wall papk11s wjnwhv siiaiis cvivvaxn loms l 1 1 ku v ii j wi m all when you cso hynds kcton ont maiiiiiatll liluntihs tbsuiil fibactou jfrcc fytsm brili iocal itlms 1 mmluilli i in timae tll i ju1 the lyu lbiu wc k hi the lung vatof the yr tho buy rn i ivt u apli tullil prom ueiumaoyhkallilcu itmlo pirtlu and ixnirj rib mm now nf dally occurrem vealenjay 1lni biooru tmoprml ihe oalrotim boat mould ral ly tim vkllliig bowhru v ry maul fautly eujoj d lb lr day in a ion councillor ilr iwti hay limnutl lo lit iuiuvr maldtutvu lit tlio uaul end the in miry rklul utility hi ihe dmdo on monday ami u li lay cvnpu mtr iih king lino now lhuro baa lu wonhiful growth rurliilifht ha thn h big rill on xoiiu full to will in ih for ihe able mil have it iihiwwl the fall euuu f hilton held on monday odotxr 2t t ur jmdhodulr the fnmdati nu foi mr it i- orefrory now hniibo nu litirrh htreel are about oomph ltd tlio 1 it kit tiiijui lit itny nililrau in the llrltuli pouie huioiim to tin onil nf the year for wi rontv tim full win at u w will beaded out and the crop looky wi ii i u inoul of the farm in thu locality jjuildlng optrallonu conthiun in lively prokrwua at itolh thn uobt ami harnaa h ulhnr taminriou cleor uwi1 iviper will- limited n now manufacturing conn rn for leorgutown iihu obtained a chart er tim long miuiiih r vacation com menced youlorduy llit pupil of the actioo re happy hi the proujieola if two monllim ixmt nut of door aeouplmf fuinllbu cr pirlpalello travetlara have boon tniainped at ihe wwt find of quo ii kin l on the bor der of tho town the vajil wcrnk hr lloltt cainitbrll liau on r tin- flnealcnipa of rlovvr on lilu farm ail jolnln kalry fki wlilrh hu won mhin in thin arotiikii f r n ionf tlott mr klnfc cimmt hau tho fomi ilmllttnitfor lilu new luutoi on wnlllitk ton btrwtcomimotihl hiki in manufar turlufc comunt llwkn for tint hiih c- alrtifllun mr u h noar nf v tty alia whu i ilni cnntlltlnnu am viiry favoralilo elnco tlio rocont rain k i am ma wull 1 ho 1 liuk ikkit j u wi 1 roiuw vlaitnr ovury wnav uv 0 1 llnrivll of hamilton drvatlllihl tltmluolt killlllmiu in llo luplut oliurcli luvt huiuiuj llto or dlnancv of luitlmn ww wr formed upon four randlutiu at lint cvbuluk wrvlr mr a htaiitfir unrit tlio vtthk ihkhm tlm unit noropli nf lioino ifrowu trmwtmrrlruon halnrtlay llioy wnro vary fit ft mr hugh modotirall con trlbuted an ctpially jfoml liaaknt on monday tim tnachorw of 111 tie mountain and peacock hchoolu lullinafatl pnr- toae holding r union ilo lilo for tholr aohoolann monday juno j7tli tlin roaldent of iml1i hfotlonu im lovllotl to mttcnd at tlio annual inttothik of linlton fannor iitalltutoofllct rawtiravlwitod m followti iv- w a wllaon uoorrolowi vlcn n i iaw nntf hlmrldn h o irraji vv nixon aiiligrtivt j t v untlui xl uid llin lntircliantn and budnrm imiu i no flnttlly mittlu ar- ranguiant wltli llio omiiicll in liavo tlltt atritu atittvrud loo llitll tlurtl haa imkiii incli a dtilay in tlm uimttar georgetown herald if w komithly tnwn rlrk nod troaaurcr iiah movtsl into lila now olho building rorimlly rmtilad it i- ntuit 2lnmy lirlck htrtmtnrtt and a creditable addition to our i in dura ao tloo horald a tiy law for tlio nttvcllnn of alraau and walk in town provlili for nonalllea up to h nml roiu for placing welnt 1um rw ola on any atreot or iivumtnit ht vttrul imtboiim re hablo foi tlmllnii v ry wi ok tlio ltll- aid nf kim ulniroh will hold ugaidtii iarly on tlio ovnn liujuflhurada- inly 7i1ijiii llio lawn of mr 3 drown krcnml linn mimvci acton tlio canada main quart otto of tortmlo will pnivjdr dtp pro gtfatntnn trado at hmtte and liolp ymirtitf by atrenktln nlnk l landw of hit bualneu men wbo pay tlio taxna and keep up tlio town 1 lie oily iiivrflhnnt dt of u if a a ton vrohrrihtut it hulm avary fanner and tlm maidonty tienerally uf i ha ooiiitnunlty r or olnbnantm ror catarrh that contain htraurv ary mlllaiwalp ilmuay lliauimdaan iinutslv latutlib wtiola avslani wliwi arttflwkimhi nr tau daafytooprtiarl u0b front ratjulabla livaiolan huhaiui lacy will da u tan old lo iih booo ftx m pohlbijrlaiarribitfain aamulaalnnrf by f j cinrco tvladd0 eoota ibi bo toaraurf and latkakp latamallr dlraotla upon tlta uimki and rnnaooa ur- loluyliirt llalla jatarili ulba it la ukaii oblo by v j jhm of tba ayatam id i uyli lt darabaaara voa ft tha panu u9ft otmmratoo taatltunnlala how of thumlala i rl taaa tlatfafabillr 1 ilia itm conatlrallua via iwr iwtua niws 01 local import a ilotlar worui iubluhlnir ifa it miii on will fxor i b 1 liitlvlltlwjtl will hu lianit not foi publirbuon hot au x id m t u fnlttt wo will kladly k u n 1 h our column i bo nonhuu if lb lottoi ofarbar r lnliilrmtand ouiourabolliouorinmd unox churoa haorajnantal mar v lei m hrvlth priputmoiv lo communion wlllhohnld in km blirlt on friday nvnnliik klhim lonk j bn wrmon will ihprubdhyilu iuv h outr un jorkntnwu kurrmiii ntl uiir will ik b it on huoday a ii f zirii ioiiii woflirttiipjiiirrrnirjr7 hi pracll inqod bytlm orand lrtinlk iwuway bjfatvni on cf0ui1t nf dominion day between nil atalloha in oanadn hxil9 uetrnll and iorl huronmlcb nurn pniu niifl iihithio n v uood ijohib juno mkh and july lul jiuturn limit july 4 lb 1010 hiciira llokotk from any jraild trunk floka agent llrikodn luit jtiiirtmlay wax fiivortd with de llkbtful walhnr and wan v ry tmj y abb llto aluudanii wax huwavir ratbnr diarimrakk lu 0l hrlliadoa commillri wbo bad tak 11 uncb tritllilt lo tiialrojlila auuuaxrvriit b ilamuvxl to uualib mr wulttr parann and family arr r moving lo jin ipb lltl- w k limy huv uh ii ntu uintl r alli ulu of acton i b paal itcv n yarul tin lr r uutva uluuli i mr lahun b liorrhatuwl a rtp rt y on ontario slo i in itudpli lf will r op u ilm uol ilrhii work in lint lj aruatk prfauoii uf pra rraaal ada a imnliietuj bouuo oiil of town will li bna iho uniiik tbo colli lima of dm 1 nuic ill low rr ibi mhi thirty y aru wrouion ibo ullflo lb lion of our ndvcrtlnomoiitti in your uihir in of uocb arlutli imirfwcllou llml wo lako kroat ilrwhiiro in r mttialiiul bk you on tlmir aphiaraiiru a claaulltlon sonata r a inwamipir oltrtd a prbui for thn boat uriawir to thn conuiidrui iu a tiwuahir llkn a wcima prtso wau won by a woman in ok la homa wbo wont in tbo foi lowing iu catiho ovory man abould havi oui of bla own and not run attor hlu iiolub iwn- m mllohcll advocate uualph yuuiur taotl bnjoy a vlalt ltv j a it any pa tor of lalaloy mninonal oliurcb jut ipb and a troro or nioro of mnintiara of tlio ttpworlh iitkiio upunt thursday tv nln at thn vory himpitathlo homit of mr and mr jaa u andnnun t hurcli htrvot a loltghlful neuloff waa tin joyed and botjnolpb youitfc piioplo declare that tlm hml and hoi in and family urn royal aiilertaluur ueoq ol qlavaa ana iamula ihfl ninntbera tif acton fwlrti i o 0 1 will obttorvu noitt monday ay ilocoratlou day and will attend divmn aervlca rt thn ttuptlal church all litem am rt tpiottl lo mw l ul ibe oddfellow hall at ilm dock on hun day evonlntt 1 boy will proeeod in a itotly to palrvlow emdery and dtwor- f dortiatted brethnru ibcy wilt tbun parndo in the rburcb whtrw u utioclal urnimi will li why ed a cml p ny kkom kvom camt nlmintofk oomimtiy haltnn hiiiam arrived borne from cump nug ara ahortlyjftir noon nu haturday at limy mamhid down wlrcot from 1 1 it undiir command nf cap lainhlo tiny looked llkn hrouxe1 votcratw and wrm adiulretl by cilia nu lly the company nluo ucpiit led theimmlvlh with erdit ikith at lb hiihiii i1bt on lliurulay and the yrrtiid ittfire qi mral lr udi on 1 rl day tama aaalnai nalaon townahlp tire mwrn baa given judjj nmnt in a caae trletl at milton in docoiiiih r lurh that of hwirru and tannin obent aauat the townnlilp of nelaon the plalntirfy clalutetl iiiiiiik y for injnrlea rocelvotl by falling front tlmlr bugky into a ditch near llurllnic ton the lain laaaa devllt opened the illtch bealdo tlio road and bltf oatate wail made a iattyilefiidattt on appll catlonof thn lowtiablp allan clnint k wwand mr jbont siw1 datnakm with rotitw ilto claim of the town ahip against the itevltt eutale waa dlamunwid with coalu chatnplnn huddan iqaaui of lltu- darthaqtu after about u week y hiifferlnk from pibkuy lltirlbti the illlbt tuiven year olddnufthltror mr 1 dwln orare of the farm wt nl of 1uliy kiki wnu trick u wllff tllphihi it lie rioup and be illcxl vry kiid mly nn inuibday iftt ruotin irtmipl tuctllrul i n aliuenl vuy itdmlulater d but owing in the flolontntro tlm little girl tbo timann wblt h am nnllnarlly nucccwtfitl went unavailing lite family la aorely ntriiken by tlilw midden tloalli of ihulr only little tlaiigbler mrv oraco re- llirued only lb me weeku ago from a tbr moiithy vlalt with frlenda itf knglaiid ibareuiahih were inti rred yoalerdiiy morning lhivt j cin ter alitllff 1 1 oftlclathtft much ay 1 1 pathy la ftfltdioraor tbe lie re ft family dpy juna waddlnjr at hlituaa a very happy wedding took place at mount pleauuuil kami mlmoaa on monday at alv p m when mlau nullle lurraiioe daughter of ihn tale henry torauce mlmoaa and daniel iwaon min of ibe lata andrew tvtw noil anton weneijohted in holy wet lock tbo ceremony took place on tlie veranda in front nf a mukalve itank of fmni and wwa performetl by it t mr molot of helwmitl mrv w j oordon kuter nf urn bride played the woddlltirniarch lhe bride waa given away by her hrttther mr jdiiiea tor- ranee formerly of acton film watt beautifully gowned in wbfte hllk organdie irltuinud with llk lace and and rihlionki am ctrrled n hoiiiiivl of cioaui iomui mfan alien mcoregor of julpli wna ring uurer him uartlml a linaket of illy of the valley and maiden hair fern and wna daintily ilreattedhalobjuellk houmelgbly ave gtteata were preaeut after ilm ctreiiiony and congratulation ibe hrltal party nml gnnata retalrd to the dining room where a kumptuoiis wetldlng rehiat awaltet them our log thn evening a very enjoyable nr graninin of eecbita mti niualo waa given nn the lawn under the chairman youn odanob rron holiday i trip llolurntlcjlllrunklajawhluillpofltev mr mcleod thegrooui prtxtent to the bride wan a pearl ring end to the hog bearer a gold bracelet mr and- mr lawaon will realde on main htreet aclon it hay practically been arranged that the coronation of king leorge will take place about the middle of may next year i tiiljatc tl snvdck rwautakl raaearulltf a wavy at ilia lloma in turonto laal wrxamv lllcnlubuin acjtoh many vkaiiu on tmwly morning 7tlln ui snyd r torti n to who bad ihm- aomewliat feeble healtb hinen be rrivnl a aralytio stroke ihrce y ago weul to hoitlh tarkdale loimm1 a liltr and had jirlf i away from the toller ho win u b again xlrlckun he waa ihdug eared for by uivnral g nth iimn alalidln by wlieu tlm train fnm okvlll r1 in am mr 1 1 hnytier 11 atepml oit lift fnuinlt waa 11 fatb r ami bad him totbe family trahl uce at ii hi i rot ave he lay in a aenii condition for a week and thru rt lapvd into unrnuacloiiaunay gradually gmt log wek r unlit i- relay evening wlmi bin yitlrit umik ity flight- rl hnyder waa llin ami t the late jacob hnyuw and he way born in krlu lownllp nu akt 21th 1ku during ba boyhmml bl father reiimveil to lot tl third line h pming and mr huyder h l liiv youth and early tmtllhood in and alxnit artim iu wa luarrlfd on january 1 lib lit to matlhla iilui daligblr of ibe late htllphomhrl 11lr goldn wrd ding way arrangrd for obrutmallda luortj in i rewdayalrorelhehappy event awangrd for mr hoyd r way utrlrken with partial paralytdy ami way therein ran invalid mm huydraml llnm obltdrcu william n of north luy contractor fir alallouy on ih lumltcemingend n mb ontario ltnl wa imla 1 lm f ibo l k of nova kcotla aid mi- allrt al houni lu lorontn ll y ooe i a family of iwlve blllli or vihom itevou uurvlvi luaac hnyh r it ittert suydur am mm olhbon at i mm j ur council jolden c ream man william holder klor mi mary rltaurrur ciuklln mlb iuiunjimi 0 humbke oraud itphu mich lr hliyhir way a buihlnr ami alwaa aimed in evrl in blw woik lln erected a iiunilor of the ba build ingy in town und ble liupntvn mrcbltxtural ilonlnu gav an impoluy lo a letter elata of reitidneea in aclon thirty or forty yeara ago lie built ibe mrthndlkl cburch here and auo wick church above acton he wan alao the con tract or for the farm realdenceai no main huoot now occu pled by mream john c nelyttu and uatidnr mcdonald llu built the prthmiut residence of mr willaii job ktone mill hlraut- kutd jerawilwd lite residence of mr ltobewallace for ikeirand rlll ihtrtilora number or yoara in 1w he vinmtvd lo lui ipli later u third in hlittiia ami in 1103 i ived lotnoiilo in taili of ui placca ho continued hi bualneaa as a building contractor 1 or many yara mr rhithr wa nntlllnl with therellgl nihaud etlura tlonal pmgrcay nf our town he occupied dm maltlona of tttadnr and ttupcriuundent of the muhodikt sun day hdiimil ami way a inonilwr of tlm ofllclal am truateo ihutrda ho way ako for several turina a loeuilier of the j to id of hahoo irtiuleey ho wan active in the advaneeim nt of ilm t in iterance cause and wan in all rsnclii a worthy and highly eitteeinod ciliui ilm funeral totik place on monday a service way held at the il it urn in onto the reuialnu wt re then brought to acton by the iis train and intemiout lottk place at kalrvlew mnlary ltev dr a dili if niriallng the itearem here were meieuy jamou moore lvmttiaitf r mallliewa jofceph 1 ayhy john camemii william wil llamu ami peter mcnah all mrmmat frlnndy of the deceaaei tlm death of mr hnydcr occtirrml juki eighteen day a after llial of bla itrotber in law ltev a j hutmee now haven mich hamaokiui wonarty chanaraa llatada mr john it kennedy baa purellamrd the limiao am lot adjoining bla pro purly on mill htreet from urn mc- maokon entate mr kennedy iu hav ng llu premlaee improve ami put into good repair generally mr w h cblkbohu tnatiager of ibe mor- cbanle hank will umku ihu inu real ilnnce when the improtemi ntu have tieou coniplelinl an ailtolak amuatd of tttllna ttiu adjourned iuiiiet into the death f john marahall thn mlanctboi lownablp fatmer who watt killed near hhelbuame mi friday afternoon by lilyhormee running away through being frightened inan auto waa concluded tueatlay afternoon when tba jury re lumed tlie following vrd let w find lhat the deoeaua john marehall eame to lily death an the reault of hi tea running away owing to haying lweit frightened by ah automobile ilrueti by dr jowan of horning milu we find that dr uowan die theyad the atatuteln nol mounding lily horn when he came to the top of ibe knoll and lhat ha ahthild have kvound il hlri horn according u the atutule absolute security genuine carters little liver pills must boar igfuttura off 5aa lelaaama wraayaa- im soaal and pcrsonal mr harry hulme- jr u villlug fl uuin ulndaor mw 1 bsattolb jaj ftimolo ll gneat at mhirahroil mr a k nlckllu returned from hi- woatrru trip on rutunlay mlaa noltln ihyera of napanw- u lh guoal of art n u iemla mr v ii saackbainr way bourn from lonmlo over hundav mbttltjlara a moore lortlaat wet k u uka a htaltiun in detroit mlaacylmleendmartliahlorey worn home from ton m to over honda y ml- marion mclutnali haa retunitxl mimk klranor wautm returned on monday from a two wnoka vara lion mm ltev ir union of ayluu r vullcd frlrudu here during tlm wcnjk mr allan maun of tonnl hay lvin vjtmg frniudu hnre during the mrw jen storey ami mlue i li rnlurnrd laat week from i 1 veland oblo ura k j mrnbl p a coup of dhye ihla wh k with fiuuda lu toronto mry yjlliam vtlllm hri to day lo vull her daugbli u al i eku kill n mrv jaumu urubuwik of toronto ha ihwii the gml tr acton filnndu in pat weak mr laar hujlr and mlu km ii are ui ivlug ullu wrek to lln lr houae uu w lliiigton sirrot mrv xawrenee hunter a 1 wiu ttiirtraui katont of tor u i ale go hlw almr w ii 1 mv- mr ami mm j w hnuaiid mid mr am mm john kilch vklu d friend at kllbrlhlbu w k mr and lira munroe or lnionto worn gut ul at knov c hutch umiw for a wo k end vlll lllu week mr and mm aha- alnlnw- at toronlo have been gueuty duiiug the week of mr and mm wllhaialhowu o nrralaymtathy lu lilt for mi and mry lniter ulbbonu jr in i he d ath of their dear lltte hahy ghl on m 11 day mr kohl ii aiidorfcoiituheli j ktableu lu vrry 111 with ulceration of the ttowela two dortova are in at- i mlancn milton former mr wallr d lteardimv tturmd yealertlwy from a trip acroau ihe con tlnoit to vancouviir and victoria lilt mr william mackentl torouu ur am mm w j currier of llrowii a u ml led lhpajruiinntalhuire nf port e ja prairie man warn guabtw of mr oahmgt currlrr hi i a week n lluwmau leorgetiiwn hay fully iaaetl lily examination for the degree of 11 h a llrltelor of tlm hclnnce of agrlcullur- at lite ontario agricultural collvge k ltteve harley rehrt thai im lu at hi improving am hoiaiu wmmi lo imi able lo return home from cbleago be lu taking treatment for ilm houetllof hlyheallh herald mr william overton r halihuruni haybeeii vlallhig hukulei mrv tim 1 liliagr and other fiuudu bore llin past week mr overton wau a rami dent of acton in ihe early daya he neb lutiieuted in urn town- lot pruvetm nt mr william huydr north hay mi and aire i p hiiyd r ulieu kva iuuy aad kvlyn ami manler ohailie ofoakvllle ur and mm william hnyder khira mru jaimca hteluecke of cram lt midi mr hmurl hutiftr coukllu midi uiu hliaa twlli cray mr and mm h ii moore mm h t ipagc mm w a morri yon mia william frlck ur john t hi mat root toronlo mra john w hewo milton ml mary k holutee detroit midi hl ur jatnca low cuelph were in town on monday attending tlm iimoral of the lale kli huj tier crtwbons cohnklia tlie country road a are again i 1 hi down lb klalutn lal irf having m r formed hiu annual all ilrl lalt iollo a uuutmr frm b pr vultcd thno a i on haluriny our oobllerm arrived bomn on hatur day from i amp niagara dm omnp ihu year wav the ih al 1 yt am lb weal iter wnu x 1 11 nt llu ubaiu batlt ibirwluy and ibe rwl w and lb tlnicb whl on i rl ijy wn tlie ik1 mill in nugaia in iwiily yram a vry haavy liaiulnii piulov r lbiu vl inky on 1 ruluy ulgbl i ml i il l damage f any t xlrilt wtf t tlic liciiefictal effect of iron ujxiii the system weakened through illucsu ovcnork or auenua ia well known l rovuu ij a preparation which supplies the valuable clement in the most efficient way coui- binnip with ittliciioun lniig pialjuci of beef and the mild ly stimulative effect of hhcrry uine fcrrovim costa 100 a bottle at druggist for hacicaciik sciatica ruumisv smroies cricks neuralgia mjlkumattsu luch 25c lu alrtlht tin bo yard rolu 00 can be cut to any 1 ajac j beware of worthies imltatlona dam a iauhicnci1 co unjliral cure kick headaghk sociferrv wumkno malh a b1mr4a traatmanl tuat wu1 maka it tuly ataaalnattnar a t brown ouaatm it nowadaya every dp tvdle woman hay radiant hair what a foollah ereature a woman would be if die lout the opitrtinlty to add to her attraction vet lu canada tojay there ae bundredu of ihotiaanda of women with harult failed characterleaa lialr who do uol make any attempt to improve iu in pttiu moat women have ikaiitirul hale aia canada all women who ul pjiuuii hage have huunttf and luxuriatit hair and any womaii reader of llin piikk pukhtt can bavu attractive and lout roti a hair hi a few daya lime by ualng tblu great hair rejiivenathr peruian hage a 1 ilmwiyketlya large bottle for nicelit avid hegitatatiteeai it tv hanuli dandruff utop falling hair ami llchlug kcalp in two weeka oj money hade pariaun hae uan ideal hair tonic not nth ky or grroay citn a ipatt help imitating thai wblcl lie liolda in reverential oonvorae plato t a widnfpnudlog hiimifiildlioillli y ilm tntt tintbrella for lbiu vale i ear k ii drowning mr j lhuvuiu of ijukiou m l a f w dayu at inu horn h re lbiu w 1 k ur and mm w imbandmr ami mm win murray eul humuy at mr w v nyv i v hon jcmlay vtnaljoy if 0 ipb vullod bor uncle mr j iu illicit laal work llmii bik ur hiu main bpriugu ttflik u lately than i bav known ft r ahmg lloo or inori in j at we blam evrrything to ibt r uid w ii there may ho milii thing hi ii all i know ih i bat tlm luelnapdngu wn bmkiu immof tb 11 bud l o l uae for l aim ly y4arv ao ibo nwnru maid ami imiiiiu only tt y ur or two aiulioprlik uiiirlilu ay uf lle only thing you fan do lu to rhnomi tbo watrbiiiuk r wboni joii hunk will do tt the hl audiril u uu 1h kiim you got lolo the 1 ighl abop ay evrry wek bourn one hay maihi u mlu take and i ft lb lr wuuh r dock olthtr ahovt jr imiow oh wlui tin y jul idled ui 1 w 1 will hi phngb jolll anemia women nnd children who frequently rmlrbllly mi pub and oxbaliatod will tlnrtvn gn tl imii ill from ibe lue nf jfoirovird the iuvlg otaihig ionic which 1 onuutu of iron hi u foui lb y ran awimlluli fij hau leor and puo hb rry wine nothing cuuhl lat lullrr tbau lltlu r xnlilualloii of utr uglh giving ug nlu hi hiirb rauvi gl im mr imlll paptr doll party aval ahale planod u amu a tba llltla onn rlfvor hoalcay prot blnl an enjoy iblo tarty for imr llllle lih aouia- thing i bat way truly pleunniit for alt it una rnllcd 11 pakr dull party aid 1 lie clilldnm tiatl 110 kle 1 of courae what iliu parly waa to be ule until ilmy arrlted 11 tl the hottlifui liiformcd lem itiat 11 d fairy bud come ibe nlcbt ih fore and lett pretty impt ilolla for l bom hut tiny uolitd time to co lu search of then i tlie yard una ry large kx it waa a lone time before they found tlie paper doll ild 1 a among tha rosebiifllioa ard lotrt ra in one place would be a ery larte tldl anotlier very llltlo doll ao liny tl coukl aearcely ha aecu way foiiu i tiiiiong the hollboclie and dolly of t cry description wtro plcle1 up by tlm cblldren ilm iiouioku mu clirtr euouch lo tlrtnet all tlolht lu treen rra iwper dreasee no tlio aearcb for them anionji crcen lea yea 6 not ut cowy ay you mis lit imagine of courfte tlie lllllo rirl wimi fount ibo uinut fairy twtier dolly received a rewtinl but it way merely a paper doll iiittrh lircer and moro nicely dreemnl fill would tia creat fun for tbo wee tola mid hotualhluk entirely new cblldrciia pahlce often renuli lu inucb loan of china for be ikeut brought up youiifatera uitlll ibty reach yean of dlacratloit cannot lie ntletl uoti to reatntla tbolr destruc the teimlencleo olio u own luyu uimi tlrlu can ho coiurollei when they are by llieiiiaelrch but beit tiny hate joulbful cueta pnrenlal authority u liardftr to ekerclue that urawlwtck lo ibe n vera co juveullo eiilertahiiuiul u ofltuet by uulnif uiur nrtlclea for ibo labo a tdutju uuiitll loz contain a ubole out he klrui i be re u a lubla- loth neatly folded and loolbig exuit ly like duuuihl ihe pjtltiru u ko lieniillfully linllnted hint n few fei nutty it u iiupouulblu 10 dlutlniuuli ibe uumy kiar tablecloib fnnii ibe expomilte i bti 11 otiu v llttlo care liuu lo lie in km in uinoolbluu ibe pm r chilli 011 tlm table or lie pjiwr teunt eohllj lopr platea are uo cbtup 110 one need tieultiito nlhitlt layluc lu a arte ylotk of llimii ami ay imi re- hiilro 110 vttiubliig iliey are a lalor mt inu hiteliiieiit for it uirly 1 tia mnr illiiiu r 11 iplinu and center tpreatlu up- billy tli hue1 for piiriy tine are deco- aled lo niuli it i lie plateau a oraat llaihoaf projacl lie kitiitehi m llr mm project imw 1111 fotii in lbiu nirt of tbo world 1 1 ttiul of a lliielo hiuihou imy nu n cboap r out 1 1 for hie wbenl rrclou of woaierti camilla ihe ihm will he about 500 iiillim bin j and inrjjoly i h roue 1 1 nn tin iinikeu wlbleriiefa ibo uurtejh lire wiw uiadi and it u dnfliiltuly uu honored unit ibe road will i hi built by ibe camiilliiii cotormimil ii will nyt be u it liable ilirotufh tbo wbcild iur on account of couilllloiiy in lluiluou biy vlllm1iii1 lbiu lrtal ludy of uulr u commonly regarded uh n jwibir hta no mirtlou of it renclkm ttiu tolhr circle mid neither ibo lmy uor io mini it ui r freely eoiuph itly our ktrvi rlbebuih ibo greet ice i1ihh ibo fuj lie htonou ilia inteiime cold tttul tbomutm ih con dllloiiy uinlo na ijjntluii excised bul dlltlcult mid duiierouu thrtiiiih morn tbau hnir ot tlie yiuir llio ii110 will tdiorteii by u iliouhiiiml tulle ibe dlu ui nee lmitihii i hg la ud and tbo cmitt dluu wbetilflddd nud rtnlurth bi wo dna ilm dlutanctf lulnetu 1 unbind and j mm 11 oulhu companion roofino qava tho sprlntt rains remlbded you that your ltoo moods 1 upairln 1 ur pllcb roofy we handju xxx iblllab coliunbialtrd cedar bbbi leu lor lut inof ami lnul auilacoa we have caltl iiooi inga roofing whh of 11 jjat lu tlie mailiei lr haa ieo iiand on tnoal of tlie flat ixjfad bulldinav hi ihla town forhalm we bavo corriiralrd s irun or gdvunlrod ablilglou a full line of i umlwr iooiuand akli on hantl at yard j b macknzie aotom and alorqrtdwn w6e right h6use hamilton s favorite shopping plaoc ostrich rlj7es greatest sale of black white and colored plumes that hamilton has i 1 ever seen ijtksoo worth of graceful luturanl plumca lo aell for 4 500 rpiiomas i waikins limit d h ive ju it purch i ed and pi iced on s lie the whole block of one of tin ic idtng can uh in importer of it nunx willow ind duelu lmumt and o trieli lip in black ind white and in ill tolom it i tlu ihiuk of everal p ople toee that no ck iteration appfjrt in my kirin iiousp adverti i uu nt o tint when wc tell you ih it tin 7500 lock of blick whiti and colored plume willow plunn out in plumes and bctutiful hree ply tip will ell in in my eies at faf below halfprlco you will understind tint the n ttt t oppor tunity for tlu purclia e o an ever u cful ind ultra tyli h plume 1 at h ind a c v on ible offer yes from new york milliner come tin word th it in the c d ly wht n fe ttlier can be in ide over in any number ot way one jjood o trich plume is is ife an investment 11 1 ditnionil from part m expert write 1 that no otht r trimming 1 nuw necesstry on a 1111 irt inped hit than a inglt willow feitlier or it the ino t two of them willow ploknca i wbl 1 jj 1 in blk loeba ion lily iloulil widli irotii ied luul 1 lo i3 i6m up ducheaa plum in blaxk an wbltn emriv bitihly uarilol an i in mil i uk btiiu fullfibrcu wblcb are fully iiaruiiihkt and wi rth sji ki nut i13 mi will kdlat iroo up oat rich tip i lo jo inclca l tuo an 1 tbrre ply and in nvnry ihwdvabl 1 kbaile worth 7 oo in ft 00 eidi will lull ul 98 lfwcffltfi pi- pc that tin rioin tlotihu will refund your retumhailioid fare from acton on a total purclnst in any one day of m thomas c watkins i eg s king and hughson sls limited hamilton ont the berlin stum granlfa and martde works cabpki1 dmaum irorltor liotljimru and uiilldcry ol htalu man liunn monumeely matkera and llniul kioneu aniall llnluol artistic cemetery work wlllmi cuistrcct aenl aclon binder tathste youk cnoict or thi vnt nisi plymouth gold medal 6y fuel brantford gilt edge i owitll cu all an 1 itld 1 ulclb 1 kavif voiiil oudiu iody acton flour feed store it nosltc elrop i loilda water cream of vloloik l cream ol almond a and hnaea ilc in tatrdnt iniwlcr we leep all ibe ileal on ibe umbel hikciai amaiican iteauly of ltiwou talcum made liv ilia lijjlla orjioiailon nt canada bi a t brown diugjjlst mid stationer mill si acton mmmmnnuuuitnunnnrijuamin nom is the ti7vte to buy your wirb 111 mil 5otuiult and uaieii at louer prlceu lliin we alui bavaon a oaten ibil ate ll aollcd 1 or tba nnul in ilayu can le oblalntjl ehowlierr wblcb will baioldjuaoat torma on onolnji ixiudil mow c arrannrl lo nil i cuuomeru ijo not forpot webave a full hue 1 1 jurm implomotttn croam soporalora etc come and see for yourself proctor merritt jwtlll st1 3trggt nittr stano illinupi us 11 kcton oht lalhsmilh s1i01 clearing sale j for two iaeeks balance of our harness slock anil alt the secondhand implements at bargain prices until july 1st only it will pay you la kea our new iijwi of implonienu iwforo buying tho champion disc uiw t the ciimax ctll hvaioit and ibe danlf hay i oaolftg a to new ami popular tiiacblnou melotte separators would 1m lieher value at ibo on lhai nny olbat make at looo for llio l in pie io4on ilut llioy last mora ban twice an innft runllgliler and akini cloaer hi uie 17 yoara at a coat for innalra of jj cenla an i ktlltdoink luai cla4 work vj3- sows seed in dirty fields if yuu nun u ti million oluo prill you on 11 n iw hocil la dirty llolu uhere 001 it ruotv uiligud tniuuih uu i atruw tnunure urn 1 lit profuuliin 1 be ybl vp eilmd utfcl out u iniiko 11 ilium a nt llirniili 11 li rill bbib i tie out- hry ileel urnprii kip itm dlnei hi rtipul iiinly ui ju m it it i no iuivi r uetu ebtiki il i champion disc drill until drain nmulrunn 4tccd lion oh ar tiuu l tbor uibl i r ire liny b v ho ruutori 1111 tint uluiiht tlm i ml x uo lou ciiu kiw lo n rnuillou of il ihit 1111 llnrln u in luut pr of tin i bill a iiutke lyout w wimiil t biiini ion iui at- rnnntilii iiikh drill i 1110 in nml x- imlne oiinlriii tlin of ihla exull nt uiul lit uy liiu tb pi hume it it iblit with imi nut uy i u nlu nu enj y 11 itilk 1lll1 uu up i 1 il tin rriiur i 3 g a blrck mill strci t 1 in trust acton ont