Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 16, 1902, p. 2

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lt4rbir oouwqnahiupulll mu lujvjol li he ur uol 1ruj mm loiuuuf william coumtn f cruu oortiara ui jennie aiui daughter tiiouim end aley wolaford anion liuaaaiwiijaoh at lollo cum 3 krin i yyinmltt nth jnur by iuv couhcilb meeting thd mmbara tko thojlr boat- with vly lltttacoramony tub oranpinu uommitthhb municipal i 11 alu nay nl lutiir j wile allof uiii 60 i thurhdayjanuahy 10 1wj uottolflal notkb hi jllllllflll asall ii tub dqc wad fatal reported that thr wllllini maodoneld has mont utllou mr itoeaauorar utiljz- 000 or tha purpose of providing leaching in domostio adance u girls in the lublii kohoola thai will uaulllclant to make ai mpetlinent on a modes t aoala mr williams geaeroeity la lu ba oomtn ended 1remur llobuu make hit definite ktalemaul thai the manitoba prohibition ml will not u allowed bal thai it will ba referred to a vol of lbs people betoro being taforcad legtalatlou providing or ibis will b luuoduoad at lha approaohlog suasion and lha tefanndam will ha liken immediately alur the prorogation of the uoaa id town of aurora has appealed against the dacleloo lit mr duatloe load who decided that the municipality oould boi legally bonaa faotury to iba aitant of tloooo as wm4om by aurora causing a removal iom markbaved it u thooght by ajovaml tauoielpal mau of ajcparianod tbat the aruold bonus given by jeorgeto klandd lu a similar relation it lim been decided to tamiuau 1erlla- uguial nisclim nf a hli aoaordiug lo tha alelulory i t iha council chamber a limk on monday morning iiiun lett after lubenrlhluif 11 tliodxlaratljiiaofumcmuilflunnaliici took thoir iilaoaa a follow luavo juhil willi couoollliraj a llendereou george llynda if riavaakiiamrnar and john auuem movad by j i hit a llendereon seconded by george llynda lliat lha haeve and tin inuver and acoundar by a oomnillue to alrllfo ilia auudlne dommltu for iho cur- ton t yr carried lb conimltloo rallied arratiflad tbalr dtalt of ooititiiltlaaa ajid reporud an followa fliianot jio a lloodaiaui chairman cleorua uyuda j la mid walkau ttwaokliammar obalrmali j aunaw and tlia haava oematery tba lleova obalrmali and 11 hwaobmdir iarkj aifnaw obalimati and u uwaokbamtici vlroaud iiiilituaor hfaat obalr- tuatt tba luavoaiijf jobti a houfwaod towu hall tbd hmb obalruiku and leoro jfjndu w oad by j n a houdaraon aaoouilad by ceo hyilda uial llia rauori of tba oom- tiilttm aipolnle4 to airlka tba atandliilf ooramllteaa ba adoptad utrlad tba annual lly law to appoint auditor for lb moolclfallty of acton for i ho yoar of 1wj waa introduoml aud paaod wltb tba uiual ptocoodluk wlilutu burk and t if uardlutt bnit appolnladta tbo ofqoa oouooll adjourttad to inaat in tba avail ing at 8 oclock and on oary altarnala hfoti- dy at tba aimohour dorlntf tba yaaf albert qtanlay doiaahimuulf with btryuhnliib nttlio coat jrhlo llfo a tirllit ynuntt ufa waa vfljicd oul laat itluy aibt ibrouijli uioraiiua ut tba rualiaa of ht dkadly jlnt alryotinlii on imilay allarikhin allwrl hlanlay a homa iltjy of oibteoii or nllitoii oara wbo had- bwi worfalng for mr ltourt wallace of lot ul coil 7 nataatfawoya waa in town and oalli at llrtiwita uru hturo and 4urobalal a amall uaitlty of atryobuinaaaplalnliiil tu fjr drown wlicu aikltii olp 1olaoii llatflatar tbat b wudlodil wihivatm ha wont bonia and aomallinn altar rallr- injj tba family mm aiutiaad by iho painful liioanina of llo lad ur wallaoa foonii blm in aifoiilsod auffarlnf and burrlad to tjwii for medical aid ir gray talurnad wltlt bltn and tba ud waa than in oouvul lour a to a lluia llio dr uonadd it ovaraoinlutj lift apaut or a abort tlma and htahley laturnad to cooaolouaocaai but ilia poor fralua tl paat par iii kiu lit lml p wbail jtlaatloiiad a lu tba cauaa of liii lllnau bu told tba iv ibaf b bad lead aotnawhoio tlial auyobuiua waa a ramady far tiarronauaaa aod faellnij unwell b deoldml id laka a duu aa ba bad frrquoul 1 dona wllli otbr drui ufara lul effaota r aoon apjuront and alxjut j 110 tba poor fallow bratled bu ukt ii uatiia to aatan a couplb of yoalm aio ha ieill laat wlnlar at jd watlaooa and worked durliiulba autunmr for mr ltioi oainaron hi tliu whtaly 1 1 ml la of tbo town returning it mr wallaoaa a ooupla of wfloka aye btaulay waa au boutal youn fallow waa wall liked by iboaa who knew blm bad lio frioida in oauada but bia father llvta lu ldtidon luubdt and ho baa a alauf lu iroloru bon lb africa ha ranulim worn inlarradln valrvlaw catnaury un hunday afternoon llav mr youny of knot collage ofliolatlni tnant ui neat oil rioruary isui aaalon la inatd lo b abort and thd latfiauiora will probably hv tcturuad to tbeir bomea by tba urns the- 1remler i forlb to attend tba coronation of king t j ward all doabt of blr wilfrid iaurlard noloy to loudon baa ban aat at raak by tba iracaipl ol tba omolal invitatlou tba aggratltd trad of canada for tba ail taoolha andlnit daoembar tba blat in- feraaaod ovr tba aatoa tlma laat year by 418193000 tba total uada wu v313- 231000 ao thai if tba next au mootbd do aa wall canadad trad for tba correal flacaj year will amoant to about 4 2 5000- 000 for thapaatalx montbd tba itaporu ware ovc 199000000 aa inoreaad of 0af w0000od and iba axporu of domaatla frrodooa wara ii13csqd0aafneraaaai 000000 tbarawatl an uoraaaaln uis doty oollaoud fof tba bu montba of 11 mooo canada avldeutiy oontlnuea t aajoy tba growing ume ttha aav doolrlne proroolxaud at tba annual tnmtlnff oi hjaealnd afir too u oral hoolaty that baoattaa tba annual fair le ukaly to ba held in oaorgalowa boll all ibaraalant ahouldbaaoaorgetown tnau u aa amnalntf aa h waa unfair to sir joan moqnean tba vloat bo bad booorably aaumed tba iraaldency by ardnoua tttualflab afforu lu bahalf of thd oolaty ijaqaaelfljf alr baa bean alx utnoa bald in aotod during it blaiory and waa ajwaya markedly anooaaafnl ltari yet ajjioo navar clauorad lor tba iraaldnoy on tha rround that lul tba abow wad to bo bald la anion tba preeldaae aboald ba an acton knaa ik would bnraly bav baon an bonorabu kaoaapiluod of mr moqdaand valoabfa aervload to bava placed blm la lha vaaldaatd obair and aadaoully in vlov of iba fact thai b town had with u two yra looailon ol tba valr hard pulled tba aaaoolauod out oi tbo bola lulo wuloli it waa found lo b two year a ao a bandafuualy uluauaud handbook of lb ndrtbvaal tarritotlaa baa juit uau laanad by tba sapartnlaut of atriodlturd at lufflna wblob ooulalna a vaat amoont of inf ormatloa tbatavary praoa who had an ldaa of moving- waat-ahould- rfaahnatrtiottrdapioklaldlha tarrul ifiiuaj ad ik la lo diy ancliba eioelleilt i aanloj par ejetoen of aohoold tba oil mat and ayaum oftaxallou u axplalnad wbllauiafaatbrad paonliar to aach of tba yrat duttlola of xkalnlbola alberta aitd uaakatohawan ara tt frt l nn wb b auitd burayiulramanu tbateruliiyorikefcjirf and thd uraatcropa prodooad ard bhowti by oarafully prapakad oompakatlva ulloj of ou aualyaad and crop ruotd of lha tar- kltortadaiid tba baat buud of lha atnorl- ban union tba uraak opporlunltloa for 6aul boraa and abaap rauablntf ardla- nnaaad andtutaraated patlua may obulu jaat iba infortnatlou tby rtqulra fcjoog thaaallnae a copy of lb la attraotlva alata- tnant of lb allurln advautatfad of tba waat may b obtalbed by wrlllnk tba dapajrtnieuk of afil6iuur of lului tba ttiatxibara ot tba ouuollof 1003 liava aubecrlbed lo lha oatbu of ofui aud anurad upou tba dull of tba year xbay ufa all iiio of aximiunoa iu lha triuuo man of publtd bueluaa luva wlllunii oomueuaa bid tulli vaarlo tha aarvloa of tba publlofour yaard m oounalllor aud twaajiobu malelrau lid bai alwaya lo at tba baad of nitnltuaa wblob vaqulrad time and attautlou aud thtaa tiava invariably uu wllllnuly ulvau oottnolllor haudetaou luau hlfl ihlid yr of publlo ufa on monday ha hijt abowu au aplaata lu ureaplng tin datalu of municipal matura and had rotraulhlmaalfai valuabuanambar of tba oomtnlllaa on hnauod frau hi advint lu ha oouutllcouuolllor llynda li iba j4eai public barvaut lu tha counoll for uu yaara ba waa a itiol iblolaot inauiur of tha iuhhn boliooj hoard aud ba baa tmtiitriauoad bla aaoaud year aa oouufilllor tbu yr ba ban baao awudad tba lid- twuunt poaltlou of obalrniau of dia vir and luthi ooiuwltte aud tb dutlad will veoalvd bid but aitauvlou and ooutldera- tlouoouuolllara owankbaniar and ajjuew alao aoirvad tbalr probation a anibd of lha lulllo bobool hoard aioh paudlufl iwoyatua a faithful uiambara vf tbat body councillor bwaokbatuar waa bhalruiauof tha combiltlaa ou btraata and walka uat yar aud bolda tha aatua oaltlod again thla yaar u did uot iplaaaa everybody but uiadd dlhgaui alfurtl to do ao and bid aitpcrunoa of laat yea will ku doubt ba of valu tba eomlng waaaorl guatwlllor agnaw la ultau tbd halrtuaohlu of tba lulllu lark if ha aajjoaada tu giving thla valuabu towu pro frariy mora lha aapapl of a park by aou- log tha koooeaaful plantlug of uaad and aluuba bldalforld will ba atpprvouled by lha preaeut and fulura baueralloiia that iba couudll of 11kxj will u iiar- kuoolond in tba oouduok ol jpiibllo affair la bayood paradvantura children cry for castoria tba oouuoll matin tb adjournment uambard all praaanu tha coinmlltea on vluaiiod proaautl their flret report and rftoowmoodftf pay ment of tbafollowlnaaooouuta 3 u 15 is i a 10 on kjoo h irt usad goldljb uooulloali 11 w cliuuolm it co ta eoa cauadlau oaueral hloulo co tupolud jauea itrowo k3 load aawduat jj turner bua llo-ylulteol- 11 tl ijolu rrel on coal ulmioora irluun xditllunt oraut lo loeaj lloatdof health t a 318 ch moved by h bwaokhatnar aeoondad by johu aitnaw lliatlb report of tba oom mlttaaon iluandajnat read ha adopted carrlid moved by aaontehyndaaaoondad by ii bwaekhatuar tut tha town hall aud park cotuuilllead ara hereby iuitrnoted to ravlaa tha tariff of fee uow in foroa for tba uaaot town hall and lntbilo lark and aubnill a report at tna ragular kaaatlngof tbid c tu noil oar r lad tha oounoll than adjourned qborqlitownobtb the fair acton puta eaauaalnir arloulturl soolaty in bplandld plnanolaj tooltlon tha annual mealing of uqealng agricultural boolly waa lield la tba towu hall oaorgatown hut wadnaaday ajur- uood tbfttd wan a vary good aalandanoa tha obalr waatakan by tba 1raaldant 0 w wluon iiiohlau oraut baorataxy traaaurar tbeu adalallad auumant of tba bualueaa far tha yaar tba report waa vary anoouraglng ik abowed a nrplua of 1 bo lo tha o radii of tba aoclaty not wltha laud lug that 100 mora wu paid out for prlitad lut year than haralofora tba buauooa of tba aoctaly aia ibud iu i yary baalthy ooudltloa aalu tbo aleotlon of owa followed it id onalomary for tba vlooprad to teoalva tba appolutmaut of v raaldaut if tbla rula bad baaii followed mr 3 moqumu aotou ahoakhiara been iroaldant it waa vary apparaualhal mr moquaad waattifc oboloa of tbd tueatlng hid aioalleol aarvlo ltat year togalbarwllb hid axparlanoa lu fair mattaiablybtu boma however oicbtrthattajrth affair- would ukely ba bald in georgetown ths ivaaldaut abould ba a qaorfialowu mu and william moleod uomlnated j l laalld tbaraaulk waa that mr moqan and mr ltalla boui ufuaad to aland th otl tbeq appointed u w wuaoa 1 raaldaut for tba eeoood urn tba following u lha hat of onloari rt4u0lh w wluou vlaarrealdaut johu uoquaeu ulraoloraward ho ljobu hardy ho in q ourk ii j liyana no 3 j a icey i ho a n1i mill jopli vlyuu no s ybouiaj cook ho bj0 tuioruil aoitowu ii ii uoaibbouj hokelll hou dlrmlorawlllum ualao or hilou u v iloor aaomaaraham auduora110 ueculloushil d warrau dlilw to wliv cauvauuou joliu ho- quwiaudhjitilllua tba secretary raad a ooniuiuulftaljou from tba dapettuiaill ot atrlouuura aukgaallug tbat tba ivlr ba uadatnora aduoatloutl aud that tu lualruotor ba allowed to daniouatratd ou oertlu dlit nianta of aurloultura at tba fair tbla wan laid ovar for future ooualdarallou tba dlraolora- held a uaaetlug at the olosa ii waa daoided lo hold tba fair iu qeorgatown uait fall ou lha gib aud 7 lb of october mr l grant waa ra appolutad bwvtraaa uiiin aoincultunal uoomrv 3bb uurplua in that trtuaury mr wllbort thw new prnldnt tbaaiiuual maatrug ot the li r 1 n town- alilp ajrloullural boolaty waa held on wad uaaday tut at krlu viljiga xha rratldant mr 0 u walkar ooouplad tha ohalr aud tbar waa a rthij altaudauor itha uanrattrya raport- ahowad a balinoa ol 1655 which waa vry gralirylug aud bowsd on ot uio lar nurpluia for aouia yaara tha oflloera alaolad fur tha anaulug yar wu u foljowa 1raalduljclia wluou vulrldulaj uouilun tuavrkkuter jauiea tfltkwoaj dlrvauajantmualaulunul uutavuh u li uuilui w wellluklou a j lludwy imila t uiu vuuli w if hodwll auh ueklnuou llobl kolr auditoie ttiockvouuif aud w co u lay palpated to to halilliuourrljft4j wliou io uihitou aud uyljry kltk wooil ho ctforla will ba apatad to maka thd 100j fair a rraaur uuooaad tbau aver tha oiaulug uf tba irovlnolal larlla- kuaut ou wodueoday laal waa a brilllauut fnuctlod tba neroujouy waa auuouuoad to btiu fc 8 ll hi but toug befora that hour tba houaawu tilled tbauallarlad too ware crowded with onlooker thaaddfeu ftou the throne wad a taraaly worded for lot tha qoverumautd lolloy lu vlgorou and well applied language naahaqawjil amosta miracle i whouomt in thu case or a ohaiiiotxbrovvn lady her doctor- nld faho woo in con- liumptlon and haiti out no hope or hooovory- touay fsum in wall and btrona lnin tlio ll liltl i t i tuttulo pamlhd from tluu u tlma abow iho number of doatha occurring throniihonl tbla oounlry from ooiuuipllon to l ae koat aatho liuuihor oauaed by all olhrr prevoutlhta diekiea combined il la nn wonder therefore that tha madloal fialqrulty bai at lait awakcuod lo iho fov that iho inoat uritont inoana uiuil l- lakeu 10 prevont lie further epioad and to teach tba publlo thai while tba dlaaaae ia readily uiinmunlnalojd from one paraoi lu another 11 ia mil uooeaaarily lutiaiilad thougli iho uiideuny to it may b ll u therafore of lha utluoal impoiulta ill i people with weak lunua ahould lake tho uealoet care of thduaalvea to pravout conauiiiptlon oblalu- luii a hold upon them 1urc oulof door air lota uf auuahiue wboleaome food aud kood toulo medlcina to k i loll aud pure will eiiabl the inroada uf the diata ad a blood forming toulo ihoro la no luedlolna tha iel of uf vvilllaina 1iuk illla thaad pill where f roily and fairly mad will trod utbe u tha woikoal oonalllutlou and lava ouraj iiiauy oakoa of conaumptlon whau taken lu lha early atao lroof of ibla la given iu tha uaa of mra ajiram henry of cbarlolletuwii 1 li i to a porur of tba ulauiur who called upon bar mra utury aald r a aw year ago i found myaalt krowlng wek and pale aud emaciated i took varioul mtdicluoa ou thd advicaot frlauda but none oflbam appoarod to dj ma any good and two yeara ago my ooudltlon became ao much worea that i waa obliged lu taki urmy bcjand oall in a doctor who aald that my luugd ward affootcd aud that i wu going into ootiaumptlon aud ho told my tnolher who lly lu aitandanoa upou mo ibat removed johnstone co furnlturo doalurs and undortakors hd r1 llrlr lum il llt pearson3 store 11 will 111 bly u imiai ryllih ftjrnituuic ip iba blood a aujloe to rei 1ilhurud tltaillug udaoha 1owdra am aaay to tak harmlsu 111 aotluil and lu eaia auy haduha lu irinu fi li ill lulnutea tho nidulncaot haltou varmara luati- tula at urookvllla on uaturday aflariioou aud aveulug ward well attoudod by an ln- taraatad lot of farmer tba addreaaed of mr t q kayuor ot lloea hall and j w clik ot ououdaga ward muah enjoyed mr aklud alao delivered an fulrrtallng addrear tho killing and plucking of a ohloken far tha drill b market by mr clark commanded lha undivided attautlou of all tho vary ooldwrathar on buuday did interfere with tha miaalouary aunlveraary aervlcei on iba naaaagaweya circuit llv 1 a caaaldy u a of qntlpll delivered vary intaroallug abd inatrnotiva addroajej on japan from thd standpoint of a mlsalou ary on the laid at lbaiitter and corwbiu tba congregation mnulfaitsd rapt attantlan ttf bid vivid raoltala of peraoualfexparleuo mr h v moora ot tha iutr pumi alao addreaaed tbaaa oongregatlont aud also apoka at the campwuvlllu churoh ou lha mlaafonaiy aooompuahmantd ot lha metho- dlit church durlug thaulualaautb ooiitury tba choir a ot lha tbroa cburohed roudared vary fired liable mualo approprlnu to tha kunlvoraary tha liafroullve cammlttaala preparing for tba auuuel convention of tha lowuuid buuday bobool aaoolatloii to ba bald in tba kbeneaar church tba ale of naw hooka la limited lo tlidaa who can afford to pay fauoy prloa fbr lham and whau it la aunouuoed that tbo family harau aud waakly uur ot man trl hu pufohftked the axoluilva rlgul to that olovor canadian itory tha man vrom olangarry one can euvy tha rtadara of that great paper tha mau from olaii- garry la the talk of tha book world tha oomruoii quaatlon of tha day will now ho hava you rd tha mau 1rom glen garry tba publication of thl vutuark ablo atory baglnd wllli tha 1amily herald of tha iaatia of january 20lh if there- ara any of our reader who ara not now bo b- oribera to tbat great family paper llisy hould laka advaultga of thla opportunity liaoh aubaorlber rocalvaa iu wall thraa pramlum ploture lha tuoek valuiblo wa hava aver aeon glvau la uawaptpur bubaorlb- arhu and valui youkuowby iparleuoa that tba aotue aud palna of rhdumatlani ara uol porman ntly hut only temporarily relieved by ex tarnal ramadna than why hot uad au lularual ramady noo3aneiai at wh iolroonraota i haj acidity of tha blood ou wblob rhaumallam dapaudd and ourad the dluaae t tbla medlolne bfty doua mors for tha rheqmetlo ibau any other uiadlalut in ih world wheii peopla bojjlu to uu a wo mm ho young ahe looka it la a sura algn that aba a growing old a card y wa tha nndaralgued do larahy aura to refund the mouay on a 60 rout bottla ot oroaiied warranud byrup ot tar if it falla tovjuiayour oough or oold wa alao guarautaa a 25 oant boltlaio prove iatla- totory or mouay refunded a t itrowu aolou whan a nowipapar aganl goal to a prlaa flu hi it la genarally a draw mllburud blerllng eteadacba towdara contain uallhar morphlna nor opium ibay promptly oura alok haajiohe neur algia baadaoba heidaoha ot grlppa hoad- oha of delloata ltdlaa aud haadacbd from any oauaa whattvar prlca 10 oailla and is oinla ho maud dear avrry fsllowwho wrllea vara isnt versatile some reasons why yuutswjj imlil on hvln j eureka h mb ess oil tltciiuufd in an nthrr rcimcid banl leather aoft elmibilty ucmrcj my out water a heavy bodied oil harness lu excellent itrckrvntlv btmlucca cot of you huniepat never bum the kalber ita recured ixu urvic glltcbca keit fromlirutiliug oil iaaoltfuull otajiue ulumw t kutpatui 111 hvoy uiati who falla aald that ho a victim of oirouuialaupoa children cry for t astoria my raoovary wad very faotottut7 gradually weaker aud weaker i oould all up for riva mluuleal my luugd palurd mo lcougbid tavaraly lotl almoat all deiire for food aud whau i did aat i fouud it d i moult to ratalu food m my stomach i ill away in weight from 1jb to 100 pounds and i dout tabjnratj a my friaudd expactfd to tea ma gotwllar ilut onin ot tbain urged mo- lo try lr williams imnkpilla aud i docuj to dtf so i began by taking oua pill a day tor my stouiaob waa very weak but i was soon able loiticreasa thla to three pilli day aud filially a my strength t increasing uuder their ud i took nlua pilla a day tha ohaiia that oama with tha ua ot tba plfli waa hitlo short of mlraou- lqua aud so marked aud rapid that inalda of two monlbl alr i bgau ibtlruie was ahla to uava my btd aud uiov about tha houia and soon attar i was abla to walk about iu lha open air aud maka short visits lo my frknda on oua uf theae oocuiodd i met tha dotor who had attended hir and ba kskul ma what i had beau taking ibat had mada audi an 1m provamant i replied ibat i had been taking dr williams pink 1mu aud ha said all rlglii oonllnun tbam tiny woul hurt you anyway wall i ooutluued taking lham until i bad used savantoeu boiea with tba result ibat i uaver felt better than i do uow not aveu in my girlhood daya ik la mora than a yaar slnoa i slopped taking lb puu aud you can sea for yourself what they did for ma i may aay too that ray weight baa iu- creased to 137 pounds i am hot auxloua for publicity but whau i think ot what tha pills did for ma i tiallava i ought to aaorl flea my own feeling for tho benefit of soma olhir poor sufferer dr williams pink pilla bava produced such remarkable ourea m the above became thy are wholly ublika ordinary medlolnta which only aok on tba symp tom the a pllly go direct lo lha root of tha trouble tnaklug new rloh blood and giving iuoretsed alreuglh with every doaa iu this way ihsy oura consumption in ita early alago alao such dueaus au par alyals iheuiuallim til vitus dauce heart trouble neuralgia dyspepsia chronic ry alplas aml all the tunolloual troubles that tilakbthfljlyei pi so many w mla i 1nr rouithueas of lha sulu chapped ha nd i die qt xiaxaa cold tor thacpoody relief aud curd of cohu trvwtjjlrjnftoltvvatatkirtotrtjl vb itoi jvj iud uot i for liihs and riilmomry aflecllona st iocally low prices tomio povdttxul l borwu ciltlo hogs ahep and hultry able tha nanulna pills ara sold ouly iu hoioa uaarlug lha full name pr wll- hrmt pink tilts for pale laople if you do not and ibnu at ycur dealers they will he sant postpaid at co ooula a bo or six boxes tor i9 60 by addressing tha pi lwilham- mfdlolna co ilrookvllle out a luold explaualloii is tha ono that ooln- aldaa with our views worms efftol a childs lisallb too ariuualy to ne bamttlnia they gaum convulalona and doalb if yon pot lham to hn present bvo dr lowa imaaaaut worm byrup wblob sea troy a tba worma wllhout injuring tba child prlca 35 oanta wlu mosk people feel they ara generoui tbay ouly do their doty lo olhiri jood ileal ui is iiuponlhla i without regular aolioo ot thelbowelr luallvor plla regajata tba how oh oonullpatlon dyapapala blllioaauegj pick headache and all afleollona of lha organs of digoitlon pilw 5 cents all druf lluta the man with tba woodau leg should pnl his baat foot forward no parson should go horns without bottla of dr j d kallogi a dyeaulery cordial in their poaaaasion aa a chatma of water cooking climate ale frequently biinga ou summer complaint aud i bar is nothing ilka being ready with remedy at band which ouenlltuo eavaa real sullsring and frequontly valuahla ivii thla cordial hat galnad for itself wide spread reputation for afford i uf prompt relist from all summer oomplaluu i uomo peonle can uever understand how a paruoii who u natural pau la iularestlug uriliilf troop oil uuimsul la without exception tha moat efteoliva remedy for outs wounds ulcere open aoraa rheums tltin bllae ttlugso insaala eto a largi bottlo u5o many a mau love- bimaelf for tba enemies ha iaa made sold by all newsdealers of uv cholt war half vocal liall liiauumiilalal comai rimamm fer rlaelii m kjontli hi c vtouly uuuaorlliiti iji w wd v ma name and ethlrw ijki patlaaaoaiacau ifle ilanooe oraait wa wlllacild yoviaoojiyoikewaeailpf tr mattlthsses spitlns etc btaclalallpnllon id guail iphnuining either in now work or rtrjuirln 1lcllitn 1 raining la a saliy all onlrra tcclva ikntnpi allrmlon lie now kayiuoud uowlii muliln is lha favorlla hnmalioula ami jtihiuituia a co asthma cure free 1 n athmalene brings instant relief and permanent cure in all cased m n i ahilurjky 1 kli on uicjiii ol iomai wuitk vouu haui ahii adhhuhu iiainiv irhi ablicittcruifiilii itour- rooiwri totingo poheiatk iipj ly i be in cariiota made up 10 onlof i nlihlnga nlfi lu vtirlniy of all linda in ulock nd llouufur- itollrr iuiihii n johnstone co puimhura doujora undortakdro mill jit aclon 1oaruoiiu old stand- seasonable goods du tat hunt mi ticinp co iel s tui civtlxuit i was iroublcd with asihina for 12 yean t hao tried numoroi rnniwlit bill i h havti all failed irati acmaymirnjlnunrjt uij tlqrlril v rrlatiiattlff nonndtnhnftironca thovo alnco purchaaed your fuiraua bollln and am ever grateful i iimi a family of four children tan i for six years was utmblo lo wrk i nm now in tho iwsi of health aud am doing bmliiois every day this testimony you call nfaka tuch uui of au you ut fit i homo address 335 itinloii siroet s rapiiaiil c east 130 st new york city din w eot an ttf carbolic acid chlomdo of lime fornilin tc epsom salts cream of tartar sulphur- ginger eic al fresh and aelllng at prces tlul will bo plcaiaut curprlto in buyero wm ecrskirte sis- palaoh dboo btobu acton ont e52vzerton wd ed6n wills miour and oatmeal mills r and oatmeal at etc for ill quality o p right prices um11 middlings chop feed aald cash for wheat and oats chopping ovary day al boll mills henry iioittop excelsior bakery and grocery in addlt on to our dolly supply of first clau uread cakes hum uc of our own inumlajitjirejvaak ia oysters ol dm lwsl brandi our oyster farlor is uow orwi aud pitrous will find tlielr orders filled will entire iillfjctlon a larger croak of groceries and pro visions than ever iwsfcre and lha public know our prlcei are always retonibhi t stathamson main st acton j a speight cp willow staotun undertakers and furniture dealers v underlaklng in all its branches atlondod lo promptly and ciulelly furniture new our cutiomors our prlcea are low stock sura 10 pleau a silver watch i ladies oh oknrs sizb m mrfllflbli hlltrirhiilrh v a a lla sil j vit jwfyt t rirrrs rjtrtot almoin mumninii co ivlt w h tor nto chained rohtem years brluga lalevio u la uulblig iike aul iliatant relief even in iho worat 11 cures whrn all rhtalta 1 be kev c wimjs nf yilla kldge ill oaye yonr trial bottle o asthma- iciio received in ihmi condition i cannot irll yoil howllullkful i feel for the food dnrlveil from ll i 3s a slave chained with pulrid sore ihronl nnd aalhna fur bn yrara i dnnpalrnd th ever lielngcured i mw yoiiradvnrlluimeii for llm cure of this dreadful nnd lormenllng dlmaao ahma bjil tbnoghl you hail ovuraptlinii yourselves but resolved lo n u o trial 11 my asloiiuhmeul tbo trial ncled iile a charm bend hie u full ailed imjiiio itov dr morvla whalaf tlahhloftbecong ilnal lurael new york ian 3 1 not ds yast ukou mmicinit co j gwhttlluim yotior aathmelene ll au ekcelleul rrlnnly for aslhma and hay fever and il compolllmi al inula le nil oubles which combine wlh aithma lis aucccaila aoloiilahlng ati wonderful after 11uing ll carefully analyzed we cart i all that asihmaleiin contains ho sjiiurii morphine clnrofomi or clhcf very truly yolirs uiiv iiit mokiiis wixlfbtun rsiat r mlorlalila lur uirl rll nat 1 to ut imiii lllirfvr iiuii i imiinl rllihi aeuni ir iti vv raoi 1 uma vtt lerlltuleta ill tuikolo kllltl ii all akdlit ny vmi1io ii fon 8ai1k an in iii dornr huicli end julin lll- ado ilea iwiiib baulry auuiuim- klmiian llr kkm1 ll new luuni cikio lul ll1v larn r to lg rrmeou triia nulli rtlciulia a1lta h 11 iurans annul torentc cr avily li alua 1ailyuiall anion jirick sipro mxl dwelling foii baui rpjut r tok illfeeu wall txillt sevan air lool ealtav nnlr thaanllia l willi tiricb ing ll i lieeil dm tift huo i miincimgco gimtliuif i wrlle this testimonial froi wonderful eifrct of your asthmaleiio lor the cure of aslhma my wife had heen afnicled wllli tjmkimylle aalhint for the past ia yeard having oxhaualeil my own skill ad well as many others i chanced lo se your idgn upon your windows on ijolh street new york i at once oblalncl a botlle of aalhmaleiie my wifa commenced taking it about the first of noverhlier i very iujoh noticed a radical improvement afler ualng ono imrilla her asthma has disappeared and she is entirely iroa from all symptoms i feel that i can cotuuleully recommend themedlclno to till who are nflllcicd with ihis dlslrcsalng dlwnw 1 t yours tesikectfully o d phelps md tiuat bottlu omnt abfloltjtjirjy fuce om iudoaum os robtai do not delay wrllu at once addreialng dr taft uros mfdicine co jo llaet j301i1 st new york city sold by all druggists notice to creditor in the matter of the estate of frederick glebe deceased notiou lu bw given purusiil to lite ilwxhltila1 uua ot oourlo iw i oliaii itf and auilimlliitf aou that all iraitie haitxmtj iiidmtateofl ulalw lala t il villa of aoluii in hi county ut lultutl ulllf iloeaewl wtio 111 no ut about tinrlttbiui otuli a d loll ale lenulred laud ly pol trll or ilallver lo aluier tlia uiufeialvueil admlnutrmuii or tlio umurwaioj ailmsaulraulx lllanover loat orrio1 uiior txtura ttia ort ilr of vebruary luel uialr ufiiiea alitraa atid daaotlplluna and a full tatatamanl if krtlouara of uialr claims iiruiily vlnd and taa jialur of uie aouliyl anvt hld ly lbit and that im ulhllalaly altar lha itiattlay ftt ialruary itta taa aald ailliiluutolor and adriluletrelrlx will troehl to dutvibuta ui aala of uie said daaj among tba partjaa end uad thereto liavllid raualnl odly touie elalmaof villloll tliav shall tliaii iiava uoliuaad uit they will not u so duuibul or any bargains in purs- the manufacturers want to cloar out entlro lof dl furs to make room for next seasons trade we are the best and cheap est place to buy pura hatscopa and clovo l n e lafontaine practical furrier wyndham st guelpli pringlg guelph the best is always the cheapest my st of watches was never better every oncthoroughly warranted i will not sell a bad watch if i know it gc d ringlib gbuelpli guelph8u sin ess college cuelph ont at tills institution you u ill be taught shorthand aud lypowrliint by on expert tltflo raphcr oi s vtii yeam oxpefieoc hi rcporiliijj and oftlcowork who wrlted shorthand at a tiieed of oer two hundred vords per minute at this institution you will lw taught commercial inlijrcin mathematics english 1 rcnclioiul german by a practical accountant and tejeber of fifleen rarn uucbcahil experience who la a tint chia honor gruduats and tcaclicr of tho mort famous american llutlncsa college and of thd most iniyrcisho canadian unlvenlly twenty stat pfqiliicb ibttbrritbribs am represented on tho reguter of ihls iumiiuiiuii iid course la the uiol thorough and comprehensive of nny collrgo ol its kind in canada lis illploiua is a pasfiport lo ood potliionv in rbh employ of loading linns syndlcalcs and corporations ol canada and llib uiilled stblra now is a good time to enter lordav or nltiht clatuis lor full infornulluu tall iho college traders hnk ihiiklliijj cr address m maocobmac b a principal hon6y jnzhnted llolb cm lib uu eilrttlliit i pilco ind aty hnw put up quote hamllia ii iikwls co londosi the real thing uojjui or tacond quality gooda are not in our line not because wa are more hodorabla than oilier thulara but becausa at a business proposition it pays to deal tquarely wllh one a customers we aru generally known as lha do as 1 hey- iromle ltoot and shoe dealers and we desire toconilnua to deserve iho denatlpn whoavdr lmya fool covering from us ceta the heal 1 ling every tlma at rljlt prices borne of gur leaders for tia preunt beaaon will oiloulsli you by tlielrexcepttunil and law prices ia willmras boot nd shob duhuhh hgton dyeing cliimulls dyeing and clean ing works gukmii lha placa for h id have their suits and ovarcotls and lidli n garments and huuseltuld gouu cleaned mid dyed ostrich plumes mil lips cutuod ded und curled ajioil luuuyuah agoiit 1 aauoy uooda auw u kink juhck kesidj3nck tetoaae iwail uxl talnoe lis null fin by the ulljmljjiiillra 1 liaa ulna tmuina nveladioiunrvllli halla ee a iiimmi cllar uaer elauiii add u aplawllilly altuated on no of tlie tuoal twpolar raldaatial atieeu in aolon no aaeuuibaialica loulil ftivatl lat july il vir urina and ikaitlculara aidly to win llamaueetor uj ujrv anion or to jim uljalictii i1uv u3 luonaoktiaui ave tuhuuto t -7t- j11 than b a llablm tot dauat kik au luxi ohaulvlhiliuhuij admlnlauatoi hatuiioluuk admloutnulx ar tbla 0ral day of january now r tho wisepurchaser looks about him for tlldbast cutlers and sleighs to buy i havo a very full slock of cutlers and sleighs of my own make which you should inspect bfora you buy i also have a iarle variety of second hand carts avaggoi sleigh i aud ill mill ol low prices to huggi cuiiers which tear them out i have the hit makes of rool iulpets weigh scaled and dig trucks ou hand j bi o is1bill okohofctown bread calces confeotlonory oystore cannod poods r mr3 anna maddcck thanks it cr num eroua cualomers for their beral patronage and announces that alio as added canned goods and fulsii oysturs loher block guuuiii dedlad etc dread and cakes are received from cuelph every tuenday thursday and saturday toronto dread toronlp bread is received every monday wednesday tri day and saturday iutsanna-maddock- milt- stmult actoi i3isiilferiatiis and preventatives pob all contagious tolsoaaes oopporoa carbollo aold sulphur camphor euro sonn whit caaulo oarhollo aold curbollo aold and olvorlno ior sli by a t brown chkuibt and dtationen aoton have you a financial head t aoimuoil baad will sk a talhir wo n only makes yood rjulhes tlul til bul aluo maltni tbeui at lining prices wa are making up sulla at very niodarjitt prices thin year 1 hero fa uu reduction however iu quallly uf hoods or lit 1 vttrylhlni is elegant comfort iblcaml turncl wm coolkil mmcitaii laiinu xiihibiutkt kcton

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