Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1911, p. 2

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u kmh llnf altbah ntnlui i ii turbar ijula ogirsnl uksiu i laml on towuv mmroh sttl juha u ntluyky mich u uu jh uui duili rmiblualii irani j i hi sar aa ib iw ol ihibwio h toronto n iii nawian v llcnif bf an ulhm in lull gg wtdout april rntela luni uoakk tul mam o rnj ijoih uonn torn wtl of aatoa and i ud dkwlhb haw wu a bt4 ol aoau tl at wn lolls hkiilm april 8be ciaii jfrce rcss tiiuuhday aljtii ijih iu11 v cditorial noteb jtlia gstuullau cntury wjiloh ha best seodink oul sunb lurid paid wrn trigs against llm ungdri involved in recjlprocltjr i rgltcrcd st hi allfns vt u second class mall luauer ex dently fur tlio uri6s of mcurlng sle in ut unlud nutu looullsr is it not to and j urnl which u ndeav orlng to saoiire busbies for ilsalf in hit unluxt hlstes scarwl lo death t the idns of cniadiati farmer being able to tend a few egg or lunui muury across lb una p weekly hud oftyclaj rkirla f ir i in migration tor ths qrst slaveo montlia ending iakru ary sklli show lhat i ho arrivals by way of ocean port diirlog tuat period totalled 101 480 aa compared v ub ho 11 for tho htub pari xl a year ago showing an increase of hi pfr cent arrivals from ilia united htataa dur ing that tlma showed an increase of h par cent- for the in mill of march of tli la yar arrival have bmn axcerdlng ly larg it la reported that lnml grant ara paaalng through m ntrral at the rata of 10000 a week and it la reasonable to estlrriste that the total for the fiscal year will reach t2s 000 it la decidedly encouraging to note that reports a la to that tha standard of luallty la being kept up the milton lufomwr laat week aald it shouldn t require much argument to prove that there should ha a preoil eally unanlmoua vote in favor of the by law re the williams hon shoe factory han nfao tori ee are the back bona and mainstay of any town and a town without industrie la considered a dead town these days in a town where there are factories if any con sequence the circulation of money la steady and regular the year round and banoe a certain amount of pros perity la assured tha years the winn shoe factory was in operation here clearly showed tha benefltd such an in- atltutlon was to lh town from a irian elal standpoint and thslr removal from tha town baa made it almost ab solutely iirceasary if tho piece to gn ahead that another rectory should take its place having onco tasted of the benefit accruing from the location of llvr nourishing goahead indus tries lb town la not likely tu lef slip tha opportunity now presenting itself of securing a duplicate of the one that has just left ur alllton i evidently la a position to appreciate the value of local manufactories to the progress and development of a town 100 men webe at banquet an imtatrkfstino tojlbtt liat a vary pleasant event was ll at ihl jh lmik place i n wednesday even lug f laat week in the hchool ium in of the uolhotllsl church lite occasion being a bant jus i given by the klnge onlerllea adult illbla olas for gyrj and tbw chi utlan cltlaanablp depart i until of lie hpworih ivagul- to a large tiuinwr f loan specially invited rsch mruitier of tha king e orderlies had a limited number of card of in vltatlon which were distributed in formally and tlnofllnlally with the reaillt uiat about 100 men sal itiwn to the attractively dethwateil tables load 1 with sihatanllals and dnlleaclne mr a t ilrown i real dent or the christian oltlaensblp department was twt master and was surrounded by representative guests selected speak ere and omoera ntvlhe two organlsa tlons the nutnu eomprlsml the tyllowlng hatst insane llsar hoaia ouud ham uoilbi raaaa baav hu raised in one week la tha younjr manw onrtatlaa aaso- e oaaapaitatd 1b oualpta ixrd sttaath06ha srnt 000 thoiiualphy m o a campaign ended on monday wben at a banquet tendered to all tha worker it was an nounoad that the grand total sub scribed was 00035 it was announced that one of tha subscription thought of moat highly was a nt sum from the prisoner t tha provincial farm at a illbla 01 meeting on sunday eighty prisoner offered their ml tea though they re ceive only from ten to twelve cants par day the ontario agricultural oollrga student subscribed one bun dred dollars mr aw outten lhaoualph young man who made a fortune in chicago on may wheat telegraphed three thousand dollars with a note thst ir ihay deebed more to ooaiplete the amount fixed on be would send two thousand more after total or 0i 0u1 had been an nounoad mr w k ilucklnghsnt chairman sprang the surprise nf the evening by reading a cablegram from lord btrathoona contributing another ave thousand tills brought the grand total up to sffiai v n abm ad a why a the farm or the late john w main n nf campbell vlile haa t to tight by his brother allan mabou ilev df s cleaver w t roiito will deliver hta celnliratetl lecture jean val jean in br david ivesby tn ian church oaiupbellv llle on monday evening next 7000 irj prizbd vor qoooobops the ontario oovrrnment has this year placed in tha estlinalea a grant of 7 boo for standing field crop compel 1 tlorti to ini conducted under tho pices uf the lltmrds of agtictiltiiraj societies helton agriculture society has de elded lu lake it up providing there can be 10 entries secured the con dj lions are as follow i wrst thacrtp to be white oata field tu be nob less than 5 nor more than so acres seoond only member of thej hal ton agricultural society may compete and that in only pna society and held must not be more than firieen mile from milton third member entering compel tlon mutt notify the secretary j h peacock mluon by the ufkh of may fourth no entry roe o i her than membership the society offers i he following five prises i15 tia 10 8 for the first seoon l and third priae winners in held ootnpstllluns tfiere la h chance of winning in a sheaf exhibit anevajso in exhibit of twobashal sack of grain at the canadian naubnal bxhtbjlfon toronto and at ottawa lid qualnb winter pair l in lea must be di- tinctive pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous u a o tho flavor of red rose tea is all its own i and it never alls to win and hold ap proval because it never fails in quauly try it saaau m f ir artm to uau kmjt gullj iuua ouiluu lukamas iioa uoh hui ilau ta alwaalm tblplendld repast wa served by uie young ladtee ol the social depart otant of tha league who wrll deserved the hearty thanks accorded thstu the toast list wa penad by toast master ilrown who arose and pro posed tha loyal toast our king and country indulglug in some loyal biudatory remark which were highly appreciated ttie company roee and heartily rorull and sang the n tlonal anthem our adult ulble olaaset wa then called for and received like hearty response there are two organised olaase in the school the sunshine or mixed adults and the king order lies or men only mr j s coleman teacher of the latter was called upon to respond in opening he kafat red to the vast significance of the great sun day school movement in ita enter prise equipment and influence not withstanding all this there its been long a feeling of disappointment over the linkage from the school at the ug hoy age which had led to anxious consideration of the metier the modern organised adult clase has been the resulu it ha been worked for about half a dosen year aa a very successful solution on account of the inherent desire of young manhood for association and organisation earnest invitation to mnnharwhlp in the king orderlies wa given to any not now belonging to any similar or ganisation our christian cltlftenshlp commit tee waa responded to in a irilllant address by mr c a o matthew this rising young journalist mad some splendid points in advocating i he study of the great question of cltlaenshlp on ohrlatlan principle by young men and invited eo operation in uie matter undertaken by the rp- worth league as far aa practicable kx ileevenlckllnaaeodatesuperin tendent of the sunday school uropoeed the toast our church and fastor speaking of tha long history of acton church lu devoted faithful ptoueer members it able and earnest lln mfoutry and lbs capable sunday school saperintandenta the present occupant of that office juat completing hlawenlyflflh yeay- hev p anulff responded in the ad drees of the evening and right cordis i ly waa he received speaking of hi regard for young men he remarked that although master calvin wilson had recently asked him why do you carry a cane drantllff your not an old manf si 111 in closing up a ministry of 40 year ha felt he wa drawug near the shadows- ha gave some very interesting reminiscences from his career especially in his earlier life and drew many useful less from his experience for the young men before him he wss listened to with splendid attention and bis ad dree has been cordially ootnmenled our guests was proposed by mr h i moore superintendent of the school who warmly greeted the men f varied nalloualltlee prevent and also referred to the cordial relation existing between the church in acton touching alvo upon the present union m ivemenl which ha mantloned aa a c ilncldence coujd almost be traced to ita beginning hi a move- it on the chaige held some year ego by itev j a wllon li a the toast was ci upted with the names or itev j c wilson h a pastor or knox chuch mr w j chapman superintendent of the uaptut sunday school sod lteeve ilynds super n tniident mi knox sunday school itev mr wilmmi and mr climpmaii mad brief and nppreclallvereaponse4 whlelr mii enjoyed bullteete ilynds was un avoidably aliseol v the last toast was proposed lo th ladle by the yinithful but eiithus fasllc freudent of the king order lies mr x bn l moore huuiitrnua and appreciative leaptiuse were given by meesr ai guw mccoll late of oiagow and principal stewart the tmimmlsharlat branch of the veiling proceeding jeeelved as they cur ul nly deserved beany appre ciation i several hlghclaa gramophone selso tlons vrerej furnished and a kings orderlies chorus and a double trio uilb under thedliecllon if mr n f moore the musical d litre tor of cinsm were also furnished a well as a nuin her of selections by the sunday school orchestra during the discussion of the inenn the ptoceedlng were nloeed with thebenedlqllon by dr aatlffaml the singing nf the national anlhftui the banquet was-a- splendid success and has been favorably spoken of on all hands the men intend o make it an annual affair mobablyjon a doubly increased scale a year bene you do notyllf t another a burdens by traalloj it lightly i mm iredrose b toawascs msvrn bold m ulm yur grocer will recommenh it address to sir donald mann a bekatr of the aotu taectmeav helton niqea last friday evening a number ol tha officer or tb 20tb iteglment hal ton kifle met sir donald matin in toronto and presented the foil iwlng addree which wa read by quarter master 1l u wsrrso i siu lvinai ii mamn- hov iikirr cijonuu aivtll hwilukkt llaitnt ullimh dluu slrlon ihihalf or the aodi itegjment llattoit ulfles the uniler- slgnotl beg to convey to you the rateful apprecullou of tlie iteglme it ur tha generous consideration it ha enjoyed at your hand the handsome gift tha iteglment had the honor of receiving from you waa we assure you applied to a useful purpose and knur generosity will long lie reinsm bred by both officer and man it i also our great honor and prlvl lege lo have the pleasure of bringing to you from the anh iglmnt a me sage of congratulation upon the rich lydeeerveddlstlnotlon that was recent ly conferred upon you by ilia majesty king george v the part you have taken during tho past quarter century in the great development of our country well entitles you to honor of knighthood and the reside of our native county of hal too are proud of the success thst haa marked your career may you still enjoy many years of health and prosperity and w in somo day you may decide to quit the larger activities of a busy life we invite you to come back home and spend your closing year in your native place the grand old county of halton signed on behalf of the officer n 0 offioeraand men uf the joth itegl ment halton hllle w p moouk rloil c unending toronto march 2iid 1011 sir donald wea deeply slyeotod by tha sentiments expressed he spoke hi thanks briefly and to tb point chatting afterward be referred feel ingly to the 1 ourth line ksqueslng near acton where be wa itorn j w the old cedar creek spring on the warren farm which he declared li would take time il go to see again sometime when in acton he also spoke in filial terms or bla aged father the addree wa beautf fully en grossed and the date march jjlrd wa sir donald a birthday a feat tint which greatly plsased him balunarad miss janet mclean of acton la spending a few month here mr arthur ulltl continue in very poor health mr k swlndlahitrst moved into the house on uie hbortlll property form erlyoooupled by mis hllta mr angus mc arthur the new ten ant on the feter ferguson property haa moved into the house vacated by mr bwlndlehursu a girl isn t exactly a bargain when she is w rmluoed to 4t cured ofgonstipiton mrx andrews prmla dr morwstsi irniutn root pui mr george andrews of halifax m 3 writes for many year 1 have tem troubled with chronic const ion hon this all ment ntcver comes slnjrlehandeil and i have been a victim to the many illnesses that constipation hrinf in its train ifedlclne after itttdicine i iwve taken in order to find relirf but one and sll left me lo the same bopclesi oiulltion it accmed that nothing would expel from tna the one ailment that caused so much trouble yet st last i read shout these indian oot mils that was indeed a lucky day for me for i was so imi reed with tlie state ments made hit i determined to sivtt them a fair trial they have ragulatad my stomach and bevels i am cured of constipation and 1 dslm thsy have no eqnal as a jnsdl- inlian hoot i ill have been cuniufcon it ipa tlon and doerd inactive kidneys with nil l he nllmenla which result from then i tliey clean a the whole system and purify ibc idood bold everywhere at 35c a box 3 assessment again increased oqniaati tiiii vhah 7 au r 1im way iillii n vi i y sin n mi poii i r uiwmm nvt sid six week bss i milnlil tin hsssssiiii lit or ul mid tin iiiimi siuiiiillig tii u unit sallsfitntory the amaiiuil ills year if nil assessed pt tiy wllhln tin r poratloii hinll t the miiih lmllly ol acton ktahi 1 17 ikul ihls is su in creae ovr last year of ih imi til asseasms ll f lu w bull hugs ert tiled is 110 0341 liietl i wlilnli worn ferret td nut i y the eagle eye i f t li easor numwirl 07 iilnl slid feittab the p pilitl ll ins liuivaud at t lit th iisiihl lull i in l1imhiif mi me r bis w nk mi harvey iwe l in no s us jvarf mo tory kvery r perty assessed wa pareonally vultrjutn 1 osrefully vain ated 1 ll r ii itsi if is well worthy an examlnatlt n hvery entry glvei manirestljii of lamful palnstasjug wtkslt od very- eolanm i filled in with all regard to the iilnlile detsll required by the asvasstiient act the increase in nssesstu lit will give the tcpat treat try almlilt p400 ad lltl mn uxrs this yiar covbnbd vvrrm bckima cured by two botuaal of d d d on march 2ut 1010 m mcmillan of i n iiihhi n angus wrote my little in y ihrtn years ol i wi covered from iiumi to foot with rcxfiifi i tried over twenty dlffurent kinds of salve an i washes hut t ould not sec any iniprovemimt in fsct ll seemed to 1m getting wi rsi i was sbfitit dt urmgid and hao lost faith lu all kin i- i f no rallttd re an 111 a cure wllnii i w kh ad telling lout i i 1 insolptloi 1 sent forsauqle ikillte hii i tin i bird ptl cation convlncud i u thul i lt i it last gut a sure cfire 1 w ulil if led a complete cllrr wlull 1 i did fur lhla little l it will do fir any skin suuwer mild aoouihig liquid made up of oil uf wlntergreen fhyni i olyrolm sod other ingrfdlenla it ieurlrnles to ll rmt of the trouble hiu vvashi ll disease gvruis i tit why not gel nllrp hlu ply write today t the 0 i 0 iabratorlok dipt at 10 0 iiminiii kt timnto and they wll sen iu m free triul liolllr 1 irsnlu by nil diuggiuu the hat you want and tint mr that ib hspecialuy su1thd lqh young m11n who dllblltll ro ill- wn r dkusskd 19 now waiting 1 ok you m ouu stoku 1iiii a110vi cm ib oniy onp ov till twknty niw styi uo wll aiw showing una bi nn nuw siiipmhnt just all kiviid 1 oil uastuk comi and look tukm ovhk watch ouu window g j wallace ttlll mens stord mui street acton ont hcton xjx yer jl bus liw the undersigned respectfully solicits the pslrona the nub lie snd informs iham lhat well rstojulppod and btyltah rtaw f can always be iccupmi st bla stables a comfort we bus meets sll trains between loooim snd 6 iq p m careful tlwillon given lo every order the wants of com mirrlil travellsrs fully east john inilllihjuts bank of hamilton head office hamilton piul pm up s27s0000 rn and undiridal pmfila 3j50000 6000000 over s4o000000 total aiuta saring bank department at all branches or00ttsww an0h r w m ify kmw7 w6e right hojjse hamilton ravohiti 9iiopiino rlace h baptist church p u duhmbll n a pastor hi in tliloa hu 1y hliol ii tljo v i mluaualllrnl a llgl i k ur uhddsv thb t1iikp un t11h ohoss t eardlajlf walaofnad a great sale of house cleaning and home furnishing needs starting on bnstqr monday and continuing all wcbk rcmakablc values wilt be offered i hi riiiit ilobhu announce for all next week the greatest sale of house clcininn and house furnish hij utilities of the season thti sale will me in that you tan accomplish your spring house tjcining thi year with less effort and expense than ever before rhis ialc also means that you can come here and secure bright new home x urnishings at decidedly helpful reductions 1 urmsinngs lhat arc reliable superior and guaranteed ato price and quality watch hamilton papers of saturday april 15th for prices on vacuum cleaners carpet sweepers long brooms dusting caps aprons dust cloths eto and on linoleums oilcloths carpets bugs curtains arc squares furniture ictc fresh news of this lmportint merchandise event will be printed every d ij watch for it pailitoad fares refunded to 0ut0f town patrons 1 ca room in basement manicure on balcony thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sta hamilton ont easter activity sbbaesnebabosaasrnsaanbbbaabbbsba in ladies sectionvery fully slocked 1 lor the requirements ol the baulerjrade kid gloves new bhndes pcrnns make lisle gloves silk gloves long or short new parasols new collars new dress materials new wais tings newsuiiings new i rimmings overlaces etc new hosiery all the leading shades new seasons lines of fine shoes patent leather slippers 15 pair patent leather oxfords 1 9s pair patent leather high luce shoes 29 per pair specials in millinery for ten days a special for easter trade we are showing a large range of misses and young ladies trimmed hats at to 3 which arc exceedingly good value henderson co mill st acton ont our easter millinery in full bloom there aro hats of beauty it variety that rrtakes it possible for atory woman to have something becoming easter is just next sunday are you ready 1 ho fairness of our prices this season is tho best advertisement we have leave your order now here is your easter pinery bells gloves collars hosiery and ribbons are ready for your approval every department in this store is ready to aid you in selecting yopr easter requirements at evory turn you will bo greeted by merchandise that says as convincingly as ever words could liastcr will boon be here were splendidly beady for the hen too i the man as well as the woman will want to rally forth on easter morn correctly appareled from head to toe were ready to aid him our displays embody complete lines of hats gloves hosiery shirts neckwear and fanoy vests the kind of haberdashery that appeals to men ol taste a fine assortment of things that a man who would be welldressed rather than overdressed demands the lion d e magdonald br0s cor wyndlum and macdoneu streets guelph ont thb lion l the only lova that is wasted is that vrhloh s paid out one often hears ths young men being advised to settle down it occurs to luuills itlwaiilrwtisvauilucsfgt some of luetn to settle dp some met 0p lot of unnecessary work tn order to save doing a utile worst that s necessary a man hardly ovrr has t hive up money in urdar to square iilusself with his oonselenoe when you lake the rmtsf business worry tn the churctf uv not strange they leave you nothing but ohalt ir a man does well in email town he soon gets the idsavb oould do bet ter in a elty j2tto vbbrrtisrmrnth caltklakkit wanted for mhtnopolitan qank akknoliok usia hi- lit i uau if kbbacm choi0k building lots poii balk i lug boout wa will hit ulos tailing lot eogskjriiainilng ijiltom od lyi mf tlrj tlul ortjruioo wliiu kill biom uluu sad bxri i linsiill fcucb 2m s uds uf 13 1 ullis b bu lslik altum oatodai likohok wildh m 1 uain hit astoo fakm 10 kknf koii tuiim op vuahb mrttiula 1st irf k s una m wlllr ftom sou llhm sood wsla kihi fiull urn tiul ubu tlirw biilm iroa anno ft in uamadlusly o uriu sud mtthiulsra muatf la sstl iiuuii hal auuiilim o llos 41f wunu strm aotoa jlalton rapi qjid ituttur co milton ontario non acton wb slwm htl sbv tmloron lo utalv pi m lo umiuinilou ud m u iwlly kaikly or palrow joiim lalvcio uav aalltoa ool thk iumilo hkalth citlzkfha abb rkqubtartkd to comply with thk publjo hicaltii act dsllara dolua vsnla lg stfsb 1 ootbutiil bdtl oil ar pisuussb ttwntrihu all dlit mubk of eil tatilob irtair vndansar u lutilo ll lux uh moii oomplblwl by lbs bn dy of klit mil on wbtsb amf uis pislsity isaijsillos willoobiuiaaeurbj iwspssuoa sd tttmbas lka ootid tbl uia ksouoo of ba pablls iimiui ail twblbitln tht s spins sf bass iwiwova uvs 1mb of hay udl lbs ut of hun si bsr impt la psns si laast n faa tross dwvlllds nosu sod bo fm frani saf sissss o uu wlib rouna ss tna iran say stsjsslnaj ala and aaolulr olsaaad wui bs stststly nforoad i all elllaaaa sis mrdbauy kvqasstsd to kssp lbu tonmiss ooss alaaa utd uwirosjtbi dial him tad uko nvnok afts listsulihsusalolrajlar aotoa unroll tutli ibm take notice that tba kfuslolpol ooooollof utstowsmblp of kaquatlna will sfmr lbs asplnuloa ec oas ksouib tram lbs dslo of poatlae uus nnllss as pasta poas m bylsw uposs of um f ollowlag isis or ihla ths oorporstlod sad enaa ttutt tmuoam of ttts coavd list sib sll ota ssraasjrsmivsai sumt twenty- isttst la tba uilmt ooowsssaloa of tost sam towiushlpor sqtieaaaiasaukl knownaasi qoeas1trslji the vlllasrs of assess tsslaaar m uas intesssiemosi of fliumpti auut qlmm btelaasuid svdioloanjr ua ssstsrlj b of tha ssutt valtss of aston sumi wlilen to nssaesmut lea tna eonstruotlon of thst spar lbs bowutlmoaesoo asd ths ooonoll of ibis nmnjotpsjlty ui a uio uplnuon of oas montlt boar is psjrsoa as by smdhi or sallolbht say ooo wboss blndl mlabl bs prslodtaullr sksatsd uisrsbr and who bajulloos o bs bssrd uy ofdsr of lbs ooassll j a thaoy wll toourflok olsih wssts dsasd ibts uolb dsr of abrilltu 414 id ne prem harold wiles has removotl to his now premises lbs bove store in these larger and more coovealsnl premises he will be better able lo supply sll customers with rraaler sails action choios confbotionffry bbbad cakes nd pastry for good 1riday ioh cream bricks 25 cants flavors strawberry sad vaejua nbilsons pine chocolatbs harold wiles hill sirt canadian pacific homeseekers excursions ststitcanns sainfai umnu wika miitn jlltv 11 it um n tm 11 low roundtrip rates tourist slecptno canst hv pllctlon iwimt bs m4 r mr out hkct ude icrand trunk vi easter rates single fare for round trip wllh mlnlmnm cluror lwmtj lonluua pall nd doirlo n y dlroll nd port luron mich hi sj h 7b roluni limit april imh i r-j- low rates to the west h gopt acton ontario v afciijwaiaitoltiagito jtijjilltjailjisabafiamiam cjdjliiiiitelmr4 jsj iiikiuiittii itilliitftiwlvl- ifi i ii nrivimisaf

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