Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 16, 1902, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoruibankingbu3norio transaotod corroopondonce solioitod savins jhpniliihiit inlraii f all au upwtriu iiav ul wuluiiawiu iluya in drawing money mm of oni ioi uni ilay l ilrill ir nuloiiinbl u fai nurs ituiiiies4 iiiu rollclir1 nolo ol ro ilt ito1 b i ii ay lonral i r brut oaiuin bunitloaa jiurk a our collict idii diipaiiiirnl iiu ovtiry facility lor liialiliij ion i returns bale notm handled mi i iiionoy advanced un account of time at low rale of inlcreal traveller tn iiollcod lliat llin hank o llton bml iib llrancliea laun clrcul fllio rnvlnclil hank ol itiat ihil willi w noloi limited char which call ifci caaliad wlllin n uhln in any part i i ll hiab oliici ttfmiiion eillllhrj til j capital paid up siq9575o reserve lund 1500000 total asscti 17071 jq jauuil rubriuuli caaliler b rorsayelll agint ooorgotown brntioh i002 wall paper dfrm 1 im now uaion finds u with mora wall paper than ever 00 300 ilollji lu s oclt w frskinf will show you sample ruy from lilm am you will la tip 10 jala room moulding to match ckas la nelles wjllr rafxm ooeiiph 9cijettnrt frte tts tuuhrjllii jandauy 10 iiwj uttle local brieflets whloh ctutiht that uyom of umrm o praa praam rsdortora tti im woi tin fall of bqow last prlday improved tb alelhlnjt vry tnuch hv hambcpberaon pioethad auulv eraary mrmaoi at ullled uil sunday tb early morning train idw mil at anion afc ji itild of fl s3 aa haratofor ui- jobii ll cook baa kindly miit ilia pais pax oople of tli bpokaua waab caroafev meaerr w blrk and t ii hardin bav mod teppoloud auditor or ih current yr 1- tba anion fhkh i uku has our thank for one of th baudom ulaiiilar isauad from lu office tba anion ixkic puk and hamilton tmt laaoad vary attractive oaleu lard ihi yaar oskvlllrrvn m mroani7df khojtouiuic t ry acceptably in knox ouuroh on sun day lu lb abaeuo of ill paalor the acton vault puktu 1003 oalaudar 1 r goot plana of prlntluu aiiita orodlt to uf moor fcrlfitio uiu dripion uiun baarjmor a fla tif to it 6tr uiacfl ii 0 000 oord of hammk batk durloif tb uaxl thirty iuy tbl will tan noma llvly bnudlliiji lllaioinuhaya maoyi mm wbo w la tba baiula of hi frikuda uit wk tnui bv thought on monday that tliay ha4 lalodtblniviryiiddnlj jjodga oorbain who wn anrvolutd lo aoocfltd juxun hmiltou of tin county court w au btturday ljkiiij juda of ih jrrotato oourulf fhpouiity tb aoton lfikk iliuw willi ti uaual tarnru bat luuad aftry pl calendar urn moor will ilm4 nocat our baaviy ibaok tor ih or itnl lo ihi oftlo i ii kit hy tukiil nta one of your 1mj3 ojj wudii tbaukiuil you kindly lufcdvauo i btf lo lamalu vry rmpaolfolly llaw john o armilrouii ohloao iii nullo tumor wlilcb f aouis loollli ti hi elfool thai iba oarraut 1 booaual uf lb aniallpoit c aulou u m towa u rjoraollud nd that tb trti do bot atop bar ar ai rljioulou a they ar untrue only one iioum mnj ilia laolallou iioi ill tin urutlij iu aoton ibar i ua ntl for any uiur bo3i tb anuudld nrrnuimut uiad e1 lb oul bv ooiifluaijab iiimiu lo tb pu bound anion im u fra hitbif ooura ollb lhdoujtikds world a any town lu cauad and buaua aohoola au i cburoha ar all in 0rtlon aa trfty ai mtmt tlly wf w1nthw ohduh8 vou tjtlpnina dulivuhv j u lubilluu kuotrm mpuuniautbl work al uualitb now ukfiiorjar for ornoltahduarbu muuuuiaiilh to b i i p lit tb aurlutf at rajunl lft- willi apuoaid now oloitrlo and yuautuallo maobioary tbl aaabllbuul i abl 10 axaoau far tuor and bltr work ibau bratotor and lu odr lo kp tb maobioary ou all vlftl- vy low ip a kjntf u- fu o dow call at lb work or dron a oaird lo j u uamllud clulfb tbravmiauyfwotu wbo dy iol 4qm lb injhninl of auitj p-ll- nbooortatbaydld tops thecouohand wohktf 6iu off rhk cold the news at home munllvpf a loan charaoior and uvorv item intoroatlne tjii acton at a iiimllik if alston ilranob of tba national hanatarliim aaaooutlon will b brll in tlo oouuoil obamlyar on friday ivnnlii m1 im ilia oollootor for lbs aolon c i will llt u jraparad lu rt1 j k jodimchirin ipriattwowl vmui lt mr wmo ily if- uurabamd from jdxjuablun or rjlta iak atno hlawji iki own boniaalsad hprlahool farm loltll doii j naaaagawaya tba property ooinj rlaoa jooaoraa and a a flna propartr i i a jl w 670- 0 mr iby talieluiiia llaukaimajl tu and wll rtmiiii fiom tnwu to hi tiw n lbl wak tii wuuitmea net ooloar ii fflot of tba woodman of lbs world f aolon omp mo fij bafa baati inallllfortbapraaaiil tarn aa follow 1 0 utl jmii 0 a a ituorl a jf ours vlttt clotk umvtf ignw llakrjiii wluoli 1 outj v- rl wau1 iuuv llylr hnilily ldnr iwijal gf run ilubm 1 umj jtfopfoh hcjcrtvll cottvtlt ihn annual ooilvalltloil of th vouiitf loiu hoc lie of tli iraabytary ol oilljli will bd bell in iraatou mxt mon day jotli iul lluro will b afuruoon allluvalllu hoalilllm iolo tlativa to lb wnnlmur lulh will orou lb afloruimii hav ii a maopbaraon will upoak on tba quill a lo aoma bi llad objrut of fforl hoox cbrittlan ld doavor qoojaly wl rbbly mod a good dialloa uolou flour uiu jla haunluj aolon may oooaldar baraalf fortonat lu lb fact that 111 aolou ilolur mill bav bfh aadurad by o thcroujjhly praotlaal jmttg j ml vtkltltful bervlaa itoi at iba inatalulinn t tbo walkar i klr a 1 at i a m l mr w ll kniy fallhf illy perform 1 tba itiilo lo tba olfloo f hnrrtry i r olavnn yoar waa i raaoula i hy no 0 4 vo baa irlalniii i l jub a batilai i f nil alt olf link phi atxf wateh charm qranil ttltl t in vary i nn umnnlary eoh mr kantiay wlio wa tburou aur datd fllllutfly tbaukl tbo bralluvn foa- thrlr kiud raookiiltlon of hi aarvloo and aapraaaad altioara tbaiika for ll a vkluabla h rao another north wvmi 1 iit mr john ij klbl iorl i in ranawintt til i waa 1 uh orljitlf ti ay wo ara bawlnii a ry ll la wlitr an i tba paal aoa n w m poi aruua out fir farmara liurraboul i lib all maul and honlbor in that ixiautlfu iilll luwil wbloh wy f irnr bod ba py and roa arou nw yaar ibodhb ibar la k1 1 ra1 it laiil aud wur balwaii lrnl ll a my inlud ofuti wan ara baolt m ibu 1 10 wlira i apanl my ul daj wl a w in aolon workhik i did not knbw wl al it wa lob- lirrd or lo bavu a pain nor an au r and i it laa when ibaro a 1 am rlnln in tb vicinity i atn not ytfortoltmi i hop lo be tba dear ol i pl tju aoin ily coming and going- vlmltora to and from aoton n various othsr porianal notoa rw7w mohlrr nrrt aak ilia rojiarly for r larm of 1 urooio clulnl tuu jx m 11 jj ib iaiila fir wbo b yoar from mtun luardtnor co moahlar and hi aoti mr 3 h moalilar arrivrd on monday au 1 will bav tba mill in full ruiiuliiif onlac 111 a- faw ilayf uto fdrniar of tb vicinity ami tb publlo ganarl y will glv lb muin mojhlr h oordlal wdoonia and wuhj lhm avary iuocjui hie mill praprly i now in oral oli ooiidhlou and with their lontf ax parleno lu lbs bualnaa lb haw proprietor will no doubt b ab to ulv aiitlm all faotloti to all llialr pilroit fbey oom lo aolon baarlti ih bljhab iroonimaoda lion a air or m ah i lob wheat will b ro ivbl ihi waak tbulbiti soataty ueetittg th annual mbailtifi of aolou brunch of the ujnr canada illbl boolaly to ho ball on tusaday maaa mb ilt i roniitr to b an uuuautlly inluruallnk annivartary of lbl itip3rlnl orkaiiixt lion iuv x alurt moor paator ton tabaruaol ifaiollloii i lb hpaakar of tb avmilnit and blnj an aolon boy and twanty uva yaatt aq ad i lor u th yuuh vtut u wuob luuratt wlll b fall tu hi part of ih aarvlo the muicil iwrvlc iii b of unusual xtltaqo a choir of aoiii ho voloa lindjr tba laadarahlp of mr 1 wallao will uail lu iho bymna and randor a apleudld antbsm during lb wa owluif lo a vary lara attmdano baiii aullolpalad ih axooutlv bav olian tba plao of uaatlng from tb dliclplea cburcb to knox cbnrob mr a t mann tb 1raaldaol will uk tb balr at y m o olook lb pnbllo antral ly will b wtloouied at tli uiaatlnij jloooruj var mamlmm lb oaslpb rujrroord tb following ioloroilim acoouut of ih praottatloii of a royal lluioau tioolaty madal lo albait claud hamilton adn of aid jtobu it ii ami i loo of dualpb wall kuowu it acton au avaot unuauat bot of iuteua iulrl rjuully tratiaplrad in tb mayor obambar la tbaolty hal xburaday aflar noou it waa lb praaautttlon by mayor kuudy of lbbroni modal of tb hyal ilutnan soolaiy of canada to albart clauj ii am i ion aoii of aid john h hamlllou th inoljant lu which tb lad dllitijulabd blmaalf occurred on lb a 33ud aumutrjjwo atll batbjlio waua jackaou and laura hall foaur war blh inu and jaltlni byoud ibair daaplb war dauyar of bcioy drowuad younjj hamilton want lo tbalr aaalatano aud by oool and paruiuut effort brou bath a fa lylolh landlfl aug hi barolo oru uuol bavlnrf biaiubroogbttst attan lioaltbtrltoyal llutuiuia baolaty and duo oomtldaratloatfiavlu baati lvn all tbaolrcuitiataufia of th oaa it wa da elded lopraiiiit lb boy with lb brom medal tba acoond hlgliail boner ooufarrad by lbs aiioolallou tb hamilton boy bav won liliil dlallnotlou for bravry lo uavlny llff four yaar ajjo htinuy 1 a boy from drowning nr goldla mill ou ilia icooni of january 1603 blanlayand harry aavad paltr obrlatu aud norman klrhy al iba kramo brhl tbelad ward n fjtl faat fif wlf aud the re cue wai aocumpllihad wilb tiiuob lftlaully rtlioinla ii tb do family urnlal at an tuauy lualatio of pino of mini coolnaa aud bravary untlr trying olroutiialauoa aid hamilton biay wl bd roud of hla boy tit huimu w cm ilauadloal htallb otaait and loddl hoard of lloallb ar fllun aitrauialy thankful till inorolny lb parlod of ddvalupiuatil of auy turthar oaa by out aid parti w wbo uilubtpoaall ly hav oom ojulaot with lb llydar brolbar ha now pitaod aud lb lowu i fra from any additional da vlopmol of lb dlaa uy prompt aud vlllaul inaaaura takaii by tba loal aulhorlllea tba dlaaaa baa uu coo fluad to tha one family in town mr vaooa la now ailrly oouvalsaoeut and tba olbar mambar of tb family ar progr alutf vry favorably ur uodyalt 1ro vlnclal luapaotor wbu wa invaallallnu thoaati in lqjialti ulu mll away who war at flril dlanoaad by a oaara town doctor aa hayliiu obiokau pox but whloh are ouarly smallpox vullad aolou ou in j ay dr hodnalu jprad bl appraelatloii of iba vary oomplol arrant u aula mad liar for iba atanij laj out of lladhabby ibalooal hoard of hi in very com imauliry lerma lie nya if mmlur vinllane anil oar bal bn obnarvad by otilclal nurally ibroumboul tha pro vino lhf would bav kti wuqb of lb dl- ha daolaroj lb faaru of auy aa to fur i bar qouttmlou br may jiuw ih oouiplalaly at a tvi jlnlou la a aaf to oil i mil a or vlailor a auy rail way iralu or i ubllo build i u any plao lu tha irovlnoa hi loaij1or i of health baa noliattd tba lrjvlaolal lord that oinimuaatl ui will b ouimnd from lorou tu jtinollou for th akmua luourrd by lb appnaraiio of ih dtaaaa bar aud llialr avldailo i ooinuiuu a lo lb utu uuu of th juuotioy mdual hatth ollluor a almllar oaa of i oui th tomu uf mlloliall about f j 000 laal yaar loca uhiur- 1 tu mr wlliam milvln b urolud barbarity bu iikri in htratfur i 1 d i unw oorafurlably inaialul ibarf iu will nol ramov hi utnlly to lha c ail city fr iba proaant ilia william roivo1 from hi tiolar who roaldoaat punddk a brauti fillly written laltar of flvd jji on iuaalay th old udy i hi her altjlityalxtbyaar and allll in axoallnt 1ib1i4i vary arinila oalan lr or iba wttrt yirwl uarnctrf an nflirtttlpliti iiiaurano ci buva lut u rro iv i from kfhir jainv maitbrwa an 1 j j panny iba biul of th re pro iva cnmpaule over thirty farttiara from adjuluinu townablp brought in alook lo maairt h dr j uolniai drovara la l thupday iiok abaap au 1 liub ucrr ailpml and lb farmer raoilwad 1 j50 otih for tham rii aolon i- uuu i iiita lt wrak aant lo anati of it aubaorlbar ahaii mm culaii lur for 1002 wdoouifratul in thfi well known i ubllahar on hi lhoiyliifuit04 an i cptar pria jlia faaa hm lanoia throughout lb provlnoe for rlvlnif only wbal la ho i in tha una or trlullnn yu ia ht ou xuwlay all rr noon mr a lam dinar um hauul lha bitfiiafl loid of himlook bark thl waa ovr tamaj fronr tha o t h hiatlou to p rdupra y qa tannery it waa i ft lonif u faat wid and u faat hljih txnl nj8ii cord tlio load welifhoj is 903 p unn or nearly 74 toua milton craul councillor auailn of ihr ho lemplara atlun lad the annual ooiiveullon of tba h niton county iliyal lamplar a dlilrlot council tb con ve n i ion wai bald lu tba itoyal tamplar ballon tliurajay afternoon and evoulutf d uil ward prvaanl from aoton campbiivllboakvill and mlllo council uittriol com w j arniatronff of milton preildd tba tiro- vfnoul iroiilbltlou oonventlon waa vior ly dlaomaad tli du1auaoa expratatd tbamulva atronly auilnat tba proposed prohibition blnooullnftntupau a iltiia ruajorlly or poroautai vol- au amphatlo raaolulroa v- uuaumomy alonud and ordered lo b forward to prrmlar itoi nalllnff uponblm to introduce a roblbltlou bill al lb praaaul iaa on ti u vmmu 1 lpli- all it reader la oaa irll lit ui it la qoluiun ii ou or jour duod vi on li tfawaf oimbolnuyulit or ll you tiaya lo uvlitiitf y 1 dt01 a cud la iba lfaaa mr h 1 lor top fdaiimiu apantfrlday in aoton mr oliall moore of toronto auliomi over muu lay mliauuob lt on hlurtuy for her home u ilk ml hon miaa i fxala utiuin lavllllnil jlndak ii0r11irii mill dr clay apanl monday in hla for mar bum iii lrkblll ml j0i0 nioklln i p 1 lhill a uoupla of week in laoauo mra j adam la apandlii a week or arj wltb bar aou lu dalroil mlob mr hujhod iliicll removed lail weak to a fnm ib4h vlalnliy of london mr huwanl walaon of tofuolo la vlalilutf at lb home of mr henry orludll iuv j h lloa of harritlon wa a tfuoet at ht albati jroi aui nn monday aud tuoj ay- mr llobertkanuawiuandblaaon jama of bhelburn load aolon friend a brief vultonualurday mr jama wllaoll waa in oualph ou hu urday attending tb fuuaral of bla aunt mlaalhafatlaraoil mr vj rjnnblandmifiia alundad lb waddlnk of m hill murray aud mia juulo wllaou in rill townablp ul wed neada iuv a w itloharjaoi or kuinaloa formerly or tbeooriielowu aud dburcl congrogatkitwl churobe hi dcouled to laaaa lb balnllry au i will u lo lurop to alu ly madloln mr aud mra thorn 11 bumarvill or lltilehoua apnl two or litre day with anton frunli luiiiiktli wa thla w your jose 1 uil ii a thar i what you alioul i i rrail o tl r bot your rpouut hut there may bo tlnir nbi y ra urjh t o had you rait i 1 rralltn llu ilreauilnff itiru ijii llm ih i alwaja bad for lha lime m it li tviiuhy 1 rtien their dellral tlieuea tinvn i rr 1 n nd by tlm acromu tia r n blood on which catarrh ilrixo alfred k ylngaa iiri oral xn la aiifforad from catarrh for yrara iii t felt bad there waa m rliicii in hla rare and ha could n i breathe through 1 na or hla noalrlla imr rlear hla head j alur lyliui aavrtral catarrh fir from wtilli ho darlvrd im i ennfll lie waa omptnlely rurr 1 arrordiiiir to hla own uoni art r tiy hoods jlarsaparilla tnl ereat mndlcln fed ally 11 1 r- rnanenlly otiraa ratarrh by tl miklncc ho blcxxt eitd hull llr tf till ii h wl in xyolrtn fishl fish i just received hard at it ufa rilui11 lie call uo jw g4 o ll att n i whlli 1 lah ml 01 ill i aj irlnirrrl i ircli ci 1 i 1 1 i 4 i 5 il liaada off qrkngg benefit lay v v ill u11 lrtem tho notod let btohe cuina palace f wc are hard at l here at boillk i s iimii from 1 partment hantint out ijirfjains for you an lion t bictm is the real point in honcit mi rch uhiiiiijj md tin fict tli it a liargain here in print is a bir un at thr store is the larijc t rcison for tne facf th it it p lys id buy at bollerts pre day needs- otsck lores good rtdur ed good re duci d a irnalur la nn oaary l rif tb r nmtivq dromoqiilnlnc m a ldmll ulbt i iii a f lb hanula l4a j cuelph uuu evehton tba auuual bualneaa nieailuit of lb ulaolpla ooiiffrattallon waa hold hal friday aveulnif wbau ho ltdu tarved tia and an enjoyable avanluu waa apanl mr marabau apnl a fw dau laat wak wltb bar molber uaar corwbln ml- m rjkrril of mimosa i iimndlii a weckoraowitu mi jaokaon laat tburad nluhl ll following ofufwr war eluotsd by tba 0 o c f court bar for lbs current yaar obiaf 0 jobnbuular vic 0 lit qnlallboro hoordr w if hortop treasurer m foraaur irtula mra ranion mar ibajlritirrtwardauh talbott uard u jul in ranlry qo ltobart aon orfjauial m foreatar ilsprownla uva to o rand court w ii hortop al urn at win darbar and mua foraa tar thbth1no qadiae llaaa- day hiiih jt rrylrttf tlm for mothara whan oraat curm and wtrjhfulnaa rw naoef mury thar aoarcly auy parlod in baby aarly i if rulring ureal walpbfulnaaa ot b par lot lb tafllbar lbao w buy la ualblur altnoat luvarlably tb litil on auffer knuab plu la roaa raillaaa- aud bbjbl htjulfiniajlo muoh oartl toolbar urbi6ul lookiou afur u uut tbrr at tbar real dauyara friqutnlly aoeoaupauylnw lbl parlod thai ihraiuna baby lif llaelf amoutf tbaaa ar diar rboati indlalioii oollo oouill allon aud ooavuuioo tba prudaul molbar will aullulpala aud praveut ibaa troublaa bj kapiut baby itunaoli aud bowla lu a uutural aud baaltby ooudilion by iba ua of ilabyaowu xabula a mdlolus radlly lakau by all olnl iran aud whloh daolvd lu waur may bo uiveu with parfol aafaty lo avail a uaw born infant in avary boma ubr4 ibaaa xabkta ar uial bby it brigmaud baaltby aul tba molbar baa raal oom fori wltb it an i dnaa nol haailato to uil brulbbora mr oj dlunay urookvllla bayo i liava baan ylvmy my qltaan uionlba bid baby by a 0 tab lata whauavar htoiaaary for aoma ruonllia pail uba was eathlnn and waa croia aud ratlea har uuma war iruril aud in flauiid after uiluji thalablftla aha urew iull the iuflamuiitlou of ilia jjunia waa roju6 and bar uatb dl 1 tj t acriu to bulbar bar auy mur au liiilrovainant in baby a oaudluou waa uotloaabla aim at al ouos and 1 think iharukautulwllar modi ohia for uatbiiift bauuti lly 0u xablau nan b proouradftviiii rfnijuula or will baaanl poatpald at jb olula a box by addreaalutt tba dr vllin malloill jo hrookvlltv qui a 0uauan11 h- i hereby barllfy ibat i bav mad a oaraful obaiuloal aualy al of haby own tallata wjih i paraou ally purobaaetl at a druij alora hi moulrval my aualyalu hi prova 1 that thu itbtata ooutalu abolutaly no 01 uu or 1 aiooliu that tby may imvwii with irfaatafuly tutb youiiuml infant thai limy are a aaf au 1 filiouul m llolua tor tha trout uj ihry ar ludloatad turallav aud curr millon 1 hi hill v m v ho irovlnuul aualyat for lieur miulrl do j i ll01 larvllla brit viait aluo bu 1tct aoaidit l t v i h4 w with a druloh ft cmii i bwaokhamrr koo of mr auttlu hwaokhamir who u 1111 q th unltad ejulaxarln jamla al 0u6 in 1000 la at praaut atrvlug th th marine guar lof th warabip roozfy al cavil phllipineiud iur b c mralill ii a or wood- atook pi t monday in town lu lb inter al of uuua b lj el hod u i otdfoh wood gtook w 1 h ormjati lo tintoraaeeo clr oumatauom i hi ned of financial help ih friend of tli oauaa her auboribed 33 35 to aalat in th very worthy objol r p eaenltd bv hu marlial nookwoqrj ilov h h uarabalito a or wood a took vlalled rv w ii qaruham h d on tuaaday xlia praib trritu ooncraailou ita d elded lopoatpou tb inatur n ohlg a uilnlkter kutl ilia urat or u a roll mr ualhxlilty randvy uohocl olaaa irtaiud him villi a ailver mouulwt oan al new yar tba harria woollen mills ar 1 fall operation auain tho malbodlat huuday sobool will ahortly preaaiil ha oaniala tb children of dhhlehom tba frillouiuij otrloer of llookwood lodt a 0 u w war lailallad laat friday evening t r if wj ulebardaon u w lobrt limtt vnremaii j j ijaoua oyimmkj w vairklaa luaorur v x u4y vliianclrj w kuowli ltlvar jos oroll aulda ju vllalinuiruir j w johii oburu o wjil rtebarjaou uarahalloo uuula u i i truah jama dray harirmoullv to qraud lojja j aldaui alurtiau t luudy jan 1 g a the right house liltawalmjlu iiamilion s lavohitl siioming ii4c1 january clean up sale wo ro cloarlnkoiil all ll odl liueaund yoil reap lb advertlar soma of tba tbltut ar way up hi pjalhy and iho low prices aro only jwwaible iwcaum of thadcalre lone rid of l em 11 waul your help 1 price tilom to clean ujj tba slock and w hal american anil and 1 1 ylkh i inlnga sxtllclait and pcrcallnss all perfect and in ioi jiades nf llifli t grays fauna brown and black ho yard formerly 17 and aoe 37c yard formerly 13 3j and 3hc velvet vclvetfenubrdllfril al jc formerly 75c yard ol itbtnch silk volvel mouly dark ahath at 75c formrrly f 35 yardfor your choice of 3t iwoi is inch bilk velict in itht pd dark bade al 3c formerly 30c yard for 34 inch colored velvetttni in n variety of light dark and medium hade uilnbto for woltlt etc al is formerly 65c yard lor lllit and dark hade in jj inch colored valvalmn nbrrlnlitou xfnuitclf 1t yards formerly 30c for ah inch all wool cray vbnni plalu or will abd iborouf ly ahrunk jj yard formerly 10c for i 1 iliili flaunalelles 3 incliea ui c 1 kood pailern loaelcct froni in fast colors and lieauy quality llfruk ifrklrrwrnt kcjuecd wnman a all wool undo r wear heavy winter make ahlr b doublo hreaaicd and ralwd ahlrta and cuff t rawer irouaer nnlabe1 arwt ribbed ankle tlieii vance from to 40 in ablrls slid ji lo 3h in drawrrs former prlcr co 0075c each clear 1 11 ti now at 50c garment fena all wool fleece lined under blrts and drawers hautholly finlihed and in all alien regular price- 7 c bflc and an roe were i each clearlnj no al dje rmtnl fttl 30 for hulrt were ma to wi ii lack uud colored baleen under allrls in a variety roods ta aixea klprclal frirru ou luril at 1 10 formerly lis 3 l neb pancyibi ick drt suplcu jcduccd j fancy good reduced colored dr s gond reduced ladies ondtrweir roduu d ntidicseleclnc se il tcket with s ihlr i rimming rerul ir price 50 00 to in cleared at iw50- a spcci il dr count of 25 per c nt off til lidieb arid mies jtflct of course this is a hnrfviin i tore rit wouldnt he trui to the public il it wasnt btriin r here oinewhcr cverj day but evtir d jut now the arc here every where astrtchatt cape high carrln blors collar al 3j formerly priced at ao o llectrlc beal caperlne wlll alaaka sable al tu 1 ormarly priced at ian caper no of flcclrlc seat sable collar long bonla t at 3 rormerlypricl al i5 riallle sul hull at j rormerly priced at 30 iluffa of blue opoaaum in aslracban coals we have ibem in leiirlh from 4 to 36 incite and rd alfroo lo3i- apecully pried uil ordrrtt kfcrclve tntcfal mu1 prompt attention thomas c statfcins king sk host cor hughson st hamilton cnbwsonb colfneils month uaaara wm carroll and obarlas oambl altaudcd iba williojjlon oounly tamper anoaconvautlon hl i in friu on monday as da from lb mlhodut sunday qobool bar mrc j itlmabawrlwvilu vulud frleuda bar on bunday mr and mra t j davijau caladqnu apant a oouplo or days nil wk wltb friend hera mr n u wantiboroosb vlaiud iluja tnahurtbixfak maaari joaapb ctvweoo u4 xlobejb colemau who liava beau al n uut villa for tivaral niontbs raluruad boma lut wiav at iba auuual uiiitifl iba following t ofiloora and taaoliara war tlaoud far tba melhodul sunday bohool bar for 1003 bur 1 11 wauabojrotisb jlul hull win carroll haeralary oua qaubl traaurarboa hallaa qraanuu lira ll wauabaaouali and uu ht lflfy ladliarauauia ii wanabarouxb aua w y dray llr want borough aud uuh ij uooraaud hiuahclur mr m lrawwo ir t liom laat weak from q qoaljlt qural hospital where ha umlsrwtnt traalmam for bl sya ha i now on a fair way to raoovary lort boiuawbara lxtwu auurlia and luuut two roldrn 1 oora each sat with y xiy diamond mlnutaa mo reward la oifared for ibay ar loit forevar to lure a c in onk oav tnko taviau llrouio qululua tabuta a irucauiarntuul tba in quay if ll alia to t v w jrf jrava kl absolute security genuine cartels little liver pills must tlrjiar slgrlntura of 3 ivksilla wr ualaa ebmnants of dress goods flannelettes linings towelings tweeds linens cretonnes sheet- ings cottons silksrbto also ahos fc of qdd lines in ldiesv cjiildreris and mens shoes jill at greatly reducad prlcas ti claar buforrstoclrtaldng we have a few ladies jackets natty new garments which we will clear bhis week at prices which will insure immediate sale come early and often hgnderson jutlll stkcton go gcuelphs greatest sale of dry goods and clothing 18 now going on e r bollert co 2i and 27 wynilliam st fttikiju brrgmjns bhrckins htgurhevs old store truibbdue 1 a cardinal in lura of our ueeklj rtore nowj when wo promlu eacepilonal value no ona li joihj 10 lu dfuppolnii that is why ih iii salt i 1 cl a pronounced aucce a shopper como wlih cniifideiic lu wing ih 1 grnd and valitei will bajuit as we kay snaps for this week dfbss goods we arc r lo cliroulur dre s gobds thio ctk if slices will do it now is your dinncc t lnens and towellings lixtri due p ytmliu in tin di liccs at jour own pncts snap in ladies whilcwcir mirii hats to eleir at vi ti low pru corsets worth from 751 to si 25 to clt ir it jsl klu gloies regular 1 00 to sji 25 10 clttr it 7kc groceries 2 lbi fr iu unr for sioo salmon i0cr can 7 bars soap lur sii 4 lbs best prunes for h matthews mili- blukbt acion j big bargains bis rornovl cloarlrii sato at 99 wynbham st as i bin leaving my pretent premlles hatlnf rente clark iba iewelr i am icohif lo hoi i a manimoth cl iba monlh of january commencing saturday i very colorel ihl in my tloro at exactly ah cap at ona third off regular prks hare tin a in underwear clovea mills overcoati walerrin tweeds worst ds suitings all ijo al alaufibler prlceadunnb ihe sale don i forget lha dsia ut to uruik morning jan ly half i 4th f prlca saturday morning jan 4th at r7e7grsoiis 9wy7hiirr7tt13trenh hello i there my friend where areyotrgoisg why i am coinp to goodoves store next door to the post office thats where i alwajs ro lor my roods and they carry a large and neat stock of groceries dry goods and crockery as they seem to have just what jou aslt lor cery time yes and now i hear they haverccicd a fresh steel of red herring and all they ask for them is ic a box so there is no reason for a lellow looking fishy when he can get them so cheap as that now as i must be going 1 advise you to go and see for yourself the good bargains they olter you hoping to meet you in their store many turns in the future 1 will say goodbje for the present yry aal al a 1 mimuucir carters w jtu roi diniaim roi tiuoumi foitoiiibuvu rsi csainpatiaa rai uiuw ti nutmchraiisa cube sick hgoachs we want to sell 15000 worth of dry goods and 5000 worth of clothing this month before we start the alterations and before we take our annuaf 1 inventory can we do- it we think we can there are are not majiy jf any careful buyers who will not appreciate the advantages of this early sale it an occasion during which money finds its great- st iqtiivalcnt on houoofuiniohingo cottono diooo goods linona blanket milliribiy flnnreottoo cuitainu meno furniuhinga mons roadytowaar suitj and ovocooatj for full price list n ad the guelph metcury and 1 herald d e macdonald bro cuelph mid winter saturday january 4rth we commence a clearing sale of all winter goods consisting of clothing dress goods mantles furs millinery etc every purchase here for the next two weeks wll be worth 25 per cent to the purchaser j a jlcintosh rib son tt upper wyndham st guslph

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