Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqoneralbankingbuaineas transaotod corrgspondonco soljoitod savm h department intermf allowed n noma f oni loiv xjulandiipwaidajiurii jlv j depoli to tuv o with irawal no formalities at j tut delay id drawing money fanntint iihiih bolicltecl note of reeponaltilo tanner dlacountael ami nwtxy loaned ior efllllmaln ouaineas purpose our cohelfciou duparnnnt has every utility for making prrimi t returns sale notes handled and money advanced on account of aama at iqw tale of interest traveller are nolliiod bat the hank o hamilton and lt urancl e ustio clrtula note of the irnvincltl flank of 1 or land untiled which can be caahad withou chary ut til in in any iarl of lh wort i jiead oiiicu hamilton haubluhed 1872 capital paid up si095r75 reserve fund 1500000 total assets 17071759 jake tukmuuu caahler b forsayeth aclnt georgetown branoh i002 wall paper decorations ttwrmnte3 o with mora wall patter than ever 100 zoo holla in stock w 1kskine will hhow youaitiples ility from him and you 1m bo up lodale itoom uouijlng la ni cha8 l welles otjeuh ffifje xtort tte jjrtfis thuiwdav tanuailv jj lool little cbcal bbieflets which caught tha eya of bar of frm praaa re dorter thia week monday evening fall of aoow improv ad tha alaljpslng a mouth of vary paaeabl aleljtblljgjiail now bean enjoyed tbetarobutl wright iubllehlng co qoalpb bav aealgoad farmer era eaoarlng fancy prior for dry hardwood ibu winter afaaer ft and j holme ahlpped another oar of aloek lut tburaday tba halloa county coo do 1 1 will bold iu flrat meeting for i ww beat turalay brown aaw mill and wood yard ar being h tookad wltb umber- and wood remember lb blbu boole ly meeting in knox cborrsb neat tneaday evening al u ofiloolk- tba muniolpa auditor ar ouay in auditing iba book and aoooont of tba mnnioipallty yreterdey wa tb aral anhueraary of lh death of oar uu beloved uoearahju quean violort acton holler flour mill ar bow pre s to fill tba went of all iba farmer of paxad ilwjllotl f walter i lleardmor baa beau appointed om at iba undn oommlaelou ara tog toronto for lb praoeot oer flrat it iris and then 11 an than it rained andvtbeu it blaw than thar waa a ihtu rain tbao it fria and aoew again at um maatlog at traeton oa toaaday tba praabyury of gualpb daoldad to bold ita marob maatlntf in koox obnrob aototj tba annual maetlnk tot knox cburob w4 bald oo monday annln a kumraary of u aaaaal taport will b gla la uxh 1mo tbanrab drifting atorui of tl wlour ftnm mi t alfhl and it waa blls audy ooa tba roada warri badly ulaovaj tn aaaay plaoaa a food matty olluaua abotallad ibalr atdawalka promptly aiur tba btorui yaaur day bol anomwof th fcblabodud dilfta atui remain in plaow ut john h uaokattala bu roauad tba ooouact tor tba na brink bona id be axwoaadbymr jamaa uoora on bu farm abova orawaona ooroara kao tba bablaa talk tajt urn bow a friend of oara talla ua tbat tba bret word a bla infant dangbur ar enaoolatad war oc jon abd tbu aba taada tayaa at k mealing of kaoil gburob you faoplea hoouly to babaldtblaweek wbait lha ohabtfe of tiabtl from obrutlau endeavor to wnalmluaurqulld will ba du the news at home mostly or a looal charaotaram vary ltm lntar4tlnir ttttaowm immtllutd meetlmb uara a maating of helton farmer inalltute will be bald naat tbnraday in ilia town hall maaara luyoor and clark who ba beau addraalni inallluta nutllugt uironttb oat iba oounly will b iba principal tjj waw high hehoot daperimaar lb uew coo ho nation cjaaa uaparl rnenl at aoton ioblto houoji davulad iilumfaly i lulltou oq ittjh hohool aabjooia la icrowtnk in popalarlty and attandanoa tbara ara already alataau atadanta snrolled and aa tba advantakae and tba vary low tuition faee baooraa kanarally known lb attandanoa will in orsaaa ulaa hlerr who la th uaobar of tb la department baa alraady won tba baarta of utapnptla and baa provan baraalf thofoaghly oonraraant with and abla to taaoh tba high uobool crrlonlum tbo coailmg connty 4 3 coaajoa lla hal too uabbalb bobool aaaoolatton will moat in ooergatowa on tbaraday and friday fabruary clb and 7 lb an axoollsot prciframma baa been prapatad and thoee intaraatad in handay bobool work kla promlaad an interacting and lu atruotlva tiro a maetlntf of lb pealoc ard anperlnundanuof tba town will babald on friday avenlnj to arranft for tba ante talmant of dalaflat aa qaorsatown baa badaomaof lha moat aoooaaaful oonvan ijotia avar bold by tba aaaoolatloo and wa bopa tbat lha oomlotf nay b no azocpttoo herald xm1hr zojmo i at ootaarm tba following ofuoara of wajkar ijsdti a f and a if bav bean inatallej for lb ourraot yeat 1 uw u vrlek w if a j uacklnoaa h w x t llron j w i kl ilaoaanoo clay luf ii a uacibaraou tiaaa johtt uaaf it uwrj ti waiuo h u w coapat j dltolx1 hi aw jc jalatlil l- uao- t v bmllb eya spalallal will u lu aoton thuraday february gui on day only rooma at aruw uow it you uava any dafaot la yoar yal it wl p4y jon to call and o bin laaouinauont fiaa oau early or mak appalulmuiu aar urowa draj utor wlnturf ohduh8 foh sphina dttlivumv j u uamlllon a elaouioal uouutuaoul vucka at uualpb ar now taking ordara for orsnluand marble monomania to b eat ap in tba ipring at radooad prtoa with lha iplaodld na elactrin and pnaomalio maobinary thia aaiablubinanl i able to txaoal far mora and beltat work iban liiaarifnn and in order to kap iba naohloary runoltii all wluur vary low tat kalntf k ordered now call al lha work or drop a card to 3 u uamlltoa qualpb btops thbcouohand wohkb opftkbcold lauiainotlululiatallaiaaaau w sa motuit uairt bliu 1 tl3 u kaoofcjy 0 1 j kauoy ar huwatdavratik uolutoali and aur ofiult ii juu tfoata clrojd oattmrd at tba ual wilitijj of aeloa home olroiamo cs tba fajlowlaji ofnoam wet elactad 1 ut laadar ura it d oral aw laajai if j114 vlo-lt-ar- 1 vnau tuevalarrlir j astw via tw anjyiaaaw wllluua ci atjalnatra i rvaocla uakauallum j 11 ua4u- vjn jataa unlam tgairancmolinnon o- a jallu iuabtaau uj ua r b a uauaaau lup uq ii c iirt c d anuiaol tba circla baa ohankad ibalr pltoa of maallnit and will baraaftar meat lu j 0 uillabhl and maetlnjca ara bild on tba ltat vfadnaadey of each mouth umhou tauirioi jo o x- tba animal maatlnif of hiltau l 0 i maabaldlaa weak the raporu abowad an lnereaa in memberablp aoton liodtj no ac7 aha wad an inoraaa of aovetl la mamberahlp in reierenoe to tba biatrial oalebraueo a kvaolotlon waa pad plaojntf tba oooirol of lba oaubratioa in tb banda of tb dutriot offioara election ofotij ar raaullad aa folio wa a crawford dia- uauf o 0 gempball dap dla uaaur a mooibbon obaplaln daorg graham luo lico john baj rd fin bad ilobart uaanetl traaanrat william g armalron jdia d 0 maara job and walker lteotorar it wa daoldad to maew a crawford meat bast year in georgetown tb du wa appolnlad repraacnfatlv to tb gtaiid lodt tha bifcl uxlly vawiai tb intaraalla lba annual miauatf of lb lllbl boclety la b bau in knox gburob uaxt toaaday avanln oiotlnoa to ti thmaatlnwlllbonof mnuanal intaraat luv t albert uoorof uamlltoa baa tor yarbau an axant of lba tllbla tlouty and u lborongbly oonvaraant wltb the oparauooa and auooaaaa of lb vakton aoolatlac in addition to tb hymn aalaotad for tb oooealott tb lar oholr unllad for tb oooaaiott will alutf tb bmoltful anlbnuaik i hark 1 my tool by bbaluy uijuh a j genii wbo u a tralnad and aaoompllabad vooallat will alnif mygodabd fatbar wblla i blrey by hhtott mr wallao dlra a fall iutnbchoahraad to alt in lb biaaloalpart of tbrlo in knox gburob on monday oln at 8oolook ihart a fin xw- aaffao tbopaura and painter ar pntllns lb flnahlnj loaoba od tb fin nw raeldeno raoaatly parohaaad froo lb f glabetaiby oar aalaamad oltuad mr john dfatray tb balldlni i k two atory red brlok and oooapla a oommandluk poaltton at lb bornar ofulli hlraet and 1ark avanu it baa wan vooma with hall oloaat pantry and altloi a aptawldd eallar la under lb tutlr boua wltb a hot air fur a a alnka bard and aofiwatar tn flrat atot ktalroae eld- ar flplabad in aab arumlaa window glv a vary ehaarful affaot to tb ptrlor bill and dining room 1h boua u oouvalllatlt ooultuodloua aud wall bnllt lh rough ol aud railwl aradlt upon tb daalknar and eanuaou mr john oini- iron mr nrvy and bia family will tak poaaeailon aarly uaxt inonlh fa fhian aij vlfum tol j i maomtuatl la vial hug ablun lbla weak a yuaab of col allan wbo la bludb iotareaud in lb paulotlo work in which mr uaouuian ia aogagd lu ubalf of lb valeraba of lb fanlau luld aaaral of the aorvlvor of wblob ar in lb county qf halloa col maomllleu la deelrotia that lhrantof land by tb llalatur of oularlo mad at laal aeaalou in raoog ultion of ibalr aarvtoe will b takad advauuc of and la now maturing arraujt mattt by whloh tb looatlon at ibalr lot will b faoillulad th government hia tal apart 110 towuablp in wblob lb vaterab oau uak ibalr belaouona in many of wbloli tb ubd tot arlonltnral purpoa ar all that ooojd b daalrad wbartralaof jl kind grow la abondabo and bdai muob of th laud la oovafad with tbuat ualuabl ilmbad tb railway raoaolly opened batmaau winulp and iort arthur and running throuab th uainy luluy uiatilot 1 opening up a oooouy aeoond to bo other part at ontario n impoilano and 1 bow being rapidly aattlad to railway pro not ad by lb goaeriwaat frotn north liay ronnlog north to lb uppar end of xiaka terolaj kamlug lu lb miplaalng dlalrlot a dla- lano of 100 mile will atao open up a aaofcloa of aqaal importaoo and mr man- mhaa u aualoua that th vatarana tak op lbalrlauda near tbaa railway aa po aibl uavlng lao tb aobiaot mora ooualdatatlon iban par bap any other veteran la tba foro it wooid b lo lb adaantajt of lb vatarana of this aaolloo la meat and br mr mao mil ian a vlawri tounbtufl tbair lutaraal tit aatott tied mt otmvamhtttmt the aooultq of tlio acton d ranch of tho national haiiilarium aaaootallon met lu iba council chtmb r lie friday aveo a to report rogiaaa raapeollng tba can aaa fur qnda for auppllitj a brd and furuublnica al lba frca iluipilal fur ooo aumptivaa al oravenhnral tha lapurla of the canaaara he j k uodaan u a itv if a marpharaon lit mohaua t ti jlardink and ii 1 uoofa were very kialirylnk tba aom of act 7 wa petd in lo lba iraaaurer and with ll aom prom i a ad to ba paid during lho raarnl week tho amount aakad for 1100 will ha tally rwaobod thia f n raapotia on lb pari of our oil attia will enable the tiuo uat provide a udii thfr uoapilal folly ftirnlabod and it a moal ooromandibl raaoll or tha r tor la put forth if any olllaana who liava not been oaltad ttpoa woold ilk lo hava a part in thia florl lhay may band tbair offarinx to any of tba abova collector anl duv oradlt will ba givan upon lb hooka of th aaaoolallon cilollohilc from lba ht cllr avj aiua- it la obrvoj that luv llali b lntt a lurmor pa lor tf lt oh u rob bar bav auooaai in bla pfaaenl oiar at hu olalr midi at lba annual mealing aat wrak tb report alio wad bat daring lb peat year iu caw member woro tacad tba paalor aalary waa inorsaaod by ijjo iat ya the people ba o wall ovr tb km all pot aoar aud ar driving lo lowo a uaaal mr wn hacking of llirlla man vlalled fiiandaheradorlort the paat week to farmer of tbia acctlon ae very rld to aea tbe dour miutf at anton i i operation hjalp etnrj at tb uak mratlng of frln townahlp couoall tba following hinoloijial ofdcar war appololad with aalarl bamad tbomaa yoau clerk 17tf fur mo liroti aaeeeior sj alex larry oii lector 1j geo wbocur treaaurer m d farrwud wm djoijoii auditor a i 19 mi mr ei n awray prhmlpal of lba kiln villa acbool for tba laal air yaar ba rlgdd uia charge to acorpt of a poaliion al oluwa uuder tb hon tba ajiuller of lba interior iwfor leaving lb pupila praaanlad mr awry willi a w worded addrea aud two beauliful praaaat a lartt bronaeolock hnulitd in koij aud a rblua euff and colur holder with golden rli la aud bluka local tllllufleth tba board of llccna dimuiuiousia for halloa for 13 ro lb mu aa laal year auwbwfialiaf 1 udujulqujjiaflrjr ilobluaon oraagb aud a i- jt waldir anton llo larttely la tha alctrlo lljjhllotf ayatara hin patroaiaad thai rleolxioiau mallta and lha power boua plant ar ux ad almoat lo tb utmost to aupply tb da u mr u g clark of morval on of lh director j of 1 tquealu aurioullural boolely baa bsoa appointed on of lb judei for torouto lxhlbltlou by tbacauadlati jaraay galluclub do you wall bulurt yon will m11 uior if you will pul tl up in poand print la u baally priulad wrapper w print lham on tb beet parchment at a low figure avk about lham a wall atlandad knmtlog of boulb wellington fejrmar inatuut wa bald aa oaprintf ual tburaday beoralary war- aru of ual lou drove maaar clark aud ilayuor up from th buwarttown moling wblob waa bald th avenlug before lu complying wltb lb rqumt of th temperano gommill of tb gabaraj oonfarado of tb method church lb church bar baa transmitted a patluon to lb local gorarnmenl aakiag that a pro hibitory llqaor law- b paaaad lb praaent aaaaloa through mr john u uirur tb member for lb oounly tb catutdut iiuu publtabed at tb ibatltul for lb deaf and dumb imuvilt aaya lh aoton fax iuxa ba vary kindly aant ba a calendar in mootbly part for which w am oblad by theby lb faxx xaaa i on of lb beat printed boat edited and moal lularaaung bewapaper on our axabar hal friand moor know bow lo it at up a tfood bwepair for th boueebold pbbvish child ilkn c3jims and going vlaltora to and prom aoton and various othar paraonal nolo a a tbaraaa raaaa lavllea all it raaaare toeoe ulbuu to uiu ooumil ii joa or roar mood ar oiaf away a bobday ufa at it 70a bara fiianlavlelunf yoa drop a card to tb vaaa lea annl corrlflll 1 i in luln uiung rala 4ulag frlenda labetha uotharauf ooa or car and worryhaa tokpn uby healthy a h indijaalion i ou of tb m com wou dlaeaaa of infanoy and it 1 alao on of th moat baflouj for uueeaj il u oonlrolud tb bonalilutlon will beooui waakanad olhar dlaaaao will dtld aaay lodgmant and th child whole fnlur will b imper illed atlh hral bjit of ludlgaatloo or any irouhl of tb alomaeb or bowala ubyowu tablau alwwld u admiulaur ad tbay aot wltb prom pine fcud perfaott aafoty lo alraoglbenlnj th alomaoh and remoyiug lb offending malarial mr w c tfft markham aaya up lo tba urn my baby wx a month old b wa a pfecuy healthy oblld than hi aloutaoh iwgab tv troubl blalcjj looked pluejied arid alarved bla tongu waa coaled wltb hi braatb otlau alv u vomllad eurdld milk and wi aleo oonallpaud after taking bla food h would aoraam with paid aud although h boetuad alwaya buugry hi food did blot bo good 11 wau eo raallao aud eueplee tbat i wa almoat worn onl medioio aeamad to do him bo good until w av blnl liabya own tablau 1 rav blm lb tablet hud thy helped blm almoat immedlalaly aud in a vary abort uui b began to gain in veljjbl and a now roay aud baaltby liabya own labuu curd nty baby whan uolhili via balpl lilbl and i would uot b wilhout lbm in lb boua tbla i tba ouly otadiciu fur ijllu one that glva an aboolul guaraula of purity muton l ueray m a bfl titqiii on of lb boet known analyu lu atnarlaa eys i bav iuai a careful ohamlaal analyal of baby own labial my abeljela be proved ibkl lb tabltl oou lain abaoluuly uo oplat or uttootla that lhoyoau b glveu wltb prfot aafety to th youtigeat lufaul and that lhay ar a iui aud affeotiv madid ua for lb trouble they ludloalod to rallev abd eur buohauandoraemanl from ao bleb an anlhority alamp uaby owo tablet a lh aafeel lbvurat aud th to oat tollable madloln for lh iii of children tuhy own tablet ar good for child raaolallafta tuay rduo favet cure oolla pvnl and oar indlgaallou aud oooatlpalloa obeok diarrboe awaauu lh alomaob allay tba irrltallon aooompauj log the out ling of taetb and promol aoond healthy leap onaranlaed lo nou- lalu no opiau gruahed lu a powder or dlaeolvad in water tby 6a u b gltau wllb abaolnta aafaty to lb youuat ufanl hold by all dealer at ao oanl a bo or aant puatpald ou rcoelpt uf prio by addreealuglt iu wlhlama ujiciueuo llrookvllla out alia l cobban tn georgetown air hannah 1 o of rln 1 gu of her alaur lira n r moora fa cuirtwillor if ja trip l ul n y during lha weak mlaoa nollla and ada iloloua apant buo day with thair hrothar lo uramr loo alia vi inou holme want to toronto on monday to lak a ooo raw at tha normal bobool aid john hamilton of uualpb we a wrloome caller at tbe fkk 1 aaal ofuoe oa monday ura a lllepbaaeorl we a pleat at lb bom or mr and mr vdlum gornay i- rio over huoday lur cb a uookojloomnald n j ie apaodlugafew dayawllh hie fcootba t bod other friend brr lit w h i iwry gulph ba baan appouilod publlo vacciualot by tit tlomtd of heal lh of thai city lr u mnkeown of banll hlr marie waaawnaettbuwaekof mr 10 mekown andolheriruod in town miaa ftfabel cook let a wk ago for frie x where ah inland taking a ooare in training a a hare mre pavij willltmeouu making avery aujnyabl vult with her brother and othaa frunda kl glovereville j y mra a hall and mloajenala hall tj faoalaufialahao warw gaaet al lha horn of mr jam lirowo laal waak mr cbarle diabal of ijcaaoaat wa in town oo tbaraday winding bp affair in oonnaotlou with th aatauor th lata f gbh- uv if a meopberaon and mr joon it kennedy altapdd tb oonvantlon of lli young feoplea booiatle at lraaton on monday fxwardangeorcahavillabd mr il j monabb rrpraaanled anton at lb annual mi tl im of lb liberal aaaootatlon at milton laal week air wm hacking of 1hu mia brother cf lh fcaoder of th faax faaaa waa an appreciated caller at lb fax lax oftle on baturday at tb cbrtatma aaamlnalloo at geor hbih behooi mu myrdw with hhibaal mark aud hooor alia tana mcqumo wa fourth and howard oram fifth in lb earn axamluallod at lboruanlaallonof lh bw malbod let bnday bobool in lb wa1 and at qtull bu mar onl mr carlo willum wbo moved ld lh baull from acton laat july waa rleoud boparlotandanl mr wllllanm got a good training in buuday bobool work in bl old home scrofula what la commonly inberlud la n acrolula but lba acrofuloua ilijkjalll o tbla la cnirrally and chiefly liullratnl i culaneoua crulloni aom i in e if bcaa ncrvouaiirae and ccrteral 0lllily tn aiaoaea amkled ura k t hi yat colon bl tr y ohio wben aim wj alcblmsi yeara ol i manlfcatlnc itarlf i y boncb in her itfck which cauaml errat wi i waa tanrad and bmarn a runnliij u n ll afflicted llm rtausbter ol aire j 1 jonoa i arkrr liy tint wlten 13 yram and datebimfl en rabidly ibal wjmi waa ib alta bad rlevrn rutnilnc aoree mi i tbbtk and a boot bar vara tneee aurterera were bol bime i aa tbry vi urtj by moods sarsaparillz 1 tbla peculiar nkdultm popitlt r r recta lba acrorul mim ulapoellt mi at d ru ll tally and parmeoe illy rurea tl ulauaa j k a alcaalora la oa wrary bo of uv baulaa laxative bromoqwimnc tabut- cnewsons coiincmo uaviialaarvioa ar being noodoeiad in lb bride gburob thl wk mr ii v moor of anion will ooonpy lh polplt her baxt sunday we extend oar hearty congratulation id mr ii murray and hi uldv and wlah thaw maby year of happlnaa and pro- prty th many friend of mr m orawaoa ar plaaaad to aa him aronnd again jail raovared maaara juhu and a gurru of ilook wood vlallad frlenda bar od bobday mia thompaod ol durham u vlalilng at mr j walkar fish fish just received k 1 lliilr t y kful kji 5 i tie lirrel aim iliii wt ii 1 ub anaiit ut orhngb 6bnbfit iiuiuay ta toill kll rse iwtl orxngn tho koud rea btgulp uid china palaoe- cuelph jam 3j1 the right house ib4j hamilton iavokiti siioi i inc placti take good care of you money don t w il ret away unjaaa yon ara aura you ara yod aro gelling flu worth in return juu now wo aro making aom great reduction in carpet which you will rradlly emaro worth your while to take advantage of urtng along your money and tea how tar ii will go here vatcvjct amd bmiaseca itxmmanto about 150 end of vol vol and liruaaala cafml conlalning from i van up to u yxd lu eich end from carpet a that we regu larly aold at from 00c to i 50 yard during ibl aala wa clear tbonioul al 40c per yard dootl llaundll3fiat oo vahd i 500 yarda of lino cpjalitle of uruaaela carpel embracing our entire ktock of abort ploco ami alao a ll rolled number of odd roll with tb border to match an contain log from u yard up to 50 yard any ami containing ao yard or lea will positively not be cut them ara aultxhl for almost any room rcveaenlaliv of kind tht weru ooc l 00 fl 33 and f i 35 yard clearing hc aalo price per yard 1 00 to al aa vkuvjbt oaupbt at oa yaud 300 yartl only of velvet carpet in l colta rreeii and ulu aultabl for parlor and drawing room th regular value were from too to viajyardtf clearing now at 58c yard 860 to l wool qailfglv at bflovaud 000 yard only englm and he canadian all wool carpet odd piece only containing from j to 50 rarda in a piece and raece contain ng is yard or lea will not be cut tejfuhur value were from hjc lo vl ooyard clearing now at soe on twice per yard 300 owiow oiapirrs at la yand 400 yards only union carpel reveraihle v yard wide uaually aold at ay to joe yard to dear bow at per yard iyc 1 io to 1 36 uholtumd at 78oyam meu qualltle of nairn and staine inlaid linoleum a nice lot ol paliernx to helact from but only a limited number of yard lh regular value were from 3 to to 5 yard clearing now during ibl kale at per yard 75c bo for wxkdow b3taubfl kotrjlniy a loo amd 1 28 30o window shjule 316 and jay ieetta cream ot trown tnotcrjf good paltem and good quality cloth mounted on ifartahorn hollar with linen lace or inaertloa or good fringe regular price are l oo aadll ajeacb to clear them outiulckly w mark ihem all at one price 48c oacb mail order hcolvc cnrcfol mud frompt attcnilou thomas c statkins king st east cor hugnson st hamilton milton at a attrpfta party bold at lh bom of mr k it hunter praaldant of hilton agrioallural boolaly latt weak mr hunt waamad ik reelplanlof a band aom geld watoh after about on mooth aaparlaoo th marehknla of lhlown twuliooad lh gouooll lo repeal lb tally bloalng by law and lhy did it mr clateoo field h head admitted a partner in lb drag buaiuaa ol hlgglubot- ham- jt co iialu1 bphng fair will b bu bar on apu41ith th caunly oounau will bold a vary important beaalod bxt toaaday th ravano from kvargraan catnalary laal year wa 13150 a aomewhal larga aub wa expended in improvaamola tb aunual tnaoung of both politloal par lie wrald her daring lh wwak thd liberala toalou tburaday it uing tb day following lh aucaiana of th ty- alaellona lhr wax eooaldrabl of jobtl atlon about tb moating jit bfnoar bl laal yay war ruoud tfa gone live mat on tueeday of ibl week uacar d ilanderaon m p and w kern rtu p f lb old war b of lb parly addraeaad lh mooting with allrrlog apaeoh quelplis grreatest sale of dry goods and clothing 18 now colng on we want to sell 15000 worth of dry poods and 5000 worth of clothing this month before we start the alterations and before we take our annual inventory can we do it we think we can there are arenotjnanyif any careful buyers wiio willnot appreciate the advantages of this early sale it an occasion during which money finds its great est equivalent on housofumishinga cottons diooo qoodo linons bllanket3 millinory flannolottoo cuitameubni3eucftinhmga th lkvkmt tuvwu u lb riwu u it uttnmolh ov id kaaltioliy absolute security genuine carters little liver pills- mluai be alsrtlituvi tf ju w ti h mons roadytowaar suits and overcoats for full price list read the guelph mercury and herald e macdonald brd cuelph itine watclx istork r we were never in a better posi tion for years to do fine watch repairing than at present give us a trial if not a regular customer skykge 5t go the 3e120l01rs auouipu our ick headachc an uuvaoelnatod ohlld died ol ktnall pox ml ouawann taaadaw toourtf a co i onb oav tia i lalla- b4ujjatulioyabuia al iroratalb rwand monef u ll telle to tm w uiuaeltt4eeeab boa em nelsons big removal sale in full swi spoolals for lho balanco of tttta wook olldkrjbd olothzno 3 null wh fin luiportod bcotch and fnuah wormled and tweed oewguods regular pllce from j1 to 13 aeuu today 9xw orvhw 7 aulf end ijavonu hore lllue ahauluuly faal color rkuhur pake in hud j j a ault today i j j id urdct 13 ault and imported and canadian tweod icjuur price it6 17 ih ig a bull lo day 1 14 13 to order mad up in liit clee alyl tit anl workmariiblpuriauriaibl all union ubor what we mhnt room we haven i ul i vrry m mi fjr h fit iliu m ntli nlw ul mji1 a i jacket aclllog we havw nn k waill 01 a 1 eat i i r t nrn wh j aa a rule a prndalo the very i ig values wa were t ual j wo want it w una lu aay thia lu uy j wo knew enough about die jacket iraile i 1 kn w ibal llicre t 1 oaa li 1 c wl en it a ah toluieiy necrfiaary thai ivrry k cot al ul i im otit f 11 o way no matter al what ucriace it i 1 j ipaeatl n c t ft ut l a a t mil 11 c i kotllnjf n me thlricouiofkkmla thai 1 y bllng n t w 1 i ov tully lrln nothing wefully realuellal ilia lime baa er mo wlten we all 111 igietcry womans and mlssos jatikots in our mantle room w haw k ihiuigb tl 0 stock and xtt rjiven 1 ur aale people matrucii ma in the way r nrea thai 1 1 tlrar rnry jarkt imilore theendof iblamonlb ttila la our lelrrnltall h to tell nvrry jai kel we itave during lho monlh 1 f january can wo lo it y wli itn 1 inn i and when you aee iheprkea you will not il ul t 1 it 4l ai we sli ullauccoe1 it nothing tollie point toiju ie t tirt y u canu it 1 i i nihn you a lb gooda we aak you to aee then silk waists it fancy silk wahta regular i4 30 an 1 05 00 c nt 1 50 croy lamb caps a3 firat da grey ianib capa re locleir at bjo e h bollert co 25 and 27 wyiidlinin st oijeijpii monthr- ebmnants of dress goods flannelettes linings towelings tweeds linens cretonnes sheet ings pillow cottons silks etc also a host of odd lines m ladies childrens and mens shoes ll at greatly reduced pricbs ta glaar before stock taking we have a few ladies jackets natty new garments which we will clear this week at prices which will insure immediate sale come early and often h6ndgrson go vkiuu st rtcnron mid winter bwclle saturday january 4th we commence aclearingsale- jdfauwhrtetroods consisting of clothing dbess goods mantles pubs millinbky btc every purchase here for the next two weeks will be worth 25 per cent to the purchaser j a mcintosh son 77 upper wyndham st guglph do you want dry goods up so gurneyb stock must ho cleared out regardless of cost in the next ten days if you want goods come and ll whit we jc selling them for uo reasonable offer refuged dress gooda i ailc linen i niplmis rjld gloves hosiery corse la our tu vfic llul tmu u till u4i xvj e merclumt 1 irlor and gluib 1 urmjier nelson 99 wyndhum st guelph pillow cotton sheeting mcna and doyt underwear iht and civ groceries ut our previously announced price pfeodtjoe taken s cash j h mktthews mim hi iii ll allon

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