Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1910, p. 3

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a cornplete stock hair druiha tooth ilruuliof cloth btlhe fin ctmlu urmllttf umly qmau and bltlo cumtn hair pins in bhalla antl wlro call in whanou nor i any ofirahhm our itkas an low gg hynds hqton out store news a message of spring j pi ing lima u llio uvni house owner bunged 1 slut wo i the sill hwin w1lmamb 1alnl k johnstone nlws 01 10cai imtort runnel y wbu inn resell a wagon have on iipwjdtl t mli n y l hitmiichlhiixihjiitf mil vtuw u juiw ml r iii ii ii d in oiimll a made immnln i thai intuit siugand wllln iiijyino covejt seed- you pay for when belling lo you we can prove it lu yimr ulufactlou thai wt have ihe lxnl reran mm ilia irest bend hornet- in ontario bo burn dojdors have told llilrtl ami fourth grade or lha ikttt n ilia liai acton flour an ii feed store fk noble prop ljwl ihio adv rhtjnlly npinehtjrd by th owing t tli largely im r u living ishdy iponlt iti milton ttk al tlm tnofitlug of hi on m nl r r r tie lo tli urn nuuiur of drunk hi uul hntiiriay evening vviuiti t thu murtl of it i in y only drunk bill limy wi rn it swearing it is salt at a gieal i tt jjilton llnfonimr r ti runatlon on hornuy bv ulnar aoton himluty olnbbi ij ah nb mldy in ihn uan hall on monday evinlng at wlilrli ovor two hundred vtoiuei lnrtlriatod ihe rtd nln ikk the iudon harper and ihnse wli bard llioni at the assntuldy ltsl week y limy nlily sua ul tied tlm otd n pit tktlio won on ihet ocaalo mr juliii p keith war ui nocrelary bis- fatilnpln rualncm ofo t m i ant witck iht r wan iniint un rnhnn llio rwnlvxt al tint 1 1 11 tafrnt limn in any oiio wink inlin wit- nirrok5rir7si7in wrr reteivd mi sure lit mil jo paid mr ibilims thti ant nt u1 kill for fit lull l charges on llm varluii rnnimodltles thny r reived during hi week xlr holmes unyii tin n was iiinrn hmiliimm pm d tlironli liu liamlif during jauimry and 1 obmary i han wan tratiawalod duntiic llio 1 iilhtt ytiar fmirtfttm yoarw nk tits anuwnavi or anion m aambly 1 tin ajwenildy hold in llu town hull on wiino4ty evnhir t wmk ullllljrtblluhdtccalill lm o of aoloii wuh h mm luuovwut ut morn illttu uuuftl iiiiutllliy hhim j im kiicblu from outhldt ihiliith wtn miinrroiim mid lurltidi uill u anil hi nllcmim from jo ipli liirtown llrnfiiptoii mllloti and otlur lucut llio imdoti ilarira piovldtd iiiiimiu and mrticlmttittiar 1 uul in lliulr pralum of tliu jmimur m clu utra 1 im palronmmm wort mrv w h cliu linlin mr f m hoiuli runo mrw 1 ii hlmo mr- o o unndi rtoii mm or foll mm joupli lloliunu nlid mm htnwanla mtaiirh 1 ii htorwy w h oliubolin 1 v hay mail 13 m llmi dtrarn a o t llcardiiim and j g mimdotiall th work tr tha duountua mian iluaulti htolt humirliitt ndiill or llindihcouniut ifomnul iliiuilluiii mvii a vtiry lluriullnk aimn uu in llm milliimlkt holiiuil hmm inut ilinruvy nvftnlhg 1 im wtt k of tlm it aroim uutw in luilplntf the poor ttumliik tin- ulck lie uiau itt rtss ti1uilsdav maitoli 17 1011 brief local items j ood friday a wrnk froi ii lo mor lookln m a ir ala taakutf-ll- j wuhrmrrfrt htnnfc luldl rlilldraik lioiiauwork iiimrlittttndlti aiiniliior fnihli air onllliru ftc witu rnlitiaraml tuoul vividly mu hroflu rttcltnl of iirouml rnkiriiici u and olworvalfniin kuwo n u pi on did utory of tlm vry ttltocllvo work ihiik jiccmn pluhfd by tit in ortl r- of 1ill dltb w t apart foi tlilu sjwial work in tlodd tills u not idul iniipli itlitiar woathar thu u hu ratrlnkw day in lho bomlngvy tlio muni uprltiy txodiih to tlia north wat in in prorouu sprtnff t boya aro playlnu rmtlbtm attain tin klcr liolidnyu rti 1hiiiu iooilihi for war i to by hut ualiolaru tha dear lltllo nwvnt dill uliam took will bo much in ovldnimtt lo day jarnca o modoiikhii linhhurcmwltml donald cumpball in thu llvny btnri ttaaav tlm tunrolnf holrlo light brvirg was dlacontlnmxl on tmihduy for lho mi ion mlaa 1ft tire ii co murray liau opnnisl rollllnory ronnm in lho honord utoro next to htfttham a rici iy ivanhoo otiip honu or bcotlatul will hold tbalr kiiiiiihi al homo lu tlio town hall to morrow irviinliiir it v johtiatotio t window of hiikc buali aupplitm with lho damp 11 ro in tha con in haa iwan viry nttrurtlvn during tits we ok the hut ill or waitdionuthj ul tlm j t it tat ion aro lo im anlarod the comtna umuiiir vttry ooiihldnrably and a aiding run into tlm budding fonrof onr lto lan ftllow oltktinn wra natural d liml tliurwlay lwf w r dink floutity ornwii altornny- morru hue joa i rannkul h hurak tnan ii zelngrr information iihm iliviim frotp tin north weil llint plowing hnu bcur in ioiii part tt koulhurn mahlloba and aluurth nd h lutgoly incrtiouud acrage la to bu i up nliid in llinuti pro vlncva thu ihlrd annual at homo of aoton umg no ml i o o v will 4m held in the town hall on lliumtwy venlng2tib tint murk ordinal r of gofflph ii itrovtdo the nmalcal programme six or aovun mitimhera of tlut mil mailer hand toronto wltb piarlntto included will hdil amrvhwa in tin lupllt church on kildny and uatur day uvenng and morning nm evn ing uti sunday a nieetliig for iuku will lie in bl in llio town hall on hun day afternoon at four oclock george mcgrngorwhn w9 twice arreatetl for being drunk and dlaortlnr- y in town errvud two month in gaol wm the prlnnlpal wftneoa agalnat aj lehtuati nn the charge of willing liquor to a pereon on tbn indian laml kip lied from town last friday night leav jgenrgo oonnor jleanlinor crca- pplth an unpaid tipairtl hill of 7 00 titi of wni b bpwjcht toronto there paoat d away ov hatlinlay at hly huuie 400 churob sl ral mr- wilham 1 mpulgbt wlipjlnlil twilvo yehre ago waa idontlflea with tint hpelght wdggon workv oiharkbam whlnli werw established by y rather ir hpelght took a promlneni iart in tlin work or ihe canadian lumporanee- inagim in this city nnd wan aln an uollve worker in nonunafun with the mrltmi htrnct afalotluv phuroli and ibr york tjrtfp ofrtho a s 0v mr hpelgtil who was 07 yenra of age survived by bis widow three daugh tew mncj lcillr hihevllloi mrs v yl lr of toronto an ltlfa at lithtir miki w aons walter a irrd turoiilit globe ueccaad was a hrnlber of tlh lalu john mlobael ami iml bpahjbl of aetan and hi earlier yrr was reqhn vlaltor to friends ber a vrv sai fatal accidint david hnkwn pall prom ilia vumu it on auatalploa taatiir of th bkull and iuki a pew 1iouh9 latibh liy u v urtiph arrldtnt a lmppy liniiio iuut luif ilu dovotid in ml and this town uiio of llu uot wulwdimid tltkiiw atxnil bulfpaal nlglil on tutatlay morning mr david mlkowii nirr of lha fur in ahd garthn of i iiiasttr mallh ww had jo t dilvnn main hi rtt toward tin barn at thu mnrkit krdn with a rntllng ihik lu the waggon i hu waguon aluwrd allghlly nntl ifi alumipung to rc li tint neadiluo louteady ll lm ttvhlmilly berainnoveriwisiicikt nfl ffll illirlir dm waggon bwckwardu utrlklng his in ml with great forrrn tilt ihn fronn grtniud the jjow on jt imatl rt n dnrtl him migoiiblmm hulartimiit niudlial uxauiinntlmi pioved that ills skulrwaq otirtpuvly fraolurml lie was tenderly arrlod into the bonn of mr william hawthorn and lliirred uijlll almut tlirett oohnk whuklnatbraluu liavld mnciwll wau a uon if tlm late dnvid mrlctown hi and was j in 1hik at tlm fduiily immuiad hui ion 1 hiiu in lirn he uianld mary olilnglaii of ilm lain william olilng of llm i in i llm im m- mtkown four uoiih and ons dallght r uivlvr limy are olutrlln ami albert lu prln william in mlnhl 11 t ttiiwl lu ivironto and multul at linnu of tint throe umim and anvnn dallght ru in his rlhli s family liu u ibullrwt dwiith i roiu bin tarty hnjlin d mr mc krowu hlmiir llm a in ul k pur ntii wiu u otnlulluii lln wim u uiliubtc uf ibu mulbotlltit oliili hi l uervlce mfuu hcolt refurrtnl cuptrlally jim ololkt says to tbn joy brought to mquy hnirlu of iioor dlilldrtiu by tint ooiilntith of thu imik of dolls toys etr ftint to the bomn h dm young pnnpln of llin kpworlh itiaguu laat jhrlutmitu m lktsrnrsu -ndtosittrtnaaiavr- llm viry budtlni nnd nucxpiitd dnalh of mm hnlart fjuhtr ruimivuh a bhock t i noiiimunlly mm 1 ialmr was tlm second daughtnt or mr jounph inhy and whm in hnr mtb year shf ytars ago ulni wnii uultnd in holy wedlock wllb hnr borrowing bun itutui nnd hiiir homn wuh n most happy out mm 1 islim wan of u bh alid klml illsiioaltinn nhd inlirh belovot by all who know bar hbo wan for many yearit a mctulwu of tin congregational chun h 0hurrhil hnr duath was tlm ii rut imitk in tlm family fihn luavis tuiuldta imr buu lund ami llttln iuiim her father and niolhtr three ulsters mm untitirl hhaw anton i mr w it lulng coleman allxiru mrs clinton hwaoklminr churrlilll mid four hrotluiru chaibs a tiuby irfrkddlei walunn a naaahgawoyu hlllyaid lu aoloii and rolmrt on tbt biiinn- strad llm funeral wau rnnduotid by ibnabtv 1c i hltnox nrimmto fur pastor at ohurehlll wofciwlrtl by hevs j uwllauii anton uiil luidi of 1ltkkwoodv the rtiifialiiu wire inn derly liorutt to the toioh by the four hmlhnru and two brtithnrs lu aw 1 lie flora trhntea vntrti very lwtuilliul apiong tbo r lends who alteudd thu fuiinral from a duutioh wrrt mrs fjydtiey j oram tonmto mr nnd mrs charlss havens ouvlph mr nnd mis hurtling and mlus look georgetown mrs jkntuok milton and mr tlioimi 1 tllntt milton oou listless backward children uida brigh aid actlrt by dr morus ifldlan root pi i is many a nnnving p iwy or girl b ict cv down a contimi- tp ilinislly ilow itimitl or la when it u really a jiektlm of hist live bow ell ly liver ur ijniib lldfiryj i lie growing clnl i uiiliuhcart apjtitl tciullily anu t long icmalii bcilitiy und brlitlit if lluitawtiia etuie- ixtdy the bowcla bih 1ic klilncyi re linke1 up with impurltica llisi itionm le thrown off jaompllyj complejfloii dmjtgni llmlii srjd tlulikc fur mental or phy ileal kki ihinv plalnlv that llic clilld needx dryvorm indian root fills lu tu lip the liver and kidneys and repuhte llic htmch dr m w ijj kt nffh do this moit cifenlvrly draining the linle lyitcmt piirilylng llio blood biiuiie llic dlicmon and giving plciuy of llic und activity a vi ton llio tdutatlnn olrtalnetl may deeiid lho motcii in ble of your tmy or girl cc toitllhit tlir general health of the hllj u luch that tudy pleamuo and not llardilup fyluile lionivkjistl htbf by w ii cunimo4k co id at itroikvlllrauil old by all dialer at ajt a box t the mwtlily rumllyrei thlumi i shbxl for on agnt s kurlliiguisrti hu ht rtlfron yesi i tin form to auttn sg and bavo t in llitir reldnnc iii lake phiru his ufturntmin at ml o chirk to 1 airvltiw tindery u j an acton bov u uto paiikg u u llm toronto htar says ily waiting and buying at llm i igbt iiioimint mr i i msnn vrrt prtuldnt or the cauii dlim northnru itollway and llhunclally inhiinoled wltlia acordnf nllinr enltir- prltius lias stilund a bio k of land lu ilrltuh columbia that is rat tivday to im worth 1m0 mm ik mr 1 hlusri of yullle the man who engln nt rtnl ibu do i anil who foi uierly own h that vnry part of cumd is in to n ii did not deny tbul while be made woll on the traiihinllou hets dupl ax fhnio is h town on the pine ami us it was named uttei me 1 know ivory root or land tin r auld mr nlusrt it now turns out that mlii nrul dnposlts of which wo don t yl know tbo exlsnl have luieu dlseovnr id mi manns propnrty lu worth ji mil xkl now acorik to okimirts have liougbt cuilmt of a lnrgo nrna or mining land iii northern- llrltish columbia hit prop rty is located along the hear itlvt r conuhlirably north of irlnrn ltuport and tlm main line of tbooraud lvumvlvelheand north of the- jfcrfc- lauil canal kurvnys already uuidn liiivn nhown isimimkiibly rlrh deposits ot old silver had and some roppur ilnuldtis this lhtro urn ueverul liinber llmlts and townsltes hnvnral eastern capitalists amur iran and canadian aroiuifcooiulxl vjth mu in ibis vuiiluid but i have the eintrol in making llm above stalniunnt to a clobu repoiltr yesterday mr o i mann naprunoed the 1ml hi r that lho new mining held would prove one of the richest in canada although im would not say how ninth it had oosl himself and associates in proceed pu fiir as they had done he sdmlllfd that l mm ihmi would not cover the 0xp1rdl tub rnicia op watoiiica watrhes to day arti no nhnupar llian limy weio twenty years ago if the tpiallty lu tbn same uul or coiinu ttmni are many nhoajmr watches mado which answer for a few years and in lho mniibllnin giving llm watchmnkru- y v t vl tly yt uajl or nlgbl dollars up to hfttiou or twnily dollars to buy una that will ktop gonl time amft laul for twenty ytriis or tyori it bi ponds i inuob on bow you iiso them home people ixpiat ihom to keep lime for yeim anil yet give llimtii no more httentlou tluin a wh ellwrrow we hiivo real good strang fin inert welches which will keep out dust for seven itfty i4gbl mid ten dius and few ukiia nunllly ones hf lift n we huvu joat now aim u fmv uueond baud bloh wn liava pul in good roil iililg in dor and vblnh wo ill thoroughly rneoniumiid nnl warrant und em warrant means that the watch muhl run aa well as we say it will we are always imrti to take it i wok 1rbiujw tlut jewolur gjihlpli absolute security genuine oarters little uver pills must er slsnaf ur of urn i vinoy itatof ttf m1 v mnqt ronuucit roi dinmui m wimotiro fditoinauvu roi ciiiiiipano niiuuwtni nitmeosruuum oude biqk headachk garden freshness of saladc mm tea a fresh ami fragrant from the garden of the finest tea- producing country in the world ak your grocer for m package tody youll like il llm sociac afd p1rs0nal mr j iyt or calgary alia w s lu towh on lucmluy mrs 1 iallr of loronto is llm gnintorhrr fi loud mrs j nnlfx mus klhel walmrf or ioroulo lu vulllug t the limnn of mr hi i hhuw mu- klnu lnr or ijinliouie m is llm witk nnd vullnr of in r mund mlu agnwtj hi oil un j c wilson ii a was at oinlph this wtk all ending llm inn u ing or llm ilthhytciy mw 1 olmby and rhlldreu of wioglmm hvn h gimsts at hmnnof mr n ii mcnabh jviignorgi kloroy jr h ft on mu day mr bis it mm ul s ikutnoti uuk hn lookiirur loud of sir rk wllb him mr and mis murray h nvllb rtnl ml william kniuitllle lift on luusday fob their bttmu ul- nmlu- xlallh riirtjhusk or it i ilnlmu win llm guiw1 or nx aid h w ilumpbii jiulph al juumutn yuppt r lend ltd hluuporlnl jftltinds on haturduy nvliilug mr ami mrs hubert jililwnu r loving tu tliidr prop rly on oung tient rroiu crumsons corm rn i la 111 im onliklly vvlcnmil hai k to town w 1- v 1 au or wulirdown formurly of milton reb brale1 hi- ihitb blrt inlay on knb illi lie s w ii and takes dally 1 ivt s through tlm vllliig champion mr ihos ii aklns uln iihh lueu taking treatment el honinwood hani tarllim cunlph for pii miliih improvnl httly iud hi nry bi now iirovnl lilt ly in r bomd for the wwm n bmut 6pv1o i llmbastei uivle of llm woman miaslonkry sili ly h id in ihu melb dulhrbool hiojn iakl ihuriuy uftur noon vih vvnll itttumltd by lh irtdls or tlm rnngi i gallon nnd aliouiidrd wltb iliuwtnniuy ttnl nnd inuplrnllnu ui prttgrunium wus of tourbii mlsulouuiy in splilt uud k ivi itimu of htfo nullon rtpirtingll i woik itev or autlllt gav n v i y i im iiirnglng ndilr it mru c c hpilght visblmitnriupliil thn rhulr a giucinuii kuul r onilng wrh ink ii 11 fr bhiileiitri w rn si rvtid at the i ins spring milujvbryopbnino you are cordially invited to attend our sprinc millinery opening today and following days d e macdonaldjbjios the lion cor lrvyfluliani a mactfoncll strcci iuuiuulnt mrs nellmomiihiinorhtoniy plains alhirla nml mr j 1 wi igbt and thru duiigliltrs or iiidlsu head hiikk t u turned bnino last iliesttny aflor um niltiig llirrn iiioiiiiih at ihn nnrrfjss hnutl m tj and other riitnidi marbh 1iaiii oiiow a t thown ha an invlrorwtor that makm llalr upou in abun dantly of many tlaok h your lutlr is thinning out griwlu ally it won t im long imforii llm buhl mtapmaru v the urns to uku nam rr llio tnflr s when you have hair in tako care or 1 or thin felling halt the usut remedy kunvvn to mankind la imlsuu hsge it is eompouuded tin si lunlllbi prln olplsiiwud furnishes to the bulv rooua- iioiiiirhmmit that nclw tuleklyj ami promptly and rojias tin inilr to grow ihil rtimtnnlur ibis i u kills llm dmiulrurr germ tbi peut unit apjiro pilatrtl h hut ualuul luiiiuhnent that ub on id g to thu huh mow vtuhin huge l witd by a t nrown liihbv a poilllvi gitnlu to rulriluh ilandrurr stop railing linlr and llohlng scalp in two weeks or money brick it gltoii to womuus hair ii uurn andiadlancu that is iiiohl ffuiclnallng id raiises it to grow mbunaiitly inilslaii huge is now sold lu every drat uhufi owu in caunda a larg gtineroubotllo coats m ennfs and the gbl wllb the uuhurn bnlr is on oveiy boltlu whon you c oil frijdc murk on miy mciuciiial or toilet tr piirutioii j on purchii c it ij on aisuruiico to you umlrvery inire client ciilcriug mtc ibul prtpurudnn 1 1 of llic luojirst piullty that mntiy tun proturu willi lrvrn more inipnrluiit ll u uu u ur unci that tlicu mtjr 1u ut i linvo been joiuiouucled uctfialiig-tq- tlu ijl ittoriihilic uikivaii by o xpert chcmlfita of long lxpcncncr in hit liuploy of out uf tin biii t whole uwdrur ltmi in the worlrt tlit nutiunul dnij uiul cijiiiltil compitiiy of cuiiiulu a yon imvc probulily notiltd na dku co in inudi up of hit fir i purl of lho uordi national prugjunipuiiy it i jiro nam ltd na djioq ho ulth hit ulctnl mi hit ttcoi l sylluhlu lb iu nwuiii of tile i ktctif ie ii t in ctthuda of jmplo lioipc liobl rtmeiht i und loiltl prcimruhtnii vt fdl c rtniu unit ciinii lmiim w ubl wt lto nit u hut of hit t ijtiod wld under a ii tinttivc trade iiiail that they could bo euro wtrc not only of tbo inflict ttuutliird ut jminintdd purity hut were compounded by expert chcmits fro i fornmlie ibul hud btrn well tried rtlir w at tlio laws say 1 or hit protection f ihe publir the liw nrcictitrovrnrctrrcnnrniituniefi ihul only lhoroii lily tpiiilllird mru tire nltuwcd lu dltixiibe prescifjill t ihcro inrn lu iny iihytlcl utsor gnidunlru of rrcoguuetl lollrgrs of iliuruiu y 1 in it ort if u tlnctt r jjlvm you u prqi crijilliu the i iwn ol camilla rcmibr th it it im- tliuicunrl hyu duly piulilicil tlrujiit uud not by u m in i iioriint uf llic ultifm of ilrihn hie hi icul toiicluui u is ih il as the livvunb nuih by tlicriiriwituiivcnj the itc llic iieni k uulll pnilecllnil nnd sliotild uckuiiie lln iiiiiriiuuiy t f luiiiif uhle lo procure in uuy p irl of tiiuulu inrtlli niiii und unlet prrniiru tloiiu compounjoiliy xprt elm mints and tfuarantmil by a firm nf our stsnd- ng tvheriynirre llifi na tmirco triiiln murl you iiuvl thin opportunity and the gititfuntca for which you are looking source of the nadruc0 formulae llm nut inn u drui mid chcmiail compjiiy of cuuuil i i llhitrd nc tpitrcd the tmehieiten mul in mil our llir ixiiinrahle irnilllloni of jl of hi makes solid hcsh lccflute it crvotu an nppclitc it builds up the jmkl run down aymein in a natural way mkc and x imi11c nt all dmir- gula lbs sure you get tbo genuine llvi4 k 1 awieui- tn i tilical oiibwhonm cohrtmim mr and mr itobt olbhonsreiunvnd on lunulay tolhlr mw boine in aoton wiregel vry much ihrt do pasture of mr and mrs glbbona and mr itobt hnjdti from ibis mdgbbor- lioodxbcy bastuilwuy b ep goo1 neighbors and fiiimdu we whh lln m all uurcosh lu anton oil wtdnesdwy of last w ek a large number of mi ml and mlghbora of mr and mr tntl denny nr0lmrcli 111 gatbind at their boom lo my good hje tiny wrre pisentetl wllb tin mtdioes and a banikomu kliulmn aabliiot as a lukim r the gootl wlsboa or llutlr many frlonds nevdhss to any tbn night was spentnmat enjtvy- ably by nil piouout lu gaiilia uiitl dunebig unlll the tally btmis of the morning when lb y ih parted wishing mi and mis dtmuy all pouslhle sue cess in bob now brum mr nnd mrs denny leave sbottly for xoionto mrs w mcdonald ami mrs jas uamsliawor georgeto s b layal m jas gamhlis mr and mswiii wtuklns or ltimsdeti husk vhflletl ikut wt ek with bis hetoliir mr thus walklus auotom halu nkaiarrtfn imwhitant htftf 11 j kerr lot jo ton 1 kiln will bold hi fifth hllimiil lhptisloii sale id the noted mapbi hnut lords of purebred yorkshire and lit ikshlre hog inolud big over- twenty sows in farrow and high grade citllle and hdrrts on iv t day lktb meitili children mutiavo tfood hlood otbeiwlse lhn will im puny slnuly and delbiile irs eblblniri am pale easily fltllausled glvo ihein rerrovlm lb invigorating lonle which u eiiinptiiit1 orfitah leanbitr cltnttenmmn aiil bile oll h sherry whit nothing euutd he more beneficial in audi cases vi a buttle urliicju caiiuli il wholesale druir hon in all of lhee firms hml limf mul i uc ceatfut eureers toiiicof llicin llfiy to one hundred ycuru mul tlurliif llinr ex u tr nrc they hntl nreurmil itrd u aplendld lot of fnr ii which all he cuiiic the properly of the nulii mil after vhtuig ihcw fonnuli ijircfnlrlu tly mid profit icnl tc la for irr il yeim we buvc now hrniiilit on i luul mi them ihe na dltl ui hue tf uliont 1j mcdiciiul mul loikt prrpmitiniu all ihe ingretllrniii in thrne r p ir iliou i lire ihe lust mul piic it that iiiniiiy c in buy nnd they mc tonipoiiiiilrd by u at ill of expert chemhtn riich or wlium ruuta 1iilii id hli prokmion ue h ive such implicit con li knee hi naduuu ircpiiralioini hint we oftrr thciiiuilh a foil f-1- old giifirantco the first guarantee- in the firm behind the na puu co lrmle mink vc pmt in iltr 111 it urlltlr jihmi ue me toulil hc out for iwnptr will net keap on buying unrrli ibl i mku multiply hint met iiy- ft r uuhiy by over in hundred nnd you h ivr our notililou on thr iiiluy tif ruth na niuj co nrllek lu itiil rd uol only our lineilnicnl in lint urlkkmul our hope if irudl in it but our itivrnlmaul uiul or hope f inut m llie v hi k na dill co hue u c uiiou ih il the fin ihly of the firi1 na imv co prciinili u on buy will prurticully ipci lo wliuilifr you tntoma n rcgul ir nuer ul n dhu q oiticlca i r iirnnd lor ihul in il you in iv w led tiny one if lie ijfj prepurutlnna rclcniiieihi befniu riich urtirlo kiumo uhuld lite mpuluiiouol till tlio third guamntoo nf na duu co rpmllly h the fuel tluit na drii cv prepnriiliiiili urc ti at niiy lime or in tiny pi ee kilt nt cut prices na quitco preearstlona art so much bettor thin llic prep trillions whorpric imcciil tli it dleiulugneo lite iirtffr lopny full ricu i r ihe na ihllj co iuii bncmieo limy have tlio nnaraiitc unit every na hill co nrtlrle ii compoutiiled by expert die lulntn from the cry beat ingredients the fourth guarantee of na nuuco pmliiy u short nnd very much lo he point it uftrr try tttjnmy nuiclo ikuring ihe na dltfl cd trade murk you nrs not ml ire y nill lied return it to ihe ilruguut from whom you hoiilht il uud will lartd hutk your moiity he u ill do it wil lllillv too lie illte we giliiruut to ul uiul the hi 1 nntl return tilliliiuvery cent he gives buck to yuli nadruco preparations not curallb lhere iu no na duu co prepare tioti ihul will urc evvrylhlnic mid to dent urk you lo hrlleve hut ihrrc u ihirihcre h n jifpk na pithco leuieily for eticli totllinoii tillnitul reuirdy that vtirt counnund the t iknle d the public lift conipnny of chi ihe lareeit ulioksik dnij brum in the trld imviug 11 liiil up c ipltnl or er ha mitllnn dollnra we ll ive consult your physician na liltll co medicinal preparation ure not intended to take hie place of your nlivhlciati s prescript limit far from il vf1111 yuu nro ill you need the physl ojuipi lkltrul iuuotim and tretilineul ami it would lw folly lo depend on your own dlnjmoili uud uuy liniieelmld remetly llul in emergencies thet yoi r iiinht get hie doctor pilckly uud lu m my other cium reliable- hotikctiold remedy in a re d hlcbslng t put his abaoluls reliability nf na- srtt cxjtrrwparallrrns bstand doubt ot question we are preparoo to furnish te your physician er yur dniktlut on requeil a list of the itikfodlann lu any naduuco preparation 1 aik these uifiii who are lutu ol htarmne iu your cnimmiiilty nd in whrnn yen nlacs implicit confidents all about na-dru- co rniedle ii your inn itlut ban not thn purtl ruliir nvdiujco rtpuriilinii oii ink for lu hlock he 1 ui et it for you ullhlii tvtn d iys fnuu our nenrmt wliokilc i rinch writs for tha 1010 nadhuco almanac alvlup a lint of hatuxtco artlcui and uriess with oilier uaeful infnnuat nu ajdroas hatloual drug co adtertialnc deiartiiiant 34 st gabriel btreet uontreal rational drug chemical company hie nnllniul drill uud thcmkil da lltmlr lareeat whole id having 11 ovci wbnleuile brunclna ui the principal distributing centres lucuniulli 10 that you can ut all times kithify yoiimelf but there in such u fmii wn are the lareit buyers of lnii nlid du tliet kir iter tilirt of llir wliolrmle drug muilmmi in cun ia m uiploy u ntulf of iiimiui ninchuuuredicoileiuidtlulrl hutc in luluiics dividends und other expeusc itvctqucmillioii dtillrtrs an mm ily uo carry n wlock dlnlrlhutt amoiif our llruucliea- 1 f uboiit lu million dollurs uud in iiihlillou we own real estate mid hiilhllims which ure today worth nmut i uc lliuulred thoiisund dolliuii uud ibcr iuie assets all thu slimds na 11 tcunr m let- brllind rich ptckiige heuriiig the na duu co iruilcimtirk i the second guarantee of na niuico no ulty is the na uru co 1 ratio mutt ilwcir of canada ll whelstal halirx8t john hnnlreal oth it ad klmtnteu toronto uamlllon w whtmlseg usjin colcry hdaen vaneouver vicrerir- conscibntiqus plumbing and heating is not n myth iiflthi us lo hio cnnlrary wo uils h lho meal imporlnnt factor tin ir you favor 11s wib yuur ulrinok you will enlhutlaahcally omjono m f4bd s7vtith pluflbbr ouibnsr plivne337 l gueph opening op millinery txtk would n mind you thit iilcr is only 1 ft w t rhya nway it is time to thmlc op jour inw sprmr wot fit of llmu and suidjjjirl nil the frtili fixtnj that o with mnirt dress inf let u havt tht plcisurc of introducmj to you tlic ntw stj les in sprnij milli nery l very t lutir i ready como what arc lie new styles in millinery never have we entered into a earon with more ft dim ting hats individu ality speaks from evt ry on of them widi bnmy tur bans toques and sailor shapes flowers on almost anything flower ujts are strong in faet there are all shapis and sizes and ourjarjtlispliy mdkcsit easy to pick one lint will match your new suit new spring clothing moil anil lmy u ndw inrhk cloth uili the liovcoal thlntta hi atyle and mntmlsu ueuh from tha mitiutic lures ii lcs rigbr groceries yoiiiik hyaon gr 3 ih for lipeclal 100 i reh j a vi urouii i 5 lha co if os ground or uti dress gootl wntmin nkti lartjca ol tha new est we i von and colorliu a tier yard 500 and 76o wash suit tabrcs indian heads llp i hienn hi nil the mom deniable shuitns don i miss seeliik ihe new h malerlal merajiu cloth ixalilllul soft and hiittoiik splendid or sum w e moore mill street aoton the right house favorite shopping plaoo materials for making spring dresses do i ou rraliie that spring u slmoft hern f i a star uu t far pit and ihn us u wnrhnj apparel fur hauler sixl iht sprhik hts it ihi ihmiuhl of and planned allanch tlmiiktit nntl pi mm oiiht 10 incluiln a nip in fmli it jr hi houiir whnrea larne array of spring siu and hrcbs mloili i are now ready ami awsll your chikilnu dciend oil m for lite very iiumst wenou thebeal vahlumi d lliolrutl niwirtniciihj within your roach here a re a low ileum natural hhantunir ponarae bikm 1 b6 preily alius are lu great demand not only are lliuy nuipec lally faahlotiahle hnl very iimbl and pracilral 1 hoy urnar aplenilldly and wah use linen we nw iimnes nx ira need valuosin eiuiltia i lllltoso 26 inches wide siieclal 30c h inches wide soclal 60r hw dreamaoodat7ttaa vaetl anioiik lho coiuittiia now lines ol aulilnge an i ilrnttliilfttrrlalh foa aprlnv we loaiure s prelly wool lalfdta with slllt alrlpe 4 i rich tin wl to lu ityllli shine ol ian old rose cade chsmpnno wistaria ll gav and uavy at fn par yard oilier apodal value iniilndo at i uoue aj clikfm venetian cloth al wool jmrniatvout lluhh thoroughly altdttiw slid umi ijtilnk in a mil ratign ol lbs pnpu lar shades al ll 5jchlirni llrosdchlh i im hoa wide a ileal rah lo tpiallty i hat glvea aatlalaclory service sjliown in a good varlely of color fouuthta will uo fashlonabla ftr spring und summer ihsi iheae tuhilv allks are alinwii in n mulliiiiiln ol bcauilful ileu snd ull the wauled colorings 1wi arnupa can tie had lu iinatl camoiitl itial pillnrim overlahl elfitls holu checlt shd6llaiuirlmlbl valntt at sue and cmjc a yard bala nf llnad qlovasf sharp reductions 011 the waniw u ituls ul loves and mills or women i sran variety of uiul made of 11 1 eapn auetln and mocha in black brown and ian lined with wiw i er fur luchi ling ihn ory rholrusi liautitleip 1 hara ale nt ti u lu llm whole si trk bul nol all hbes iu each lliltr niltntbal all hieie iomhi r regular lines til auteilu ml mfvtajitlum 1- at h50 were bi ai 3 wtei 1 at ti j3 wnre 1 jn at i o wore a piallty at 1 t 15 at ll o vie nil lit thomas c watkins umited hamitrjon ontwfa i 1 l 1 llj i ktna and lluariiaon ta t

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