i- aiuur trr 1 1 wilt ctuir free rc5s ttditohkat note2j kr 11 111 t xivn uhnitlih of iimiti iim-i- of luiiilkruiitii ui t ivintf hi fniniuuuiiiiloim n 1- oofl forth- mi n- urn in tlmhi jtcjt rui f if mil till vllhm kulrk striingthiin empires bonds on dj of mutual jlnnt ip uio ettortor th cahtpmaurchbru 1 of commrom mow in session at montitlcat- mil all ih tin- ii 11 if tniiin ill ill wlnl k k toronto ktifiiin lo iki it u irtwy innrk for koph willi rliiliiw hrtlnt tin rlty lju1 yoar it iwild out n tnui of vlljrt hh i1hiiiii4 for likmbkii ruimiwl hy dtt- fwtivn bltiiiwmllii and rondwayw ullp- jkry iilitwhlkh hmmiw1 rlnr itr ahx 1 iiri luutur lira siltfht nu tlih t-i- wimtillleud ii editor of lhm dimtl t hln homo kalimluy lilt of a llllllrt wound w4mil ufor thn jonumlutlc ranthof the provlnro i in tliuy liut kw of the hrljfhtiu nu- ltrt thn itityuvii i lent 11 iwuj juir roinmtiticml iui tolh year of publica tion it innn ideal prmdnrul wkly howmy wrlledlusd 1hi in ton anil bright in typography the brihtr mctlon of ltn lony runr in that which lluh im1111 jkvrtillrnl vlt hy till promflllt tmlluii itiivn warivn it flfrwirvcu rm it u nxuiiimr4l itiv it iiiuulow ii a iiiihorlitfl alitor of tin wtuniluuur returned lmnt wtnil from ii viwlt ut hll olll lloiil in tlm mnrltlnin irovlnciii ii wnn informid hy rullwiiy mon in tint kant unit tint intercolonial railway had iiveiowl iuch n larn local and ton hut tonvof hitj- mid that now ilriiitiweck wiii kolnif ahcjul no rapidly them wouhl lm plenty or- huuliipiui for lwlh intercolonial and grand trunk iacillc itallwayn a determined flht ih to im iniulc hy iltn agricultural depart in nt of tho province to aimihlhito tlm canadian uiuun i nvory nuinieiinility did lu t luty in looking niter jwtthinjuttni or other ofllcem wbotm iiiimiikiiui in jviirt in u enullcjito tho wtnl growth th t i lent on of curnllinff tho ttprcail of thutlfij uiul other n ox in no wmm1m wonhl hood lui iiolvwl in innny cusou tliu ktutuut hi dciil letter and tlifl cdriifnl fanner hi handle p pod anhi ami mfitin hy thin nefdoct owitnotovu luui two rates of taxa tion tlila ysar tlio general rnto-iwy- ve wty jo tnllln on tlin dollar and thn ritup4tyjr who hint comont walk in front of iiim property wiyy only 10 210 mil thoft10 of a mil wing n rluui on tho coht of other walk roiiut uctlnr tn tho municipality till a h10 of n uilll i tmpnvalhitt to allowing promirty ownors who pay for tho cenifiiit walks thirty per cent of tho coat of tho walltn and intwivit a ulinllar plan hftrt would pleaiu our cltlzcnit who iay frontiiko tux very much it u vortliy of connlderatlon hy tlm council stllll oflhe kinplreojiie hull ytly mo priidniey of lnl id jeltideutjjiltl-uluunwu- h wai u illulhln nnlhlllk of ivpnontutlve ln nin all vta of the kinpiie that croudrd the kivathall when the pivxidntii l mhiimhd tor onler 1yont nil miu ut hi llulll klijjudi fini t 1hr olouii ikyond the iea fiom fu away india teylon and china ron ihekonthafileaiieolonlej uhleh the jinwtwj of llin kniph hai lately oprnitm up to the woildu eoiniiieiru and rixmi every poi hon of tint kt jyiiiinloii were kitliiid the reprimtn- utivej of the commerce and indntfry which huve tended o lunch to make the kinpiio kieat ioid ilriiuey who would lm a nhluiik mkiiiii in any tuh4i n hi ii primldtnl and iented on hlii litflit wan camidaii kfaitd old man ijird nliathrnuaund mount itoyal looking deiiplui hlu four ioie yean e vin younger and moro viuiouk than ever shall the ililthdi implro ulmd aa a unit or idiall it porluh for uant or a little ielf aaeilleor for lurk undrmuindink hhall the rohmi lidii with tlie mother rmtnlry will romniereo follow koiikniplilcjil liilutloiui or the advert ueinentii of inont ukwmivi merclianlii will canada develop aa the piodticer thollmupiroh lireadutiili or nhall il ko on klnjfly iimvine hrltnluti fiwid iupplyitt tlm capiice of foreign mw- eni nienariml hy increajiiii navieu tlttiui an tin- throhhlnif ijuejitionn which the coiikiukii of the clniinlwini or coinmerco have now thrown iuui th arena tho dehkteh have reach- tho crux of their huhjectii and now tho empire uwalu their ieclou on the liveliest prnhlem of itritlull politlcii of tho day bui ci ok ih nabdadawbya mn wlllljun andrmii of xfc ill con i shot mtb4lf imt a milch renpirtei midden t of n lak rtn county council vh umuaj qmiiu wtkd mulri ht th aujujit mmtifur tlio following nimnliem attendwl tha augiut iuiklon of tho county council tho ward on in the chair and htnan andrew cook mcgihhon poacock wtilxiter and wrlrhlen worth mr mcqlhlion movl tccondod hy dr wcofdor that tno amount of tho brant to tho ajlh iteu iirna itlil for nimnliik exiumieu kc o tho camp at nlttkra in june last lie ifciai tiir- dr iluck aildnved vfie rouucll in fcupport of a propoiod kt tlio ilaltou mouldhonrd aioclatiou mr cook moved wconded hy mr mcmon that thn ouiii of kto lio krautrd to tho haluin mouldhoanl amjwm latl on carri ni mr andrew iiiovmi wconiled hy mr mctiihlhin that the iuin of two huu- tlitkl dollam imj granted to thn jjaltnn agricultural kocloty carritsl mr wrifcghui worth movwl soconded hy mr cook thatllyjnw no retfii- uthik tho jiayiuciit of in ten i hi now wad tho bjxcond and thinl timeu and pavl and that any minlrlpiillty of thu county falling to pay in their rauu tothocounty treasurer on or lufum uio twentieth day or docomlwr in each ywir dhall ihi rhnrkl nix per cent on all unpaid nmnnd that tho cleik ut inutructed to notify the different mim ic i pal 1 1 i ui card n i mr andivw moved keconded hy mr walwtur that the warden and aa many niomlwr of the council iui ran make it tomvmlent to go lie a cotmnitufl toal- uifwl tlm meeting of the good itojtdn aiuowjallon to u held in tortmto on the wvcoud tuenday of the tonmlo in- iwrlal kkhlliuinii cart iwl mr jimik uiovn laconded hy mr wriglraworth that iumfereuro to n comuiunlratinu received from tho lututeril ioih ihuidu axhoclatioo nau llin that the council of the county or llaltou coojhiute with thaaiiialution in drawing attention of the dominion government to thn heredity of exhih- luhing a goiul ioadu hureau thin cnun- cll u of tho opinion that more atten tion whould 1m pjiid to the itnpnive- nioiit of puhllc rojidu and that thin council ii entirely in harmony with the aim ve communication carried mr cook unwed imeondeil hy dr wuluter tliat leave latgraliuid at neit ulmulllg of thiueoiiucil in intnuluee a hylaw to tavy a rate fov tlio puruxe of dfeiylufir enpnneii in ronnectlon with the hamilton v nelhon toll htuid carried mr androw ituned ueroiuled hy mr wilgkieiiwoilh that tlii eouneil adjourn until n lllli iiu11 car rui caweya towuuhfp in tho prou of mr- wllluni audurum ended herllfu ly kiilcldfl liott friday ufurnoon aliout k year ago mr andnruin mot with no accident whilo in ouolph and mm anderson hou null red mora or ohh hincc from nervouu hiiocu this roupled with tho effects of an injury hiio reelv herself ii few month pistvioiim in a runaway accident raiihod mentnl dupruuxlon at union nhe how ever appeared quite hright and chcnr- ful hut for dayu complained of iiufr- lug from a kovcre cold and idrepiehh- llfteil on thnrwlay night who took a doia of laudanum which the family up- powsl way to give her n niglitu rear on awaking at an early hour friday mornintf her inihhand miused hrr and a fcarch vnii imjutuud hho wan fomidlnjinuncoiuclouu ntato in tho yanl and it is nuppohed that uhe had taken a quantity of cartwilic acid she rallied howovur and appeared to lut quite well up till throo or four in the afteruoont when idm told hfr ultip- daughur mrs dutton that uhe in tended going to her room for a littlo reht ilur purpoce wao not iinrmlnod and mm dot ton wan startled a few jlltnutob later hy thn report of a gun in mm audersonn imwlroom him liafitniml to see what had occurrel and wait horrjllwl to nee thn deceased lying on tho floor with tho top ah mint hlown off her head tho gun lined wnu a douhlo liarrelled dint gun mr audertion had had hoth linrrtila loadmt hut hud fired off one in nhootlng a groundhog a few dayit ago and it wax the other charge that wan lined hy tho dead woman the melancholy affair lian brought widuofiji to tlm en tiro rouiniunlty the deceased w ii woman of flue djhnohi- tlon nnd held thimuiioem of all in the unction hho wan almut eiity years of ngo and wa thn third wlfr if mr amlennn to whom she was marrlud eight yeam ago flho leaven no family hamilton tiuumkfn caifmival attntotm 2kooo vlmttor til city ln fta iui4 ui crnlvtl sorut hamilton aug ih the aninmer wir nival la ujaunlng large pnqiottlonii tonight the reception conimlttee ttiinated that there were ixetweeu ldmaiid ih0kiitraugern in the city nnd hy thursday ijitwir day it in expected that the nriivalu will exceed iv tho main featuro of the carni val in tho eiitlmiilaum nmnifriilid hy the iwoplo kverylaly leeiini to ih- lugood humor and delighted with the prograiiuue providtnl for llin enteitaln- nient oftho vlidtorw thic uoakd of buucatioh a drier b alop at monday kvanlnxa wtlnir ecvapylltlnatnobooi lit good sliapa foi ilootmtnlnv th- itxml of nhielimi nut o moiiilty iveidng liimkillarroiiiilkhu luoi in thicnuimllcliiuilx- mudwr prul dr mk ii ililiiddl ii ii jol toq inl j h coleninll ill ihoalimiifit it th xiiludellwiui ujipolnlld uuuiiiuiupio t the ninth iwtrl of the coninillto on kinalie i on nded paymrot of meoioithuhfollovva tlif hiiim adv nirtaehr mh the mail m the kwivliiiy kodage th graphlng and iitiitlonery ii 7i the iiikk iliikiil prluuiik ii h filder1 a li 97 ik mnedhyjf m coleman irnn- ly it ii johmitoue that tho hjkort of the coinmlt ue on klnance jmt rrnd im udoptedcvnled the prvqwrty comniltuo reortd eveiythingln goiwl mdor at thrwhool for the teojkniug on tiletulay t kept thewalliihaw laun whltend mill prtmiiiwii generally put in a tidy and unitary condition hoard adjourned at 0 oclock dtukahtmumtal kxaminatiowb tha buaachrul ckillutd who weou at ourlown xhtfh bohool the follouing candldnui who wrott at jeorgetnwii high khool were aiicceijirul at the july examluatlona ilkmctlt rkvvisd iart ii william hume claivnco glumly iart i myrtle wauou annie ieulle jiimoit uuvimi annie i camplkjll margaret dryi- dale hliel ifairlwhi jennii k moore mil hi l nickel wllllain renin icmieda hoy hachel ruiuietl alfri i kuilth honono agneii hteide neiailn yemen j junioh uatilktnvtion jau h mcculhiugh dan j mc carthy miaumacultai matiucli t1un harvey nixon it will im- oluervwl that alfivd i rinith of acton dlntinguhdied iiim iuif hy takin honom in junior liav- ii cnewbons cohmblls ti1k kall alilh tllltllllllllll im it a ik 7ni il rt w1ui j11 hi nlt ii in iiiiiiiiii- hun iii 1 17 llierll hliil iik ii il trlir- llli m hlnuvlilt nil r iii m 1vi 11 liliu oi kluilk win m l ii n lll u ii ii l umui iii iii ii kritlltumi iiml h twklvk ymana ik piiiqon eiiuuoa kmd upon uauatfe jtowly ut st tltumav touonid aug 10 twelve yeani la tho kontunce judge uriuatinger of ht thoinoii potuiiml iqum munnggi- irorge how ley wrecker of the klgln irfum hih coii mud john a uohiniion plead ed extennathig eireumiitaarei and ilowley hlmueir made a hpeech he nuiewed hli tmifer iiuie coining u ht tlioiuftx in udl7 and imploivd n light iieiitence that he might have a chance to rcitoni the money lost to hlu client the judge however aid he had puhlir duty o imiriinn mid en- uueed itowliv to 12 yearn for theft and the nan for three eharguti of forgery and 7 yearn for perjury all to run concurrently lahucuoxjhlt a few have flniidied hurvenling in clila nclghluiihood and with continuml fine weather the great majority of tho fan lien hero will w through thin week crownoiiii coruem ongtiillelof garden larty la tn materialise at lust a utrongcominitteo have it in hand andahoutthe flnt week in sept will iuii the greuteit event of tho neaion held here thoro died in proton on august 7th one of the oldeut nnd en teemed reri- d en ui of thin heightwirhom in thn per son of the late mr jan super in- in his tilth year the deceased lived hem and in the vicinity of acton for n good nuinlut ot years moving from hero ti 1rolon where ho luui uvel for nonm time the old geutlnman umnt last winur itjlldudaiighuifl here his wife pmleceftfud him sin era i yenoi he leaven to mourn hhi icwai eight daughters and two sous they nre airs an woods of camphellvillo mm ii danqver mra m crowson and mru mchaln of tliin place mra a crahh mrs o hiuithand mr jkoper of proton mr h ho per and mro j jacks of iluntiivlue and mm kdwartl forlwii of hracohridgo mr t nellea left on tuewlay for kmcrcon man wlifro he will iqwml two montlui v mm t icagle of port huron and mlsii o ibirlmt of acton iqwnt mon day with friends hero mhia k tumpklnu of eorgetovvii upent kuuday at mr jas tjunihleu mina g hurt mir of juorgetown iu smnding her holidaya at mr j mr- millaun master herhie lauihlu of acton la vjiiitiug his uncle mr jan ianihle thin urekr winter oodkhfj for qpitino blclivery j ii ihupiluina klertiical monn mental vorta at iiulh are now taking ordera jor jranite nnd marble monmueata to 1st net up thin spring at reduced prictui with tho splendid new electt ic nnd pliemnntfc machinery thiaeilihlhliment hi ahlo to execiltji far more and lietter work than hern tofore and in onler to kcnqi tho machinery running steadily very low piicih are ising given for work ordered nou cull at the works or drop n canl to j ii hamilton iiielph x hair iioltdily y qualph at the rrquuut of tho ilnynl city cleiks and kalnianeun atun thn tneiehauts of iielph have ugrud to clote their ittorea every thuraduy iirternoou at 12h during july and august and all lentous visiting luulph ad well as thoie living in thn city uio iipiestcd to do all shopping 1m tore that houryn those days thii half holiday luui 1mmii mu- tired at couiiidcrihlo expeua and hard wotk mi tho part of the assn and the holiday was ohtalned only on the akhii pifimiuing to do all in its power to udveithe the saiue and help the merchant keiqi their agieumeiit we want ou to do your part anv i he hit you kindle for your enemy often hums younelf more than him chinese tioveih mr ii lte nassaoaweva ohn kllhink of t shi u ill fo oily month imkiadiudly gaining itnuglli and uu aide to i to in tph 1 h oth-i- luy mil ivi kenvho u jiiml i ulln l ith miii cill liialioiimlriir hit likm up 111 ill lu cuelph mi mayeii in piuhaed pnsity theie and lo facilitate lai1 i ha 1 liim to put in tlpho einiunlatiom uilh hi mill here ja a ton the pnlhr lchoor ieo on monday miw kduatd maflheus and duigh ten of itr tin v ho have k vllting mrs t it aliiiu at kmitehhull fi- ihepot iiiouth i turned home mi moudmy yourgivat man shlurn udoi tlm popnlaco in vuln without th ue- paper he spitad eiqdes the constitu tion hi vain- without the uewiqsipv- hia rial inn oico waki a up the mil- veniu vain without the nnwpaper uuhciriitlflr rrmaichim and adneve- nieiiu ait invaip without the news- piper ills succcii in every vvall of lire in in vain- without the miwapaper i ho newiipijwr is the fameinaker of the nge of course iome of the fame is cheap hut it imllsfica the living wearer of the cloak even though pos tetity chaiigoit vim in the heart sends smoke to th head lernmii prov erh a weill known almanv man itoooiuititiuam chtniboflolnri collo cliolaevt nnd dlnrelioam lloiiiody almut eighteen inoiithii ago mr w h manning of allwrtiy n y widely knowir in trade circles as tlm ivpre- ueiitative or tlm alhany chemical co wiii tufiring from a piotuicted atltcu of iliarrlumiu i tried cliain- lierlnltiii colic cholera and diarrhoea itemedy ho says and ohtahwd im- inctllato relief i cheerfully recoiu- mond thit medicine ut thoie similarly afllirted sold hya t ilrown my zhair ook if ill my hmlr i pur- il a hutilc ef aycva iuir v ami il lroujlil 11 my hir hlk nialtl v t oiihiamrclllc iii onulliiuf is tcrtaln aycvs hiir vijor makes lliu iialr jrow this js bcciiusc it is a hair food t feeds the hair and the halrgrow thitsill there is to it it stopsfauinp of the hair loo and al ways restores color to gray hair jlt h ulu ill jndbbb it vr u i a victim op dropsy cuttttd atrtkr doctohs lho- mounced his cabe liolklttsa mm win nickell nnd ehlhhen or kai nia aie upending a month at mr jas newtons iclutcolniiel stehen m shall preached a veiy lliteiesting and lustiiictlvo seruioii ton largo inugie- gatlou in tho methmllt miuith mon day fiveulug mo inmiy or his old fiieiuls weie anious to hcai luinthat he lunch wi loo auiau to a rnmuii- diitntheciowil master jiumiie ieniu irf upinliii lie liiown imt im hwhujdavh at mr wm nevvtoun notts- iteiit still li mv im mandiall luu eeii i all d i vigour and de iou to the licdsldo r laother in law the end ii silent ion at wimluuv wli isdaiigaiously iii ijivalm now is the time to get your tiuin ice iit hi good miming onler i guaiautee satisfaction or money ie- funded- i t mandiall the jew umbai bwolun unul italllkd dmomu a fcltetamt lllplu m dr wii- luhu iinu illlai wtoutflit ut cur in ihe littlo village or itnltucy not far from thn mining town ot spring- hill n h uvea mr james stephens a quiet middleaged man who though living an unobtrusive lire has lately iwen much talked or nu having linen thnnuhjectof a cure pronounced hy nil familiar with tho circumstances as scarcely lea than miraculous tlie disease which some two yean ago prostrated mr htovenu camn upon him gnidiially then wan an increnn- ing feallng of general huitude tlm kldneyiidld not rightly vcrform their function and the iswly then hegan to hlont this feeling continued extending to the extronieties until mr stoveiin iwcaino a helpleiji hlont- ed innifi of flesh a finger proued iljmn tlie blonted flesh would leave a mark alt day the urinary weaknoss litcauiw painful and distressing tho passages incoming vpi frequent doc ton j dinguosed the trouhlc nadro- ny hut an their remedies failed to effect a cmv they pronounced thn trouhlo incurable at thla utago the cast of a ueighlmr who had wen cured after a loqg and jwiinful illness through thnuso of dr willlaiiis pink pilhi wnji recalled and it wan decided tobivo tho pills a trial hy tho time the second iwix wiui used the swel- ingu lugan to decrease thn piujiago of tho uilno wiui lewi frequent and the patient wan iniqiiitd with fresh hoiie the it so of flic pills for some time longer set mr stevens on his feet a cured man the limlsi wero restored to a healthy condition his weight liecaino norma tho kidneys ituiuied their functions healthfully and to da mr kteveuu goes about ida work n good fipechueii of healthy hanly canadian manhood his mitoiat ion in entirely duo to dr williams pink pills mid ho does not hedtatn to strongly recommend them to other miffereni to the casual render cases like this may seem rciiiarknhlr hut dr wil- liiunu pink pillithave in reality ciulii tlion winds of caseii pronounce hy due torn to im incnnihlc these pilli make now ilch blood with every dose and in this way tone and strengthen every organ in the body diivlnj out disease and restoring the patient to health aher fill other meaiin- nv e failed thotewho aro weak and ail ing or who httlter from chioolc dis eases should not waste money and valuable time oxpei inieutlng w illr other medicines but should take dr williams pink pills at once if they wish tqi restored to full health hold by all medicine dealers or sent mint idd utoll cents a box or ix u- en for jrjt hy addressing tm dr willhiins mdlline co jhorlvllle cut a quaranii tie t6 curli a positive assiirnncc of n cure or your money rcftlndcd- on thn wiljiorltyir tlc j roprletnn of da hamtis isii uv linin 1miji gunraiilft tlm niniilj to ho mi nholuti ciirn fur nil ill cam v mnl dimirdi ri iriiii ftoni weal hit i t wad rj tlsiil it n tun ilmin nmditisii of thr- hji 4tem mi n annemia clilnro i i iule nml milo l m r idrxioii 1 ml wnrii uut ieelm mv p irnmaphfi nitvimiiici- lv pii llrirl iatiitntinn inquird m nnn i nstej tj kerves ilvhleni i mle weilm nl irrtiantiei ii r e a f inrili hmait veakiirist ilu dinrc ilinp in and inqhn i- of itnl ionr niurcrnernl 1 luhlv dr llnrtaa cthrj r idu enrioji the blood tone up the nei 1 nml im ihiilp tho wlioln sj ate in reihicinjr in iieklv vvcnlly men anil wini n thit himnj ignrsia healthy feeling that ijmur illo worth hvim iut v nu dont ijeed to take our word a to vi hat tlico ldli ran nrronqhih try them jonrcclf if tliiy dont do vmi lx i you can get vour imini v liark imt that fairt you purrirun from ni fl iioxci of lr iflirtiirtfvlen-irnn-pillfriwvinfnrtlirin- 25n witltvatrv nelt purjliiewe kiv younir poillvo written unriiiteetliit i nhrr tnkim3 1sxim f tl- pill nnnl tng to din tiin v otl 1ml vmi have c riiid no biihr from tl ir ue von m return lo- mptv lnr to- irr villi the 3 iiinq il net nml rt 3 our c ley lart iivj tio dllielo hot lliu lali aro jc a t brown phw b drugrlst and statlonor actolj ont in days of yore iulu aminliiifiiicnlb itv wantki 1 n olden timci tlic whilt shirt waist ui hiiimiimi except in exlrumu ultiy weather in tut a ion- ally on thcua occasions but of iccenl n it has liccii found so cluan neat and diiniy i liit linany lidit wear the while- wult lhc yuiv ioum4f we have a nutrtber of waists still on hand and we liave jjiven ourselves one week in which to clear them out and in order to make a sure tiling of it we have marked ilium in many instance at halpri e 15 only ladiniwuktbof whitrt liuiwiid meicebed iilla mijw very ujihlly aineiican hnptrii egiihirly llini ni i now 750 10 nru york wakli willi fine incla and inrilallljiin regular ly 8150 mid b100 at 1 00 15 naly aniericau wuklm uhh lucli liimrtlons hiki 1uki einhnildrrrd iroiqn regularly fi a o j 50 125 this ofterr a splendid opportunity to pick up at a merely nominal figure enough waist to carry you well into next season they are on sale now and youll consider your own interest by ycttiiir here as early as possible olli ki- tlm i 1100111 ulltlll- 111 illluvll viu saiik ptjwaik- i lnllll i ii 4111 ifju jij i o diess skirts the late arrivals of fall goods include some american deiafjns in dress skirts tweed eflects arc popular with dark or liyht stitching and cheviots and broad cloths with drop trimmings ant light stitching are par ticularly fetching not a single point in style has been missed andfhey are strictly uptotheminute while the fact that we are willing to trade many of them for a five dollar bill tells the tale iof our method of purchasing for cash see our window display street skirts the short skirt came into favor when bicycling was at its height nov it remains in favor because it permits easy walking with freedom from bedraggled skirts and wet ankles we are showing at present very stylish and servicable short skirts in oxford and black cheviot and homespun at the unusually low figure of each sttoo new fad dress goods tim new cladis that aro coming to hand for fcll aliow ttlnie arbitrary chaneua in finish lite nmooih cloths am tmooilier and tliu rough ones rougher 4ho hoiclotha venetians and broadclotln liav4 a brighter etnotuber finish and zelallne are showing blrong in the new two toned and flaie effects wo have given special attention to he buying o these unci and pursuing the same policy which hai already done to much for our dress poods department viz buying everything but plain goods in tingle caatume lengths we leel that a better tea sons business than ever before awaits ui we are at present showing as extensive and up todalea range ol dres goods an other storea will be shoeing a month hence eo why not select your fait suit now while dresiniatiers are not so busy and avoid all the rush and viorry consequent upon getting your unit nude when dressmakers are at a premium we have also added to our stocl vi niimlier ofnew and nattyeflecls in ijlouse and waist materials flannels delaines silk and wool mixtures vestings lusters cnahmercs and cords in single watst lengths i gcroeery specials a lbs cliecsfl 35c 3 cans dakini fowder- jjc a lbs pure- lard ac a bottles horse itadlsli 35c broken sweet discuits u c 0 bars comfort soap 3c fancy calcs lb lod a tins lied salmon 15c hauled catsup 10c 6 tins canadinn sardines 35c 7 liars cameo soap 35c improved mop hind lea 10c mixed iicuies 10c august all paper sale to clcjr out the balance of this vcirs hocl we are millrif oriit iccilnclioiitt in trier thijappttca lo all will iapcr horn c up bunt will pay jou lo uea vlil c aio celling the rcgulai 13 lo 35c pipr for as mi have mote of that kiiiltfto show jou all thin ycarm rnprrs so old kturu implcic siock 1encih roun sriimim of h00l3 scribblers in tcus slates lie hghuntervpnmb iliugfst ct ojitician tlio palsoo druir qumo aoton niqiit delt 1 plymouth binder twine rbscott thbusystor wtiii st acton w m 9if s ready for pall d it under way the ad vintage i v cho at material tiara thus for currfulworlt hetter chuuee for aatlafacuou the first picl costs no maro and jou are sure lo be satisfied wm cooper hcrchot talor mill slrco acton 3 1 3 3 j i1kikk1 astitay oh uirjluiui ft ac comihkrciiil hot folt ejalli 1 lldlol nu llin luiilli il tkiilnim lil- in a i rllwy iint iuu ilium muil k uiunl ri ill llultl fhjlll vti vini fariu propcily for sale i nn rrnnlnutown1il lultnu co lb arru tuiin ill luar llur loo1 1hiii wull fotiriul kinl wutujt liy iiiillu riub floo1 mirinlo inuin iwn liaria bin ill in ntclurl ilminopurtv i ii mlfrmn miunhnuts ui tlfmriuliinii vllliiiir arli11 in i t it or tiinim ly ti john ihivw oil ln-nil- r hllr alujii 1 o ulit il a illicit store nml dwcllhife ron a alu ptvt nuo twotory 10ii1i lirirli itora nl 1 rralluiici ut it rorunr nt lllll tml lr-lr- iru iikix vvnll 11111 tow 11 ri biio lfml cillr iimttr tlm nliio tillihnil mil lulcki pallllldtib oil 111 til arir rxulclutiil fu iroin u ciirmihraiirii iunlinr ialllcuuirt fll inior iiuj ii us a uqltlkoh wantkd ntilpis lor vr llmly utll full 011 inca aasil laulooi ao i triij rnm lull jrua lllon tor tlio rljjtit matt cjd hy comot otiuiwqi t p smith icithtlflo lyt iptcuuit tujule st rk lut iiltiij anjtor call early nnd ivntl ourscfof his valuable 5 1 nac 5 as llmrfs 1 rare opartunilto havuj our pyco proper ly tcjtcdfjcc of chavcj no rruciii work hngir icnt u c clroiiniy lifiii cult cast acrnritcly fitted am wait taham 1- is l ftl ra urlulo lu hiii in at tho dominion hotol actoh iim 11 y oslv wodnogtlay gopt 2nd acton hardware storfi ron lramp goods we have a ver tine line of yjlhf ln ul4 at live and let live pncis vhsr y ilmi lai lamp uurnei wicls clh ics llain glas decaraicd library and hill ip ennip 35c lo6jc 35c 1075c p aniencati coil oil jjc per gallon canadian jjc 5 gallon ill- at pctiil prices unitirn wnd sjioriln good- arrinjj sjioriln i fc daj diiy vcur hirilirc iiuni earner mill aitit afain vfjonf vf chlallbtit ainiuv iivni iho id hi of r mauiiik lonl iiiaillicm in h nit thnmiirojhiniiy with win v i1-m- v honv ti iiiiiufii tin- fan txtiminii miiiuty i tin- wil hrtd 11 in -onivaiiy- swift 1 11 uip m1 rr iriii ilioip sv1 si in- luilpli v tllbllk mium 11 llw 11 itll v 1 il ih i ii ilin rmiinnt man iim in pliiily i iu- tuiiliiliii up in hi lin in mitr iinilyit tliiiiily taiijuiih iiiiiiulilni mill iniluiii 1111 fmliiililiii fi nil tn iiiiiiiyiimiiiiinii niiililiitiil fo tin loinl in liiliiluiiin ii rillimiilliy litltu11 of rliulitii ilybiily k jliu riiiiii pimiiiin uni iiotiiuni-i- tliul tlny inn iiiiluli- tu llu-li- i11111 thrm- tlltir limy liuv-i- 1111 liiiuil 11 liott- uf dr j 11 killiitii uyuiulury cuiliil a iniiliiiiiii hint will k iiiiiiiitiinlii ltllif mill n11 niirii i-uri- fill- nil minl- i111-i- ciiiniilnimii all iriitiimr mini llni iiu11 inik liillril ni tin viiiuc inuiilliiklilmiilf uithlib i 1 llnml 11 liilui- vnv tin- illi lllh ibupohoiiun uxihliriuii liiirlni nutliiiik mini- iuvilily tlimi thin if yiu i tll iiinlly if yini ui- iii-n- ly tiilli if yum- miilili i 1 ji- 1p hriliii i in lit i in i ji 11 inn 1i1 1 tntiili 1 1 i k11 11 llmniv uiiiiiiiiiiiiilii tin 1 in-l- iclm ill thin iupiilnllli uny- wliill hilli iiriliiliiiililiiiii hin siilnr inn nml 11 imiiiiiih1 ly lll nlliiii iluiill liilny lnlliitli tuiili fluur and poud outmoiil hollod whuat cruuhod whoat gralium flour qurjn maul buclcwhoat plour boanu pot jarloy epllttona votatooo qnrdon scdu of ull ktndn acton plour and peed 8tok all ltlndu oforahi wanted ht alhikanaitv k0iiktvn lolkvatoi knd nokvai mills chinese lhundry ii ui siiv il ijllniih 1 lmlt mill i mnl pin 1 in lljuilliiyti ev f ftp august specials kine summer underwear new fancy sweaters plain and fancy neglegc sliirts fancy and plain summer sox newest neckwear rubber collars hot weather goods r e jstelson riikmmi oli ihicl n1 trjilcr only hank gainada permanent mortgage corporation toronto stilot toronto v ausolutc gecuhitv iiilvlreriiltkiit w urlt ua tails jtf umit ttinta saj ir wfmil ioil lb uil liui ta iltlial will w ihxut stujr u ih ilialt uf luwwjtulj full iihiuj tt m jl t vaaul 4nu uif u mh it ult ti mdwtflllr as ii ur uiui w unu w wi oiiu vltl u ut ln aa twin a ujdi vouu kavim1s urn iuld u dilai 9 mvl hw n lleuito himl jiuoil im iiictl fuiilt iuxji 10 tvicnv tacility v in lltluoll dsini- ii 111- i i piire sl rubber jtir rlniis tishil waiginss lor1niuirilnii ibih shoopiy ti ililin your anluulii 1rint 1 ii- acton pump work wain siroot acton clatcrna harto all lie pa in iloniplly atlonulti to wolfii oleum il cuichco kormotor land llll nml 111 ilclilcii rniiiil 11 11 d ln tut in in r lllll mill iinm inniifjrliiicil cill mil 1 t ebbage minn strcut actqr the best wire fences 1 n f moore nc pi till lu put up tin- hci inotlrrate i ilc a in- an th hjvtllii jniiri iljico micliiiili i ii prniuid tn t viie fiiues nl vbli- nc slule- pplll lllll llllll lib nh lit 1 killlpl utt 1 uiilur pankulu m n k modiik mnii sluit a t kftown c iiumiut hmd utm1 ionuu cton rexail houscr hold dyes a i itluwur u u ktu ko