scijc alton 3frte rrss nijumla maill ii j i ll iln rjutteh honh t ii oir wl ik1 lu im lumb utattrrt- 1 and untenanted jim ivi r i limit i iitf i iiwarda to ho lt 11m tkli from their chill hriltriiif mitmiii itu ylly ruiotf likn n olrrua doml tim hwiw uitorilta army if the bra vlrt rlou- thruallntf lhruh hlr frtwl ciwrau a hh uaand vital umrtnura r llw plain marking llm uw tit mm pouiiir ttnuli earth vnliiit i and ttw ihq vally tnula that mill not dnwru lilt mount apuiif to it uraton 11u lt liil f w rid old thlnirv rtrtw 1 rn eral that mil thai ihw i- katrr morn v hhrwnhl to ih1nt lobi vuuh timpir juu inmit you lotmt control of y nrlf you km at a ilnavtitak and j u ajtuual aura lu hay tblnjfa thal uu cahu rflnollon you wtmlil iva iiiurh lu have loft unaaui it la fatally rauy to uy ihiuk in thu heal of a tuntitfiut itul wary hard aftnrward lo do away with the bad lnipralon they ha uuuu u you do jowt control ol youraalf and tay too murh takn away au murh of llm mln au you can by a full and ipirniftni polony ver txt anliamid to aay you arc worry half the mrroi and rniiionh- lii the world com from tli lalm prill that rannol brlntf itaolf lu un row and rrptntanc qurubbrtu our cohfatltoba conn1 ilion la i lis life of olhar t hlnga than trade ihi thankful in th mmj who du tlidik balur than you who rnali you rohan the drflctnrla in your mmi torn i h defect a in youi unrimif your abort comlnga in gun tiral if we aptmt al nur mine with tiur inferior nur incrntlvea to keif improvement woubl lw fw mil far between there unver wait bud nnvnr will ld a unlvanial umacca iu uutt rimdy fvru itlatowhlrhfloahliihalr wlial would mllavn otio iii in turn would aflkravalu tho other w hav how over in qulnlna wlnr tthfip ottmlnd in qai unadult atatn h remedy for many and rrlevou ilia jly tu grulual and judlcloua uw thn rtmilatayautuam led luuconea mnc arftt atrngth by tti influenca which qulnlna oxeru on natur own roatahoilvau il rllvt thomt to whom k chronic nute of aiorbld dnamindnildy and lack of inlrnial in llfo a llea ami hy tranqutllilnh llia narva duoaaa to itound and rwfreahintwaplmprta tbjor to tb aotlon of ilia blood which being at i inula tod course through thn valna btronrthenlnk tho hoalthy nlmat functiona of tbo ayateni thereby uiaklng- hctlvlty r- neewwary rult utrengthanlnk thu frama nd 6ll ufa to the dlgnvtlve orgatui which naturally demand incnward aubatance fiimuu improved pppetlt north rop l lyman of toronto have given to the public their mimrlor quinine uy thapplnon of nolentlate llm wine hliproacbem noarmt perfection nf any on the market all ururglau will it- it la caller to kop a avcret than it la to koep a promlte tlif lightweight li almoat aura to fml that be i railed to be the light of the world invest 25 cent i m a 1kx of dais menthol sake the d l and be prepared for ahundrcd uljncilts which may not be danpcroui but arc x cry annoying and painful like iilu- ralgti earache sprains burns hruisfuiartstjntfsrutptl etc itis a lion rhold reiticdy always useful fgrsomc trouble and should be kept in 4ic family medicine closet w1x makff hmit dfvow bearine prepared from llm greaao of iba canadian bear delicately perfumed krmvi all iiwt 0c pn- imx dtu ti ltwkiice co- uantttal an ftrnciknt fr acbobd khirm colored luald waa hurrying through her morn inge work in order to go out with a mend in tho afternoon aa abe flaw about from room to room ahe beard the colored woman chuckling to ber- aelf aa f very much enjoying aomtv- thlng itukatlfnty abe aald what in the world ull uat atuuae you ao laabol k well uu ilmle when i heard yo galloptn aronn prtalniji5b t ought if youd been iln uwd it wouldn t v took you no ara daya to make do hhben an do yearth 1 woman home companion i to find asrrabr thirty day bath bepteiuher u kvery ikaraon can mnnmhnr j hut to know when icaatara come xukai avan acholara aomr when march the twenty flrat u paat jual watch the allvary moon ind when you ee it full and round know eaater ii 1m liora aonn after the inmin haa readied it fdll then iftuter will he hero the ery hunday nfier in eaoh and every year and ir u hap on hunday the moon ahnuld rtanli ita height tho sunday following ihla a vent wilt be the kaater bright belaeted you mart not judgo ilio vpm t thflhcl thai you can aeo llule good- out of red eyas the firm behind medicinal and toilet prepara ons when jour doctor jjvct you a prescription mid your irjmb fill it jou ltvehiufidence in luotiuediciuc you liave ma reaium fur tliat coufidcuccfor behind tho medicine a the profcuiotul bkill as well a the honor of tuo nidi whom you know and respclt when ouhiiy what arc ordm inly knout i pitcut medicine it jourdru- kiioi wit oijuarajiltc hive you of either the formul cor tlie coniionudinjj your druggist can jic you nonr for ihc in ikcrs dx not t ilc hull into their confidence tauo for instance headache curcf wnny jtcople hesitate t bu tjic lccausc tjfey dont know whut may be m them not so witutsfx drttco hdadmcho wf era ycnir dnigpt can fct the list of uircdieut fiom us for the nkinj cm you think of any article 3011 buy willi which it i more import tut tint ou -uiduudhacjailinitgx4puiyantetjnadc- by responsible men than niedicin il and toilet preparations when you buy preparation- be lrmj the na druco trade marlf you hive tin guarantee iu ulc by the n ilion il unitj chcniicil compmy a guarantee that carries weight the national urug anil chemical company of c a inula i imitnl 1 1 one or tbe largct whole lie tlriir- firmi 111 the world haiu a ianl tip capital of over i rre million dralnr we have wholesale branches 111 halifax st john montreal ottawa kingston toronto hamilto london wmnipefit r calgary neuoo vancouver and victoria mtfl chemical wotls and laloratorie in montreal oiwl toronto we are the largest liers or lrug ami lo the greater iiatt oc the wholesale lrmj hiuuncba 111 cunada we employ a fitnft of alktut nine huiulrul polo nnl di tribute 111 milnrict liviflcudi biidothcrexpciises over chin million uollan aiiiilinlly we carry a stock distri kutcd auioiitfour branches of about two million dollars and inaddition to theie and other inre assets air real estate and build 1 11 a arc today worth ulwmt 1 ivc llumlred tliouuirid dollars all th 11 imcls tip our ponltuc juarantrc tl at goes with each paciuge bcunn the ka 1ru co trade mark a comprehensive guarantee livery forrnula tel 111 comnotiiidhik na dkuco article 1 lmi lccn kfii jcars of careful ntudy ami practical tcsti proving lieyotmriikatlo itttvlu oiul lu ftafuly- all the inrredients i ka d1uj co jrljinration- it- the lcft niul jsiiki t thut money can bu iwy na ohutfo nrcparntivm n minded by expert cnemuu 111 our employ men who orv thorohly junlified ikotli hy training and experience chuc cjiufi4cc iw naliuu co prepara tuttih 11 list expressed by the two following tirrcondttlcmatfpfrtf w we are prrparetl to fumudi on request to j our pliyriruui or drukkf or to any other nliy t iciuti or drtntiut in canada a fuuji t of the nircdicnts in any nadru co preparation if yon arc not entirely bittirificd with any na iru colrciratioii you buy return tho umikcd portion to the druggist from whom j ou inxifht it and he has our autnorjxntloil to return you the fullpurcnase price and charge it to us if your druggist haint the particular na iru co ireparntion you want in stocl he cau jct it for you within two daj 1 from oilr iicarest wholesale hrauch the following u a bartial liat of then a druco preparations anwiak lukaln i ciiyl 1 i rm i inul ur 11 u cudialgnlllktull4 ctull rallm sumamkaurtri llnbtn hmdniiln uvllla bral cuaajulaul nu4khyctl4la wiu unwlifiiy uu fwckujnal w n aby t14i nnhl 8y tup wo- rru iomnirickulal wick couaa and coua i ljl hl yiup mj aa jl itn wluhllwl ihiiiui ouliqau aad sal i ijhichawa coli ivroukmuului dyppta 4k iiulii4bon titi ljlaa tillil ey t 1 hal footrti jtl c c i tl blv yoirowor iumucu watr itu 1 awrku jlpr kuny mil kldycuil lull i j puur 1 tifuamt llataat whits usuhkhi uaih ii dm ttlilclwllueth inwouibaml uurntuai thiruimllua cut tauii tallica ltl cnnpualoucibii cucuailmiklwikh 1 lyiup ithi ha l i reyn tooljkaijkel youlhacba hioi khlllklcb ullk r vlnut ub aattmhlcl lull iu fuiitlpl haltaclllur talm babwlliu ix 14v4j national drug and chemical company of canada limited llahfmc 5c jaa mootrl otuvf ktuato tonalo llaaatlt racbaa cahjary najaon vaaooavar ytctoma a flrand llrdiclnr la the enoonlum often paaaed on llloklea antl uon kumpllve uyrup and whan the rcaulta from ita uae are conaldered aa home out hy many peieone who have am ployed it in atopplng cougha and dictating rolda it la more than grand kept in the house it u alwaya at band and it baa no equal aa a ready remedy if you have not tried it do mi at iinr lkvnry one la auiratltlouanoiigh to ullavlalbedlupiilfln yoti cant judge the ped of a loco kiinllve by the way it wliutlea ir a man owna a rmkelknlfn it ht hard for bluf tit utm a grlndatono 1o4m1 tbo more com mimical d thn inorr abundant growa john milton a mingle irvny id aontn uirla of central and south africa glv uf flclint light to illuminate a whole room 1 hay what yon please about moral conragf the hiail who baa a lot fj it la nighty unpoimilar hourahjng flourwould he a great ttoittfto a man of fandly who a unable tci ralaa a barro of hour hlntaelf nervous prostration for three years dr milci restorative nerv ine cured nic of a pcriotl of nervous prostration of over three years duration and the antl- i piiih are as necessary to 11s as the roof of bur house irhcyliachccn uoumjiold rem cdles with us for many years wm t lougiiran iai4 catherine st philadelphia peitrta much rickncsui due to ncrv- ott5 troubles headache tiz- xincvi cpilrpby and insanity are nervous troubles f hen then it a litres ciiks of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nerved of an organ or part as weak lungs heart stomach kidney bladder eyesi etc dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders restorative nervine soothes the irritated nerves and assists the nerve cells to gener ate nerve force prlo si 00 at yew tfrungla he abeuld aupely yeu it ha oaea amtd ama to ua wa farwant praaalav dr milks mrolcal ca taraarta cbartaredhy dominion oovernmen i titnlhihw ikfif the merchants bank orcanada i hfad office vlontkuau 141 llranchea raaldeol si ii mowtaou allam vlc lvnluintjukatiun iloikjrom kuj general uanarcr li f iikhouh capital ialtl up o 000 ooo 00 opoalla ovof 4 j003 000 00 surjju i4 300 000 oo toial amj m hoo iji no tho fbllowlntf oomparautq flgares ahow the growth of this bank in lmportanoe and public uvor 1r9h 001 13 v h cianooo h joq 000 10002000 total dwwmitn ij600 0ji i an hoa kif m 100610 tot a i aaumtm u5 4ih 4siooj daty aavinc8 bank deposits oimtthtllar or upward will open an account money wllhdrawama any iti farmers sale notes we hjtve pec 11 uclllllca fur collecting iboae we will caah thpm kl once ii ilaflreil at a low rale of in tares j0 joint account when reiilad vo will opon accouatl in lwo uatnea no lhl either one may draw i ho money huiltand or wife etc acton branch z w s ghisholh manager u lupport unity rarely comea to the man who umimla all bin time walling for it ttm man wbo uhnw ida re hglon in bu huilnea baa no biialiinaa with blu religion itwa toltacco la coaiiined in oroat ilrltaln lir proportion to thn inbabl tauta that in any nthir oiviiiuhi country milburns a wa- a w brw w w ak h mumer u- w x moljrilloklmhitcnlwhd pills stlmdltue fltewocklali uvar clean the eoatad tongue aweeten the hnulh clear away all waate and polaon nua material from the ayatem in nature a naay nianner and ntevenl aa well aa cute oon4utalionbick lleadaclke luliouaneaa heartburn caunh of the blomach hour btontach water llraih and all troublea ariaing rotn a dlwonlered ute of the hioinach wvi or powela 4 urn j 0 waauwrg if pwanltiverman jwriu suflarad i uffered for years i for year 4- mom titan tongm can tell from liver trouble f 4 4 r tried aevenl kinds ol medicine but could get no relief until 1 got ultbuma fcaamver 1mu i cannot pralao them too highly for what they have done for me price 35 eenta vial or 5 for 1 00 at all dealers orthalled direct on receipt ol price by tho t mubura co limited toeonuj oou th inja to your ii r only tluwo thlnk that mi living are inarm d ofyon vnjan coat pul into 1 davis menthol salvo in a bandy pluanant and enioncloua lioimehold n mely fqr imutcl and mofciilto bit and tlugaiikn dlhaiuw plica el try irllti he who u not afraid to dio u tiuly immortal nosrly all uhlmrun nm k j ol to wonua and many am horn with uun 8pam them buffering hy lining motbnr tvopie who make a ahow ou oretllt aehloin inako a crcdltahln allowing why uff 1 fioui coma wbun tin can lio palnlomily routed out hy uilnj liodowayatwu dtiui koiitarean will tlml rt ii bnavmi wiinumi tlivy h alutpy in church ttinao tllla ouh uhinmiutluui 1 the many whomiftmi fromrhoumatlm alrjaloriarimira vegutahle inila la nonimondid tliry havu pronoun ced adtloinpoit tint er nnd klduxya and hy regulating the nol lona lf them urgana act aa an altumallve u pre venting ilia admixture of uric anld anil hloofi harcaiikea uila palufut dlaonh 1hsy miiat bn lakfit mhuumiiiik ihreclloiiaaid uacd atmjdlly and lby will apeedlly give edantu of tin ir ifneuoul hoot 1 m pognrtauoa cflnaill flrnr win 11 wi ui 1 i t4tki i vuur batuucilpuunj wtnhu lhll ndivlnihl i 1 hi 11 nd l t 1 lhnintmiil m wolfnrt u f llrwt 11 1 llm i irdtligit won i w buof fill ntnnutli fi- h tldid loin 11 toini rj- i plil iui jutwhiitthiyn u f f hulwllliit tf lu liuv r iilowl 1 ainkii kl kltv i imiitlfmi ifyuti aru iv miltnr frfin kldm y hiuh ilvm in mill hliitiltw ul i uimauo 11 ir iluiu 1 n rv mw proulrullou wo rr ih ntly nr m ul thn mm of iaiituu tul ry com ptntnd rftlbtttnil ntnr tfiit- ppoiuungmtnniiiv true lu- wnwu r mil uyuuui bulldi r v anpply thi nillna 1uluna for jomixmiid a i mmwn atm ont llul u u41 i vlrtim ilwlihl w im rn tlmu nhaaln from nfiw vlitx ml ft ilijimliu no viitifc f orll keiflootod coldu im oimi imltlll dl mx of 111 i lu kiil by u inn all 11 a 1 mi hi jlil hmibclitild uf llm uullituwjiiuij- iu i hmmhmldu y ir i 111 iiiiihiii imoiiifp miv in th mii v allens lung balsam for di tpncnli 1 ooughs- tobls croup m aan far a 0ay 1u him aju u a haw4 liaeh ua all 1 in u- i tavi latawmtnculll h ntlrj j miiy h- 1 1 1 urn t lilt k ub nt tho glailni bi of th goup 1 ulm know uolhlugnhi ill hit gltidii v lilal ulnrxpitiaui in thniil who d raiigftnii 11l r 111 dlgi hln 01 n trlulof tlriiiihi a g uihl iliu u rtiiinn udd thonid llu unly n r lx iimrlii1 wtlli ihim lint dlul will ih in up iiii 1 1 iiml tlio r unu will ih auolhtr cnntiiuiii fir lliu t xri llmu iiuhiiciiii koilfoctui lu thr jul inn thut liuiiy riiiia 1 111 rtrhiliily hn lrnre1 to i lull- tiuit win ro olh r plllu lihvirnrrrvi d liu ifruilvi lin ma of tho tulloi x itnoui 011 jolt clotluiu will not titko llm ootid out or your nhirnnti 1 caught cold by working in water a distressing- tloletluff sonaav tlon in tho throat ur alltrrt kfncl liw riilmcto minn nil wrltiw in oct 100h i ronglit eol 1 by workmk trf water mid luid a vi ry bid cough nnd hint thutrt mmg tickling miuitioii in my thro it 10 1 could not twp ut night uu 1 my lunjpi rr 10 cry inro i had to fie up work our iloctor io inn mrillcnm lnt it did mo no n mmi u 1 1 ot a boltln of dr v ood a norwnytitio ynip onl by ihn thno i lind iifkid two biluca i wnit iilircly ciiind i inn ulwayn iconih u in g it to my httinuu ilrl womlit norway iinn lynijt mi- blium tho potent litudltig irtiu 1 of the norwny jilun tioe with t ihcr n wnl cut bxpcclnrutil and koolliiiig 11 udiruilai of reofuilml worth uml ut uliuolutoly luunu- iwui prompt nit 1 imfo for dm cum of cnughu cildi lltnnrliliiu cioup bore tliroat iiinurtnjjitnurt 111 tl o choit ami nil ihrontnnd tliijf irotil ion ibmnro of i rtlt it i nu f or utxxla norviny itno hynip a 1 for it mid liiflt on g ttliig uhat j ou 11 k f r tl l put up 111 a yellow wrapper ihtoo loo 1li- 1 fvftll hn pnrn ronth xranuf ictmxml only by tbol milburo co rtmitftd lonnlo ont noaily i i ry inuiglmu ho li gitttngmmu tbtin hit hum of luirl knooka i yon mtslii t iom j m hili floar- lnuwlll kip oiig and btulthy ihnuiiiiidhin ului ii in i in p m nil li tin f ifuollvi ihliik u ju lho woikaof tin moul high nro hi hiwt worilw hilflplrimid hllir itr jlmiunm he hiplrlo oil la ho umphi in iippllu thnt u ohlll omi iiluh ralai d tin atrnotlona uwil na u hniniuill only ducclloilulb to l h niul iv um1 tin a drcuklng to ppty illiimthuih am 110 unmittkuihlii they at imdily uuihtat 11 d by yi or old a ton of ii biu in 1 n ohndnid fiom tbo tmigm of a hlngl uhiihc elintint 1 llkn yom iji luuo or uny nthei ftttnrj to h ivn il yuu uiuul bo bin 11 wltb it itlon in till htn lho thiir hltlg troubled with backachefar r mow com- ears rtlotoly oared by tho tjno qf doan s itldnv pill3 mm w f donrr 1 1 ihljntiin ht london out wuim it u will nb mum thut i think oil for tho mkmi your donna kldnny 1 tll han dnitn in have ixmu trouhliil with hjkihn for yoaw nolhlug llkd n 1 ifiitlfu iriind brought mo a box of ymir hldiu y illlw 1 bngtin to ukn thn n nnd took four lm anil am glvl to aiy that mil chhv1 tlmly aul uh do all oho vi ilbuiil fool an oool aa 1 uwnl to hop n taken 1 ii u 1 am pinilllvn diiin kuiniy 1 hu ntn all von clilui thnm tn iq nml 1 ndvhte all kidney iiufforcnt to give them a fuir trial it dmiin klilnhyl i ill 1 ito for i whul tbny hrtvn ilnhn fur tl iiihihih ot ollittm rliny cute nil fonnn 1 1 kidpny twuhln an 1 they cure to iny onil ihw m nrn i nix box i r i i oxt m for si 2a at nil dirul m r mallnl dliocl on retwlnl of rli hy ho i mill urn o ue each animal worth 25 over its cost on of a cent a day 1 i 111 njlllj rw j- l 4 l vh fl ivi t i v t pl uiuhviv lt hwnll v im wnl n twni r u i u 1 t hrf fl lu m t h bji ijo 1 lv t ii i l nota stock food but a conditioner olii i t itock iu 1 nla na ht krln iwil p il j jf 1- i- k iw w ml u ut i nua tlt n k i r u a iviiw ii rovai 1 ufii 1 u u kmi ttuatrftrt7iu jrdcwtetitc i u u u atamainj njuk i l v c ui m ijn lmial iui wrn r t li lt m 1 wj ihl ii imovali uhii ubtocvj1 hcihll i r iih1 u u mw i i 1uj b i w nnr ov f w l nl t i i i m ywi 1 im i ur alurtv 1 w 4r 111 lfalw al runl k var ua i ami i will flwuyajtanlt in my mablai mwncw uln4 hfl tui4a royal purple stock asd poultry specifics owim plk rovai nlnn b btocksr i u w jil linluuwfi lhr frn jy mt fjt iv4 ut llllw mil fetivlt i h uu v ly ul u ui j uia uv holfal pubptk btotk 1 iiclflc i u 1 1 t h n f 1y luu hj i un u urn aiiid nkj mtalnlna i l l- t nt lllfclliy ii imwihuimiut coval podu ll h- vl- i i i v uu ut at l k t aii ik phiimhj ih j rv i i il i i 1 t i mov li wt km l- 1 ic lu r i rt i a ohliry miut ik w mt iwlwllul h i if t w x t tl ii lt l i lujtl ill i hr mwf ikiiijal vuuriwiilj t wwil 1r r v i nw i ftti i jiu xiim thv mich i ci tnm t al it val i urpli kl kl ik ual n mv a lnrfl ihtr haa t li ur i llut wr laluflx w b jenkins mfg co london cu till gram titunk railway vh1 1urpla btoak and toultry bpaaltloai and free book lata kept in atimik byq a black aeteo you iuilit ixt in jotir iicntinnitjincc with mortj ood hy iiutstini in a ji m of the 2 hor elude mitt 1 hj re excellent cxiuui1l i or jiow t iii h mid ih ihlc uutt nmj lie imide lij our chronic protc with the udded stiif ictiou of knowni they will not bacoro liff uhcti tjorclnil or c ihkd 0 mt forj ct i torcj nml tin j ii rciiicnilm ouhy wcaruif loii c t at ell ttoii w h storey son limited acton out cublph uatiuli till olf uplm wyniibmoi tt anoljtb tint n1ni1iun 1ca11 of ironiimm anl eiilljllfi ol rlforl i n lor tlio iinio iuc ctial il tiuiiaitemenl have firmly catab ulm i the cnalpli diiuliien lotlnro in ilia cmil leinyi and uvor o dm canadian 01 iii ullklouilv of oir rjhuiiu ox arhul i ml im ns iralnlnit has iwn deinn i n i rn m j i y a lonjf and mvnrn lel in the iraillng klicajlonal cjtla of vnieilca si 1 cial ootjusl vot great praollcal vhiliknnt an 1 valuo in 1 nflluli i letich un 1 gor uii are nlfnin i hare nn nml faorul iq inrmn an 1 tin lor innul liolj fid an i elldctud con lllloim maklvl rmlccl si ban alwaya oiriidk tiulied thu work n fmr gtnnourup ic an i tyimwrlll k1 laitnnnl whlcii lirl fi ul npi nn 1 i mm lllmiralhn fn ihu 1 ll ufa in ut iwaillou nn rem uinralli u bocmo i hy mir lralne1 grid nuna un 1 t now an 1 p il ynurtinu in ilia way to linnoral lu nncc come tllrrcl lu llm coltcpo or aljret malcolm mocormlck b a principal tho old and rollablo granlto and murblo uoalois wlcra traluraluirta anl lltmt li l- ufmluli lnu iln- lalki lllhuini moih wlldlkhittiuuroiiiilqi uiawlul u iiliu u uauwl ti ur everton edem mills the oaat quality ol manitoba paunlly ana pury flour for snlo at lowest prloos our 6q mmka ehlnk ponn and oala ii oiled every day 1 end for aald cadi for wlmlanloau henry hortor wa i a tin inly uhi a i i u a in ii it 1 u nil ivn v wa uli i law u tla lrt hi dominion or i tl a waat wa i i itaruuoea- v i oal aloak ul utdhlu lu ll ni tlau ailr 11 uwltiu u lultlliala ilti4 alii aid jramilronsons i ni m il lb an i w iwlnli i in iijw 1 ii the excelsior bakery limited rirou v ordort ited riroulo ont ing aiaotfy jqoanva- udvinu recently installed soinu of the latest im proved tn lehinery for tncid m ikinp is now m a hettor poiition thin evel to upply otjr ctnto- meis mfith ur ul cukcf ete of hritelit quality wo il o e trry 1 plendul htodc ol roeortes and conieetiom ry i i let lfouu and all kind of 1 mil in seaton t siatham so main st acton v 1 the berlin steam granlta and marble works casikn intlaun rroprlal ldti an 1 llulldera ol lllaluaa mi lcuina wonuitmati marker and llaad aioneu an i all und ol artistic cemetery work wiu fjfcnistrcet agtt aclon nashittfawoya idiinhhi slills i riq stock i f r on ban 1 full ma id wood for uila also blaba p sayers sons naiugaweym o 1st gimson palntatlt fapkr iianoicn fioruittt irnahkki rrc pawknoek tltaini t i ii i il lln 1 t 11 r in h a n t iv t k4tn ti i i wt h a m iu all hal ii iii nn a oi nk i t u- ui u in u ain iu u aid n 1 kctom jjivery tit it uitknl laiprillully k lltlln lha uliona of dm ub 11 hi i ii f r llm ihhl wall kqulitlmhl and hiyluh kllaai run always i hi utcidml al hla ualloa a c mlirtjiju tn meet all lilt uatwotn to oo a m an 1 t ij p ti i arful aiiaiiilon k lu lor 1 1 a wanli coin niflicbl lrav fllly ml pmoihihyom georgetown pltoalt go u- gl oiioprown cut iiowir growlrs luneral and wcdtllujr orders specially ah orjot plarr i with j habband druggut aoton will iclva uiot i nt all n i ion arilsts materials wanitcoioits on coi otts amt mji nnir iyroaiany boppwkb and ou1 1 11 nature 8tudy blippiitkb 1 ou coli 1 01 i itchooui ou srtjdhnt i urn 1 lor irtfori tallun frwi cjlaloaua no i arillu malnriau an i nalum liiuily 0 catalogue no a ij rtru 1 y ujiillca waters bros tho jloturo btoro wyiiltam bl mil i pii papebr- makers uohou own ont hook nkws and toroitki paimw tnoitltalhtlch juoijestnpi o ybars- wpirwhoi hcrs to inform the ladiea pf aetoii and surrounding vicm fty that he ins been appointed agent for three of the latgcbt wall paper houbc in can ada ioo amlcs touoobc rom prices right also tint he is prepared to repair all granite alnmihum and knatnelcd war knivt s and scissors ground furni ture repaired suoi mnr stheut aoton ol cvjfe willlama uy pat1nts prdmptly securedl wilt fnr t t lnli jral hiul ci c sxir lylltit h ri 1 iv t ual tinwdil iih invcnllin nlgbaatntcrcacm lltutj fifct ihinuph at a lion ik ma i tlquroalrbplatimtlca will kit chart tnf tor t wpcm imlulcl thtpaivaatl a a i ralnt wlnu ul uanuha tttrrfaanil jtiitiaia o marion marion paitant capaka tand solloltara woodemdravlnci dhotoenciravinci r tones or aflv ctaks of dkbayamaaaulvrjltrsl ft ptlhposjutalj0alihmadht5 fvc imajawijajaawrrbm