Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 19, 1911, p. 2

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mammmxp tamitauriut1uicm4i b uv j m imy a llrwiiiun uiuut hi ull ituliu blwuuui uuiummm amob uthu oolirr lrwa ib khtbiji a i twumui oe 14u oaum f h- t altwt i aiwu of in bf i u by lie w h uaml it jv noli u dull u mip lmtmum 4e aloud miw u itnpw thm mlmaulitmi kkuhtm tl hi aiub lamotr wlllew htrw aniul 1mb mal lie kt kluiu a mux jhlil bui oxunii irjlje tton 3fm frcss thuilhoay ootoiikr 10 1011 council had a short session mackuh ocnnkatino bihic jtiitix ii umtt n mmy tivulug in lr session with lteava ilyndd id thetrbatralrld fcwnellloe bwwmt uu 4 topper and aiionhl present th minute of h last regular ireting were lead and eiinflrmed the onmmlttee on finance presrnfc- ed llielr twentieth report and iwxhii wended payidmlal the follow lng-o- huilblll lkltlp jo i upplln ik a llenderaon lumber hubert hlorwy lalmr jo wild hugh llydr o o speight uple j a lluck a j ucklumni eehctliig juror john lurrr itesv llynd m h ci 4 uk 1 xi 1 ul i 10 6 ol 7 to 1 ml 1 u i 00 duo axiom oar lhaflmi and timet important requirement in tli lire of lb growing ohlld iw t train ilia mind thoroughly forufaadutu thla i delrahta ba cause iu till uiliil i properly trained an our power is in that degree i ad an experienced ami ohser dueallonlat once said if ram i iwa fifty yr alter he la twenty it would ba fr better la put in fit thorn gutting a thorough training and than live forty live year if on la to chop wood all day ha had better apaod th flrat hour grinding hla u than to whole day using a dull ax cation doe three things for u i it torn up knowledge in tit tiilud it develop th power of tha mind it put dm in possession of these power tha degree therefore in which an ducated 1 a measure of hla uaafulnaaa and aucoaaa kdueatlnn tha nmal andurlng kind of property to acquire property which no outside duniater can wrack or ruin whatever may it th changes that shall aweap over our fair land no power can ever take away from ua our investment in knowledge it establish mi many mora polnte of contact with tha great world of truth so much deeper may on see into the great truth of nature if hla intellectual vial on u sharpened by education the meeting therefore of the member of hal ton teacher institute in annual convention bare today and tomorrow will ba on of taxnoit important gathering which could aeaeroble thu i true becau th meuiber are in control of the educational institution of our county and they eout together or mutual improvement and cftunavl haluin baa juat enua for pride in bar ecboot both uointary and advanced ku other county in tti province baa a body of teacher who a a cbuw atand higher in the matter of eterllng char- aetar high attainment and tha ability to taacb in oomtng into contact with tbaut our children and young naopl not only form an acquaintance with booka and their hlpfu content but they come under the influence of men and women who impart knowledge correct error in deportment and hab it acourgecurteoudemeanor and upright conduct and praeant in their uwn hveaexampue worthy of emula tion by tboee who naturally look up to them actfon extend a vary oordul welcome to thla body of hal ton edu cationist j7i hin uclonald 1111 th report you have pro- bably been in- tondlnrf o try rod rose tea for some time but from force ol hijbit have just kept on uslntf another tea breeucth lumt and buy red rose next time 53e dttorlal notes at tiik oonvkntiom of the con- eeraauvew of south wellington held id quelpb op saturday ii o sehnl held retired banker wa unanimously nominated for the provincial contest j r bowltt m 1 declined to accept the nomination somk ilam uutwa were dealt to the liquor traffic at the ecumenical oonferenoe the overwhelming senti ment of the conference was in favor of blotting out the traffic by legisla tive enactment and simitar action wae taken in regard to opium on molloi seconded by waa adopted two tender for the u f the skat ing rink during tha coming winter were roivd on from k llackiln at glilou and on from john it wat eon atiaoo the council accepted that of k uacklln at the larger iiuihuii the council i btlllkeeplng in touch with hon adam heck regarding hydroklacjxic powrr f actoo the eltlsens kneetlng will be bald next monday evening at a special meeting in th summer a photograph wa taken of the reeve councillor clerk and municipal olll in their respective chair of ufflc and a copy received on monday rven ing will be framed and hung fn th council chamber where future gener- may r the portrait of the bard working council of lull council edjourned at nine oclock balmkarad we wlh a plaaaant hitllday ut mt k hayera u reliahl assistant at th corner sloni mr hewitt t mounuierg spent few dy here last werk visiting hla eon mr h ii mr henry hitchcock i spending this month in visiting the uv mr milne at ibtnk oot th former pea- tor of the preabyterian church here we expect to have a new family in our village in tha pereon of mr jo hwlndlehurst who will occupy th house recently vacated by the family of mr arthur hilt the seventh line saw a continual pro cession on krldsy last of people going to th world pair at khu most of our villager went over in noon mr david mo ran ha purchased the root crop of mr john kentner and ha bean engegvd in moving it during th past week to hi farm on th ninth ii oe mr john v sinclair threshed a heavy crop for mr alfred vanatter on three daye of last weekv mr van atter atlll offer the farm for sal and anyone deal ring a first claa place would do well if be gut thle on ttev dr mc arthur occupied his own pulpit in th methodut church here after an absence of three sunday on exchange preaching a very accept able and ad trying sermon he will not be aoeent again for some weeks- mis maggie mitchell the eateemed and successful teacher of the peacock school waa at th north wellington convention at arthur on thureday and friday lal hurrah for tha october sothl i redrose death of rev f- keuxman two and a 1iait vktt 1ikh tltlatvn was si fill death of it krd l lit k f kju oot fi day iff your coear vou a great english preacher k- upy v xf iii sh by a rihinu vomc the n temere decree wae coddemoed at the keu- menlcal gonfereqce at toronto on atooday the oonfereoce repudiated the idee that any church decree should override the civil law the confer ence repreeented 34000000 member end adherent gardlng moving picture show are bout to be rigidly enforced theee are the regulation which stipulate that all films must be inspected and peeeed by the board of censor befor they can be shown on any crep in ontario owing to the fact that the censor have been very busy since their appointment they havr been un able to inspect all the alms and eoine have been shown which weje tiot llrat lnpectd the osnsor liavo caught up with their work and commencing t r the regulations which have feorronial hot tlik vlmamclai statkfclltvt of th dominion to tha sou of september show that for six month of the current fiscal year the revenue amount ed to aio0ab2l an lucre of 97021 331 the ordinary expenditure to 35 030150 an increase of 8s47b1 and the capital expenditure to lx31fl0b7 a decree- of 112100 it hkksib that lion w t white is not to repreeent hal ton after all mr peter rleon m p of rest middle will it 1 expected be tfanrrrd to the senate and thus make a plaea for mr white there mr heudereon uansfer will take place later unlike aomerot here heremm in a lmrryaboullc been in force some time will it rigidly enforced tlib dwiktuuktov atlltk u1tuhk of the lrovlneal jovernment eetah- llshed hut sesaluu w fund fur insurance ocbdl fair lu wm of wet weather already fllty agricultural societies have utade application to the depart- tnant foi their share of the 10000 ap- pf0ptisi fund to insure societies agunst lose through imui weather bach society get nnehlf of their total receipt the mppronrlat ion to esuih being baaed on the amount under the average receipts for tha pat three year it is thought the whole amount of the money appropriated for weather insurance will h rrqulred for the claims this lis been the most uofaralj fall for year for the fair how abaw bkok ha accepted an invitation from iteeve hynda to hd- dreeea meeting of acton cltiiens and explain the terra and advantage of the hydro- klec trio systepi before the meeting be wll send one of the- electrical engineer of hi department to acton tn look over the ground and inon the necieaary data for hie use in thdlcmlotrt aelou contemplate aourlng elydrotclectrto power with ad all night lighting sen ice milton ooatemphued doing o some lime ego thle i hood time tn revive the idea better term can he i ranged when aereral town combine in getting bwrobjeoulo ower then when get- upjt aeptratalj ohamplon axrulso to the london curoo iclea vienna cor respondent negotia tions which were loll is ted by ger many have lieen proceeding for months between great urilaln and jeripany for a leducllon in naval armament tills le good nawa and seems more consistent with tbe hague restitutions fur unlvaraeffteace it ih mouk tlian ijkktv that lh 111 be a short session of th llouar of common comnencluk on of amtut nov 1 lhand ending beforacbriauua arilamnl being imirogued then until next autumn it had been expected that there would ha a session butting only a month this fall and than another after the holiday tile cabinet considering at prreiit crowding all th work lifto on term the melhodfot church htr was honored indeed in having lt h h hohw or ld kngjand th pulpit last hunday 1 heoahaw la one of tha great tun o mthodum in kngland h rrpre sentedtheprlnilllvomelhodut churcli of which he wa the president laat year t th hcumenlcal cnfereni t toronto wblrh clithrd lbs seeelui to tuesday ii wa on th pr gramme at the c4nlrnc and w tmeofth two minister appointed to reply to tbe addrsaae of welcoi the conference mr henshaw stand high in the council of hi church in kngland and wa for hv year the general sunday hhul secretary in tli performance of which duties h travelled over 0000 mile ii 1 an uthor of not having puhheked sral volume of church hlatory and other work tat spring in company with th archbishop ir canterbury and sir andrew praaer ijvut oover- of bengal india be wa preeeou ed to hi hajiy king george v in connection with the lercentary of th kngllsh bible llav mr ifenshaw 1 a forceful and eloquent preacher and hi dlecour are m carefully arranged and vividly presented that thy are readily under stood fay ejl at th morning service he spoke oo horn is 11 fervent in spirit he described ohruuai enthusiasm a intense earnestness and seal paul describe th state of a man who soul ba been transfigured by the power of lod poreinoat among all force in christian life i faith n owrhiond bib word the just ehalt live by faith cour age le another element of christian enthualasui daniel wa a man two- thlrda grit and tbe reet backbone it require a courage like that of dahlnl to make matter loo hot for the patron of tippling and to banish lit liquor traffic concentration i a third element of importance l ten city of grip which stick to the task until it i accomplished a reeolut dinging to the purpose or god until they are fulfilled hopefulneee i lo a very ueeeeaary aliment peaslmlsni is a cure to life- by no mean do pair tboee who work hardest for human redemption never despair christian activity u the cure for dee- paired soul the faith of the kng llsh puritan and the soottlsh lteforii ere i the bed rock upon which thla empire rest today many sublime picture of reformer raleslonarlee preexhars and social leader ware vividly presented most men are cap able of entbutlasm t h tnen are to eome extent there 1 wllhln u all the material which may create en uiua- leam tbe grandest revival tills world ha ever eeen would be the result of pro united de vffitrt ckriatun enlthuaanilllinolibjhrfl from the altar of god we need the evening stmioii wa baaed upon 1 cor ib t 10 hy the grace of cod 1 am what i am the dlscouree wa a magnlnceot delineation of paul con version hi previous character end hi subsequent accomplishments for god through hi grace the experi mental argument in favor of christ laulty seems to tue to be the beet be said in prefacing thle able dlscouree it d laws it logic from th life paul tuarvellnua and loercirul conversion w dplrled fis sndilpn wnd iom 70 years old and getting well thanks to 6ta puis til manuom ave tonoirro araxi ytu wu- iming tbe pau two years 1 nave been uiteringvilth klduey trouble sever palmf in my lack at times and with feet ankles and lege eo very swollen thai i found great difficulty in moving around th house even in slipper x am pleased to tell you siuctkli3bm pills tliepslnha gone the swelling ba subsided and i gala wear my boot which have not been upon my feet for nearly two years i am seventy year of age and m isawoslngmy sixth boxof ginpim3 b aj bcadding old people with lame back who nflcr with rbcunuitism or kidney or lllsdder trouble will cud welcome relief in gin piua bvery boat guaranteed and money rritamdeotif not satisfactory 30c a box 6 for fq sample free ir you writ nation drug ft chemical co of canada limited dept a toroulo m ihmii midnight 00 af tee a very brief lllne porlsevvral wreke hr wa log well a wk ago i l h conducted tlie aervirea at si alln and that evening complained of being very weak and nervous on mooilny he wa confined to his bed and not wllhslanding skilful treatmvitt m1 carril mtrmnh lie rapidly rw wiw at he rod of the week hi nndllliul iru vrry hiiihi bimi ilia phynlrlali an eminent imuld- phytic is it for rooullatlon tte dlsgooku mas quite in harmony willi that iiiiii ry- arrived at tin- trouble we comdet urvou breakdown acciitu tianled by pare i j f the how is prom monday morning it was wwi th- recovery wa mmjlhe atf quietly away about mldnlglil il k kelleman w ap totbe rerumhlpof kt amu11 d arlom and hu johns lukwood by the late itlshop ddiomilth nd assumed chance of the ariih m the flrsl of april iuiu he came to acou from l n j where be hail un rrctor of the anglican cbiimh i sown tluin h was unmarried and was accompanied by hla mother and two suisr who have since mad tlelrhoma with him at hi a loans recuiry t 1 tlienj mmially tills siulden uir com with crushing fttrce ttie uyoi pathy or the cotuiuiinlty is ilemhd ui tlinm tli inaugural sermons of his uiliiu try at ml allien were preached on hunday 1th april iuiu tl mom ing eerimm was bawd uhn the lrt lloaanna to theh4hi of lvli blnwi etl 1 h that comet h ill the natiix of the iord mamtji 0 and la th veniug ho preacheirrim john k tl t2 lf jo continue 1 y w ml i inn are ye my duclph lmld end y shall know th truth and l in truth j shall make you free- luv llolicrt k kllmsn wms hit f the latn ceorg kirlleman wlo wa born in autris and his birth place waa on tbe luthmiu of panama thirty seven year of agn after coinplnilng ids public and hlifh school course nl securing his matrln utatlou he entered ht huplint cttl vrslty xnnadale n y fri which he graduate in arts nolwhitienlly taking hi course l theology at th genera theological h miliary of nrw york hwwaaortlalned imiliie twelv yeareagoand his first wrluli wa in isnnaylvanu near pltubnrg iter h umk a charge in the north of new jersey ami hi laat church in the 1 jolted hute was at psac n j from whence he remove to acton mr kelleman was a foafeful preach er and wa energmtlc in lb perform anon or hi pa t oral work a paruh such as his with two churrho and member widely scattered entallml arduous work ii was ewer rallbful to ihn duties devolving uton him he took a live interest in local mat i or and especially with the youtlg met and boy th funeral will he held at hl al ban church at th mo oclock this afternoon ven archdeacon geo pornaret m a will pnlriato and will lie assltetl by other nergymti of the dlocea tli remains will lie convey ed to forest hill cemetery xjttlc n y for interment decfiand brtither from utile and his mother will accompany the remains uav mr kellrmsu is the rector of ht albau church to die her itev geo b cook m a wed here in lmtt hi lordship bishop clark hamilton archdeacon davidson guelpli and luv h 11 illgglusuu m a or georgetown visited tint rectory on monday am tuesday islhu the new fa g kvry i inrtmrnt of tho store is now ovcrlnwiri with the uis1 mak1s ilksi vamj1s nr most iopulak goods 111 all line for fall md winitr iijilr this week si 1 very uitrrrstini in w arriv ilu 111 la1mks misses childrens jackets ladies childiwins coat ssvkaturs comkcrtjors balling wool eiderdown filllnjc good values woollen blankets lirc sliininrnls from two of tin he i milk ill weight ilzls mid quihtlr value ire not urp icd anywhere furs i furs i muff jffn neck pieces vt ry r tin bio jjootk ully utraiitccd made by the best m tkt rs 1 he stylp tli pi season arc vf r taking and already tjir drtnatid is brisk wc invite inspection of the very attractive lines wc arc showing and a comparison of values jlrtn atlrigfnunts wantkd u r rxka hendersdn co mill si acton oni ignorance may b very rrprehr but it doeent know it in our own judgment w 1 great sufferer the woman question- three meals a day this is the problem confronting the average housewife a problem of vital importance to the home and one lest solved by a trip to our store and the pun base of mail wantkd k u huitii aniua uisr jl iioxu vbia i u eu ciioick itullidinu tt8 ioii ualb iiuauijmuuu a co kino juiidential plperty foi ualu adooll ulloo i uui uw skd bm- tii u tlw lawn lo ule llaww nllim klsla ol tmimlf juu litll imu j u4 uii w uuj atidsa ininl i eer kllill jahmlklluitif ii i ula mt aetaa valuablk pltulkkty ioii bau hklnlwl rul in kih tu liokta uj h uuoif bsjiu elih hutui itau- ilrd md u taklst tumi inula kaftan uo pfillnetlum i j ii iuj ukls iuim alieu lmhh ilon iiitsu llhi the annual matcrt ploughmens assocutiok tim annual match of lite hsltoo 11ouh men s aswicullon mulll ba lield on tb brm of idwahl itousllli i acliolnlng il own of u ii ion on thursday 24th october 1911 see llllls for ijnlcuurs for the woman otieition is not only wh tt to e it but huio to amk it and you find the an wer in qurney oxford first m con struction a i well al convenience hrt in ficilitilb for control and rcidint u i he vivutrd ovni ihua fit tip nvjiire perfect b dviug u c ttise of if even he it distribution and in every detail the perfect construction of this chancellor range insures satisfactory cooking results another phlr c of the fpicntion is economy and we invite a visit to our rtore expressly that you in ly examine the marvell ous fuelsaving d vice tho oxford economizer gurney- ox fords arc the only stoves licensed to sell with thi i wonderful patent it need only to be set at a proper angle to hold ht at for hams without attention no fuel i wasted a saving of 30 per cent 1 i he gtaia 1 ibvenibl with strong teeth th it save accumulation of clinker and waste in point of appearance nickel trim ming bciuty of dcmgn etc- the gurney- oxford h s not a rival come to our store and find the bebt answer to the woman question a gurneyoxford stove r f johnstone agent 3vcill strget kcton the old folks find advancing years bring an increasing tendency to coiullrjatlon the correcllvo lliey need la entirely different from common bxatlvos pleasant toitake mild and painless a tablet or less at bed tlma regulator the bowels perfectly increasing doses never needed compounded ike all ho 126 nadruco pre parations by expert chemists money back if not satisfactory 35c a box if your drurilst lis not yol slacked them send 2so and we will mall ihoin national druq v chemical company of canada limited montreal 23 plat character wa impressed wa a magnificent miracle kroui that moment he was another man and a nobler w christ can save haul of taraus he can sav any one the ghrteiof id and of man uui raacl and v any sinner rnl caught the inspiration of lb i tuili or rather they caught him nd h mad th nnldeappllcalhiii loyalty lo jhriat brleig hinllfn- power- 1 o- the oul lly the gfraee of tiotl v gained a rtel sf conqueac lie provoked the peon everywllere lo love and gotul works i hnvr wearied never worri ed never truck a melaneltoly note iniul knew that all hi peine would end in m gloiloiia ini mortality he whu aide tomalllfeet by tlit glace of mod a wiindetrul hunilllt counting hlwi seir lea than uie lekt of all aainte nt at the dose of lib ba uttere the trlumphantshnul l he finished my eooree i have kept tbifallh henoe- forth there is laid up for ua a crown of rlghteouane iuv mr hrnshaw auo delivered a vry interesting end much appreciated mlldre at tli sunday school hi the afternoon luferring to hhl vhdl lo ilauada ihl tnlnntdlvlnesld 1 havo learned greatly lo ad oil re canada and it pmiple ite limit ml church lu aj vanoed tei opera no work and splendid religious activities v the effective life and the respective life ars one llrooks j n x al 3ee a tgood roof on a f neat welrcet barri perhaps you wondei what nuikca tho illndriino llm afthranca t of two narioi oe delving sheds uwik uoh ily tb nest llm jou pass f and youll seait lb roof thai make lliu dirforenoa samson ready roofing coats lass in the ant place itian many other mounts looks butler and usts for a looff lltne vou lni t need a carpentart rlut t on ijrf ft yoiirrtetr it onlytskrsj short time lo put a wealhorprtiof roof mi a fair slied building th roofing tbat arrles the smoii llrand i easily applied looks well uml gives perfect sntfefactlon ask your dealcf lo show you a sanph be satisfied ii b iiowlano sons co limited toronto rm task wssm hstl f rsusua fetuaf mrwur rsusms wsu mw toeta lles llefswks c twy the merchants bank op canada money matteqs in 111 km good iimlb all workers are earning more money llian ever itolore and all llnmnlitlul ttoople will desire to save a pan of l heir uir eanrlnjc lor fulut use 1hv muuciuhis hank ihrouahtbslrsj department can lielp you to save money because money deposited la thslr bavlns departmsnt is ftea hoai fire or any risk of loi it is not liable lo lie spout needlessly will eara money or you in interest added to your balance one dollsr will start an intmeai bearing nccounl snd your additional savings can lie sdded at any time interest added from dal ol tu poult a joint savings accounts t tiiu aimlcujlmtamk in mlillih t vaulnlrswn by either ol two persons 1 he are hold accounts and interest is paid on all halsucsn tntaj assets over m acton branch f a macleun manager 4- bank of hamilton capital pad vf a7thm0o reserve o undivided front iwuftooo total aet- f 40000000 lb nvorsk man or wottiio seldom ilovolops i bo liahli ol savlnrf until savings account lias been openetl itio possesilon olsucl an account acts us an incentive your natural dealra lo sea llie fund urow eiimturami that en lerity to tlirllt so tieceoksiy io succojut no hisllor ho lit i la you can sloid to uy ssldo irom ilio weakly wue open lhtvin aotoutu iu the llsuk ol ii ami ton okokoktawn jihanuii sb hasitrcsi4 533s public meeting or citizens hon adam beck i address public mealing of all parsons interested in hydro electric power in town 1ial1 acton monday evening 23rd october r kniur o ct oci 11m iropoul tn hdng hydro kleclvtc tower to xiatm aul tkngblxmiiur mualdpal ulas wul be jkuu1 io jiyndb otinutiu ttuna atei bargains h wall i paper i 3 jj ijoifrcpiliirwas sorac small lots at 12 price bl snaps in remnants f a t browns unqkl ir bttfiimf acton ont utmntit i tin it in thanksgiving day sinfalt i art itetwiitm ull htallntui in canada also to niugura flu uml llulfulo n vi rait hunmaud iutrlt uuh oood aotng oatones 17 sb k bo return limit novsmbsr las lait llunlcr skcturn tickets biafle fare llly unul novuibsr 11 tn to points in iomttinl point xlattawa t toiuuktonliifj uhtl himwa jue in- tlurlve nlmitulctlnllt point in ouebec new llrtmswlck suvabcotla auduain oetober 10th o novembi lui tn musknka lalen pctioung ll f v ikneuwan river lnkelleld mnduwnhlti lo lurry soimdv arle to coihiiul i indiuiv to ifoll- nton point from kovtrn lo north 4v liiuhhlv imil rtuln lnt reached by northern navliitloti lo all ticket valid for iwlurii until thnv ly dec 14th 6ieit to polntk reacbetl by t earner llncu 1 ueudiiy nov i4tlv jnll nattlculitiifulid lltknlti frum il s hofmcs agent or savhns a tl dvii opa y

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