Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1901, p. 4

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gray hair i havo cd ayera hair vigor tor over ililny yera i my aealp treo irom dandruff and haa prevented my hair from turn in vr- a haule hltllnga mont t tlicrc is this peculiar thing about avers hair vior it is a hair food notarise your hair docs not suddenly turn black look dead and lifeless butgraduauythc old color cornea back all the rich dark color jt used to have the hairstops falling too if your drnraut hml att t- mnllui on- j p ou a bottle aure awljrwe i m onaramrmlpratno4 adareea 4lairfeuoolowll tiihrttuxy atiauftr yith 1001 cflj poling sfolius a voick jw tim oaoik up lit the muelo loft 1 tiertl a valee of woudroue tana ukn warbling eappt bird bei od oer wtpur oowa aa tine- u reer plannd ho i ooutd ftot empire a to rue to aueli helafat ea aland lleelde ha la the ebolr 1 1oa her end i thank by wlu jlnouiet plan i kuaw tried it end ajeljmwhefclu llaalda lua 111 um pew liar vote ins end y heart replied kajotolntf in loeee erowu hlla relaed a mortal to uia kme i draw a eneel down qtortp hirtuy u tow aj coofn fit of the dluhb tlio boat way to drive away uia blnea la to pan j au hoar or two la the el r jwihi k bright oorupenloa peaking the tip f a tho pureaenoe of oas pott or other mob aatenou rojf or oroqaet anything that will drlvo odi iboojtbu into a freah pbeonal and hold doea attention kery one feele down a1 umm it la impoeetble f hnnvahny q aplrlu to be aver para moan i but a good deal oan be don to dli courage depreealon from inoralai by at ouoeocoapjlnxqaaa mil wltb hmi eub- jeet of intereet and mora eepeolally by entering into the puuarm uid eorrowa of othere ono of the boat ton lea for the hum la a oold bath which glvee healthy abook lo the- ayatem uit broaka- uia morbid obln of tboorhh from which odo o herlng oorrbota oo tnlnd and la hbajy to qidm k bjtby rakatloa tba ahmrni freahoaw and looocano of uttl oblldraa la ft happy dlvarftloo ftnd to watok tbalr airopla joy oltaa tnalta oar own hefttla tbiob with gladnam and tat forrat our own troablaa in atiurlorf into thalr plkftsuraa it it an ft toll far tnor uy t abaita off tba blaaa lo tho aomroaf tlma tliftti tilth wlotar for tba braa1 beftl- or opo air la mora inviting lo may than dooambar anobls with cuds op to bacco tha 1u mr h u ft good natir hut vary fond of obaatltig tohftooo ona day b waa oaabt la ft hhower lo iiudoi ftod koioic to ft cabla aar by knociadat tba door a aharplooklutf old lady ftttawarad hlm mumoo ila fckad for ahalur i dout know you aba repllad aoaplo- looaly lummbr lha borlptaram ad tha domlola ba bot iorgauol to aouculo iranian tot tbaraby aouia bava aouruia d ftohal ttoawar angvla dont ooas too ad willi oadu of tobaooo lo tbalr uumuu aha tapuad and lammed uia door lo hi faoa disappointed with tba ida of uftmuitay hoy aid ft wblwhalrad tonti ad that thara ooold ba bo to loan am a which i liava always dataaud la um fatally w oallftd tha flrat kdroood tba aooond jidwwd tha uurd ijgar lb toitb kdwln tha fwtb hamaa hud tba mlktb xgwrl that araly rvd yoar porpoaa didnt it t ukadooaof tba luunart not ftt all rjuliiad tbapauurob rathiranama faead- ly luftiouloi with tha aldaat ibay wara koowo m kddla ohftok jjlm hoor- ky moiutld ftbd pala had avary motbar ftou of tham ftuawarad proudly to bu ulokuaiua tillnofi arlt not alwavs what thby 8kbm bgulre dubur i waa m vary aorry to haar you bad loat your poor bo what bajiuok for you i bmall vmt mar wall uot uaetly uu vod ka 1u ilka thu uu waa luauud for fto pouutla- lo tlm oluh thay tfava uia thirl- ahllllilk for lu ofttoam l thakaouala aod ba tiobbat ooat hta ulna uiro ao i iuuoh a voluntary burtbau u no burthaii to thosu about to mahi1v ouubiau vr old titad who lutaud lu marry will ha plaj to isarn that lit uvw iiatrlaa act u mad qulta bloipla by pplyllldtc u 1 moo uauatof tartlk lloatia- fi tbd ym imjuu omu cu w day baf or uia ocraindity aud haw tk mfttur- mpuluaj xrlvftu omu all buauaadfttrliiily plvu kud oouhjtilll at raauauoa lu vauutri who ihrowafcaloua ftt tha iky it falu bank on huhod thin child if t child u thin let him take alitlle of scott emukion of codtlivor oil sonfc v like it too well begin with a little a hilfor quartet ttmsuoonful is enough at first if the stoniich is weak but inciease ai you mutthu stoiiialh wiinlii the effect is the httleoiw lakes on stienkthgetsluitfiy eats and is happy gets fat lie ought to be fat and get hirajthyx s 11 nd yji imu t try if a bcott at uuwnm uuu t- lli vanirititu liry bard doty that ynu wouij rathar nolilntlial tlwill yn ain ahosula or omcdoci t ii h blpaaiotf i nt ri u lo ii ui biiit uvry itaavy load lliftl u ru clll lo 111 lit la i lla if iin trlltv aion llio ciifjui lntctip mtt if illqludthl iia liw in i hilanlli milad- oixinmiiaa llln i tlixkalhl walh u alior lnr4it 1 ljlt itlu woo1 up j ii ih- iiimo iiu ml in haixl y u uakar aul bli lliriithy okalird irpaiwf td ml co in in tha woil 1 lt imjnm on lha nllmolh day of atigutt ik3h in lha iilootaotli ypar of liu ail- a nortaln wl known railway aowtiactor hfta lha rrpuulion uf looklntf uc tho minor dolalla of lua b buaiua with a kooti eya ono morning wbiln out loapcol llitflha work that waa hoi ti dona on a railway he pick ad lip a ull lylnk boa ida lb una then ha walkad u whara tho tnenwer worlnof ollt toa4 look bare hacallad out to ona of thn vaorkmou how la ft that i find bolta ijuitf about waited i hava to pv for thsaa qiitiga yog know why whar did joa got that air r i found h ultlo way dp tho una bora 0 did yod etud tba wok- iud im modi obtlgad to yoo air foi ia boeo huntihk for that boll ajl tho forn uooii and waatad a moromih a worth of your mony i kow ona waa mlaalntf lha fcuaol oootraotor oonoludod that ba could glvo tbfctrho coold gio that working loan no poutta on aoaomyaoduil in llonoa ttl 2itu as to tommy atkins safe business hule8 llualneaa men lo boalnaaahoora atuod only lo baaloom mauera boolal calla tn bat ftdaptad to tba aoolal olrola uaka your builnaaa known in faw word wllhoot loa of tlmj lot your daalloa with ft ttanflaf ba moat oarofully ooualdarod and triad frlaodabip duly ftpprolatod a moan ftot will aoon rnooll and a mab of honor will bona tea mad leava trlokaoftrada to thoaa wboaa adaaatlou tau tiavar ooot plaled treat all with teapect oonfida in faw wrong no man 11a novat afraid lo aay no und elwey prompt to ftekoowiedk and rectify a wrong iaave nothing for tomorrow that kboold ba dona today lleoaoa ft frlood i polity do not think hla tlmelri valuelaa uava a plaoa far every thing end everything in iu place to preserve long frlaodabip keep a abort credit the way to get credit a to ba pqootaal the way to praaarve it la not to tope too much betlle often hava abort eoooanu trnat ba mena appearance they era often deoepllv and haeumed for butm lub ptitpuao u pinatajly dree wu tha rloh are fin oaf ally plain man lie wall aalufled bofore yoo give ft credit that tboeo to whom you give it ft kaf man to ba trusted krvp jour engafmanta had promlaae alwae be od tlma foleclcj mrs stkkvbs edgetfd land ing- nb writes oo jan l8 iqoi id tho fall of 1899 1 was troubled trith a severe pain in tha back i could scarcely get up out of a chair and it gave me great pain to move about i took one box of dojiis kidney pill and wi completely cured i havo not beext troubled with it alnco svdnbv smi t talk kivitkrv iovoriy u uo dlagraoa to ft to an bat ilia oorifoaudedly looonvanunu mjulimd ouluvate the love of reading lj a youag peraon it u an unoeaalnff eoarod of plea aotd aud probably of lubooeuoe kukmilox did you ever bear a daflultlou- of bur- flag- it ta thai it reeembua a pair tj ahrtafl joined that lby baunot be aapar- ftled oun moving in oppoelte drtloua yet alweye- puulablng any one who cornea belweea them ukuiieiidly naerlve way to malauoholy reaut it aleadily for lha babll wpi auoroaoh i ouoa gave a lady twoaad twenty rwoelpu atralual malauoholy oda waa a bright fir 1 another lo reniombar all tba phaaaaul thlue aald to and of her another to keep a box of auger phitoa- 041 thechiuiney plaod and a katde almuurlng ou uia hob x vaat yoo pity a man who la lama or lllud but yon uever pity him for being a fool w hi ah ia often a muob tratr mlaforltuia the maktnq of chaftactul- do not let ua auppoed that obaraotar r quire greet olroameunoa for the mak ing character eti ba made lu poor olr oumelaucea ibere are huge mauufaotor lea lo tbl oouutry with mioiflt m mil liiry wllh nliluidaya helnblug faith cloudu of black uptake lo polluu the air whare hay turn out oarpctj of mo won darful aapeeu which would ahiloit make you ill to look at and vtbuh ruh ijulok ly in tha ualtig 1ar away in lha laat in aom poor lit- tu but au keeleru workman working wltb ihraadd of many oolor bal1a hi in hi ban been tolllug for yearn aud when ha ban flnlehed h will hav turul out a atuft wjuara o auoh beautiful ooloilug and uuoh parfaol workmaiiehlp that whvn it coined to tbla oouutry it will ha lbugbl at a kraal prloa and ihd owoora ureal graudojilldreu will eee ii frli and beau tifut uo ntuoh for tba jreal mauufactory abd the whirling wlieela atid tit itola aud tba anioke o muob for the ulelneaa aud oheouilty of ft biuki wot kmau ua jouw wivadu i p dont k it value hid blggoet lump of iiold eve found eael of lha jlookled vrad ueed for year a- lu the ikd fit iiuat in thenortberu irl of oi loradt u keep the door ajar 1 lie only rveeou why a rat uialiy peopla tiae tba llbl eaauooawaut labouty have never dreamed thai it baa u bettar oaa death fnreaeen never um vor eb began ood eeuda thread lro verba are iruuma ou iha half atiall the apeed uf the limited eipreee i mf talaly tba llmu stabsvenfr sryifff th tho world nnj yiu will fia1 lithu ixll jmitafd 1y vrry hublwr mimifitiin t and iki r but no tmll ttlmi it ik mil lpctl illy mtiufar- tuird ui finvi or dulii tho only win wlinli r 11 ik hiornilklily imjvywtrd with he iar cum wbni voniouthvolt alhrraoln 1 put on and mj fw u i low hoot 1 h i 1 knit f o 1 limlrd hev k siteutb kublwr ontboytinlcwrlhowonll ftaitru i of id ku1mti all ollmra ara fraiuu npon tba 1ubllc ivlde had but two fteaeona a forward apnng and an catty fell larmrlroa 1111 pooeeaa- lha pdwor of acting ipoclllcally upon tliedueaaedorgana atimuullng lo action tha dormant no a rule of the aeleu thereby removlug dlaeaca in fact ei groal the power of thla modi cine tociaaikt and purify that dlseeaea of almoal tivery name and ha tare era driven from lha body ur i catawvlloarawell t o out wrllb i have tried lermla islla aud nud lhem an excellent medlolne and one thai will mil welt never put off till to morrow the oredilor you can put off for thirty d if vu lake a haia uwr 1ilu tonight bafure ratlrlng it will work while you leep without ft jtilpa or pain curing blllouatica conbnmptiotidykpapala nud alok htradaohe add teak you feel batter in the morning tlia individual who hate mankind in en era 1 1 a cioj b i nil ill of hi own uetura hnf cirmin prompt kbouomlo ibcea few adjecliviu anply with peoulur force to di- tltomae iollrlo oil a alamlfd ex temal and lutartial rnmedy adapted to the rltof and cure of oou aora throat boeraenoaa ami all alfeotloni of lha breath ing oriiati kidney trouble exoorullonu aored lameneed and phyalca1 pain children cry for castoria well bguu i imlf done aaya lha pro verb but you caiitcoiivluo tha profcaalon al wall digger that auclt i theoaae that aching head om bo luntaiuiy rallav ad by ukluk om o mllburnd otarllng headache lowdtri 1 powder co 8 for luo 10 for 25e a jirelty lull blory tha lop floor of a modern aky horaper heguikuf aolifiii pf lha howelal ueceaaary to health laxa liver pill are lha 11 oooaalonal calhartlo for family or gouerel uaa irloe uso any druggist solid oold cibd lilciau vl co ttyrafloldvm 100 llclglaaeod 100 we farantea perfect atlafacuoil globe optical co b3 yon street torito- xiove your frund with bla faultn llluiluuked vitality uotiib people talk very flippantly about diminished vitality iliy dout atop to think that vitality it the prluolpal of ufa that li ii that little undaratood bomething on which ovary funo ion of their hodiea djinla dinilnuhsd yllillly la aarly indloalad by loedolappqtlta hlrenitlh and endurance aud eloodd barwipirilla u lha graaleal vitallaer 1iiad dont light on a boll i no pot oboure and all summer complaint are to quick in their action that lha oold band of death id upon lha victim batata they are award ukatdaugur la uer j attacked do not delay lu galling lha propor msdlciud try a doaa of ir j v kolloggadyeeuury cordial and you will j ltumodlalv relief it aolu with wonderful rapidity and uavor falli lo efftol a cure he who eucooddi is raputed wlaa k extof w diarrhffia dyscutery cttllc cramps pain m the stomaclv and all summer complaints rra trftot xui mabvclldub it aots uk a oliahm lecocfhluy i plaisiflt itapld lielhble effectual km hoom should iiivt it ait jonr urnist for il tiki no ether cartalnperannw ttl vtltltitl ait nntatilr i ororitn martuli the novalial lievn m into pom to rxpuin eir hlik i 7nn atklna ina enhri juetit t- luli bttllinr a kiiular nutiuo aprmiglip thai llin nanin iiriiularly i ll of uulytt klplit tlin which no k mull be farther frurn th iielh allhi i- lulw jt 1utnl uialnjr kplh v mora ihn aiyu n la md tlm tilqhoam imimi iii polol of fanl ihr- tieiiiu orlglitatnl will ihejfitiah wrninr which i uku ilim1 in whirl hie eoldtore laiiir ab tlata of biiiiiiiujoi lerme nf rrvioe end ntliar drtilla wore rntereil jhn mctiiud0 aillug iii lb form f i tallied by llm omidoymeol of a floucloou ameand inauad of ihe ltfl john or hlcherd lloe lha oomuntloil lhamaa alkloe waeadoplrd lriini 11 1 1 olrouiiialalice lha name ulno lo ba ftpl uod to tha aoldier a type iii hie vrgoublo pill or 1armelea baa given u tha world the fruluof long acun llqoraeeerch in he eihole realm of modlcal aclance coioblned wlui hew and valuable dlacovarlea bever before known lo man for ilelloete and iebljitaledcouattutloua lermaleea llll act like a charm taken in a mall doe lha rlfect id both a unio aud nalimulaot mildly exciting the eeore uoua of tho body giving tone aud vigor a rplllng ilooo galbera bo move but ft rolling talllsauicr k 1m of dfog to alaka uooeyvlt a noooaaary to have a clear bright brain a oool head irea from pain and atrong vljforoa nerve mil bora a heart and nervo 1illd luvlgurato aud brujhteti uia brain ttronglhea tha nerve and remove all bear nerve and brain trouble j i of i ileveuga id the doubtful phw weak aud barrow mind area sdre cure for nervousness sleeplessness ner vous prostration loss or energy brain fag- faint and dlzzyspolls loss of memory melancholia llstlessnoss after effects of la grippe palpitation of tho heart anajmla gonornl doblllty and all troubles arising from a run- down u tliey will liuildjau up unite rich red blood and give you vim und enertjy price oc per boat or thrca boxes for i35 ut drujj- fit or uill b tent on receipt of price by tliet mil- burn co limited toronto onl a our in lime kuocka the undortakr out of tnauy a dlma hack ache aldraohe hwellfug of feel and ankle pufilug uuder tha eyed frequent thirat meanly cloudy thick highly colored urlue frffjuoiil urlnailou burning aen- eatlon whan urination auy of lha above nymptoma lead lo bright dlaaaaa d ropey diabela alo ooana kidney 1ilu ara a aura ctira for all klduey diaeaaea it taktd a blickamilh iougar to alios a muld than itdoe a woman lo ahoo a lieu 1 ued hot hiata during tha hot bummer aoanou the blood geld over liaated the drain of tba yelem i aavara aud tha appeuta id often loat burdock illood dlttar purine and in vigor ate uia blood toned up um nyalein aud reatored loet appetite a drowning man will natch at a strew aud eo will a man who la ihlraty dunlop all kinds of rubber tires for all kinds of vehicles dimloinujcld tinat inrtiuuihc ctirrlago tired jbiilnl jtuhlicr carrloto tires jrualid cliuirvirv tin for ilahy ciining the bualoptlrc co limited totaomvo price 3o kvry houadbaa it akeletou and aoina hoard log houaod bvd aavral allauuou lu um world of honiaopallila mejioioa baa beii la vsiy aouroa of pro greed as in- politic and religion lha dif fioulua of oplulatia and tha nhtdoaluy of man hav ueii pateut to tha dlagr maul by which tha alaeidarov tjf ibrw bodice hava heu tlovatad lo with inofc at our famous preparation furamoatn il luitretlou of wluqli truui alaud the world fauioud remedy to general dablllly aud auguor quinliia wlna and which when obtain in lla ganulua alreiigth id a uiiraoulouu creator of appullla vltallly aud allmulaiil to lha gaiiral furlillly tit iho uyiliui juiuina vvi and lu im- provduieul baa from tho flrat dleoovdry of uia uroat vlrlued of quiulua ad a mod leal alien t leal ollti pf thauoat uiorouhy dleouaeed rdiuadied afer offerd to lha pub ua u labile of ihv great loota and aud natural ufa ivhig alluulaul which thd 111 bdiuftj profeeelou hkvd been oollipeji to ruooguiaaaud pruedrlbd ileeard nortl rop and iymau uf toronto have glveu to ibd prdjiaratlou of their pura jul nine wlua lha great ore dua to ild uitpol laikpe aud lha etaudarj anoelleuod of tha article which they otfor lu uie public earned into hie niarkal purged of all tba dafeuu which toliriihejxvduonudaelnrtnodfnloirj are pjlnud out hi them ptfful prepare lion ihelatur alwaya put otf till to morrow utd re vbuki youoould ftoaoinpliih today children cry for catori t a bpidiitis 4nhtinot r a ooixtw pan lent aanrie n e remarkabl itiiuun or u lion of itilttii l i a t r 1 lourhpilur tye tho wntrr v trr t if uilie iiotiuoil una tit e ntiiip s trap i xr pdr run u lrol f hi a 1 i it iol ol log the ii i lrw it dl- j 1 illl oinat i r i t m thai tti loan hi v i xtrtli- u lil found to 4 luh i lit uqll w x r rir we u iltu uf 1 ut ilk lhril iriig the oii ou lb- i ll u ir lirolh niui mtxlilk ihr l win iutl in aud hetd ijihvnl aa iiaual ilia colli ha1 proheliy uo awrjl oul of ihe irnt wilhrubliii miiiiiinfhi on una a cinilribulrr to neiuuvdga i wrll koown the door of trap j oof apldur burrow are typically made of malueed pattella t nrlh tuck toelhnr with mlk or other adhive umlrr lal ihe uollie uhavlor or lh uplder in juoauou ahowe 1 tio utile illairluilnlkiu on ier part touching the ullbllity a lo tixa ahkjh and wei of the ohjrcl alotl ti fultll thtpovpoao for which the ispettco wad uaed llydney ualihn imlknlal- kaiiiullinq ibeoermau lniperor wheil lu any way croaacd or contradicted jiull violantly at the lube of the right oar with tl e thumb and forvnnkiir of hid rijht hand whan be waa alaying in kuglatid at the thnu ol the queeua funeral be received ft trlegrem and opened it ill the prteeiioo of one of hi mart little nephew a boy of elx ftumo thing in lhalclegnm didnol altotfet pleaaohld majoaly and be at once began u lag at hi odr the lltlte fellow looked bp and aald r tell ma uncle why do you pull your ear j uecabao i am unnoytd my dailing wad lha keply do you alwaya do that when you aiu annoyod ked tha boy vad my dartlog etd hi majrety and when you are very ir much annoyod what do you do preiated thla jdvauile enquirer thou i pull somebody alaud ear vu william ii sick headache food doesnt digest well appetite poor bowels constipated toiiruc coated ivs your liver aycrs pills arc liver pills they cure dys pepsia biliousness 2 alldnuia w la bucki nghflhswe tsfik where iheree a will there atway a lot of lawyer in tha way hevare ooldi are aaslly ournd by tha ua of illckled anil coiuumptlva hyrup a tnadlclne of entraordluary paoetratliig and hraliug propertied it la acknowledged by thoea who hava uecd it aa being tha lmit medloloa told for cough cold iuflam matloii of thd lung- and all alfrotione of the throat and cheat ua agrdnahletidb lo the tlata make it a favorite with udleu aud ehlldrou glleiica may ba joljtti but ii nevi oecla in borrowing a dollar castor i a sot infant laid children mr wobalerd eipcrlouee with hom clerks probably induced hla famoua remark about thsra alwaya being room at tha lop whore eau i gal noma of ilclloweyd cora cura t i waa entirely cured of my oorud by tbl remedy aud i wlah aoina mora orlformymou flo wriudmr j w llrown chicago many a man apinda half hid lima antic paling tomorrow and lha other half in regrattlug yeturday anxloua uolhtra qnd dr lows worm dyrup the beet uiedioina to expel woimi children ilka it worm don l atiounoa of prevention t lialtr ihan a 200 pound hybiciun aulleted 1101 file lld cllksr ftbould alwa a keep kagyarda vallow oil on hand nothing ilka it lor uilfillbo and borns ot tha mutolea apreina hruiaas aula etc a clean preparation will uol alahi clothing tried us oanla aitiati ouiatliuaa loeea hla um4 but a woman seldom lovi her tougua ilagytrd a yellow oh our all pain m manor baait for apraiui cuta hrulaod oaltoua lumps awalliugd inqammallon vbeumalum and neurduld it- id ipclflo bluuoa give oonuut al tha young mail ramarked wbeu vaaakad a deaf aud dumb girl tor a kit a florin jirawlut your old theuuielum ulla you uo lleltar get rid of it and lrut to lh weallur teporld tuolta kmulaioiiia tha beet remedy for chronic rheumalum 1 ullau uiaked a poinnjata cura tba breath or aceinul ia an ill wind ihaf blowa uubody toot iaaaad 12 worm i gate dr iiw worm tlyrup lo my littlo girl two and u halt yara old tho rmlt waa iht aha paaal jb lound wornulu fva daya ura l liny khiuaiiblh ontv crwawol mtlmih 28 1001 fhu t mllburn co llmltoil toronto out bear slrtf write to say that ihuvo usodburdouk blood blttcrs with exoollent results lust spring wy daujrhtor grot all run down and was very thin and weaki t mor faoo wua eoveinid with red lppu ynli n liifjfft hftll fn fm what is ksissssfiki castor i a cuktorlu fm for iiifaiith und children cojitortu in u hiiriiilrkh hubstlttito for cuatoroli iarcuorir lrop ml k4otliinij hyruimt it contuliut neither opium morplilno nor otlior knrcotlo uubstajico ii 1m imrauuuit ifji kiuininl45o u thirty yearn uo iy million of mothlni ciuiuirlu drtttrojh wonjirt ujid ollayii fovorlsh- dvkm cajitorli urc tlurriiuoaaiidavldcuilr cixmutrln mtivvh tmtlilc trouble euros conatl nation nud xlutiilenry ciuitorlil aimlmllatoiiuio ltoollf tho klouuuli uud itowol uf infiintrt und children ffvntf lirulthy and luturul hlcep cohtoxla 1 uio ablilklkuci ioiiacca- th motlierri trlcud i castorio castoria lorle u cirtleul bielklnf fr rtoelt u e well a 1olrl to rllul iiiii utdhcie ir i ht 1 m aiu l y tj iu cl rottt un their tulldi clplo vnowo l the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper onthe go by our windows you can sisii tiibm mens tan bals t to now i ihiuo tsscstinttoir itllc childrens button and lace were 125 now fioc wc have made the price to sell quick 20 per cent off trunks 8 stores phone 286 trading stamps njsil3li the shoe man cuelph glbhring smlb or furniture at cos d a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost prices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any room in the house a short time will be al lowed for payment of goods purchased if cash is not convenient j a speight go warorooms foot of willow st kcton hoi chook ptocuimd a bottlos if 1113 1 and by- tho tlino slm had finished them tha npou jind bull disappeared und aha hail got strong and flashy again i consider bub tho bos tbl ood modlolne known mrs i davids0h to catch tho kyo anil tho mind at tho time is the art of advcrtiimg this ad illuutratei how true this baying is especially to those wishing pleasajit and profitable linployment caliadau sons on kopju and vclilt the qiiv book deilmp ecluhiycly with the x will s ou u 1 1 iiuirit i j oatilkal j 11101111 ououton wnd od6n tkllls brknd ll iuul1 l i uiiilllyflckl r iihnuv ilourois i w-bauber- bhok paper makers georgetown a 1 ontario mgjnis cohorgd fkpf2s john r barber call and examine the merits of this superior shoe made in all modern styles ol lasts and best grades of leather all sizes aa to ee widths or ladies and gentle men this shoe will cure callouses on the soles orthe feet excessive perspiration of the feet burning of the feet and it will keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm it cold weather boot nd shob dbklcb sole aoemb for aoton 133 to mtelt b011i idm buy ba aecuretl by deraid atlreee th vattml recoid wood engraving hoto engraving half tones or asv clsss or esmvisvtaderti r furposei ca jljonesengcj adeuidcstw xnto canadian contingtiits it the book to jiandle ollicial authentic cheap sells on sight to everyhody and any body 1 m sell it capital or experierice not necessary send for wee outfit and make niiney tho brableycarretson co llmltod bruntlord ont j patents guaranteed otir tee ictuiucd if wc ril any uiif wadloe akclcli iiul j di4kiil of auy iuculuu wtt fiiiiuijly receive uur u4ulin fied couceralni hf tlciku 4uly otmibc how to umu a wleit hiit u it yiiw4 lalcula wvurrd tliiihiiihitaedvciilied 1 rwieetuijremtwiin 1 alcalii ltleit mil iiumi it ue iiftke iju uwvwllliooichrl 1atmhi- mkttk hii iuiuihlt1 mil wtilly titului jthin coiimillnl ly xtaiiufarlinruaiij luirktoia irfuil uruuiiloloy wvtt aulievk viotor j etvana x co ivicatjlfunui kveer dutf wabm patents hpromptly secureal ma ik and ttow yuii mtendkd voltllll vlull iovellt 1 hii willi ii vi ifedour upiuii fcl wlifth r it i iltlv clcuel w let id epiikatlun tuvet tleu rfll fcjicfc hilly iiuulil iv 11 ue icoiilul fully eijidi ixl 1 n in it i ulifdl laud w tli hint on ihliiu illtira ut toi imm t y illlmluiwmk umttirlkkh fccrme jruu n mllicil id kllcca luiulheil iciile tkilrrl ii it iil mullen it a- um ikmiluuu ilkliiluuu tint j baculvilalciit tkiuliietj i i lumibc- jluieiaeuil kiiiflureia marion marion twetit eupre end solicitor f nwverfcl ittl w rteeitrcaj llu c- scktttlifc hmcrlcnti a hhto lllletfl x t mr lmr fieratiiilwti- aaieraiiv

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