Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1910, p. 2

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i it mii ik t llm llfl lll 1 imlun hrtt- i hi u llnaut tin i u a o makuimti a hav alt i ill at ii kay a tuowirt attit my i y ik li l wik otjtthui muuuiimwud m liuia oluuu willi t tail uluil auilumial t ml latw j u btlbili u mi tt unihf uuu i jum lluui ijiiuti ul u rf u a iku wat twit ii u w liar llafanllautoill anaof iu ur tuall tmoqla ilni41 uihidi iimmol vuui aiia ilauat ur ol i 41t4 hnwur iihl juua william uiu in i u 11 liaaijxaln anuiu dm il iuly utah j lilt maif u- iiuilij itu titbuwia j aia i4ujwu waal tor on i an ki dy itlti jum wm may laanly ill uf wuod acad if yam klluiwui 1 ii a lala kioluiuuti ihihkh u h w awl b feduutl a itvotai llw i oi 1 1 ii ur ui alaoann ic i al 1 f am hi t m u c hiuiihujay junk junj tluo eultohlal motetj llio montreal bylaw previ olintc klrla from mlllntf tiowhiuipore mi tit 1 aliiel boyu mid r ton from doiuif no mini t vnrytmu ftoui aelliuif on hi atreetu on holiday came into uttrk o lal may the rliaiifo wm welrom uoa to many rlllkum while indceney ilill haunt ituilf boldly and puhlh ly in many wayu il in an tnicoiirkinf fact hint i bom in tuanifnet trend toward doreney in our aulvnrllalniftllhiilftyk iho inturmttlnn al loater irlulira aiuioclatlon of the united hlatn and uanada ban d ocjanl thattbort kirlf ud tljihla must bu excluded from public mmtrru tlii who are interested in the protection of i bo young rr amjghinhig to feel in hopeful tlio ontario colleen of lharmany in conalderlnp the ipuiwlloit of duclplin intf licenced druilfhtai who auuue the privilege of telling- llijuur for medicinal purpoaee tim council of tbu college propose to auk the aovemment for power to tajte away tba llruimea of dnikglpu who offend in hits way and aley pnipoaea to coojertn with tho jovernmniil in nmwccutlnf itucb offon der acton in to bo rongratnuttxl tlwt ikilii our 1oc1 dnikruiu ro in full hyimialliy wltlr tlio himivo ftollnn in ilifcmtihik tlio rjioru to llm m cailt llrawani fjoilventloii in llm unltod muiim tbub notwllliutltdin tho oxtanulon r rwlrlctlvti liquor uw tlio ronauiiijition of iiuoni uut yor did not materially iahjiaii thn tjlobo mild on tumid y no onn ttkjmicfii u urgo rlvmnnt of tin population to ohna linutv liuoiudutcly with tlio rnaottnotil of uw 1 bu ilrlnknrh will for m tlm mccompluh tholr uttt j hit- it jut m kura that in tlmo tlio tit net of tlio retttrintiofia will imi mauortrd and ui uaon of micoiio mm a imvurafiti will ylold to tbb pruuro of tbo law in vlw of ttio uol tlutt tbo rtfiu tionfl kovvruliiff lai in ig ration into tblu country httva ronie lu forcoiiildorllo critlcum at m ruccnt rthoriii of in tareated organ i gallon a in 1- ngbind the iciuutniont of imtnlgrntm alottmwa haa done wu to dlatrlbuto froely tliruugb tbla country conlaa of tba uw and regulation roapctlng immlgra tlon and luinilgmnta ttien cnii m now no liilaundoratandlllg mm to what tb government baa thought fit d proper to rulrfiu atnnuard in tbo now cltlaena now crowding to our borea tbo higher tbo nverago of physical and intoliuctumfokcollonrodo mantled togntbor with diiu regard to the cue of work thuao mmiple will imi called njhin lo do tbo bottor for tbo future life of tbo country r equalization ot asslssment tub oakvililhdrioaid aoa1n rhe oounty cauncll mot taut week and liad one of tbo longniit aiuwlonw it many day tlio warduu took the chair at 10 and llm meeting ued with brief adjournmonu for dinner and cupper until after midnight all uio iiiotiilterm were preaent one of the mut important llemu or uie proorvtllnge wan tho tiiuallaallon of aaaoaamnnt wjilcb wai hxed an fol iowa i trafalgar t7fif0 ncrou fr v hfilllwo kciquealng mu nelaon 4mt naaagaweya utavi milton oakvllle leorgetowtl acton ilurllngtun 1 i i li71 1 uurllugton and oakvlllo mado a trenuoua effort to have their naaoua ment ralucd by ten por cent thu other uembare failed to aee any juutlce in much a coiiree and mjihr reapecti aaeeaantonu were coiiftrmed without reduction a by law wan paed lining the travelling and other oenew of the uchool iiiealor at 9olh x per anntii a big deputation from trafalgar ru proposed high luvol bridge waited imu the council t preaii tho omollon of a new 25000 hrblge on hie middle uoad between oakvuin anil trafalgar over uio ulatocn ulle wek thoniatter will coiuo up for fur i iter dlacuulon at next mm ling it waa deoldtnl lo purcliau nn aveljng ml iurti r road rollnr if after a woeka ieiunitiilloii it imi found mtllwtory a commit too wan hpihtlilod with authority to purchutm a new afonn oruaher during the day the council oliamber wa thronged with dutatlona and and agent ofgood rimd maoblnory council adjourned to meet at the call of tba warden thitr0phy goes to watlrl00 lltnun auk til at runklrbui tint annual tiiurnniiifot of llm i x tra i jtwu ifuwllug ahmmiatlon pom d bioat 10 idturmty morning llm rluu in thu ulfon i olklph llrrlin ilrnmplon wnltiloo ttalt lfi ayr and arlon m li of which wau nin ih rtlod by hm jiukh lltn lawn wan in prime rim ditluu and lit wlauing itowh tm tv i hind n llulr praluo of hie- fsrelliuire of the varluum k uh 1roroplly at 10 k o iock rrlduil i m ifenilerum of thi arlon howl ln nl uifi lti tin v ntul luulo t imi ii a v ry cortllal wtlroniu to arton 1bowlhrr w id for iowliig on iwilh daywaifd iho tuuritautuut wu oito of the iixt dikrttwtfu i in the tiuctiry ot llm ammtcbttlon ilinkeenratronipuutlon wb llalur u for thn kragram 1 iopby wlih b 1m t n hrll by lurhi for two n it watumugiil frjn thu out t that tbo flnau nilgbt hki ly u oiigln out utweon lulirrr llnrliii anil ohapman of ju lih thn ctintphunla of laat yrar chapman wau bownwi r imiwi d nut by uudd ii or 11 11 and the flul- w lx iwn il 1 ub r of lierlln and hmil of waltuloo the lalli r of whom won by a fair margin mtiallltm water hagraiu ult ituidln wk 1m hi y i 1 i um iuivviu uelph 10 mubimy vl 11 pl 10 llu klugham kk jt waterlih 11 kiiuu k 111 llerliu 1 ltiiddll k 10 arton il j 111 k 1 t jlt jl iturnntt v u ilageu iwllnj wluu by d fault from knowlea dalt lhrlln a l mi luhruk ih ihmlirmiii bk ii thaiibnm urami ton wluu by do fault mm urtlcorgu ayr iawwiii uk 1 tram to ii thoi ii liuler or uk llw weaver ak 10 loltlo uk 11 walrrloo ulielph feagram ak m ilunkliigbam uk ii waterloo ueph kuntx ak ml bapman k 10 llreuiptmi ayr lawon ak 1 mi ggtfuk u knowlee dao ild fault lo llageu hirlli llfrn acton kol or k 10 ileuderwou uk ii mdoenrge ayrjtlnfnultid to ttnii burn lira niton tium llviikfosil iiouvll llerlin it ill o hagvi ak 10 1 uler uk 1 ilrampton ilrampton fiwaon ak 10 lnuch uk 17 ilrampton ifoepelor itiaubunt ak 0 waveak li waterloo waterloo hoagram ak ii kunta ak 15 tltlh iiv hi ui vim mil waterloo ilrampton kunta ak 10 lawaon ak 14 1 fori i i hemimiioi killer uk 17 weaver uk is turn iiy viniiji waterloo iterllu kuula ak 10 uuler uk 17 iwiioi ition filurr hounii duoiph ai mali nmiy uk si ilrodlo uk 11 acton ilurllu mcnalb ak m kuddtll uk 10 acton lalt ioilfl uk 11 lluniott uk jtl kuowhia lall di hutted to hnudur- aou anion mcdoorgti ayr dufaulul to jotdlo ayr ounlph ayr ilucklnghaui uk lomoggu uk m 4hishoi 4tln niwomu iuiunii uunlplt acton mahoney uk 10 mcnahb uk u alt acton lliirmttt uk 11 llendemou ik 10 joldlu ayr dufanltod in mcgga ayr w4holatiov tflllld iuh1nii inelph ayr chapman uk 10 megguuk 11 anton ouulph heikluruon uk 10 mahoney uk ilrampton wnurloo tbanbnrn ak 10 ningrauiuk oniim vtiovtmittii uounii juelph acton oliupinuti uk ii lie ml mon k htuimtler wnmmir uk llramptoi 17 fjiwuon uk ikouiiikw vi llerliu middle mi umldell anton k u to n li jjelmmn i acton llohneti lleuduraou waterloo hragraui 1 1 hiiydcr r waterloo m 111 i loo uuddell aolon luariloii 1j lihman 0 anton oould macklnnon acton hendervon 11 holing uinoi tvll 0 w monabh fluelph 11 w jfoinh o anton ii i moore tlnolpb 111 preuant u water hm hudilull luolplf 11 nullua 0 anton oonld finelph 1 1 mahoney 7 agioii icaulon act mi 11 flood l llerliu ituddoll aolou u hmlth 0 the ueml 11 ialu for ibu consolation and a mimlkt of double auil ulngln competltlomi urn in progreua aa we go to prewi homb odsanvationti one of un roromimat lona for the allrgrd hkl wlilk iii il anadlau farm ullx vmhd ibrartr or it in liugmmiilu krh wu ihn it tbaugr r i nl end no li lrmrh in turn itauinny huiuf u ui kupatinu una u uht miikiw it tlirr int to n y hmn ftrluy wmk wblrb u to tin work- r inouotoooon oik of the i- ui lirauduuof fnim life lt a uboi i train rnrid iateriiiire iu uugg btud by lle tulu r wk1 we limy a on our utni u jfint now on roilte to itixi wood on a good hl late miy or ally i il ui d liini lhhi iuu uui ihil gotx forth at ihou tli in uh p h il letter w waihid today lo tho jivnll in borlug llu j- go i auigl m wu ami oit orlwuwlllluglx kiainihir to tin pjnturi r unu u uim uuu n lltu to r mill up the dock a load or f no iiu lu prnoahly u i pilnd and nflr the man for tin k i uulou k ru a f w dud- into a rain bag llm ravlrdu uu n nyv uliix p ami rulumov v off to the ht b i d oflrneinvk by a roaull j any win ru where a good bottom hi 1 uuflleuiit depth ean ihi tllid roral u qulrkly lmpiovud with llm rail and the utrukuliog piiillng bit atltig lb k u pal k d into il the man or tint hour vaiiubnu into a tblcki i in rliy mill wiou rim rgm arrnytd if not llkt hob mon in all bin glory t lu a routnuin mirtlrh utly uulipio or ituolf wading in to the dirrd dptb and tbu d r llm imttter be proi4dk to do the grand act au be rollaim bo drl victim which au he piilln la pmilitd from inhind ami kwiii llm rtaintlug aiilmkl lu oxermw r1 iktrnuutt ovtiturnrd and the mud ly weur llowliig uvaward from tit t t ne attiututbat ulutp wautlug lu on it dihhimttakt lung andiribe utnggnr- hjg dreiirbid and dtlppiug victim dot u not trip into a mud hole going out uo much tbo btttir ibu u re mated until thu ibtck iu dupoutd of and by the lime the work lu done the ii rat may have iain long enough iu um dun to diurount tba value of tbo waiih lug and tho jiinruey liomn ilmrn not hi lp mattnrtt tbny aay that lu uomc rauvf nowadays the wadblllg of the 0imco iu doiiu after uliearing but in many an ontario community these onliug toxrudllloiim hainlrd e uh u or couutai iho annual maetlng of tbo aaaocla tlon wau held on tho greoti on luoa day with the vioo prttldeiit mr jrorge wiihit of horokr iii tbu chair officer were elect eduu follitvu hon l jouepb k heagralu waterloo ireuldent i lv weaver heapeler vice ivea tleo llnur- jail hoc treae j il 1hlnn unifier a very beaily vote of thinka wua paaaeil than king the member of the aoum ibtwltngolub for the excellent manner in which the tournament had been carried out and for the cordial hospitality t tended ilk many another farm job tlilu uihki to bo cotuildured om in whlah whwkty wah 1 nil inpcjtw iii e aud many aludlrrouu and many a aad rcault fol low ml ono wiill aiteutod wau tho lnloxlratlon of the parlloh no that a yoke ofoxnii and tho load of ralhiworo takrn a coi mid era bio dlutauno wait llm turn lu and tho aamo hack uo an to get to llm uoiirre of uupply for more another equally vnritletl waa the death of a little hoy who aecured bla father h liotllf uuiiollrml ami itecom ing drowuy lay down nn the damp ground and became thoroughlyrhlllrd hie father u vow of total alwlliinitra camo too late ilia next plmiio is when a few duyu laur tbu hiiro iu uupponed to imi dry again thu tlork in n unnd up and uuh jocted to thn great indignity ot having to be tumbled around while thu win teru milt iu taken from them a liam lloor or pt rbavm a hui in tbo pahtnro when there are lolu of mmqtiltna u the spot u lectod and after being utalt- hed a few timet with the sheep abeam and homo tar tint on llm tuuie tho poor vlotlum arj rehumtd wondering who who the wool lu rolbj up and put homoebero whuro it will not get damp leat it might liirn asn the weight all accompaniment of uhearlng u ofltn docking tbo lamw tallu by mrauu of a mallet ubarp cbluel and block a point made in a country uchool bouo dubatlng club may uluutratu the reauon fur tblu refined cruelty ihn lwaullea of iiuturo vuruuu art wau tho topla anil the negative auaknr refer ring in tho glowing description of the beauty of the utarry hcavenh aukod who ii vi r admired long lalu on uhtep ibu laut phase lu on iho day it u en route to hockwood tho day in a utmso for which these ottu r ilayu wire timtu ho imuioioim are the appl rantu for tbla trip that often there lu not much room for the wool hut it iu undumtnod that there u to lo bniiie- thlug in the way nf toggery got out of the wool and it lu a pity thorn lu not a bigger crop and a higher price tlio unit d hnad of tbo honue genu rally gnou on thia trip and au many more aa tumudblo- it lu a day out the younger m umber wluh that uo much of it did not go for blank tn but there in uati talking and uo after the dealing lu done and a hiiinh among the rocku tba homeward journey to lho four polnlu of the ooinpau u juailo and for ihmithu it la when i wau at ltock wood 1 hhl wool buulnem in lu a ipieer utato juut now mill erected yearn ago are idle nthnra working ulack and yet wool u au artlolo of needed tiae when you com mon e to talk wool poll ilea ixglu to imi mimileil and uonn you dont know whara you are idle lullla am mil ii toil to au iauiloru monuiuout ihcnuo tho duty lu not arranged uo that thoy ran imi worked on tbu olln r band it lu claimed in a north went agricultural journal that in a climate uuch aa oum it would pro fit tbo people of ijanad to ikinulon off the woollen inaiiufaaturvu and keep tbu m for life in comfortable liotetu in montreal nod toronto and give all their employee freoliomchtendu pro vliled thetouuliy wuuellowtkl ptrfecl fnedom to hoy lu woollen gooilu in tlio open market ho tlture we arti tburo are lh illlfureul oplnloim itr- hapu aim dium might bo found for twoheadu are latttl than ono oven if mm lu a ahoep hnad lint tviu itu to think of woollen wimv tbeau dayu t thb dootoh was biailt my doctor told mo i would inve tc oldt eating ao much moat f did you litugh him to corup i did at flrut but when lie aent in hla bill i founi be wm right b6zjljsls an lmiapoamlbla thing to find a piaster equalled to the 1 si it menthol and it juwlog imitated let thajueitulrip furuliloaohea liaqk achea utitcbea nothing jualu i made by 1tdi lawrence co cqnvrntlon at burltngjon halton woman a inatltut llav in tartlhar baaalon ml blaetlan hils u 1iavii l- uk klkcriiu au nilciiktaiiv the dktlll nnulld mxllllg f hut woman u inutitute wau lull iu the reboot room or the llurllugton mi tbo dutchureb ami will ho rniniul by i how prim ut a- a mout mjnyahl day 1 hu mij u ity or tbu d i gatt u iii i lv tl iii time rxmimuluml wlllultwau vvd attwelvtuiilmk at i il lilt dutrhl priulihiit mm luiiruou to ik ihoibuir on the plt frmrrtwitlrth lnglhalif imeriim vie i mru co ihtvill f alton 7j tnw 1 be uioi ting m m d by hinging ami pin and lb relry mm llavill nml llm yuilj lijiuil wlihh waaviry kvutlfylug if niton iaw now 1j brum h iu wllh t tor i metilhtiblp oiulc tbuu ulilllng 11 inxtltute to thu honor fb log thu llaliunr i uuty lhn lilbil 4 nttilrexi of wilnum wau iiiikii iippn ihiki i he lobllllllnu lifter dill lug ulyi ur l ll lo mourn the i- of on whom bey wei phned to call the moibr rthu inutllut thu ll mra hoihiiiuu dlulrirt 1 nntu w re givli by lbodbg in wbkh ubowsl nil umiutieu wm in a beultby londition with llm xcipthu or moira jlu bram h through uonitt uoforai 1 11 rmim bnu ih i mll frtlil h artnl fur a u on i1omu ere il 1 lull 1 fop iu nvivl rullon iho rraiui r mm lalll gave tbd tluaneial report uho wing ibeuiuuty lo imi in a pi oj w rouu romlilioo al tbu i hon or nflwru mm i irnr uou wuu uuuulmoubly it ilrtid 1riul il nt mkl ifyigai or i rou wiitd to arlau vin louidnh and mm llavlll ol arton wau rilrthl kr lrau iho timet annual uu ling will nghi ih huldetlhirllugtou hie metlng t bu j wllh 1 giug omluavolhe king 1 ui wau th u aerved ami a aorta hour um nt 1 he tablet looked ikoa ul iful wllb eiitllowtru and plantv and heavily laden with all tbu good thing4 of tho utauou mm llavlll turulurud a buarly vote of tbanka lo the llurllugton ladl u for hit ir kimlnemh and hospitality kn mr ii1ii pamoruf thu church upoko wontu of welcomo to tho vfulllng dehgatoh coiigratuutlng thorn on bringing tbo uunuhlnr with them and hoped they would alwayw bu nahleil thuu to ucalti r li tbrougli life ilui liiiglou oaxultt purified his blood dr hortoi lodlaui root mll haojartl mrwhioiti borau when the wwrranf ibr imuiv tuiviru kldnrya atxl ukui duel a et cuttfl up the blood ipuckly lieconirj liupiue ntul frrincully iairblirortk out orr llielmmly the way o licul tltrin nn mr iticlmid wlluwi lu iivm iirr imdoit out found in lo purify the hloo1 uc wilt 1or minie lime i iu i lrii in a liivc dc uncurl comlllion xty jipprtite irlt me und i onn 1m- 411 lo ciiovr froiu lodi cmtlott quite 1 mniilur of siiull uutit aiul blolcbrn formeiiali over my tlui i tiled inedkmr fir llir hlooil and used aiaiiv vlmln of ouilineiilo hut without kntiklaclory rrtiilla uliat u wonted wua u tboruoili cleaiijuij f the bloo1 ami i looked ultout lu viilu for auine mcdl cine that would uccompliih llii at lit tic morse ittdiaii hoot ih1u wtrc liroilit to my imtw unit they are one of tba moat wendeiful methclnea i have etar known my blood was puri fied in vary abort time iana healed up my indlnstlon vanished they ulwuyu liavc a pluce in my home nhl urc ltwjid- iijk1u bji the fun uly remedy jjf moikca indian hoot tilla clean e the ayatetu thoroti lily kjd by all dealer at jc a lxx 0 larcuai wantat uia county uulmluatm llm june ueuulon or wellington county council wau marjtcd by two lmurtant itemu of buuinehm the flrut was regarding the county build lugu and tbo rriiucult f mini i orgtiu to bav thu court houue jail etc moved to or ertolrd in that village tho aecond jmporlapt feature wau the ratuing of iho coilucilloru pay from three to five dolbm per da o0oooooookooxqioix0 green ticket values seasonable goods for the month of june ilrhi dlirrlisrmrno ltaill hantm1 an i 1 i i- ui 41111111141 i lorjladicsiaadjntssps washsiiils antldrcssls- iii it u11ij 1 llmlilliigielilit i lulhud l flienftl a tpilu the rp r r yml mihcrni7i i i ini m uliinf in liu i i lii mlamtlil inrjnd wiii1l1 kju1 g m d fiaa cloth vytiut urryiird wiuii alivjiriil wulfuullb go4mllmuil krjnl iii aok ohtanuil mui in 1 i ltr ud hi acic iiha i ini n jiii 1 ci j ud lllacktlaww j liolorniidlnl h widiuuh per jr fancy iii ack m i in at mr juid ial i- 3 111 i kk vakll 1anc ol oki dmhn dluntv l uk i 100i tronj iuiiuiki inl loke f 1 ateimuadol mt perurd iw vak1 i an v coi oki i ml il in fancy t rkd fum t lolli and pjilu ularly eoo1 p hern i el yuld willi l ml likuldm ifnl 1urj11grof11ualll-l1etk- jinl tnpa uiuili in- d for uiluiud 11 ik ijuliji per yard specials from dress goods department 1 ini wooi i al i ltacf oth ihulrtw lliel bbll j r yard j ulllll u imaio lirk nn i wlulf wklerl til f l 10i l mhty w lit l m ith tufl p r yor i h iii ack voii flu ore m m h u t ianl jot c tlllll 7l skirts and waists will 11 i uii klltll wll mad- ami in itilifiillytii nt hj 35 7s i ini n kllll iienlly trnuined v iiufl ml j 5 vou i ml panama kutl hliikmid lohmd vry ucitly in d 1 id 1 ik trim mod tin 11 ww t 1 tc 1 1 and 1 j i mlid 1 th each 9s on lu 00 ouriluiniiit of willi i wais1 ixthfnin u ml vulu and vnrlcly 1 f ityk 1 1 ticrhiipi tl in ut invitiuj wu h ive ivir niji lu all prnctt all 1 litem d front or imll every iodmlo or idea leprneutdl l0km i lovlk ltbclalidado uf hurt ipialiiy ilup pe 1 w rk nohioid y willi tml luuloiy uliuiilderklrut plngri each c dlovcs hosiery i tc iii aw iuul 11 v iovl double tilled rnignn hhuk or white all mm prpdr 5c 1 ini ml kfinimil ihijt igiovi v buikur white mrpalr 35 1 imi lisi b ti ov 1 oil iin hackr vi h it perpjir 5 1 ini hi ain i i li hoi vjik luiuied m black uu vrhiiu kky 1 mk r ijroy per ptlr 3s 1 ini oijai ii v i ack kom- m black luu or white per wur 35 to a uiul it wl iliu coki 1 made of hue pure ile uuwui1 k ifiik r pair i- watch the green tickets for the yrholc month of june they invariaby indicate spcclx values in dcsirabc goods henderson co mill street acton qnt 25 per cent off wall paper do it now parasol days for ten days only take uia tuvmto to third leop to mah tbw dapahnut all 111 ronlincm fir our fir t summer sale of wall paper i oft on all papur iu our jrtllru 1 tnck for tlio uekt ten dnyi i hi 1 i tint nil ordinary ck irmf ijlo by uuy niciiii 1 ui all our pipcn lira uuw ali up to d its unu t jic ilulo to take ud vniilajo of thu our fir t lip- sumtiicr sale of wull piper alliaoili inclnilliip- varuulicd ida tor hathroaiiu gcrtuuu lmtliuuttw mid tliouud 1 of ffii l of nimildiuj 11 chair uml pltto riiila will lie cleared at thin roiif lug 1 t off rjilu llirjiar cxicly ilia tiaradu j on re looking for pcrhupu you ve trudged around town until iu are tired mid bavcu t found the iarauil you like then come to thu itore wo have u many kind i at so many pricck that yorir moatciuctiiitr- preferciicej can lie easily anted depaitment jiu t inrldu the door on the muui hoor this store will close at 1230 tin rsday aft crnoons durin july and august tlia qolden lion d e macdonald bros cor wyndhani and macdoncll streets cuclpii ont tkb jtora to halv bat fullnes and bloating after ealing little digesters cure or your money buck al all druiiiluls or direct from 25c a bo coleman medicine co toronto sum m iiiiimi lo reallui the importance of frugality hi hi ucipilra hie imhlt of having- mid of dopoltlik yoiir wivinijw in n llmk veil tiocil not loel uinlwirriujiniettt lit dcpoulng uu hiiuill a uiun ui uau dollar hi the untik uf hamilton 4uch u nep will moan fur yon ihf conuimiicuuimit yf n new era of law mid content gkojigbtown bkancii h omc w n mokay monntfo hamilton gr i when wc act your wireless call tar i lb li we vill come to the rescue with uood old printers ink arr coo advlrtisinc has savli tanv uosiniss mrn imjm financial shipwreck yorktonsask a leaillkk rraln ifrpulnft and lock raking centre iri weatern tatuda colloulate iiinlllule under con it iuc i ion cotltij 170000 xbajuillclal 1 ilucationl ditrlbutln 1 land oflice fonlio ol kaclirn tukxkltewmn 4 clurternl ltatiba 7 ch urc lien 93 mer caiillle louaoa geeeral hoapltal 3 newapapera excellent opportunity tor the investor or intending purchaser 1 or full information addreu g ii 11 radii rook tc hoard of tenia j x jej aftivw sxv jl gborgeigmn ont a biq smash jn mens clothing munu buitu 6s hiili cluki menu bultii moat of tlioni iinuiiifucturerh lununtc iu fancy worsted und hard fitiiili twocdn latent cut with ton it 1 moltt und ciucnvo tmnuhl em rigntur juiimi to fl o your cbolco for j7 7s oilbat pant ualk katraordliiury ihiiruiii 60 ialrt of i wood iutilu iluit colnrv huirllue htrliett well worth i 7s ift l 3s 7s iahn of f nicy worsted und tveed puiith lu ramy lulpr4ifctw pluht blue womted regular 3 so fur lf ijs ijo palm of flue itnportetl won todo uewea culorlnipi extra well tailored latent cut regular si sotost soforis come hero for vour wan a and uoya pootwaar we have a largo quantity of utflii a mid imivk iheavy and flue lloola und sliecit to lie clcanfl on utlurday at cut price hats a full line of man k and lloy h wtruw and lliieii hutu ajpi cniw prfcea from loj in sue tia a wailliful lotof vaah tlch nil colorn und patterns for the nuinmcrv t for 5c worth asucacb all these lines to be cleared on saturday next ticket to georgetown free i rvary funotmrnvt of vmkoo worth ot finoom wu1 itam tlialr raulwavy samuel a robinson madate j f levitisky prop- dality itljsinkks 1 vvimi iiiflarl ii adtan ralrr iran i ui v 111 m0u4 uf ui4- hwnl wlali i b al cmb ll ii- atkinmcw4 iioickirtji ini no ioih t uh tatti wodij wantrio iv ii fcl u r ail to uiur ur luiut ilt j t fcv iliwtu an on i alllik ah i hay f i 1 tan wl ii tl n 1 i tl- i 1 ju muinalp kauijhbssijuyki choitc ltml hiiildnio lot iuji suit 5l7 1 1 1 11 ur aul vlum m i u mil i i 1 iii tl ulmsl avail tim hid utlitoihoat mu jmtkmlljm offkits uiv1 n away i itul wlallolloir tlllvllll m u 1 1 111 it i m 1 ly el vltlollr nnar b1 1 wa a i au uj uuut y rt a our kjl la lo 1- ui aulci 11 t 4 u ma twv to 1 1i1 1 l iwi iii luti tlltaaailotlan a lay a ll a uu oily laai y ut ut acaau -miaubaeilp- i iiv ii l cll tlllll 1 n v wuu la lafll v kklih llmnlil iklwlln il llj a cuuuim i ublllilu taivk n0tick niutmuuuiihim llf iltowaaue wka in tl a at1 11 fajia i huh f a h u i 1 loau aiul aiihhh at pal 1 ill n u u i ii a nuailvlil 111 ilia euihauhi badathlaa tl a chhiiiui i r u a couuril thateartofquaan strat bttanaa klkln t t aikiu m trial lut awitau injc ilaalxlmora craaaanl kujolnlnar ito vlllatoraotan a vulluruuiuiuof ilila uuukltlllv 111 ai ll ljallinon ihljll ihrlniaimb or by mutual r m hell w aliy in mimh uo1 mini a im wlu ii ally irctal llianly aud ho tty4kklrfji a4niaiil j i win uu runuinaw jl acauuaajdl jutlukjlli ui c aui buffalo niagara falls toronto i fleet i dally encepl buuiby lhvs toronto 7w o and ii actn 2 30o ami tutt u m ticket oflicji rmui 1 i loor trader ibnk lliiitdiilj iqionto rags rubbers iron bones licit xliut 1 tim iii lh for any puiilliy lotvi m so want id m saxe maiu mieui acum onl grand trunk s dominion day raturn tickets tt single far llclue u all atolioiib lu cilia u jlui to ooeai ooluv juno ootti and july 1st it turn limit july 4tli 101 0 northern navigation co guam tut i uoutu galllium f inieiyer alnaniera irom aknialir uu i oki vuillljlt and uui u 1 ii eity montuj wrdueaiby and saturday at j iu p in only the wednea day and stur lay miiamcm 10 lu ilulull sail inn bum loi i twooi 1 jo p mill imi n mjmi i n tu 011 weihuimlati mid baiur layi lur lou aiwl fl oltoian ha lolil liifarniailinfroiii hallway i iclel ateuls or front il ti toiupaiij at sirtili or colliujj wood h s holmes depot agent acron oni mhiigan coxon dealers in i rcsh and salt meats poultry butter i jfgs lie wbh ui lhnk our nuuy cualomera fur lluilr imii iairoihile an 1 10 alata j hat ilmre u no iriiilt in tlm ruui ir lbt we nlejul ciouiik tliu klaie wo aie bore lo tily fim i ipuliiy hu at lowekt poaalllo ike we wuh la a mm arnicw lhat ue pay blsbcsl prko i r llilm i owl uuiier a ikiai oi icnrn milligan coxon l dutciibns agncwb lilock acton mimcmmm m tuwwvnvrw

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