Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1911, p. 4

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9ht ilmi 3fru ijprrss thuiwday ootoi1ku ix 1ui1 thbuihv ulde tnera a bonny side to ibe mil of iii a ltd whr ll bailee are jeep and tho in the li are bappy wuu those in lu shadow oh doo t plod alontf i thv darkaomn shade whar trouble and miriiw ku ctiiimi out coin owl end w ii h you a hand let- walk on the kite sunny aldel there are fog end telata on i be abed owd way and tba daw drop iu hit tear tbare are whispering voice end phan lorn shapes to all you with dreadful fear lint iwl in the aunllrhl the bright bird ln and ih rower aim opening wide corn join in the ft v let walk on ll winny alda 1 heleoted fehbadha b1no quktrrioh utile nephew aunlle did you narry indian f aunl why do you uk such kilty uuaetlon freddy y mtue nephew well w soma scalp on your dreaalnn table oivinaorurrbtqtheiiihibtbn a minister had just finished opening talk to the ehlulren p lory to th morning rlr when um irewtey suddenly realised with ell tb agon of a careful housewife that ah had forgotten lo tnrn off the ga from the pwn in which we nloelyeooktd joint 11 ready for a boal reheating vulona of a ruined dinner and a smoky kitchen rouaad har to runiedl ate effort and borrowing a pencil front a young loan in front aha scrib bled knou just then her husband an uahar in tha church paaaed har pew whu a murmured hurry i ah- thrust the not inio bis hand and ha with an teruall tor aore throat understanding nod turned and took the note ta th ttilntatar mr itrawuy bwwhtwly aaw the minister opwi ha nota and begin lo tend but bar expression of dismay ra fully equalled by tba uok or nimmmxtt and wrath on th rood burn a ha read tla word tio born and turn off tha thi auaihaa woman and marriage i aa much ihe ideal pro- fsselon of woman today salt ever wa of tha million of woman employed in in stores offloes factnrlaa and pro fa lona i do not think aoa in om hand rwj would haal lata oaxcbannihvr daak for a cradla and hrr typawrttar for a aawlngtnaabin if lh right man offeradtbam to hr aa a nutxtar of fact naarly all of loam do marrr arantoally andataluuea prowa that auab nwrrtasaa tha union of two paopla who hava haan aaaorlatad in bnslncaa or work tegatbar nra oftan tha hanptaat tbla la bacauaa tbay undaratand on another and do not go into matrimony with tnarrly a alight aoclal knnwladga of aacb othar to be dtovlualonad whan tba real racta of ufa praeent tbamaalraa gtopa pbyalcal culture for oc lobar otty rolks doht iiavi tfa beds tlta oouur woman ii iitr jon xiloit iiutlna an ttrtlrla tito i i houm llil itimi- lltrf lollowinu palagph kifty yaara iorly vry iiixim in nw itl city had oia or uiora umlcluura toiuy half b in hamlanlawtimt l an onuua hour lo partnlt tbelr itni lo ba tornrd i11u1 arlor fiirnllura or ptanofortva if uln alary t htain jttlin raallaail all ibla a of ootiraa no iinn who haa nut lived ii a graat rlty can realise it thy would undaratand tmtlrr juat why lhay had nut bean invited lo vlalt tonve folka it la nut baoauaa tom and bu wife wlah u alight uary and har hualiend ilia i tbay had not invited thaui to vlalt i ham in tha city but ha cauan nualtlvely ute oily coukln havr ooteiiouglt mora wkuk in their tiny apartntaol for nn mi uittrh aa a call ary ulid on ilia olher hand john and lil wife itrohemy have a grat twelve ruid iiiium in the country a ltouan whoae latch airing u known lo lm nlwmya banging out uaatar a mole eala dally aa much aatt wlghr lupll llui bow dtmm it know how mncb it weigh r internally and kxtvrnally it la jood the crowning romrty of ir tbomaa kolectria oil u that it can be ud internally for many comlalotw crou whooping rough paloa in the ctioatoouaanil tuy kindred all men la it baa curat ww ipialltlva that am un urpaaaad a ixtltla of it ooala little and there u mt loaa in alwy having it on band orookkd he umhi lo ba a straight enough young chak what made hint get crooked r trying lo make bolh end meet i believe ubb blqha taml vow lum kldjmv troabto if your back la constantly aching and if you experience dull abootlng paioa if your urine la iblck and cloudy or your paaaagea frequent aoanty or painful your kidney a or bladder are o o orde neglect quick- ly bring on rheum a c 1 e m booths iiuiiici pills protect tha child from the mirage of worm by ualng mother grevee wormkxfermlnator it la a atawjard remedy and yeara of uaa have en hancad ita raputauon hm ooumn wbujdiho with a flower l hie coat and a mirk on hie face tha old gentleman nraggered along the parade in a marry fifty year agof ha murmured ramlntecantly aa a holiday belle threw klnamlla well wll well then a oloa ballad him alio jimr it cried what are yon dow errr oalabralln my golden weddln old book replied jim greeting hla ac quaintance i well yoo took it nawaaapennyl v4owr glnvea cane all the uiffl jim grinned abeepuhly under hla mend enthuelaatla eqrutlny but why aint the wife with you aht hatl anawwradr jim aeornrully why aba a t nolhln to do with it bhe a me fourthl bago aclatlca etc booths kidney pilbi are guaranteed to relieve or your money back tbay arauwworuagrnataatapcclilc tor kidney and bladder trouble all qruggbu fioc box or poet paid from lb proprlrton the it t booth co united port krie ont kree trial on application bold and guaranteed in acton by a t brown castoria ho kind ten havo ajbrvya bbojcfat and trhtrh wn bfxn in um fbr twr jjo years has borne tho algnatoro of and htut boon modo under hla por- nal riiporvlhlon blnro ltfllnfhny allow no ono ioiimi vn you in tbla all coanterfoltrt imltailonii nnlutt4uitlmlavr hut kxportmenth that trlflo with ami enihiicci tno truu of tqnnta and cblblron rxpurlenoo ucaluxt jlxporiiuont what is castoria caammu b a hamlowi aaballlnto fbr cantor oil paro- eorlc ikrnpa and booutlnn srtipm it 1m iuajait it rontnlnn neither opium morlilna nor otlinr wiirootlo kubatanon it in lt pi arantrkv ldlrtroim womw and alluyn rovcruhnmu 1l curr lurrli uul wlml oollo itrollovoa tootblngr troulloti inil ooumiiumuoi auid sriaiulency it aaidmllatnm uio ivmhi rrxuhilo uo htomarh and owcwbvlna- hoallby and nuturux aloop tba oblldrejnn ivnaooa tla mother x riotd cenuine castoria i seats tho signature of always the kind ton have always bought in use for over 30 years i was crippled could hardly walk and had to crawl dou i klairs at ime on my ham and lenecs my doctor told tnc i had an acute attack ol inflammatory rhcumatiun i was in the hmpttal tax wecki but was acarccly able to walk when i left it i red about dr mile n bparkle tuacher tommy do you know lu itil ll uul llowy it r tunny i only bimw u iliilli bought a hot tic and began to get better ffwn thr uart an j for the past uk months i have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk at well a ever i ii sanuiks p o boj rockaway n j jew rnctltcuics arc ol any benefit or irheumitunf but mr sander tell plainly what qr milev uk- uorativc nervine did for it one ounce of salicylate of soda-add- to one bottle of nervine makes an ex ccllcnt remedy for rheumatism which is now known to he a ncrv ous disease and therefore lubjcct to the influence of a medicine that acta through the nerves as docs of mllcft nervine sufferers from rheumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of dr mites nervine with salicylate of soda sold ua4ar a ouarente ihat aaaurae thataturmdftkeimic of the tiitt botlu h it talla lo banaltt at all untaalata uilkq mbuicau co- vanhita can- suffered from her heart could not stand hard work ura harry smith 31 i jib to an llranlfonl out wiile i hveuft- lerad with my heart a araat tteal and coukl not ataml any hard arork 1 waa doctonnr whh the iootor and be told me i had to aloji doing anything hut however a fnend told roe alxhit your uuhura heart and nerve 1mu ao 1 got a box and inad thnm i had in take eavera boxqa before i folt any itonerit but after doing ao 1 found they were beginning to help me ao i continued their uae and am now in a nontlon to do all ray own work which i alt i would have to gve up uhurna heart and nerve 1mu are a apeofic for all weak run tlown women whether troubled with thetr heart or nervem and if you will only give them a trud we can aawure you that they will have the deatred effect rifwaocperhoorshaxeaforll 2s lor male at all dealer or mailed diieo onnawaptof pncahythet hdbumca vnited toronto oal castoria ttar lafiata and children th km ym han ahrm bnrjrt bear the ftlgnatnjeof 1 he woman who iwllwrulr- la ut a ring on hie bd l- w i h u t 4he dotir ho it now uordar u dltiel ivo apitaratua ahould be do it with al uncn liefora cotiiillcatlm arln that may be dinicult to cpe with the ureal knuindy to tlila rtml and one that la within rach of all la ivrmnleea vegaubu ruu tlm liaot laatlve ami aedatlvn on the niarkat 141 not dnlay hnl try tbam now one trial will run vlnoe anyone that ihry arc the boat lomach regulator that can ihi got uee uialrhlldren be taught nol only ihn lalmir llf ihn nartb hut the lovall nnaa of it children ory for fletchers o a3to r yv homeliow or other utoal men who marry hmimatte prefer btondea and vice vcirea the iseal uver 1ill a turpld llvr nieana a dlaordenxl uyalem mental daprnaaloti laaaltuda and in the ood if care be not lakena chronic elate of liability the very medicine to erouao thr liver to healthy action hi fcnurm leea vegetable wlla thay are com pounded of purely vegetable aubatancea of careful aftlecllon and no other pill have their una lualltlea they do not gripe or pain and thay am agreeable to tlm moat mnltve to ma tit i where lh ire a will there a a w ding the loeat way round u the aw aat way bdulr if una u irtiulded with mirix and waru be will qnd in hollowy a jom cum an application i hat will entirely mllnvn burfnrln hmu nuh in wham angela tear to tmad itut alirehi can uaa their wlngtt children ory for fletchers o a tlm wont of being a fool u thai x peltottlti j of ho uaa happy la the mall whoan railing 1 great and aplrlt huinbui 111 ial ny mi i lttl larei iii 1 alhar wnu utile lamoon i tok a walk through lh rfiinatnry tntlay and read lh lnkrrjpllona on lite lonilwlonea ilia rather and what were- yir thoughta after you had done uir ijltla clarence why pa i won larel wham all the wlnkd iopla were burled i in ud wa lou l hvn in clilua aaldoawald it muat ih awfully lire aoine ui have it dark all day alxl the un bhlnlng at nigh i sweltarlutf liuaau on railroad lrai tliu window llcka m i rant tt it up i ondurtor yex wood la wollan a little hyva ll ll lx all tlflil in a fi wdaya a suiry lu tol 1 of a man who wai walking lijoa railroad wllli a rrli iw who waa vary bard of hnarlng a train waa approach in k and aa tin train rounded ilia curve tha whistle gava ono of thoan ahrlaka whloli aeein lo pierce high baaveo a amlla broke ixnr the deaf luuii man aald he that j tlm flral robin ive heard thu spring h kiral hmall liny wed bntinr u govd smd small hoy why krat hmall uy i heard docuir tell motliar lo takn plenty of exerclaa operations avoided by lydla e plnkhnmi vegetable compound iuiuiw ow wuiout i ll k ilnkum v uull mx til i wfiuki not b li wak toulid with headache wom ovtr tin vkaii dr told him te try burdoek blood bitters ur henry hi rot duma baak writea roe over tea yeara i have lieen tioulded with headachea every morning accom- tanmtl by an acidity or hitler tatte in the mouth thinking the cauao of it waa ihe loogreal use of smoking tobacco 1 have quit the pine for two month but it waa alwaye if mi kama i went lo the doctor and lie told ma to try eome of your iturdock iuood ihllcra i got a bottle and found quite a relief iore 1 hail done wth tt i then lougbt anothnr one and uaed it all now i can aay that x an mrfectly cured i uaed lo 1m without appetite especially in the momiiig and now i feci a good aa a new man i cannot too highly recomntend llurdock luood lilt t a to all peraona uffering from lieadachea and tour aloniach ltunlocl luood hitter u manufaelured only hy 1 li t uiluura co limited toronto ont induarmv ah jtaaiatt trlfllna aatlnna affa ft man cred the aonnd of your hammer at five li the morning or ulna at night beard by a creditor make hlra eaay els month longer bsnj ami n franklin according to government estimates 100000000 was made in western town property during the year 1909 tobv is your day 1 think i oould succeed aa well now aa in the paal ll ueemw to lite that ibeoondllloumof today are even mote favorable to eucoeee than when i waa a hoy john wana maker a woidebfol discovery an eminent acleatut tba other day gave hla opinion that the moat won derful discovery or recent yearn area tha discovery or eamuuk juit think aa won aa a alogle thin layer of zam dak la applied to a wound or a aore auch injury la insured agalnat blood poison not one specie of microbe baa been found that zanvbuk does not kill then again aa noon as sam duk applied to a aore or a cut or to akin disease it stop the smarting that la why chlldrofc re stfeh menon of earn buk they care nothing for the aclence of the thing all they know t that zamduk atop their pain mother ahould never forget thla again aa noon an eamuuk is ap plied to wound or to a diseased part the cells beneath the aklna for- faoe are so stimulated that new healthy issue is quickly formed thu forming of fresh healthy tissue eons alew is lambuk a aeoret of healing the tlaaae thus formed is worked up lo tho surface and literally easts off tho dueaied tissue above it this la why amihik curfca are permanent only the other day ur marsh or 101 delortmlor ave uontreal called upoa the sambuk company and told them that for over twentyore rears ba had bean a martyr to ecsem nia bands were at one time ao covered with eores that he had to sleep in gloves pour years ago bmbuk was introdhoed to blm tod in a few months it cored him todayover three years after his cure of a dlsomae he had for twenty five year he is still cured and has bad no trace of ny return of the reumal all druggist sell jeatnboh at 50c box or wo will send free trial box if yon send this advertisement and 4 lo stamp to py return postage ah dx baur-dak- ock tutoouk 1d you 1artlcilath in tliewr hugk profits or did you pigeon halo the tirepesltlans kiibmltted to you by your won lorn ffieudmior future uonhldcrallon in short me you the man whn made a profit or the unfnrtunato tmo who had the chance but did not possetm uhieal juilgmonf to retngnlsc the opkrtuntty or sufficient coutage to close a deal tho man or woman entitled ten to path y u tha one who says five or ten yearn years ago i bad a chance to bay thla ur that imparty at 9lou or 3oo and now it la worth ionoo the averagu person kneoru at the person who makes such a statement anil says i would have bought and made that money arc you going to any five yeara from bow that you had a chance lo buy a lot at 1oa jmtk at from a to loo each or are you going lo be the man wlm will have from si 000 to si 0000 inaah aa a result of having imvirlit property in thu town la thth year of grace toil poe a coming cannerctal centre lok ik loealnl on the mala una of the grand trunk ivclfic hallway between edmonton and luaskatonn it is i oca tail lu ntiw thekurruund larmota ami con to tiecome the market centre far northern albert pok district iotea rich coal miaea u close lo rlvars and lakeu and large forests am easily accessible from tbia point tbeso natural teaources insure for the residents ui the town first low cost of living and second great commercial activity two esheii tiala in the upbuilding ol 1 lo nauwsv uetweeu imimonion ana tuuutatonn 11 is of the finest farming district in western vanvla ing country la sullied by a progressive type ol l arm miently will tiecome the market centre far nor 1 town thus creatlat valuahla real pog aa a maauraclurint centre thu townalte and contiguous territory han the rupilreniunlu uutllned by large maau fact u ring concerns fur th location of large factories or urge enterprise of any kind employing large numhera people tha rivers and ukes furnish water the coal field and forests furnish uel and cheap build lag material the fine farming lands furnish farm products enabling the resident to live at a low cost the town u located on the main line of transcontinental railway assuring the necessary transportation fncllitw these combined condition will furnish cheap labor one nf the most important feature- of a manufacturing centre t iol towuulto mai roct nil puud mi tlm uiarlct ami already i lro or aoft lota have limn uli uaj muny of tin hill huvo ulrouid rhiined hnmlu ut nhiibmaiillnl increjuto in piic moht if iho ji totuxsore purchased by leiuctjihtnuve hublncm inou thro ighoul ioiuiltt who ura now prolitlug l thlr foreiilit tho tnwilsllc ihirporib 1 high ami dry and very 1 ultnlilo for buililinif opportunity ihuleaa uutck you wwomttji the couragu to act von might wt uieat uisthim you might read a good deal or travel much a thtia keu nil klniln of opportunities to nuike money hul unlcv yoil have the courtire to tt uculmlutniklltlou a 1 your judgmeut and wisdom all of the entirely uweles i nl in lofci are a frood invekttnenrnt present pnen lite- town is bound to grow rapidly owinjr to the euoy term of ivaymeut you have the willy to buy and if you 1l11 not buv now it is hecaumi you era lacking lu courage mid the chance are you will never imi ilka tin mmi you now udmlie utohl rich touru genu and wlue torrens title iok tiiwiuitci ik hld by us umlr the lorroni ysum of title uller till syutem the titui 1 guaruiltcdl by the tovurn inviit thcrefnra atmwalutely hate prices and terras lfkei of loin rune from w to tion uicli and tliuy call tie piirclmked on tantiuotune tenth rahh iwtatilit in elhleen vpial monthly paynionu or miar or cauli liulauci in lx twelve anil alghteeu menth inforraatioa we have issued an attractive circular givtig full fn fit una hon partaltiiii lo the town and it prospects together with map showing lou for kile if you wish to receive thu ultrmllvo circular cut nt and fill ip the attach wl coupon and mall it to u lo diiy a fool and hu 1 vlad soon inar makls hair grow h j hasaanl hav an invlguralor that will grow hair or money hack the lime lo take ram of your hair is li 1 you have hair lo lake care of if your hair is getting thin gredu ally falling out tt cannot tie long before the ttt appear the greatest remedy to slop the hair rmm falling la haiaia tlin oreat american hair grower first dls- erad in kngund maivia fur nish nourubuient lo the hair roots nd acta so quickly that leiple are maaed and remember it doalroya tha dand uff grui ilia llltle i vest that sap the life ihat should go to the hair from the roots halvlauxitd hy 1 j liaaaard under a mialtlv guarantee to cum landrult slop falling hair and itching scalp in tan day or money hack a large bottle coats 0c the word saiivia utln ror aage i on every txillle omii ipolntkrs if your pocket book la empty read tha thirtyseventh iwm if people eeeoi unkind read the fifteenth chapter of ht john if you are all out of sort read tha twelfth chapter of ifewbrew was troubled with sour stomach and biliousness uum head olary campbell lord ont write- 1 was troubled with aour stomach ami itiliousnea tor two yea tind could get no relief until i i nod uillums lux uver imi 1 had only taken litem a short time wlwn i frit itle anowpcraoo and how i can recrumnend diem to all aufforeia then are very few people whn han never suffered froi i auwir attutisch or hdiouunc ui hub to th owi 1io sie aa can highly recornmend our milhum i ax a i4xer imbtr a they are a spnciric for lliej nol dangerous tint very uiiplftasant camplsinla the pneo of milburna lxe 1j lsui u per il or 5 ial for si 00 at nil donlcru or rosllwl direct on receipt of price hy ihel milbura co limited toronto ont i hail painful ao1 ir regular periods art i innammatidii of ttvauterua 1 fut f nil uinwyr and llwrtight fit n of death 1 run suited twotbx u is who rould do nothing fr 1 went to a ttohl hal ami th bill tlor tor aawl 1 must rr auhmlt t an ier alion because i hd a lurux i v nt back bom much discouragtd oiin or my cousins advised ma to tuuu ur tomtouiwl aa it had rurl in r i ilul ao and soon rominnfl to ful it r and my mi pulun came hark willi 11 ftratbolth now i fl no t aln an i am cured your rmly dm rving of praise u r r mm cwattl valfeyflahl 111 llariver qualiec aaothsr oparwtloai avoided lmighueepslc n y 1 run a sowing machine in a large factory and got all rundown i had to give up work for 1 rould not staiwl tha pain in my hark the tloctor saiil i naadeil an operation for womb trouble but lydla r 1ink bam s vegetable ximpound did mom for m tlian the dorlor uil 1 have gained five pound i hop lliatnvnry one who i suffering from femalu trouble nervousness and barkaclui will take the compound 1 own my thank tomr linkham sh is the working girl s friend for health ntl all women who suffer ahould writ to hrarul take heradvtre mian till it lljjjtk 3jaylilloughkeepsie n y thirty y r of unparalleu uio s ronflrms lh kiwor of i ydla e link ham a vegetable compound to cum fi male dim as n pasenasr train ii wu la ll a tin si mh ta buffalo niagara falls toronto rjnanae in bjeevlo leamar laale loiulu n sm aoup w 3l3f ilbjiitnrs aiflve tomnlo to n 3pm hi p h p m hcton 1 lirougb indiscretion lu eating green fruit in summer many children become iiubject in cholera morbus caused hy irritating aside that act violently on the lining of the intestine tain and dangerous purging ensue and the delicate system of the child suffers under hi drain in such cases the el and surest medicine is dr j ii kellogg dysentery cordial it will check the inltaiuiuatlon and save the child life nkaxrly out 1 loctillonlet strike for your altrr udyour flro1 htrlkal till the last armed fe fan datj two strike mister one more an yer out diarrhoea dysentery summer complaint and all bowel troubles at curmblo by th um of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry this stebxhto bkmedy has t1ekh on the makkkt oft 0veu 65 yealls ahd has yht to pail to 10 what wk claw for it if an uiuumipulmii druytut or do tie 1 eaya- thi u just aa good or better just aay dive me dr rnwlara i know what 1 want tthon i ask or it and give me what t auk for the pneft is is cent per ltottle bee that tltn name llie t ullhum co ijinlled toronto ont appear on th lahle a we are the msntifnoluter and ol proprietor of this raiiiedy iji v sbix jl bus uwg the unlrrl respactlally tollcils ihe pallonsk of iba peb lie an i informs ilicm thit weil a comfuliku bus meets all trains lietween luooam end 610 p m csieful anemion lvaa lo evry or lr ibe wants of com mercijllveltss fully rmi john anulik7uts fmonisyon paper makers okoitakto ik at ont hook nbws and oioitli ialkils ino ilhaubbit evertonb eden mills iaformuttioa copos omiiwsm iwiu a view t ear v eratsuoa wtut map i sad rle list sad blla veutanmh walchjlaadco lands town31tes and investments winnipeg nohheirn cfoen bsofc bu canada warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horschidc call or buckskin sheep or muleakin be certain to specify storeys in no oilier way will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wnsk and uned kind shown below warranted senuine horaelude waterproof and fireproof jl thing for warmth and comfort r sold at ajl stores every milt la lagged storeya insist on storeys w h storfiy son limited acton ontario conscientious plumbing s heating is isiot k jurvth jltflth us to tin contiarj wo injko it the mobt import int filor so if you favor us with your p iionajl jou will enthususlicallv endorse us 1 he best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale a lowest prices our own make chopping dona and oat kollid daily fund for sjig cash for wheat and oats henry hortop w00deaiciravint4 dhototncravln halftones on sy class of o mmcmws pura5iaial0ux5iwiraho src 3sssltsa fred smith plumber quchec st gukuii phone 337 patents i promptly secured willet hap aad new ya are awladisd ba4turaa sketta or a nlewtla- pinion ayia wblhci clanlelil refxt 1 en kikkmlwlly m cenlurl iillv c j ih iw i ofncs sail tt sshlnalqai thlsquslibsiulohaasasi h ur ihr iwtofnres in hoatrtal lutlopnaiwv mrnia sosll hst rtftrseom n at kea iroua3 1 lalanli roru 1 ti high station at rlau leoslvvspaclal aatke wllunut caarl ittvrr lua newmpapct llallbutr4 ibnaifl marion t4arion patent c a pert unid selloltara 1 1 1

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