Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1910, p. 3

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r a complete stock hair drushas tooth brushes cloth bruahae fin comb dressing cqmbs baok and hide lombi hali pin in shalta and wlraf c all in whan you need any of the alova oar ljb are low goo hynds jbtctom ont majlrlacs ltcbnbs i3buud h nassagawoyo lumber mills i rse lock of shingles n hand 4 loot maple wmhi fv sate also lahs sons store news sap supplies wo wlh it irmind n uaple syrup makers thai thn ap mh n l tso ml hand and ii ia 1111 thai ihoy wm looking up i heir supplio fend aoalntf what lliey will need lor tlila year out stock u in but ii in limited ami wo wuu il advise onyooe needing imw ill etc lu leave their ordar al once m poiliing be gained ly walling rjf5johnstone fjje rioir jrce fjreas ttnnranmr uauui brief local items march imiuo in vtiry lamblike good friday lima weeks from lo ll hi jit is not difficult lo foresee winters an tali now many of tlio navi inenls wnre able watnrcourwi on sunday monday 8nowshoeliig and oboganlng hnvoheen ilia vnguo kilii lha young i people ths past weak or bo rev mr l white breached inr tlio ilsptlst church last sunday with much acceptance a tu ha rvey has bean pushing forward hia work the past week and la rutting on wall with tlio assessment isaac dennett has purchased from kdwln atkinson i he so acre lot adjoin log his property on thr fifth una rtrin 1 81 member nf mc master kvsnge- italic hand will hold services in the baptist chureh on march lbtli 10h ndahh municipal ofllror hmlth completed hla year engagement on monday lit successor mr john harvey la la full charge the iplld wsallii r ahd rain of tbe big february thaw on h turds y and hunday reduced the depth uf snow very materially hay doggie i youd belter keep your tnuntle on and mind what your about t for the dog eathorll get you ef you don t watch out i alonxa korgrnve who had hla foot severely out some four weeks ago while playing hockey at acton is able to go to work again herald iumint wlaw he purchased from dice a lot jui weat mary street on which bo will erect a brink residence next hummer milton lie foviuer david a henderson haa sold hla farm lot 11 coo fl nasaagaweya to duncan campbell of oorwhln and took mr campbells saw mill in part payment invitations lutve heen lasued by the gentlemen of acton fo en assem blytumtowiihtalrwt wsdnesday assail og the london uaapase will- j music we have been informed i hat mr b h meolbbon of the clark limine baa about completed he purchase of one of tho leading hotels in the city of gael ph- herald anniversary sorvldea will be held ffi llht ltvptlat church nnr kasur hun day iter irof malhewa of ma master university toronto will be tbn preeoher of the day mraars kee as oartrr borse drauiptun wbm hcrblaat thursday and purchased ten flio horess they will bejrt lbs dominion hotel to day and ere asking for two ear loads xlw dpg owners complied wjth tl by uw vrf well only few were remhw about iso uansalee were sold by tbe desders funny lnt it t there were 01 dogs on the a roll last year mr il l gregory baa puroltasrd from mr bdward tweedale tbe lot at tbeeoroerof ohareb and klgln streets lie wilt make preparations the coming- summer for the lerectlon of a new residence tbe rrguhtr meeting of the womens institute will be held in the council chamber on friday afternoon at 8 oclock a demontretloo in dress enlunfeimlflitlng will be the featufe- of tbefternrti all ladles invited jtb leather business is booming jot now korenmn wiles has two gang on at beardmore a gos leather warehduaevrtb g t 11 sutjon- day and night sblfu heavy shlp- imsntsof solelfauier are being made fju b maekensc ooqtractor has leased fronl ii p lawson bis planing mill at georgetown and purchased all stqgk ha will contlnne his bus eaaf and readdenoe here but iaa aaioanmm oontraots at tieorgetpwn nd tbhi will faujlltate bit building operatlohs there palfcublo as cream tlie i h hmulslon for those suffering from severe oogtu ndhaniorrhsge is ostd wluu4etasbeel kws or local import if ulvnan appaal cmmm ilia hearing of tlio ph al or a j lluilari auahial tin ronvlrlloii rcfla v nhltbltiallihninlhollhhl obniry for m lllik intoklrhllitg liiior in a ro- hhluxl minun will imi hwatd bttomhu 4tfnoi- judgiuirliani in the town ball next tliunmlay aflarnoon th robmisi in dd cdluon i uwlug itmlicbat roads few farmnrw wno nltlr to k1 lull town from hatur day aintit tatnnay the rlp and lhaw rxindtrtd the tnuw so soft that thw litntwh would go ihnuihft will fvicy klrp th aitendanco at i in nhurch anrvlcoa un hunday was con stquetitly much reduced atlramlv window dr the laat iaue of hardware k melsl c4mtslnc4 an bngraylng of une uf uio attractively dressed windows of il v jolinilotie hanlware mcrcliaut and waya that hr u gaining a whle frpuca lion w hi skilfully deaaeed window dulayn mr johnstone was awarkad akond prise for lil big ohriatutas sdvetllsentent in ibofllem tukhh ueaiii at mn avod mrs huatne keq tlires weeks ego richard jiugkea k1 pf faiiuaslng neajr hornby dld nldenly in hornby autlou whtln awaiting thn train which would lake bltri to toronto to vjalt his r ran win 00 thursday of last week bis widow mrs kllen hughes iwtal away at 1 ho home of hex grandson charlna ht wart munroe htrent titnml o llnlh mr ami mrs hugltctf were over eighty years of egn the ptan mlarhs- work well here talk about early plowing we noticed two iihii and a toatu plowing on main htrrel on tuesday tjy w re plowing the anow and ire on li aide of the street lu ordor to loown it so that it could imi uirown out on the road and dllchna made bo that in case a freshet came the water would he carried d th s with out flood iogloe shlo walks and collars f tbestoresmllton urnrnu r aeton lnalnf nn k varnilly mr jantoatorrmncr uteoftorraiice e wbeeltir enpreesniuii la rtuilpvlng this week to bts rami lot h ron i llrln during i heir residence here stncitltw7rur and mrs torrance and mrs torrance hr whn has nliled with them have made many frlritds their removal is much rrgrobtihl mr totranre relliriis ui bu farm adjoin lug i bo one where bn had formerly resided which he purchased laat yr host burtl nation treatai doetat the gasette saya i at a rernnl meet ing of tbe council a new by taw in regard to dogs waa paused vndurtlie old by law the las was gl u per year for every maltand 200 for a fomsln the new tariff la 3 ik ror malt a and v300 tor fvmales maldea the addition al coat of a tag 2j ennta which tnakna craiwarista oornkna will march uvrylantik thri i brtiary lhaw has plated ihn ronda in an luijiajumitiln rondlilon mr john jlurnstde has rented mr itobt jiblona farm and will roov lo it alionl the middle of che month mr uibbons lplends liavjng asale on the 10th of march and will return to ac ion the community regret very murli the removal or mr ami mrs gibbons and mr itoht mold r from ui vlolnity limp ngret u felt by tlte many friends of mrs itobt ipiahvr in her death wlci ikurred at her home in anion on monday tlie sadly tereav ed i in hand and reulfves have hi slucsrrst symsthy of tfll in ihelr aail itereauement miss kmlly j wroii a gradiuttsi nurse of llosttpn mass who- haa bnen nursing in new york for the past two years ims been visiting at her home hare also spent a- few days with her brolher mr herbert carroll who is at prraent attending toronto unl veralty miss carroll and her molh also stenl some ttnm wllb lhu but mother sirs aul mckensic of alutn whose hiitnml dlel in january miss irene cur roll who in ahu nursing in nww york has at prcsutnt n very not a bin caae being mrs r wltose hualand la a son of mrs harilet tleecllnr hlowr author of uncln toma cabin ttui uiwms curroll are dallghlnrs mr and mrsu wm oarrol of this place and urn two or our mnalhlghly esteem ed young ladle their large clrrlii of frlondu will extend llirlr congratuls tlous til their lual kd miiruaa in thell elmmtou prnleaalohv mr jaa wiuou an i mrfwtin aklna f krin ilug i nt dy i so last wmlt mt mr wj vctty a tind mr w inil- mlaa aunln cntwson xvrlit to ajihrotr on mondiy wluru slui hav solurtd uodlllim mr end mrs a cunli alul m tea hhjli is always fresh salada ii prown in the finest tea eirdcns of the island of c ylon picked every day and reaches you not later tr an fifteen weeks after being gathcr- cd its native mrlty and fine flavour a7e prcscifve3 in airtight a alccl salada packets you are guaranteed tea of unvarying good quality salada ask your ftrocer for a package today youll like it social xuo perspnal pers chaa tayh r i nt mr ceo or t arlo ban a ffint hunday tbe lax uiuat be paid before march 1st and dogs must wear a tag as wsll as a mania very sudden h the very sodden ilnatli or mrs itobt fisher mill street which occurred at noon on monday lias leu a tuully bereft home a distracted husband andtadearjlltlamotlierlesa babe uf a few hours mrs manor waa the daughter of mr joseph ijuhy and had been married some seven years tlie sincere t sympathy of thn cooi nlty la felt fr the family lu their great sorrow the funeral yesterday afternoon was conducted by llev v i hllcos toronto assisted by itov wilson of acton and hodda of hock wood and was largely atlnndnd afr beard nutre has appealed mr w i ueardmore lhmugli his solicitors has served notice nn toronto olty legal deparlioent that hit will carry his appeal in thn elorlrlo power case to the- court of ajtpeal mr hoard more seeks to set aside tho cltyrf contract with tho hydro vlectrla vo wer oom mission and prevent the ehy from supplylngpowertn thnr iltlson in thn high court before chancellor uoyd judgemeut wasglven against mr ihtardrnorn and have to appeal direct to tho court of appeal mot allowed thn case stilsuvjuiinl ly went to the divisional court where the dscisttm of chancellor lloyd was sustained krom tho dirulon of the divisional court the appeal to tho court of appoal will te made wrak kldhrvs ma kb wuak hoqibfl i kous strain find rerrovltn tin igotallng tonic iinrualled to itrangtbon and renew the exhausted their aotlvfly la leasened ihe w i iwjrff ussuea of their body iarrovlm- i composed of fresh lean leef cltrato of iron pure old hpanlsh hherry wide 1 wiper bottle a wlm old german oiien tald i itkoa to give vllllngly veil i gives nuch that i hair or the id iitst or aston people as one weak link wtaknna a chain so weak kidneys weaken the whole body and hasten ho final breaking ddwn ovorwnrk strains holds and other injure tho kidneys und when body suftrs rrom the esresu of urln poison circulated in the blond r pains audtanguormiid urinary ills come and there is an ever increasing tendency toward dlklmtes and falsi drlghls disease tlnro is no real help for the surferer except kidney help uoolhs kidney llil- sold in acton at hmwns drug htore act dlreotly on the kidneys ami euro every kidney 1u milton cures are proot mr gen morley of milton onl says i altar having tried many ad vsctlaeat kidney pills for inflammation of the bladder that caused me to suffer with severe pains in this region i oommanced the use of booths kldury inits this renimly wssailghly rccoiii mended for troubles of the kidneys and bladder and i have found by using nearly two pmoksges that it uf all that it is fyprestiutetl to be fur i iiayu betrt greatly benefitted bytb usw it haa ione into tlte- most good of anything tried so that 1 cansrlth grateful nesa and pleasure recommend il to nlhep sold by dealer trice 50 centu the it t hooth co ltd knit krle ont hole canadian agqnls curbs catarrh asthma broacaltb croon coo sod cotfc or money back sold mad nuatcsd by a t ilnawn druggist acton j when a manv time tk oast talents bsrinonlse lhu dny of destiny for mm baa dawned j dr an ulita edumtloiul sirmoiu hev j c autliir d d poached two scholarly and powerful sermons iii the methodist church laat sumlsy oie orcation of thn ictlucatlonal autil vnrsary members uf the congrega tion freely express the opinion i list they neier heard morn appropilstn discourses on ilia subject tlie even ing sermon on i am the light of the world john tlj was masterly and shnwthl in most convincing win trast thn vast differencd lmtweon the christian era and the moat cultured un vl ron men is of lluyfuilmlest days ot grecian and llouiati rlllxeiiahlp pnd education before chtlsl f sdvrnl maaat meeunr of cltlsenaj a ins as muetliig of culsuiia will ihi in hi in th towrt hall nrxt tues evenlog htli iusl lo wet lv the fl nat report or lh cltlsnna committee appointed by the electors issbspt ing to rany on thn local option csnalgn it is promtaetl at tho meet lag to organ is a clllswus league to take up the matter of enforcement and seeing that accommodation la provlved tor the travelling puhllcu uon the drat of may local option wljl couio intoorce it will come to stay and all good vltl sous will be interested in its successful operation and the betterment of the town the meeting ontnesday even ing will le of keen interest to ladies and genjjsuiuh and there should 1m a- largest t e lid a nor th savte petas- mun the orlllla times says respecting tho late ietcr mann in lust issue after a very brief illness mr initer msnn aged 07 years died at the home or mr samuel hhlvas west street orlllla on thursday imniry ihih at 0 p m deceased bad been working for mr hhlvas market gardener for some lime and took cold two weeks ago being obliged to keap to his bod un mojidayotat jyeek deceased was troubled also with hrfghtu disease and he gradually became un conscious and juit slept away tlie funeral was hed from the residence of mr hhlvas on imday afternoon to tbe grand trunk stallon and the service was conducted by mr h w ilenner interment taking place at acton the father of deceased and a slater live at acton and deceased wss a cousin of mr d d mann ofuckeiislemann mr mann hr la 00 years of age de vcd was a cootl llvllnf rriwh and a mr dun nlmons of kvurlon vuued filends here during i ho week mr john nicholson jr j of marl lie mich is vllllng anton frfrnda minsmsimi ghapinsii who has h tin tusxhliig at mckullar riltnuh hi lue laat w k i mf jaa cueroi of 1 iioh vh- gueat at lh homo ttf air 1 er mo nal i ut week the herald la sorry ttt bear of ihe routiiiued illness or mr jlvin ll w ui in georgetown mr robert jlrown hr bower ave lias een seriously iii with pnemm ills lncj hunday mr ami mrs j 1 u v ii v h of mlllou were in town this vl vlalt lug mr and mrs win ibiiistivet much s mouthy is f ir fr mr itibert maltsmiu utial fl i lit terribly sudih ii death of ftw 1 aher on monday i mr john h matthews l- irrslilly red vorlng from the i ftixlt icolflitc which cm hli the tannery we uiideialand that mr kind near of 1 111 in fail al to town in the iienr fuluri town heiald mrs matilda mrnight vlaltod bar uncle mr willh slrint isatweek 1 for ovur forty years mi if ohiifthljf relieving lv ales olwtr nlghl tor at the 0 1 al htiilln lieen on the sick lut mrs it nlcklln went lv oiiiu fast week to settle the nuviru of her brother thn late lnter fdaiin hhn found him i highly of wlnrevnr she went ii t moore ut hrlwoo last evening siaklig nl a iajtiuoiu missionary itauquel mr john a iaterm nk c of ivrouln was also present mr sod mrvwiiiiam mtlhh of tng a month or so with ontahn left on tuesday i lirulioide mlssos hssnl and lot tlo mason play ed wltlf the gunlpb ladles hockey club st ht thomss on filday night d did all llm scoring tlio gin ipha defeat d ht tlionisa liy ft let mis ii d gratis m and mr snd mrs h ii wortlen guelph witm at icrln last ttiursday evening atlrudlng a farewell gathering to mr and mm john itohlnson who were preaonted with an address and hsndsomo purses by tfaelrikrln friends mr robinson and family are removing to alberta great reader he waa exceptionally well informed f professional people motors law yers dootoia and niliilrrs who frtmiently siiffur from exhauatlon arid prostration as a resulf uf excessive in- vllllngly it enjoys me gives again absolute security genuine ckrterv little liver pius muat bmr slawiatur of des pscsanua wraps nalsw t 1 sssv fmiinnitu reaiiutawim ratrairivuvn imsmsmmtim mtaiuiwtnl in tkcairteom us saissss aai iliglil imh ra ion whohai auothm bau rkoibtbb tliursalsy i marnlr 4afiof cnrtlle tfftgf benv iiipl inou fiimllnrr elr ihepropeel ifjtremub ihdl jot ik con 0 nusasgaweya hle at on o clock tiot ten ni on thw wll i nw itkmhthkkt anctloim r tiiuiiluiw htnrk iopl ma under rash i i uionlhs credit krrit vis l r tbn property lot ron 7 nanus c rnrra hale term aucmt awl it r i hat amount tin wm hiril anuinn macdonalds wall paper depa li pnl a wall rapnr agency diiiurimenl hill a full fit kvn wall i m re ii is hlc enuull lo care it all the w i 1f nl- i every l nan in ii la vlrlnlly l caveully selected alexia me a xi la to llila alma sn f li r ivii ia livlu able aitiilalkfl in leaiililln i ho llonim i i i ur pair nt ij1 ii ian fir yi i ll i mpapadna if y ur mo i ik i 11 s hi kr i i ly inr wall i aimr min ci iy lk l it all r i n f r l li inn horn jc s r ii lip 1 dlnlnff voun wn bli w hull lawnuy and tonvan ll ill i irne ieiflii our r haiti h ol drawing rwm pril cannot imi fikrlln i rlcoa j r in juc a rill 11- laces and embr6i4eries lr js vjloly lniil wuitli un 1 iraauly jullf n ur tjahi u lc anal ilt 1 1fy u uk will r pito isvurahby willi 1 illtii lil a ihn jin of lualpti w i u wm tnivtt ie id ll a imiltly 1 ll 1 il1it itlni iilnii and ai wo uik y i t im ll am wl miinr of in aie i a ly u 1 ly r i i ll y linl many n r iilto1 aluw pfrtas an 1 a milltn 1 imildl lu wl lilts iron 1 k i lllir rjly ll f 1 1 iy i in 1 1 tr lrry unl will in ally iniwianl 1 wiii itir wli 1 i sysrl 71locea fll a ysul t el ui y ll ii eh wllil anl our dress making department has opened v jcf ihe hi hbhlri i f knnliff ordersearty c ihelswiilntt oanlykay tint woaro draaamablnk itarln mil lu lip coining ta imitarrkklilun lha i rve l lukvac t y cor wyutlhani and maaloncll streets fimuijjloyt black stove knight itollih k jluck knight shine ulat lasts jnt a tmoll datiti apirstla over n 1 1 umfslu tint a fw light r litis with clolli or hrinli i mi uw a shitie you em sen your fai in and tho shine uatafovdiysfiesil brl brilliant ly i lak trjthc julck clinii aiulcusy way of sliming lovrn tralra slid iionwork a i 18 i f l lalta i ht r ip fpil tatfrslli co ijsuted ausuxton sat wahars at yh famoua 4 in i 0a killih pokii sen mhiud friends lu t their re how3 this v llara auuut bs i ird by jul wa dltr oo hunilraj llollaia luwar1 f t nut b jnai wellt undantfiisil tia of catarrb lata rib cur r j cllknay a o0 toladoo b y j jbao iihuh ib baluva uloi limfbotly banoaabla in all bualsaaa tranaanllooa and solally abla lo oarry out any obligations la by bla rrm wiuko kismim a afasvli tnada by b wbolaaala 1 hal a oalalih tjur dlraotlf upon tba blood aala inunltu tvjljo o la laaaa toimdally aoilos tba yaunj taautnoelsla saul fi oaotahrbolue bold by aj i uraula tsks iuiib rimiiy rimlor sowtivsit in lu csllfortils llrltlsh cotiimhls mxl oregon washlngtoit etc via grand trunk hallway system march 1st to april lolh inclusive 1 nil lu formation from graudtruiik agents or address 3 d mcdonald i a jthy toronto onl uvonli ife ttnulauaim mlsa clark supt grace hos pital tomuhi writth tlioy liavo used it with the bent rctmltti bos see vi oo atontos tlavisa i awuitmlitco uoalrcal cvri 8iok hbadaohb rxmtirmaodonald libbtbauit unsvmlnuius vsrdlaltn un haodou- aid atdltor of the a lobe lorouto feb 28th jthe nine days trtul or the foalermaedonald himii suit came lo an end nt h 4s oohwik ort hat urday alfibtwuu a victory for the editor of the the globe tlie cause of action was the tpsech of j a mscdonatd at orlllla on oct 20th itxm in which he charged con earning mr poster i that ihe asked for a private rake off in a deal with trui t fumlsi that be directed the aus picious way in which that personal rake off shonld be paid atidt that be bad no right or title to unit money a writ was issued on ocl 2nd 1wh for fi0 000 against mr msodonshl for lander and libel j the trlsl onmuienred nn ttiursday morning kubruary 17lh and oonelud ed on saturday night kshruary 20vh thb verdict was unanimous and was ns follows we the jury do agree in view of the evidence presented to lis that mr mscdonatd was justified in making ihe statement published by hlhi in lha globe of oct filat 10ihl we find that while ur kusler acted lu good ifaltb while acting in the caclly or mansger of the union trust go his actions are open to criticism and fhat be is not entitled id recover damsgea fmui mr mscdon aid i the om will bit ftboul 10 000 to be paid by hi mr foster an apptal may bo enurod bank of hamilton thn opening nml mninlainins of n suvingtj itnnk aacount is a duly lluii evoryano owo balk io-iiioiiihoivom- nmil in iiioho ltton1nt on llicm yoar savinjlh account solicited georgetown branch w n m6kay ageiit nolaz isthstimeto buy your wire ionho iiejino dyi wirwiinwiittpcnoinifaiid qatni at its obtained elsswlmre we nlw lisva nan i oatoa ih which will he sold si c03t oatua i hi l sic kllrhlly soiimi hbo a idi clitlnmera do nni forget we liavo saparators fencing twught how c line of jtartn jmplomontu oroara come and sec for yourself prqqtor me 3utill str09t opio hcton owt 111 thf whigh scai 4iconscibntious plumbing and heating is not k jircythi xfttitm us to lite coitlrsry we mka ll the moil linpodaiil laclnr so if you favor ua wllh your plrono ypu will snlhunltnllcslly andorao tot frd s7vith pluwbbr quebec st phone 33 guelpii advertised goods hre bbt a- bccautifc sciciitipd shoppersknow that ackertiucd koods iro bent they will not take ubstuute tllough urted i j because of the volume of business resulting tho manufacturer who ndvertisus puts bettor value into ihcgopda bqeaust an inferior article is seldom advertised jbu can rjiscriminalc bctwcn the best and tho imitation uccautjo ou want to jct beet returns for your money jou nhould nlwayh buy advertised goods gold medal mattresses an hercules bed springs don i buy itlns or klatlreue lui ii4i i ahk 1 1 1 kitthl ilm lulls w huve a now siranamr il wlirly 1 1 me is nr i ub tj sn m alllfumii ran ihi li i an i lot null 1 nk iwici ly whni lliey srnreilli j 1 lin nuiwri ir lallly t f 1 latli fnllllullu ll t lr i innuffcuire ei iiirei sll thn romfort ol ittu tiiiikt hilr imitnslra tit 11 fiurlh ihn ron 1 veryilili situ it litem in rwu wl iw mil uiillajry ill with it laruntee of potitiva aallifarli 1 or in liny laltindnil j co ontkrio j the bigc sale lr glo tovcls inuecnfasulics- lul lint he is oiii to coutinix it for two uclics ioiit r i ots of qood viluc to 1m haa jet c ill m ts it is no troubh to how ijood special ttotition ptid tooidrl work and rcpiiruifj ij 9 geobge stoyel the shoe man acton ont the right house hamiltons favorite shopping plnoo materials for making spring dresses do jnii really tlmt prlnu u aluioht i ia i uttlor is i t for if mi 1 lliri ng wvadnit appaiol fur llalar and hi swlnx h t i lm uinnuhl of noil pin rl all audi lhiniuts and uim nutiit to include n lri ti iiu k1giii iiouui wlioie isrfte array nl sprlnfl tllk on i dreu xutrrli in are now racily and swall your cl ooiliif dojmn an lufnr lhu voiy unuilt woivou llifllnnl vjiiiosi ltlihrjitsiimiriini lleroiircafowlici 11 natural cthantuinrlonueanku ihso pmily llka srn in rinal demand blot only nre llioy ouyc slly rsshlonnllfl nil vary ilnrahla wf prsrilcsl i hoy wsar union lldly and wotli like line i we i m m mil extra rok valnm inurtlldhn chh rma innne i ao inches ud in h inchos wide kioclal bfjr naw draea aooda at 7tlq s yard ainiiim ihd coiidiuh new lhifl ol bulllnica and dre mslnrlan for ipilnj wo loxkum a prally wool taflem wllh sill alilno 44 hichon wl le lu alylutt l romi cadet clismpai vjutnri i lull i way and navy al ja rtof yard cjdior keclal values 1st in in al 00 iteguurli 15 i hilkm- venaln fl nil all wool pormliont unhih thnroualily ilirunk and non vpoltlnu in a full tjik ol ihe jhipn lar shailes atfi 31 llilffm llroadcli ih r l inches wide s deahahlo mulliy that glvoa ssilstaclnry sarvtce showa in u hood vailal of color iroulakhlm will ilhi fusli lotmbttt fi r anthik nn i lupiinnr dresxe hideo ihliuv miu aln itiowui ii n nudtllii in ol tioai ill i iloiimu an i oil 1 ltd wanted c kloilnii iwo itrriipa rail lie hid in s mil omrnll tul pitlrni oterlal i hfomm i niloul- iiilcvmsi 1 mlk d in fecial vli at 5jc 11ft i tja a yal t bale orxlns4t q loves il nrp re i icll mi 111 the wjrnior idniuof fjuicm nn 1 mills for woman i arita vnrlrty uf ll 1 n nisdn or kl i iajwi miadi sn i iihiii in btnek 1 town an i tan ii 1 with ui i r lir hcliillni in very th iknt hlmilou 1 hire am all if in ihn wlnjlo at ick hut 11 i nil hlirm in each llile nolo that till tllomt uoodn are our toiilr lines ol ucrior rjunllly mu o r cut ikitnt al hie were linn 1 p al ii 11 wflmt 15 al st aj we n vili al i ii werefj m at fi ti wcmij j at ij 50 wera j fill thomas c watkins limited jpuninix slvvneon ata hamilton ontario v-

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