Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1908, p. 1

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jhilvlhilitif ltli jvttjcrn jrt ftess vollmk xxxiv no 0 uarv ttulclillou fall in aitvai aoton ontaiuo thursday morning august u7 100h hulxkilptldn irlca i no vat auuuttt singijis copies tiiukj5 j15nth ejije ttott ye jjmbs lrum of hnbmrliuh ou dollar par year nlrlutly in udvunc am sub- mrlmloua illnooiitlnund when tlia time for wltlnli tuv havn hntin paid has hired tlia train to willed every ami- lorlifbm la palil la ilotiotod un ilia hd rh lobe i aavarluuaf in transient advai- thomin is ju imiiu poktnonltirtlt una for nrat insertion 4 cent pur un for vhuii eubaoauoiit luanrllon aavarileainniim without annclna dl- rmllohw will b 1nhed iii forbid and elurail nooardluvly transient ad varj i sam nla muat ba paid in advance advotiiaamelil will tie ohanaod onoa noli month if daalraa vor ohanaaa oitenar than abova tnantlonad ilia com position rmis it ixld or nt regular change for on nt rant advertisements must hi in tlio ofnc by noon on twra- it ay a aocpunts payable monthly mnlhtii efwoa ift vwt lllreat lon don m cy where meaara u and j hardy av co will racatva for un news eujiaorlp lions and advartlaamanla nd wliero our roadwrs carl frd or cliarfca ae our paper when in hngtand if i lfooilld editor and proprietor wusiwbs filwtarp jjnjcafc t iiios ghay m d c m ucoill ti it oi rpihbuiuth il 1 ah clllaaow uaumkn hainan manioifc absocutioh etc 3me pradariek hlraal aelobonl sfnea rarfjinatia mock ll huaau objoa llourao to 13 a m p to nlahleallasaewairad rrom mldtuo frdr ault m d c m earner ulll and 1 to fl and t to 0 fra l hoiw lrariiiataof unlvaiillyof toronto oftlee at raililanoa ou willow mreat-bo- ihh marchabl a llauk and town hall twaan makliaui phonsno on aoton ont t0i1m u uaodonammm ou protletor aud hupeiilatanaail uauhby iiohiltal dlteaiaacl woman or pehla ultra u to aetumiolaltou ale addraaa iiom t uauay 1 0 on i lxoal j miorinnon iujut bouoitob couvmvahoitb orriomuiii airl la umiah block laaryatown uranehuaiu btraat opan kadaaadaya ami uatuidaji ouoonvayanearaiautvltaaudldfaau itmlbauwaganl juooay to loan am riok vanyuian a llloak du j u deli ddblub dbhviar aoton obiaa al lutidaiid ooniar ulllaud vradailek llokor qbadditu ow tobonto uwitb1t tlia ulmt utamtliatle naad ii daalrad atlloekwood fuaadayi ttku j v cociilan dentist mf qdhirn potmarly or aoton unow imbladln lila nawottloa ooraar oiwynd haw and vwk btraaia uualpli i ovar otflm ol ujsckulammo vs to ano j iiardyacof altvrbtibujo contractoit amp newi coanro 30 fleet streoi london e c england a piia of till 1aiiar ban u aaan fra ol stiarm by vlaltora to iiondon to whom ad flea fraua wllb swaii u vaqolrad cinanoib nun an nookvimdub wynduaoi st auaanl omka of all klnda mad a to turdw arlodlaala of aar y laaarl btlon eartlul ly bound rullnnatli prompliydona aimiaoe l10bmbsb h p moonk or uikaiaoa riioinaia 1 raqnlrad imdaa m vrml a offloa aooh u dkmbtnhet ltlobmald atumomub w alan monay to loan on lb taoatfttorabl nmaaud a lla lowail ralaa of lnurain w oraara lall with tlia pam run aeloa will raoaiva itnmadlau atunllou jam ks mcdonald uoihibd auctiowur vgt ina eountlm ol walllaaton hal ton watarioo wamwoflb and lb fifty of ralaa iwnijuoud 011 raaaonalila tar in and aatlifaallnu auaraulaail in ayary naaa or urmi dataa u apply lottos wit itaaipphdiigoir motaina ht and blor road cluij firif onl tataphona 147 auajpn walaaniay ba arrangad at vaa 1aam offlea aoton jr ucukarii auotiomrkii for tba tinmiilaa of walllnaton aud ilallon baiaaooniluatad with tatlafution and upon vaaaonaula tarma rrdara by lettar lomlmoia p o talapuona to noaa or otitf or lall al raaw frkaaa offloa aelon will raaalvs iratnadlaw alunlion buuaauiuud htook oaptiatj nswoto thb wbllinoton mutual inruranqb company raubllahad 1b40- bt4 offlm gohlph ont inrukan0ronoaaliaa uuluaj plan any luinranoa raqiilrad will im promptly atund w ii dhhhv limk yotia 8l aeton nassayawcya lumher mills lumbar lath anil flltlnalaa alwaya on hand cheap nilhlfirtnili lofium p 8 avers a 80n8 mabsa0awmya p 0 is it footwear you aro l00u- lng for if thats the cafid go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of booty 6hocy rub bers etc for people of all ages antisizes our largo summer stock now xt iu for your inspection wm williams tba dhoa uaw ulll blroat aobin your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris d6 co llmlud sornettjipg jew c3 priflce rtlur gb j wallace mens outfitter mill street acton the berlin steam granite and marble works gammer braun proprietor dealguara and uulldara ol biatuea mam- oiuma monumenli marl era and head- alcinea and all kind of artistic gematary work whhani h arnl aclon oublph x3uslicss oucae ummoule jttoett vpper wyudhnui bl gublph oat apiiist class inilllulion founded in 1rs4 by iti prount 1ilnclpal pamoub aa i ho tralnlnraehool of many auccaiful butlnen men both canadian and american distinguished a the fountain head and aourcfl of tlia canadian club in canada bupimioii in ha ideal iplrll and leach- ina ii i rained nrailuatea ar in con- blank demand vor particular call al ih oollokofuce ij7 uppatf wyudham slraol or acklreai malcolm maccbrmlok b a principal tvertoh m eden kills th beat quality 01 manitoba vaunlly and paatry flour for al at lowoat prloob our own mak chopping doha and oala hulled every day k pad for bah caah for wheal anil gala 8wtsr refrigerators at roduood prices for the reit of the seation at the big hardware store twomontiw use cmd 1 re duction in price an an induce ment to buy now we do not waot to carry over the few we have left pronipt de livery uuf prkae a alwaya ulahl the bond hardware co limltod luull pbona 07 oublpu nd more eyeglass troubles ky hava the knack and know how how to do it wava got ll lonk year of aim did ii ita juii a pleaaura for in 10 rac- nmmand snur on eye nlaiiet come in andiaa ihem lame rrindln quick rupalra central business college toronto pad school of lia klm vltaa you to write lor tiu now calalorue iall term from sept lit addrea w j gtinw ireildanl or e it shaw secretary yunge and gerrard tila city conveniences bnouoht to your home you uould onlay a baih room in your homa will hot and cold waler under rreaaure jherber requlrad why not have ll and be up to daio ily tlio 0ompreb3ed air system ibla la nicceaafully accomnllahed aven ihough you have no water worka lyiiom wllliln rench kthli intermit yon uirlislo diy ordera may ba left with mr spencer tluthand aclon tor further partlculara wrlto geo e b orinyer co plutnblnar and haatlntr oontraotor ou1lph ont w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main street acton oppoilta slophenaona dlncktmlili all work duaranieed tlia work of year in aclon la proof ol lla ex cellence ordera left at a t ilrowna drug store will recslva prompt atlenilon w h walker aoton georgetown fltorab go gnonoetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specialty ah order rilacml wllh mr k a kotwrlion druflqul aclon will receive prompt atlenilon i he way to muskoka this summer is by the lake shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muekoka tlio maganetawan and thb best country in six provinces for thb holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the sjfc railways of tha canadian northern system td thcjur- formation bureau head oiy- ico canadian northern rail way syaiqm toronto 1 b 17ij it a ijortrtj a iiundntfld vcakib rnom now tihiuh 11 iilctiirn in the window lf m llulo uliop i know with iwiyu 11 ml iflrtw droiavd ah they a liuinlitd yiiurtt uuo and hiiim i iu it i huvn llimiiiht and litsj on llilnkiiir hw i in- rhlliti ml muylw wltl 1m dnhntid a hilndnyoiira from now will uliju woitrcupa tit- fnrtblninuii or liiniin in iirnml nrrny p will tlny wtmr imwt flkn liiittwinid fnxt tin tliy do to dftyp will liova tvonr jnckrta alirt or tin tlieli lialr in iinutri tuat how lliiyll rey look id llkr 0 knutv a i111111i1 wl yeurhjrmn now wlmt dit yott think the rlrla and ya will ill in tlman fardnyap willmitty ihi fml on lironkfnat foixn in many aorta of waya p mil it ii tluunrtd mid ittuty 1 ivnrm for thont thiiti rlnt p will nod mid maty thlna wll irocriiun aoda iiiiiue tluni liik viol uvtrythlnir thnta nlcop il olilldrciim imokh littvn plcltira tlimi i jtiotnll rnillli w imliiipa iboyll lw lintul palntfil m tl mimt liiiiitifnl tn eoc lint wlmn i i hi nit nr ait i imve i truly dont urn iumv tin y run bo nny prntllni a liiindnd ymira from now hiirnh nohleivcb in inly kt nlclinliia stletl 3fnntilu 4tnolti0 trn ttlti howrt of tlio tjulot town a i thonhl com lliouae about w hi 11 lilv i atood i tlio nlil oniii lliouae about which iliituly nnkanudblnunmlnglooiiab tnioa uliudoil tlio rusllo imncliaa and wol i worn intimity a opnratlnp thn rrnaay luwn fioin tlia tiurroundliib ptdillo vi 11 urn wiu n rickety iron fiincp to wlinno plckntn fur mors itoraoa wcro hltclitd hcr nnd lliore tjlo iniirnlnujiiiiimliliio bonnird wlthopproa- alvo wiirnilli tipun tlio dttuty atrcata mid olouo in tlio cmilor ahiulowa nf tha treat mood nit old fiudilonuil iuiiodoiip an lined inuro diivit noddnd nvt r tlio lltifu 1 mid 11 voinnn wliosu fulr yottob fnco wmti 1111 uvprtoulon of robtlaahiiuau oornplid tint buck mutt now mill then aha looked impjille nily lotviutl tint com t house nulf tihe wuliud hi itt uhi inlulit lrlntftou wody aloe tlio udlonu morning itaualon ivenpnt- ly hut iitlvnllon wua nttruatnd to mil- ot i or tlilclo num boi ou n thi gty tun hu wliioli draw it whk hitched ucomtiy and tlio llnoa liuutf uimttend- od nbout tint apnttor ho aid tlio only occupant wall n llttto imy ilia oyoe wero lnndnpoil with it houvy ctoth and hlu lunula wrc icrunoly fnldod ila too wua wultlnn foi tnunc nuo 1 hut thero wua no altfn ol luipulltoco in tlia enpribaion nbout ii timhi mouth tlio pnthotlo plotmo wont ut ruin lit to thn ivoiiiiiuh lionrt 11 nil ciuiavd lonra lo ffliuten in hot dark oym hhu imd in 14 id or tlio uccldont at thn oroworka party which tlia occnllatb fonrcil would ruiiilt in total hllndnobfl hha naod of tin to notice tlioclilhln nmrry laugh- lug itycu in pnaalngi nnd it aaamad vary biid hint their unlit imd faded now pithiipa fnrovnr film lonftcd to hal out of hor oarrluro ttnd go put hor arnim iibniit thu llttto hoy ilut could bltudo itp thn hlliidfohlcil child whh m very hmvolittlo follow nnd daleriulnnd tn phbb the tlmu wlillo waiting for ida fklliut luohvuifiil thmiuht rutlior than stupid woiry it wnu very plcnaant to bo out of dnora ngnln qvun if bo couldnt hio thn hilglit uunalilno nd thu gruou ttooa mid tlio duop grnea it whh flnti tn fool thn fidili open air nnd to acant thu growing things after his long con fin oin out hn wna indcud vory glud that tho phyidclan had roo- nuiiiintitlutl tlio tlrlvoa to town of couiiojiu couldnt hulp hut mua thd sight of thu ftvlihi and brook and picuy ptncou itlong i he way anil o ho wua imirlout if nil not lo boo tlio buiuitllul hidy when lie pubaudtho full lovnly ludy tn wham lila paienta novor spnku iiocuiibo lila father had iihirelad with hor hutlutiid but thnn paihnpa liu would bio huf again anitin ilny and might uvun oomo to know hor the poysibhityof pariunnont hllnd- ttoiis luul of ootirnu iiiivit iwon bllg- gutod to the child ttnd hv ulwaya ttiiiiiglilliopofullyofhlbiocovory now ho liogitii to pliui noma ot thu pleaaant thlnga ho would do when iiib oyaa were wall agnln hut ida rovaila waa intar- rupted by tlio uinat delightful voloa ha had over honrd you dont aoem a hit tlroil annio ono wna aaylng but i gut bo routine whon i imve to wnlt for long wont you lot inn alt in your cnrilnge with you itwtillap von indeed 1 shall lw very glad wna tho ootntoouu reply although tho looming la ho warn it u veiy cool and plmunnt hare in the ahiule you noom quite comfor table yea umiiiii the hoy replied for he know that it waa n lady wlioia boaiitlfnl voice nddieaaed him 1 and i dont mind waiting for im an glad to ho nub of doota iiguln theie la alwftya atttno thing fr which wn may lie glwl no matter what linppenr to ua i lahovoaalil the lady wo omi think about glad thing mid ao iltut nut worry from niir tntndd t and if wu kefp thli up for h long time wn hod aomo day that it a bo natiiihl fot iw to ha jiappy thtit we fmget in worty doymi ilka atntlaap o yet 1 nit mii next iwtt lo nny- thing wuu thu imger leapbnae wih i hnn i believe ill hhvw lima to uill you 11 idimb one the nhlld llhttmixl with unabated in- lerent wlilo llu iulyrelut4d 11 beuutl- fnjatnry all nbout n very htaa hoy who alwiiya went iihmg alnglog it many uung although hie batik waa bent with n vary litjavy imrdwii through all tlio duaty lilgbwaya and itnp men 11 in ho iievtu rnaaod to hum lila happy tuuo 1 nnd nt latt when he reached thu pleasant country whero hla journey ended he opened ida bur- li n and found that hn had hron cn 1 j lug heiipu of precloua stonoa with which 1m might purchase u1 tho apian did and which now btrelclicd liaforw him tlinilk yoiif that wna 1 vory jim n lory mild ihu child whijn tlintato waa ended you hi id go hkid utoi les next lamt to atiylhluk tin hidy laughed and you aeomod iu oitjpy thai mid bo much that 1 wuu wuiidiiring what ft in that yon like hi at of au thltign f imo ibs music waa tha though l fn reply i dont hear much of it thuu hi tor my mother rnnnnt plnyorsliit would ymi life for inn to hum you n lllthi aougp i know only 11 few slinplo llttlit aiie unit thu ludy if you will lnt so kind the hoy 10- pllod itngerly hnftly and nleinly the melody itrose lint loud euniigh for any one snve thri llttlo liny to heart hut ho drank iu every one of the awoet mellow nntea with uuspunknhlo pleasure almoat unconsciously tils small hand slipped into thn slngnri and when the tender tnuslo inultnd away upon the air ids upturned fuea though blinded oppres sed far letter than words how much gtadneas ho runt i y dnrlved from the aong my hushand la coming now ami i muat go homo ierhaps we will moot hart ninny 1 1 on a suhl the indy as alio bmlw the child goodbye shortly after the old fwhotind harouoho had lun ilrlvon away the hoys father hastened toward his oar lingo he felt tmenay lust tils child he wearied with waiting hut was ngrmi ably hiirpilsed to find him in bo happy a iiuiuoi all the way home thn lad talked of the lady who had sung tn him and told him tho beautiful atory and he anticipated wllh much happi ness meeting her agnln iu a tew days however llioae expectations were not to he realised l tor at the ocullata ad vice the i llndfi i- d hoy and ids par- ante lofi the next day for a distant city win 10 a noted specialist was to treat tho patients oyes the prolonged treatment was follow ed hy a vojagi j and when the lad re turned home ttlinouta year later his sight wuu completely restored tjuilngill his daya nf darkness tho child had never once forgotten tho lady whom imtaiitlfiil voce an full of kindness nnd tendornetim had cheerid him and taught him not to worry now that ho waa able to behold tho sky and the wonderful earth ngaln the happiest tlioiighta came lo htm per haps bo would seo the lady ii felt sure that lie could never mistake iter voice a fow day after ho reach od home be drove into town with his father 1 and aa lie sab waiting for him in the shade of tba tall onk trees he iaw an old barouche near hy on the buck sent wna the iwautlful creature whom he used tn pass in tile road hi10 was hmlllna nnd bowlngi but surely she did not mean lb for him for imd not his father quarreled with hor husband p nut just then she called nut 1 o im so glad that you are well again i tha lad waa out of the carriage nnd hy tho ladys shlo in a twinkling for he recognition tlia eheory voice i didnt know you woro the aauis one he oiled an ho throw bnth aims ahmit tho ladys neck 1 but o im so hnppy i for now i can boo you us well as hear you sing noaldo thu haroiicho stood two geultaman staring surprlsedly at its gleeful occupants pripn oilod thu ohlld delightedly this la tlio lady tlio beautiful lady who aang to mo and told me the tale for a moment the two men stood looking eat neatly one at the other thou without a word they clasped hands with fervent jt the hut den contained heaps nf precious jewels whispered the beauti ful lady to thn little hoy nt hoi side pnomotino ho mb patromaob tho ntorchantu of olienundoatt iowh recently offered 11 handsome prise to thu person wilting the heat short essay on the subject how tn promote home patronage tho fol lowing extract from tho prlie winning eaaay contains aomu very sound advloe tn merchant t be honest earnest and accommodat ing the moat powerful factor in business la the personal nlomoiit nnd right there la where the home mar- chant hue the mlvantage of tlia mall order man thn farmer knows his home merchant knnwu him to bo hon- oat obliging nnd stralghtfurward if lie can get anywliaro near as good prlcea nb homo lie will not send away lut tho farmer know that you have lila in teres b at heart and would not knowingly sell him anything of poor quality and show liltn the dlffotanoes in tho grade make lb an open dual all thu way through straight nnd above hoard tlia farmer does nut ohooi to a fulr profit hut tl mall order men have constantly impressed ou ids mind that tha home merchant is a robber till sometimes the farmer almost believes lt it paid a llttlo imi of the years playing with his fcut 1 nuo day leaned too far out of tba mound story window lost ills tmlanoo and foil into the yard ho low very miraculously hu escaped being injured and ida parents nnd friends weioso delighted that they gave him quit a nil in iter of penulos nickels ami dimes the next day after bo recovered from the shock of lite full lio waa counting hu money ami on seeing tila little ulster outer tlio runui exclaimed lee oladys look at all tho money i gut for fulling nut or the window i whyduitt you tiy ll pdelluoaioi tiim country choir your rholr a a very good one for a place like this remarked tho city visitor na bho walkod down the alslo in front of mo i listened for tha inawor na mrs ilrowu is wont to express boraelf in frank mieinbel- llatied kiihllh thoy do their iteat alio replied hut inb me toll you the country cliolr is tfio moat unappreciated thn moat uppald and tlio maul solfsucrlfln log of nil thn adjuncts of the church thoy lng year after year and who yetwaaever knowiftn apeak a golid word for tluuo p if they slug ever an well people listen onmptacantly but fob them iiiakiv a false- note or drop frouitha koy and how they are criti cised the city visitor j tolled at her hoateaaa volioiiaht words hilt i pon dered them in iny heart und decided that i had always unonnacloualy iwdleved ttunu i knnw lie alngeru went wopk after week tn roho reals wltliout regard to tfio weather or tho conditions of tho roads going from two to six miles they leave their work lo sing ab fuuerala for unfeeling would they ikj did tioy not cheerfully respond at no oh a time they muat forego the holiday morning nap fm a tardy chair would ho a disgrace to tiny church all tills with uover a thought of remuneration thoy certainly did sing well hut i could not recall a word of praise from any one it was not ill lie tilt to remember however whon a slight mlatake had occurred how a smile of mirth had swept from face to face ilka rlpplea on a pond of water t then i resolved upon a new course of action as tho sweetfaced organist mot 1110 going to her olau your voluntary wis fine i i re marked heartily biih stopped and gavo mo n surprised tentative look which changed presently to 9 joyotie smile why i how nlcu or you to sny that slut said im sure i thank you ilut it la o unusual ive played the organ for twelvo years ever slnoo i caiuu to town nnd in all that tlmo i roiuomluir only two people who told me they enjoyed it then i did fool ashamed and re proved ilut they do i assured her only thoy accept it as they do the glorious sunshine tho birds and the flowers wn do it for the matter aha aald but ibla pleasant to know that onn llkoelt i hurried ou lioforo atie took away tho last atom of my aelf reapoct but i determined to experiment farthor atid went nut of my way to meat tho soprano i did enjoy your unthemr i bald and i want you to know it hho ton stopped nnd looked nt mo in hn uncertain incredulous wny do you mean itp she lukod wu did not think it so good as uaiinl nnd weve aiing it imi fore i liked it i auaiired her and i was nob tho only one the olty visitor remarked how well you sang thou alio flushed with ploaiuru why i dont know aa wo can boar so much praise alio laughed if it had enmo gradually but bo much at once may turn our hands heally though you have no idea how ploas nb it la tn hear aomo one aay alio enjoys our singing i must go light back and lall tha othors i hollevii wn woro fooling a llttlo disheartened and you know you never do your best when you feel that way thata why i did not stay to sing for sunday school the fucoe of the singers in the choir woro aglow with happiness or did i imaglno ll when they sang thu closing hymn i thought i had never heard them sing with more enthusiasm a llttlo praleo lubricates thn ma chinery in the wearisome grind of life and how easy it la if wn only think tn speak iii there aro men and women in country choirs all nvor tho land who unselfishly alng out their- uvea and no onn over thinks to drip- a flower of gratitude on their unmarked graves give them a word of appreciation yo thoughtless churchgoes and boo if you ever before cut off a larger coupon for tho principal invested julia i pock dissipation in h b api no fiahnponhiiui said 1 the mil oat way of having no thuughts of our own is to take up a book every tlmu wo lutvo nothing to do that la not the popu lar idoai for reading is generally re garded as the generator of thought and ohnraotoi out it la not so of it- elf one must do eomothltig hesldea rend ho must digest what ho reads thero are ponplu who rend a great deal mora than other people hut know leas thoy read jiut to readto put in tlmo for u pleasurable uonaatlnii such na one gets lying in a hummock or drink ing u glass of soda there la no diges tive force in it that builds up brain fitter h la hie sort of reading that sustains insipid tnlk and makes one in a little social clrolo turn away in dlagust when a ser ous subject la referred to tho fact is the only kind of reading that is worth the time employed is that which arous es tho reflection and builds up ideals m011 nntr women cannot put in nil spam time reading thoy must hnn time to think compare tdeallao apply inquire of their own oonsolouco and consolouineae if what they read la pure and uplifting if wn had that aort of rending aho thought- inspiring kind tho country woujd ba hotter oil- selected anoihntoahb hmvivbo jl- a club has boon formed iu western canada to play the old kugllih game of loggatt a paattmo alluded to lit shakespeare lb consists of throwing a pin called n loggat nb a kinks driven in the ground tha player wno gala lila ipggab ueaiest the muf k wins twkhtv ykaiia ago aimktlnara arid sjirunjra rrom thw pro pream or auarual 00 lltl juelph function it h romploled a sunllower iff inches in diameter is a curiosity in mte a v huiuha gar den tha cemetery presnnta nu attractlvn appofcratilo now tho uvorgreeus planted in tluf spring have nearly all lived and look strong and healthy tin thursday a iliitvat 011 a freight train arriving in aoton loaded with i font toll jihonn p ilos wan found tn he on ire from a heated boxing tba burning cedar pohu oon set on fliv the roof of quglnnur mclono oils house npponlto wllh h the train had hutted tljit lira on tho roof was soon extinguished and thu car wus run down to the tunk whara it was delug ed wltti watars tho poles wero roln- tdlmt tlio cur was llttn drimaged iii t ween pylday night and hiitur- ilay morning mrflarvjuu drug store wifa entered through tho window in the alley lntween it and kellys uhue the uaali was nut nut and tho thief bad tociawl in between two shelves of books 411 or 97 of telephone funds ware stolen un tuesday night a pane of glnuu was broken in kelly hras front window nnd a felt lint and silk handkerchief taken homo wueka ago chaille oumhlo ihu teo year old son of james jumble orowuons corners noticed that one of tha rails on tho o t it track near thorn was brokun off uhimt a foot from the joint ha immediately start ed for acton nnd arrived just in tlmo to notify tint authorities tn hold thn h p m train from tlio east tho section men promptly repaired tha break and the train took thn lad back to his home a fow days ego tho boy was requested tn call nt tint station and ilia agent under instruction from tho railway autlinrltlos hnndod him nn envetopo with fill and tho informa tion that when old enough they would be pleased to give him ft good situation in acknowledgement of his prompt notification on sunday morning by aomo means a tamo crow wandored into knox church and took lila position on tho froutof tho gallery tha old church of course a ulbto waa lying twsldo him and this lie took the liberty to open and with ono foot on tlio honk ho deliberately tono loaf after leaf out of the snored volume allowing them to fall on tho bonds of thn worshippers below it la not known whether it was tlio crow itelonglng to tho metho dist or church nf kngland resident on hnwor avenue each of whom possess es one mrs thus lllalr or kilbride baa beeo visiting hor daughters here mus lottlo 15 speight spent several days at urlnishy park and toronto mrs k thurtcll and mr thurtell ijrown visited filomts in toronto mrs w ii storey has been vory iii but is now somewhat bettor w stark nnd it v wodohouio ad- vertlso 11 reward fm th conviction of the person who broke into tholr boat- house at thn pond on sunday 10th and atole sundry articles tho bat n of mr mark million lot 1h con ii erin was dosttoyed hy ire nn saturday afternoon hold nros woro threshing thero and flm wna noticed in a log in a small building it fow foot from tho barn water waa secured but a strong wind wan blow ing nnd lie fore water was got to the apot both roofs had caught and the whole etruotui o wont with a rush tho flames getting complete possession in leas thnn two minutes everything in tho barn waa lost except tho horses but held itroa lost harness separator and everything else they had their aoparatoronly nine days x y itnokwnml reports that alex mcqueen lltq an old kramoan farmer willo helping his eon john unload grain fell from tho mow frac turing his thigh ami receiving other injuries and that mr joa crofts barn which was recently raised being un completed anme of the sleepers gave way allowing a largo quantity of un- threshed grain to lie precipitated into the collar bohn in nnsbagaweya on aug ia to mr and mrs duncan mcgregor a daughter xnci in ntibungau oya mi aug is llnle aecnnd daughter of mr john llutcheon aged 21 years dikii at the residence of mr john parkins uower ave aoton on aug jit krnoat wfngfleld infant son of john and agnus fnmhoit aged i months and it days mvn as horhba it is estimated that tokyo lias tin leas than kfk0 men who act as hnracs in hauling tlio can logos called jlnrlklshas about tlio streets thoy stand at the corners waiting for a pall lo service ns do cab drlvera in our american allies through all hours nf tho day and for into thu night they ply their trado for the reason that tho streetcar service is not as eftlolont as it might he ami owing to tho fact tli at only tho rich can afford to own their private conveyances tlio public rlkstia 111011 do a big business thoy aro employed by shnppeia by women making social calls by business man going to nnd fto from work and for long trips hy thosn who tiavo errands out into the country it is considered nothing out of the ordinary for a rlkshii nun to haul n passenger sixty nlloaavora rough anil muddy road withal they soon tireless and aomo of then can stand more titan t a horso thu biaann this bplabh it la often mttlood that the oaranmit who makes the most splashing goei nb ond most aliiwly achievement is nottnoaanied by tho amount of noise people make hut often in nn inverse ratio tho tlggr tha aplnah frequent ly tho loss tho prdgrosa thoinnro ono boasts and pmmlaeiithh less t is aatu lo expuot fiom him onandpao wav my grandpa is i bo htiaiignit man i of i nuhit i lovo lilin ileaily ilut nally h ilia a seem to inc i in looka at tblngw no qui ti ly ho always thinks that ovt ry day is right 110 multor win tin r it ruins or amiws in uliiiihs in bloivu pr what kind of woallutr when outdoor fun u rului d by a heavy shoiv r pi nvnkhig he patu my hi ml nnd mtj vmi sen tfie dry earth iiiiiu 11 uuuuiig and whan i think the day inn warm vor any kind of pihiihuiu hu says flic coin hu gumn an inchc i sen without a iiieimmt ami when x fit becauue mm wind has set my things all with u11k ifo looks at mo and hayniut tut the olostf air nohle a uttrrhig iti says when drifts nm piling high anil feiiceposls w an oly pixiphlg how warm bnneuth thwli blanket wll tit the little unworn nn keeping i hit life trim b i think win 11 nil lilu fa ii ik sweet smile kiiiihh mi leurl it would i nb 1 if o 1 1 j one could see things just qui il youths companion piiaotioal wtvhu the wives of men of ieiitinient often possess a vein or strong common annuo nnd a matter of- fact nature which may at limes servo tn bring their poetlial hushaods down from tin ir lllghlu of fancy ratio r rudtly lean paul represents hlnhoukga na reading ono of his boon t if til fanruu to ills wife who listened with oyiii mat down and apparently absorbed in his winds as ho llnlshed and waited foi lur appreciation to express itwelf ulio said quldldy dont put outliosostfilkliigs to mor row dear i must mund thai hole in tho left ono onn day when hlr waller and lady scntt weru foaming nbout thcli euljite they saw somo playful laintiu in a meadow all said sir wnlter tin no won der that pouts rroin tlio tatlleut ages have mndo tho luuili tlio emblem of peace and innocenco they aro indeed delightfiilnnlmiits aald lady hcolt paruculmly with mint eauco uatik twain at ohunoll on mark twains uevunty second birthday a harlfuiri clergyman said tn him- 1 no wondur lie finds happiness iii old age all thu agd would be happy if thoy wcro as uyinputttetiu and ns kind as ho he is continually going out of his way to please others and the result la that ho is continually pleasing himself listen fot iiihtunlo to the quaint compliment ho paid mo thu inst tlmo ha canto to lunr mo pronch hn unit ed for mo ut tho church dour at tho services end and slinking tun by tho hand aald gravtly 1 i mean no oltonce but i ft tl obliged to tell you that tho pioarhlog tills morning has in en of a kind i can spare i go to chinch sir to puisuo my own train of thought ilut i couldnt do it you luturfuud with me you forced nn to attaint to you and lost mo n full half hnui i beg that this may not occli again oinlb as pltlembn lit tho fashluiiablo girls bciukii at kleff russia nil odd department of knowledge that of i relighting is taught tha school la under tho dit- eob patronage of the czarina thu girls are dressed like nuolar ltouinn flremon thoy scale laildiis climb fences man ihu hand pumps siting lines of hose form huekit bilgudeu and crawl up nnd down ovir tho sides and toofof nhouao aiippostd to hu on lire the object of tho training is to tnauo tho young women ngllo strong and fearless in tho fuco of real dangei in addition lb provide the college with an oxcollont corps of irelighters for tho students aro nob meitly pluylnk but aro ready to act inti lllgontly and effectively in case of emeigency as showing imw much in t arnest somo of tlnrglrle are it may bo stated that ono young woman obtained through olll- clal inlluonoe pormlsblon to luspuud tn flro calls with tho leal lie hrlgado in tier native olty after gnuluatloti tub oats pinb martha luul tmtuontod ulnali her kind old cat for moro than a half hour without an interval of piuuc when alio gavo dinahs tall such an unmerci ful pull umt tho poor old cat decided thnt forhuaranco hud ceased to ho a virtue an sio resorted to hor claws for tho fi tlmo lit hor urn when with tho clulil dinah gavo marthas llttlo fat hand sitoh a scratch that thu hlootl falily trickled ami site with teaisand blood streaming wont to dinah with all thu wrath iu hut voluo she could command and hi cuvo mn ttiouu pins nut of your liitniltlilsnilnutii miss i dollneiiioi it haajtena noeovary by orentlng stranirth thorn is just ono thing tho mutter with a pet son who hits been sick- unit li weaknoit tallsuali ponplo hi acton wo re commend our ilolloloim mid llvet pio- piirallon vino ns thu vory best strength croutor wo littvn own- sold in our store vlnol strengthen tho digestive or gans oroftlos nu npputlto piomoles souml leepmakarioh red and buildu up n uplotul system to health und vlgoi tills is booiuiso vlnol 0011 tains iu it highly cohooiitiatfld foi in all nf ilia elements nf imd llviu oil uclunlly taken from frosn anils llverw with thu useless nauseating oil eliminated and tnulo iroh added wn return monuy to those who tiyj aluol mid rocolvo no benellt li huhettsuui dnigglst aoton

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