Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1902, p. 3

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-r- of georgjtowri branch agonoral banking buunoij tranoaolod carroupondonoo sollcitod saiiik dfiiaitiihiil inlcrcl nlliwvl n unicoi oni ooi- 1 ml ami umv l in 111 ly txit to tlyoljlcliilnwal noluriiijlllln ml mi in ilnwdif mmm solicited nolas of otjwmlllo firmer discounted rild money loaned b r r ulmala dual no purpose our collet uon duparnnoni 114 ovary yaxllhy for tiiultllic rompl relumi sale nolq hthhi an triune y aikatifjyiniijinjiuiil ofsama at low rale cifliitercal 1 ravellcra are notified thai lit hank o hamilton and us branches luu chtu b notes of tho imulncfjl hank of 1ngland llrgjled which can l cubed wltbol the news at home mostly oa loaal cttarauior nvorv torn lntronhnu- ri iajjo 4 kaji r jlouahj ko mi bare and 11 jewieh i now yaar alley 1w lie bill or separation mr returned to bor father lux jowlsh ii rrchaut lu jo he only charpn of lmnhn til il part if ibn world hlad ol 1 icii hamilton kslabluhou 1072 capital paid up i 995750 hcservcuund 1 500000 total abct i77 jauetf luumiiurxcashier b forsayeth agi nt ooorotown brmiah i002 wall paper decorations rha new eason finds u with mora wall paper than ever loo 300 noils in stock w ritskinh will chow you samplei buy train him anil you will lie up lodalo room moulding lo match chas l nelles guelfh met tufta 0 jwti jtfd a haw form or poalal rjola ba bean adiplod by the ll onioe department and mill b- la ued tba kloo ol old tmaa beoojiiaa xhaiialad it fall bear a poriralt of king ldward vii surf will have v ooupou yhloh will dwr aa b reoelpt lo lb pufohajar a vary dlrble mproiement llwki sooifanuv otdccrm v liiouqaera of jvalihoa camp ho hi ii 0 ii liave boon eltoted for tba auaulng uruiavfollowu aicb u jjtuf jeii aahyfast uiuf aiuui lllut- hullaln llv 11 a uaobehilielalu iw join -log- uulkuil it livaldli llirelt nmackjuuerii retaty fiioslf uanjioir- fin ii ratery w 1 khurti h tie uieu rebel hll uowabbtiulhlanl luakc vv j ualliuiilarouart j it i uubjutilootiuil jama lto 1 lr acioa x ibrmry ifor xumwraoa i bo aoloti itbrmry of co volnmaa of bouhil booka wu forward lit weak lo iteadu cmp 1arry uuuod iumur co miuulti valu oi tbaluralxrmai there will bva aoma vmaatlaal tending matur for lbu wloler at i- a ilaxly ibo elecroury acknowlnjoa uio dooatloo c4 iboaoloii itfopiawltb vary oordia1 ibanka meeolveila jo jppjatuaal ju chtrao mlu ua momabb left yoatydy for chicago whara kbit liaa kooapled a ituatloit av riora wllb lb wblu crou aaaooialloo of litat oily an h tfraduau of toroitlo jiqipilki iralnluit hcimollutdamtikud b vim ourad wlda axparlautm iluo ulaa monlib in wall rjualitlad for tba potltlotl liar dull- will i aotoawbat fclmllai- to a iofi limn tiuly twtrcaum tba imlijn rumor il al ant ti la full of amallpwx aud bfta itttiit juaraiilnnxl arn lulcly urilrtio aclon imi two oaa ofvnryrnlll lpnof amallm no roorr mr vaiioo ibn urloaao la almiht fiiliraly rtoovaroo and brr t mlbar ta lib bar u w itolatjuu it ut tbo llldtr bonm la- j nar biii 11 ad and uardad by donatabls a aa la alo iba bom bf ur marllu mr kyilorn litotbar wbvia two of lbo tay aaw daa aftrr tbulr alitor cai booia mr w j lejna a teal debt i- ujuaaiuu tuwuablp haa alio ijikolopad uia rjlav but tba towfuhip itoard of llaallb baa tba mm in band an j liata fnloltwl all tbw rninirt the- irouooll haaltb aol iialudfnjt oon iablra tajpauiilly pt 1 i t tba prorala coming and going- vlaltora to and from aoton anct varloua otbr panopal noua tba vmmm i axaa iotiuv all iu raadara lo oaa uilut lu lbl ooiuuid fntt or foat irtanj u t4ti kwajr oa bolt4r uljj or if joo ttava fitauuavuiutic ytut drop a card to iha itajui uojtch lilock oil tba eiltl b 1- 0lt ilia itoololt ulook toji of war loam aitd abiul flfty of ibclr frliid aijoyod an oyaur auppar at tba bomo of ibtilr tjiltlii m nait ullbaa altar aoppaf ahork projtramms wa furnlabad by k kuiiibar of iboaa praanl liar wblob ur qlllio w aakwl to coma lorward wbi mr wrf uodiiij bi lardy auubor man road lba hdlowiuk adilraia and mr henry wallace hliglbar atajwatl rnada tbo pr gjlltalloo ik1m uu llijrikn al tbla tba oil tj u ur tabait ii euaiomajy to tat ait1 m curuiu will lo lull otliac lb ulfuluxl of lb- iui ull liloeb tug of wir sain bum t u imvw to ehmuy qtubd and 11 lo vietfr illlllnif lba ll kumulua flt ihlj a nttlini oecauluu uut only lo k ail rauluil f ibalr hi i muhuii of you aalbalrcattjn lil alaa ot ihlr h an1 laipml lor yiu lu uia boout au i ktiibt farward ulatmrr in vlilcb jitll baa kla advuad aoj auourax ttiam tly woul i ibarafora ak you lo aic t of it la fur llnad ooaj u a awaji utkait of tlir atfaetlon tur xuu mniaaaly liom uiat juil blay ba loutf biwtwj to all j ay it blfeiltd iininam tin iii ltv wlibaoh joimiuudv uahi vi iniuii wlijdau licuqvald- hyr apant ma kli frli ur twr ura 1 l m ibord i in jooipi mr it ui i noblk of n irral pol mou jay lu town mr tbomaa larijmaii of toronto w in town on oj6o3y t mr fi1 mlxon of ahgroa kutad aoton fhaoda tbla waak nlo town it datt yc tyttss thonbdayl januahv 0 1wu uttlel0cal brieflets whlou cnusht thj ity or umr of pr prs radortora thl woak tba boltdaya w avert now for bamloom la rml aartlftat auab wthaloob of know wblob fall on uoa day oljtbthiolpd ihlklttbluf a ood daal adruiii 1m lba biotlv powr of buibam try hajufluiuc builotaj man la ii not about tlma tba railing wr pal ou lba haw oouohta klop at tba towu hail lba ijood rofcja ba kvljully lamp ud tba rrm lo do mora dtlvluu ibati oioal hploodu uibln liou btialnau la ualy huj all olllxetia- wr iu exociuut plriu a hdrabar of ac tiranioa luujd tbs caborsvlowii fcuftmtrta dull ou kaw yaaia kr arilt uamahawa abow wlmlow j blbllaa bumuroi porlraita la lba vary uuat lju mr vrad biord baa itaujad lbivkk p iduraauuit cbrlalmaa uutiibsra of obioatfo pa para tba vol on municipal owntrablp of elaoula light iu oualpb suilrd lu a majority for of 7ic tba rublld uoiidoi hoard will tdaol uil waduaaday ivulutr 15tb inal at 7 oclock for organ iaalloti tba tarobkrtalll u tbard wora tnora farmars lu town laal baturday iban on tba flrat baiorjay altar tba bolldaya for yira tba vol on towu ooulrol of feuolric iljlbuoif on monday lu uiluiu win aa follow foe ha iiiutt so majority for 7p nw yaara wa k wiuur day it la aaldoni i bit bo lb gbrlalmaa and naw vaara ara obfcraclarlkad by kocb flua waatha jobualooa aud co lava rauiovad lbalr took of furullura and uujarukluti to lba fraoa a look iblala mora central and oommodloua tba frm library ba juit put lu a oopy of tba ouurio 0uur and jjuiliuai dlraatory wblob will ba found a vary uaa lal volama of rsfamuoa owluf to lba uuavvldabu abaauoa of joaguofhaii at port artbur tbajatmary utob of tba lourib dlvuiou court wit poatpooad until waduaaday ujnd inal 3inmatar7ltxrrubwirtdrayat tba tkh lukua la riolvjruulrly aud tronjptl h rlvoa wbal wa want toro ttawa mid hlpful radlnu inaltar it la uufortuuau tbat lrl of tba aooina uaad lu tla vacoluallou of ouikbub tba pl two waaka waa of poor quality au tba vaccina uad liaa uau kuppliad by thaoorporllonaiid waa oitlarcd by tba madlcw1 haaltb ohloar and waa tiia kiiida rjoomtaatidad by tir uod4tu lba pro vlualal haaltb juapaclor all wbp vac laatlou wai mt alfaollva iw balurf ra vo oilualad fraa of obir oitouim von biiwa uhlivliuv i bora of tba dkaoooeaa addad uj tbaaa of a prof o look 1 nuru tb baal wubea of mlj monabba frlauda liara yo wllb bar uotoit fttblla iehaal tlio publla school r opanad on monday moruliiu wllli an aiilariid aaopa and lu oraaad opporluuillaa lba uaw ooutiuua liou olaaajlujiarlmbnl baa tan puiu al raady in atunjaoa aud tbla buubar will probably ba luoraaaad to 14 or is in a waak ortwb tba bplandld atatf of uuliara la uaw ooimtlt uted ah follow a flim v iloora wluelpa1 hluuili jutarrcoaunuauoa dphnl qaoriiliia youun fueud iupaxlaiaul uiruiret u liowwtblrj upajrltuaut yalta cunruvourlli dpllilaot 111- llllul rlmary dapahimiil kvery teacher la a normal trained raduala aud baa bad axparianoa in bolb jradad and unradad aoboola fuplla at land i ok tba coulluuatiou claaa depart tnatit of acton pnbllo acbool will baa all lba tdvanlauaa of aluudln ihjjb lobool lba flrat two year of lba ooukaa and at much ua tiprns jajijiy la thlr nvr jiomo jlba ituku paieba ia in racalpt ol as in- tartatl lltr from mr wtu molbail wlo witb bla family act mod uaar urmadon manitoba laal bprlurf mr mhtll writ idji on naw yaara day laya wa aura bappy in our utw boma and bow karroo ud ini aud ara looking forward bopafully lo tba fulura ltut aotoo and lba kind frlauda ibara occupy a vary lark pail of our ihotittbu aud ood wlabca atui w wra mada tld by tba viiita of aaveral aoton people laal mm mar and will gladly weloomo all wbo may caa it oouvanlaul to coma wa walcoma vry muob tba waakly visit a of lba ikkk paaaa wllb lu rtcord of doiiiu of tboaa wllb wbom wa war to plaaaautty aaaooiaud and from wbom vfl all fouud it lo iiard to part wa oould wiab llial noua but pliaaaut avanta might ba raoordad but aad ouaa alfto- tuim your no i lea and wa bow to that wblob tauat ba and bop that tbroub tba prant yaar ooda riobaal blaaaiuga may rl upon all lba paopla of aotoo win tim 3711 uamllloua klaotrioal mouuiiiaulal workaat oualpli ara now ualniorjara for 1 ornnlta and marlla muriumaiila lo ua op in tba aprlnij fct iaduoad prioaa wllb lba aplaudld now albino and puaumalio maobloary lbia ataulbnuiit la abla xaouta far mora aod baltar work iban baralofora and in urdar to kaap maahloary running alc wiour vary low r arc walo klvori for work ordered v no call at tba worka or drop a otd to j u llaiollton oitlpl to ooiiu a cfjlu in ontf dv tk a i alalia uruuio gulnlua t14u al tztu rluu i hi- iiioiiv k ii fall- to uur nh bog lm 4niuita ll v w urjoaakuiuatui tlia laalallou tant baa a rccond paluul tbla woak a brotbar of ura vana tb flrat patiaul ah avary praoaulloa aujutaal- nd by tlisprovinqialllaallh aulhoritlaa bad ben rohjjloutly cart lad aul and tba quaraiillna of tbo boma and vlgllanoa of lba ianltary eonatablaa hava uavr for a momanl rulaxed lbara la not likaly lo ba any fuitbr outbreak at laaat ouuida uia quarantined family tb unit eraiuaut and axparlauoad pbyalouaa uaolava ibal lbara ia abaolutaly uo daugar of lufaollou from auy poraon ufora tha patiaut ba oomaa ill aud tba dlaaaaa appaarrf at tba initial w lintl of lba loaal hoard ol ileal tb wbau it waafouutllbat mr vaua bad contraotadlba dlaaaaa dr uokaagoa medical iiuahb omoar ind btambara of tba local hoard autfaaatad that tb brolbara of mri vauoa who wara at botaa wbau ah cam ba qnarantiuad with tba family dr ilodtiolla tba 1rovluolal tunllajry inttor bowakot dadarajlbia to ba tmntoaaaary and btaud if ibalr olotblug am paraona wara dialufaotad lbara w poatlvaly no daugar to tha publlo aud tbay would iu all probabllty tbammlvaa aaoapa st vtimlil4blfditiuj humtmdtut lba aunual autaitalnmant of knoa oburob buuday uoboot paatad into lilttory ou haw yaara ubibl with urail aolal in tba long lit of hlmilarawanta tbla will ba lookad upou aa ou of tba baak givau by tb aoliool iha caulala oabla olaua darandara wan ivan without a hlloh tba fihoruaaa lu wblob all joluad aud war yaauwd by4ba landayflobool orbaab waia vary luaplriuit two uumbara lb vim drill and ilia halnbow drill wara xwdlaly putty aud draw fnom lb aud ta n oa a moat autbualaallo applauaa lliu towu ball waa lltarally paokad aud al al oclock liokala- oaad to la aold an ibera waa noi avan itandlua foom uom ijaa of be crowd may ba gatbarad from tba prooasda of tba avauluit which tolallad al is and uo oauta j7 00 too muoh pralaa oau bardly ba glvau to lbo wbo uutlrlugly traiuad tba obi trail for ibalr aavtiralparu ibaoblldraualao ara an tit mia a abaa of aradllfor lba aptrllgwblob tbay put into lba oatilata wbau lba tlaya for vraclla coma arouud j aaama ilka bd audlaa taak loaaouraautnolaill prboouucy to warrant tba praaanlluu of a oauta u uuto tbu publlo but tha childrau aoou buoklad ou uia armour of dalarufbatlou aud uudar lba lbadarablp of mr a 1 mann and mlaa jaau lliiiltb ahalalaj by lba orobaalra and lba dllfaraul com mlltaa aooomplubal ktaufyltik auooaaa lbara ia auuujij ufa kuryluy tluoob tba vallm ii ibailuuday tlohoo lba naw yaaropaiia wllb graat proiulaa mr llyuda ia au 1 laal auparlulaudant aud la avaiatad by a vary loyal baud uf taaubaia and ofltoara im in all lb tint ilbblh of tba of aw a aplaodld attaudanoa 45 uunj lu lba uiblt claaa alaua tloieli lacv dm mui 1u11 mr qilliaa wio was takan by turpi in repllad briefly thanking bla frltada for their bvaatlful preaaiit and kind addraa ila felt proud of ida team uot only baoauea thy were klrouji man and ooutd win but baoauaa tbay wora uenllemen what llioy bad won tliay bad won honaatly and iievtr wlahad to win iu any other way ilo anpreaaed tba plcaaura it waa to mrr oil ifa aud bimaalf to haia ao many prsaut and hoped tbat tbay would all enjoy tbam alvea hbort addraaaca wera 1h by a uamur of thoe praaent eougratalating caplaiu ctltua atd bla luui en ibalr victory after which all jainl lu tinging ua a jolly food tvllow tba ramalndaroi tha avoiilui waa apant in gamaa and amuiantanla and lba morn ng waa aomawhat advaucel when all wufc boma fliug thai lby had a good lima local uiimpuetb a crawaona comera aubacribar wrllaa plraaa and auoloaad i 00 for fcolhfr year wa liiqugbt wa oould do without tba tat iuaau but wa hud wa cannot paaa forward a ubual mr arob monabb wbo injured hia lafl lag aouiawhataarlouily by a fall whlla at work at tha aoton tauuiug compauya worka aavaral weaka ao it now abla to raauma bla work but la ahll v lamr mr j b mckamu oontraotor baa purcbaaad from dr lowry oualph lba vhfiaut lot on church hire i tie i to tba reeldauoa of mr john forbes and la laying down tba m atari 1 1 for a nw bouaa ba lit ubda ar acting tbar tia orcdilora of quruey d co mat in ihaoftla of lha aaalguaa latt irlday tbay eounrmad tha appoint man i of ii j monabb a aailguea appojuted iuapaolora aud gava ganaral direollona for tha wlndiug up and dlatribullng the prooooda of tb aatata tba own ol blklrk mau if talking of pulling in a municipal llactrio hub i lug yitam ur j ii kannady a foruiwr aoton boy la a mmber of tha tawo council and haa bean aeouting poinlara from aolon a to our uectrlo lighting ay a urn childhood indlqbbtion ortan laaiib togorloua troublalun- laa prompt titapa ara titkari to chaok ithow rhlo can uoat uo dona indication u a troubla that ia vary oommon in infancy and aarly childhood and unlaaa prompt maiuru ara taken lo oonttol it tha raault ia oflan vary aarioul it pravanw lba propar growth of lba child and weaken tba conalllutlon to tbat ha la unabl to rut otbr dleaaaaa that ara mora dangaroua fortunately howavar lha troubla ia ona tbat ia aflly oonlrollad propr food not loo much but abaoluuly pure planly of frab air and daby a own tablela frvaly adminialarad aooordlng lo dlraotioua will aoon put uia auffarar right aud maka boui motbar and child happy w k baiaam of kingaloin out ia oaa of lha many motbara wbo baa proved tba troth of this alatamaat hha saya whan my llttla girl waa about tbraa mouuiaoid aba bad indigestion vary badly bb was vomltiug and liad diarrhoea almoat oonatantly olia waa vary waigbed only tour pounds aud although aba bad a ravauoua appetlta bar food did bar uo good whalavar i bad triad eavaral madloluaa but tbay did not balp bar then i braid of iubya own lablata aud proourad a box aflar glviug bar tlis tabulator a faw dayu tha voimtlug and diarrhoea oaaaaj aha bagau to iniprova at oum and graw plump and fat i always glva bar lha taluu tiow whan aba ia mil tig and tba raeutt la always ood uabya own tablets ara tha baat rnllolno i have vr uted for a child thee labials will promptly cura all tba mluor allmaula of huts onaa such aa aour atomacb ludlgliou oolio ooullptiot allay lha irritation acciiupmjiujj tha cut ling of taalb ta ibsy ara foad for cblldreu of all aga ana cruabed to a paw dr or diauiusd in wstar cati ba given with abeolul uafaly lo tba oungal iufaul if you cauuut obtain lutji a own labials al your drugglata i hay will ba ami post paid at 20 otula a box by uldrualug lha dr wiiluma modinina cur llrnokyitto jul a ouauanilii luraby oaillfy that i bava mada a careful obamloal analy ela of ulabya owu tablata wblob i personally purcbikoj tu a drug aiora iu montreal my aualyaia liau prcad that lha ubbila coi abuolutly uti 0 lata or iiarcotla that tbay ni ba u4 wllb p rfol safety to uio y luugoal infaiil that tbay ara a uafwud illoiaiil niedlaluu for tba lroublaa ihy aru indicated to rullava and cura lhitwij miiion i- u 1u1lym a ho frovluoial analyst for qjlbo moritlealduo j3 11mh titoto yhkcouqh anu woliktt okk run colo ualur nly iiimiumuli mr j p beoorj of orlllia aoonpla of day hut wek mr jm w ca wood of uarlaluulob ta kialtiug fnanda in town mr 1 i m fuoord waa a llrockvllla ut weak on bualoaaa n m itdjf uooe returned lo albat cillag- llellrillaru monday luv j w iu and mlaa lottla kpait new yaarawilb aoton irlaoda mr 1 d waro of lba joorgatown utratll waa in towa da moodaj mlaa lleardiuora and mlaa jatvlc uf toronto kiwol aaviral tlaya in lowu mr andmra tbumaa t moor a kpaot tie bolldaya wllb fruoda in ooalpb capl ued of oualpb waa a gneat at the boma of mr jehu moquaad laat weak mlaakhaak mcqoaeo id ou lur day to take- charge ui bar aobool at moaa boro mr a 1 niokliu llt on monday on a trip lo montreal and tha kaawii town khip ihemierakirkwood of pralon wara gueata of mlaa jaoula uullh on new year mr and mrs juo xl cookaoa maaur olai nftji lii j ti l i tr a week mlaa addia uaaooby uf hamilton waa tba gueat i al week of bar aiur mra oao ajiuaw uiaadaiy uiakliuufi on saturday to taka bar blluallon aa taacbar at tha aobool at kllbitdr mr and mr- wocjal of mttliod h w t wara gueata of mrr mad dock on leeeday mr llobt ilumpbrlaa of lang apanl mewyaara with hia brother mr j w uumphrlaa hx mayor htleon and mraneuon and oliudren wara guaiu of atloa rauuvca for haw yaara mr and mr duncan malutoah of woodatbck apant a weak at lba bom of mr kail molulot mr and mra john kuuay aud miatar linton apant a day or two tbla weak with frlauda in toronto mra d l jonee and uaaur dngald ol ottawa ara walling at lha family raaldanca dowar ava mr loin ilaudaraon raturnad to bla uotbraa at thu bohool of traetloal golanoa torouto on monday mra joaaph joyder ol port dalbouata la vuiliug bar grand daughter mrt prootor youug utraet mr aud mra john w dews ol mlllon wara gut a at lba boma ol mr w utm atraat for haw yaara maaur malcolm maeacbaru waa vary aailoualy iii with puaumoua laat week bat la alowly roovarlug mra qac mttlbollaud and mlaa iran bava returned boma attar tpaudlug a week with friend at blratford mraw hall a rtarcad oa tbureday alur apaudlug cbrlalmaa and haw yiara wllb bar mother atualion mtand ura qaorga mlogley ralumad tocookavillaon tbnraiay afur apauding tba bolldaya with aaun fruada mr ii a patrick of yorklon w t vaatbapuat for afaw daya tbia waek ol ur john moqon and family mr dvld ufiiurton ol brandon mar la ipaudiug a faw waaka with jjr jamaa nuuull and kaquaalngand bramp- torpid liver x aornatlmea reai ir dimcjilt d- teatlimi tbat in iivbi kj uia t when 11 la whal heartaclm jiiri nmatlpmllon wlmt flta of ilcihimli ry whal rear r imaginary nvlli itmliira wlui ilia dlaln i uir ratine tba aoiiritnaa of lu ihma ii tb bad ul t tiimitb and ao rortb lo mnko tlio ur of um jir ferar acarcrly worth living i jysipivri niluil f tori td llvor in tho raaa of mr j ill ft jh t riluadaljil i a la who wa n luflrlrr liar autrmmil iimdu in l 77tb ym la iu atiaillabl a l 1 otbera bava imtii by n faubfiil if f hoods sarsaparilta biat aru lo all tbo ill orcaua curaa ilfj ala oui k jtuinliciit vlcor ami lone lu tlia wboln ayautu fishi fish just received in i lleninjil licaiu h r liul no i while llli j mi mlll j erlhirfel al 1 while 1 uh ml 1 111 111 lie 4 y llu 111 sw a en alum a on every imi i t lb cfhiulua laxative bromooiiiiiiiic ti iu iv rsaady lba aai a u 1 i uau t njr bbnbht alutday ue 15c a injen will lgi urgaweot oranges january selling its time htul lo ibn 100i i hoik lalnaantl lilt la old its i lino r liargalna ii a eio tlmo when ol i lock marked down and paraded ixifixa ijnyara lr llioirdnor 111 woeful diaaalcra wa bava 110 malting narraruin to ru kloclr but wa bava lol uf iiafc and ierlct gwxlti ilul wr atrip of proltta and pul on uia to gka all impalus anil tpil k tlrno movrintnl in lhoo dulkr dv8 of trade u ually following a blj holiday bulnc january pointers jkljpkojtf jvv wooir noted xea store and chjna palaok cuelph jan oxii the right house frrailiiiiiu hamilton iavoiutl siiopiino ilacli reduction sale of seasonable goods lndlrh ilonlu ltiurtl aoo rrduced from if 3 75 lo l 50 costi d clocb wall initio and finished alroa from 34 1043 300 reducml from 0 00 id f 50 coaja of black beaver frlara and itouclca doubla and aingla breaalod hum and unlinrd aires 3 to 41 v3 50 formerly j 30 to fio coalc ofbeaver in browns fawn and cardinals doubld and alngla braal ed tlylca nlcnly stitched and trimiuod broken slrea only ranging from 34 to 13 3 00 lornicrly tsyi for ladies colfcapcb ofdoubla faced plaid in dark abadan a very limited number ol ihaae 1h 00 formerly lis 00 for a limited number of coif capes of belter qualities xliciui for thl id feu at ucduccd jrlrck tl o formerly pricd al 83 75 for children a kecfera in varlou pood colors nkely trimmed arid to fit children ol 4 to tl yearn afcrs ibal var formerly 75 lo j5o for uulrra in broken iiltablejotchllup children a aliea only lo h and worth from 13 lo 5 30 black kutreli hblru w13 aul to a llttla lot of ladles under iris mada from black mercer i led cloth of antra quality with flounce strapped and trimmed with fiva rows of frills nat corded would 1 he ipletidld ualua al fi oicb uifcapilonal buying glvs us llta opportunity ofpuuiig lliom on lo you at r 35 ucdurtlouu 011 muhorry j 00 for 4 to to f6 oa i lata tbaca coniprlia balanco of yarlous lines of irimmed millinery all of this araaon a beat alyle in velvet ami folio nicely trimmed with mount a velvet kllk or chenille trimmings your choke of the lot for f j 00 50c far your pick of a lol ofunlrlmm ed fell priced that and aold at fi formerly and vt 33 priced 5s ml to fit and a collection ol feather mount in a grand ataorlmetit of coloring- to ba cleared at half price children from 4 to ft years mail ordcrx lecclr uroful nuj 1roiupt atfrnliod thomas c- watkins ring st east cor hughsoa st hamilton our great una of 3c oods mil 1 by us during tbo u juy telling prjca nc hzwx run caii wa are making a clear ny pr c j for all kinda and grades of i ur caps ovxiicoats wo liavaoi men sand hoy tovcr coals in block wa arc willing in change i hem lnloiuuucywithuul profi 1 noyi uxxrxiui- 3j left all ktts irlccw cut id clear i bem higalock came a little lute how aver tbay arabought at adlccouul and will go during january wiling a ml lows i tur yc j antra lluck kjocha vcy lino goculs tjlit price ir an silk tixv- halanca of oui sw has lor 33c oor socjrr 31 tuiclafor j tksforjsc cut prirr yicindsr heavy 1 lack is chruimrs mock of nlri rpiallly uloclrir al lb di bj u rolur nt id rultu fiufaiiily itnnl witb quilled unrlioi l ixjiiitlful cmti 1 rlro wrnilju ibouibaom0 paopla ujfd them ftj lilili as uo uoluf y 11 ibr rbolrn wbtlo they at1 at ujlji h 1 uwrlrd wrap- duiers jack cl and lone oil nt in nil nbea liiaila of rl j lit cloth wiim of i hem llnml uinio of thiia noi uonin fur dimmed to mo not not rnio woiib ifln than bio your rhoim 85 jl adloa anil mln jackets avtry one now and ury utnly iinporlrif rainnlotn in rnnj 1 unil uira at a qcll traili ill count of irn ixrcent 111 udhi ind mkujjiletdtnd long coals ull new my led and clot ant ilnili u 1101 coiuplaid lu mnes but can fit murly toryltoily upccul i r ulii oiinl of 33 vr cent e b bollert co 25 and 27 wyiidlmm hk 0uelpi1 lou frlrudi mr oaoika bmllb of lh firm bi tbompaou a smith ingaraoll waa a gei al lha horn of mr t k m laaord ou naw yaara day uia dalian dampeay who baa ln aldlntf will br aunt ura edward mai thawa for aavaral tncolbli want bom lo hamilton oa nw yaara kvr mr and mra maiaball arulay and chlldran aud mlaa uagjtu h ualtbawa ol torouto war goaala an lb boma ot ax- councillor brown over naw yaartf tb many frlauda ol ura bav 3 k qoddsn who reluruad from oaltdouu aa cbiutmaa will ba plaaaed to know thai aba ia gradually regaining br uauaj haaltb mr z a uall and buaoa oipaouiig aishsua war in town on friday apandlng a faw boars wllh anion fr lends afur attandlng lba funaral of tbaltlau j hall barlin mr ldwin and mlaa ada vraocla and mlaa drlaoy miss delia dalaoy aud mr albarl 13 young ol toronto mada a vary jolly company at tba bomaofax councillor pranolt bar c c ctavla wbo waa paatorol tba coojiagatlonal gliurob cborchlll two vaara ago apotit tuaadav wllii a uumur of bla form paiubouarv ufa ia now flu uh log bla oouraa at tba cougralloual collrga moult mlaoraoa ilagar left ou monday fov iuiiavilla wbara aha will taka chars ol lba dapariuula of domeetlo bclauo at aluit culugaatid at lbs inalltultoa for tho utiil and dbnil mr john j craig adttor ot lb fargu arui ffraorj dlad al qravnburat oa tba jiub dae ha waj ou of lha uioal rtr- gallu and suooeafol of lha youngat uaw papar man of lha county auooeeduia hi mhar ihalalt john craig u v p ia tb ownarahip of lba wawi ittcarj mr oaorfc tya lba vauraupubluharol lb8llramploo tmt haa fouud ii uc aary through 111 baallb lo ralira aud tb iws baa hou amargauiaud with tba jhmutr mr ty haa bad a loutf audhtmoiaburcord aa a jouruallat aud did iuboii lu bis many years ol uawspapar lutlukuo lu buildinrf uu lba of brampton ha u au an preeldsu of lb canadian pr a aaoolallon tlis death ot u b llobarlaou uupl of hotua miakloua of tba pr bytarlau obuiob is k uly fall by aqiou friends aud aspeouuy lu tba boa of hi auul mra jatilandartoa main blrl vor lwnl y month ebmnants of dress goods flannelettes linings towelings tweeds linens cretonnes sheet ings pillow cottons sillcsbtoaiso a host of odd lines- in ladiesv childrens and mens shoes all at greatly raduoad prices ta claar bufore stock taking we have a few ladies jackets natty new garments which we will clear bhis week at prices which will insure immediate sale come early and often hend6rson 5t co will st hcton mid winter saturday january 4th bigbab-aaljs- big hemotral clearjiia sale at 99 wyndham st ab i am leaving my prunt preml3 havinj renlet clark lba jcwclr i am olng to hold a inatninolli clc lha month ol jannuary commencing lorr next lo ala tlunn saturday morning jan 4th livery colored ikt in my store at exactly half pricd all caiw at ona third off rrjulaf price j bargains in underwear clovod mitis overcoat waterproofs coats twoods wort l ds suitings all go at auugbler priccadurini liiahl remoial nalo don t forget tha data saturday morning jan 4th re nglsons 99 wyndham st guelph quelphs gcreatest sale of dry goods and clothing i now going on we want to sell 15000 worth of drj gd and 5 000 worth of clothing this month before we start the alterations and before we take our annual inventory can we do it we think we can there are are not many if any careful buycri who will not appreciate the advantages of this early sale it an occasion during which money finds its great est equivalent on hou8afurnighinps c drog3 good linona blanket millm flannol curtqinij mono furnishings mons roadytowoar suits and 0orcoat for full price list read the guelpli mercury and herald d e macdonald fc bro cuelph we part with our furb at prices which aro not birh but high rnoujh to ensuro the best qiiaiilias a painicui akl i1nl um ol i uls ready lo lie made up into garment lo tb purchaser s ordcra also i ura remodelled to tbo latct 1 tyle 1 i bo larj est aitortma n u i ura ccr slown in nrlph tho ifuria en titte are ery aunctic and ub ara already aellinc larje miiiilwrj la aarly buyers latest styios in hot and clovos l h e lafontaines wliolulr ailltid i urr lo cuolph ytlr ltobikuou lil u ill ttl 40iuuj intel ifml iril lu tu lua uillowk 111 tb cbluu bula obuioh u llb4uutt lot ftlylui iclon in4 u oiitt nil iluloj bl vblk ij4- wllb we commence a clearing sale of all winter goods consisting of clothing dbbss goods mantles fubs millineex etc every purchase here for the nextrtwo weeks will be worth 25 per cent to the purchaser j a mcintosh son v upper wyndham st gu6lph watch work we were iicvlt in a better po1- itiou for year to do imih watch repairing than it pre cnt- give u 1 tniljiltibt a regular customer skvkge st co the jeiazehers 1 oukllil

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