba ixbtxtitmtnt hamaltons ravositc 8hophno place only a little more than a week left lr yon hare walled ualh tbe list minnie come ben where caanfete stocks wh greet jtoji uolu the last maate fist gimson paintar papar hangar ptotora vrunar kto- begs to inform the ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices right also that he is prepared to repair all granite alaminnm and enameled ware knives and scissors grouiid furni ture repaired shop mill stbkht acton the old folks find if a yomra bring an tocreaslrrg tendency to ccttupatkm tbo oosrocthra they need is nadruco laxatives enmlvnydilfwwltffomo0 plaavawl in lalra lpaltwn a tabvet or lass at bodumo regiilalcx tbo bowels perfocth increasing oosoa never nocded conipouodod bko b ihe 13s nadruco pr- paraijoiq try expert chemists money back it not satisfactory avgavmma 35c a box if your dr ba not yet a them e attad 3sc aadwa wm matt am eg rtatlonal drhiq v chemical company v of canada umitkd axontheal 22 w6e metropolitan bank head office toronto oat oatal xam o syateatafic savins n ihka la nauatd two 4olun dnpoulvl mmy wlib ialarwl la ua jam lo acton bkanch h r burling manager cutters sleigliing sleighing having come i have a full supply of cnttfja siolgha bnakats bobosy for coats harnaas bells abd all other nereis in this line prices tight and goods satisfactory in every respect 1 foaw stotm sooond iuad chiapfor cash or reason able terms i aucoaaaon to o w aunck w hat havk you forgotten a hracelet for a ncice or rranddaaghtcr a new wjist for mrs blank something inexpensive but appropriate for the old lady down the lane vou will find it here not only in a superior nuahty hot at a surprisingly low puce wc know the price will suit you because our method of baying in large quantities for cash and selling quickly at a small profit has meant satisfaction to thousands of women every clinstmai 3g if vow gifts are seat to right house boies tbe receiver g wm know von boaht the best sfo it doesnt make any difference what you buy here from a n doll or boys iame at 25c to a glass rolling pin or gold watch s jou can be sure that it is reliable that u will be exactly as we 83 represent it 9 our immense force of trained courteous intelligent sales- cl people will be only to glad to help you solve your gift problems s their numbers will insure quick and competent service up to 10 8 oclock saturday night december 23rd we shal tauta open every salttrday nfht uvti chrislaus gr in all likelihood we shall be open every night of the week of 9 ithe 18th see later notices 8 1 i thomas c watkins limited ilain sbwing mil uim llur u xum b kmn la 4 uf tut bumwa lost- au kljlll lanu iaw alua mm uhi u u blai ci10ick kuildiau lots for balk hound uklko lta ti a aklm urn aatil aeaulrejaska a uiamu counter 0ukuk bookb t traaa fauna ta aaia to an all aeeta x tar uwt oha vi ear a a absitr oa ki wa auction saije stock implements ultain rubmltubb tye tee aaatera al taw um ef he uia w a ht1waht mall kf nkk uak fall avail ba ir1 1t tn 1 iii king and hughson sts 8 djbtsbtsbt5bfrsbraf5brtararr5bt5bd hamilton ont- cxxxwooooooooooooooootl wi overco for the men and boys this is a very live subject just now wc arc showing a very large range in these goods the styles are correct but not extreme the pmces are the most reasonable possible in every line mens and boys underwear fine and heavy natural wools elastic ribbed scotch knit wool fleeced for comfort durability and value we particularly recommend the penangle and hctvson lines which wc are showing the way these lines are moving out shows that the buying public appreciates their worth we are heavily stocked in all lines of cold weather goods at values unsurpassed anywhere henderson co mill st acton oat xo0o0ooocoooxoooooocgooo many unusual specials in all departments out town patrons visitors from distant parts and oar own gnelph folks will find winter kair week an opportune time during which to com bine profit with pleasure by taking advantage of the numerous specials which will lie on sale at guelphs christmas store lplulltworuiwmtooiaariligwulbaobtalnablacmthlaoaaaaton in our for woman ba4rtowaar if aai olouung and rorrflahlnaa qapartmanta ths will be a splendid opportunity lo do yiur uhiratmassbopmnji at a store that is iamous for the sterling quality of its merchandise and sensibly moderate prices and it will give you the added advantage of yinh bejectioas at such a store while atocklaro complete and at their best come early in the morning to avoid the rush urmns rq bant gum on saturday we received letters bom little tota addressed to santa clans to make it more convenient for santa clans to receive theae letters we have established a letteropx n toyland any one ofioar little friends are welcome lo post their letters here meat cwlnar d e macd0nald bros c wjauaaaaad streets sobh 0nt dress fee trvbenjvoa trip up fall forward and gat rurthar alaa pvopwiwkm uk loo a liberty pee it all aoooer or later wbaa a tuaa braaa aboo alnaelf it la lsn othar people dob brag about him woaaao ara ajbielad by trifle bat iber ura ulo oooaoled by irtbce ohildten oxy raft fletchers castoria treated praparlr a tvoxaa raeolu- partiaaelvj la aulaa a nip cm peuftpmaaattllaejae to u taabfaort aaaa a ijdaw down oa a awauarm taaaai bar a- rw m un kha t i aay r um l i eam na jaai aal awe mln waia mt oia oeee 1 pe aee aa aa kev1 menem lta aw m ayr ma raaaa am mtaaaaa inunaaa aartl 1 ran eta aolalaa n aaa aa amu mm vauaivi mk fckaraafa ml eumtlec 1 aaeoae avw m- aaaa 1 vj aaaav awe r3 t raa aaw ajatwlma ma aaeacll aw a 111 iiajalral i mawa h l nrmer a vaua eu i waaem mlue 4 aaaa ji twi aatwaa ay il aatta o 1 i aala u haiti at amiaaaaa iiatiuia htxr n- lata taak a raw au ibwmtarmalrmntu a vataacke aaea ae aarn la t waaiaa aat ivirtlntumav tea ratarhet wraaaat taauateaertpeeiaibk irt aa tvl i mm labvara mur liruuikirimowet malir t a aaa aea aik aaaa uatrei faeaeae aawai houaxuiotab ooolm 1iii nr maaav tliiaaai hall teak wataaa iwwa lukiwhimrahmaaimalaa raam oraaha t t1rt bff t waa ihmm pwtaaaataaaaanvavtar r a muoom cna cut this o j sead ilah to aa whb atarontb toe ukd racalaa bv ratan wall tea beam- i tltal xaus ead hew years- post cards tualevaaralvaa edwtujaa ofcr to lalatual yoa la b j postcardsurplycooept i m qaaeastiltoraalo your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or sfjones if taken to tle rockwood chopping mill flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris 4t go chbistmas and- excursions mean all autloaa la oaaada i sinqub fahr hilww atal oaxw deo i lkaurmamll j jrt la ajla ito ltaa am w aba food rot oc yak ji and aa 1m lli ralam awk jaa aad fare amd 0nb third otta ciwt waj oaod folag dae im ttii lo las ixt iota bctmlve lwathnujaaidisia pall tainnaulob hxm t j i h s holnios agwit it pifimmfwfii jm ft 3

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