Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1907, p. 1

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ihfoe ttt tt volume xxxi no 117 kvery hiililrilon lull acton ontaiilo thukhday moitfrinu mahcii ii lf07 hi no fi 13 copies tiiwkb cents kljc ttoit jtiec it5s it tim r lra ulvmi rrlmllme orhc ull htlllltt acton ont 1rna of flttburrlnliam ow loll t nilvumio all hub iiiil win li ilia tlnitt i iwon jittlil im u iiiiiiu hid mini in wlilrlt uv ry auh tcrltillmi to i ii 111 im ilt nuti it on llm ail jnau lndl arivrllnlk lla trnuali ilt eilvrr llaamtinta in conte nor kont ullll lino i frtr tint jtihertliiiti i mile i ur liim rnr tin h nulkciuunt liihkrilnn mlrat ilalm-tliofolfnwlnu- inhli iiiowji our inurm mr tin inbertlon 6f mimrtf i nc una ino 1 inrurf inch for apothuctt iiprlaith ftxlnp charles j western fycslgllt specialist of toronto ill umil at tim avery jmslitli at ilrow n bray sore iiii iho ii mtowaitl kloltl knit 1 yr ipotoa is oo 3006 1io 130 00 30 00 13 00 shi xln p mn 3doofit on 13 00 4 e0 7 00 3 50 3 ooj 1 00 advnrllaai r6cllapn will li without enecinn ill injiftriiit ill nrjilil mil oimfkpil uotonjliiuly trttialiut ml vorttnimonu must lnrialij in kitvmnui advert untnenurvlll lia rlcwngfd incn each rwqrtth if tiautnl tor oft ami lioalllpn muat lie paid for fit trunfnr rati m clmrme for contract nrtvi rilm mimte muat lia in the omoq liy no m on turn day accounts pnyatila monthly kngrllaii omen so fleet flirrot jnn- don c whore umr l end j lurdy a co will ruralva flir la nnwa uuaorlptlona fcnil ndvcrllni montk nnl wlmro our remit ra enn inn of chnrun a our papor when in isnirlnnd 11 r uoonu icihiorand proprietor tfusintbb fimdorp vxijical a kthull l 1iorl m ii utiuartlt ol toronto hocckibou to da j ohm u uihohaip oftlo tit room i corner will ail john liraala mtjll oalu i romplly a urn in i to oftlaallaurahlolo am ikjdi m anl flo up in t iios gray m d c m mcgii t l it c l kninntmnu i i p ah fllainow ukuhhkllnitibiimimoai ahocutiom vrc dnlcelrailarlek illreot aolon out l d ault m d cm tucccbaor lodr uckeanuo odloa anil rttalilonoo fotineily oooill i oil i y tilt dootor frstltrlcu hi orloa ilojmll to 10 m i in a am 7 lo acton ont rku prydkn bvm bam tuftolt mil hob co roar woolwloli anj llahcr iilraota 1 ouklill wiim iioobi ib m to pin an 10 tod i i bokdayiloa m toljitn lkoal a j mukinhon limntnn huiicitop coni onioa ulll htrnat la ualtliai liloak iwtajra looro aadnaailaib ami ualgrila r j monadu ctarlirourtliduuion conn conntt of hal on oonvatanoarasciiitplraand tlloai haalkiuuabanl tklonay to loan ato vsmtal dh ju nisll pub hvb dbhtiat adtcln t dmoo at hoiulanoe uan hi itomob olilddath ov tokomtd uhivhmitt tha utmt aiiamtlietla mad if 1 oil rod uiscxllanmo os pi ado hardy co aovjirtisino comtbactobi anp nuwi cohhripowpienti jo fleot sireol london e c knglnml a rila of till tapar can ba anan flraa nf eliarco by vlittnr to fourtoei to whom adrloa uatla thianoib nonan p iiookhihdrh wvndliam m flaalph onurli 10 ft wi m blor auannt uooki of all uiwla mda to orilar lrtodleftliarvaryilaaorlillonarafullvlounil rullnrnaail niromptfvlona m aniuaou moi5nbus n is uoohh imiibh or utnmioh liii privalaonioa nowllnonefajulril iiauad al raaldann li tlia aranlng vnm vnu olliea ac coh w h nkmhthekt ijiaimhkp adotinhiib atmyraaldanealn aotoii 111 ha promptly al undadlo farm ilaiaoiiabla alao tnodar to loan on ttia moat f orttu uma7od vi i 1 lowaai ratal of intaraat in turaa of nooand upward yy iiuu llcrniiihi alcllonki r 1 rln ontnrio ordora lattwltli llm khnh ihkhb actun will rw vivo i mm oil lalo luiiillon james mcdonald i ichnhiui aliclloni i u vin llm ooiiutloa ol wolllnnt halloii waluiloo wuiitworlli and tlio ity of aualpli ualaa onnituotad on riontilo isrma on i mllaraalloii ituamitaad in avory rn irnrtarm dlaa an apl lv to lloa iitf uilulimnf hhor mo rauiin hi and ijitr llotvvluiii ill ooi talrilniolit huu halaa may do arraiiflml al i uku 1flkaa i hlon aototi r j kiru lici mm auctiojukm inr tha oniinhiu ol wullliiiilon mi 1 luunn halaa odinluoud with aallilaolmii anl i r o i mlmoav r tlirliuo r lifi m ihkh i iii otllu anton will reunlvo linniollalo nuriilluit 200 a month oomiilolo hhnrtliali i ur llimilili lim fifliiim ikaiall inolii 1 1 ml cirrroct iniinronnriilalaiid lull imifitnlloi 1 riiilml innum t w huild cakli today imfoio uur auiijly ol lulu i runa out the british canadian business college outlier viiiino allumi i tllhltlto f ii it ill t jfr lgj1 mlb it loiltinun 0ill4jll1 twenty tlniri our uppy suili u dciniful unffl nut nrni pi v ililo hut il is tnic ctiinieilcc ni luiii1ujho frn w j iclliottprmcipnl oornnr ytfiigo onu alexniidar dtn c2sg coat 7kd shirt e b swackhamer mum oiilliltcl acton fiirs greatly rediiced in price it lalon- tiiineb ours is a ftcn unit s ik lvcr tliinpfin l selling off at minu- facturtrti cost irtct rcardlcbs of the advance irt raw skins we arc going to move into larger and more suitable prcni- iscs therefore wc are anious to clear oft everv thing in stock bargains m gl c nps a n d sit i g h kobcs at lafontaines practical furrier iuelpli pa1 makers iboiklkio ii n onl hook niwh ami oiohii iaiirh in 1iuai1hi0u xtlxxxoxcl s livery john st hcton sljlll llij i imli slnjn lnj ilinl i n sillirll nmicu i ommi hliaii majl i i iis oiihi us civtn s cclnl uluiilion iicnrv arnold proprietor iltjogra pliers kl the david smith eng lltlio co ioniii ily o itolph snillli a co 0g 68 00 church rtroot adjoin in t toronto hull way oltnmberi tohonto onnk find commnrolnl htntl mnniirnnturorn or lllgli clnin cnl- initnr nntl adnrtltlntf nnvnltla glas putty painth mingt s loclc knos shovels lanttrrm lmnp dcivera jflflcojs driv rs mhts axtvind uvs clothes jvinci keepritjf tool j trytiinr in 1 1 a rrj tu i i i il nrt aliij iijlit the bond hardware co ih0noo7 103 limited qxjdlim satisfaction ctiaranteed our guar nut ineatis something we are not liere tod i and nvij tomorrow jou know ju4t where to find us too luiay lo have it otherwise accurate scientific measurements and tests no gulss wbrlc satisfictorj rehults or jour money returned difficult cases a 4pt c- iilty a i savagl savage co jrwi mjjrs curclpii ibsi i s ol mvuuiagi i ici si r vacancies ih tl i iiutiiii im 1 to ll mini llmliiri i ii i rir nt mtoh nriu 1v lh iihi lxii1 inn luiim in ur i ii i h lv i- iul i r mt f it onr uru tu alir kii w ihclr liiiu lluaoi lltilr uiii lovim anl a gtt unnl atarki wu aup lylliailumalil is it footwear you aro look ing for7 if thats tho wc u to williams shoe store i carry n full lino of boots allocs rub bers he for people of all arcs and m7ts inll and winter stocl now uady for jour insptction wm williams tlio blioo mnn mill btroot r aoton hf v canadian norlhem ontario ry s ho rt line dietw1s1cn toronto muskoka h parry sound winter service pafllly sountj paso end ib b n nun i ni tiinitilo 1 nvo h ii a in lurry hum i ajrlvo i in in iarrv wound i at lid i rorooi atiliat in cm s washaoo local j flturiuiniimii jiroihi anlolll0fclll nrtttllllntihl toronto i no nuopm wmlitgit i anlvotiimi ni lliforniallou lleknto ole qilytlnknt otlloo nor khil n i rorimlo hli ualnrdiu ami alt akoiita hljiihaiumud h c ibilflo thu wellington mutuai inffltnancr company kiublubod 1040 ipd offlort otjblph ont u ii thlfcnvailmtf vhihh ml lr i aioaiiit fi r tlio llnlnif 1nalrahfa t o tl hhflmiiil llorlru waitino hui iii i foil my liniiilnhinl wull mi r nr foi winil m titlo or am i nivo no moiu kultiil tluio or fulr im lnt my oivn ahitlt ciinin lo niu i hluy my huite i iniiu tldlujn pin wlml nv dlu llih iaui i jmci y i alilntl ii inlil i lnt oh mill wiiya ajui wlutt ii niliit hiihii know in fnci aurwrtkt by nllit ot duy flio frlundi i niu k uinrirrkliuf nm njmviml tun itlvo my lurk itmay niu ilm oo tlio ido itrrtwiiiy wuhi iriallm it i atmitl flliiir i wuluwltli luyllnl i 0 in i lift ytiur my linnet kliiill tip f lmr it lninvi am hrhpi ni wm rnillof tciira flif mntoni kimml ltiuir own mn di iw filiu in on v lint kjtiik in j udor utun i v ho ta h tlm kiuld wjth fii il lil it 1 nto lli 1il f iiurtfdfllklit vdi iitiirn tiotntjttlulitly in llm ky i i liv t iftitl wuotinto tlls u tinir not aimgr imr tin p not idkli in kcup my owp auny fcoiii nip lttl ynmilij itmbtttfl ii nod gk is i limit fjls gooversloii ami joii iiitc iiindmn j on lotiulit nolhliik in tint upli dajriy th jmrt mrnt on i liniadnj vt i hill hill o lliin tliln ronlpt fit ijl i tflwii in foi a ikti dollar di poalt t via it mimt lnvo lit nn i wot lifln iliimduy nntl pitd t mi n run nnd wlion i ot lionia i found ilia ntoipl was tin i jo willjiiut ukumclinlrnikl i will look it up tlio in ml of tlm dfjinrtimmt vnt uhiukii ii plln of pnprm tioforn lilin a fulntlj iiiuuhidriuilviiiitiimiltiiica in liui jo told ihoiiniuinlffik that lie llllll iii lllhllil 111 btlllv hiiolllll ho in it f odiniliim liu tinned in liar mid mild liiiii tt minly imtotdly ntuiiiho oiu blip on u t nniv i ulll ttun on n dtipllritn r ipt i will kctj tlio itc ijil yon ru mo for llio ifiui it u of no iilun to on lotiklnp lit i in tlio ujo no oh nnl of coikhd not llmnl 3 mi i iiknuw i liud pilil tlio w attir aha had lift tut took his way with a ami lo to tho iiiliulitcriiiff diputiiidil who ii ho lotnriud tlm htnllo whii kl in out n inn i will v siild llmmimhiclrik wllliu lmi simi old tiling lit viild woat ily 1 ho rot otpt wns jl n foi gondii oiigla liy hoi tlnitutldy hho liao lost oi tnulitld hot rccilpt for tho 1 nt jndliik ha liy hcihclf nu iittnld u nou id dony icciivlng it ho hntt httl ip hi i li- i hilloiui ionian wmiltl lio hut wry juiilnmiy inxnvoiiiliil lil 1 thuothet maikhuikld on think it u lining will i dont aujionuhtui li iikii iivo innio woinrn flvo ulio licit it koimi itlintl foi un hun a minimi itciod hcuhlo lilnknitdnii hlrt oj dm ulaiinoil liri pill kly ho milt il luvolittitiully hho unu not bhahlilly goo tool hut mlinhhlly kkjlihipif llio hkimpy cup llio ihiiiidjmrn wmnt llio im jlowond imiinnt anil iii liniigiiin akirt wem of all ldiiuw mid tiiiiuriulu 1 liay wi io alltu only in cloiinlliiliis hln rnlaorl ltcrnlmrp lirowit yro hohltittud and amilod n llttlo tronm- loiuly tdumlng iptuia ontlroly dovuld of ttili lhon stlwlklitonlnp iieiiolf up mlniunld slowly i ivo cniuo to if yon d tnko a nig hutk wlmt in tlio m nil or wllli llin rug p nntliin only i dont want it mow long itava you hud itp a tonpui nftlityu i biipp mo ironlinlly no ho hud it purty nmr two iiinnlliu itul you hnvo not nntd it of uiniar wdl ii i hion on llio moor nil llio llim hut i only tillliciii nhon i lime ctiniimi mi 1 dixit hno conipuny miy ofti il ihiunllltloiiimliigotinilly hrt a pnity nig nn i llkn it luit i wmit lo hind it hink why did on buy it if jmi didnt want ii y im aukod bluntly 1 tli w nit it hiiitiiil rtoriiltu llftvii iiinnti nionny an i cmit got it ililtnu i i mi hiiul tho l ug imtik hmvmmh uaull p lkvi ii ilollmw un foity coiila nhr anntrcit it dijocloill am j ou auiu ho in fu iiiithlng wrong ultxlliu ingf hermkid in an lilniiitllifn vnlio if it tu riunktrl oi n t rolo t oi nut im it pnibi ntttl i inny ha nhlit to ilti hmiittliiug foi yon no ouiplinllciihy hut aonow- hilly tin it alu t itotlihr wi nig with tjiif tug itu pin ty an all tight hut it ntnt hint mi an i unint liitw lint ninitt un nu i thoiigtit yon might tnko tt imt k jliti imi ymrt iiiiiiu imitlmldii tin aahl mid i ulll mil toiimriow uml joule nt it i ulll till joti ilivu t lint 1 1 mi tlo lib i yon holt ii muiii that wan not amiiioiiioiit oi contotnpt tint it coiitilnollon of liinrodnllly and joy tlmt nuitlti th nndt rolik momltu tlifi nnxt aftoiimon hr otiiloil lln llighti of tiilm nnd wnu iikliuiid intit tlm roanl with mia ntg itu tliinnthig cnlnim tlipglmlngotun mnf tho tiililn with llio liiithlinont plan itlhiuii iiih fuw wiinilflm cliaiih inlil llm nlil jimu mouoi ivmi lh olio litlli mmiiii giimilinii won nntod in ti hlnglii ulaiiuls hut lu looked nt tlio od wtiinituu fat a lung tnul moaillly it uii miq1i n hiitcrotl old filno am tlitiuiili tlino uoi i aw mill pi i vil i ion liml fallout imt llujt donpiiati liutlln hum ami irfti nth i inn- jinrili in loll hmiii ujlaattn4rrmfvl vtt vltl ultti hlhl yon ttoiit wnlit to givi up tho rug why do you in ao p hhv lulrhod uoi voimly at hi i apt in hllll alirnilk wlllllll llikfir flllolllll iiinii who unouiod lo nil tho in mi u liti ida itoiiilnniit foit i ful n rnonnllt ho wnw ao it rong tiling moll grixiui oil thjit lio fult indtloiily iltlwiak nnd hulplrnh tinforu hftii lvcuan nu ho pnltl khnlly i hud lio thnughta of piylng into j niu liliiiy i only tvtiiit to in ip mi mil ortlihinii iivthhv- i kuou nhoaajil iikli yn yiri gumlgiu d yon it i hink tpo allly old wonimi hut iuiii hoof to aupii uitlijtu nigh llilrtyyf nro i it a long tinic am wc vo imth got om an ugly hut oiirjionitv ujint tliji iiiino if ho liifdntmjild lliiliiiot ho ut thing i lylmldti t rait to imirli lul afull aald ins mil rnrofti if your truth vou vo ajirh n juirty uioutli an in im i a in t no tth nl nil nn liim arondii aflif nil thoinrl tun jfniig ilii to iw in pruon an tlnjta uhy i wmil lb rug can en ltn ho titlght and t htoifal ml in llln t aoon noltilh yory chvorful nil tlio oara hut hut f uiuh linn tho tooth i had tho moiioy foi lhani tiwi jmt thnytl only himd lilo lotjnrln null vrhoru tin ttrtit up fioui bo i ii hnva tn bond tho innnoy foi the rant of tho way i ipiut lime tho tooth wi liiglog in i huiida iiticoiiillatiuly wlillo ihrvbiinktii tips pihorta1 mid tho tours trirklid down tho jollow rhceka i niuat huvo tho turth mi an i do not know whnttoilo thoj ii 1 1 him up ru nrtj jmh itn imgtluo rnr killing m mnn hint rggul hln on to doiii it mid im wm young an fi 1 lieulid ihon will only hnui in mini foui yvnr an wo wua jua guttln a nlco lltlio tni i but with a dty iol i know it arom allly ti itiii foi an old wouiiiti to rum how alio looks hut its fei 111 in t ita to puim hln ili mnn walked tpilrkly to i ho win low a human tinttni tidily yrural a rvninan ho would m t lit i a wiunnn w imao lovo liml giown u ith biilfm log 1 a ionian witti i har hnnvu ijrallko ho hong ilia lit ml in lu hind n iiimuunt and nliuu ho inlitid it tho light tr j jrthut ahouo ihrongh tho mitt uhh lika the btiu in hind an a pi ii cloud 4 wo rnu t t ku buck th ing lie unit hut hoio ipdokly wilting ou ida i urd iu the tnldroub of my ilontlat on in him lie nil ninko tho toelh nnd i nill atnnt gnutl foi ilium now pi om inn mo that oii willgo tn day no no utin an id biruking into touia 1 nint imlliih to you aiit cnu t lot you dolliiit tlod iiioba you i i alu t uuvui takon uuthln yet lint what i cm ntd i wouldu t fool linnoat in doln tliiu foi i wiun l hying to got holp onlv ta huvo tho rug tnkuu hnck ou uiiibl ho mid li ml yon pn mo hink joii can pay it n little nt a litno will on hn goimrtiutt and do tliln in phmmmo and ho loukid into in i fiuo uilh a whining ilto tint la gootl alio anawt ml hrnk- tul llio ncuiy oltl fitco lighting witti ngioutjo i kunw jtiii inian what joii by an ill pay yon etoiycint jua nn soon nit i can you dun t know what llilaintniih to mo breaking in to hvtplesa atiha foi foi i want to look ab good a i can foi john tliht ovuning ngltl wltlicloui hrown ooa ant with lunula folded lulltssly in her hip imr lipu in uulfnl ciirvo hiuhlenly alio atnitott a lliikli cauio to lieroluiuki a uaim light to htir ojoa with ft cty of joy aliu aprang to her foot ntiil hold nut hur hunda toblin with nn wouu hiiltnight hot to hint nntl uiabud hot witti a pit nnl on of love then pnlllug hla hand tinder hur chin he held hoi fur o bo he could look into hur nyen nnd oaltl alowly i if i w4b bint tu pruon for th 1 1 ty yoiiia would jou lovo nn ho true to tno anil kiaa mn nfttl tluoai thlity pma with tha btiltio gladutwa jou do niavp i ilu t know you ilunt kumvr hiik nunwuitd hcaltatlngly nn iltnv niuld i f i lino mi h tuiioli i think i cmdd loin jou alwoyu hut how can i tollf oh hoi facn ilimhod tcurlet what nut i hiijiuk i mn tolling you i linn you and- you ho non i yut biiid you lovtd mu and jou cmiiiut m yon unuldn thaw loft mu foi ii month with no woiili oven ity tell mo uh yirdtntiw i lovo in hough lio anld lovo jou ni nuioh i wim nfinui of tt and i mu linpplei to him yon any tlmt tu cant toll w hot liar yon would hn ti ilti to mo oi not llinn foi nn tiaaiiiamn in tniiiti lapping otfjoni ton gno it uiibut jou lulling hut join at x that ima almnat rohbod mo of iny liappliu um hut onu little old unuiaii haa rodovinod till yum box foi j mi and hi might inn in you again tin dud a iuuo uthrl lio to no thlii t him looked nt htm with to ml or womanly pit font boy i alio wild woflly you li iw an u i jin imti hide ttn lung you fm git him many uiihu ihrto hio to nu oi lagoii itcrniiflii ftnni inillnna of women a fnw liumlied rnnm lo yon willi a on thill llpu iniut jou i on th inn all wouiaiikind y nn no in tl nit i t on mint not toiidemn woiiitn fm tvtn uiilln iiiiiii u uiiiblly what hlu mollini ma umdn ida wlillu wmiien hum ihuli oakm attoii tboy uiu ihu llgltt if mairnlifur lujiilod llio good die young hut tint bald iiimi i di a favorite hematiy rap dnblee iim plenuaut tuulimuul pinniil intra liiin iniidii tluuuhiihtlnti iliugh ittunidy n fa voi lio with ihu iiiothiiiuof iiiinll uuhtlien 11 ipifukly ouiou tlirh ooiighu nnd hilda nntl pinvonta nny ihiugvt of piiiimnoiiu oi nllioi aoilana niiiilriiionoeil h not mlly uiltna eioup lad hiii n gin n aa waou an llm tioupy rniigli apprnu will pioniit llio ul im k tur nlu h nllttiiiggulf llio mnmlikia of tho oulailo agii uiltural nnd i pi 1 1 tal unl i mo pltaud tuaiio that rr 1ki7 they aio itrpjirfd toxtllnti uinta into omy towmdilp of otiio uiatiilal foi ox poiluieiita wltli fiiddni liojia roolu grain gi ami a t i i nnd fi 1 1 lllura ah ml two hinunnl vmlollunof fann rrtipw huvo lai n ttutntl in llio lvpiil maiiltil iiiaituinnt of ihu ontario agikulluiil t fjiiip ful nt hnat djrniu in ailnretilnu llitm toliklat u viiiollia fioni matly all pui fr of i lib woild nouio of which liava ilijnii mem rilmjly pii in tlio cniofully loiiliiltnil oupi littirnla wt tha colli go mid al now hi lug dli tilfuilld fioo tif dim go fm nopoi utlvoekiailiuivtatliidugmultjuhiiio jho folhtwiug latlnjlutofroopmitllni oxporuik nta hiagrjciilliuo fm flmi7 kxir invi sir ii am 1 fllloo vaiiutiuaortula t n ihrou nitlutlt t of aix t s imrlily i jbiwo variith jbiwu variilitta of twuiownl l bailuy two varlolltat of huoaa baili wu vul lalloa of api ing wlipat ti two vailntldt of iniokwlknc ii i wo vnrini lea of held pi aa ji 7 lnuiu rand hpoll h two vhllevloa of in japauoau hoaiw w 1 ibrao vmiolioa of inmiing emu i 10 ibno vailotloaof maugola i 11 j wo vailullia if miigni inota for fn ding purpohi t 2 u ihiiu vaiutlua of hivitliih lur nijia l ii kohl kihi nihi two nuiiilioa if fall lurnlpr i 1 iaiaulpa nnd two nniollim nf rarrnia 15 llnon vailntjraof fotltki m lln corn i lilllnoo vatktloaof iiilllut i 17 i luoo vnrletlob of aiirglmui i ju jrnai pi no end two lnilollm nf vetrhoa i 1 1luld cibhugu andtwo vaiielloit of rupo t t0 uiroo vet lolioa of clovor 1 21 h tinfoil lucernn ami hnrnot i zz rive vnriottca of grnvmu o 21 threo varleliea of hold bomia i ji i hroe vnrietloa of aweut nnn i jo iottilizara with potatnoa h ji rertlliaorewtthhwodlahlurnlpa ii j7 howlog niangnla on tho lovol and in ilrllta j fn two vailotioaof cm ly pot a w ob jli i wo vatlettca ur inodiuni two vailotipaof intopotntoaa 2 jlf lbreo grain tuutima for gtaln iuoilurtlou t hroo mlxturca of grnaaoa nnd clovor fm liny i i lie akn of each plot in each of tho irwt twi uty anvoti uxiierlmonta and in nn 21 and h a to lie two null long by one rod wide j nml in no jh nnn rod bipinre i iclt porann in ontario who wiuhea tn j tin in tha woik limy chnoan nny one nf the oxpeilmont for 1007 nnd apply for tlio anuio the malarial will be furniahotl in tlm nrdorin which the nppllcatlnna nro received until tho aitpply la oxlinuatotl it might ho wall for nacu applicant to ninko n nocnntl choice fur fonr tho fit at could not bn granted ah material will bn fut nluhud ontlioly fite of tharg to inch applicant mid tin prnditco will of can mo lififdinl thu property nf tho poraou who condtotb the fxpnriuiont o a mm diieotor ontaiii agiiiidtiual cillego uuelpb maidi ith 1ih17 nubkins advicic to a btuddnt john uuaklu on co gnvo tho following ad v ire to mi idiubtirgli indent in a lottot tinted augtibt ii ll i am mu n 1 uovir anld anything to dlaanndi jnu fiom trying lo excel oi to tlo gioat thhikb 1 only wanted you to boanro yom oltottu worn tuiido wth a anbatnntial imala aothntjiut nt thq tiioiiiont nf puvh your footing might not guo wny hononth you nnd alio i wanted ou tn fiol i hat long and toady t ifoi t inado in a cnutoutod witj dot h mora than vlolont wftiirl mmlii fiom aomo at mug uintlve nt undiu bomnunthualaatic impulio ami i tvpont foi nf thla 1 am poi frrtly ami that tho bout ihlngm am only in hnilniinln tiilmuh hla niy dlfll cult ihorniirhly in uudomtmid ijin dif ft i anno hot wot it indolent and inmi n of htiingth lift wt in apatb ami ut r null hi twiiuii pal it ami pationro hut thoio i all tho ihttioiicoin llio woild mid nttnrly ita ninny iimnaio ruined hy liicoinldorato oxeltinn na liy idloaoaa itaolf to do aa much aa jou can hoalthlly nntl happily unoli day in a well dotoiiuinotl dlioollnn with n vlow lo fur olf losulta and with pioa out i nj lymnnt nf onna itotk la tho only pi opt i iho otitv umhontliilly piodtulilo uk pointlnstonilbo w w liiuihahniiiiiihttuiititltinuly llllll auiptliob that ninko ilia motion tnko co llhimratr what ho inoann ho told a uloiy of a lauji h fttuling n loan net uiid nf hmitii hiiakilig who apnku like thin yom hoiun i submit that my ilimit did not bunk into llm iidiikk at at un found llio patloi u iudow opt n and mot 1 1 i man ti tl hln t iglit m in knit rumnmd n few aillnlfe now routle moil my nllonta mm la not himself nnd i fnll in ana how ynu van punluli hn wlinln individual foi nu nlyeuro cnmiiilllt d only hy nun of hia ifmbu hint mguiuoiit aald iho judge nnj woll put ilillnvt ing it login all i hunt i nto thn defomhiutu nfm to mo tnu impiiunniuonl ho tan at itiupauy it ot not naliu iiiuihoh ihnihftudmit binlhtl mill with hla awt t a iimttiatiiuin unaotuntd hlu roik m m mid it living ii in thn dock walked tub oi1ioaoo idba i 1 lot wlfu nf a knuanh farmer wau oiilt i hiliilug hoi ulatci fiom chleugn one day the thiohlu la oiiine hlul thn gurut inautnl nu doing ihu wolk nljma nml ki nt 1 1 in ululoi away in idbi whuu u7 llucbhria iliad in to suppoi that night they found it anmlwich 1 1 oil with illihuii ono hilolcii itroijiiolto mm lohnobobnll thn alun nf n lunibje nnd h huttnu itoinjuot at okoii plale wo inun out grhifa hy innklug olhou otinan to ailne ti tamphnll iib madu it plain i lio wlao apnakiir kuowa ttiat no illnatrmtlotia mil ao f if dim aa ihoan whh h hntt lo ilo with famllliu ovoty lay nhjetta in i hla loupirt ihu oi eat li arlinr aet nu oxmnplii for nil wlm aliouhl mini nflir him mow un llloi i not ptrathei in thn ti niiraaro nionutaimi pitifltod hy llil xninplo la nm tati d in llio aim liomi mliuionary t a giotii of young inui wuio ithtioiu hied iuit miiuday in a gtovo lo hoar jlio prrai hot- when onu ill thoin ahl st o hen vnln u h illdu t y in btf np my 1 1 lt wtion jn rmiia to piearh ihg wollhiiu plowed twatit right tn tiling il jti mi hahb illi i imioghl fan n aruilut ou the t ad nnd git a dhootbi nml forkint npa tf- 11 mil huh j thnro a no ttjin being no pa icnlrtj an nil dint i llilnk ita all right fit d ilttln turnof a s itihuth lviui a llttl y wont liu t if ji iiupieu tjv xi o gaitii llm diut utiul m wm j hind iu ill cither aidti by uiono anuud and it wea iimlly ilt i itlnd to have i tin ijuoilinii to tho proai lit r ho wau caiioii ntid iho t a- a fttnti d l1ok yar boy aald lie a ptihlu n in in ciinin along licto with binui linndaomo gray hum a a tldiu one nnd thn otheia rfolloilu you all like a prolty bouat ami you look tin nil ovtir you unit uvu lb it ono ia bottet than anuthi r llioy mo ull na ptetiy ciltteia aa ovur wore at on among tlieau mount linn thougu there will he dlfuroncni in hoibax hoy a whnn ynu ruins to know em no two la alike wall hint in in anya hoio hoya 111 joat glo yo alx or thian bekata for your own and hn glta on tiki othor and rldna olt i ipa now y knl mount yoi hoiaia mid iltla nftii lihtii and innkg liim glvu ye thn oihei ho no or nt leiat hit jou knep it till yur era pi wna all in no we ulu t an onu ry inoin ni nil unit pioaclur woll thai run t o hi tho i n is ay aloof 1 a lilunk lnok at tho preaclu t nml at i nt u other thou ham bpuko nlit yoitve trout uw imiaoliei john i ni right glad you didnt bring tlmt gun spaitklkb ilartlia ho complained wo imply mini oconoiiiie nu our limine hold expouulu very well alio repllud i vr hi en buying strictly freah ogga in tho punt neoiug tlmt you must always iiavu iiuo at hroukfaat horoaftor i ii monlyaak fm frrah onoa iint iidy dxlot hi in meoplng now and i n t la inly incoming hi piopobid tn mo tltli iiinruliig herond lady dultoi iniunl i un wna probably iioiiiioub auntlo upon btr return tn nomo what peaalhilallo ncphow did it to my piny with ynu whlto i wna nitdai ling y llo dtdii t iiiako you ti y y nephow ho mini mu cry a llltlo bit tommy oh philip i majo you laugh noaily ull thi llnm mullioi wjio out nnphew wotl ilaughd till inld hoggin kind lad i i it tan it tlwa h liko thla lailynof ytiblorday ou hail thu othor mm hod up aro tlioao mining itock coi tlflcalia mafu iiivoatnimiup in n aeuao thoy oi tho boi t of hi veatmontu tlmt yon lock up in a anfc nml thou ttopo foi too boat llltlo boy doing ida ovonltig pup at homo tn ida fntlioi inpa whom i tho aiiiii en of llm volga p pathor i dont know lut in hoy ymi dont know p ami to think that tn mm row i may hn pun fahoil fm yniii gnomon impeitlmmt youth pardon mo inlaw but didnt w boo ono minthoi laat night by tlm iimnkoy iioiiho at hrhoinbinnnl lid itu pinailhle hut how lid j nu got nut ip wu dut find him tlutl an gnmrna nml almpne nil iho circunihtniici a nf ufa that if wo nan tboin might us may draw item to i llm hero nntl pnpaio tu bo nont mini iji lie fiuimu aftoi he longa foi oiu lovo our ln whkh la an feohlo and falfit and jot bii pitultilti in ilia alght whim we glvn it to him frt el ami why tlocu ho ao doahu up ah i liavo tom nn niuiiy limca hoftirn anil jit wo cannot ton often ieinomhii it that tt la bn tiieo if wo lovo him ho can innka in nproinoly happy i all that hoiimgh in ua nt iircuia to ua in ihlu life iu ko itloiod hint wo uuiy find in it tho numiu of putting fat irom ua thobo itntiiii llotib of uvll which pie i nnl ua ft nm aet ing him nu lio la mid na ho liitu lovunlnd hi una if to ua foi if ni did but neo uliti how could wo fail to love him ulth thn whnle hcai t nml aoul y1 itooplillub 1nraoun a littlio waltkn iialbioii all ethool tlilldion hnvo icntl tho wtoiy of how nlr wnltoi ltnluigh in nu down hln vol tot dunk fm tjimmi 1luahnthto itcail upnii i nut alio noil lu i ioal foot ullli mud but tho am mm la lullanf it boy who wna quite aa ihivalitnninahli wnltoi a ilinuor win about to ho aoifd lo noeiul hnmlied p m ilillilion wlio eagei nml hungrj wuro welting foi tho door tiijwo oponodf iho day whh oold nnd iiiitny of ihu old hi ion wont without hhtiflu nnd atnoklngu ouo llltlo gill httinit iiibi upon iiuo fool ami thou upon iho nllioi uliiving in that uny tn itvoldjhn bltu i nhill nt tlm pavomoin at laat it llltlo hoy initio lug hot or led i licto liiuii aid ml on iny cap i ami fur iho rt at nf hn walling tlmo thu lad lginuluod hino hoadod whlto jomiyu foot woioooiu- ruttnbh wlmt wau hit- waltoru mnn ily notion nitini ml in hint plho n w wmltl tit ioll tat hullo utile uiil i wilfsriutluu i die i oi i haviu lliud liniu torxamiui iho pnpuia ami i in minioui to know how a lay inito vlnwi thn ubjiiiltoui4 llot r politic il i i p t una anything liaj ji nmlihaly fnnuj or pu art i ynufnviir llieptly llu y timm u eloctnli am the wot il tif ihoiditoithluk o ifllaihl uuallie wanlliti roiuoiomid a llio htireatixirf tnl p oin i iv 1 1 nil op tlii iifjwf iim xijjalunkl and thlli from llu papoi nveiud in read 1 rdu ult knl old aparfow wif hla biw and hla m row itau alifiolvd tn p r httle cmk il iit flm d v tlicdtn- auoanlirflluad jim iluhii i ng 4 uhu luippontut you if vot rouintguob i if yifntl fiy ioor llttli jiirk llirrnn ilnant junniinii m tltiko whnt a pliiii tn hi found lu hit l n i1n in the iiaaon pimi dog gol noun old juwbiii alio ii ad wnt the u tlm f llit rt i nihold mtivvei ilubliaid shu wont to the upbomil n ho ttnlutitl nittd till nuniii u lft an mttto hoy illue wont wlf llltlo lit i un to bee the old lutly that lived in a aliue wlf i lit hi miaa nottlctiat in hei whlto intticoul an thn inngi r elm stood why tho him i alio an i ilfy down dilly hna cntiin inl i illlll an 1 nu loin wlf piggy ia oir on a an i 11 nlloin btmy ah nit lark and mutiny an now i iipih mutoi my atntj ii nunawav dod 4 mm i uta ago a joung lady in a ii niufat tuilug towu of ijuglai d gnheitd by hoi pnraonnl vffnitiiut i ia if po i ioti bou into the hitudij i hool among i hi in wna nm ho iiiuat un trhetl nnd unpimulinr i umil 11 ill riio aupirlntouditnt or tin a li ml toltl tin mi bo a tn come tn hi h nm dining llio ucok nml ho tvniild gi nn hot llioiii n now unit urobilin n llu ii ami hob lh thum and nn ind iho garaiont a aflei a hunday or two hob fallitl in nppiini at at tionl lhatonchoi annglit him out nnd fiiunil hla now clotlu n in gaauddiit hho invited him link tn behind llu cmiie and tho uupetiu tontli nt gnvo hi m a mconil ault afui n humlay or two hoba place wna again nil onm nun o ida teaclui f uud him mid ihu at mud unit ur lluthi a n ami tuliilii llu nth nmiiiinl hopuliaa hlin iu pint ul tho mailer to tin aupeiiiiun i out who auktd la i to try again u i log hn l inld bill thorn wna boiik1 hlng g md in hob h was ptomuiil a tbittl unit of d ulna if lio would ano tn attnid hiintu hhiooi rogulnl ii li piomlul nrtlvid hia thlid miir anil ouloinl aclititd once moro hi hi tamo luit iibtnl wau cotiveittd joliutl tho i linn li lacaino a teachm junl llnilly atudii d fm ihu ministry 1 hat dli t isgnl itinnway buy im initio t v ittilniit mnrtlaon tho gn it uiuuioiiiuy to liinn wlm irminlatiil tin hililo into llio lhbieau langmigi giving tho gnpnl lo the millloiiu il that gnat unipiie thu utniy liicuiuagob worketu to ho falthfilhi picking up tho walla and clilliln u of tho aluiita and poiatmuiug with iho mnkt unpromlulng child mn tmiil tiiib futility ov wohhv wm tying over trlflm la nn i ml it n ti in or wtaktityi it la n conumdnii that io aro nub oipial tn oiu dally tiikk ami that wn have not tho ability tn millliutn nntl enro for tho lit t iu ulinit of woik with nhlch wn hto hit u iiitnutitl liiiiiuiibh bin ult puiao mill piwoi tngu tlnouglkliro wlllltiitt jat ni tut mo i liniat loiullcu of gruntuvaa mid hun uohllity whin ood hhlitn a duor honpwnsa window a wot id of hiinhblm mid hnpo u i pltomui tl lu thlu italian ptmuih in look nut ou tho um ill n ith o ta undniiili d b ahadowu of riaioi doubt ot won o gi foiuaid lu ihu apblt of h id tnul ni vi i fu nn bibtant tvavt ilnf in faith oi hnpog tn loaolvo ni vi t to look bohlml mo for mm 1mm lo wall iu uoakncaa ami tn iaiu lu hut alvvaju finntlng rmnnid to tin light h o tal o a long tilt p tmviiul it liapp mid mu rt auful lift- i n look back i nimtmitly ou p it lakoa ami f iiiuiob la aa deatiut llu in thojtinw th of upltillial bounty and ptanoi and fn tko dovolopun ut t i mnteiial himphu aa it lu to took foi wnul to ilia hut may novri mini nini uauvsbmilu hili a hiiiik imlliatou that lu i woll and hnpi it la only the hit tt hlhl whoiuiioiiu and natleau ud ihniiinllii i ran ih pond upon it hat lion lu i baby 1 1 ioh hn iu not 1 1 ing almjily to bn ugly that lu not hi uatiiin hn la i lying hei aiire hu in in pain i nm i pi nimbly hla lltlio inm iilii ihiuil of iinloi llm uitithm will ibid uibyuowii itlblcta a niivi i fail ing liiiii tin ull tho nilniit nllmtut of liitln onoa in tho i uu n on whim tho la hi nta nto mud ttmio an no itiua crying lubloa uolhlug hut blight happy nntl playful hiihlnutlio ul lid thnt nro n joy tn thu homo mia ioh i ogrco crtiniunt n ii mjiti a iho tlmo i nont fn hahyv oivn labloumy lit i in onu wna wunk mid falling ho would oi y night anil da nnd i did nut biiiiu itblu to got anj thing tn holp him u aftiu giving him llm nibh tu llinie wits n grant ohaugo nml hn tuts ftlnra tin ivotl flnoly 1 ho tuhlota nro hiiiii hy ilugglatu oi h mull nt it ooua a hnx fioui tlui jh wlltluiua mvilltlno do hrnikvlllo onl

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