Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1909, p. 2

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wis lit in a mr si i all i 1 mm ii whi i hibibi r jtlaltltlt m ri i i ii ii 1 itflwiw- w h 1 ma ill nil ui liuwt iulll iiowjkh at h ivur r ruwuil li nr moommi c uarah jai aifiul 6 i 01 wllioklii 1 luhiruy unroll drill rvul alcfnmiii- a it not 1 ar la ul let imili uiroli uk hi w vihmnnmimr j 11 vu lok l of van vuob out tiig dainty spwnfi millinciiv la a uracil u jr 11 number u aliow lmllam 111 lnrtf lh mlllliiory doom ijljc cdti 3fm wiis tuuhha apitlh i itlfkl uditohial notbh noopllim oncijii hint to ho tiaiid for strktly u ltd icl n it i purposes can t o tnkon into tin lnlted hjnlos aiul tu iljiy am opium foi iiiiouimd will bu solxod nml dusttoyid hon mr grnhnin mhiuh i t 1 it ill wys litis intradiictjd it rusnlutliiii in tho commons to k t jk 000 yonrly for ii vo ymrs toward a fiiml to ilo away with or prnliu jovm nillwiiy crossliiuja ihrmiljhoiit ciiiuidii ibis looks llttu n pructicitl tlftiit to nmt tho much nooiioil ptihllo protection hlr jiuiifiu whllnoy iuiiilur of on tnrlo hns ngmtl to liuruduco liguiu tlon during tho pruimt scssiciii 1l ui a with tlio hiiudny cm tpiuutlon hh jaines la oppouurt to rinntlriff cliurtcru for htindny curs unless npprovitl by tho electors of hlu lhltlicillllltflb through which hu car weio intundud to i ii ii i ho toronto aih itsku this utfkrbtlvo question i why docs the law urn round tho unlit of dandly imps with all sorts of en eg u hi ils nnil hnposii no rostmlnts upon tho trnfilc in donilly won pon nf it then iiihu i xhii sale of revolvers ought to bo prohibited incept uiidoi conditions that will pur nit ovcry weapon to ho trncoil mid oompul tvpiy purchnsu to ulgn n nrf utor mr ho wye r m i i for hust kont iim intioduccd nn amendment to tlio munlolpnl act which ib iiioio nouthotlo in chnrnotnr thnn moat measures ho li conn oo ted with it will onnblo town hip councils to fflvo a prlso of 810 for tlin host kept itindslth fnrin front and furiii hmim surroundings in ouch put lie school auction in onch township n ml prcsorlhu iho conditions upon which it will h given its tlir lovnnlyfnrnt which dam inoro to drko tho younp mail nwny than nnythhijr jlsi urn theio in a strong fooling throughout tho dominion that american ullvor should iil loss cm out lioro canadian liavo forutuno years shown illulnclinn tlon to reject it it lu novitrthuloss important to nolo that evuiy vnitoil stfttoit coin in clrculaltim horn is dulntf duty for nno which could ho nianufac tu red in oiu own mint ut ottawa nt h inoflt to tho country of nearly ono hundred par cont tho clovci nnuuit ronllzon this and sumo years nno tlio banks worooffurod a tililluu couiniu slon to oxport united status sllvtr ovar half n million dollars worth loft tlio country in slv months nnil ptirlla- mont hns niado an appropriation tips year to renew tho exporlmont it is estimated that nhon i j xhhioo of amorlcnu silver oolnnke u in cl renin tlon in canada to day canada has m vur hocn found want inp in tho tnattnr of loyalty to tho motherland ilor loyalty is not con fined to on pty sontiniont whoneer tlio nood lias noon shown this country has ovorhemt randy to spand its last dollar for tlio dafonco of tho empire tho rtcout hurry canaod by flernmny s nffbroisiventtltudo in tho multiply inp of warships bus nftaln hiauglit out into tlio hmollfiht cnnnda s loyalty in tho ilousa of commoni on monday it washnjvn in thj duhato mi tho rnso lutlon of lion mr 1ostor thatcanuda is wlllinp and i ondy to honi her propur slinro of tlio naval defence of tlin einplronndto eutahllsh if necoiwnry a naval sorvlco on our own shores tlio homo authorities will ho cmimlted and whon tholr wishes are enthodlul in m frank statoiiiont cnnnda will ho ready nnd jaor to put into offuot snoh moaau res as aro doomed to hu of para ninunt value a font lire most com mondihle whon this dohnto was in progress in tlin house was tho applaud intr from hoth sides of urn home when tho opposing hnders worn speuklng upon tho siilijootwhsri none was for a party nuij all wvrti for tho state ialllu and nkw voiik mooklh i hi mimitdhg hu hiiun ilia i m i kixipll in niillliuiy lion i and i he hidh s me nlwayu i uly tonttiuil the iiieiiliigx and iau judg mi nt upon the hi idgi m on tftthlllliiu i ollowlng tin h custom of pnvlmn sliisons mi wr llundi ison a o hud no formal opening ml us wiillum and lit r staff hud t lit is million y dipmt niunt lu full i nulling otdt r hiiimdlati lynftii tin uhnliuiilt im nlngs mill hive iilu nly injyid two oi thru mluof gtd hiuhiiui mlllliury sljlua this upilug inn rntlur to m tmuin ill uji hoth vtiy large mid veiy uniiill tints lulng miieh in vi gm in nuaily every tuwo iho oiown t pifli inrgii with tlio hriniu lathii in rllued to the dlupplllg ffect a iailety of beautiful coloilngm aro com jit ting for populai ty i he roue sluulus lihiiu and tuvuiiub in ili hi ate pastil shndes living tnlui in mldeiicn i towns are used in iihunijnilco with ohili ml ng ifgct whlu thu outflcli feather still rodilils its placo lu populni frtvoi homo laautlfill hiodeln are bn display lu jiu show rooms of this if in mid have encltu ront iiiliiilinllnn aipmip tliiiiv mlgl ltd niintloiied ono viry striking wlillu hat made in mush rooti stylo mid trimmed with large white obuicii fintlurs mid fern follngo and having long white str iiiiicib another ninth admlnd hat wasalnige iiillnu straw uhnpe in cloud jilue with ftiithn and tlmvi rs in the fame shade ami i he liimdunu showing n tiimli of gilt a dainty iu hat or straw hr ild and tulle also came in for ennuhh lahht nolite i hla iiiniui una lu tin in w poke ileum t style mid was trimmed with mmi cluiiiii satin r s i ttts and r h rose foliage fiuiulng a iy pleasing uftct another sti iking hat in this ulinde was of hit small lioud ittingstyu ulth wronuis or romhuds mid ribbons a tuscan hat in tho mushroom ntylo with bnndenu and rosettes of tulle was lavishly tiimuud with grapi s and foliage in rich contrasting colors mid illustrated thoiffccts so niiich sought after this season a whole table was duvotrd to hi ick lints and showed tho stylish and ho coming elfect that can always he had in ihuiuinr iii nek fintlurs aro used to good advautngo nnd most of tho models showed tho vory strong feeling fur jet trimmings in various forms messrs henderson k co express themsolvoa ns wll satisfied with tlio outlook for a largo spring buslni missrs cameion it moore thu now hi ii in tho warren dluck gavu n in pin evidence at their opening on lunsdny that they have the faculty of securing creating and pi icing on sale tho very hittut cienlloiib in millinery their show rooms their shop windows nnd tbuli environments gone rally of tho store manifest artlstio taste and skill in mus na trees this enterprising firm lifts n head mllllmir who thoroughly ilerutnuds her dspirtmont siiid has the hnppy faculty of interpreting tho wishes and tastoa of tho indies who soak stylish hondwoar at reasonable prices it must have been gratifying to tho firm to most tlio crowds of ladles who visited their store on tuos day afternoon ami evening in response to their invitation to nttoml tho opon lug the methodist sunday uohool orchestra plnyed a series of selections during tho evening and this added attraction wns also appreciated by tho customers and visitors who thronged tlio store among tho lead lug stylos shown were tho following i a largo black picture lint of mohair braid trimmed with largo plunio nnd inolina i large somiln turlinn with dome of crown lilmniod with wings plus nud molinoi a whlto mohair hat dolly vrfiden shape trim mod with lilacs and llbonty satin ribbons and this t ono that attracts most attention is it paris model imported it is a lurg iiiushioom shape with dome crown of rnso shade braid trimmed with sumo vlmiln of pinnies rose lib nud black jot cnhnohniin also another pretty hat is leghorn with blue satin fating flower crown nnd satin ties iho shapes this fcprlng are mostly broad and mat rollod nt tho sldo and dome oiowns thoro are also turbans inige and binnll inushronni shaptwaro also among tho favorites dolly vurden shnpea nro now nnd vory deep mushroom shaiea with largu dome crowns uio nlso popular trim tilings nro shown in gmat variety jlpi canadian trtss association mil t o cliannkx iiilldbrjt llu ftfl mim miimiilmulligof the i miidlau im- axsoilalhm m l 1 inilo 1 1 t i humility nud i rid was inon i ngily aid udijil llimi any pievluuu inn ling of llu iihuikiiii m mnttits or living intuiiul h ilu im mlwis of lint iium 1 1 itlim wi n ilu cliautd lu gi in i il kciiulun lu niufii enrnu of iho im mints ut the dully pi ess ami lu similar galhiiingu of hut wtikly newkpiip i nun hie g m nil tiliil luto inliodiiie all p n mi iu una fu tho impjovi mnilof hu n ws papers of thu oiiutiy althtmlirlluimif illlttrs mi i h channel of the itemrd shorbi oki jlie whs uiid pi shu in mi i a moldy of ihuolohi imimitii vlti irtjslihul nud mi 1 h ii uu of the httr lotonto hiuetiiiy mr i ii dobbin imiihotough wan uhrttd president or the i illy hiuton mid mi ua ii punly ulmcou fieulihiit of iho wnkly hi tlon iiugntheilng at luinnfo wis njiide pionccuslou nf several veiy i ij lyablr anuliil nvsiits on llmrsdilv vinlug thu annual banquet was inthl at mc oonkey u about two huudiul i f tlu pressmen and tin lr lailli u juirtlclp iti d- aftet dinner iipiicheu wire made jiy hon w j ilaniia col imke m v v mi i h ililuh of moiitmil and others hatiuduy ih ihvotid to a dip to pidrhorpugh i lie iiiadliiu im ilk itillwny gi m hiimly placid a upi clal in at the disposal of the n i mix ru audovn jh with thill ladiix took udvaiiliigo of th court i wli i mil ndi d lu uiiloiuii ixtimlid by pitiilur ugtilt ouiitil i li liuilpits ilub and itui ns was rnnkt c tnllal i i hiispltiill was iiubi undid mnjnr ituuh and nil tin cltj aldniuun lmrdid the train nt lluikton nud dining lliu thlity idiilh tin fioiu lint point ltd tlu nisi lieu to ft i lit the ac ipuilntancu of all the put ty a two intirh run rovi rid the eighty mlhs front toronto during tho stay nt poll thorough thu mammoth nor lis of tho canadian houentl i lectrlc co woie inspucttd t a tiip through iho fact or its of the g uiadn coidago co was taken and a vult made to the mills whole the fmuohs qunuti oils are maniifaotiued lluse woro nil mnut hitoresting the vailoits pro cesses of manufiltuie lu all thuse great con cor nu wete lxhlbilud and enplnlned and evuiy feituiu wns ilch in inteiest to the investigating news paper mi u luncheon was provldid at throo nf thu principal hotels the national iho oilontulnnd rhohnowdon jheso were presided ovir by muyot hush hon t it ntratton and aldnrman tiirnot heplles weio inado by tho pinssuinu to tho kind woids spoken by the civlo hosts a pleasing feat urn t f lliu homemird journey was the pu dentation ufa rasa of cutlery to mi oi n ham cut glass howls to messis lliompron nnd cni- mlchni i tho repnmi ntallveu of the canadian pacldc hilhvny and n piece of cut glass to mr 1 it hone hicre tary of tho pnnu assnelatlnn auiimiiid excursion of thu nasocln tjon is being arranged to i dmnutnn in june tho ilalton press wan wulluprmont- ed nt tlio meeting ilaie worn pros- cut mr a ti porn tor mi mid mis w j iloitty and mr c mitchell oukvjlloi mr and mis j m moore and mi nnd mis it m wilson ooorgetnwn i mi and mrs l a harris hurllufltoii i and mi and mrs ii p mooii acton was mixdd often iitunth dlllsiiii to he p 1 1 to mlvin tiiosu smallpox aooountfl owing to tho entnigeninnt of his duties nu managur of the canadian dhptlst and tlio hiteieats of tho publishing business of tho church t toronto mr it v warren has found it doulrnblo hi hnnil over tho ontlrn niaimgeiiiont nf tho georgetown herald to mi j m afoot e who has been associated with it tho past sixteen years during tho past five yoms mr mnuio lias shown hlsuhllily to siiomissfully iiiaiinge thu herald nnd we have every confidence that tlio future wll hold oven greater success both fur himself mid thu paper mr it m wilson a practical nnd ex- perlauom newspaper man will u nstnolatnd tylth mi monro ns meohaii leal snpurlnteiident fu the rntlieineut nf mr wan nu thu herald loses mi fltlltnt of high ideals whoso inllunuee hatlneii nf incaloubiblo vnlun to lliu toiyn and tho eonnlv lie lias nvei imwi ready to uto his noluniiis for up building htid upholding tlio truest lu toroita of thu omiiinuulty bolh en moral and on miileila lines im nearly m pmrler nf n eeutnry mr warron has been vmy ntnsely idsnti flod with tho town mid much pioflt hu occur re1 to onnrgotown through hie meoouttlon with it tim vunu pitriw wishes for tho now managers nil pomlbfa eiioeese knitoh lllhll piikhm dltait hiii i in your last issue i notteid that tho aoton council had pnld nut nf chnrlty the nccounls fur supplies during tlin recent smallpox ipinrnntlnn we wish it distinctly understood by the aatim council and corporation that wo nro not hoggins and ask charity of nn ono por whoso benefit worn we shut ju inst winter r oi rtalnly not foi our own hut for tlin town and yet tho honrd of hoalth ex pools a man to keep his family nnd another to pay tils hoard nftor keeping thoni nwny from theli work for four weeks longer than was nnonisaiy who did the ilonrd of ilonlth r suit as in whether it wns n nasi of smallpox in imtp it eerlnlnly was not it specialist in tho dlsonso hut u modi cnl man who practices in n llttln hnm- ht in wellington county and who doubtless know vory little about sjniill pox it sun iy must have been a veiy seven east when there was uelthui it iltintui oi professional nursn undid in ilia house lint of pom sn t hn town wishes in keep down expenses no umll or what it costs nlhurp when wo wiint charity it will not bo tlin coiniell of anton wo will ask it of as it would hu shiuiuil from mm juiusn topi for nil tin oihl in know i will ho ipilin prepnrid tit defiuid any steps tho town may take to collect lliu iimuniitof the neoount front me vnurs respectfully ww mir r kit ciwsoiis corueit mur liflth 1001 limuni ifllttn kdni what is leisure mn nt mn v mnmnin itd tlio spare tlnm n woman iihs in which tho can do ntnnn other kind nf work my dear homo roiiinrknblo stories are being told nbout town and among tho countiy ponphi coming in of this slmplu homo made mlxtiuo enrlng hlieuinntliim mid kidney double huro is thu liclpu mid directions for taking i mix by sinking well in a bottlu one half niiiiiii 1 iiild lxtrnut dandelion ono oimilo compound km gun thnn ounces compound hyrup hnrinpnrllta take ns n done ono lea spoonful nftor meals and nt hodtlme no change need bo niado in your usual diet but drink plenty of good water litis tnlxttno has a peonllnr tonlo tlfeotupnn the kidneys i olennsing the ologgodup pores of thu ollmlnnllvo tins ues foiolng tho kidneys in sift nud strain from tho blood tho in la acid and other poisonous waste matter ovn coming itheumatltuu ijladdoi and uilnary doubles in ashoit while a druggist hero who has had hint dretls ni calls for tlloso ingiedlenls since tho llrst announcement in tho uowspnpei inst october stnted hint tho pooplu who once try it swear by it especially thouo wtin have cilmiry and icldney trouble ami suffer with hlioiimntlsui all thu druggists lu this nnlghhoi hood say they can siippty the ingredl intswhloh nro easily mlxtd nt home thoro lu snld to ho no hetti i blood cloiinslngiigantursyhttm tonlo known nnd oettalnly noun more hmmless or simple to tun uallinapad an lutpreuslvn cei oniony took place at tho linmii of mr nnd mrs angus thomson hilhdiurg on wednesday march jlth whon their daughter miss mabel nnd mi o i itilssoll ji were united in the bonds of matrimony jtov w 1 charlton pastor of tho dlsolples chinch killshurgi per foi in theeoiuniony nnd unsushlsttd by ltov 1 c wllunii ii a anton in iho i reaction of tho immudlulo rslitllvos and ft lends mr mid mrs itussoltnio receiving oongmtulat ions mi nil sides they will rosldonn mi itussohs farm lotiiu i in ton ml vii hilt i ii thu sen him i belli ve it l wn inbo lu u newlng out sulmrrtptli n i ul l iiiin v eonllmn to do so whih lire npl iho imck piikhh riiiiilniii u llcaliiin when i tldny n nu mwinyi ihls isiiiici piikhmdiy and if ii u i t11 hoppi ii not to bo dt llvi n d i lint lliornlug wn del tin re lu ii missing link in our hi mu life for the dny wo riilniiily pi lo your pnpnr not only i tin hiimi news ilglvif mid of the oil ft lends thin but tor its high noial loin i likt our imy lo irml i vi iy wi rd in it mid that in my t phi ion is ns high priiliuiim u iiiolhei tin givt- u wi tvt in nil nukii ph ntnl wflb tin inluliiias uumli iho piltrnllu of familiar facts mid vh ws of the streets and lucnl n i in n liiidud a tend r liiok inom lunil- hut wo hail i i 1lin phmud to nnd indjiy oi ihinlipieilutlimw of ll hi cut fed iraro aid i uijibii com pin it n rtalnly aroimtd our imll nation toread of tliam thus liespolllilg ihn slliut llj wodmvo den inn fid l fin i mid wn fit tfinfwi must pinlistngalprtsuch wi iki vtnlhougli wt n i o fm distant mid would join with ihoso who llvu lu vctoh nud vicinity in the hope hint due penalties will bo mufed out tathohiaitlcbsdf ptidntors try slnrtrely mim 1 w f emit llitlle ink mib mniliij7ih iimh btahtlino btatkmenth itfl suttvmontji llkathnt ofll iiv- niait klnasiuitiont tlimt mk- injr mloita wo r i el fahiousi par obatltlmt stoinnoli complaint mi ii lhjnhh 11j cilbotne hi kingmton out snj s i ml o uu is woi th its uulght in gold as a nmiily tp mih kly cun longstanding cases of dyspepsia 1 oi n 1 1 i b 1 i ifi r ei with my stoiuaeh mid euum liud no euro nor on n rilhf t could not int anything us it would sour and form gas nu my stomach that hud a pressure on tho heart heavy pains uulihl coma around my sides nnd pit of my stomach i wns uiinhlo to sleep for this and there wns nothing to iclleva my miserable condition i vvas weak nnd languid and would fel ns tired in the morning ns on going to hod and perspiration would break nut nil over my body i would he so wink ft out vomiting that i would fall to my knuiu my head would ncho mid spells of dljilnuss would lenvo me unable to soi doctors had termed the troublo gastritis but failed to benefit mo i tiled ah o nn which i precunei on nd vloonfn friend which tins ourid mu when all else fulled i am sound nnd well and feel griatful in mi fl nn for my pioeonl health its the known resuhu nblaimd by ml o ua that placoa it far and nwny above nil other iu medico nnd cnulhms a 1 hrown lu offering lo refund iho mnnny if mi o mi tails to cure stomach trouble price 50c a box itellef lit twenty font hours tor sale by a 1 drown druggist aotou ofluwbonb ooitnsna tho snow lu fast illuuppemlug in the country mrs w v oreyandmis w iimb were called to 1 rln this week tliiougli tho serious illnoib of their tnothi t mrs orr mi ldwin ctlpps who bus been iu poor honllh for tho past few weeks is locoverlng iho homo of mr nud mis jnv moon jr wns sadly bet eft on hatui dny night when their dear utile son james li roll just n few short months old wns taken from them by thu hnnd of denth after a wruks illness with put uiuunlu 1 ho timet al nn i iiesdny afternoon was conducted by ltov mr lay lor iho sot rowing patents havo tho deepen t sympathy of all in tholi sad hour of rial mr hoy wnuulxiiungh ulio has been traveling foi the stony clove co in jiu in c prnvlnu is homi present mis win abbott ot dotrolt is sjiondlng thu week with her daughtor mrs jns monro ji any lutolllgeiit poreon can mnko some easy money nnd not interfero with othoi huslnoss pnrtloulars froe prof marten 2bi carolina ht ilurrvmi n y a choice lot two donnrtmont stores codorlch and aoton go news of opening days from c i cameron moores j department store co7e svzith the cromd iil hrstias of our spiin and millinery cjjepihis hive iticn fticccssful fir hejoikl our anticlpitionj hundreds of people have visited ufl and have nc uvi phased ind satifrild i ho volumo of business done is proof lo ua that our efforts to make this actons lcidiric store aro boing apprecijtcd our milliricry department 11 attracting a rnt deal of interest from lilt- fair and the numlicr of main vlich tlisiippcarcdfrom our show rooms during our ppcnini d ij i is indeed rratifyirlp no trouble or expense is being ipired to show llu very lite t styles and the most exclusive designs in this vicinity millinery of every kind adapt ed nnd designed to the particulrr require mtnts of face and toitumt or oilier dctnl involving spec ial irctitntnt lo pro duct ilie bcit results our milliner makes the pleasing of custo- rmcrh a study and tho success in this depart ment is mnrkcdly cm- pliimed more here this season than be fore all the latest crea tions in millinery may be seen at cameron moores new store in acton new deess fabeics among this seasons liioicc imports will be found a great varioty of single suit lengths our showing of the new satin stripe and satin finished cloths have attrictcd intense interest our 8c 88c and tftc stripe suitings arc in the lead all the igog colors arc included in thisrange ifjou have not bought your easter suit jet it will pay jou to see our showing new whitewbae a new uptodate stock of muslin underwear bought from canadas leading manufacturer i he fine quality of material and the good workmanship combined with the little prices we ask will assure you satisfaction in your purchase a laryc rarifc of while lawn waists jusl arrived this week mons nnd boys clothing section while great interest and attention are just now centered on matters of dress for tho fair sex our clothing department is determined not to be overlooked our new stolk of mens and hoys clothing is away in tho lead of anything over offered you before just lhi kind the style and the price you want let us fi you out with your now easter suit a large range of prices but only one quality the best prices at tflooo 8 1 00 uikoo nnd 00 uonoy n if mr u n1 nf ml t i it if grocery department 1 hu department is always kept fresh dnd now 3 doten iioiiioh larco rio catsup reulr 15c i r id ay im day s ipuclal oo par boiifo 7 bars comfort bosp 300 i do 1 turns special clearing price fit p can g tg 8 cameron cfc moore h h unsworths storo i mill street acton j our mm hat ime for spring is now complete all llic newest styles and colors tako n pcop at our window g j wallace mens outfitter mill st acton fullnes and bloating after eating little digesters cure or your money back at all drudiut or direct from j coleman medicine co toronto mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmb here are the spring styles in suits overcoats iho cloxoreit ielunern at men s wtar nrn rfsporullilo for ilia we uly lot inn that loosi iho leil ins iwbi v wo aro now showing ti ilia bind of cloth r beit nnil ii bout mmarlnmof juslliy that alvo you blfqrsi value by fjuind jou longaii wear now pattern die clinlcoil spring colorings nap os nn i fancies it s a complolo cloiliinit stock mon a and youn mtina suit prlaoi 80 fio to 23 60 at ian dollars wo show a full nne of lljjtn motllum and dmli iwewls ami some won teds at iwelvo dollar tweeiu lancy worsteds blue nnd blaclta in slnplo and iloulilabrsailbfl coit styles al lltlrtoon fifty ftfieen nnd slalitoon dollars wo liavo nn oxcepllonally flno miifle oi fancy wonted rtnd bluet and blacks with fancy cuffs in i flaps oilier prices fin 00 in 00 and in 30 at lun dollars wo show 4 full range of llfllit modliim and darli tweeds boys wear hoy sclotblnu houfthl liara s liesl fnr liojs imcnuio il nppoals in their ideas and alvas the ilronnwl nnd lonoeit wear iwcniito mnl ertnamlcaly prlcetl new sprlno slylss restlya iiir ilinwlnfl ilidly i alia red- if nd at prlcer you ii w slat 10 pay lor amlt nood clothlnp hoys deit for parents iwcniito most ertnamlcaly prlcetl new sprlno slyles restlya iiir slinwlnn blurdy bnrmenrs ol rood mnierlals splendidly lallaredtfnd at price you ii ho olad 10 pay lor intlt nood clothlnq hoys 3 piece norfolli suits slid j placo bulls 2bo m box fltiv tmittiariiitflc ioh salk m i illjcltl iiiadjln 01lh wivu r ijwllejriv iolt haik nun n for sua ol i oil iii nt 1 i m i i lquli it 1 t hoiisi and loj t fcfll fial it fit t p t it i i il viii i1b 1 w- i i i i ml roihuji i3vvv 10 j uiin llllll nnshntramj li mills harn lit lcrt it 1 n ion cm n oriior mill hi 1 tfurl at til ii nd rt 1 ut v liultfllnif mittrbh tn cl 11 icnl cs lr lino oti 1 1 jrl nf iro i arioniocu i 1 in i- r tl s c cm ira in first r will cc lir p sayery sons nj a it fi georgktovvn floral- go u gl okol town cur tlovver growers runeral nnd wedding orders a specialty wo om iii il 01ir i lor i jnler i irmcm m rprcllly far i llloi in po ii h nixon drugrjlnt acim vlll lake carool in orders cash paid for fowl i sell secondhand stoves and repairs for farm machinery old iron hags and hub- bers bought canadian tumc depot morris saxe i roprlclor ilux 130 atloli onl canadian pacific homeseekers excursions to manitoba sasbitchewan alberta spul thumim twoala 2 00 p a m trail 1 my 1 it jukii u h julv u ii tuo 10 h sept 91 3al fltu ccl f i 0ltn iliuw b piulwl low roundtrip rates wilir n jll 00 umoo m tiul lura iijs0ii kit 1 n a 1 loa rklr nwl tun u w ihin lit jt i ib uoirb 11u tourist sleeping car3 cflrly ppl c 1 on o ml lio mr ak ron hdutxtkciifl pm cmu n pm p i lull inf xulwn apdifm k i ii ac ni 11 l iiukmm i i i h ai tn u ohlv direct lll e no change of cjtrfi your chopping will be done quick and mil on cither plates or stones if taktn to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts i he blst at lowest prices harris co li ml tod wall paper rlswiit nnd lnttjat 10oo samplen now llondy if ti wiui nny bl uciai nicolaunt no can pneuto simo illrcci from ficl iry aaenl fr i nellnit crtinl h cor wyndham and macdonald slrccts guelpii ont 5 homo ilnrcnlna hi io0b g pntiofh left if 8 i a t brown 9 pnij i 1 mi t m ill nt r i mill st acton

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