Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 26, 1901, p. 2

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a j unveiling ceremonies 7ivauilfrr- liwaok ablhetlh hue kt u jjill wl i ui ur a uil al luglter i r ik jjauu1i arolile i w iii i tr of olut i other hal w of llrintlon l laiianier u luel ardireh mm llmvi ii v iuhiuk ii tuluftwv lupl blat j ia uvluif a 1 jwrtmdlijiomu tiimlmi in llx in tluml hep ijii jiaa wall kureud aedmjjaara t wuiuit ui t ii uonday iu i bsrtl klela u k i- wl ui tli lata lald llftwmai 1 yere lihumlit ufauios ou friday hoi1 j i anus iluutn until oll years kimmapv al iiydvu kw onuilo on hunuj luttanilmt mary daughter ol nootlon wtlh thai urvllln of iho oup muni now in counau of bueltionv htlunuy ill be a day ty maun in tlaeuitalaof local blalury i pri i go ll al have been areuged in ooniii wlb lha unveiling ol iii monubit rvoll in ilrvie ill kllok h iiniuari wary ua ly rtuuiarlyol keijuaewb uu i i im- at 10 llruiiawjck a toroulo vti lay uhh uapumiar tbornea ullbi fvrturly ufauii egad m yn i ilikmoj 1 lremoa on rnodav hapt lvlua lrkinwn relict ol tba lata last 1 alkll u aad t3 yeajrs and 11 tnonuu on t jktton jxtt xcs ti1uuhday bkptemubrsclh bxjl editohial notbs ahe penalties orrigjoally imposed upon a l oro ofoekvtlto and 0 k ilyau o trafalgar foo and 1 100 reapeelwtly for lirlbary lu iho flection of ibjh have bmu rduool by tho oouri to 800 and m respectively tb president leboeevau hmi eaked member o mr meklnley cabinet to retain their respective portfolio through out lila tottn md anuoniioed that hi administration woulj follow lb policy outlined by president uoklnloy id hi llutfalu speech ilia do man j for tb fejl supplies for the lumber catnp anil for inland waltr port the utxt flvoor alx week i e spooled lo be very heavy tho tepid development ol new outarlo la causing larm la6taa id lha awyraantaol ttood la that part of tha couulry hrtjlt4l tho unwortuy ot toronto rtoalvad a aubalajittaj addluoa to lu aodowmaoi tliroujih lh gooarotly of lrofaaaor gold win ubiiiiiiiiawrrfewiui rw aou tiuu oonalata of 10 000 to iho library of th utilvarauy atid u to bo applied ftr lha purpoa of kaoh of lb- dapartmaota a lb traalooa may from tlma to tlma datarroloa tha oaoadlaa lrodooe co of toropto baa tcoeltod a definlta oootraot from lod don hiifjtand for 100 000 poooda of can j uo cuiokaua tbu la tb lrkl ordar for ibia kind of prodaoa aver lvn i canadian firm it only rmalna with tho farmara of oourlo to rata aaodgh ohlokana loauppljtlho dvisksd tha company prepared to boy avery ohlokao that cava ba trailed in tb 1rovlooa of onurto lit thorn aa a tduon who roaolly toad a paxaonal ioapeouoa of tba bodbary duirict id writing to ur v w aibaoo of tbo iloraan of mine to acknowledge tb ooortasy of iba dapajrtmanl aaodloft bli map aaya i think yon bmvo a vary rlob tnloftral coaotry m ur edlaoo uta that tio baa now twelva proapoolora at work la thl oaaadiao dlaulot nd attxt aammar ho apect to bava twanty four in tha flald uualouaiu tiia noith woat him abi reat improvamoot a bos lb wbtal oattlng bewail llotallara am ordarinjf llbarally now for tha fall ad winter a wionlp loiter aaya there baa beeo a notloaabu inore a ooooury temlttaooeal tbl weak tbe grain move meat will be ataady from now until bavlgatioa eloaca and a rraat dal of debt abonld be llqoldatod within tha oeit month id addition to oollaotlona old avocoont tbara will b a larga volume of new hoalnam of tinf kind to ba handled alao it la thought thti the fact of blr wilfrid liiorlar iccooipanlnif tha duke and dnobaaa of oimwall aod yotu to tbe weet and back involving- an ftbaanoa of aboot a tnontb will delay tha oajlluff of rwllamant the 1m preaaloa la that wblu tbe govwotoent would prafar to a ammon rrllamnt early id january tbey will bob be ebje to do ao until mux lime in vmbnuuf tbe aaaaloo were probably ba a ahort one and la likely to ba ooooludod in aaffloiant tlma to permit the irotnui- to atuud tba ooro nation of tha klu n jnua in many oluta id tbe uollad bte wlir municipal govarnniant haa la maby iniporlant reepecta pro ted dtamal fellu private cltlsan have farmed tbemavl lutolmprovamant olab in addition to kopiotf watob on tba ootiduot of moniolpaj kflalra 111 order to prevent ilrav and corruption tbaea olub aim at malng- thnlrouibauantlfoubdauraolive clo wellpavkd artraata boalavardripark iw tioti urouudd monument pnbllo drivaa parfootloii of aaulutioa abolition of alumfl ltd all th falorea which aboold diaun hill ill a protfraealva aalf repeolinf oout inuuity ar tba object aimed at coo many of uukuuo amlgrauta ki to forjtlu oountriaa loated of eomluk to cauafla turaly tbroub uokttf intorma tion riio orfor of madala to the yauut drltuii aobolara for tha beat paiyari on lioottraphy lilalory and keuaral atudua of uauada will hava the tflw of dupllliitf thai lftoraiioa tba oanadlau uib com duualoilara- cfllw furuiahea ivxt hooka specially adapted for tha anamination the priuolpal of aaoh achool aud at loahkoo vclioohi will enur tba oompatlllou will kaniliia tlta papori and forward lo lord hlrautoon the two beat a laollon will u ruaohtd at tba oiom of tba kaaur ur ioj tlu in the- lecooyotteldr madala hovaltv wgstw ho oyail hl mlfehfy or grittd woloomw a spaak loyal ovriwi bt 91 tba buk and buoli aof ouwiwall fclij york aid frwvll to tba iaili jila moruiuk they wu liratldad beyond m ura at lb aatbua laam dia0yat by tha joul of otuwa ud al the buty of tha decoration utl mad no ati 0 imr plfc jo uie lralr mltl fc oumur uf inem bj of the aoveruroenl tby r dmrluk their- a lay apoka of tbe ufajlfloa hon tbay h4 eiparleooml fromitbelr vlaii and a almilar aipraaalou waa oouvyd to maor morrla ui ottawa jut beore lb ltuyal diprtura lh tuamura ol tba lloyal auit wr avoa mors oqtjpokao in llutr eantftnanto and ware baard to aay that it waj difllouu io daolda wbatbar auatriuor0nada bad iraq tba uoka auduuqhm lb batter raoapftoa hiltonf tl mjlr b 1 1 of 1 itltr altllury wu died africa l r v j i u ail i an booth qgoflqi town tl a apun urt ylrll it 1 11- aroitun i- botnk hn lii uluu will no ttio moat of t beer hi lh k ii ur a d thorny mi wi uajt iimi loiifl aid liondftbl bmlnraa mf hi aortitwn baa dttpit ii l anilv t nihi lf 11 i l luu r t i bti jlia uooon am llittiwui haim uiuuonv hjal g lrolofla the afrvloe of queen and oountiy will be boih impreaalnu and tating jid will undoubtedly angandar par aplrlt of palilbtlem l the 1 arte of lha rltiok k tha final tooohaa to lh monumorl will be gut on fcy contraolor hamllloo of hid ueclrlo mohumtuul worka gnalph ibli at lernooo the lower baa were placed on tueaday thay are of canadian ray uranlti d wrub about five lona the ipllon die to bo planed to day will add over two ton more to tho roaaalva pile tbe dealgo of the mooomant la ooirjueatid ia entirely new lo ontario oecneletlta it jt all of rock flood work exoapuog tha panala which are beaotlrily ollahed and appropriately inaoflbed tbo oaalph rauaent a reporter o tha granite worka on tnaeday before the baaaa left for anton and tha utmld for that avan ing oontalna tba following daeorlptloo of tba monomant at the worka of aid j u hamilton grmnlu dealer in thla city we examined the monnmant to be erected in anton to tha memory of tba lata gunner moor oid uatury tba monument etande eight feat loor ijcbe blg and la in ibraa action oonalatlotl of a bottom baaa ftat 0 inobaa xitiaraaaoodd baaas feet 6 inchea iiuai and the die 9 feet u in oho binara and about faat hlftb tba wholi ta of canadian rray gran lie on tb front pjuullatb following inaerlpllon tbii monomant waa areoted by the cltlaena of acton comradee and other rlandl in memory of gnunar w j moore d dtury 1l 0 a lata color bavgeaut co he tj 30th lome klbea ho died at ho j military uoaplu pretoria booth africa while in active service uovimbr utb 1000 agad yeata above the inorip lion ta a union jack tba right penal ii baanllfnlly inicrlbcd with a crown and monogram rj a aod acroll bearing tb word iloyal canadiad aiuhery beneath la inaorlbed gbnoar moor and tv tl nailery on tba mt pa cbiaelled out a coat of arm and inscribed voih lorn luflaa ha hon color uaru moore on the back panel 1 a gun and carriage and tha word oor boldlar hero on the aacond baa la oblaalld out in heavy otblo ulur ih bi mooft thepanola and ltttorltig are iald and hirbly pollahad tb eollt monomanl waa madefiom the rooh gtanlt by aid hamilton btaff aud la a creditable pleo ol work th lower aection of tha monnmeot wrrtakao to aotoo today and aid hamilton u iboro aoparlnlandlug lha work tbe tnonumant will ba hovelled on saturday afternoon at two oclock with ceremony a bumur of th local military officer and ma aud bo a nombrof olllaen will bepraeaotattba onvellio tbe monument committa with lha much appreciated aaaiatanoa ol captain langlon whom tbay have bad in oonaolu- lion for aaveral weeka have arranged th following a tb ouuln for the unvalllng oenmonla tb member of th 20lh lou lufloa tbe mo of x llattary and other millbury man praaant will meat at tha town ball with clllaana acholara of the iuhllo bcbool and visitor at j b0 th parad led by tbe regimental band and acton cornet band will prooaed from the ball topalrvlow camctary at tb oem atary tbe epaakert and gueat will take pi aoe on the platform at tha monument the aoldlar will form a cordon around th monument plot on lb olroular drlvaway and outalda of tham tha publla will be ao- oommodalad ao that all may bear and aaa tba prooaedlng tba programme will npen with th hymn ablda with ma 14 by matied band and joined la by th antlr audiano iuv j k lodden m a will offer th opening piayar after which tb chairman will give a bitel btatory or the event loading up to tb unveiling oof amonia tha monuweol will than ba unveiled by major uardmau tha officer who wa in command of i b if preeent but if h fail to arrlva from ottawa m re 0 b bmtib daughter of tho oldaal llviug colonel ol tha rgimeol will hava tha honor of unveiling comrade from d battery will keaut at thla point tha troop will aboohlaa arm and the baud will play a vafaa of nearer uy god lo thee floral ottering will ba placed upon tba atone by huad of com rade and aobool nhltdrvo and the it y tun bovewlllthanbaplajadby tha band and auug by all addraaa will follow by 1u 11 a maopbaraou luut cj luvlj aou ol wellington piald balury gualpb x hauderaon u 1 lieut got oood wlllla of th will lorna lufle iuv j mr kakerm a lleol ool jofau mulrle u v v ol lb solb wallluittoo lufi- aud mjor john 11 uawr m 1 i of th 10th liorno uiila th proooadiug al lb grava will oouolada with tho avetl log hymn prayer abd benadlouoo by luv vv b moalpiu u a andtha national atilbem by th uiaaead band tha vlaltlug aoldlr ar invited upou ralurulng optowit tolirooeed to th lowu ball what luubheou will p aarvd by lha ladle liph ok phbhiount moktnluv a utandmird hutorloal work about to ba ueued lha world puuuhlug coupa4iy qualph otiu bav arraugml to laaua lu oaubdl tba bl of all of lb forth oouilug book oti tb ufa of tha ula lraidenl oioklblay it will b a tnagulnoeul wok profuaaly lllualraud wrlltaii by mural luuleadlba ojbr uj war oorreapoudvut ihevuti that waa baleotad by lha govaril liteiit of lb lata president moktnu lo writ lb official report on tha vhilipolua ilami- uurat halelead haabeuallfe long friend of xraaldant mdklulay and h will u a labor of leva for mm tlouub thla book which ba long beau 111 parparatlou it will bettonipleu- bleboybood war bervioe political aod aoolal ufa aa aailnatlon full aooouut of tba aaaaailo and the auarohleta ooutpliaoy ooouaotad tltara wllb medical traalmant death burial and atate funeral tb book la so cb tap and bo aaoallent that every family ahould hava a copy wa uudaatand that a uiagnlaoeut por trait of praaldant uokluuy ib x ij inchea lu alaa on oald board will be glvan wllb aaob copy of tha book tbe work will ba bold by aubaodpuoo and agent will flud ap anuonnoaqtanl of inuraat to thpm in auotbar oolomn gnalpb croitf cftl wuunsconnfllh a pettli m i furwardad lo gothru m i three llrtrak aa at preeent r vi ltmb liae rerul 11a lrm lu maiaigaway to mr danny orenitlll mr denny will ba welnotuml til ill tielgli borbood mi ii l lumshaw vlite 1 friends in iretnn this week mr cliaa gamble u v ailing frloila in vorilleart llultju an 1 aiunllng lha 1i amrtin iiockwood tho ilnalh occurrad on bunday of mr liru irkineon at bar ut reldnra kramuep afe a linrltift uera dr ceaacd was in her 7ltb yaar and for the peat few years haa been gradually decliu ing in health bha waa a vary eatlmabla lady and much balovad by all who knaw bar for her chuluhlooea aud kindly diipoaltlon bba waa a alrlct and esteem d menber of the imioiplea church at k vet ton and always took a deep interest in its welfare uor huabalid predeceased her about fifteen year in lha death of mrs iarklnacn another old and highly respected resident of that tuwiuhlp la called away the naming exhibition promiaes to be sn exoeptloual aoocee irvaldent gibbena i leaving nu atone unturned thai will con tribute intarert to the fair bqulra buange oetebraud hi eighty sixth birthday last weak mu terera donobue of mount puree visited bar eletr mrs frank o donuel bar last weak mr t v may ha relumed to the village aud la aaln lo charge of mr g j thorp elevator apuvaide afur several month of vailing and submitting in a vexing poetpinetnant tl a peopl nf bpoyaldo and vicinity were lo open the new hell whioli la now io be 0d for monday hohord pnroes and such other meeting a the oommltw of manatn mwy dolde upoi cz0lg0 is to pie bwirt juatloo follow itls proal- dsnte aaaasaln at mta tplftj hli will ob bbntenobp todav iluyrii- n v bpl 13 the trial of cx wo ibe aeeaaaln nf ivaaldent mo itti 1 i iiama io an en i jstarjay altar i uon ami ilietr tur wa lound ullly of muider in the orel dere itefurr ad j ikmiiu i be court jo ik white announond llial would unuunca eantenoed at two oik i n tlur iy atirnoon cxol wa lmnd lately tkn i ink to his cell and to l aierncb bad been lu no way affected by the laull of lh irlat dr matthew d mam wa nlled for croa rxaminlm waa the eolilltilti which y lu f o i ll tho autopay lo ba xpctad from lha datura of lha wounds which tlio vroilleni re oelvrd 7 aekoj mr it wee it waa not n i i mil mae very tui iiievrriaw anyltjlng jnit exactly like il t lud dr mann lo what i hot do yuu attrlbuo the nptomi or ii illoatiaoa which you havo diooverad uii us nott htlon of ih womit 7 1 la very i tlloult to oxplaln it it may ba iiiim lu tia if eeveral thing on redtraouxtiuiiiallmi hy mr ieunay dr mun wa kknd it thpra waj anything known to medical solenca that oould have saved the lresidaot ufa mo wa the reply without hoella hon 7hti municipal council i llualnaaa trannaotad at man- any uvanlnue moatlnu cum il met oil monday eiinf memur all preio t hure will ui in tba luirtoillua oil lllim l eellli ihelr a xtoooo rj til in ell il j ay menl nr llio nl lowing acontinta aji1 hopr vinkiiiilhla uvi door a u union aurliua ilioai u u tin anun h 1 l o irl of llftlxi 11 iii laortialani 1 ell work 1 1 1 r iwarl uatfiiw tfc uli atri u ii dl vi rl mioalli uu itaavi nacaodi v lit 111 john arlltura work u ii uraiid trunk hallway rltit a 1 111 k uluat nry laanltik 61 l1 the ull ia a renovated bouse blonitiug to mr ii 1 lawaon of georgetown with his uetiil spirit of pbllanlhropy mr law on mat th p repeal favorably and dealt with the promnior getierojalj tha rc ault is a very neatly yprd interior with good aealltig capanity and a boon to bpey bide as it u the flr1 public hall that this historic place haa bad vrlday avenlog latt wa finally vl atiar for tha opening cetamoote- lulu fell in the altar noon and it looked ilka another postponement but the night waxdallght ful and at eight oclock the hall waa crowded mr ii v laweonhad been invited to take th chair but wa unavoidably detained 1uv ii a macpbersou of kuoxohorob aototl consequently oiled that poaltlon abd after devotional exarclaa aunonnoed tb progratnmtf tbi oonilit ad of solo by mr m 1 ilanderaoo abd mr harry jeans ol aotou inslrumeut kl muslo by tha artituta ombaatrat addraaae by mr d henderson u 1 mr n ullllea mr j log mr hphram moore and mr uampehlr all the addraasa wsra helpful in their tona aud aach of the apoakarv regarded tha pro jeot ma worthy on tbe movement i ona that include all th church in tba neighborhood of bpey side and tha general wish i to have a good union buudny school and prayer mling tba ural prayer meeting in tha uew hall will b on friday bepl 27th at b oclock when bav h a macpheraon will be praaant to cooduct 11 ashorovli muia barsooaoitorculo i lha guest of mua mamla undaay hornby mr win cook of bt catharine vl li ed al mr j murdock wk mr msgwoodof alma haa been visit ing relative her aud at hornby mr mcfarlln of olamrnl is tba guest ofheralatar mr b k ltuddall muaojud tborapaoo i bpudiiik a month with friend at lyon haad mr matthew ilowaotl left on uouday for clavalaud what h has taken a luu allot he will visit hi aliur mrs al brownrldg au roul mis nelli dflugn u it toroitiotwbsre aha i filling a poaillcti in th uoksudry aetahllebtuant a quartett from th obolr bar sang at th methodist pionii aorgalowu on vrlday veulug mr 1 l ihoroun aud family will aliortly lomovo to oakvllu tli hornby methodlt bunday bohool pio nloed at iiljorado on raturday tha ohurch of lnulaud uumuy bchool will have their plo ula at tha unn plio on ool flrd ilia high winds ual wk blaw erf a coneldorablaquaulity ol fruit a hub silo which mr graham had just oonilltd wa blown ov mr robert iluddell r tut tied from maul loba on thursday laat ml louisa lovuys is aguaat atmr ltuddall unary on wliooaii do ao is liaillug tha ian aumloati borne of tho who hav wrii ibsra fotly ar ur urt wotou mimi awgitlrowiildt ur llsry btowu ildg ulgiluaauuldk uli ada nuou ur 1 v nixon mis ida v wrwai worth uuaaugla 111 mr u a iud mr u 1c ltuhlll on wtdueaday lha lhth i nil a urge tiumbar of guaal atwuibled at lha bom or mr and mrs illchard orabairt to wit ilea th marring of thair youtigeal daughter mis auul a to mr jatua halua nf brampton ih csrsmuuy look ihuiaoulha uwit and wah pet for mad hy luv austin tottr asslaud by hv h halo brother tilth groom lha bride maid was hi u m clark of prau vlll and ur alt lioa of hamilton did honors for the groom mlaj lrua huffman naloa of tha brldd wa a vry dainty llllla tluwr girl thjl brld was oharmingly gnwued in rtaant allk au train with pearl trhumirg bha wot i brilal vail laatauad wilh cream roe and th bomjuet was of roe 1 ii brldaaiueld and dower lilrl wore whit organcua with loucha f fltik aud carried pluk to the groom gilt to ho bride wa a auu buret ol paatla and diaruuuda abd lo th brldaamald an opal ring alter th daiuty wedding suflper bad baan aerved mr aud mr halns left f their trip eat amid ahnwara of rice and good wishes noval tour im ontahio ootalla have boon handed tho noyal train will pass throunh acton the following daulla as to tba movomeulaof their iloyal hlgbneaaaa la ontario upon their return from lha weal wore givaii out at gnvernmtnt hones jeslenuy ihelr iloyal iiighnmaalh duke and duobta of cornwall atd york will arrive at toronto about u p in on october loil and leave about dam on october 1 jilt lo visit oitle lu weatoru ontario leaving at 0 a m on ojtober 1j lha train will proceed lhf9ugli acloo lo ouelph baillu btrat ford london and than to kisgata fall niagara on the lake which will ba roacbod nu lha aani after noon the trip will ba rrsuuisl at 10 bo bli lha lath when usui lion btamfort and wood stock will u vlilftd the iralu will reach toronto again at v 07 on that avaulni and proceed ti iluvlll and kingaloti which will b raaolie on tha moruing of tha lfitb annual convention- saboattr bchool a8bociation of ontario th btbbalh hohool avoclstlou of ouurlo will hold their annual convrutlnn in lbs melropolitin church tot on to oo october 2jud at d aud jith nrxt lvry preparation iiaory io insure a good oou ventlon ha been mdv in addltlou la soma noted ctitikii speaker including thahou g w bis vrauilarol oolatlo mrs j w darns of philadelphia a promlucul primary worker and the ltetf joaai h clark d d ovueral hcoratary of tha btal of ohio wilt b lu alteudabo tb matropolltiu church is ona of ih largest in tot onto and urga gather ing are anticipated uvety school in th pto vino should ha represented blti far rales will ha uauad lo ulegate who at lbs railway twtloii ou starting obtain from lha ticket agent ku btaudard gaitlncata which on being signed by the uacretary of th oonvenllon willntllla llisiil lo alugt farr will sabtiith bohooli who may not rroalv oftl ddttuoitiou accept of this a such aud a thai tlitlr school are rsproaanud th irish itlfquecst in th day whan hogging wa in vogue a a putiishmaut in th british navy a boolchniau and all irishman on tha arrival of their ship in harbor obtained isava to go abhor fur a noupl of day and they over aayd lha period of leave grant ad them when they did put in au appearance they wro ordered co laahe eanh on th day of lha punishment a parad wamordarad lo lo wlltias lb loflto lion of ih hogging when all wa raady th boolcbruau asked a a favor lo b allowed a place ol oanvaa on hi back while h was bolllg floggod tha osptsiu granted hi recusal and turning to lha irihmau aaked him if he required anything ou hla baok while ba waa being hogged 10 wbloll ha trplled if ya plax yer houor id lolk to hava th bcotchmau ou my back if y wouldnt wind thii follv op phdalslthv r ju try i hardly juitloabla in auy sort of an aldrwa bafora an attdleuoa mad up of all elaaa ol proula least of all i il to b loleratad in a preacher who luaeiit lodeolxr tha goapel ho ul huugry for th truth oar nothing for a din lay of learning it will vlllal lha lpl avary tliur ilvii when great uarulng 1 da tuanded th irua prachr will not tuaka hla tuiaaag of uou effect by a show of wiadotti wheiibl iaul waut to gorlulb- ha want in weakness abd ill for and lu much trembllug hlu upocoh aud hla lirsaohlug wta not wllb aullolng word of inauj wladoul but ludamoustrauotl of ih bplril and of power that lha faith d hi oouvsrl should hot alamj lu tba wisdom ol bleu hut luthapowsrofood bl laul wa a due uiodl nw otlaao ckrutta admxau bcafiitam cauuot ll cured lly local al llcatloua a ibay eauuot rsach lh dlaat ivortlou ol lha tar there t only ou way ioouid4fiiaaa aud that la by oouelllu llollal vauladu djuaa bl caliaj by ku 111 aininiaditoudtuuuortbetiilibou lining or th uuualuu tuu wbau ihu luu 1 turutuui ad you have a rumbling aouuj or luipertwit tlaatlug audwbatl iu atiuoly eluwj daafuw is ulakaault alutllua lb luuililliiatlou ban ba lakau out an i ihu lube t to us noriual oonjiuiii uariug will b daatroysj ttui uluacaaeoulot uu at aatuad by ualalrh will all i uolllllig but au luttanied wo dltuu o uie niuaoue iutfaaw w will fcu ou iluudtad bullata fur any caaaof uvataaa luauaad by bitatrbj ilia i cu imi b ul by ualla uatatru cur luuj tux circulars fr v j oliynnlyjico toujo komi y uruuula voc j hall family i ill al th baal toaghilallan mau lltaaud ul om aboold ba lha beginning of pother duly thaholsat tr don t alwaya maka ilu in ol suiok llow to hat u wa refer to tha riohuaa o tha blood if yod aid pal hud thlu you ara poor lu slrvnglli kud liar power hoott kmulaloo drive away thlnuas and pallor ami brings rich blood aud nsrva povor pay lu ba hard o hearlll lotuelluia mllburus uaait and nerve illu quia anaemia asvousueae bleat lsaiuaa waaknaa lalpllatlou throbbing talut b pil is dlutiiifa or auy ooudltloo aria tug from impoverished blood disordered marvt or weak uaait aiii w moved by ii jrti aewin 1 1 by ii bwaokhamer that tia uixteantli teiit of tha committee on 1 inajica just read ba adapt all carried 1 x heave 1 ruole and mr hubert uoult waited upon tho con null lu ask tor tho tiao of tho halloo nr about lha isth ojlow whnuilis rop re i v lha eiiiloyeos uf w 1 bmrey a hi ii t ll asocial even inglklher in a manner similar to that avdot la j by i ami lovers o vlinn large h tut throughout the country lb deputation explained that thorn was no ohatto intended to be made tbo oouuoll advised tho deli tlu lo pay the tariff a uatial and then nitet iho oontioil with a view lo rebate george oempbull sent a latter to lha coo noil rrqerating that au electric lamp be placed at the tbrnerof brock btreel and victoria avanne it wa reported that mr hugh wallace had alao rrijueated that a lamp be placed on main street opposlta his residence rha rhjnsu wlllle oonsldsrcl but bra nut likely to ba grallls 1 the present ear tha chairman bf tha btroet and walk goromllton waa llutiuolod that his appro prlallon for tho year u now exhauled oouuell adj jurued at nine o clock tu catch tho kyc and the mind t at the saitim timo 1 tin art ofadvi rlisinp this ad illustrates how true tins wiyinij is l k ci illy to those wishing peasant and profitable cinploytnt nt canadas sons oq kopjc and veldt thr only book dealing exclusively with the caiajdiaii contingents is the book to handle official authentic che ip sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital ot experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money tho bradleycarretson co llmllori brantford ont ilftu abtrtibfntfrtin 1iopcrty for sale i villas lcerty e a ly lo ww 111 itbthkkt benumbed limits trouble nesemblino pah- alvsis in itb efpect ha victim loeoa stronulti in hla llrrtba ttrtd la uelittlly unnblo to do amy worktlm btory of a f armor bufforar bhowlna holw thla numbneii can ba ovor- ooina vroul ula whig ulimituu onl there ara few tnii in tha city bf kltifii toiibs iter known lbanurh b johoid the genial proprietor of lha boo ion barber parlor on block btreel i or an years bahao bevrrtutai obliged to give over the entire work of hh busy shop to his aasulants but thli spring hi health is so wonderfully itn proved that hll ulltiy friend hava been congratnlaaog hlra mi hi restoration in oonvaraiugwlth a reporter of ih ihly recently mr johnson had tha following to ay oouoerning his illness and out for many mouths i uu prsolioally paralyxad hntnbuet took poaaeaslon of tny limb bbpscially of my hand from my hips down my body was without alrength aud doeplu all that i oould do i wsunabld t keep my bauds and feet from becoming icy oold my appetite ufl mv and ebon i had to give up work uy goiieral health w of oou res falling and i lott fleb ai kdow i am alxty five yaar of age and when a mau lo strength at thst ag it la a hard thing to build hint up again i triad aaveral kind of medicine but they all failed tobanrut m thodootora whom x oou suited wre also unable to help ins i wax growing discoursed when some of tny old ouitomtra advised tna to try d wllliamaxiuk 1111 at tlrl i rerussd for i did uol bellev any medicine oo earth oould help tar- but at last friendly petsua alon had ita esjct and i bought a supply of tha pill and begti tiklng them laoon found that they wjra hsiitfitllug m and ao oontlnuid thair uid uulll dr williams 1lnk pill hav m id a ma a naw mm i feel stronger and belter day by day i am gaining in weight and ouo again i am able lo attaud to tny old outtomara without the least trouble i ooiialder tba pill my best friend and would not b without ihera br willlama pink pill ara th friend of tho weak and allng thay surpsas all other medicines lu thair tome strengthen ing iqbiuu aud maks weak and despond ant people bright aollv and hallhy theaa pill ara sold by all dealr iti wadiolna or can b had by mail postpaid alfco cent per box or six boxas for 13 60 by addraaalng hi dr william mad lolna oo brookvliu onl tbera some folks that work hardnr tryln togat out a wotklu than ihay d hav to al they dona th work lualf acton- livery bus line wall taulpycj and blyllah big oan al wayabboiirid atlilssuhla a eomfortabl bus nimu all ual blwu 11 a tn anddu i i oataful attautlouglvau toavaryorilar j0hn williams the ontario seed and grain separator go lim1iud fi uauo oni wm hemsttrbet ftolun 1u kocurcd the aicucy or iialon county far the perfection fanning mill and grain separator munufactuiotl in t ergus this in iho mill which lu crealliigaomucli talk and oucllenibiil union k ilia ihaiiaand of farmara who hava wiiiiuusmi lis owrdtlons in cleaning and aaiiaratlug all kinds of rain and heads at tha ontario agrlcullvral col lega guolpji durlug thaencmakiiis through iho month ol una il 1 ih mill which took ti lug ami a htlf of timothy smmj chuiied hv una ol ilia ullegod laical iniivroviul mill ready fur sowing last haltirday during tho llullon i arm or lxcursloti and temovad nvar untl quajlpf qsimda i hi tie shoot wirrul khtly ikeck of aead uf injurious wawls including imnu uuijipf cj curletl dtkk vti woed and falsa ilak ii will pay tanrtof to imvo mr kein slrool show lueni this mill tofora marlelliig or pre ha ting their grain and acadx ur liuji waiitkd canabu tellahllhiou lu aarv omuir ta- ranroaaqt larae notupauy of solid nuauul reiitiutloul flh per year payable wsaklyl a tr day ausolutaly suta and all ex pauses vtralghl ihiua n le dedn lie eatery uo cjiiiinlaelou i salary paiil aacb hatarday sditt ssitausa tin nay edvaasad vacu wa btan uaiuj uuubh i uaih4mu br cmiuo m goodeves all fresh in new ciiclsc pot barley rolled oat- rice red herrings white bcarr corn meal tapioca boneless fish salmon loc can and 6fcket groceries c f goodeye co mill street acton dfc e nothjk all i i dupoead i f i il 1 anlinua u litre arjrtl i l aule i lite tiait tea wsbke all li 11 ll i i u will pluu oal i eaiua ulelr ac ui t u i mn i vary liruoli ol llua j j ii uattiibvvbi llakrrv and tt i laou mary aduhth wah tic 1 for hio ufa of tl ij lrelitu 1 rioa only lxo a niaaoinoail i riralt 1 1 reeldanl uoklulsy ihlulueliaa willi jl aaeli ooiy sold i oiiiar and u loo to pay a al terms fraifllt il i ad4ree woi udiltii ostaaio ulueiiee wuuiian aa a premiuti wiui ill dolij sold r ii rata rail acliolca cl tilria ar ptainlull l lalurae i olufllng lb ouk- 1 luonaa of vuik lr xmlu lra mod to pay ooal o inallli g tirsdll ulllu ill ar 200 afjkk faitm- to hunt o maw uutarln tl a a 11 bo la give hhte your horse a chancel the pall pairs llet of inhibition whlohwill moat lrttrat erw pr-aa-madar- colllnjtwood ballon hilton burarln oraurilu waurdoaro llrainptcn uou lit waurtoo cook 11 1 e owen hcuud traiajgm oakvlllo- wuaalug aetcu world avalr luwkuia halaoii cautr wellington fargu cniluhvlua kriton krlu lrlo heplwtt iuiltmw oet 1 oel 1s oei 1u oct 0 oclt ools i ool st ool hff oct 0 oct 1111 get 15 ool 14lt ool itw children cry for castoria a busy mau aint got no time to baa fool in with other folk tlolu a good health is impoaslbl without regular action of tba bowels laia liver pill tegalata the bowels oura coo s tip hon dyupajisiaj bluousoea alok baadaoha and all affection of lha organ of dlgaa mot price 25 culs all drtyrglat whan ja hear a flur raltlln aaualhiu lu hla pooksty cant tall but il may only ba nail burdock blood bitter i a medicine made from roots bark aud hibj and is lha best known rmedy for dyspepsia con a lips uou and bihousnaam and will oura all blood dlaoama irom a oomtnoa plmpla to lha worst aorof uloua tor uuccaaa is glltlt to tho plaoa ys atari out far amateur cameras knd suppliss pretmo poco ray magazine cyclone piuntkna pramkb cibludt 31 cuih piuntino mmhfl solio aristo velox photox h rkjvfshkirtk ellotq kijtiut mctom bread confectionary fruit store having purchawxl the business lately carried on by my brother jf c matthew i beg to solid i a con tinuance of tho generoui patronage accorded blm i will continue to supply all customer wlih weston s andwltjucaaca btbtflr id bona uahjcamlu fectionmtyand pkfsh ikultb in season i will endeavor io glvn satisfactory attention to tha want of every patron mbs anna maddock mill braakt acton georgetown carriage shops the best platd in tho county lo fcet your carriage or any olhef repairing dona i irstclaa workmen aui best malerlaht alway on hand a full stock of buggies market waggoas lumber waggon call and see ma about your silo hods i hava tba beat silo bod coupler on tha market i can furnish you bod and coupler compleo cheaper titan you can gat them elsewhere j n oneill succeaaor to culp amckeoihj gbogbtosin 5utolsii3v it lake tu sillfy uw people it lake ery llllle herd to gat tlia beat of uuslcuon from our purs t now ii lha lime lo aav mpricy and get the ileal value wlso to uavo your fur renllda or rebtodolled at mm mar price l n e lafontalhe wholjl nil itelull i urrlar cuelph aotont mitcliino and itenair bhoiw numuvhunidull uhum auuull wjulul willi k i lha hiuililur yioiiiiullii blukallltll i wiolw lt lutod ullltul ur lull llult u ktty iuk b lluuiuiliimkujniliiifiluu nabbaoaweya saw arid planing milfs ulll mud cui io onsrf t vkxl ttl i go luatnl ih 11 p 8ayervp pr prlotor pure spiees for pickling ulnrk vcimcr trblio icliliel- 4llaplco cluiior mustard whlio malard tcrl outry 1owdnv tumeric mnco unit olavcri sue out hmll loc ldio xxcklocmt vvtxlx muxxd arscx coak3 uoujf ami wax roh i skal1no 3ct brown chbmibt auto children cry for castoria wlhtl to ua prifoawl e uqllanrv hi u judaialane1ilraa ii ftpoa bjdlolao in ttmu haquaalng- 900 aerae tbataarebaacrwasaadaddown huwlv plnwad lor tall wheat v bc poa ro d uaimrwl and stdged up tta property la wall watered haa a oomforteola i rick hauaw and rood tiaqk barn and ou lb a tidings immaduta toaaaalaii to do seadlria- and tba liouaa oast ueroh or adrll apply on tbe pramues to joiisjvathom impttator municipality of acton notices ib hsreby ajlean that a court will balbaw por soant to tba ontario volar lul act by ll ilaoor uia jodga o iho county court of lbs ooqotv or tlalton al uia town bait in uie vtllaaw of aotou ou wednesday bept 36th ldol at 3 30 oolock in tho afternoon to bear and deunnlno tli eavaral ooro plain i of arrors and orolealnos in tba voters list of ua maniolpallly of iba vllaa or aeton tor bo i alt parentis i avlus bnalnoul al tba court ata iwqulnd to altaod at tba eaid time and plaea thom t uooiufi clerk ri uie vlllaa of aotoo oiatadat aeton llept lib 1001 dyeing gimmuub uyping and ci ban ing works culumi the place for genttemcil to havo their suit and overcoat and ladles garments and household goods cleaned und dyed oalrich 1 lumes a specially mibs pbflbyman agent yancy qooda aolon t p bmrtm toitanrio tvs mcewlut jul kwvl ft uuijiu aij yow opjlal cotleceav call early and avail yourself of hi valuable services aa iliii la awrc opiortunity to havo your eyes proper ly tested rec of charge no gueis work but a tclcntific certainty dtffi cult case accurately fitted a li- wo uk cuauakltlkl txuirll airlvmihw will be at agnows hotol acton onbowv onuv thursday october 3rd eixgelsier bakery a sraeeii tlic auntmcr wcalier la niw heia in earn eat in addition to cur dally supply of bread buna cake etc we ttio now prefar exl to supply the public with pare ice dream summer beveraqes and we ate making a specialty of lea cream soda and aodadilnk generally we hava ida first das soda fountain and keep it put supplied with icecold aod a and tha purest fruit flavoru a larger stock of grocerln than ever ba fore and the public know our price are right worfdinr cajt a speu1ty t statham s0n main st acton talking about 11 if you are talking of a lall suit uo warn to do a hills talking loo our jlv ooodm an jaxt jn to wa are lalereiled and wa think wj can interest you liy allowing llioui ilegnnt stiltlnga lj oo and up coma lu and to ihoin wm m coolkr mkhciiaht taiioii mi l stuuet hcton no merohant manufaoturor bupmooa man or citlzqn can klforu v do wlihoui iho ran lluvq ammriul iiumchwu fuu aii uualiiuii lmiu lvuu acloii u live myi io kind llllwilialar pluoij your full buolnoim both for advurtibina and pr1ntin0 wlui ui

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