Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 23, 1902, p. 2

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haukiki wboxl tlie ll nanli ilued tumdttj hlllfm k i vuw u ur ittfmb wlkm la iua ul llawi of ntt4 be cltm jrcc ns iihiuuiay jj iwi kuttofllall n6tlil til winnipeg vr vm la authority lor ib bulmnt lhat lramur hub in will dissolve the manitoba htguulur and epiwal lu ilia wiu before easeling pro blblllon ur hofcllu it u eeld lo be bound by tha brontlee of decline lil t deaeesor uc 1iemur lloblln do hoi appear to hev aabd enough lu carry oak if ugh juhn mo- doneld prohibit loo uguiauon th manl lob government appear to b afraid of tb queauoa and will follow a policy of temporising another humsaiu ta asoer tain if tha will of the people has changed will beoondueledaiadlclrie hat avw according ta th ufllplal figure a final- ly revised tba stir pin a of ordinary expndl ure for lha fiscal year ended j una tlotb ul amounted lo srih 33t tba receipt war ofljm701 and ilia espandllur udalud 140 utf tha expenditure chargehlo lo capital amounted lo t7q0 kh a agalnat to tu3 or ibe prevloo fiscal year dr m ii hrsokau tuervlsty o tba ulnneeota uut hoard of health in a pnbliu address dielare everybody of discre tionary ear found aflllcud wllb stnsllpo ought aral lo b cored and then mnt to jail for u0dy dr hreokari explained that utoroogb demonstration bad been given to lb preventive lue at cleanliness i vaccination abd there we bo tiaom smallpox in civilised ooaulru ulllon oouooil passed ii arly closing liy uw about a month ego it wa enforc ed and both tb merchant abd far mart mt soma iocoovanleuc aapecully during lh holiday season isl week tba council u petitioned to tap lb hy uw alid thay bcioplled ullloa aui idraly loa pramrtary a rpallnj ka hy uw w- bava bid tt kaoowally id foro in aoloa for alfibt or lo ajd oor paopl would hot lblok of rtpaajintf ii th tnambaraelect of tba hoard of education tooartrfboa ut wadnaadjy etco- 1oj fcud u uow mtivejy uaoouud wllb tbalr oonfarm lb ibra tnambara auoud iaal yaajt aolot u to ba oongralauud upon lba ootflpoaluoo of lb bowd all r toed wbo will aiart tbraaalvm lit tb goblin inutmt ajid axy 00a of tha ha ron hi apota id olbar pabllo qrgfcaiuqn id towd tb praaauo of two clarjtymafl oa lb boajrd u bot a ti faalbrt ia oca- baoluin wllb aoloa iublui bobool hoard tb uu lu o ii cook waj for yaar ail jiaritolld numbai htwl gav vajuabl bmtio dorloji tb building of tba baw urlok aobool tan yaar ajpj ha goddad uid maopbaraoq will bo doobt gwfl aually valaabla aarwlo now ibat lb aobool ba tavaa tb tor imporlaflt puo in klgbw axlooauou the trouble is tver thar smntlook patlant convu- and all ongmr to aoton bamplotatly paaaod till oumiiantinuo momif to ui- fuulio in a pew ljayb lha uoubla and anxloty oauked lo 1li4 own tlifiumb ilia inurrn6 or oaraliuneaa f lb mdlral uxltb odloar of torotilo ion in paunlllldjl mr vanoa of mullou lu board ilia tralo at lb juualliiiaar all kianilutllou by blm lo dooi u aoloo wlin vulbly aduaud wltb amallpoa 1 uoaf nlmual uattln graal pant inoariad wlit b fljjurad oul latr and a bill f ry uric proportion will lo lb juitolluii autboritl for paymrnl tba ut pall- 1 1 lo to to thalaolatlon uoapltal 1 dow oooalacltif and will voon la on i kly roord all poaalblcdadrar from ooolacl wltb iboa wbb oonlraalad iba dlaaaa baa paaaod tb llydar itotnr wblab bm baaii aarantld and oooatahtly knkrdad by apaolal oonaublaa- alno tb u3td daoambar will b dlalafaoud fum- igalad and road from lb quaiahun next waak la about uir wack almlur pro oaaa will tkk plao at lb laolalloo iloaplul poo truotlbo from lb irovluolal aulboritlaaul lb patutjl b dlaubarbwl and than ll la poud aipall poi axpaoaa will oa4 1 to tb faot that lb dlaaaa waa couflnd lo on botuo in town ioucb oradlt ad lb ratltuda bl tb octomualty ar du ta i h a mckiruo oar radical ullu olaur to hi irnmadlalo dlagooala bf lb diacaa wbad called in by mrr vatic bl prompt lo format loo to iba irovlonlal lleajlb autbmlu and tb aammary action oa lb part of lb local hoard of health lu provldlur avary poaalbl pre- cautloa ta pravant any apraad ol iba dlaaaa ihaalainplng oul of tbl vry infaouona oonrij 1 due at mar lrioonranlooo and loonlary loa to bltnaalf tbaa aoy olllaan cad poaaluy aalltnau xr wo- kio did bl wbol duty a madtoal uaaltb officer tftrdlaa of paraoaal dlaadvautaff but oloatly in tba inuraat abd for tb aafaty of lb com ran oily add lb paopla ol tbi town bbonld uraufully manlfeat tbalr appreciation of bl akilful and unfhjich- loa vtfort ur a c warrau lia alo don lierola aorvlo id lilvinu th patient bl paraonal atuulloa ibroorhoul tbi prutrm of lb dii and uu icaaaon tb kvuiad aud txpriedod tiutaa ban aolad tb part of a baroln lu tb per form no of her tntiltifarlou tlutur aolon ha botblntf to faar bow from lb oaao wbloh dotelopad wilbla hr own hordar bnllha pravauooa of th di id adjoiuintf lownabip i taora or lea of a taaiiao to very town of lb dlatrlot thm obayn bora in anulu ha imu dlalofaoud bowanr and tb ijoerablln alaad tb oam in tb wrugla bom on tb qtth una bin cniu away at rapidly recovering two ce ar raport ad n neaaaawoya townahlp naar 0mp bl 1111 hil-lbarabla-a-ia- iuallnoh and flauboro on lb brock ltomd urn telle below qulpb the originated tbroofb a youubiau wbo from uanllob ind promuouout holiday vulllnit kpraad lh d ttfeolwo precautionary tnaaaora hav been taken in all lhaa dutrlot under la- auaotlaii from tb ironoiai author itle tmo uoaho op bpucation orbanlxad for tho trnnpaouon of local ttduofttlonnl uualnoaa sor 1 oo j iho hoard of truaur of xolon pijl llo llluol bil al n clxlll udua i uvuiiint uit orianixhon a provldrd b tlalllla 1rcaelit ueaara w h knnay ir uckokw autf henry orlmlell and mem bera euot luv jk- ooddo u a hav ii a maopheraoo and ur w ii d tb rntiur alm iclaratnui 1 uuard i tba ttoad ol troelaae ol aoua hobllo bohool ha fuad tb faeal at rau axoaoos ingly favorahl to both ridut and bon- iraaldant popll altaodlntf tb high bohool dapartpmnt u ib 00 for tb for mar and i7t0 for th uuar par aundm tba fa ar about oaahalf lh banal high hohool faaath fm charged at oak 11 abd qonttowa xllcb bohool balng i0 to 112 par abntim abd at mlllou contlnua- uoa olaaaa wbar xidlltl franch and qarmati ar tausbt a in aolon bw dapajr tenant 10 pr abnatri tb pupil who cau oanvastantly baker th fwat iwo year of th high bohool ooura at aoton nltmlyaao railway rata to out aid polo la hot ar furlhaa fao4 wttb tnuoh lowaf tea uu burt who uo cbarjl of tb ublh bohool dopajtunaol bar ban already pro aa haraalf a ktipador abd painalavlojt laaohar fclvhlhctions oo to liuewals- bovaooftho nino contaatad hid ina ratturnwd qotfe bubpohar turd of th bib eoubaaud bylotln bald lut wadnady ratumad oomw tbaol uabdldau haiqo returuad a ilborl by tloolan4tlou abd lu ikam tb btfbl wa betwml two tilbaral ood- earvalua war vulorlou id waet llakt- lo aud addlugtoa vollowluil ar tb fraeoll addlwtua u avary godaarvatlv d- taaud v b vartblau llbaral by ft majority ol ak7 uaauoll b halaoj liberal almtad by aoclamallou durham waatllourl llelth liural alaclad ovag j tboruloi ibdpudut by aibajorlty of 32 kiukuallou william lurlyliumt ktaotadonf j xi uatdalf couaorwatlv by tnaiorily ol 763 uaatlur walli g 1orur oou- aarvallw elaoud ovaif j 0 pratt lib aral by ft majority m iilkut o gatboauaau liberal alaoud uvar v oaroo iiidapaudatit liberal by a maiorlty if 1 laval 0 a wilaou ilurj aleaud bvatf j h iwkdakd gooaarvatlv by a tniltyoljj quaao wal l k illou d par t quavraod liber alacfad 0 a a mo- ld gooaacvalue by ft wj uy of iu3 mfiutraal it jdbw dlvuioo aid llruuat liberal aladud over j g ii llarierou obuaarvauv by ft uiaiorlly ol mi wa1 yorkarobu gauipwll liur aleoud ova t v walhun couaarvallv by ft biijarlty ol 1m ho at tb auutul tuaellug of tli urarnoa towublp liberal aaaoolatlou bald lul waak lb loluiwiiiu ofbere wai alaeotj-j- lraaldeut jobu lllftok baoretaryrwm tovall guuaoara no i ttmuu ll bredk ho j u- hutnald no hub uitohall no i u urydati no 5 ww uoran gray mill wbloh wauaalroyd by mr uu naw yaalr murolui t bald rebuilt th agricultural boolaty ha ft balaito bd baud of about loo tb annual tuuot ui thoa luleraaud lu th wbllo ljuavy wu bld laat w tb uaaaurar kepart ehowed ft batwdo oa hbd llh uo liblllllj uurlu b year lhar war slfcd volum laauod tb followlo hoard wa auoud for 1u03 i william tlarrutjluudy u o hill 1 jabay j j aldooatrmb halu uujth hlaok ui uary hlaal and uu kllft quupal auditor uu ida lialuy aud obftiu uarrl nabsaqaweva th annual oonvaallon ol th naaaagi- way holiday bohool aeeooiauon to o bald in kbaoeaar chnroh oa vrlday mat itut promua to b an oooaaloa ol much ularaatubwbubday bobool arorkax ol th townahlp tb coo noil baa deoldaj to porohaa ft aal lor th aaourlty ol th book and paper ol lh muolclpalliy th hoard ol health ha r thalif baatftttantlon loth uolatlod abd tjuarab- tloing of th two oaaa ol aolajlpojt wbloh hav detelopad in lb townahlp tb hoard uoompoaad ah follow tb iuav gurk jama uukla uamual boou and ualoom mouuiab fifty fl birth ik uurlage abd iifl dathjrre racial ard lu thla townahlp lutyeef abgu kaobedy ha bd appointed hanoi 1 w logl ooluotor john ue gregor and thoua uoor auditor tb naeeagewaya- hraabytaruvu obtttoh bad barrow aeoap itvoi baln daatroyad by are laat week oa monday lh oare- taker put a fir in th furnao abd aom 0iltatwmrdtbrwttobrboayonbt aburoh foubd it blled with kmokfl upon lavaatlgatlou h aaw tb jour ajljadool la th hot air pip ol th furnao uaa charted aud emoldarluk hut had not yal broken into h bias ii haaubed to fihaok lb ooure ollb ihtaaubad dulatar wllb th reaolt that uo further damag tbaa th breaking up o4 eonl yard ol qnor tnauad il i ft oabe of gratllud to th whou baighborhood that th ohuroh aaved tb yoonr popl ol euar oburch were anlartalned at th pureotu lal uodday availing vary au joy ably ur ilobart uuabaud whomboui leln uauluha i vultlug a ihli ualitbbarliaad tl nreaellt ur and ur gumaufl uit for tbalr honi in jatoeauiwu n dakou on wad ujay ial a vary pretty wedding took plao al th boot ol ur luweoot nam4weyt laat wtjuody wlieu her dauhur lul waa uiarrud to ur kuoob walkar lb oar itiouyvre aolauialkd by luv ur flij abouttblrty uueal warpraeul tuabrld war ft fawu oalord cloth dre uluituad with whit aellu aud whit luaeitlod th oompauy partook ol ft iuuiptuob repaal jftar wbjoh au atijoyabu aacll ftvauluu waf hunt they navir lall ur b u hough utr lau writ for about two year i waa troubled wllb luwitvd pi la but by ba- iuu harmalee 1ilu x waa oomplalaly cuej and allhoujb four yen hav aupud iluc thau tltey hav uol returned farbiale hill arw- aull blllou abd peolflo for lltfl eur ol uvar aud kljuay oouipujlul dyappy ooatlvau bj ulia pile la ftud will rulauthar lion and re wore ill billon uulur n tbe utiteat inland ta 1 lhoaaplibh- twaed kurop aud aaia balnj 700 idlla lou aud un 1 nil j wldv a faro ww tb uuderalguad dd hereby re u taluiid lh btonay od ft w oul bqllu 0 greue warrabud by run ol xaf ii il fall to our your cough or bold w alap ituatabta ft jf bant hottl lh pro eeu aolory or tuotiay refunded a t hrowa anlod tb urgaak huapeualbd bridt l lh urooklyii tb uu of th main apau u lfufi feet aud 0 luoh tb autlr laugtb of lb brijge u uvu feet children 6ry for storia m anbetdwi u lb and tookheata at the uvbrtjroublbs uifb full qp misnnv to sup- feiihrh fhom this tnouolb ita uymptoma mw manlfaat ty uaated tongue uu uraalh dad taato in tit mcjuui and ialn uxlantllnir to ftia bhouldero vu 11 and 10 llecretary then h jueatod the bar to tltot ibolr cbali ouriautyaar uovad by fl a mnrcgue aaooudad by k goddau lhat wtlluin konuey una of a aenlor raamber of lb lloard be alecud lialrniad for lh ourrsut jeer carried tb chairman thanked tb member tat bl oloollon he ataud ihattia bad bii a tnenvber of tho huard tba paal ihiro aai and metlora had alwayagona alon brinouloualy ho hoped hh future ild tewjually puaaant and promlaad a ftllflll th dutu or hi oolo to tba beat of bl ability 10 ohalrniati than appointed dr mo- keagu mr gillidell ald ur goddad a oommllle to wlrlk iba ataudiuk now rfulaa for tl jar th committee tecgm blended ihd follow ing appolulmant wliwi were adopted 1 ir ii a uotcmbua ebalrii w 11 iniiy ltlylf lildllebalrihhii klnlluv tt a 1 afaiibboh bunflleaw ii danny olialiuiab akl lut j k cod jan tb uocr alary terxit tad tba tispliatlon of tb tbrro year term of luv j k qoddn a iba hoard isprceintatua ou tb free library hoard moved by ii grludall baoouded by w ii dnuy that hatf j k godded u a b ra appointed a repraaenlallve od th vre library hoard for tba enruhig urm of thre year cr lad th conkuilte on vinatio proitulej tbalr urat repnrt aud raoomtnalided pa- roent of th followlbg aooount w 1 audarsoii uuildb liluurltitf crdorauoli of aoto for aoau gao worjn woil alo aioba aud well adwartuuiu umo llyud railrlng oiou m u rl tba report wan ajoplej tb baoretaliy reported lhat lh iuiur- abc pollcu on th aobool building expired on lh 3tth uel uoed by r uckeebo moooded by w ii denny lhat tha beorelary and iuv ur uaopbaraon be a toromltla to hav iho aobool boildlng re lnored at th lowaat toabl rate ohlaioahla lu ftond raluuo oompabla oarrled th jumiliab ol fe for ibagonlluuauoii olaaaa wa very eataf ulty considered uoved by ii orludalb tooonded by u- a mokegue tbattb faa for lb codtluua- llodx uwbeajwlowj llaaldeul 1uulu 3 60 ir annum baln ttixi for the long leui aud ioo lor lb abort urui hon luljnl tupilavtjmpar anuttui ulug ijw for tb loug term aud 1 3 uit or lb abort term and that the lea b oolleolad by tba irlnoipal of lh school carried th hoard adjourned lh meet on mod dtjtvfeing ord february at 0 oolook noalh 1loval canada asarttlmant thftt bvokwd enthuol- um in naw 2a1mrtil loxnow jan 20 a da patch trout wl- hngua n y to lb ttmu aay a pat riotic bimllug attended by thonaabd ol paraon ha paaaed reaolatlou approving great hrltaln- oonduot ol th war in booth africa and ut chatnbaruln ralolatlon ol foralsd aland era tb man- tloa oimr qhaubarlalb nam avoked ohaar at ft refereno to uobll loyal gabada th peopla roe and oh a red nous su do 3 60 1 it limtthouuh uia halobeodol naaairawoyt it villi- itig friend bare mr ftbd ur uodonaljo toroulo at vultlug at ur ja nawton mr jaa bhaip ha roturnod bom aft bpaudlug ft law wk with hr datighur mr a t lvna ol toronto inward and outward tb inward affacu ol humor ar wore that tb outward thay waakau ill th organa iu flam lh muooui membrane atoaeeurihahr4ttbu4 wbol uyaubt hood bareapajrllla afadlotui all humor and cure all tbalr atfota il ft graat allaratlv aud toulo biedi cln who merit ha bean vtrywbr aaubluhad aboapt u0 aubatltul th largaetatdplr id lh world 1 that ol orea hrlta baln 8 o6wur nilla aud mor tbfcu ft llxth part of lb gljb children cry tor castoria th largeal ua in th world a yet dli- oovared u id tuuroouuiyoalifornu it u 75 feat bfgb aud 106 f in olroutnfar- auo at it haa -cant- afford to jay up with grippe the active biblneu man it jiint us liubletotake cold an anybody olid becallj lie ftcli lie cannot uford to lay 1111 with it be nej- lecta it and n ucilectcd cold leads only to grippe and grippe to the ojien grave u want a h grippe capsule tiiiw ft com in tlie btul you lch it4 n tffccls iua jiffy unci it curtt lile nmnlc no iited of lay in ujv it itciw wlille ott work w wulli a pimailuitl ottw t lmthmlmh u i niy tlxuuu tjlwiue with iir lb watiltlurmi if y via lal iu1ih4j imhv llftlm utllkll klhkl u xi want a mrg couj oiuw 0 a 1u oeavllla lusur itufforar frjm li tiuubla tied ufa nna of alinoal oonalanl in leery urnwlng woraa and wurae nuloe nmptatia and lb proper remedy be taken to realore the organ la it proier ootid i linn ur joeph iouire of ilritckvill wa aoah a aufterer bot waa bepjnty relaaowt from the tmnltt by tba only modioli known to lhorou tbia importanl organ lo ua more condition on go diaeaae itaa faatoocsl upon txnur ur lrolalr willluitly gaa bar alury for ubl nation uba aald 1 lor a lung tinia i kufftred aeverely complioaliihi4 ol the uvar and dyapepela 1 would awake lu llf mor ning with pain under the abouldara aud in 1 alomaoh uy tongue w heavily ltd and t had a horrible iaal in my month eapeolally on arulug in the morti- i waa nouallpalrd and at lima my bead would aobe au badly thai i oould vfarcely ut it rt on the pillow there a euoh a burning aouaallan in my loiuich kt lima that it ml a though tbar wa a coal of flrd iu it tba pain wa eepcolally a vein after aatlng aud fur month ray ufa wa on of miaary a fruud advlead in la laka dr wluleme iluk 1llla and i did ao after ulng lh aral bos ibaro waara malarial luiprov ment and in tha con ran of a fw weak longer i fall that i wa oompleuly cured uy tongue wa cleared lh had laat ufi my tnoulb th pln illaapimaretl and i am well a taror x wa hefore taking tb vulm i had bipnahltl al urn but ll he naver a i no ronhlod mo i oan racom- mnd dr wllliame hluw hill lo auyon jio aoffer a i did dr wiuiama 1iuk hill raator health and atrensth by making new rich red hood ihua itrangtbaulng every organ in th body they do bot act merely on th aymplomif a ordinary medicine do hut go directly to lb root ufjlh troubl in thla way they our aooli dueaa liver- atid kidney trouble vheumatum paraly alw bl vltua danc heart trouble alok headaoha atiaamla and th irrvgularltle that inaka lh the ol ao many womn on of oonataul muary do not b pereuadad totaknaiiy euutltut ee that lh full iiaiiio dr wllllem 1lik iliu tor ial people u on tha wrapper around ery bor if in doubt the pill will b ant poet paid al0 cant ft hot or til box a for fcjm by addreealug lh dr willi m madtalu co urookvilu out oyeinc olmmllls iylin anij 1 1 ini woltki fiill ill an 1 ha un fnf tcullainriiii hvn ibclr iilland ovntjialo and tjidin rjmrila and llotiehold hh llaannl ml ilyrd otrlcb llumi4 arl 1 lp lril and curll 1 lyl mtill 1kllitymah agalit ianoy uootl aoton asthm cure free asthmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in all cases blnl airomjtl iy 1 nlli on ulciilll tl 1oiai wk1tk youil uauk ani1 aluuluul illinliy jfltb abbtrlirmrnls john hlmackknzik lulldlilf and contiiautoii itexl aiil alluialaa alvau on auimi actoh r o j a speight co willowbt aoton undertakers arid furniture dealers under taking in nil it branches attended to promptly and qulclly purnliur new slock sura lo pleaw our customer our price ar low soft harness teuceataakayaarbar- d a toucb aawtra by letlblulla itmwm ae too i ecdlaarlty weeed eureka i harness oh l ee a oe look t n a- 1 llkauw wade at 1 tvy u1uj tat s ill bnpahl to wluf i ute wailr brgan a keii if limjualltikjuft notice to stock breeders thern i nji5tork man wlinjorinol us nor or ua of lb following uiti anj w can uvyou money rpaom salts is lb for ijc glauber salts ib lbs for 35c ground sulphur 13 lbs fat 3jc ground halt poire 10c lb 3 lbs for 33c hock salt cac par 100 lbs liverpool back halt for meat 75c per sack canadian back sail 75c 10 ii5c per tsxk also table salt dairy salt ubl salt land sail ale etc vou will find our prices right in all unas for waara tairg important vaiealsa the guelph agaiit for woflllhtoiih canadian stock toinc lh only almolutely uaraiilced condition powdar on i ha market 10 lh bones containing 10a dotes 30c hon 6 bones for j 50 or d 00 per 100 lbs 17 lbs holler oatmeal 33c a tick i 35 whou sock i 70 ground ollcak i150 per 100 ilk alao 1 uxaccd hibbys cream equivalent ale geo j thorp i- market square cublph branch at hock wood hon6v mhotsd both comb and directed fjuota lowest prices and uy how put up samuel l lewis c0 london- inference furulalied sold by all newsdealers rufmleh moauily 1 and uuala a vaat vulu c caen wealtlaa by lh ulaf author fa gee e plan muale- batf vocal half laatni mental- cawtple rieeaa fa fl a we one a uoolb fur ceata yearly ttubaotiuuon ifyon wtl aaod ua th nam and wdreae of rirt wtll aand u paatoanare on l mano ur oraan you a aopr of tee watami ne free j w firwi pwbtlaber laith lecwel la ptillaalelpa v- rbtstnfegtantb and prevenlatives for allcontaglous dlaoasos oopporutf oarbollu acid sulphur camphof t soup whlto cantllo carbolio a old oojbollo aold and olycorlno i or sal hy a t brown clinubt and dtatiohek aoxom removed johnstone co rumlturo ooalors and undortakors llava removed diclr bulilc lo die mora central ttiul comodlous jkenilci liioun a pearsons store and vtlll the lu upply w uual erylhliik furniture mattresses springs etc special attrtitlon is fclved to uplioulerinf either in now work or repairing lecture i ramlngtsviipftclaliy all order recclv prompt attention tb new raymond sewing machln u the favorllo heronhouts and johnuone co supi ly them caries madd up to order and lloutefur- lifsllluiinhuj iu variety holler ullndi of all kind lu sfocv johnstone co furahmfl 3d o alow dc tjndortakoxfl mill st actou fetlrona old stand- guelph business college guelph ont- at tills institution youv111 b taught shorthand and lypewrltlnk hy an expert ueno- kranlier 01 seven yoaia eiperunca in nooning and ofneawork who wrlies aliorllmnd at n sp of over two hundred words per tnlnule ut this inslilyllon ynu will ta taufjhl eoomierclaj subjects mathematics 1 hnrlub rrrrtdi andgerrmin hy a practical accountant and leachoi of iwfceu years succeasiul ejiperleucd who lu a lirsl cijls honor kraduatu and teacher of the most famous american uualtics collett and ol the most proftreislv canadian university twabt and temtqiies aru representdd on the rettister of this institution its course is ihe most lhorouh and couiprehenslv of any callca of lit kind in canada its diploma u a pufipori to nood positions in the employ of uidlutf nrnii ayndlcdlo and corpora ions of canada and ihtt united stale now is a good time to enter tor day or uhjht clasc tor full uformallon call iba coluft traders hank hulldlng cr address h maocormac b a principal stock taking sale por sixtv dkvs geo stovel all winter goodd to be dis posed of at low prices felt and rubber goods at cosit call and inspect our large assortment ol all lines ordered work and repair in in ubual excellent manner geo stovel iioor hi snoi u1aluu hffton chained for ten years i i n ib nolhirtf like aaijimalcna it brings inatant relief even id th worat tiw it cufea when all rib fall iho uev c f wui i y of villa hid iii aay yoor trul boille ot aatluaa leno redived in k condition i cannot lell you bow thanklul i feel for the rooil darlved from it i waa a auve chained with put rid uim ihruai and aatbria for len year i despaired of ever being cure i aaw your dveftlemenlfor lha cum of ibl dreailful and lormonllnk illataae asthma andllioufhi you liad ovofepuken youraelve but resolved lo iflve it a irul lo my taalnniahmenl lh trial act ed like charm send m a full ailed bollle llv dr morris waotiatar lhhl of ihe contf hnal israel new york ian 31001 dxa iavi hknu mluicimk c kmtfiuih your aaihmelene u an excellent remedy for asthma and hav 1 ever and ll composition allevutes all trouble which combln wllli asthma ii snecesa is astonishing n wonderful after having it carefully analysed we can stats that asthma una contain no opium morphine cloroform or ellicf very truly yours hhv uk mohh1s wuchslek ktjuvuoomcd cottnti ultti a imbuor mi abuii for a1- wrr taaeon vil ltwuuia willa at ottee u utllt ii juvxakdku uiarrioodjt40bl kor sale tet caiureb and oiiu hlrwla aciuu lla uu xmmo peouy aummar hllotiau lueo wall bw eialuclloe lot tuy xiu wmiiul in all lupeiu tmum iwiotiibu vu pellicular ildiaaa ll lit clsteoa aluu to on to ov a71ly if uua 1 hijuitu aetuu tuumia iaaavliaw- dhtivt huoii kiiinctma co cum lim n i write thl tesllmonlal from a sens of duty having tested th wonderful effect of your asthmauna lor the cure of asthma my wife has bean nlllicted will kjusmodlc aslbmi for lha past 11 year having exhausted my own skill a well a many ulhers i chanced lo aeo yoor ilgn upon your windows on ijoth street mew otasll york i al once obtained a bottle of asthmalene my wli commenced taking ll aboul the dral of navninltcr i very boon noticed a radical improvement p after using 00 iktltle her amhma lias dl appeared and 1m is entirely free from all symptoms ifeel lliat i cancousuleuily recommend thmllclne loull wlw ar aftllcled with this ilistrculntf dlaeaie r your respectfully o d piiulrs md du tait ilwon nfiiiiiciwu co e 5 1001 dmttauij i was troubled with asthma for ai yeais i hav tried numerous remedies hut they have all failed i ran across your advert lament and started with a trial bollla i found reluf al once x have since purchased your full aire hollu and am tucr h i have a famlfy of fuur children an for sis year was unable to work i am now in the beat of health and am dolntf huslncas every day this testimony you can make such ute of as you oftt home address 335 klvlnglon slreet s kapiiaiil 67 east ivj gt new vh chy tiual hotti hkwt ahsodhtey vhe on jteotlpt ov pobtal do not delay wrlie ml once addreaaldg dr tait i1hos medicine co r 130th st newyodi city sold by all druggists pringlg guhlehi- the best is always the clieape8t7 my stock of watches was never better every one thoroughly warranted i will not sell a bad watch if i know it g d pringle guelph bargains in furs- the manufacturers want to clearzout entlro lot ot purs to make room for next seasons trade wc are the best and cheap est place to buy rura hots cap and clovga l n e lafontaine practical furrier wyndham st guclphr seasonable w gtfods w y kdelwiqk ottwau 1 or roulines of hi akin chapped hands etc laxa acord tor ihe speedy relief aud cure of colds ronu honwkcaiam oorjvamoic tor lutijs and fiilmoiiiry alloc 1 tons at siwclally low prices tohio rpwdicna 1 os horses cattle hogs sheep and poultry diainkebtatfl carbolic acid chloride of lime formilui bid ipeom salts cream ol tartar sulphur cliik l- alfresh and wllln at prices llial will b pwijiu burprlui lu buyers e win exskine skss paiiaob drdq btobhl act on ont frames frames pictur6 iprmsuted ht waters bros art store cublph abtirr surilv houuii itricfe bitoro and dwelling fp bal imiat oil iwoum solid 1 uk aue and x taaldkuee a1 uia miner of hllll ajj tttat lch huau wall bulll au year ahaoa caller ubur lite xilue lulldlo wltb brlelt beruluui ouebiui aer lod slaurn frae liom all aitnuoiliratioa vijiuiar fcitieuu upon sttheallou imj uia traoiuaa to lllul aska uouillo pine 1jrick itesldence nuatbna twoelor liuk raaldeneeoti tlowar ibe uelbotliel mlnlaiai ll lu ulna it el tare aud 1 hrtlaodullr ailaaiad dstiu at ta tuoet lnjjuur ai4laollal auat in atrtoa u uonmltuio ioaaaaalo0 flvl let jnly st vorurinaaixl partleulara epply lo voi laulstraal or 1111 kloon ielonor to slim iilaubtii 1 1 hay ll cuuulncliam ava touonto not ice to creditors in the matter of the estate o frederick glebe deceased nottck u h-sabr- fewn puriusul la llu i-vuwlhlfluu- ef oeisrlo uwt ctiep 1 anil atuliiuilnit ael uint all paraoe liarfuelluie aeslnat uia aalsle ej cradaiuk ula4 lata tot uia vjllejleot aeltm is tbecauaty at hajtee uul dacaaaad tatio dwl eu or about htntltnuyij uculwt a b ijol are imiib4 lo aaad liy pal vld or dalinr to tuiar uie uii4llaud ad mlnut later ot tb undanlcbl admlnulotrir luhr 1oal orlaalonor baioieuia hrat day of viunuy 1uqs uialr bajilae addiaaaa aitd daaerlpuoo and a jull ktalamaut 1 iarueuun al uielt alalmaroperly verided ant u balere el the security tl anr bal by iba en and that tin tiiadutaiy aflartbe aral day el vabtoaxy 1009 uaaaajd admlnulratar blxladmliiuuauls vlii rrrooead lo dutrtbula uia aaaata of iba aald iuohuj anioo uia bulla eatillad uiateso bavlaranluiily to the nlajai tit tden tbaf abell ilian tiaebalkabil thai thay will dot beluuiuferlbasaeeau so duulbuuj otley pajtl uiarao loamy arbimi or mnom at boea debt or elajm lliay sliall uat tlwi bav beuea cliaulul uiuiteu admldutralor- hauah qjmuu ailtulduualrls tjul at hanover this nisi day il jsbaary au ljdj now t1 the wise purchaser looks about him for lliehest cutter and hlelgh lo buy i havo a very full stock ofculleraandslclghs ol my own maka which you should inspect bfor you buy i also have a larj variety of second hand huggies carls waggon sleighs and cutler which i will sell at low price lo tear them out i have tlie best make of hool pulpeia weigh scales aud hag trucks on liand j n o lstbuul atouaktoww the lonit distance telephone is the idesl hapld transit long distance xbcreiseathajuwsed mnllbuul tlpw over- time charge tlie contract department wllj furaiih pirilculars tho bell tclopliouo co- orcanadar t f sainrti teuanri its trtaulisi mjliul neu vutl 1hiuu11u aaj tcruela call early and avail yourself of hi valuable services as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of charge no jues work hut a scientific certainty difti- cult cases accurately fitted all wouk uakantkun ialilw tll 4 ahkaa wltl h u at aghew hotel ackon oh dkv omlv thursday february 3ih excelsior bakery and grocery- in atldlt ok t r daily supply of f rat htcol our own kplylutf 1resh class llroad cakes lluus iimtiuuctim- md are now uyslors of the lieul brands our ovate hurler u now open and paironwlll fmtl their orders filled with enllr utlfactlou a larger stock of crocerlo aud hio- vulous than ever liefcro and lh public u our price 1 are always reonble t 3tatham30n main 8t acton a silver watch ladies or gents size wwtofll kta l ulwi eer it l4i lairirhlkl- hhiuwi mifv wii i w niii aw j mahy saf 1 su h1 ia vifli i uta tal a lvul fcl i i arnold mbdicimk co dept w h toronto have you a financial head a fittauoil head will seek a tailor who bot only make good clothe that 111 but wbo make thcui al lilting price w ar making up suits at very tnoderat pri thl y ay rttei f no reduction however in iuallly of hoods or til hverylhlug la elegant comfortable abd lorroct wm oooler kmciiahr iaiuin mill rcton sshf aaj raa j

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