li tion jrre ffrcss t1iihiay vyhll 1 hi l6ll ktstkil laulku ami llm llll- o ii i lliiir a that- wlilmrml in fmarmio am i i of om kl uil 1 rfiot in purnoar a hswrt wliro lliti maslvr has nxiin irr tha intiawhruof ktr i courage thalllvt- tltroiikh aarili darkna plitl 0 till 1 and uill that is firm in lu lioulnfr a nil iovh i ititl can iisvsr rrow old ho i hllll ii x 1 ui tliohaarts of la own willi lb st ry of ksiuir tu wrhord in htiwaom and odor and ton till out from r fallow aod lossos nsw lronntl shall arlu from u fray and hi rl of b lru bknunft of sscli nw kalr day k muitlnvm dtatrick his aubi luslua imd osainaitkbt rml liaitdsd l as id lh colonel rrav ly 1 am afraid iumiw that you r a ld k8 yassoli das wht i u r alio cunnel said tho ntfl 11111 i j plain lad alg cunusl ho you admit it d y 9 lntd ad ill col n1 yasauh i admit- ii cuimwi itocmt yaknow cummt donl lusd sirs imblsh poafllio said llio old man wlisrsnpon tlin coiimai tat hi 01 off with no olliar imiitniot than a ul oralily swift lmaol wtwfien tho loaof hl own boot ami the ulu of uncln llaatua frock coal ilarnsr wtwkly already out ok comalwioh the front dkr bnli via out of repair mother in hurry instructed john to put up soma aort of a uollea lo lliat affect o ibal lb- visiting nubile w old b notldsd john u 1 ng on football and abort on the tiyslnrlss of punctu nllon he finally volvrd tbl sign which a startled nolillibor lirought lo to the mother plrabk knock ti1k door bkll out ok okdk1- how to maki papbh ay-ios- in papering a room which bu hllh arlobeen whitewashed it is not wy to make the paper adhere ssliefao- torily tho experiment should be made of forming the paste with aklm rollk inaload of walor the milk mutt however be carefully skimmed ao that avory drop of cream baa been removed the whey of separated mltk being the beat for tho purpoee tho paste uut be scalded wrll and ahould on no account be too thick mumps the aelflah man looks upon life a a game of aolltarle without klndneaa tliere can le i10 true joy looking like an undertaker on bun day will not lead the world to a better lire the only way lo bt bappl mm in llfti la to give u v lb happiness of all some are deeply lnlreled hi erort bearing but only at lonff au aome 1 lae la doing 1l it a no use talking alioub iim peaoe of ood if your life la a provocation to your neighbor tho man who la only marking lluio u moat likely lo bo tinging about marching to 7lon one trouble with the habitually crooked man is that ho never know which way he u turning if tho world lint belter lor yonr having lived in it it ought lo help aomo when you get out of it lie la truly a toolliih man who will praue another womans baby to a woman wbo haa one of her own makes hair grow uaasard thedruggul has an invlg orator thai will grow hair or money back tho time to take care of your hair if whan you have hair to take care of if your hair is getting lbl gradual ly falling out it will not be long beforu tli bald spot appear the greatest remedy in atop the liair from falling u ha 17v 1 a tho great american hair jrower drat dlsoovered in knghuul salvia fur nishes nourishment to the hair roots and acts so quickly lht poo pin are amased and remember it doatroye the dandruff germ the utile peat that oaps thojlfe thai should go to lite hair from the roots salvia is sold by llassard undar a positive guarantee to cum dandruff stop falling ualrauducliltigjbialp in tan days or money btck a large bottle coats 40c the word salvia lallu for saga la on overy bottle o blessed christ tbu luslei dsy victorious to our llfu return walk with us ibmugk lu ry way till our huartm loo wllhln us burn pjobn blacnaughlun i o a phltadalpbla newapaner reporter trudging dulirully ovw liu dial hoi otrnnrvnl a crowd d wn inmn vd up pmmrhel a ikillfriusn whalalho row ovir uir r lo reporter aakrd the policeman grinned nolhln he replied not mo imt a wihtden a wt km tit wimldlngl tha news paper man pondrrwd and reached for his pencil whoialt t wbar its a wooden weddlu an swerftd the policeman in a matlrof facl voice its a couple of tolea knttln tiiarried i a till tliat u imsrd thar v been many put upon the market and pressed opor puhtlc ailenllon but none has endured so or met with ao much favor as iriitelo vegetable pill wldeaprvad na of then allfatl their grmat value and they need no further advertisement than having q roily established theuisevee in public sslseni ibey now rank with out a per lo the hat of standard vrjre table preparations had heart troubl rotes wtk ml nultwul wherevor tbeie is any wmknsos of the heart or nerves h energy or phy steal breakdown the use otllubumi heart and merv itus will soon produce a healthy strong system alias jtesstt kinsley arkona ont- writes 11 is itli uto 4tsalsst of blessuro i write you stating that benefit i have received by using your sutbutno ileart and nsrve luls- this spring i was all run down and could hardly do aay work i went to a doctor and ha totd me i had heart trouble and that bay hervas were all unstrung i took hie medicine as be ordered too to do but it usl me no ipwd 1 was working in a printing ofltc at the time sod my doctor said it was tho typo eatmliig caused the trouble but i tlought not wy father advised mo to buy a box of wour mile as bo had derived so touch benefit from them before i bad phtfl one box i noticed a great dlfferonoo and could work from morning to night wlb rt any smothering fueling or bat flushes can raeomneba them highly to all nervous and run down people price oo cent per box or 8 for 1124 all dealers or nulled direct on receipt of price bv the t milburn co limited thb wav hal ijookkd t t so you want to marry my daugh tor do iou young man f yoa asl r well can yon support a family r ii how many are there of you sslrr was tfrriuv afluotod with i il u hud to do houso work with a apeak iflwirg back backaobaoomoa from tuck kidneys and what a lot ol trouble sick kidneys causa but thor cant bolp it if mora work la put 00 tbam than they esn aland it is not ttfbo woodered that they gat out of doana ksdney plus are a apedfic for lamo weak or aching backs and for all kidney troubles mrs napoleon lerroour smiths falls oat writ l take pleasure la wht- ingyoti alatlng tbaboneot i havo moeivad by uslag dosni kluocy puls about a y w ta sl wit l re ag 1 waa wr an awn back and waa ao bad i could not weep myown floor i waa advised to try r kldnoy puu which i did and with tho greatest benstlt i only used throe boxm mtd i am as well aa tfvor i bttiaaibjs doma kkw pilu so ui mat roiili ataudmlanornialbil lbbtes vhacdonulro0tlf box rontatoni jiodfy woman have mora uutn their share of the aches and pains that afflict humanity they must keep up in splto of constantly aching backs or headaches dlxsy spall etc mrs ed wsrd oalwood of isis harold street port william one says i suffered wlthdullmlserabbapslna aorenaoo acroaa my back and in my side for months they would catch ma an badly at times that i conjd scarcely move arouad i would bavo dlsxy spells and altogether felt gener ally run down after using a number of remedies without ending relief i leemed of booths kldnoy pills and foundtheman excellent remedy tbey m t only relieved me of the miserable pains and soreness in my back but cured me of my kidney trouble boolbo kid noy pills cure backache dull shooting pains thick cloudy urine gravt1 or sutne rlieu matlam and all di of t he kidneys and bladder all druggists and deal era 00c box or postpaid from the it t hkthoo fort kris out if you derive no i mi ne fit your money will bo refunded could we say moral sold and guaranteed by a t brown booths ii id n eii pills noojtuhhirrooalplaii a fond mother wanted to reward ber two children for good conduct and aba presented to johnnie 8 years old two pieces of cake telling him to divide with his little sister nan who was 0 years of s go- one of the portions of tho delicacy was slightly larger than tha other and the utile boy greedily took the biggest piece for himself if 1 hadjost nrstcboloa said nan 1 would hsvo taken tho small piece well what arw you kicking about replied johnnie you got it didnt your thb gjamvtfl bhortkr a fashionably dressed young woman entered the post uffloe- in a urge west ern city hesltatod a moment and stepped up to the stamp window the clsrk looked up expectantly and aha asked do you aell stamps heror the clerk politely answered yes i would ilka to sen some please was tho unusual request the clerk daaod banded out a largo sheet of the twocent variety which the young woman carefully examined pointing to nno near the centra she said i will takn this one pleas a good day a worst la the best prayer for rest he wbo fears to make foes falls to make friends the merits of blckle a antl-coutump- llvoyrup as sure remedy for coughs and colds are attested hy scores who know its power in giving almost in slant relief when the throat la sore with coughing and thwbola pulmonary region disordered itv ooosrquenos a bottle of thla worldfamed syrup will save doctors mils and a great deal of aultsiing price 95 oants at all deal ore sn ox hid bomas said the professor lo a wnlunqfiqmfilorc in cbsm mention an oxide leather replied thomas what aeathe an oxide of r ask ed tho professor an oxide of noof answered the bright youngest children dry for fletchers castoria castoria tfc kind ten hftto alamya boturht and whlcb hga betm in oao for rrr so yeoxm has bono u10 slgnatara pf suidl hoji ben made ntkder lita peaw 2 jljjs jp smmusi kiiporvuloa alnco lis inflancy- ccca44t ajlow no ouo to tlooelve- yon in uu all counterfeit xmltatlona iuidmuitajgoo4irnure bat kxporlnteotii that trifle with and eudnjiror tho hesuui off ytfsmai buid chlldoexporlcrioej ngnjiutt xperiinont what is castoria oaatoria in n haurrnloaii anbctltnto fbr cantor oh psurcf gerlo iropa oinl soothing- syrupa it la rtnoaant i contalna neither oplam morphjno nor otlmr nurcotla srabataiios it age is it irttoranteo it dnsfroys worm cusd dlay foverialiness it curw ilnrriodn nui i wind coue it roller teething- trouble enra oonmupbumon susd plotalency it naalmllates tlio pood rcsulauu umt buwskjbjuul jsoyrolsasltlds bcqluur immi natural nsoep- the childrens rauiooa- rr e mofucrrt i riend genuine castoria always bean tho signature of the kind yon hare always bought in use for over 30 years one minute washer clean washing ease of operation quick work wu liuvo m much confidence inihu wasiikr that we are willing to lot you leu it for two woelul shall wr onk shnii you r f johnstone hardware 7uiiu1 strbet rcton i am all right now thanks to dr miles heart remedy the tame relief is ready for you are you sure you do not need ill if dr mile heart remedy helped charles holmes why wont it help you i wat uxtadjcdwim wait disease saj attar rssdlac aboat dr silks ileart reosedy i got a bowls u- fora i set ihs heart ttasaedy i asd lo lt ap bmmt of iks nlist aad ult viry had at aay uosaach wkstsvar i would cat buds sas fssl worst asd aay kcart bsat very fsxt bst tksaka ki dr uueamieaxt rsascdr i aa all right raw i est rood aksp rood aad fssl 1 hs s mw sua a thoach i bjs alemiat k years ol l 1 kan hecw a solakv u iks lata war t4 lbs rtulllob asd wu tadly woaadsd charles 1iolu1a rsts cobsonv lalaalry volaaterit wauoo ielrn co dr miw hrt rvedy is kept in thousands ol homes a fnend lilwayv to he relic upon in time of need sold by an deuanleta r ths tlrst bottle falls to bsnvftt your nvonsy is estumad assi any druoglst uiuas hsdical co yorsato c lot of unne save doing a little home man do work in order t work that is neo protect the child from the ravsgas of worms by using 11 other grave worm kxtermlnator it is a standard remedy and years of use have en liancod its rerutstlon nottuilathiry kfhd a new jersey farmer came to the city the other day and among ol ber thing lie vlalled a high class reslaur- ant his appallta rah to chrose and inquiring of the waller what sort of iheose waa listed lie remsrked that ho desired something nfrw why don t you try a bit or koqur fort r suggested tho waller whale thatr asked the fanner hang it he addsd bring ma some ilka lha name anyway he ale of it and ukad it- so ha thought he would take soma home lo his wife arriving uta it 11 1 lha small cheese wrapped in silver paper 1 the sideboard lfa forgot to inquire about it tltl the next night and than hs asked his wife how she liked it i ob i a pso lis mighty stylish up lo lha city but i j klndsr couldn t use tu i couldn t gat no foam out of it and when i washed lha children thsy smelted klnderf unny and i can t say a i ilka it philadelphia tims women may atod operations by tualnx lyrjk a ptokhatns vefeubfc compound tb following lelur if mrs orvllle hock will prove how unwise it 1 for woman to submit to compound it mar bo avoid k- nukbam a couldn r down h1bi on that mention the nstrna off aosw wrall known clreek said the teacher of lb juvenile class in hlatory george spoke up the curly haired little boy george who k i don t known lb rest of bis name ma am he comes around to our house every thursday with bananas an or anges chicago tribune a man hardly ever has lo glva up money in order lo aquara himself with his conscience shibhs gum a girl ian t exactly a bargain when she is j8 reduced to 3l if ono la troubled with corns and wsrta be will find in hollowsy a com onto an application that will entirely relieve suffering if a man does waft in a small town he soon gala the idea be could do bet 11 in a city boils and pimples ara ca altogether by bail blood and unless you rlosnsn the system of the bad blood tho bods or punpus will not dia- got pure blood and keep it pure by oving every trace of impure morbid iter from tha system by using tho greatest known blood medicine busukkx blood blttehs mr a j bauhuor norwood nh write jtwo years ago i was troubled with boils on my nock aad back and could not gat lid of them a fnsnd rsenounendad ma to try burdock blood btuers and after using two battles i waa p las sad to nota the boils were en tirely gone and i have not bean troubled with any sines hobbim cored miss eva a skinner graahy que writs i am pleased to noommnoa burdock blood bitters aa it has done me much good my face waa covered with ram pis and being advised by a friend to try burdock luood bittern and havo them removed i did so and i bow havo not a apot on my f sec bnrdook blood bitters is manufactured only by tha t mdburo co limited toronto out children ory for fletchers oastori a children ory for fletchers c 1111s lhat have benefited thousands known far and near aa sur re medy to the treatment of indigestion and all derangements of the stomach llvsr and kidneys 1 vege table lllhi have brought relief to thousands when other specific have failed iniiumsrmhla imtlmonlala can he prodtired to estahluh the truth of this assertion once hied they will 1m found super r to all other pills in tho treatment or the allinwnts for whlah ihey are iirescited 11 u seldom wa 0010a lo s cribls lu life wltluml wing bouyad up by a strange exultation o a dawson hcott it hub isln away titer is no liniment so efficacious in overcoming pain aa dr thorns kclectrlo oh the hand that rubs it in tubs the pain away ami on this account there is no preparation that stands so high in pubnv ostoeiu there leno aarar pain killer procurable aj thousands can attest who have used it successfully in treating many ailments she had consumption dr woods norway pine syrup cured her wajchw us poosmi mrs charles mddonnou balhorsl n b wntea i tbought i would wntn and lei yon know the benefit 1 have roomved uuougb the use of dr wood a norway rum tiyrup three yean ago i had oooaumption 1 bad three doctors attending me and tbey wore very much alarmed about my condition i waa ao weak and martrablo i could not do my housework while looking throush your b b b almanac i aaw that dr woods norway pino syrup waa good for weak lungs so 1 got e bottle at the drag store jter taking ton bottles i wsa lungs s andaft plotoly cured at that time x welsh 155 pounds and now weigh 178 again of 87 pounds in three yearn j now essp it in tha bouse all the time and would not bo without it for anything as i owe my hfatoit dr woods norway wee syrup con tains tha lung needing virtues of the norway pmo tree which combined with other absorbent oxpaetoraatandaoolning medicwes makes it without a doubt the best remedy for coughs colds bronchi is and h throat and lung troubles price 25 cents at all dealers bewarsi of imitations tho renuina is msnufsc- turedoalybylhot nuburacoumted toronto oat 50c bottle free read the reasons for this offer so vitally important to the sick tsyctitaa la tba greatest vitality for the recovery of their wounded aa builder of the age tho japanese army ar thirty years faychlne ha been and all because the jajwneaa kaw caring almost every disease that is dua now t let the white corpuscle cure to rundown vitality hundreds of thousands have used raychlne with wondarrul beaeocla re sults we have received thousand of un solicited testimonials from people ualarrkal ahortkma catarrh m bumuaoh nlabirlwsala there are two kinds of corpuscles a yonr blood you know red and hlte tho red carry nutrition tho white k tkii i- r i o reo carry uniriuon ina wnue s ifsr or of ih eases hopeless ailments thar are still thousands of people suffering from disease however whom iaychlb can benefit there are atlh thousands who ar trying to cure themselves by wrong body whenever a disease garca enters the body these white corpuscles attack and literally eat il a wound that attracts disease germs from tho air is cleansed and healed by kk j i trom too air is cieansea sou neaieu ny tret bods who are using dangvroua ana wii- n bartful mllrlnr billions of phagocytes of white cor- hnrtful medicines puscles devouring those unwelcome there are still thousands who are a germs gradually losing islr vitality from ktiw i j k- whose body the necessary raslstlbs cbn f i power- to disease is slowly but surely whll puseles thay be insufficient itinnrti- aav number or strong ebough to attack and supping devour the germa that csuo the dls- thar are ktlllthase who soon will j hssr ths dresdcall in tho nlghf if 1 thy mn not bum numbers they do dot lake prompt action trehgth then the disease germs to tbeie wo have the above messgo thwn diawo cu lho body let ui buy a cent bottle r py tnbt th uue to chine fioin your drugget and give it biunsdlly la heir to yout fre to prove ita great value that socant bottle of psychlne will tell you more powerfully than tnsro vor centuries the cure of disease haa words can how tremendously beneficial been by means of heron nature a reme- paychlno will be for you die ir111 klv you an unmistakable in hi- only within recent times that dieallnn of ita wonderrul power lo ro- to know how lh new the bodily vitality to stremtheu ih iaa lb pbagocytea the while corpuscles nowi klenllau tell ua j lnc the iiollcemen or scavengers of h the strength and uhmbora of the white boa- corpuscles or phagocyte in psychlne wo have aomo of ths v nt healing and bsnebelsl berbo in tmbbrgliniemrtldeil ot tbaahwwiaert thatlaeraasa aad piiae army in tba janorusalau j the white corpuscles from arabia comes one herb from htwsomlu i law o r aaa s thmtireak r-a-luw- ladlasatlaa s flrv of mesrur panoaoj sasl taorlpo that a why wa believe it will ba benenclal to you j now w don t ask you to lake our word for the tremendously benenclal effect ot psychlne viu out the coupon below mall il to us and we ii givo you an order on your druggist tar which wo pay him th regular retail price for a 50cent bottle of iyohlne to be glvetuyau free of cost we will undoubtedly buy and distri bute in this manner hundreds of thou sands of these 60cont bottles of psy chlne j and we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepare tlon a confidence that has bean bated on our so years ex per lent with thla splendid preparation with a full know ledge of tho hundreds of thouiapds of cures it has made japanese army in tba janorusi war first drew the attention of the arlenuflc world to the function of the ocytes japan produce a third while th krelgn medical men were esionaed j- of india wold a fourth to see japaneae soldiers with wounds all these herb ara wognlsad y tha that had not been cleans or dressed medical profession u mhu the moat for days that wars apparently alrt bnenelal to health thkt they now uldtapftnnd altogether unsanitary that why psychlne in ibe third m vet those dirty wounds healed mar- a century it b been made has cured velloualy no army tha world had aver hundreds of thouiandb of aeoplo who knova bad och ft wonderful record ufferea from tho following dueue coupon nccsa to ths iv t a sltdcuk lad ivmw seocsna ave- torco i accept yor esler to ut fi rhnradui mx rulst to dsuvar towb unt aal hasabsr x my drsxtms nuts btrmiaad nsjnbsf isaatbdadnwateboul 1 ilatbeir castoria for infant and qdldr tka ku ym hin alim bagu beam th signature of dangers of a surgical operation when vesets htu wsva f cmr wtmnka in the boapltal auwd eanse ione auffnrlng- wonw usn bfor iierc is hr own ta4enint tw paw mich- two years ago severely with a dis- itnant i could on my feet for urns my treated sn months thout much relief at lat nent toe inn arbor for in operation i was thani four weeks and qpobufcrinj s than beforn my mother advised to try i ydla ego table compound and i did today f am well and strong and do all my own housework i owe my health 0 lydia k llnkham vegetable compound and advlae my friends who are afflicted with any female- complaint to try il mrs omvillk itoc il it- no 0 paw paw michigan ir you are hi do not drag along until an operation la necessary nut at onco takn lydia k- mnkhams vegetable compound for thirty years it haa been the stan dard remedy for women a ills and lias positively restored the health of thou andsofwonen why don tyoutryltr the grand trlink railway pasbrnokr thai no is umh no s llut no t ss4 ptt v lub r- ii 1st bja i smb s 1bh sbb ism evertgr mldtn mills the merchants bank of cknhdk choosing your bank ixiie conservative management and strong l financial condition or this bank are very essential features which should influence you in selecting a depository for vour savings this bank wishes to serve a large number of depositors with whom it can nave close personal relations call and allow us to explain our new system of treating joint accounts total assets 7l acton branch f 4- mac lean manager warmest kind for cold weather tougher horehidc will nevei be found because the best is used for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process in made pliable insuring wear resistance waterproof and the beat working gloves on the sold at all stores insist on storey v extroidinary fireproof mairjket the excelsior bakery first quality bread cakes wedding cakes etc meat of wheat pickaninny pancake flour maple srup and honey holbrooks favnrilo punch sauce heinzb pickles 57 var ieties oysters and fish best lines or confection- ery t stathamson main st 1 avion paer makers i0oitownot book news and ookjoubd papers jko itualujjetlt ttabstfistis mitt ih doslsnsra aad ballders ol staloos mans loeanvm monnosmta markers and hoad uooaa and alt lads of jtrunt cimbhi watt wna hemstreet t acton 1 he befit quality of manitoba i amity ami pa try flour tor sale at lowest prices our own miko chopping don and oils rolled daily i ccd i or bale c tsh for wheat and oils henry h0rt0p band us your orders for job ppintin the work is thb best the price is right ffibe ttoii jtre jktss your chopping will bo done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts f he best at lowest prices harris a co limit wueattravin4 dhotoenuravlrlc tones munjakasac jljnnestnot patents patents 1 aau wivnbiiiiii taisqmatiaaaaitfliah it jiwui ik d zsxszsst krlkssi wv rti3v3vssi liilil imuimwi rt est