Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 12, 1907, p. 3

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add llie crowninjj delight to your mcil with a jelly made from greltfs white swan jolly powder jrt 3 dilr tok of itfigont knlyda wodchntf g pbrka proaonu m qpoopd i sluotjmrifn i b worthing fluey lnlm m 14 up- to dntu 3 geo hynios i s jowollof h g mill si aclon g m tflic ttoit jrrc jjtrsa 1iiuusua hi it i mill ii ij 11x17 britr local items loolcii tk tiiiikk mm heap fnna to i union thu wink county cimricil will met i next monday lhiitutnl fill rilitiulll tin in xt ilh action mom ly uii tin iiwtuli new uirn liiy mtielph l nlial i xhlhltlmi opens next 1 uci tiny iho full inlllliiliy oponiinju mo lumitf announced llio now piivtint nt nro koine- down wlthit limit thin uutik hlkim tliat full lu iipprmichilik me h liecoiuliik ii toi initnlfcutdiiily llie lucuritly teown full wheal looku well on many iiululihoilnu faiinu v pavoimnt on ailhur htict i iku til aide ih now lit inn titllu il of mi l huiull oiruiu hu now liilu limuu on litilcikk mitel for will lliuiiiiiuirilk wlillmvuutlily improved ho pautuu nnd fimlmnid the lumia lotontit iiiitonioliik it i ty wild blulld liciii on jul duv nielli imltitf to tlto houvy lain trout lluhinn moiiii deism ulxt tiitiinliiy not llio lut hi pinmhor oh previously ulattd all of acton u jmvuli uicim uru llolldnyinuthl wuuk in honor of thu advent or new i ai tim hulldoiu miiht hiiblh now or told llntft ru will liu expltkn til ittforo con true tu mo comphud thu ficfpionl hhowuiu of thu punt wouk hill n liuun vory tlmuly in udi tuic ingf the mmly uimn fall whint tliti fit ktjnatittliiiintur taihiiiii liexthiliirdiy tliu olkctoi will ho at jlointi to all dtiunu nt thu town half x tim icmiu umiuinlly piumluo woll i oxcuptlnrt tin potatouu i ho yield till year ih tjnnt rally hi low tho average mi loo nlovnll lu liiivlnu hiu tore ooimldi i nbly t n i urge d hy the rmnnvnl of the partition otlor im- proviuutntu will nlm ho niiidu alton t fifty wild duoku wmn ohuorvihi on i airy luko tmrt day lnat wook thoy worn uoim uonrvd nway hy tho piomlbcuoiim ililrif of itiiuklllud aporla tho fulr mtoin lotiumd homo tho first to duy of thiu wick in largo nmnhi ru a innalrtnriiblo con tlngcnt had hi on vlultinr acton frlanilb a luutuut homo onturtiilnmuiib wlllholuldnttlm muthodut uliureli crowaonu loiiicin on tuesday uvmi inn noxt 17th tmt an intcichtlrty array of tulunt him huun uiikiigut a rwlrtdlur hii4 hi mi working aotoo hmlthvllhi iind wolhlnd na itgant of llio toronto world ho oolturtrtil hutmuilptlonu and iravn hln own iiioulptu biumd arumtiong tho world uiinxlouu lo tutili him oliampiitn now lhat tho lino now pnvuimmt on tho uoulh hldo of mill utreot lias honn opmod tin i t it iuithnrltlnii will of couro rnfraln from furthoi nun of tho otieot allowance for uldlrl no doininodntlor mr ohiiti wihih him hoi n appoint d tiukot arunt in hucttud mi 0 i vallnce mi wuln will ihiwuvli ko to jiuititto on lollovlnit duty in u fow dayu dm log hl uhui nui mr it klln will porform tho dnlim t day llokot itront imltor hal 11 ihinlyti iihldonoo kllllhurt at hiiiiloc valnud ntdlmmhk nnil hullt hy john i pottv 10 yenm uro unitdohtrojid hy fliu on hunilny thocontjmth includin it lino lihraiy wor woith oikur tho linnunnoii mi thu wholfl witti foi that amount mr adiiin t ook rcportu tho iluhvury of tho ilrat npplo hunt la for tho pricking of iiln fall npplu pack tall npplo parking will communco gontirnlly noxt weok llio orop of fnll nppuo lu uhoit hut tho winter npploumo in flit fliiait condition anil ijuito plentiful may lb ad to exclusion to bat v wauhlnglon nupt 1hh thut ulrlngaut uxoliiulon 1 1 nitty hotweon anmrlch and lltpun in mi iiiau uhly nnatot riutllitlloii thun iho innul nptl iiihitlo mlmlnlhtialloii nlhlulnl could llltv ihdinvcd folly ulght liouiii agi lu tho juilgmntnt of nmriihriu of i ho dip loin iiln coipu hi io mi tin indlroct r unit of thu ninhhlng of tho inpnnoan nt vnnenuvoi lit hiltluh oohunliln hut hiitmdiiy night havo ynu any of thouo bymptoins of tleftfotlvo vlulouv pain in or nvoi imok of tho oy liilhinniihtloii gtnnii luted ity uu pltn in iho tmnplon nppohod nvliialgln i hiuhan riilllni out oiosi oyo and mqulut if so uou- tmlt tho hptmhillut in nrnwnii drug btbat on monday hopt loth news of local import dhnry convention ml aatan iho woman u auxiliary hund ty hi hool cuiivdiitlnu foi tho ooaiinry of llalion will ho hm in hi alhiuix inn i h acton on tnnuday and d nihdiiyoit 1ilh nnil lflth the ci vho on tho luouday will h intitily choial hit mwkutm of oauvlllc iii ho tho hpntlal prliilht r tho nw armory t ouvlph n hutu id ay tho i tut wvon of tin lingo mttid girdciu mppoi ting tin roof of tho ntw iiiinoiy hnlldhtg wirtt holuttd into pluci mid nil la now in luudinoha tor thu phillng of tin toof nftoi tho ifnlshlng loucluu nro put on hy tho maudlin oven tho wind own and doom llio coiihtiiiltioii woik on tho fiout pen lion iihimo now hearing tum plntion morcuiy mlltl btorm in oomi ordrnf i o 0ill6wiiy i x ag r wt uorn ontntloi liittpuctetl tlm accoutrements aiijl vtoru in tlm nrmory of no ucoin puny a toh tisttiiuriuuy ho cuur vllmbilwdijiipk gamlnb vutj highly upon tho bplmidld condltloti hn whici ftvuylltfng win foiind tho kh h itajdln hiiun udoio or inorii olyjmru ho hau hcoil uiiiklni hla iihmihi 1diihic mum mr jm mowlllnmrirh bumtd thlug tho itoriii on hut thuruliiy tlm hnrn of jniusi mamllun lot i con 1 lhn near urewaonu corneru wan btruck liy lightning uml hurried to thn ground with nomo twenty tons of hay tho oriip off nlghtvoti otrui off gialo hiiwln unitd flclll roller and othei luipkinintu j ana henvy in mirarico of tu0 on hulldlnga mid con tonlu hi tha halton union haur church in diialph tlm coniniltteo of the laluuy httoot t inn ui n uclph mot laut wek and let to inapoctor onkea tho contract to huild for then a 910 000 church nlmoit hluntiinlly tho on mo nu trinity haptlat church in thntclty thocontrnctwns wlgncd and mi itakeu wau inatriictid to placard with tho work nu noon aa pnaulhlo it will ho reinomhercd that tho church of thla rongmgntlon wni dnitioyv hy lire lost spring thar should b lleelpinmlty an oxchnnge whoso axperienco hue evidently not hocn wholly autlafactory oay whon n nowepniuir luim linn to yoll hlnibf if liomae trying to pemimdo pcnplo in pattonua homo mtrchanta and thou ncddmtnlly ntumhlea onto tlm fact that noma of tho follow that ho lu tiying to protect nro sfinltng away for tholi job printing or lining printod innlt oi sent nut hy patent mudklno concurnb or wholciiulogrocor ku it nithoi hhnkae hiu faith in mnn kind mid mnki a reciprocity look like n ilium with a holo in it landlord lthnmn vathat paad mr igmttlun h tohmnn of alwr foyli fat ik i of mr a i lathmm of tha uouiinloii hold liuie dlod on hatiiidny fiom cuncer of tho atomuch ho hud hccn iii for 7 or ti nionthu and iiuircrid viry much decerned hiul hcon in tho hotel hiibinrau foi uomo thlity thru yemu itavcnuon nt weia cnhitrg nnil ulxtccn at aborfoyk hu in in hu olxty fifth year mie htiiatt and five hciiiu mid two tighluih mirvivo mr a i of ton in lho nldimt niutuhir of tho family 1 hu o thorn aro meiiru cliurka flic hat dnnd i dwnrdduelph and liiuuph at kalmunon mich i mm i 1 iron iuhinch and mra llobcrt aniili nfahorfoylo tho funuinl was hold nu t in uduy to tin it i cemetery liiulph uoconstd was nno nf tha mout highly rati omocl hotuhnen in hla tliutrlct a modal boye ball turn we will not play on sunday bet money on tho game nor into bud ian l gungo if tho game dooa nob go to suit thla la tlto motto of the london lloightu hiibohnll team ihutemnla conipoacd of hoys iwtweon tho iigoa of j5 und 10 who nro mombora ofhimday school a find wiiobo paronta do nob liollovo in bundny baseball among thu memhera la u son ol m jz inrson uuperlntondonb of thn wnat bldo city ochoola and a uon of tho itev john lntlncott pastor of- tha london iiclghth m ij church wo in nut think it in right to play iwsohatton hunday oi hot oil the game or play for money which lu about tho samo thing snld one or thn hoyii yesterday if u tenm ennnot piny iia on u week duy then wo do nob piny homo of tho olhor tonuih innkn fun of ua hut wo do not ram w novoi iiwear nor anioko olgarottetf nnd wo havo heaton wary tuam wo invvo played this yom knn aau jlty timou an appraolatlon iho following appicciallvo worda lottpectlng nno of aotonu honored uon a nppeniednin tbo inst laaiio or tho dominion iroahyterlan i tho now go no ml hoc rotary hnpnlly la not a now innn ho hnu already won hla npiiru mid proven hla worth in four yontu of faithful soivlce itav t albert mnnrc thun ivcbldeiit nf tho hamilton onfmncr was in 1wk1 nuked to hocomo ueorotnry for ontario nnd asancfnto hoc rotary of the lords i ay allliuicn of umiadn including within hiu tmrltory nil una torn cnna da ho has in addition inndo sevrral spoolnl trlpa through wootorn cnnadn whorovor ho line gone lie hna ihkiii woll iocolud aan public aptukir ho bus few if any miporlora ho ltuu u kton mind well informed and well unbind good judgment personnl tnot hoyond uiout a inigo bomt nnil u plomting poraonnlity ho tnkca u lirond ronaonabld view of the inlu day u0tlnn iio hna hnil n large ahnro in deciding tho policy and moth nda of tho alllaneo jio hna always boon a strong advocate of tho quiet moth oil of dealing with infractions nf tho law t in uwlng moral aurulon rather than legal compulsion up to thu limit of its iikofulnobu in piovantlon rather than punishment in conciliation rather than coercion iio is n sane rttatsu iiiiiullko londei who douarveu tho eon lldenno and loyal support nf all who hnnoi the lands uay in oatimhi ho hi ii liunl worker who does not aparn himself jind there nro few men who can work ns rapidly ov ntlmlnlator work oil a large scale as efllolently hla own altnmli liaa honored him in many wnyu hub in none mora than in nloatlng him n year ago secretary of tho leiintal conference ono of the hlgheab honors in tbo gift at that ohurob aotonu oltlxena will nppfeol itto those kind worda tho vnvu pjiuuu oneolitlly dooa referring ai they tin to omt who w a forme t udltdr of lt columns ilooni option tor mount poit a fully ilgocil pt ill lou ittpn umhk aiiluiiuulou of thn ii ill nptlnii hy uv hnu hi on htthiiiltti d to tin mount i or tut town loitiii ii und fit volubly itt i iv id llio imnpilgii lu nou on mid ii j twiiipiiiain o fnit i h itiivt gmil liopoh nf hinliig hamilton inti p iji i i m ituo working hn milimiwiloii i f llio iieatlin to iho latipayi i lhii fined for hootlncr on bumtny hx itallniiu wittu llrird mhl anil loutm eiieh foi ubootlng blidu iohi i tu l cilia mid hlnl t mil rsi uhui ilnl al foi ubootlng mi tho iid liiy by magistrate hiuiidoiti nt tlmlph on monday thioogli llm in turpi ol in llm ciiljirlta acknowlidgi il in ii guilt 1ml i x pluinod that they did not know hit law ills woibhlp ixpliilmd hut ignormiioof tin law ivuu no pxriihf tha bunehwani lidine defeated thtt hunch of hliaohull rbryjir knoyn na lite i ifnuolh atrtvt frnm liall tinm diputrd thlsmoiuliigtiu iiutil pnsseitgor ttnlir foi ai ton wlmri they nrc to pull off n muthi with thu hall toum ih of that town oiidlph hernhl the ftmn i nimt plnyrd the gmm im i bam d in i all driven over the fit id ptiliiiui umfuly by atlqna heavy hilton und fvortl home with u score of one to i ight lu acton it fnviiri dth r editor munjrovan o j miingoan iditoi of tlm uraiigevlllo i ui fm a m oio of ji inn died nt hiu bonis in lhit town on monday though blind fiom ida youth thlh tn in of untiling mingy aiiccaaufutly t diti d a itowup ipi i whliii spin rd not itu foia and wih count d it ilvo factor in every p ii i d fight in uulfoiiii ilroiigbt up in a dill family in one of tho strougint ljlieml townships in the dominion ho iiiih ccnductid iho loet nu on i xtrnm oonaervatlvv organ mi mungou u wan ill for unvi ml monthu ho i at m n wldou nnd four rhlldiin larar bohool attendaitoe acton schools liavo tin lugtut at tondunco tlilu ijir in tbeh blutorj tho high hchool ili piilinout hnu a very irtigo registration it hoing up wards of forty tin viituo of thlu dopaitiunnt lu now luglnning to lie hottu understood by uiudonth whin it la known that it imgi i porcontngo of art on btudonta pause d i ho i i c nt dopnrtinentnl examinations with two and llneo onr rmnht thun the nveiago high helmut students uillt throe nnd font year roiiruch tho ad vnntttgi of liidividiml tt aching nu givun nt acton mir lho usual claim teaching of high hchoolu ihoieutilt in npproclaud morn fully a valuabla pi rat ihia dojr when mr ii ii wordcn mw buck front the went ho hrooitht ullhlilm hiu pot dog nn iiinh it upiniil limned darin y hu mm lift with hla brother mr j 1 hoi den until tho toronto exhibition whmhnunu untcrctl foi coiiipcitltloii with the dion sands of canlmit from far nnd mm when tin judges had complotod thoh numerous ilutlcu harney wnudecointid with red rlblmna uml his proud imnn had thn distinction or in iug in ponm uu inn of the first piiowatti up iiiiol at tho dog show harney wnu bud fiom u dog owned hy ltov v mooio hmith nnd valmd ab 91 0u0 and tho tmtud noinmchlinuiowuidby i a tat mi who vn i in ii bur nt ltfht as dog lleuh goiu mr wuiden is ovlih ntly the owner of a cuulno of high ulin tha womani inaututa tlio womans instlttitii opomd with vory interesting session inst 1 rlday afternoon nn tho lawn of mm n 1 monro mill htreot after thn umml two months summer vacuthm t in ro wnu good nttondnnce of ladles iho president mrs w i chapman occn pled tho clinlr hhn felt tho prospects woro good fm a piofltnblo season u meotlngs mid cordially welcomed the vlbitom priihcnl mtaa t jlionn road a cnrofttlly ptopurod pnpet on canning trult nnd vogetnbtcs which contain oil nunierous suggestions for now methods which hndlteen round advantngooua a discussion foltownel in which tho ladles vory freely mgng ed lho proiaratlon or plclcloo was utso informally duumtsod hampks of pkklas lollies etc wuro brought by inemlujm tho procnodlngs ciohci with tho serving of dainty lefresh ments sochi and prrsonal mi linos miiunii or alton was i el hiu wnk mi i lid miuem of ilimiiptou visit d acton file mis this wnk mi lint muuoii of ingluwood vlill id ul hu til he i u homo thlu week mi und miu i i unmhlo steut ui e nil elu i in lot onto inst week mini i 11 t hiviuoi mnadowviilr lu viulilugliii hlutn miu win mason mm n i mooio went to lleiuits vllln in hilunbiy lo vlilt friends llm of now ork spi und mrs w mi ii miiaiui mondiy with mi ilggliif mm l 1 nwu mid master huy ui mil vluili il fi le nen lit i rninosa dur ing mm wi ik ml i iimiu jhinu hr of muijtimit itaih hi i u bpejndlug tbo wowk with friunlbil mfuu lloatih o warm of lohnswwri ni bifid irrr mend jmus kttle hills lnt wiult mi nnd mrs themius hlalr llhilb jtto vlulling hi fir thrwo ibiiigliti is lltri itrw p w ilirkor nlnl w j h l oloniiiii allitnlid dlstrilt meeting nl iitilph yeiilrndny mr 1 mis job i lyim und child nn e waterloo vlslud at the- old home here tllu week mivh uu j um who has leen visit log ion friends foi several weeks hn k nu to ijonijiuvlll mutu iit monml lblet hoy err nrr h mliiigamw days nt tho borne of mi win i induhoroiigh mis thomas marshall of lime hniihc is vlulling fikmlu at loronto llaiitlltoii and htonoy creek miuu i lie hoag of johnstown n v was tho guest last week nf mrs w mimm hrockhtreet ml and mrs i dili of 1 rainnan woio giioiitu of mi ami mm uoliort ihuhuj llowi i ave this week miuhtu albeit nnd nilton uutllll of ht 1 ih mich woro guesta thla week of their uncle mr ii 1 moore mru i liny of tmonto made a in ur visit at moorecroft thla wcok hho uiihin nnito toht lab mlcli miss mmy mahoii of chicago baa lie on i in it noi t of hi i brother mr wm mnuou ctnuilihtriot thiaweik mi and mrs loae pit wordiiri of iltlllei otitk mkb woro horo thla wi ik wultbighls molhd who is very iii mi it bl shoililt ir ilalllnnfud id hu sihiii mm i anuttnr or imgiii imml at ietotia villa on hund ty mimioigu a llluli and master liiotgo mi ipindliign few duya with itnii liltnilu pilm to tbolr return lo i nglmid mktxvllle vggie mid itcnu mull in hand attended the n t pi nlng of the horn in i hu ll church in ltockwood i tut huudii mi leiiige hill of jersey city and itu rithii mr lnlm hill or hock wood sint ihtiiudny nt tbo bourn of mitt mnthi uimiiliuw inl ht min lobii i iliith r nimeisvillf n n and mis leuuph iutklns of lliockvllli uiiiiguistsof mm w ii speight inik am a couple nt days mluiil mm hccta johuuim leliiiued tn lohmttowii n on monday hho kvnh in e op ii inii d hy in i mother mrs su pbonutai who will lomaln u eonph of winks mi i dw i itariy who has spout vliiii yimu in illfuriilii wnu in town lust week for a fow dau ho wnu much impressed with ao tons gtosu hiiico hu left town soma four yiars ago dt itobulttpii his brother hr a i iluhtrtuuiu of uhlongo ileovn illggltihotliam nnd children got home 1 nit week after upending two months at thoh uummor cottages nt hub muikokn milton champion mi coo campbell went to owen hound to attend the wedding of hla nleco jmiuu it h catheilne cmnpbull of owon hound to mr william t ohninhotu of winnipeg man marriage of dp horeand mlaa ilaffey a vory pretty wuhlhtg took place on wednesday afternoon heptemher 4th nt three oclock nt hlveisldo i arm nonr iroston whon mlsu i the i lditb oldest duughtei of mi nnd mis jotiipli ilngoj was united in nunilagu to dr arthur louis horo of acton tli ceremony was pen tannic hy ltov ti w llnrkor of acton in tbo proa encu or aliout a hundred guests thu bridal party ontiied thedrnwliigiamu to tho strains of lohongilns wedding innrch played by miss hattln hagny of hamilton cousin of lho hrldo 1 hu bride who was becomingly nttlrcd in cromn oollno oor cioam silk ami cm rled a botupiot of cioam loses with maiden hair fern wns aswlutoel hy miss lottie howoni of ilorllu who woio lavender silk mull nnd cnrrlod n hou ojuet of illy of tho alloy 1 ho groom wna supported by hu hi other mr 1rod hoie of und i n y little iinrnth hageiy or drnnlford cousin ot thu in lilo inndo a charming little llowei girl in orenm silk t bo grooms gilt to tlm bride was a pi ml sunhiual to the hrldosinnld mid mower girl lockets nnd chnlna to tho ginnmamnu cuff links tho hrldoa going nway gown wnu navy hltio with white hat lho happy oouplu loft on tho ii ik train fur n trip down tbo ht lawronco tn montreal nnd quebec on thulr rilm n they will rosldo in aolon tluosts woro prose nl from ilmuiltoii clodaiicti lliiduuy urnntront ouolph iluillu wnleiloo iveston oult iluffnln acton ionolon kivllannd toionto 10th hopt in ht olorges church ml h i moorowenttotorontoyea torday in attend thu annual mooting of lho olmulueo oil cluiroli union uliu comrnlttuo will be in saoiloii foi uevoinl days itlanxpeatod hint tha findings of tho ptesont aoaalon will he aentforwnrd to lho rongiegnllona of ho chinches unncermd for theh con sldiniitlon dnidaatkhquiitv oomtihubd djuihtc qiiu i sejtt 10 limit prea ont tippunrniieea tho bildgu inveutl gntlon will inst for aovural neeks on tho com in irndo no ru mo nt present only taking o idenro u gardlng tho orgunl nlion of tho ihnenlx ilildgu company and tho jut hi n ilrldgo company mi mllllktii suporln tendon t of the ili id i lection sluttd hint when nt tho bildgu ho wuut ovui thu wmka some tluioicthien tlmiitdnlly and thorough ly examined them o wns followed by mesuia klnloch lnumictor molure nunlutmit englikir nnd cud with in churgo of ih id iriattutiiontb who gave vidonco legmdlug inspection savings accounts invited interest paid quarterly georgetown buanch it 1hewat agent business change secord dlock q j 1st all ace successor to v ii swackiiamlu mens outfitter mill ii acton new and complete block of ioll coodi in laleal ilyloi juit coming in vour wanta will receive ctreful personal attention gjwkllkce millinery openings tuespav wepncs- dav and thursday septcmber 17 18 and 19 uk sb goods fleimuul dlt la ol now 1 all vieu oodi cousu1s complolo now unci ol llie d b a cortol in n varloly ol hlylea irom which lochooia your faiorlla ilyla in included table lijvens we becured an extra special price cnnccumon from the manufacturer the advantage is yours 72 inch dleicboel uimasli imatitl ful quilliy reriilarljjj 13 clear it 7j inch dleacliad dimaili aatra good valui n 9i do lo clear at 6yc i value at 50c 10 clear al 4jc fo inch unbleached damask rcgu lar 5uc id clear at joe 34c dnbleacltcd pamail regular 3jr to clear at 17c jooyarda illfllitly damareel short i inon linda from 3 to 3 yards in j and bluch aonyarda regular 30 10 jy to clear at 33c and 100 yards regular jj to 50c to clear at 13c towels 7 doien lood quality ulnna toweu well worlti ajc 10 clear al lajc i doaan nice qually towali for ordinary ma reflular 1 jc to clear al 10c willi our new block of carpel japinote malting etc we have phced in slock a four yard wldlli i fnoleum derlln and eplter wooli complelo alocb ql iliadoa blflheit prioob paid for farm produce h h unsworth oppositii port ol tick acton ontahio xihvmicxxxxh royhl tailoring a niinu businciifi training makes lnm positively unwilling to fay fancy pricci for ns clothes that ii a bonus for the prestige of the makers name etc xhemrin who buyajroyil tailor ing madctoiorder clothing feels that lie in getting the best clothes that can be made and knows that ihfe is riot juying for anything else whatever suyprs to msa e r bojllrt co injyndhkra strbbt gublph i nowhere in canada can you find a watchmaker 1 who is in a better position to do your watch repairing well 1 and quickly experience tools and a desire for your custom all unite g d pringtle the jeweller guelph do you value an early selection from tllli choicest of dress goods stocks all the best in alines and colorings for the fall trade arc now well to hand and we feel confident that this seasons showing will fully sustain the high standard of our dress goods department plain venetians inbrawnsplumrdark red and navy arc a feature in a range of prices tn blacks wo are showing many pretty cloths and black is very strong mmmmhmbtatm hendebson cfe oo mill street acton new paris idea8 in womens full pres dominion of now zb aland ioiitlon hnpt id a huynl piothi mntlmi hnu beiein humeri nnmufiiln hint now zealand ahnll ho ilnauriiittel tho dominion of now onland nftnr septnmhor mill noxt absolute security oenulne carters little liver pius must dear qlgnauur of 5m rocslmlla wmu0r utlcw pans the homcol dame fashion the original source of those ideas which produce the vogue in womens dress each ncason wc are keeping in close touch with dame fashion that mysterious influence which sets the lemininc world agog several times every year miss brown the head of our dressmaking department has spent tho past few weeks in paris gathering ideas ab sorbing the chic effects which will distinguish the wondorful creations of the artistic parisian dosignors from commonplace attire it is hardly necessary for us to say that miss brown on her return will be better prepared than cvor bofore to fash ion your autumn raiment in a most distinctive manner we are ready to placo overy facility at her command to begin with we arc now displaying the most beautiful sh o new iall press goods ha pnr cant of liuariacho art tho reault ofoyoatralu olme j wchtorna aalentlfloally uiljuutcd gbiaavti will rolleva ityoutrnln with nil ii nttiiiidhin ntlmbtlniia if lho fin nan a ynu now won nro nub uomfnitithla nt if ymii lenatai wpriie clniuifliik oouaitu thn ebyoalgit nmiltillat in llrowuu liiif hfowmtindii kith vary aatall teulumewtfeat carters m m diqihiui ran iiuoutil roitaahdiivn j nil mmtinmm fhuuiwimk raijniceemrtuiu ovre sipv hssrawh this storo has over prepared lor your critical examination tho most oxclusive of the new designs fabrics that aro rich weaves that arc radiant in their billmncy of coloring cloths to please every good taste come in and see them youll rather inspiration for autumn dross of tho most charming character d e macdonaw bros the ixiop gucljttlr the right house hamiltons iavor1te smoitinc ilaci our grand fall opening will be held on thursday friday and saturday september i3tii utii and i5tii evorybody welcomo evorybody come special offer railroad faros paid for outoftown customers railroad fares will bo allowed to outoftown customers on opening days on all purchases up to an amount equal to 10 per cont of purchases como and see the newest stylo idoas in the world ol fashion thomas c w atkins oonmrt kino br east huohion hamilton ont h 111 n 11 i

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