Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1911, p. 1

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wkt ttmt sru ftosk votumit xxxyii no in acton ontaltio thultkdav moiinini1 novkmiijgit j lid hutch copies tulitu cknis uvlelty thliiwuay uuitniku attorl kt tlllt kkrlttto 1 liy iu iv iium1 my lutvi wbirfa xllitlun la pulu la tlinilud ran lubul i ihpiii la 1 liou jni1 ir tin foi- advaf lllminatila wtllmui apci i flu dl- rasuow will l lnatll till i if 1i1 aiul nluirajad anuuidlnly likiulhnl uu advartuwminl will w nhaiigad unim lui imauli it ttsaliml hur pbuch 4loir itutn klm tnaollonad tint ihub- ihialtlon ibuii b paid fur 1 raguur chang- rir nunlrki i advartlaatneul mi b in lb- uitlm rfy noon on tum- xooount payabla tnouthly kugllab driw pi ulr io- qd k c- wuara uao u aiul j uaidy a da win rwialv rr ua nw pubhrlpunu snd adverthhuaaola nd whera our ria ilira can fr nttarga a aur papar whan la jbglaml u- p kiooum kditor a4 truiiitulnf tvustntsk ftirerloru- k4uop kiktumk i u p kjmuw uihuihwttolaiii aaiuajiavio at 1sl ix holmi w w imul u 1 o ila ilaoaa ttuiaavn to hi jwpli llnaltal lta uuu uwih i iif wun iu ba vuiul uoapllal huia a h alwaduli uuuuui lltunlil tloayltal iuhioa oom a f idenna ulll btlaal i foolt iluda jawaluay bluaa 11m ha m aotom 04 j i ml papa aia anil uaowal ttuiuy j bimkinnon ovvica allllmlrailahuxl woaa j monalill divlaltu bvablvlaall i ib llouay lo lo ularkltoru divlalea louii onunly vl llal oaoaayabaatfavblvlaallfaaahi d um ai uaaldt r ulllklld vulok dk k t haitnih i- 1 uhntlht mm naw itaullalry in all h laiiti oboa10 ihmlgua ht kittulie fhjui ii d macxilaxxo tin wrt am hakivcq abvkmtialhi cotactoe nuwacnauiuromnamtii o 1umh blii iondon w l ma oi uu paper r i by vlaitaira luoo m aiim wlllh laa u twiuad iiookuimumh w ovarwiihamahtora iohui boaa of imriaduau o i d rallc an m allitlaok blukmbbb 0 p moouh bant a o uuauml inasaab phvataofhaa hawl a in um ataolu vnrtadd auyom ga uiack icakabo auctiomkum v a- o-ii- tll hbmbti1ket llol aoonokajia h t mmb1w lb taatatabu gk j hbku icwmutu aiki7liwmna u will rlulaalou ud bjea a l i in mad la la atlwilluu itlaauaulalilua- i vuuliy auus ucuuhai l1ckmnu1 allctioxkhlt i joy io tiih cllll the old and bellable granite and marble dealers zi z end- of llbumui ol p eia353 t statham son hamilton sons 5liisaw main sl ac xx jii xjxi u wall 1 liave l3 for w- m will nui dir lrmli hjiiii wlwml 1 hoka il cryil m1i an enrulmllr iwner tlto ollmr ly wo 111 u livr u lkl ilituily it m ru iml ovomonl iv t that ll in kmhloitw clml four i inimhiy in iimi riwl ii llwlr walcla wixil1 ulllu wut limy twmlatl ruaulitj savaged co o t h utaloh incptwa gttclpk ontario tie betl pano biiill r hi lutirimir slid nit mimical am mrliiilcal ullliiy li iwn ini4oyl in wirfol lle llli i ml liaatloiui ll ort uk wall llml llil tbiui l nnw linwi iim hutii miiilcal uimi ilur altle oi llu unwini rttntury on liuiruumol r oicjiuik krlimlc in viy tjriwi oi lh worl cias vk kelly ouelph ontario wanted 1 a llva mpmcatatlve lor agtok and aurtaudtllng 111 rict to mil lilgli claw wock lor lha po nth ill hur8kriks fruit tr will k janlwl li tlui lall ill lull and sfwlo of ijll i iuii and sfwlo of ign imiuts in tbfl liltory tf tim orclir1 of ilw fulura will 1m llm iwal kaylntf of lha urm wo loach our men salaam nshln tre culluro and how bbj pnifiia in fruit riowink can ih made lny weekly wrmancnt amploy- tiiant excluilvo letiuory wilia for iarilcular stone wellington luuonlu owtauio waters bros ouctpll headquarters fob o a c school supplies nature study botanical etomolog1cal dhawino painting 41 wyndham street phon3so stathams vott ieecream a ghhimous iiatk1ui maicitiuii uiiiatubiiing madh oi luim infuunnf n i i fhhshhbt ckhami ihiit 1 1avouing3 a uumgiit to 1iik wlli- noukimiing to rilli invatm iiouhn brand cahon and pastry frosty vary day full lino of grocorloa and provision- fruits vegetables sec our window display caitvlin rir- 1 i j a ilr li ltnatilk1 h will nt uliliail our m la ivnin lx vorj uryn oull miv utwrt uhhu ait in ilw wl ilr urn lu illf hernial lin hi i vlinvaklllh mai lilumika wii itam t mmiktiif inuiiilly a to liuit vtir any inlwr makn irallo la belle r tlmu ever iu mii in w our wlntow lluiiuy noittlnj llhn l hnfm 11 guelpl the bond iiakdwaltk co umltod uatajl phora 07 oukllil i yes i jiaminctl filassc huel k o skihge olhiinmliii1 and 0iilrimi ultllal llll oii hot dh1 s ui him erluwfl of ir llil dilnka inclndlnk hoof ten tomato bullion oofttta coaoalta liau iwhhi viell miii lit l ana mhm we rihitiikeriin auruli oteui on aliiriuy harolrjwilos riiu arrow cafii mill ii stockiijg up we aii adillnu ulnunl duily i tur ukual larta mkhi vk fhwr ihinn uia i i tin iiiihu yim ritma liack in ahnr iiy li all ollmra hrli murl liuiji iriac1ii unlclioi htuii tlnleii mnal hlioriu ami ijiw tiaiu i all uliidanf grain ikiu and r noblk vclon plottr feed st uiaiirijiiiitsrair 17h0n1o tanaiu evertom edeh mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flours lot sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat and oats henry hortop new footwear i wn have jul ocelveoft l1k itilpmcnl ifba moat itptodal iom wear liom lha vary lalt amefiun latia poolwpar thai will enually dellahl men women nil children drop in any limn and lnipnrl ihlkvomplelo ainclt of tilsli clau wlnlr footwear w witiliams 1 mill street ac ton ulsbflluuh i i wuk a k iiim tiaiai i r w ll-nl-lll- 1 1-11- hi h worll thalh full ut htmthiiif mlfl d lrllil i r ll iimin llil h llttti i r lit j ui1- tllr i ai ll t llul l h k dv a nlili aii jy l j- i- i i vul will not loud in all lli11- wlr yon mh ll l llulta i iti rr fn all ll an thn i lli io elrct jtamiln ilrdbinp r a story of atlhatlaweve tuos s cjq oukiimii tluhiy yru li mil ii rhii w olaioiily r- ulntf lltufr myelin u fur ah hlljnv lluy wr- 11 aloi in fiillau nuwrly half u mlla fmni uity l for fatlior- and uiwthr lid kinuilo thu town of war a lid would tiot ih luti k ik fat u lltu itaxt hllil i io ltiimtrt mark ry and uttlu mmikim woti nvalhi without a alladow f io annui uieinlvna in lltl own fahhim ilikatitutm walunplnjfy ly mimhii on the fltuoa r half n doinii loay linnkod hiila h oat ad uti- lallxliikly hi a tub of wur wmuiiib fot a lonrnmioiia tllvti uiimri an aotlvo lwy of twl dan- lurnl hlw hiiln at fvnry hinr i mar- ury only iiiii1ihi ut hra and mnt it inihliliiif mihhii llm mirfalu of llm watai whlli imkif lltlla nhiicy would dlfr lioldly down and romo lip raaplntf aimi rlioklntf looklnk nmre ilk- lialf drwud klluii ttian a lltll k who had not aorranlnl iu catching a allo- kry a t h- no nanra 4 id lr l yon will ilr k o if yon l o li yonrdf all il na m now who will u- tnarut and wl will di ltu you ui imui mir k td hrlik it in uxrartl on a iu whu 1 kid ll ohad watc 1 uy w ol out lodik uthn mold ll waa a i ikil to hi- ufl in- aw tli wllu t4kof tl ilvr i ami could lirai th riiah of th wln n lluy w t miiffrily ly how lilh rlm- looknll llowht ltuhm-t- ll 1i mvor it l llt lfor aiil for tnontnit lmatoo1 wiud il what hall rauar1 thn blkltlrti rlan limn marie y ty vole railing for tit aril load hlio f 11 uliool ll aiul in aiiollu r inlniitn h waa hark in llo warm hrlrht kliehu wltliout m tlimikla of ll foaiuiuk lnirit unt itle 11 lllll rlrl idanrd on thn ulle llrw dlahaa oo of whhdi lld thu innlil llm olliur hri and ihu thlnl elvhl- water 1 1tru ah iiomid a laod- karnliluf tlnhlly over nanca ny italu hrr rn and pdt liar hand in on or hut iiltcw ifahlourhvdthnwlur l would im ilirhvd i if ll- nilrnr wandrad into 111 wthaaahi waa iloom- 4 to lw u old hild hut if kh r-arh- l th rill flrat than ah would ill uforr tli next aimillnw kv- nunc alowly gropml liar wy to ihu tlle iid aflr h tnoiuflilw imlaculou ul her unr-ai- aofily into th water uargr y kv aliout uf plaaaiirr and with m algtt of rllf tlit iifi- future wa attld nunc unhoiinil hi iind- kvrahand imndd ll to lir uur hut wtfi iter trial tara wai not ao iruidalng fur julvnnluil wltlimrat how of oo lindane lur awll tfanlua 1m1 ifr aljlglil in the aba rt1y to hr own dlafluat stul hupartu uudl bulaw d light it waa hi turn now imt uat u- blsys wr liilug band- mh irrd abkuv illklnauv akfltltrri in china who i umirtnl hy tlm yotuik iroii of lha hpwoilll ijauun of gueliili lulrul a uulu nun 1ui out iiok 1 mikry look 1 thn hour l 11 wrl i with uumd llm lioy kirani to ihu iloor and oimoimi ll notlilntf lut wlr nitl hlu tiytrt wlr mm yl hut a noul of innla diwp lul whloli wa aortly lr- rlintf tl moonlight in wn loatut n ralli41 what hail limnnl thn lr ha i ovarflowrd it ltauk a nil iii water waa gulnlllg on llieoi fat already it had otr- m tl nuini wlr tl frighliir1 clilldrnii annul only half undurwtand ttt tholr kreal daukr iu iiitra ahoiilnd unjrt to ilia latrra and if th iiimmi ria that high w will rllmli out on tli rmif goiukkl y i lot uargary atooil allll itr brown xya nlhng wtu tear o un aha rjrll th toor httu why iluoka sn1 chluknn 1 thoy will 11 h ill t bjhi whatever will hullhr iuj wliil ali i oiiic luuik t uiiicrt nnwarhihttlullmr hi hylhu tluui twarhod to lhilr ukloa and to rloi tli door wu mrkwalhl 3 utttltt a few year ago although cnitcrelo hail ulrrady hreu kn- erally uiloilnd lltrnuchrut lha coun try hy ron true turn tin farmer for almoat u truotuml work vh wa ll n lira ut io in hlop i i work on thla fvu of rouatruclloti u mood it a th cilil u outlier ut iu it iiiih iton found hnwovar tlmt concrete work muy ho carried on iu fold weiillnr aiicrubafully wild wllh hut llltle mirt inuihlo than un der orilliiury olrimuiuiiiar tht fuel la of kroul hruettl to th runner ax it la in lha colder period of iho year ihut ho 1 11 to rind tlmo for hulldliiu and making th many urtlrlea around th farm to wltloli cottcrela art readily adapt it- alf with a few almnlo iironullon it 1m linen found that concrete can bd umel tint only in frcealur wea ther hut when tho thermometer lina been ucluiilly hc- if the cmirrolb freear lifore it atart to lot it will nut hn injur- iihtin wattr a aim ill and f uulh mudti vea1 for healing water la ahown in lha ac companying draw inc he klg 1 a coll la mud of on inch pin with th end fatned in thn hurrr and md watertight a auittll dr hullt under the coll will heul rupldly and will krep it in i iroiilu- llon llm kooplnu ull tln v beule1 kor thlaimrpime it la wia to iia luuglli of mull ah iron u ulp hflcua it la ouaily ikiii into lha re quired coll 1 lltu u done hi liking u lug or foncopoat ultout the aim of ihu coll uud hemllnu tin plp urouml 11 thla method- prueiita lha pip lit imi r ihj nd hut if lh m cou vava iw nat par- friiituig tukra placo nflnr lit oiling autlon bh tartqd up llm noli ere to i likely to hr dam- agud when it thnk owing to the expuiihlnn of tho moltlns water rorclug tho tlcleh a pitrt litabluif lha c lha other creifl v p nbuuro in beoome lhominhly iet hnfora freea- ing no hnrui will bo don to give it thla cliuuco you mua aral of all prnpnr thn miilnrlala n dcirrlhed helow mid aeroudly you luilit pro tect thn rouoreln lifter it ban been plared in ibn forma iw rutlov of mitiiii1vh cuncrtlu will un tn doviilop curt uln t bund ti crumbly bkowimo 1woukul ulrrgos o sxatllrs from buckling nd make th noil mor vegulr in alia wbero conorta work u being don on u lrg acala it i uklaabl to uae iho two barrel heulur ahown in vig 3 thla ullowu ibn water tn b con- alunlly veiilnulabad without re i lin ing ibn heat of the woter in thn bar rel from which the lint water la luken moat furmerir howiur pnaaea lurgn boiling hehlea lmfi during bulrber- tug tlmp or for maklutf aoft aoap etc one of iheao will du iii4lljr w1l plpr and will aoon thaw out a no huriime llrated in vy cold weather iii cement may be heated hy laying thn bug on top of thr bund but tbl in not abao- hllely tn rruary aa the cfiiient llaelf mnt be kt il try until ued whether thrr bo hot or cold 11 mll lttuhi 111 qkuhiu klalerulo abould not be healed to too blah u tmperture x good way tn judge thn proper amount nf heat la io nuiko tbrin juat hot nougb to he co m for in hi to touch car abould be taken not to ua any froan lump wtoticctino oonolltttkiw iohitiov after thn cn- oral hna been placed tn forma it ahould be pro- teolrd o aa to keep th heat in lonx a poaalhle thla la morn emen- tlal in thin atrtio- ture ibhu in maa- alv walla and foundation for the utter will hold their own mutt longer on unoouht jof their thtebnea wooden forma ruunconductora nd will retain th heatln the concrete upoacelalnpolnt but hie cunorel should b protect- d on top by a cov ering- of cativm or hey paper with layer of tan or twl luclieor manure on top of i hie btruw will alko unaer th purpoae if mutiura i uaed cur alum id he taken l prevent it from coming in contact with thn conrrnte aa it will discolor it and pnaalhty even ap through aamclenlty n weaken th iruotur itoticctin tiiin rjtinioxirtka in th oa of thin wall where estr nold weather null for addition- jfll3eeg aaowtmo stow kinuiu wiy a thoroughly uia r wind humirt drsw tbfl llltlo girl up thn udder llkn alajr- la into their low altlc 0htluf thn indow lie crawul out ml then hlp nl nmrn nd margery to follow him hid by aldn atood lli- lbr rhlldrei and aaw thr aulleu wlnra aurn and away an u ml thnm wlmrn roubl thy lntk forhrlp liltln nr aohluml and ahlvnr- n b crpt cliuter to bar lirnthrra tlr xfagrr hkxi ir fro- into ton i iml ltupoil watt- hl th rroil matira a lliry roan nd irlrd io think low imh1 io ant for hi alalan aakn d fur hla own 11 could hear li th dlalancr rre and ahoiitw lid cnnll a lminflnm bualng on many roof ignala of th rooimon ilan hn now that long tint lowua miuklrla ml througlt thu arttum1 irlh of wrr rnllnf ixutt warn avno now rnw log frimikliouan to liooaai to uvn lliown wbn lll in rottafrna loo low to abel ler llittui loniotbliig oiuel ihi donn imkkly if li would in hi altar i rout pflrublug uargary lia11 would yuu im afraid to aty linr ahum with nalirr wblu 1 try and gnt won iilpr o uuihttl ehiiivl th child throwing hrr arma a round lilin you would aumly lui drownnl ml ao would w what can you do in audi aitawrul llimxir i could tiy and ewlm to thr uanor farm aald thn hoy nut mora than half a mllr off nd thr iv plant y lloathig ttough nd fenrta in th wattr to rrat in if 1 llm out margnry i onmt go or wn ahall 11 drown togwthrr nd you know it alidad with aoh i prouilan falltnr that i would ukn rm of you ilul io ua ltrro lount itntmrt 1 abould dlrl ilul hupnrta inliul waa madn up it muat imi don 1 out- bn ald or it will lw un lain mrgnry try ml 1m a utile lrv nd ktrnp tight itulil of nancm if llm wvnu aliouhl rnacli yotl livfor 1 cun uliili back llnawi god i will uvn you yl tlmu tlirowlnv off iii alioo ml jarket hn plungwl inui tho imwthlng wlem in mlnutn h w awnpt out of alght ml with wn awful filing of lomdlmta urgry erotic he on tliu roof lioldlu nation in lir nit tin wvn rmpt hlgbnr until tlmy wioli ml galuat thu nlilldmnu ftwt hn limy nlung cloudy u tlir what had iwoiiiikiof uumrtf whl would i ctnmt of thui 7 nnrn aoha went liualla from alirnr wklmtullou mild ah only moaned nil alilvrml ullghlly when th crwllng water gulunl on thniii luoli hy inch kvry mlnittn it imcmiuu plainer to tinrthut ali could not konp hfr hold tuucli inngrr all tiimi wu ilylng fan whim a imil mw by atroug anna approaclicl to linlp tlinni nancnl nancol aim anhlmd thy m coming i humirt liaa ant them hr ha vmi ua a aj1 hn would attnlhnr tnlniitn ml tho two cramp ed ml wury llttln flgnrn worn llftntl from their rlloua rw tlngiilcn nd laid rnlly in ths lmit nuncn hrtlly conaclona but alrgry tin tblliik with tho question kbn ncronly tlrd to ak wlirdluuuiwrt ahnrrinil ii nnt you i know liul thnt li now r thn tucn looknj l nch otlmr with tronbln1 nyna but lusd no aiuiwmr wargory pitiful glwcn wmloml from one downcul fucn to thu other a ahs atroto to uudmataiii what llila allnncs tnnul he muat liav annt yon to ua mr- rflry tmdd ahiwly if talking to iwr- hlf silas bow would yowhv ihnuglil to coma ay that h did tiiwnrwl on of the rownra ho aniil ua truly hut hn tpokrt no word to ull liu uln if wn had not immiii m my1 of frlghtunml ftwtu wn would hvfl ruiumberml you ikifnrw ho alopimal and margery lonktxl at hi m with tuxnd and aunlnl ttyn a gflillly ua hn could ltn tou her how th drowol immly of ilttln fairbalrwl bby had unm awnpt by thn tormnt pkl thn window of th manor frm kvry effort had bono md u brltig wim amtk of lift- hut it waa too 1st when the littldotul ixkly wm recog- nlitod sll rstnnilmrml th halulna family in thn cottage snd s btial wh mt ror thoa who inlgbt till ha 11 v snd murgary ml bar auterwum tht day rvatored to their uiutlica km ami long ynr ftnr when ohlldron of htir own gthnred rimtid her kna margery would tell th ecli all hallow vr thn atory of that drtuuirul night nd of their liwvn utile uncle llniktrt who lol hi life to have th aulnr rommittei to hi car wltln aaalatancn in llm form of nrditnlitl httl u ueca aary tlin h ut wny to doynlop thlw hrtlflfllnj hi nl in tn wurmtho ln- icrlhn bifnro ntlxlnc thla ahort- inu lhi llinu unit ll hikjm thn o orotn tu aut and lenktbcu tho tlmo noceianry to bring it to too frcoalug ihilut i nr in mind hint thn i wnlcr iaid tho uulckor concrete mu ihriforr it j ndvtuahl io tie ua ilttln wntnr a poaalhu in ibn mutng during cold t7fthr 1 1 1 ati no rxslt ani htonll ilind and onn may be very eaally hnated hy making uh of two plena of 11010 plpo one pleoo fur thn aiml ttnd hi other for th alono tho pipe nro inld op iho ground la minh n poult inn a to allow tho wind to mtiko good draft thd flri j ihon hullt in ono end thn fliimt a pnaa thru ugh bonllna llm wholo pi i mild mji frvah furl la d dnd he tndnrn nrn pnklwd nlmig lbt plpn nod grndually work out ut thn other end the intnd and hope ahauld b pried on top of thsutqv fbovgcr towtasie vaom aoir ul protection heavy paper ahould ha untied in thn erlloal poet of iho forma figure ibue ualng uti oucloaod ulr up aco between each pair of poata theao glr gnsoca will hnvo about tlflnnn degree higher lompcraturo ihnn thn oulald air the forma ahould alwnyb b loft on longer in cold weather n it ukon lunger for iho concrete tc hiirdrn j thrr t mi rekaon why con ore t annul iki mmd wllh mm pit 1 1 auo- craa in cold wnn4hnr if tbnan almpl hrecsullon t yol lowed tltrti unvnt wa ml novor will ho univeraml psiiacea in one rnmotly for all iii to which nh u hnlr what would mllaw mm 111 in turn w sggrsvmtm the oliinr wn hvr how- eor in quinine winn when obulnml lu m sound untdultarstod wtatn mnimly for many ud grlvoua du hy its rnulul snd judlclou uau thu frallat ayatma am id into couvle- cell co snd lrengtli liy ttn iqltunnon which quliilfte eitru on ntum own rnatormllvn it rvllnvr thoi io wilting m cliittnlc a tain of morbid iloepotidnnoy aiul leak of hilermet in ufa i m mewer ml hy tmtiiululuu thn tiervn dunoses to aouud slid rfraahlnklevlnmrt vigor to th motion of the blood which being atluiultsd course through thn vnliie transitioning thn heslthy aulma functions or the gyatom thnrehy making activity a necseaury rrulj atrongthenlng tho frmn and giving life to the digestivn urgajia which naturally demand qproaaed adlmtsnc jriouult liuiiroved motile north roi 4s lyuimii of toronto have gvoi tn thn mhlio their hiimrlor qulnluo ily lhooilnlon of aclontliu thn whin mppmschn ncreat tnirfocuon of muy mi tho n a ilruggutu acll t it i iwy trily which in both s llil um t1i1mkimu ul tli nd s r ha tig a nf a ml of thinking nnvr n try what if thing wnm aorlt1 i what tho of blinking ufna not alwaya alorm and rluod homnwbr alar re alilnmc- try to think your joyaoitt him hiltmnr all repining hy leg- by llihklng llgbt tit inking pla 1 mml wwrly youll nacpn the 1 of l worry gone completely tlmt lha habit of looking for fiunlwama plrieltlr tapping gaily at your dm r r for trailing jtohn krnlrlrk lunga twmtv ykars jtuo r almamur itbhy haa family bouimtaa1 oil wlirli 1 liw llvial for many yrra for ux arlgwilh llr mno hi it ran ovir r tlioa hmltha alxyurold t tliurutuu who wu umwlu thu vttwl rinr datk on saturday oitt mr a rchltlt i umpbll narrowly xapml aorionu injury l goim1owii in other day ii bail got on thu rong train hy mulaku and in llm ttmpt u lrvi it whll in jmotioti f nil ami waa atkitrk tin ihn hi ail by th alap of th car mm uavid uoaa coburg tiled ami mly at lb onurlo agricultural col ingn jurlph whllti nu a vul to hrr ilughter mra lvnldnt will- hhn luul nnt ikou hi gtwwl health but took ddmly llltth collcg dud hi bout m iiartor of an hour i a wall dreaand atrngnr ramt io town uat wrk alatlug tllal bo wa imiklngforu imtiou for a jnwdlnru atom hnrnnuxl uin ilttln ahop tmxt to jcunnny llro ulore and ingauml board with mr utlb r lyman l hlmil tti ahop wau uuvcr oi upil id h ratnlnnd for thnt imle and nigh i nd left oaunbildy io gl hi alock ho linvvr rnturiir1 a nil fallow bosnlar found their ockilu hail hero licked ono of iril dollar inr of fiv ml third of auty ttnta ura itev joadi hlgn who wmm mi xirory iwraft by tli dnsth of llm utll ou a minniicml in our uut uur ociiiviul llm viry aa now thu wi k if llm dmlh of hr lirotlwr lir haul i tylor who wu klllr1 mi 11a frui luar ow11 kound it january miu kdgomnlhor diiil fliu- u uboit lllmiarf ml in aligut m roimlli wa druwiir1 ut owri hound to uiillti mti wi may add thai lmul jr ulr in iwh ut llgt futlur wu killed wlillu moving part of a ihrcah- lug outfit from hi farm in ron lnit week mr john warron jr waa hunllng lnrnlin from 1 1 it farm hero to thn old houinatmd and mi j ulrhunlami tnchcr got mi thn wagon to rids wllh him tlio dutli ikianl fell out ml ilr wurraii fll midnr thu wgou mild mr ulohardon mlrlli ihu uingun tliu horedaludlitimtiwanl and up tho uun with thn ti rrltlixl tcjwberlu hla mrilnu position ml rrwed with aliout half m btifcliol of turnljia lu ihn wagon tim rt of thn forty or fifty himhulu worn with mr wrmu acattem long th roail mr wsrrsn wa not boriouty iujiirvd tim young mnn iimvi now- m tlirllllug oxinrinncn to rolato to coming gmr- at thn mnulvnraury in milling of tho lljtllinfud lrnbylorlau nuigr1 gallon thn kuok church gltulr anton gsvo thu drognuuina wu hiindr- aoll uolo with vocal rhorua qur uttn miumiiii and mr hum mod mr mun and job i ml mloiiiaruitln hy muat ma mi mo glurti nd walk i thn mothodut kcumniilcl gmitor initio cloard its asaloiui mt wabiugton ii h luat wook an add man u lauuod to miithodlau througluiul llm world urging sdhnranas to thu aim pin iwirlp- lurl mtid generoua i lino logy which under gihi wmm propouudiwl by john wnuley slid slao rrautsiico in nil ihu grnl ftvlh which menartn tlui world alton hjiiiool hicamis vtiomi kliuit dkit t t mooru tnchor hn uollle unillh ohu mimirv wm rowry arthur ivaraoti lnnl hiullli john mcglll ktktlhlla ixmi w a iawaoit lcdii thuraloi ju john mchonstd msdlo mcnbh ntillln muurfor hkojii ijkii mlaa o m mcmiuil tvmhr hitvtuy mclntoah mi tin in iiohntm arthur miwirtt vrwy nel lie lortunn klu andormin jffm hlow rt jnlllaholmea maud llydor jmooii luuer till mt umit mua j k unvnuml teacher hti john mihih- jiuiiiiu bmlih mary tovtdl hauy nlcklln intku our oohlutn kvm lvrryman mary llarvny ju harry kjiviiyw john mohougmld laura luluch ma lm 1 mann 1oiilttjl luii mlaa mluulokuuon teacher hit itoblim walluo mmihii moon- mhinln arthur uaxl mrlhm- mld ihtku itnrtu htmlghl willi harding jaunt molit uau llith warwick jitjamit rortuiu ah hert mokor ohajnlifru mia uaaln mcijiiii u vuitlng frlomu in wootlntock mr laamu krsticla vlalliid ul worn hltmk isat week mra llron of ht mary a hwu inxui vlaitlnglinraon hrj umu imrt air ml mra john htawart girgn town vlalted frhmda horn lhla wook mr john uavny ws with friend u st wunluwn nd lncmstor thla week r mra cmpbil srruuimulel hy mua harsh motfougmlt lea for bar immn lu srttle yvmtsrcty mr oha kirkpatricl u in itronlo iiopl t a minn to undergo sll opnra- lionilojhf hem miuwlng uoinn from mvero uiiimiim tlfiuk in erin on ootolmr j7lh lo itv sml mrs r fowllr ami do its in anion on nuvenibu uud to mr ald mrs joph lint n d lighter hikiiln kiln towmhlpmi om- iwr ailb harsh jrsn wlf or john htfnrv hifrt al ivcnn i i 1- ii

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