Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1911, p. 3

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headquakiers wcddiny and birthday presents solid silver f and loo s jtlch cut u iferry tlovdti iijjira and fm7 linger silverware ill7 dam painted china wedding kidrb marriaou uoen8bb lbatjko tco jiynds acton oktahio torohto ohtxrio u nantnlmd aa tlajwl a i halt claaa tnm dial haboel tb ipmiuatlua la abaulnialy anljaaa wilt loiuv lor oua uuluw knletv keal estate money to loau at lowrtit rata of latere lam unittbr of farau for vain fbeap uwolllnjpt ami other property in all porta of the town we have every facility tor trankactlnjconrtmimtunkt to jour complete aatlufartlon j a- wiuloiscubv icorgrtowh tjljis rkttort fvtz rcss thuithday o0to1i1u li 1111 brief local itcms krln pair to morrow mood weelherfor felia till week the bowling green haw at laat teen deeerted ltockwood 1 air txt wtdnroday 18lb inet llrlght autumn le are fclmng down ttnlaalee from tha treea in the orchard now ml apptre he in pile like jewel gleaming no other month can rival october bright blue wmlhirwhfii llt fine the ratdi in hit vicinity wr- never better at ihla lltno of lh ynar tho chratiiutm era falling their eallii burro without a wtund ir warning iu j h irfwheed returned tulealonary from china addreaaad a meeting in knox ohurch lat evening provincial sunday school worker rueetin forty alxlh nnul cnnventlnn elllrockvllleont october klail lull dickeona enrvey above i ho g t it u booming thin yuar hevaral new houeee h imeit hllllt there ihu eu miner the annua theiikaglvlng enter tainment of the knux fjhurch iadi aid will be given e mi thanlca- giving night mr nnuon iamliert of kriu lu nmnvtd to town and ukro op hi reeldenceln kir kltnhlngu bungalow on main hlraot- twelve care of i turn lima cement ahd etnnn warn mmahed into kindling in a railway accident at llrampton on friday morning ral tint woman mualonery society in the afalhodlet uhurch yesterday aftaruooit twenty three new member werevecalvod thara ere u5i boy- atwl lct b in attandancv at lha o a u and mo- bonald ihntttutr utialnh tl larttxl intha inalllullnna hutnry tharalnahavaai ralhrr bnd on the fall falrx hut they hnv- lk tine for tha land which waa bo injurluujy drlad out during lh tiiiiniitr tha uldaona tha jhrullan cttk nierclal trawolltirw aaoclnl ion of oanada ha puawl 4u ijill in lha bedrooma of th- hntalu of uutilph ulu ditrothy nlm flaked a oouilaor hraiichaa of rnnbcrry waliaa on saturday at umohouwa nllinl with qluatenof rlpr wall devaluum i w trie mr ak nlcklln baa kindly handed tha ikhku lhtlcmh coplnt ttf haakatoon llluatralad ruipara allot in tr iba marvali louabrowlb onhu jhirrrulnov m elty mr kltora artonl lha workman who loat hla right ye at tha tannery laatwack haa rattirnml frtim the bo- pltal ttia wound a nalnrul liut bn u hla to ba abouu atraat oommlaalonr llarvey having all ilia dltnliaa and water oouraaa oloanod out in vlw xf tha fraaup which u auia to come aoma- uma batwwio now ajulchriatma news uf local import atauotanlaati lnuhw naat bunrtay uv cluia i iraitr liaa irtivallml uhn i to h h ilrnaliaw or itwd ktiftland ona of th druflatkh to lh kc u ti tunic onofarancr in mii l- tonmto u occupy thn xdnlt of thr mrtboilut church mil sunday tnorn- log and evening h mr llanabaw laairaldnt of tha primitive uatho- lut confvranca of ko gland and la unn itf tha dwla4aa of outatandtng abil ity and nohilarlty at tha lcumnlca jonfarance i lor oa owtltrnw j natamcjraan la rivlnff hlmaalf i ba qultti an iffliiani nlttcrr ha la idxmvorlng to ke4p tba atrwita t-lrar- i of critwda congragatlng nn lha cor- nr and on kturday nlgbt ahownd ba maana itualnaaa when ha lockrd up a rltlaan who rruawd to uiovn on lan irdard in do an ha rnlraatl n an hur aftrrwanl lla haa alao urwl tli naiina of aavaral hlcynllata o bavo txan riding on tha aldnwalk d will roux-ul- tham for tba halt olfnnra llurllngton caaalla a crlmlnaj ottaooai i tu aunlolal alaclnclan roporta hat curtain rnlachlevuua or criminally uclinnd boya hava hnan ajiiaahlug ntactrlo alraat lamita in town lataly a la hi pa warn amaahnl hi main and church sir la tba paal weak ho carclraa were tha hoy a n firing alonna at lha lamp at tha cofuut of church d wilbur htrwla that ona or lha alonna want through tha acraen door sjr jotaph uccluraa raaldanco offlcar llarvay la af lar lha culphla an iflheyam inlarceptad thay will car- luly apend a tlm in the calle kora ruonui paat tba hamilton i-ay- rthn i xllaalonary oommlltaa haa baan in coopaiallnn with lha ujitiin xltaalonary aaaoclatlon if canada laying tlana for a groat convention of man to h bald in that city thn acond waek in novembar tha htb uth and 10th tha hamilton convention am- liracaa counllea and la one of a doa- mi 1o bo hald throughout tha loiln- lon kir andrew f raaar jjaut lov- urnor of itangal india will ba ona of aavaral groat paakara who d- droaa tha ooovaotlon umui ot win ortppaj tha hauk kxpraaa aaya oe of tha beat known and highly oa teen tad farmrra in waal algoma in the paraoti or william flhppa dld vary auddcnly lulila home in kaat knrah on monday morning mr jhppa had iaan in kttir haalth lor aavaral weaka but waa not thought to ba aarloualy iii and on the two hundaya proceeding hla death haj comluclad tha arrvlcaa in htaellon haitlat church of which he wan a laaxbn on kha morning of hi llitath mr crlppa aroaa aa uaual and aa ha aatdown to breakfaat took a fainting fcpall and paaaad away immedlataly without iwgalalng ettnainuanaaa laenaard raniovad from anton to uatilt hla mario about flftean ynara ago fclra irlpiia la a daughter nf tba lata itov it- ii cook acton tbraa aona and two daughtara anrvlva mra crlppa la laft in vary coaifnrtabla c i rcu ni atanoee baak lrmn atatakawi auaun mr and ura martin llawlor return- ad from auatln iwn on kriday hla hmthar haa auatalnad a compound frnfura of lht right leg in hla night for life ami to aava hla hahy imy and wa painfully brolwd but tba itahy amnpad any aarloua injury mr iaw- lor ucooedhl in finding tha itody of hla hntlhora wlr among lha dehrla aflar tha himki had auhaldnd hut lha rvuimloaof ibedaugbtar warn not dla covarad thn acanra of lha atrlrkau town are moat harrowing tndead nrarly all lha bualuaaa plao honiaa churchea public building ah a da treca and all other adjunct of a town of ikmmt pomlatlon wara a i moat abaoluta ly wiped oul of the r5 paraona who loat their llvaa in tha hood lha bod lea r only about 40 hava been racoverad mrxawlur hrougnllioma with him a aarlaa or ntaraallng vlewe llkiatrallng the ruin and davaatatlon from n timer- oua polnbi or view ha aaya tba aoanaa at auatln tare the tnoat boatt rending in hla experience ttaa xaaabaav inaututa tffa ninety taaohara of tha county will aaaemhle in acton neat thureday rnlng forther anriual pin proceeding will open at 10 oclock with mr george pitta korval praaldant in tha cltalr tba war hald hr aehgrove methodut ohorob ikat sunday iter it it llttlay nr trafalgar preached very acceptable aermone morning and even ing jfi automobile ran over and killed tba farm dog nf mr lto1art handaraon fifth line a couple of weaka ago mr henderson informa tba pkk ikhu ha would not have accept ad- 1100 for the ook mtw j ohap0nanauiovtnp thla weak to toronto where ha intend arotna into bualntna tha removal of p tjb fro acton u vorj tanoh regrailed thay wore ataainad cl titan a tba aevantaanth annual oouveollon of tha w h 8 or lha methodut oburah for guelphdutrlct waa held in tha dublin st methodut church nu tnatdnt mr a t ilrawn and mra jauaa moors were delegate front oton wa andaraund that mr j w wullanir of brampton haa piircbaaad tba building- formerly occupied aa a aboo faotoryjij winn co and will njowlnto it at once an that in a few weak it will iw again running aa a boo factory mil mil lleformer magutretaa and ufttqlala through out tha county have tiean nnllflod to oaa their authority to prevent lha public from walklug im the railway tnwka owing to a great number killed or badly injured through tide cauee tb flna or walking on tha track la gia tb regular meeting of thewomana xnautute will ba held in lha council chamber tomorrow afternoon at tlm oclock tha mealing will he in charge of the young ladle of tha inelltute all member will pleaao bring two of thalr beat roolplaa ami band tu ercm tary with two moro faolorlre oomlng lo town an lnorn in the water supply of the town with three iwiok yarde working l their full capacity with the eoraw factory ateadlly grow log in ory direction and unaurpaaaed ahlpolog faellltlm and a boat of other hldgl0o uhton b practical character the auhjecta being pedagogical with a view ut mutual profit tba teaehera who will intro duce auhjecta and load dlaeuaalona are mlaaea m ilanuett k m kyan b k ilumphrtee il clark k llrown k jonea calvert allen k ltobartaon k m lyona c uradlay il tbompaon k langan n k hunter h hume m a while uarriaon young utile jv notroeeandmeara ajthuia w ii htewart j m denyea h a d krmlih ba js deacon isi and it k sanderaon k f beaton ik juuiuvuuum collaglata and dr haiiieon of the government an nuitize depakmant are tha oulalde ipeatera whowlll lake part thuraday avenlng aaaelon will have a popular programme with mualcal numbera intaraparalngtheaddraaaea allfilrnda of education am cordially invllad lo attend the acaalona of the convention and aclinol irualaee are reqlieated to join iavum dlecuaalui social and personal ihuunnlof hal of v-i- j c wiliuiii lorilulo i tlr old will tailing hlll oy form r ft limit uv that ilay at tf 1 i and ml- kraaor or iiialf aoutlt fruiula and mi klleu rapnr kmiut tura- tiulral limrnrii at toronto ml- w toronto w over honda mra jamee havtn huwrt of hamilton guia of arlon rrlauvea and mr j k mrunnll gt laat wink from lblr trip to hurofe ulllou ltrormer mrt atcli mcplmraou whoa bu bal id dlml laal wvtk u nivv itnraflf rlnoaly hi from typhoid fivr mr and mr lvuk william of ilrampton wnni guitata at mr jnarph olmra llwer avkiiic ovrhunda mr and mr john ihotnaa returned at wmk tnlsri itrlluh jdohoua thy will make tblr hmm hi onuho again an imk titumod homo mi tnoaday aftnr attending thn funeral of hla brother in law urn tale william irlpp of lha houlhem printing co tortmto and mra uu and imih ware gueata at knox church iiiiiiai tbuwwk fred warren r tlin htorm iiartmnt of tha colon pacific lull road at hoatrlce nob hi vultlng hla tonal n mr jemre i warran i hendaranu sj i baa been buffering from a unwr mid alnt halurday and haa len ronnol to tin houaa bul waa f filling balltir yoatri lay tha engagement u announml nf jua joan algonlav coike aroud daughlar of tin lata llnv cnorga ilrttga cimiki acton to lh llnv ltlcbar1 angtuln walton korde or itndoti kngland mr and mr 11 t il or ho tyndall av toronto announro th- eugagmeul of their datightnr lleaaln ul to norman cillett of gualpli the wedding will take place ijulntly saturday october uth lcnox ohurh covununlan bai iluia owing to wet weather on friday evening luv mr fae of waurloo advlaad not to come foe tha pre paratory aervlce hev mr wllaon ilf conducted the aervlco tlin aacramental aervlia on hunday ware btrgaly atlandud il own aw soajtoul on haturday afternoon mr wluum walker painter had the mlafortuno tk fall with a acaftold at a new hou- ha waa painting on tha tenlb llnr kaquealng no bone were itrokno but baauatalnod a vory ialnfii ahak- ing up and haa beau coutlnrd lo ihn houae aiucr loeal opuoa rw itorttn tlta iocal option organlaallon in llerlln u in good handa already the petition for lha auhmiaalon or tha hy- uw haa upon it more than the legal 22 per cent of tha aleolore a mater ial feature of tlta campaign la tba in ternet being taken by many german nitlaou tterlln i a alrong labor town and tha latxir leadera know what an enemy the lutrroom la to thn working inati tlin manufacture re aluo are itecomlng convlnoed that ical option would lie a great benefit to them thn campaign tir ical opuon in derllu tbla year will lie of inealeulabla valua and thrra ato atrong homa for uuocam inoneer y uta a vary largely attendod mealing waa held at ihn luptlal church oh monday evening lo hid farewell to deacon w j and mra chapman deaoon jairnaa melntoah oocuplad the chair after a abort programme of muali including aoloe by mra luv uurrell and mr leonard wordenand numbera by tba male quartette deacon jameali warran preaenled an eddrete to mr chapman in which church and lllble uohool joined in axpreaalug tba deep eenee of loaa they would an lain in hli departure from acton hlmltar oxpreaalon of grief wen olcad in an addraaa from that isdlna lntofcrraraaufaa xm andlllaawcirci baveral addreaaea were dellvarad i eluding a atrongly appreclallvo oua by rev mr durrell allowing how keenly the congregation felt tli of thee two good worker light refreahluenut were aorved kfler which the people crowded around mr and mra chapman binding good bye and w letting them liapplnoaa in tlialr bawhoota eaoo hmvard oo eel tbuaapm will ba dwal ia ii t il i at tim i j alee to wsra iaall uer la tba ealr taadieal inuntll uoaal dmeaaa rwelraa a eoaautauoaal taeet hallaoatanctoar utahao letaraall eotioa- dlraeu apoa tba bkted and aiaaoua ant- raoa of ui ala iberabv mtraita h iduadauob the dkaae andalvlna b mliaat blreoatb be up ute aobautalloa aad aauuaa aatara la dalaa lu vat tb yribiar laloi ia tu aaraumarv cuned of cohstipatoh mrw arklrowo nrcueo dt audr moo morme imlu moot pmia mr george andrews of halllax n s writes for many years i have leen troubled whb chronic const i pa i ton thla all meat never cornea injtlchandl and 1 have been a viclhntotbemony tlbtesaes tliat contivitlon itrlnra in lt tialn letlicine nflcr medicine i have taken in order to find relief but one and all left me in tlie same holeaa condition it earned lltat nothing would expel from me lite one ailment liut caused an much ool pilht that an hatred t or i was an tiiiirsscd lucky day for me wiih tlw ataie- hkntu node titit 1 determtaed lo rive llifiu n fair trial they have regulated my atoamch and bawela 1 am cured ef ceaatlptlloa find i claim thay have no equal aa a meal- tine tor ove half a cenlury dr moraea imlbn root pllla have iwen curing ccti- tlpatloa and ekigged inactive kuncym with all tha ailnwata which reetdt from ihem tliey clennae llie whole eyateca und imuifv ile blood sold everywhere bjauiodul mlaaoobairy deky the aeioud sunday in nuwmw will iw uiiwixiarr day hi acton methodut linnl mr wg wa toon her rotary tonutio tlenaral truh ttrporallon kuihrliilaiiddnl lltn mtroat hunday schhl and mr h ii mikro huterin- tondaut ir north iakdaio hunday heboid will aildrva the congregation and hunday kcikhii tliay are butb earnaiworkra in the uywcnt mu- oary movtimetil knd ale uioal auc- ctalii sunday hchool men tnloa muara mot blooar cnaauura complalrtta have boon mad a lately that freight train have the habit iif bhkktng mill htraet again on wed naaday evening of laat week during ilia u a train la alleged to bavo blocked hi i rnwalng fiur miin than ten mlnutoa tlia clllaana wait ing to cnuca on both aldoa of the train were drenched ty naiurally felt wralhy and thnratanad u take legal proceeding it i 1iohh1 aurb in rmluro will ba unnace iwfe right house hamiltons fa voiite shopping plac an llatnft purchaied lha bounas carried on by c a i hack 1 beg in kntwapoi i hat i will airy a loll ilea of all the ithst machines kill lllhl alu chi am kiaif atoi1 iumji ih- uathkiai mlc ami thai will make tha pka u low an poau4e lor a good ankle tt block in motne bnaa helar tbaavy i will for tlw mi two iteajta eaaka tumn tutuialttcaali lluyeia wiicl i uxch am1 viovhi at mm b f caldwell succaaaor to g a dlack miu street acton onl baik of hiiliuon haci omc hamilton cnitai rii uk htbcmjco raaraiuddlvldl rvodta abopoo tujawu 4aotkm0 llie llov of lentil imi invlie vluc accuunla and ban buntioalnl all undue fornuliile both in lite opcnlne ul auch account end in the nuking ul uiiltuiieml a charioted tkank it tlte kajkal plao or llui wla kaefung ul lha lurwl yuu wull lo accumuule lor old ago ut tnalapfoviiui loruokeen aaada inietfal itj on ovjhii t cl ti ooatml upwatut ok01tuk10v jtltanoll w n matloy maaaav a gumeyoxfonl is as prompt as young appetites taere u bm deleyi the ehttdrea nerer have lo wait or aeala when yoa aaro a ciraeyoaford la ike kitchen with ihu reae dtaoev u h tba dot your ore la ebeolotely reliable the beat raiwlatad and eea- irouad by aa eeolnalva do v toe tba woei- derlulilttu oxford economizer thu pateat daasper aaabufl yea eo forjet the bra ualll the boar to mart dinner and thaw uuf of eeal di aatt uhyoet 30xvodae4 tuaaai vow uua laaa aaavnfiord iorlhu little refejator another adnate4a la la ira aph- did ovaai faetutlee no aaora ao4y on uverdoao bakiai the ai beat la ooalrolted bbhi aldnl aqaajly over root heck aad ekto by aaeu of the divided flub strip tfc- itawmlua o- the bnow tae w i aofajaa a4 wo tbteaad otkare at laa owl aaa r f johnstone acton solb rcbrvt webeg to announce complete re abln ess with warm garments knit to fit men womn girls and boys underwear sweater coats hosiery socks knlf qlovcs aviation caps mufllcrs knit underskirts etc fsiikrcatct stock of knit goods within a days ride of acton 1- now gathered at ylrii rrolll ilousii the hamilton itorc which lor years has heen the undkiiwkak and hosiery headquarter for every disccriiing man and woman for milcb around no grcalcr assortment of different makers best products is carried anywhere in cimda glance at tins partial list swiss penmans tornbulls morfcys slanfklds lord and taylors zimmerman woolscy etc in the under wear lines alone so husmetbmaiiagerar acton homcf whenever the boyb the girls the head of the house or you yourself need any warm knit goods and the need is a constant one in every home come straight to tin rlullt house where prices are lowest qualities highest service quickest and both price and quality guaranteed i hats the lest of any store will it warrant its hosiery and underwear to iivc satisfactory wear the rifht house stands squarely behind its great stocks or thousands of dollars worth of knit goods of all kinds all the time i railroad fares refunded tea room in basement thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sts hamilton ont- xja otoaob ilaua caianta poeiue eere no bbawb lo uw ly ualarcb bale a eoaauta- uii 3ii2 oae lluadnd kollah lor ani loll oriiai addraae v j oiikumv co toledo o mjllt kuuautiribb rannad woman tha worwover uae it kvary woman know there la notb ing ao good for hair and acalp trouble aa iarlalaihhage if lrlln bage la uaod two or three time g week it will keep the acalp nice and clean and move dandruff it makee the hair luatroua and fluffy and keepe it from railing nut we urge every woman who htvea radiant and faaclnallng italr to go lo a t llrown today and got a largo co cent bottle of patlalall hage lie gtiaraitteea it to cure dandruff falling hair and itching aca or mo back ktoory plowa and plow repair may be bad from w j cordon lh harneaa maker eolo agent for title dutrlou avfjsinetaa hold allaoaouuu now due and liiiutrdl ate payment ekpeoled title appllee to email and large alike and alhtw ma at the aaioe time o thank yuii nil furlileral mtrmiige during my ihreo yoarelu acton qa dcauk i l jigggtetipqutan bank head office toronto out cavpllad pda up heoarea kvuad undivided rvofllat e farmers buainess recelvea every aiteallun advanaea tnade lo reapnnaible urtner iialo nolea ducnunlod or eollocled i hank no lea in convenient form auppllad without charge savings department ihpodia ol one dollar and upward recolvod on dcpotlt ami interoat allowed at eatteal ralee jubtt aoeoaata aaay hopaedln tha a or more paraona if dealred ao l 1 hla u olien ractt convonuni acton branch re griggs manager tt q 1 qur stock ovlhcbdljiicu is complete ami compnkos goods from the hewt makers in the country wo fim he quite pleased to show youour line whctltcr you buy or not trouble barral uuni ajobo a i airtst aooo nifloa aa 3u cal 3 oo oo blay or crown b hall a ooo box drookalaaa shaa 7so boat 33short cartrtdgee 17dbok aalona oartrldgaa a on box d d capt per ioo j 3bo aashort cartrldirea sdo boa guns lo hire 25c per diy men i tnia to tke season for fh tor costs the popularity otthaava banalbla uflht waitfht ooaia la auoaud hy our ar incureaairij saleei a pall top i coat u jut the pror garment rot thu ttaaaon of the jor when ihe evening ami iiirjrnioga aio jh lly yet bet cool enough for a hoavy coat and tf the weather change auddenly a ua hail hi l the fall ike tap coat may he conveniently tarried over onea arm adding a certain touch or hobby ktylu to one apearanta wotehliowiag a big variety of bandaome tnp cttau in every popular model and maletial the tinea range la broad and every prion ui les than you caa buy a tp coal nt miualoualuyelmiwbere tho following ilema call your attention lo a few but by no meaij lite heal a anocl1 coat i n nlaltt dark grey ciavenetle la good length and hood throughout with twill lining a aplendid coat and good value at giytw we alm ahow a baedinm length coat in black made easy titling and wed lined ha broad aheuldciu antl medium lengthy lapel with fly front a good kafe invohtroeat at at vi a wo can tjiow you many khade and btylm a tauticularly goml htyw tliu heaaon entieclally lur xuuueueiu 13 tt medium hogth toauwuh long wad una0atmd tuado l button through with three bultmm which match the gooda thut ooat fu aaug at tho twk and comes in tnm croyt and ua wo j owing aeat pulri groya at this pnco made in fly front atyle with mnaller uiwls other price run at 1us h aad tailored to 3wcl7tsura5 cl0thes 1 mth cnlary uraad nwvtruurtt cuthc you c m imxlrl om w kiuly ipuuini wrfocll lur b or will rolod nry uolur p11 m efelfe c o nowort bhulis dto in nd h look oor iho now llnoa wk akk snik atifaro 1 mens clothinf d e macdonald bros cor wyndlum and macdoneh streets gufjlph ont dress goods j will sbcurb votjir cjtbneisnrte zm in warren park subdivision acton tf 1 is r- v a j jr r a t ii y r- m t 4 a 3v a fty waaosao emro m we v m v k li 4 1 ja aa srrrecr ii vojmnt btwnavtw r f johnstone acton the above map shows the relatively advantageous location of the choicest and only available building property in acton get a home of yonr own the easy way hero it i- 2500 down and 1000 per month without interest until paid for take possession of the lot and start building your home an improved centrally situati il property ready to build on located in the choicest section build a home where a family rnay live irr fresh aic amid beautiful surrounding anil with ample room for a garden this is the best buy in auon and lots will double in price in a fuw years liberal discount for cash all iniorraatioq and maps at office of r j mcnabb mill st acton

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