Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1902, p. 2

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uuuittv oar oar ulm ida vv in 1 k- if utilieilluoi jouaavelor inlimk ltraniui iwrliki i luibey in ptln utllii 1 ytara pay l ho iutrt j- duflar of kylit iwiliilams again refive jtablool 6var councillor juni by tilff majority uakutku limn- alt ii llaibar ie4 urlfujl i unif mi tl mi hu llil ui tllmrai ii- wlrn call iiiueelfeelyl jouiuv iw boul ntrof jttiin nun u aatnlral 11i january li huuifutsillsil uiwkt and nii ullltilultlll joill ml 111 unfit ocijc retail jfm rcs yitmhiay janwahy0ltmjl tmrrnee rnss calhndar the celouder lot 1dcj unl to ell anb earlbere of i bo pa puicau du new yomi morning la tauob admired although wi printed a lerife bomber of extra ooplee the jem m j ha beet au ureal ilia iaatle la already rlheuauj j he ullr work ol oolor printing tittlilitf buiboailna till 111 nil intf wu done in the vkkk pokku nfllne lleapaotln ll clmlr the oaemlle otaraeys the aolon pil pa with oouitnandeble tidterprid issued a vary pretty calendar aa a supplement to ila new year leaue the guelpb jkulj liereury pays lh foliw tntiob appreciated ooinpllmant unclosed willi the aoton 1uaw pa a this weak rwiruee a copy of the very hand- ming calender issued by is nowey jour lisoh month a illustrated by a nlnld figure surrounded by object aytnbbhoi of tha month lbe utrcury wishes j lief geulal proprietor fit the 1atuui doullnued sue liurlmmfrtftmniptffcar- kditoitlal rjotus weeuru canadas great product for 1001 wu over 100000000 busbala tha manitoba governments bulletin piv iba out put for lhat province at 8ot70b0 buahels ju turns juet received at iba tbe o r 11 cftices frfirrttb fifflnil ff fia eommlaalauar oi agrroatlura iuio abow uutt tbartt wdr 3300013 bual- of wwut ow md buty growu la tb territorial hbd wltb ui pa fl abd rya tha fljqrad would ba dr tb 31000 000 muk mr 1aroy baoord attormty at uw of uaffajo ft form tabob wauama nltlaah fcud atill propartyownar bw la hu nlaqdaot apaaob bafora tba elector lu tba iowu ball laettburedey eaaort errened lha uotilolpaj trknaieol trader uyiaw lu vary etroatf uiml ha daolarsd tht inumuob kj ii taatrlcud trade it waaaa fair anooaeulotloaai kbd oppoeed lo tba rbjbte ot uluib abject mr ueoord eoggaetad that itialeed of tb impoallloa of tb 0 fee bood for tb peytrteut ot tue la cenof reraovel before eeeaebi we taiuor uxm levied woald relief to home ejtuot exlelluk hlrdeblp proleeeor ooldwla bmllb dioawe tba fublb bobool qaeatloa lu tba jetmhry caxadutu magazine oberealarlalu oar preeeot eyalem u tdaobeuloe1 end la fleklble h tblak voluntary eobool taalgbt be riafted on oar preeeat eyatem wltb mm fctkauuk tb lion 10 g slower ypeeker of lbe baaata diaoaaeea oar mlllury uyaum end ajvooau be barollmaiito all olllxao lu tbe volunteer force wltb abarur uupalil drill eeeaoai lie baaee bl aagfiaallon on tbe ejtperlenoe ol nov booll before goo fad oration artbar u u colqaboan diouae the juolproclty ailuauon dad lutltnate tbt oaoaja bu tiolbloif la eitpeot from tba united bule lu tba teurabieut oi mr llobarl iiolald tb ebairmajl lut er tjoal lb merabef- kblp of tb 1ablla hobool upard aoloa loaw tb amrvloe oi m iy valuable knamber for uo yeeirioooliaaooilyur holme be lu tbetnoettf allbfal kaaoaer perfoniied tb dutlo pertain i oi to tb offioe freqoeqlly nl oona ida rabid jeronal looouvealeiioe during bla tenure of offlo be be been lb ataff iuorae from tbre to lit tober tlaw bobool bulldllltf treot- d ateata beetlutf ititrodaoej ebd huuier- oa biluor improweuiatiu nttwotuii no bieaibai of tb hoard bu ewer bii wore ailbful in lila attendant upou ilourd ud ojajmltu meatioit mr iloluie be earned by lo eervlo lb bkl jf ivry pablla nirludoitii4u to retirement eud bupreaolilmalf rjull ketufled to do klao local eduaaaiout uinluf are left lu iuob cupaflenoed md able baudj aotripoeelb newly oouttltutad hoard ualalila oflnau ttllic u iii vinli t nve lollil tllliiluudluii ollldulxllvialo t monday and reullod for lttmva one hi- hjvary julsl bailut bolt- mjliy f allar utnlna lttl bad 4uuo lu leal week candidate 3 ii maltbawa teuderod 1u reeliiatlun from lbe ooulaat and lbe remaining fuur oaudldelui v cijiihuaiilly eleoled by aoolnmatton council uf tbe proaeut ia tborafufe folio- luevefobn wlllm counolllore joora ilonderauu qeorne liymlubaaakiaphier and j iiiw lbe only change in the pereoual of lael year council la the retlrnnenl of council lor jaati and tbo election u juhu anew who baa jual oompletwl two yeare oa tbi lubllo bobool hoard lbe lubllo bobool truateee were ilw looted by aoolaoiellorf aleear ilulmna aunew end wordoit retired anj iuv j k ooddeii m a luv ii a uacpler on and mr w u dopney were ahoud tbl ijivd uiree vntlrrly tiuw men 10 tbe hoard uhloh la low oompoecd followa dr b a mokoasue w 11 kauney 11 orludell itev uoddon and macpbereou and w h ileiib oltlkh ulllllllluiikil cmoiujltoww luovo dr nixoi couu- clllorea u urdly j a well j 0 llarily and j oibeou hobool trueue llli warra j w col j alafcoii anj 1 j bpalbl hnton mayor b dior councillor j7il7lllfedu7 ilclcy dr wrore heinaueet d uaruy d d wlokeoo bobool xroetee a mc kay j m uaeledo dr d llobruoi oikviixw mayor job kelley coun clllore jame modrtuou win klufj a v chubolbj paur kalley jna h byre and a b foreur tiaviuua ne ur uuok counoil- lor 1 feauieraloue j b fcord inglabarl jama waldbrook haqukai cooacll iroeleoted niaaimwavi all the old council elected eloepta hell who ritliod and feucoeeded by joeeph little kuiuou latit year council waa elected by acolarnatlon unpailinq ab fatli a lady lo town baa aatit tha fa puki tli followlny which eh bone ti luureek readare throughout tb 1rovli it appeared in lbe kaoaa guytiwr ac year ago when jon tier dleoovered cow pox iu luglaiid lb world of aoleoo burled an avalanche of fame upon bu head j but when tbe aoleiitlna ecbool of kaedlolna of tbe wdrld that oi par i publ lab ed tbl recipe aji a panacoa for amallpox it paaaed uabaedad it bt unfailing a fat and conquer la avery ibauuc it lehertnleaa wben taken by a well pereon it will alao cure kcarlet fever here u the tealpe e i have uaed it and cured uy oblldrao of eoarlet fever bar it i a 1 bve uaed it to cure emellpojwhaa learned pbyelolati amid lb pl unt lltual dl it cared balpbauui kino ou grain foialo dlgllali on train half a toaapooufu oi agar mix with two ubuepoonfule of later when thoroughly ralkod add four oujtce oi water take a apoonfal every boor kltber oi tbe dlaea will du- appear in twelve bourv vat a child am all r doe auwordlug to eg if nouutle would compel ibelr pltyalclatm to uathl thai would b no peat faouaer if you vain advlo and axperlauo ua tbji for that terrible dleeaw bvhiiton tba defeat oi councillor jean a lit tb oonlaet for tb lueveeblp waj more deoujv tbao gauerally autlolitad hit twenty yar reeldeua in aolon bit luurwt n uur walter hi willing omiuwm where hi uuuu wr iu tat a well a hi uromlee a to lb jjllthiugft luarkel auds mora neuaral mi n all teotloiim of tb towif wer daaoied alameut wblob would inak blui vary atroug candidal twofeol how ever militated ilrougly auelut him tha political ldoa olf hie pearly gat bin 111 bold abouldar lu favor of mr willuiu and tb teuiparauo popu uenerlly wiumufj ibat in flilng tb lloaiie tu laat aprlig couuoillor jan ld the aollou wblob reaulud in reduolutf tlia lliuor lloeua fa la thlowat polut rachd elno anion va uoorpuraud ktid many took tb opportunity at lbe poll uf allowing tlmlr dlaepproval of hi aotlou mr jaau star may ynt be in lite attendant howav aolon ha alway bran grvad 6u bar hoard of kduoatlou by oltlaau oi ability fao were r to give local aduoatlaual mttur their bl thought and aluullou at reault w btv admludly tb uioet euooeeeful and beet oouduouj publld bobool in utcouuty never ufor war tb ejuoakloual iaut of the town placed in lb car of a utter hoard oi trtiaue than they at today the wtlrmat of tb tbl fallbruwdouiber at lb unjnlii uon via- mer h uohue j auoew and j it matthew la ktretud but tb oltlaeua my ooigfalulat thainve upon tb election of thre m able uooeaaor a luv ii a mecphroii uf v j k goddn u a and w ii duny tbee uaw ul 111 bare ioi bring into th hoard eduoatloual ability wblob will be valuabu and added to lb praaeut member dr mukeagu vv it kauuey and lieu ry lrudall will turn a atroiw anargelia and uaeful hoard and will b ally able 4 aaliefaolorily op with al malur wblob my rulm oonaidaratiou 1 at ibepreaeut lintuirlatil juuotur in he i butyry cj our grovriujf aubon un new year e deo slat mie natteywaatberilon oi ibuvillag aud mr lla of hwvarly hied tbemaolve dh to hrln preebyuhan uaua anj war quietly married by bar mlnlalar hv r- fowlle returning that uuht lo the hooi of tb brlda where tbay inund reeldiuk for the preeni tb uuava hauaou and mia 0 mclean of toronto epeut new year wk with mr end mr t heuaon mr and m wui uortop war at imou mill mr and mrr6oouydom at caniphllvill r held bail h gatharluu of joung people friday evtulug for a farawall to vranci and jan i who liiuml iii nail week for illratd colleg ohio married at tb home of tha brld pareuu mia mlnnl matyl gopauud to mr ja maen of bhilob on voduday wwlh them well in their new bom lu lirabloa the holiday enuttalugvael uuen by tba melhoditt buitday bobevtwa wll liked door fo hinouollog to nearly twanly dollar tb buperinteojeut mr k hogigtf waa preeealed with obolo babdker- ohlafftnd low bojta wblt mte voreeur frlauda iu ui ocugrejtllou proeeuud her with pair ol for lined prlan lauib mitt iu roouguitlou of her falthfu aervioe at organist and teacher the dlaclple autartalumeut wa elto a grand auoova about g3 00 being taken in al tb door luv t a fleming farewell uruion was ft atroug ellrrhig effort lo bav pooide oouaider thilr waya tat t what laik i yett 1i ihankad lb topl for lbalir kind sympathy and auppuit during hla year and alialf mbtorat he ufl yeur day for his new oharge in ohio oou noil nr a muryy i 1 alrole 1 in krii cuu iio1 tim rrh i 1- riy oomli g ilia way a lloiapati m il cwmd r tiet n i iiulled with r ltd je tr tllxi v iil ha llnoli 1 t la agbt belur uy ha uurh l tlo in cu ipi tletieral hoepliii atd had hla rirnl ml o renidvml mr u hi ijlljipa a wit i t uw chl niaa llolld ae will mr ami mi v d vll- uf lolotil ulmllicclayuf ouelidl vll nllea dining llie wrk mr b llrnwil who baa t norlbweel ilurloi lbe pakl l lutui ou atiju nabbaoawkya luv ii caldwell and wife and family of liurfuj and ltov weelay kltcbinu a wlfa of wialull eellt now va- dy al he liutn oi john kilubiuu- tbe enurulumoi1 forlhu ublldu the luxloui ireahyteriu church largely mltaudedt the children hve av nnmurtjfhfijhi cburuaea hev mr hoberteou of murrlatitn and luv mr vlagg gavoaddreae- the alogiiiif uf mr lillotl an mr bayare wan tnuoh arao- laled lbe xiaaelroe hold ou new year ave at camphtfllvllle viae a pronounced auckota a plaauln f-tur- r the evaiilug wa a praeaiiutlnu to mr murray crawfurd of llputiard library of hiwlory tail volutttae hound in half loilbi in raoonillon of hi many yerj- nervine h luuday bobool buparluleiidrul thefermara itnllmf inrellnj iu tha town hall nail tulurdy aft and availing will be ft vry liiliratlllu gatbor- jug at the availing voaalou mr j w clark wliowlll apeak on preparing tkiullry formaaarl will kill aud drra a ohlokn fur the kuuliib market during hi eddr44 mlaalonary aimivcr4r aervloi will k held at lhenttr and llm tithe r qhurcba of the atrdatt ikxi buudey luvi f a fiatadvcheirman of th dllriol andmr ii i moore of lb anion fuau vukji i the dputatiou a vary happy day waa apotit ourlug the holiday al tbe borne of mr hugh mo- ltugblan pin valley farm now m- ounltd by mr iloberl aallau formerly of aolor lho family galbord in lb old homa aud oskbraud ibalrfalhbr auveuty- llrt hirihday preaeuting him with a very handeom ftrm chair which will afford him comfort in hi old age other valuable prraellt wcr tendered which gfoally aor- prlaed and pleaaed lbe old gnnllamaii who i atlll bale and hearty the oooaalou wa alui lbe wedding etinlveraary of the father aud toolbar lb utlnr however paaeod lo ih horn luyond elgbl year uro abiouutlluad pjtiaonlverajohajruii peoriaj h itourl from lluntvllle loreua from toronln mr aud mrr jopli fjoper ouelpb towiiahlp mr and mr nalaoii molaughlan and mus jeiiiil akltih knalcbbull mtu allan u alao a laugblar ftud ah aud her huabandcou- trlbuted geuarou boaplulity to all who a pen i tb day very pleaaautly thar war levru graodcblldreu preeeul iiockwood clirlatma day wi tlie bom of mr kraee k joyfully obearved at wm maud gib oou lb praaenoo ol ft large iberoi luvlted guaela including frinja from everlou ireelod ooelph and ii iii t- borg mia bopbla maud wa uulud iu marriage to mr geo w lawrle of detroit hv w h qarnbamh a h v ofllol- ftled mlafluannabli llamabaw attended tb brld and mr wilfred o moklnnou aoted aa uroomamau tb wedding march wa arltatioally rendered by mia allen gulpb alur the ceremony tby partook oi k aumptooaa reput tb health ol lb iwly married couple wan propoaed by tba inlalar to wblob tb bridegroom mad ft falioitau reapoua a large uumber of preeeuu indicated tb good wlaba and aauena oi ft larg number of friend tb future bom of mr aad mr lawrit will b in detroit where mr lawtle ha been for a uumber of year engaged iu tba jeweiary bualuea luv dr motavub of deaeroulo an old naaakaweya boy preaohed iu tl preabv urjan chutoll cr uqujav u epileps cur 1 a diatlasit that has uoncj iiah- flhu muuical ukill mr mauttiiutlttey o uuaklrtahnrrt cllvoo ulttrlnco ror tin uonrrll of otliir burfararu prom thl torrlbla mulauy we ventuia lo aay that in our town of a 000 iilhalitaule few hualnea mail are belter knowmlait mr m k oulbur the young and btiatling of malu btreel lie waeut hrwevtir aa one t olio of aa heal- ling a liuuilo of yara ago aa ho a today aud fur a good laaeon be waent well having uotitr iulo buiixa ere teaching hi majority hi drairo lo euoooed wae eucli uial uo heed wa paid ka fcaeplait aba body ill aetata of heallh litueaaary to eland hlrain audbxiouariiaiica of the el drm mi a upon the ayalem il became i down lo auidat latrut llil d falling aiiknca mmuiuui uud the lapee into uncuiijaluuaiieae incoming alarmingly frcquut he minaullod phylolah and look aome reindua hut without uufloul ullfcliuftlly accluiidf aviuuma link pllla advrtdad aa a cure for railing aiok nt iieomeiilugv aa 10 the lealill tha w calluol dl bettor tbau give mr gablhiar illnry it hla own vort yea aid mr uaulhler for nearly four yeara i auflorwl from epdepey or felling jlla whloli iixik ma without warning and luually iu uioat uuciuvdui plane i am jual wntiiyfuur yrejf ajo aud i think i hrltd builmre loo young- end tin fuar of failing apurrrd ma to groat- nr rffurte mrhape than wae jood for my coiialltulhin and lh oonirqiiinic wa tha i unaiila uuhjeat lu llioaa elleok which oiiiie without warning wlibtoevor loavlng mo urrlbly ulok and wok after it had i i got to draad thulr roourranca very muuli i coiunlled doctora and took iheir renivdla to no purpoae tha rile a till troubled me i aaw dr willlaina pink pill advirllaed and doclded lo try them i did no and the mrdldne helded ma eo much lhat i ul mora and krpt on ualng lham until if day i am au wall ye heller than i war wm aud am not tronblad at all eltetyliniinrrarur aaalxluf me agajn thluklng ilura may h other aimllarly afllloled i giv my atory lo tbi pan h may rerbap uad ihern lo give ihla great liiadinlna ft trial dr william pink pill are a positive cure for all diacaaea arlilng from itnpover lahed blood or ft woak or aballered con dition of th tiervoua eyalan 13 very doe nuke new rich blood and ton to ths irve thua ouriufj such diacaae an epilapiy st vilua dauc paralyela rbeu malltm alatlce heart trouble anaemia ela thaae pill ara alo ft oar for tbe ailment that make the live of ao many women con t tan t mlary they are aoul iu boxen tha wrapper around which heart th full tiarna dr wllllama piuk pill for palo peopler cftfa be p roc a red frcm druggjat or will h aent by mail pott paid at 0 centa a box or elx boxea for t k0 by addreeiliitf lb dr will limn medioin co hrookvil out mr aud mr btar of nawmarkt hav bu vitlliug tier thayouug ppl have bad tplandld rc- crealiou lo tha inland id outdoor akatmg recently mr j a hamilton has iwuo alaolad bohool truata to auooted dr uvluuatoua lio retired after running eighteen hour av day for txivire week a in order lo catch up with order mcaer harri dr go oiiiployaaa eujiiyed a week holidaya about flva oclock naw yian mornink il waa dltoovrdtlial ths lome ml in owned by mr jar gray and aituatad about a lull from llw villa w on flrr th building ud coutiuta were totally da iroyad mr gray had a large quauli- yoi oala and otbsr grain in ilia mill tba mortgage hold polio of 11000 in th waurloo mutual on tba building bnl mr gray bad no luauranos on the con tent tbo origin of tha qr u uokoown utaittliisia announcumunt parhapd lb moil atarlliug riiuouiioetusul of inodarn thua is th talaniapt that tin aerial rights of the man prom olaogary hav baell fcold to th publlellam of 111 faulty j hfikm and yll mar moutrta and lhat 11 will b immejully oou man u d iu aerial form lu that woudarful paper a may b imaiud tb prlo paid for lb alary i lirg tb man freoi oleuarry la uudouhledly tb beet atory of tb veer kveryou ahould read i it la clavarly rxhialruuloj aud beautifully wrltua no man u woman iu tbl ouutry will now wail to admit that be or ah ha jailed in read llalph connor great book for tb dwjv iumu i regularly lakat in upward cf one buujmd thoueattd houe and il baa aeuurad tb prlaa for tb uu from glengarry la ft prla and alvlrh on children cry for castoria absolute security genuine carters little liver pills uukl dear sluntaturo of e lufiballe wrapar iuimw milton the rink waa lu good condition durlojj tha bolida and wa laryaly pttronad mayor deacon andfamily a pen i tha holidaya at ingoraoli chriilloa co and d koberttou x co preiileil their ttoployertahboliilnii aud quarries with turkaya for christmas mr win alexander hau purchased 40 aorau of i ho farm owned by tha lata d m iiarrion near milton and will move on il in tha vprlnjf at the last maetlng of our council mr arwatroug moved aoondad by mr iiigglnbotlibui that tbe council desires lo plao on rocotd iti approoiatlon of th uniform courtesy ahowu to tha numbers of this council by iba major j b doaour we ragrot that you hava decided rol lo beekmuulolpal honor for tba year 1003 but w trust that tha counoll of next year way hav jour wlu advloa which iu your addreai ahowa that you have the welfar of iho town at heart carried unanimous- ly a unl fjlu tartan i n nittl tlm niriv off a h ttle of jf ii- warrjnlfld hi i tip of 1r if il ib ynurcniijli a j uaiu tll in iiiuy nn ll a lifu- ily aplyiiikt illllan a or a hi wa t jiiratii it flirt u w- rlu a d kauhm ihrui ly pllly biiihu ly kvry dr t 1 amirhe rro msnrl and eeilv- intn maue- tb-rhi- tiull by a 1 k own lime utwhr riun ol iir- wlienr r be charge up a dylii it win dim r ai mi t ufa dnnka 111 ail iniirn of sulci- milburna 1ju liiu 111 ih- powd re giv women pfniiil 1 if rmi mout iy pains am lev u bad afir alfanl wl at crorjlo autnuu lo lmllbutli a lr co 10 and u5ieutw allil k the iura ml glv ua ikrul br iflm ill be tli nreyir t i au wliml noil ig plaaaer iraptruiou ceaaoarryo cuelph business college cuelph out- vouulllba taught shorthand and typnwrlllng by an enriorl heno rrapluif oi sovcii yearn experience in rrporihik and omccwork who wrliea khorthand at u siccd of ocf two hundred word per mlnuto at this institution you will be taught commercial ulijocti inatliematlcs lnnllsli french and german by a practical accountant and teacher of fifteen caiv successful exparienca who in a iiratcla9 honor fjradualo and ex- teacher of the mort famous american hutlncis college and oi ilia men projjrciaivo canadian unheralty twenty states provinces djy rrsi and territories ar rcpreaented on iho rcbicr of tliu luilltutlon lla courts 1j the moit thorough and comprclieniho of nny college of hi kind in canada it diploma is a paiiporito jood poslllonrin tha employ of leading lirma lyndlcatea aud corporall of canada and llm united blatoa now is a good time to enter i or day or nlfjht claitea lor full information call tha college tradere hank liuihllng cr address m maccormac b a principal rilli thatcold vary fcmatl aa ay roc urucui roi diuimut roi feluoutheu foi tormft liyc nil coatstipatlom mi iailsw sutt roi thec0mpti10al vaa cuoe 8ick hladache a man ija uf an id wlf 1 on who think aba has u ideal iiuabajai china go vu gil of th grauat blaealuga lo parul mafolhrr uraiot worm llxtermlualor it i ffaoluftlly apa warm aud give baalth iu ft nwrvllou manner to th llltlo on or it may kill you takcncotjlat tlm time of the year and niutyiiinc time- m n hundred jt will develop into grijipj and grippe lands foracatepory nf niluicitts that has billled tlie lwst physiciatpi kill lhat cold take n neverfull treatment uwanta capstxle when you feel the hiver when you feel the fint flush of fever when you feel tlieirst hint of nit aching head when you feel the first otab of pun in your hack therc lire all grippe symptoms tint tins potent powerful hut pleasant medicine will knock out in onelwothree order make you well and keep you wellhandy too cany them in your pocket vottrdntfrktst should-hsve- tluii if lie haimt mail i ceuii direct to flrft uwanta wrc co ollbws onl asthma cure rtil asthmalene bririga instant relief and permanent cure in all cases ini alfolm i 1v 1 kik jn hickiit oi ioma wnitk oiiii hjlut ani auuueiut riainiv chained for ten years xhlnbllko aaaimalm i reliof oven in h i vrhro all elsa f0 ofvi iii bringa cav tbo kbv c i wlllb orvlllft kidgfl ill aaya your irui bottle of aithma lena recclml iuewxl condition i cnnol lell ynujiui ihankluli lael inr una cood ilnrlved from ii i waa a ave chained wih piilrid aoro throat and aathn for ion year i despaired of ever being cured i your advflrtiaemenl for the cure of this ailful anil tormenting illuiasa aathrna and t hooch t you bail ovcraaoken yourvolvei but rciv lo give it a tibd 1 u my tuidnlilitnonl tlm trial acled ilka a charm end ma ft full tiled bollla j lv dc morrle woolieler tabrll br ih cong rtnal l nowyprkjan itrrhoa mkiicimk c fknti l uiih your aslbmclena i t eiccllent remedy for aethina and hi lever and it cumitoaltlnn allevlale oublea which combine with aalhma it muccomsis aaioniahing an wonderful after having it carefully ana ly red ua caq etata llial aaihmalone contain ho opium morphlna cloroform orftlwr very iruly yours uuvuu uoiticis wicnliiu a dlti aft huou ml iijcuil- co ihla toellmonlal froi jjnndrrful effeel of your auhinalnia for the cure of aath york i nt nnco uhlul a bollla of asthmalene llm lnit of novenitmr i ary umid noticed a r luil i in her ahlhiua haa dlatptred and kho is cnt i can cuiinlatemly recjitimrud ihcmcdlclno to all dlwiui lel iba afilkted well a of duty having f -j- my wife lias bee lh aiuunojtc aallimi for ilia pal 13 yara having xhauaed my own aklll any ollnrn i chanced loii your ul upon your wlndowa on ijoth aire new fa commenced laking ii about nvemeol after uaintf one i all aymptoma i feel that aftllcted with this d i st retain tf yours icijiectfully o d piililps md dh tait hho minicivr co heb j ioqi ti yi iui i i was troubled with asilima for yraia i liavp tried numerou r i av m ran acroat your advert lament and alarted with a trial boiilh i found relief at onca i ham ajnce pureliaaed your full air botlle and am over grateful i havn a family of four children an 1 for au years wa unabla lo work i amnamjllj lyr n dolotf buabiee evryjr- tbirhemmeyyttan nuke bucli ulo of au you ana fj- ilomcaddrts aj5 itlvingtoii slreet g itapiiakl cy llui no st new york city trial uot1lm bc ahholutbl yiuce om 1ucceut ov postal do not delay write al once ajdreittt dh taft uros mfdicinu co 79 last ijoth si new york clly sold by all druggists bargains bargains bargains snaps fpr this week doat accept any hearsay about our bargains corne and prove for your own satisfaction the genuine worth of the bargains we arc offering this week we arc fulfilling promisea our bargains are genuine not mere store talk this is the test of this big sale watch our weekly an- nouncement and keep posted pilinls and other jmiy goods a pile of prints worth ioc to clear this week at c ioc flannelette sale price ojc spools 3 for 10c childrens vests worth 15c to clear at 9c gents iuitlsflsuings ties worth 25c and 35c to clear at 10c groceries 22 lbs granulated sugar for 100 salmon 10c per can 7 bars soap for dc 4 lbs best prunes for iiic always in stock j hi mhtthems ztotcslsf bread stock takinc sale por sixty dkys ceo stovel au winter goods to be dis posed of at low prices felt and rubber goods at cost call and inspect our large assortmrn ol all lines oidered work and repair ing in usual excellent manner cation conloctlonory oyatora cannod coods mraanna maddock t tnnui lier nilm erous customer for ihelr iwsral natronae and announcaj ibal slia ajilixl cannkd goods mil lkish ovstlusio her block guiuih uhdlad ltc dread and cake lire received from cuelph every tueuday tliursday and saturday tohonto ihlladtoromo dread i received oery monday wednesday 1 r day nnd salurday jiks anna maddock mill stiii it act0h geo stoyl nooi it siiol jmilbthkkv dlamh many a man bait iboitclita anjuared 1 1 yaalsnfays nijcrr iur outs woiinda chllbuins chanpad bands rheumatism stiff joints bur mi sualda hits of jugots croup ooughs oolds uauyards yellow oil will b found an taoalleiit rsnifcly picj j5 oauts all djaluru tnar u a sortof wit bo wtlglnwl wllli wlijoui thatuughtah huhwl fuwoulur km ml at iil a llvarplll thai i auikll and lurwi that la uaiitly qulokly and thoroughly lhat dwa not jiclp laaalivar 1ilu iioaead lualilloi aud ar a eur our for llvr oomplaiut iiduillpatloii ftinv head echo children cry for castoria how are you off for salt rivo carloads juat in i car of i ivarool imported in islh hacks hosi jlr for mral and cattle i car ol windsor salt in lihlu j no lb ioll aollt 15 hi tollt 7 ibuml ih sacla lie i labia miil dnliy mii 1 ca hock salt for horaei calllr ilc 1 car coleman bait lu hhlu ucl etc aud lastly 1 car of simla coat 10 ill in jcki ih barrel ind ion lb sacka wo are hcadqinrtor 1 lu ualtu and mo iho inoui cquveiiliiil i huil in your wigin call at mcuoiinoll bt bldu geo j thqrp opposite muiltil cuelph j qieinfeclarils arid preventatives por all contagious blsoosos gopparau carbollo iold balphui otuuphor llro soapb wwu outlla oiubollo aold oaabolio aold aud glyoorlne tor sale by a t j8r0wn cuuui8t amd otatiohjail aoton fltlu bbcrlisciutnls kiiiiiitoiinicil otliik f oil ball iu rollil r nf iurtr h1ui kill ii all xaiui 1olt hale alataru iml ajrplrto w tinjnia rctinrii itrick stoiu mill dwelling ioii ualk r rue lrlr 1 aiuufl tl- ick uuaau wall lul tllaf ukwlvr the an i aruutxia out nlu i all it uluaptloal 1m1i i irk uir anl mar of 11 1 ii auj 1tadar mfiliyuiimii i ooi a lululintf will tilek a jixmi olelaru vwm fuitliar- peiuulaia i ha liuiula lo huh akha un fink biucjc itesidknck wlluale 0 rllf at riiia twniory brink uc 0 lioaer x aviuua wliloli waaliulll lor a vaiaonu and baa alaaya leil uaad kllioa iu erection by th uallkmlultullilalaie it lla ujie kuoiu flva ujruema wltll tialla to a- e-r- vllar hw clatoru and la kuiililly ltuil oh uu uf uia luual tlularrealullal etraete ii ac urn kuiounbiatica l b 11 jw imit aurlaxiia an i particular aiiy ui win linilimlor iijii uhr aoimi or u uiih klasxuhtlt ikav u3 cuuiilugliain av touunto notice lo crcditow in the matter of the estate of frederick glcbcj deceased noticu u lirby c funuaol ut ha uultii uu iti in and amlnvliog aa ng ciaima acalnat uia lityal uuaojroourlo lau and emlitulitig acta uiat all perauoa g claims acalnat uia aatat at fuilck ili ulaefu- villaaaff aoimi in tbecunlyi orhahotmlttet ae about he aftl ilayol oauibat a b iso are twiulrvd toaandliy not paalil or deliver to altlier hi a utxuxlanad admlnutrtor or tba bimteralsnal arltufiiuuauik ifanovar 1oat offl ui 0 uon ui oral day of vahiuary 103 tiielr naniea addraaaa anj daaciipuooa had a lull hlalamanl of artleulare of uielr natara of ibe aud that sw aald it nil out lbe ialtlae ac titled thereto havlntf kaitard ouly id uia ftlalma of wtilch ulay aball tliail liave iotle and that uiy will not be liable for tbe aaaaat ao uuulbuud of any liajt ui i to auy iwibau or ivaraooa of wlioaa siu or alaliiia tlv at all not tbeu bave batioe jiiauikh uibiitr ailmlnlualoi- haluiiokili adniluuuult dataj at luliover thl- tlat day tj january a v iiwj both comb aud extracted quolo lowest prices and tay how pul up samuel l lewis co iloisltaom eference furnished i wnen vou want t i el0ur i oatmeal i t autonn s i sltshton hnd j f sdon jcills x tlielmatluul lilurkat t x all mldkm 1iu uim it t x uiti quality ivrlem right t i henry uobtoi 4 now istho tlrtio tlia wiwj putcluvcr looks about him for tha boat cutters and sleighs to buy i hav very full hilrofcullcrabiidsldgtu of my own make which you should imped hfore you buy i alio hat aa larj e variety of second liand dulles carls wajfcons sldftha and cutura which i ulll sell al low prices to lear them out i hiva tha beat makes of itool pul pen weljjli scaleo and ilaa trucks on hand m o nbill qeonoetowh the loriar distance dyeing- tlie real tiling nui or lpcond oually fioodu ate nut in our lino not burnuo wo ate mote lumuruliln than olhor llealera but bcauaa us a liiittliilbii propultion il pys to deal atptafuly with oitf3 cuvtomoru wo aro tuoially lnown as the do as 1 hay- 1roinlu liwil and shoo ddilors and wti dtaliu locnuiiiiiin toileurio tlio deujfiiathill wlnwver buys foul comrln from ua tnia fho kcal ihlim mory time at rljhl pi icon uniu of uiir loidorj for tho prewnl un wlllnbliiiilhyouhy iheirexcoptlonil und low prlcni uoot knd shoo duklqh ckmmbus dvizinc and clian ing wolths gui imi the rdace lor gentlemen to have llielr suit end ovdrcoata and ladles garment aud houbeliold ccoda cleaned and dyed olrlch pluinaa and this cleaned tlyed and curled uifla anrtyuan aent jrvuay oooda aoton telephone 1 iho idcl kpld trtnell long distance equipment increnes tho speed and cut down oer- tnncliarns the conlract deparlnient will fumltli piriculant tlio dull tclophoiio co of canada- mmqk- mmmm 1 a speight co willow 8t atjlou undertakers and furniture dealers i utidettalln in all llahrahcuea atuajdd niroiiilly and ijulctly i urtillure r slocli our cusiumari our iikc am uw ilia 1alare litii slore luwully prriureil lo al yjur wani in 1 bcliool lii line ilavlib j opj ou complete now stock of both high school and public scho books school exerqise books and scriblers in gr variety all kiiula of l pencils at special b n t g a i ii s writing papers and unvclope- and sta tionery supplies of every discription coino and wo our siocl wi biskirie sv ialao purjci titovm aclon oni uiiced ltflat untl

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