Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1908, p. 4

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ffilic acton yrtt jjruss tiiuhhay wuiht 27 luiih tlllfl ii u it den ll up intl mlmtim riliy hiiidtut hilllllu hoi tlldllull iixiuli lln inn y unimmin iih ami liuit1 hun thy load lot up uitil uhnuldt i tliy hnnlun t 1 aril lit imimly ihionjth wvary niul wtn i i l on murmur- tt win orltwi i1 t rut 1 out nimnd ulmuldii iii burden anil h nr it ami h hlust kur it l him will in uivriitti iliawn h kttiiiiul nut a muttatltutk i mm mulhtiiipu 14 w u wlio nuvir had kik dui ti utviiu iwfore mul hud hid aour oly uny xp hence ha a rook appoimsl ulj4 wilting aiitundualrloti mid wbuljillck t itheil iii liw of hv tiukinruihi ufip itml readily agnttd id work ur thro dolhirs i flfty cents hwimu mis muunp who wsmu i xpirr iool bud t iki u mmh palnwwlth hrvdiumhu in mint lm ami hlh 11 j nf hvo ir six wk jemima w ti uny ih iiioid upim itr hi lliolhif if utrhtii woik the mutrtt wiiu urily umpruid the re fori- wluu tlu iuia mm imunlnu gave her a utrt a mil lei wjiat doeu thin ninui jumiim ah asktd iiiihii t i treatid you fairly r vila jiutaiii hiibwuhd the ulr imt 1 vu khtiud iidw to ctitil now and i ve found a place where 1 ran yet five dollar a wiek right at tho start vou dldn t ask n lo to rultt your wages io jim ihlnt yon are nclhik fairly with ine oh 1 in rtdnff to do tlm square thln willi you mru mil imp anld jemima i v got n alitor about a year younger thitn 1 am and alms perfectly willing to coma htro and work for three dollars and a half a week till alio learn cooking any how twaihc or practical jokes very risky la the way of tlt prac tical joksr who goes fui hi frlunds in the street one of tbeto xm an itrchdancon of blameless reputation imt of irrupreas iblc splrita who sighted friend as bo supposed in oxford street popwd up behind him and enatcbod his pocket handkerchief tho victim who turn d sharply round proved to iw a com plat it ran gar and at on en gave the joker into custody it was in vain iknt the prisoner pro uatad the innocence of hl intuntloil i aaaure you tbat i am archcloaron heaaid olt yea 1 vonndouhti wa had a tuhop yeatenlay anawur ed the conatablc aa he led the way to police htauorj alesiom in socialism alikeand in werefrlendn uoodm 3jikk lrttl liat lt htd turmil cilit- tb nekti and troiilml hike u unl vl 1 dont under ataiul this vcuutni what il li maanaditulins up vour pioperty equally aait pt tla ihu way if i had iwo million ilolura id glvt you eoillmmi aod keep a million my- xna if you bad two farm tat wkal would you do ij dind up mike 1 d aire you om mad td kef joe and if yc bad two pjft- tat would yen abare ibow too now utk yoa so to thunder voakoaw rfa twopiga kvumv man to iiic tradh iiiiim kt lii htlkliik iiihiiil liiimli tvllhoiik f iiik ilendi rnrrin pumlt iiuim nnw voil iiinnllomd llit viilluul wy i h plump pilt ho mild ttllh hlulorl ihitt hniiu down ovti lil- fitn t ii- iliiu u ury vny 1 a nillllmi illi luinluiiilul 111 fit ml tftyu in tin with him ut yinr in wtohlluioi il mllllomiliphroiiiilit mil u vl linuiid imltd anyo to phiy ilu imumm hit lihllp imt tiikluu tin inutiuim ill hi plityid uuvnal l aullfnl arurumiil in i ill- yij luvllid lint iiiilliniiiilre to dluiior in hu turn 1 hi rtt wau u llulluiuialiid coiiipnny piitnt aftpr diiiiur aa thvy wen all ut 1 1 tut in tliu nalon a aiirvmit hroiilit tlm hunt a pair of old lioou aayii toi k ill hoota and handrd thorn ffravuly to hlo mllllumilrtt tfiiiit jlut what mo i to do with theanl the unitiit iiiaiidid lioldlng tlm umtn a wk win illy in filn lap ht ulilithix nip vuny umllod vindictively aud lliuin hlu lotikloik hohlnd 111- ear innkulm mid you nukid mo ufnr ilhiuor jo piny fm you niw i hh you lo mt ml tin mi luioiu for me kadi tq hlii i ratlin you know a hiiimi hloinncli meaua a clear mitud tha hlgli iruaiure of a iiorv life whllili hualmau iniii of tha pnf lay nro ennalralnod to llvn niuko draukhta upon iholr vitality high ly dutriiuimtnl to iho hialth it la only hy the moat careful treatiuunt that limy aro nltlo o keep thomatlvta ilirt and urtlvo in their vurloua call ingy many of thorn know tho vnlmt of 1aiiueliioa vtgutnhltf imiu in rtguln ling tho btumiih and comcqnently kieplog tlm head clniir 1 hough opportuul tka for great deedi may nuviruniu opportunity for good doula m rcueuud forua day hy day hlack q dauff cations ooaalgbt aa a doctor who uvea in eaatarn ontario waa driving into a village he aw a chap a little the worae for liquor amutlng a crowd of peetatore wltb the help of ida trick dotf the doctor watched hio a wliue andaald fiandy liow do you manage to train your dogf i cant uaeh mine to do anything handy with thealmple look lo hie aye ao common with him ruatlce aaul well you aae doc yoi have to know mnron tha dog- or yoa cant learn him nothing a hkatfjuurpfllbb fabtv jwhere are yoti goln mar hiked tha youngeet of the five children im going to a aurprlae party my dr anawared i lie mother are w all goln ton v no dear i you werent invited after a few momenta deep thought say ma then dont yott think theyd b iota mor aurpriwwl if you did lake tie all v kverylodye mngaxlno a uadldnu foghhe miner tank proapaelora and othere going into tho mining region where doctor are few and drug atorea not at all aliould pro vulathemaelvea with n with a supply of dr thorn kcleotrlo oh it wilt offaet the affeota of ncpoiire reduce apralnw and when taken intmuiilly will prevent mid cure oolda mill aore throat and ha a lulirfrmtit will kiwp tie niilialea in good rondltlon powsnruti hcntoh keeperthatll verru inn cur you have gut jhminviiioli it aint a hnd car beotoh keeper hlto wad ho a verm powerfn fiat wlmloverc oliauffaur oh noi i wouldnt any that hentah kunper i waaa not judglu by tha elite i warn judgln hy ihn amall i its bthidnqth will alcohol illainlve augaff it will rwapnnded old houk it will dlmmilve gold hrlok hntiaoa and hnnoa and hnpplueau and love and avory- thlng alao worth having champion ovbrrauhdacnko with mb moby your eon telle inn lie la going to ukelataona tnoilhitutii ida momory itionwotlau farmer pom- toeaet mh cnti reniemher every fonl tune thnt waa aver wliutlod action in at mieo ihe doitltiy uiul the lot of mahrpiinohon man oannot uthke hut may enohln fata hy bravely hearing it owm uaredhh somdtlnitti n nnhlo failure aeivea the world m faithfully n a dlitlitgillalifld uodete ttowdan wilsons fly pads hveey aakel will hill fl lea the oo ahaata of etlehy pmpmr solo v cduccits ciocibi and cimtsal 1t0h i too0er packet a peutkela er ate will inat m whale aeaeek castor i a tim iciml vott ifnvn alwnya notifflit and xvlitch hrm been in tixo for ovur ko yourn imt itorna tho algimttiro of 0 niid imh boon innlu undor lilu iwir- rv77 nonfti miiwrvlafon alnro lie litflaiioy utfyy jc6ta44c auiwiio ono toderriva you in tlila all couiitcrfolu imltatlona mid juatnagoml aro bub ivf inieiitit that trldo with mill ondimgor tlio iioaltb of iuhiuu ttnd children emmjiujiico ngnluat kximhihouu what is castoria cnfirhi lit n linrmloaa euljutltiittt for coator oh jaro- irorlr llrpm mid koothlng byrnpa ft i llcuauiit it coiitalim noltlior ouiiiim morpliluo nor other npojo nulmthiieo itu ngo la ita triinruntea it dohtroya worm a lind nlluya vovorldluiohn it ctiroa ularrhcja and wind colloy st rpllovo tortlilnfif trotibloh tnro oouatlputlon nitd riuttilotitjy it nnmlitilint4m tho coqd regtihitctf tlio- n to 1 1 itu h mid howidn fclvl vc bimltliy and mtiirul uloop tho chlldrmiu inniucoit loo muthorm irlind genuine castorja always boani tho slgunturo of vasgu the kind ton hare always bought in use vox over 30 years chartered by dominion lot emmem iatsblltlied 1804 kfforu to bo permanently uai ful muut he uniformly jnyoua a spirit all umdilun gracufnl from very glad iiiuh litiuitlftit hicnuuo bright oui lylr to cure aooldihond dav tak a litli llramoquliiliia talilat a aliu rlunl ilia mony ii iiuiu lo 0111 ilfliiature 011 moii ho ttflttnu uuoali k w wondroui la tho atrength of cheer- fulntuu although rmt calculation ita power to endniaucu carlyle oaaatorila buratka ihlkliij iraatan at when tho heat things are not poai ihlo tho heat can lu mndo of tluiie that are maynurd biliousness liver complaint if your tongue ia 00a tad your eyea yel- tow your onmploxlinaallow if you have lok lieoilaclioa varlalile appetite poor circulation a pnln iimkr the right ihould- or or al tomato onatlveneaa and dlarrlicea floating pooka taforo the eyei your liver is not in order all tliu trtmhlooand illeeaaea whleh come in tlm train n a tllannlored liver atieli aa jaundice cliranio con it i pat i on oatarrh dtlmhtnmadli hoartlmrn water llraah olc may lie julukly and eaailj ouredby muburns laxrvliver pills mr fl olnnorlnli zurich ont wrltaai i had aiidiired for yoari with liver own- plaint and nlthnufih i tried many modi nlnoi 1 eould not gat rid of it ronlna milhurnh laxn llvor villi advertiaml 1 iooiiiqi to trv them anil after uaing tlinm four nmntlia i waa anmpletoly cured 21 oenta a vial or h fnr 1100 at all dcalijm or mallnil dlrent on reeeinb nf prloo by tlm t uilliiirn co ltd toronto ont the merchants bank op canada illau on icli montulia1 intorett added four limes a year 1 9 dranchea frealdenl bib h montacu allan vice iretlilant jovatiiaw iioposoh uaq general mananerli 1 hhiiurh capital ialil up tfi 00a 000 00 dannilii over 94 j 003 000 00 surplus 9400000000 toial aiii 13300000000 savings bank depoiits ono poller or upward will open an accounl money ulttulrawable any lime no delay farmer sale notbs we have ppeclal aclllllfls for collociinr thou we will cash ihamat enco ii daalred at a low rate of interest joint accounts when requested we will open account in two names ao thai either ono may ilnw lie money huibanu or wife etc aoton branch dpanklh oot n wlrelem message to day i that ao asked hi inlerotilid friend what waa it i a postal card thur wit a- millionaire a cat tin imin ho led a vultoi into a great room lined with thouaanda of volumea hue thaui hooka v he aald vehaald the visitor ihey re all imiuiui in calf aint tbeyr yen tho vlultnr agreed they aeeni to have a uniform calf binding 1 lie millionaire chuckled proudly wellfclr ho aald i killed ell them ratvea myself mr quamu we don t need that rug any more than a cat needa two lulls iiownftc have i told you my dear never to buy anything because it urhirtpf mra qual role hut it waant heap my love 1 it costjlfty dollara ludlgnanl 01tlnnayt your toy threw au tone at me jujngw and hare ly missed me mr orogan yea aay he mlasetl ye 9 iiullgnanloltlnen thate what i nn- leretood lityaelf to remark mr orogan it waa not my ly why have you lieen alwent from hoot demandod the teacher wliy replied the boy mom broke e arm- monday flut a wednesday why did you atay away two daya f why tr it waa broke in two places v iutlcnca whloh do you think ilia more tiresome golf or akatlng p patrice oh golfl a peraon elta down more while akatlng patient dont you apeak more than ono language doctor p hiyslelan no 1 hut i have some knowledge of many tongues j suppose you heard about mlsa koye behavior during tho fire why when tho fltat fireman came up the ladder for her she wouldnt go with him what was tho matter with her out of her mind t not at all film eaw that tho soennd fireman who waa coming up waa hand somer a surgical operation w s chisholh manager it u not only hy bibor that thought can ihj miido happy 1 and tho two can not ho vopiiratcd with impunity ltuuktn whom can i get no mo of llollowuya ooinfjiiief i was entirely curiid of my coma hy thin remedy and i wuh m01110 more of it for my filondv no writoh mi j w drown chicago he who rnlgiia with impunity and rules paaahnib deslroa nnd foam la umro than a king milton thiiru novur wan aud novm will be u uiilvnruol ijtniioo in ono romody for ult ills to which flovh la holr what would rollovn onn 111 in turn would aggravatu tha othore wo hrvd however in quinine wlno when dbtalnwl in n aoiind unodulter- nuwl iiuito n romody for many and grlovoim ilia y iu grnditftl nnd judloloiih uwi tho fralluat aytitonia aro il into aouvalflsoonoo nnd atrength hy tho lnltnpuuo whlsh qtilnluir oitoru on nhtntiiit own ronuiratlvoo it wi llovoa thoho to whom n ohronlo ulitt tif morbid doamindunoy and luck o interoab in 11 fo is a tllaaoao and hy trnntiulllalng the nervoa dlimaoa to sound nnd inifiwahlng alannliuparu vigor to tho notion of the blood which being utlinulntod oonraea through the velna ilrongthomng the healthy anl- trmlf thnrnby muklnft activity iv noceaanry reault atrougtliniiliia tho frntiio and giving llfo to thy dtgusllvo orgnm which naturally demand ittcreaaod uhaunoa reault improved nppotlto north rqp k lyjnntt of toronto havo given to tho pttbllo their aitperlor quinine ily tho opinion of iclantute tho wine iipproaohoi nenrnet porfectlon of any on tho market all dnigfllaw aoll it warmest kind for cold weather tougher horaeliide will never be found because the best is used or storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process ib made pliable insuring extraprdinory wear resistance waterproof and v the best working gloves on the vftsfimu market sold at al doreo insist on storeyc suffered from heart and nerve troubles for the last ten years if there le nerve derangement of any kind it la iwund to produce all the various pltenomen of heart derange ment in mildurns hkart and natrvat pills la combined treatment thnt will cure all forms of nervoim disorders aa well na act upon tlio heart itaelf mrs john lllley douro ont writes i have been a great sufferer mm lieart and nerve troubles for tlio pm ten years after trying ninny rctnedic anil doctoring for two yenrs without tho least iwmeflt i decided to give mil- bum a heart and nerve pdu a ttinl i am thankful to aay thnt after using nine hoxea i am entirely mired nnd would recommend them to ell siifforera price 10 ceiila per box or 3 boxes for ii 2a at nil dnalnra or mailed direct on receipt of price by tlio t milbum co limited toronto oat mh 5t6res3 aoton 0nt- ft it it la not lttlng to utter wlut it la tint fltllng to do- hardy bun tie v m van hw alwiw boillh olfaatare let justly dluti ihutn cheerfully nnd live nontonnidly ohllds p fowler ext- of tfiwberbx ourbt dymntw dlarrhosk onmpa oolio pln in tho btomaok cholera okolera uorbua ohol r infantum 8aa blaknaaa bummer complaint and all pluxea of the bowols couple ov doses ctjkrd mr w j wllmi tulr bull 111 olltor exiwricnoo ia tho tolltwlna wonlii i willi in lill n il- v a i willi lo ml ypu ol llro goal i hvo waa uuen in with hum ami a ray rantlier always kept or in the louae when i vmo gi navo iki m 4r fowlsra katraot of wild strawberry last summer my little cim aged two years waa taken iii with hum onmihalr viif 7 inuto nooae waan i waa a elillil i bmmmi to fojlnw liar exam ple as i nlwayo have it also i t ohee gave ib to my irthy aa dlreeui ami alia waa at onee relieved and after a couple of dosea were taken waa completely oured ilhtrty la tho alnto in whloh tho soul no inngor flndv any olfbtaolo in tho way or ita union with good and ita ohjeot pinto foundation prlnolplea plmt i whan wo undertake to fill ynuraunaorlptlona woglvo thoin our undivldod attention nnd beat oaro tho pntloiitg welfare la our flret eon aldomtlon second t wo gunrnntoo our drug to ivo of full atrength na well as pure and froah thlrdi ouraiibtomore nro nupphod with just what thoyaak for i auliatltut ing iv novor nllowod iainhb oklkhy dosirounn if you nro a aufferor from kldnoy dlaouo liver complaint hloodtrouhloa rhoumatlnin rtournlghi ot norvoua proatrntlon wo confidently reoon tuuml thu uho of pnlnne oolory com pound tills rollahlo nnd novoi dl- nppolntlng mtullolne la a hue disease luiulahor and system builder wo supply tho gonulna pnlnoa oolory oomponnd at flrowii aoton ont jlovory ono would niantx one wo ahuuld have n now world matthew arnold oaflvoxtla bum tha v hlw ahwri satm blfulan f tho more vlttuoiia a nmn li the more virtues lie see in other spur- geon known lo tliousantla pnrmeloea vegetuhln pllla regulate tho notion of tho accittiluna purify tha hlund and keep btoituidh uud huwela free front dohitntloua mutter taltou hoaordliig to direction thuy will ovorcomo dyapapala eradlonto hlllouaneat and lenvo the digestive orgnna hunlthy and ttrong to poiform thiihr fiincllona theli merlta nro weltknown to luoue- imds who know by vxpeilenoo how heiilolh thoy nro in giving tons to the system it is a point of wisdom to le at peace with men and at war with faults ohaptn in cucumbers and nioloni are forbid den fruit to rnnny persona ao constlt- tutsd that the least indulgence is fol lowed hy attacka of cholera dysentery griping eta these peraons era not a- ware that they can indulge to their hearts content if thoy hnvo on hand n ikottteofdr j d kolloggs dysen tery cordial a medicine that will glvo immediate relief from nil summer complalnte there is no calamity which right words will not begin to redress rmeraou castoria vw infauti uid qhildifwh tki kind you him alain bsnght bears tha hlguature of tenacity oourago a cheerful heart nnd a hopeful spirit exercised cvon under difficulties are dlatlngulshlng msrka of high oharnater oerninln if thoro 1h ntiy nnn thing thnt a woman rfronilu mom tltnn an6tliorit in n mirgluil oitcrallon wo im utitto ullliout tiinv of a contradict ion that them avo liun- tlrtlltj y tlmtuiufulfl of oporntlons porfortiiki upon wnmon in oiu lion- pltalij uhlih nro iuitlrolyunnocfln aaryautliimny lmo imjcu fivoldodby lydiaepinkham5 vegetable compound tor iiroof if thin ntatomtint road tlio followhik luttcr mm utliiiv illalroininftonoit ritca to mrs imnkham i win h for fivn y ars onn doc tor told inn it waa nlc ration and an- oil in r told mo it waa a fibroid tninor and adviacd an operation no one tinowa what i suffered and the bear ing down palna wire torrlbli i wrote to my alalor about it and she advised me to take ijdia k imnuhams vegetable compound it bna cured mo of alt my troubles and i did nut bavo lo have the opera tlon after nil 1 ho compound siro helped me to pass wifely through change of llfo racts for sick women tor thlity yearn lydla e 1lnlt- hn 1111 vegi tnblo cfininotiiul mado fnun root nnd horlui lion lieon tho htandiml remedy for fcnialo illn nudltahpohltlvrlyoundthournndflol womon who havo lioon troubled with dlhplartunputh influin mat ion uloo ra tion fibroid tumoih irrckitlnritlon iwrlmlla pnlnii nnd backache mra plukhnm iniltos nil alok womon to wrlt her for advleo hho has ftnldod tliousnndh to lioulth address tjyin msun try j n oneills carriage works groitmstown ont for mccormlch hinders mowers haykakes hears maniura hay lenders ualn side hall vary hay itaclfs loudsn and worimin a wald hay i orb and silna otilnli hay foil hopi mrc mlck lllndarlwlne hay i 01u irncu snd all kind of trel hansen slona doals and hay luclta coclishult wllldnson and iuur llows alto rapalrs for all ilia above midlines varylull alack of iukhu burrlea and marital waaonsall ilie laisn siyla my own snd mclupjilln co a manufacture at right prices a few good second hanl ijnfiftlet pnd waiions will be sold cheap coma lo tlieu shops far yepr cajrlarahpitrln j n oneills cxnrincb wontce osohcbtoun dnt tlir grand tkunk raiiwav iajfmcjlh tilatnfj no i 1 j j7n i n h i i h ii a i o 1 i i a i i i ii ij n n 11 11 a k 3 ni j i i i i t 7 r h j m autrl j nt arl n old i i tlnn and uubbore mrnt6d oiaipikl i 11 scloml h uid itoi jndrt ins for farm nialunir ujjjiil i kjlthis sxi ii x nu aifin out bwa la slsaaie- u ae avary bar el toe tenulaa laxative brwwmjulnlne tabi urn remedy tka st eam sal osa slay kvery moinont loat glvoa an oppor tunity for misfortune napoleon parenta buy mother grave worm kx terminator became thoy know it a aafe niedlolna for their children and an effectual ex pal lor of wnrma tho isoret of success la to do nil you onn without thought or fame addi son was troubled with his back tor over twenty- five years got him brery klad of medicine bat doans kidney pills finally oured him mrs h a ripper peasartnn ont wrlleai lean oerlaliily recommend your poana kldnoy pills my liuiband hail been troubled wltn ida liaok for over twen ty ave yeara i gat him every kind of medicine i eould think nf hut tlmy did hlmuoeood a friend ndvlsed him tngeb aemo t itoaita kidney pills in lie got twn inxea and they oured him completely he feala like a new man an he aaya and will never he without a box of ixiene kidney pills hi the house tile prlee of deana kidney pllla u 50 tmnts par box or s boxes for llsa stall titulars or will he mailed direct on receipt of prlee by the doan kidney pill co toronto out actonl grain elevator and feed store wc buy all kindi of grain and sell all kinds of feed as well as norval flour meals etc r noble proprietor h r moor manager canadian national aud 20 exhibition sp 14 toronto greatest nnd best attended animal exhibition in all tlio world every province sends its products 10000000 in prizes and attractions mammoth massed band conccrui grand art loan collection from he perls salon nnd older oldworld flallerlae international military tattoo and oteallstla spectacle the siege of sebastopol with ooo rrlomn international do show international cat show 8000 live stock on vlew w uii uln buu til ill ijwilb uitw j 0 ou m cto mm fwwu cueap f a b e s from e v e b v w d e r e rutledgbs jjx v jlixli jl koton hotdl stkblds mill si ailon excelsior bakery wo are lioadquar- tcrb in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son hill stmt aoton learn dressmaking in a week tii snaliu all la larnw are piscina leachsra lit vsrv tu townt in onurb ttisaa lauans tmoh lutw n cut ll an t mil uwtuior uny par- ml from the plains shirt walil suit lo tha noil u tio ml ilrow yn i ilcin i pevtmtll iu r thronali anil rwritoilv taiuftsif this u tha r through and porfsot y utuflsif inlv eiura in canada that ills wliala tanilly ci usrrt by nns number tawinii ii tip ws tiavs hn in tiualitaai fir tan irsra an i havs taushl nva 7 kio sni etisrsnira m alv sfloo tuanyons ml waan ilia nf 14 anil 40 who sannatlmrn llatnrenf imllsllnnsasmnralhaa ana hat uafa known lo copy otir adv arnl svaa rial mail wliarw thay war nnl knnwa to ha iha nvantor of i in rourte na adv is oanulaa whiioutniir llton oobuaranlm hsas olllasaaaarspmssjrahlsa seaask jtratlnnj oniarbt can urtwm ranja- j ft 7toton l1 iz6ry bus uwe the undersloned retpecliully inllclis tha pairona of the pub- and informs them list well tables a com for table bun meols all trains itatween to oo nrrt ami n to p m careful altanllon nlyen lo every order the wanli of com nteroul travellers fully met john aniiiuiiikjwts rnofitton the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wn are manufaalursra and cllreat jmnortad ole11 alpti oltfonumautfttanrtllbaasr tbola iropsrir we can bivl tudilrads of our euitomais in uaiap 1st and llaaasioni slwlioli ries ear ontioru bast appllanem imib llie dominion ate pnaumalle tools properly w work wo sail dlraei te our euitomsis sale prleas thus un 6u anstonitrs iar aant wi have the bast appllanem and tha only usehanlm in ilia dominion alio ean opsr ms ueas from buuilreds of our euitomais in ita and plhar plaeas whare ettion liava to law suits in ordav te eollml wi have irsaai and bsal stoea of iran lie in the er more than any waasau- j iranlu in the thfmuselara in hamilton sons cor norfolk and woolwlohhta ouhlpii new pictures at waters bros new idea in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros guelph art btomb w- gibson smisu itlls il obh or ulngle hiipplu i rtii hh rtt t nittirtf commpkcial ikalmiks oil it rs jivin vj td d attention w ii rutlldgl proprlelor painter papor hanger sign writer picture framor shop mill st acton o p posito williams livory repairs promptly made to furniture tinware otc no unnecessary delay knives ground sunuors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices wgimson aoton hand laundry james webster having liiirilnscil tlio i aiimlry lnuliium of i ciuvli dtirlhl iiiilii tlio contin ue patroniij- of iir tnitttliklomervrho unvo fiimrnl tin btlnihh wltli lliolr orilcrk htrllt nltcntimi mill h li ililto curofill fillintfof lilt nnlcru ami tliu cxlollent claiui of work wlilcli liaft alwayn ikch turned nut in tlio i jht 1 1 lio iiilliiiiil jamrs wlillhtur mill street atott paper makers okonorto ik at ont hook news ikii coioiti lapiiis tnonliaiuleit we want a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to rcprpscnt fc canadas greatest nurseries lnmcitt hut of conitncrunl nnd domes- tic fruilh laryc and smiill ornament al nnd hhiido trcon lowering iihrubs lnth rnhts fine mcu potntetw one of our hplclultuu btock thnt la hardy comet from in a pennnucnt ultimtlou for right mun for whom territory will ho resorwd iaj ueekly fric cqulpnitnt write for p minimm stone wellington runtlfill nun tricu fijo nerci toronto ontario photoengraving halftones zoo iia9srhiri xnariiuj patents qlu5jm rbuvihlro pffllmts phdmptly 5edure0 mlanuil uvkctatl appllcaluns ttsva aflb7 bmtt siiffaaslinly prnhcciiicil liy m w comhtrt fully aiiiliiiicil nntca in monlrasl fuil wsltiitnii lhwiiudtfli tii to prompt t dlapalcli wnrk ami illicitly arc ita tuiitsi ailifeailn lliahnvuihhi uretihlrtffisasst lirillaliail 1 rauula irociircd ttin iiqii marlon h ma hon raetlva ipmlal nollra will mil chars to lver um iiwwppra ilhlill nlod iliitiiiiirm ihpnoiiilnlnii i beeclsltytrnlill lutulneaa nt uaniifaei ititsinfltimliiti marion j tant eitport 0i omm j jfl

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