Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1901, p. 2

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i ttuiuaainil i i uaootba is daje miltllloal ac lob on tuniuf augul 11711 inn wondaji usoutesof uri utmpmil ui n litrmtii yar inmmiay auninu tun iuoi liditohiau notub he lmiinw ptoapcols in the well ouii- tluublo bright ihe marketing of lua whiel will llnunliiiiim u a urge o- patilin in llyt money nioolallon mull old lithilltisa will u wil of ami uslieea wiiiiomvos tie imjilu ihe hulk of the wheal ha bsen lierveeui our municipal leaders th uutlnot thy trnmouil tholr leet metln in tow townihlp and county uounoll plnanua lttatiln imatutlt llie mnnlotpal ooaiinil nt alonilay nlog in regular weealiy piember who all iirwiil ueow willi- presiding ullii u th- 1roouall delivery in thooountry lilsirjola has been ao euooeesful and ballafaolary haro trird m the untied hlulhi coo gross men rom ell iuu of tbo oontjlry era lifting bsee by their ooostituanls lo haa iba system oalsuiled to them t6o indlca- tioua ere that die dnxl imiod of ooagrom will im several million additional appro priation tot purpose of extending the fnrl delivery thia eyalem i hclng neatlget ed by our pwu lostal aulboritlse with a vis lo aaoerlalolng where ii adoption bar la practicable there viae some diaoaealon a i tneorjay meeting of thaoouaty cooncll on tbo anb- jaotof annual grant to agrlouucrel aoou- tie model aoboola lb militia etc in tha past eaoh rrmalj bava beau made ltb- oat financial luununli bolag preeenud by tba applicant for iba money la tba tatar no grant will ba tnada fur any ye without lh presentation of a dels lied bteteruent of iho erpendilnre of tba pre vlous year ibla boalneea ilka tale and pro poo live epplloanu for county taonaja abooltl koap u id d1ds ckamfnom tv t lt li t mr ii a had cuuunil wlih ratbinu il lialruili nuilluea uiurlofai lbr i lis uloul plat fun laid in lhl br hur boutb alda ul bl- iio ulll alral ami on t 11 e by pan american attit actionu 7ho u t n fjjwlnif kino a- ifkrti im am lraorlllot rt llo lkplllmi iium fit i ibt if willi iiklolof inuro k rally i l li famll i kl tb v llooord alao adiikfetat thai i ilon at ibe ttaualctl tiadar a raaitt anlujlcd ltlt wllb iba aeoarlntf of bew baaineaa roi bar vacani premie thaby uw abould bo revieed hba oooleiidcd tbal if tba b4oa of tba l impoeod rntorned to tba laarcbaot wbo bad paid it opon pay uant or tba flrat yaare taxee iba raaali woald be mjaluble and eatlafaotory tba connolllora pomlaed wra- hecotd ibey woald lake iba rnalar into tbelr baiiodb cooeujeratlan vjnano cre oo in lla lilli rwport of tba ootnrnllt mutuiaf olio wing aaooaol wara ordered to be paid 0p han ttlacuio co anpiu loldla a aleoallooti itob aupporu cauaduu iflfo tolaco to jlotob vraa rrm prlnua d uraut 4 i uu 11 lor oil co oil uecoll llroa a cabupplia oliaj dod41liao eonli act loarer llouaa chltnoay tba plieaomenal barvoet bow belok rat- bend la tba hortbereat u bol only gnbd itlag tot tbu ooaalry id tba lmriadlau prematbatleooeaf tbebeat ejeitlemeot eoy ooaatry could poaalbly be la tba great oealreaj wbera tbera tealda tba very clm of paopla e wbt to beva oorna over and mtue tba papere of tba old coaotry are larnlin with a la and agorm avod oomrnenu bpoo oar wondarfal barveet and then i ha ewakaalnjij n to what a break ooootry canada ul it la beginning to ba understood la lu falnaea that we bave id very dead here in canada a ooautry rh il vw al u populatloa a kawvork oommerolal paper bay a oaief al eeumeu plaosg tba bomber of cab- tdlaa born in tba united btalee at about 1000000 but tbors hu been a eharp de cline in the bomber o immlfiranu catalog into tbe untied butoa from oabad the reoorde of the traaeory dapartmaul bow that lae than 800 canadian itnml granu oaroa to tbe united 8uu laat year the canadian reoorde ehow that el loaat tu000 atnerlcane went to canada abd vt the preoont rata tbara will be 20000 tblri year tha elui of people aolo from the united buue lo canada la vary uoelrabl they are bearly ell f urrnera from tbe booth iveetorn klatae- and all uve with tbeta tbelr ownuunl ajtrloaltarml implement and coiuldoreble money vttuo mr kiward mloalla preeenlod a claim for ho for ilimim and doolore bill aria log oat of irjjarle aualaloed by tbe aonjdrnt wbloh bofelhlo while walking- ou euin hi o the 201b july- tha claim waj laid ou tba uble councillor jeaba cbalrman of the 1ark committee aiked if tbe ooonoll had any objaouon to the removal of the uatid huttd from the town wall uioajre to the parklooaoa the uabd decided bpoo iu remotal iu proeank loo i ion ba ad la objeollooahlaabd ha thoafthk it would be more popular abd aervioeabla at tbi the permleaion aouhl waa granted it wam aoejtoeud to tha wortby chairman that when the band atand wut removed to fl u ll vw rfpajntfd tbe alvctrla llgbl committee reported that tba contractor bad oomplalod tba bew brick bblmuey at tha power hoaae and that ii we a very aatlafaolory piece of workmanship council adjourned at 0 4s tbe provincial inepeolor of lloanaoa mr of k buwart who liae been mawinjj a eerio of invtaugatloo of the working of tha llceaav uw it varloaa parta of tbe pro- vlooe aaya on tba wbole iba uw a oourlo ta reepeoted mora than lb any other provlnoe lo canada x bae elndud ihe tnallor uatefolly an3 ibe reoord abow that ujftra la moob lea inumperano at preaeut than aver in tha hutory of tha provlnae lb 1b80 tbare wax 7u7 oommltmeuta to jail for dmnkenueee- la ontario 1 la lt9 tha bnmbei wu only 1003 ani there baa been a aobatanual daoreaaa lo avary year daring tola period in ooncladlnj tht inapaolor eald the ooouty inapeotot arajuat aa vigilant today u aver tbey were and there ta not baerly aa mueb ulal boalnoaa done by lloenaed bleu aa there beed to ha limeuou3e mleeoekffle uul vnnu iveaa bave le- lurnod home after aeolnaj tha algbu at the xntnarmnrloan and are well pleaeed with lhalr trip dr halbarlaud and family are ttiovititf to ht catharldea whara tha doctor lutonda braotlaldg tholr many frlenda- wlah tbam every uooewe in their new boma ulie wllaou of mlluo baa heeu vlalubtf at mr albert uaredltba utrlgadler btepbaa maraball and mr uarahall and oblldren of bl loula mo have beat vlalliag in the ola boma ibo pa t week or eo tba attendance at uu methodlal clurob but bunday evenlntf wam uuuiually large llev xtthur ilajjar had obarga of ibe aervloe urljjadler harebell breaclibd and ha abd ure afaraball eunjj eeveral mrmy eeleotloua mr iz j moore of albert college aleo boatrlbutad a baored eolo tbre la a oreen hill far away mr q a uurrell of the lltrxtu turnlltou and m blarrelt were goeeu of mr audmra jobn moore yeeurday chewsonb cohnbms tba auuual garden party of the meuiu- dlak obnroh la auuouooed to tk plaoe to morrow friday evening ou tbe krouude of mr lloberl gibbon ad join lug the oburoh aa uuuaually kooj promratuma ba beau errauged and iticludee airtbuie oroboetra aotou cornet uaud quarlatle hdau mllla juarlatumiaejubueiou acton and mia ltoid hvartod elootltlouleu it jt curuey and d m hjrn antou mra millar or wiuurbouue the mlaeoe lloberteot ituckwood and mr 3 wllepti liju mllla vooallia aud addreaee ate empeolej by luv j m hagar alld ii a maopbereou aotod mr klemlug of lvertou aud lt uiud ley cburohui ac lou corbet hand will atao he preeeut mr and mr g a rauttauker aud children of aolnn ipatit flundey at mr writ dennle ml certle hhm la vlltlng frleuda in mai too mlaa ma ciewaou kud maalaf wlllu temple of krlu vpeot tuuday at mr m orewaon mr ueork ti mua viola orlui apant a few day dillug lb week with frlenda lu mardon mr joe moore of udu mill i ilu milta the county council tbe bomncll met oa tha 20u lutl it aooordanea with edjoorntoeol tba warden id the obaii member all braoont communloatlona were read from george a 1nlman ontario agrlcollaraj college guelpb aokbowledrlng rooelpt of botloe of tba appointment of w v inglt bar aa county ktddant and froi wn lanlon county clerk aaktog for two month leave of abjenoe aleo preeent meni of rtand jory at oenaral uaalonu county ol helton june lllli lool mr cook preoontad and read tbe eecond report of tbe aland log oemmltua od apeoialoommaoloauoua which wa adopt ed mr loaooav preaanted and kead fourth report ojc tba etandinrf oommllte ou oouoty bolldlng also adopted mr uutobeon moved aaoooded by mr andrew for leave at the bet tegular meoilag of thla ooonoil to inlrodtioa a by law amandin by law no- 60 carried lit weheur presented abd read tha fonrth report of tha eundlng oommittea fiaanc wbloh wa adopted mr wrlggleawortb preoented nd kead tba third report of the aland ing committee oa road and bridge aleo adopted carried lly parmlaeloa dr buck eddreeaed tha ooaooll la bapport of a ptopoaed kabt to tha ilallou moalboarit aaaocuuoq mr wlloou moved eeoooded by mr io- nook that the uu of one hundred do i art be granted tha moo id board aaaodauoa payable to tba trauurer of said aaaoojalloti carried mr iaaoook moved aeoouded by mr wllaoo tbatfcihe bexk meeting of thla oouboll beheld od toeeday tba jfllh day of november box i carried tha oouuoll adjouroed ubqubgino township council nvnhvnomrof nitlfbtherrm rewiew moore al mount vleaaaiil- mr and mr iaao wood of utaipull vllle apeclt hunday wltii frlauda hard mlaeee llaau aud kva lalabiuail of aulon vial ted frlauda here uo huuday mlaeoe mary cauinruii 4tid utbel thumaa of nmmweya apout hunday at mf m crewaoo mr jea aud njllae uertba tianibla epeat bquday n uoorgalown mr oeo lurbor of aoloa vpant le wash at mr qeorge oraham- atthalaat umeliog of tha oouuoil the following eoooual ware piaeed douald maun for fillldg gravel lu bla rood dlvlalon tiu duuoen mftuu for filling itravel id blarond dlvlalati 110 00 a dobbu for taking hatty tray to obelph hoeplul u 00 john appelbe for putting elx poela under bridge ou qhook una con 6 also plank 300 john appelbe dotting lb 1st lee by order of falh- masur ilifi donald mckay gravelling oth hue lot j t0 b0 donald woluy lumuhluggfavel him donald mokay building nnlvert lowullua lolhoou krlu baying 1 coal 10 00 a vergueau furuuhlng pleuk tar oiu bridge 13 03 dablel luld timing gravl s 00 wld forgravs i day sbovalllng gravel tlu a argosou abovelllbg gravel abd kepalr lug waebout 16 qaorge dougua a yard haval henry tlayet division is co jem molsaso 1 day ehowlllug gravel 100 william uluble 1 bbovellluggraverlloo willlstii mewlou for oar and alundsno ou lully tray utilll keotovsd to oetuul li 00 moor llroa eewer pip to 1atlimasur jilrt alex mndottald for diawiug eatlh and uxlugblu ou lot la und lluv wuv tbo dougle for two vaglatered we ftud uu half bred ebeej killad by du i jo 00 c usvuej ou bal aud tbr latilb 10 k0 moved bymr orabait eo0udd by mr cook tbat this oouuoll deeply rgrt to hear of lb death of i heir ut reepeot oollaagu pt lit uu nlulaii llttdylie b having been or many year en booorvd lueinher of tbe kjuslug couuoll and thai a oopy b tbi reeoluuou b sbddreeeahl to tb deooaaed is billy carried council edjouruad to waal on mtiojy uad iipt ho a viy hijrt mner wal bel 1 lu tb lawn hall lest thursday availing tb leleul wa all from uulptt abd tb kllen dauo wa urge and appreolally tha programme wa pladad hi tbe hand of mr john lltiaoban who efllutuiilly ptveldwl during lt rendition hi iiuuibm war given by tlv mlsee llrlll the uuwart family lrof kelly and mr tllraohaii mr uaokoey was the aooompatilet tlia world belungt lo tba pb lag mat la the world i tot bias who baa patience imwmr vividly htipraae bra1ltli4 uinl iniliful ut liaotlum suit a f w aiuumphu muluo ihk will hid ttlvti vlikiru lo an iutllliiil ami fuurauiil vry l tl u- lll i id it nvlr l jiritu 1 or tuijunl tliia kuiiilluil ml tniilti ffeur faailllim for rianhiig llulfli ihan llio wll iiulppd and ilkbu jrild 1 runk lullway hylnu all train ud lsmiligs in th luart if th oily of hurt in and i in low fuir now uln iffr edareattrafltlnd tlnuaiiu of the poopln of onurlo to uo to tin lti amurloan by this route lha imposition oconpie a tract u50 acre in extent in ilia northern prt bi tbealty orllaftala lucltlqlnir 13j sarr tit uaiitlful park und en ukje ilil rr halily spm wio of llilffalu most ollarin- log tarku thougb iiiauuiboaiil iii itj tialntal laic n lmn i fan formed inli a vtrlt ahlo airylaltl of uliilrualnod ldvrjinea ainl uulmatfluadposalhuulta lho lirltclll bulldliid or tbe kxpcslllon sorrow broajnd twaulunl court in the foi an inverted letter t ibo uetisvuraa scc- llonof thl ootrnt known a tl kaplan ade run rail abd wat knd i o 1700 x between tbe two oxtramer the cnurl of lajanuln which uo north or tha iran averse court is 00 eel wld- anil 3000 tost from north lo south the coat of bulldlnga and tholr surround log the fountains atsluaary uowora nd decorations w as 0000 000 the hid way oosl 11000000 more aud the total cost of the beautiful isn american exclus ive of exhibit we about 110000000 ttuurlng the lis position rounds through lb boautltul eiitranoe sal lincoln larkway following the broad beautiful park drlvo lha vlilor will soon oe ibe osllary of ail among the lre ou his lft tohlrihth wlllvee thtt new and besutl- ful casino on the 1srk ijvkr and cronitik tba bridge of tho ihre amarlosr over tha book of walot oounectlug lha lake with north day ha will kcl lha flrat gllmpte ol tbe new vork btele duildlug standing atuld the forest iron on the hay shore coutlnulug north he w pas by lha uuiud btate life saviiighttuoubua utnnlint ently to the approabhe snd lo lha liore court and crosilng tha 1ruimphsl ilrldgs which span tbe canal between the cant and west ol tba mirror lake he will be with la tbd kt pi all add tb bulldlili flrat been ou the vxlrema right are the government group consisting of thr large building od the far 1fl i a group oouslttlnu of iheuortlcultuk arapoloarta and if lot balldlng crossing uio kipuntdo ba will bpprosah tba luliuoiogy building on the right snd tba temple of musla ou the left these mark lha junction or th court of toon ulna with the kaplsnads on tlia right and ml again r two bubordluat court one knowiimttbecaurtoi cyprosses and the other a tha court of lihe tha acjualto lusltf in lha court of vouu tains 1 ui5 feet wide by 05 feet long considerably more than two bum thl conulub numerous fountain and const tuled ou of lha rich aceulo feature oti the east and west side of tha court of ifauulsjua bra tb manufacture and liberal art building aud tbamaoliinery bud trait porutlon building lbs two urgtat bulldlnf of th imposition in the machinery aud transportation i in id ing will ba found lha very luurealliig ex mbit of the grand trunk llailway byilem which u well worth inspcollng th kleotrio tower 811 feet high built of suej oovored with sufl suuds in another broad baslo whloh la eollveued with bomeroo founlaiua thla lower la between tba ims and tha coutt of vouu lain liast of th tower ii tha agrlcnl total ljuiljing mnd west ai it la lb lilso- ir icily ualldlug the lmaiu dko by w feet auolber of th chief beauty spot of lb exposition ill surroubdlug ara all kloh and plolurejujue and it osulrsl por tion ar emboli ished with elaboral ttorl foclure brrauged in a sunksti gardeu a hand stand la tb centra 1 a favorite nlao for doooerta aud lha terraoa aurrouuding tba garden afford abundant room for the llaunlug throng oo tha eaiurii aid of th imsrs 1 tha btadiuiti where 13000 people find oomfnruble beat to enjoy tha a thistle and other eveul whloh take pltoa in iba arena tha entrance to tha sladluu la a fine building and a uid a a rsuur bill ou lli oppoell ld ol lha illka la kalmlurbuildlngnisod forbimllair pur pose thla forsna also lha wiitranoa to tha midway whloh oovora an are of about fifty bore ftnd c6uulu about 5 000 llnul feet of alreeli north of lha plasi br tha great autrinoe known aa th propyl i admitting visitor to audfrouvtha railway ulatlou tha llaumi foralgit building to whloh shoul llfuei acre are devoted ar aoutheajit of tha main group aud north of th park lake th arohluola havo round their luanira tlou chiefly in lha promluaul lotldlug of lstln ahiitlosii oklu and th work ol oruameiiulloii baa boeii carried out ultbor- alely lu all do u i hi iii plauuliig tha ksivositlou th tnauga ment early decided upon glvlug to blsdtrlo ity mpcul houisgd tb progress of th elsolrlosl scleiio ha bacn bo inaruwl in r oul year aa to osolte lha wouiunnsut of lha ouullflo world llutfulo i perhsiie mora ihan any olhar lily on th globe hjutaatod in thla soleucs owing to iii proximity to niagara jull aud tha lluillod power ihre generated invaiitlvo gsiiluu hau so applied sluolrloal urgy that wqiidam ar produced tavr draanted of lu tha past thl la aiau throughout lha en sir show lha illumination of tha bjilld lugd auolria fanutftlna aud lha dilvlug of uasrly all lha mauhluary i dou by jiower from the fslli tha illumination of th slaolrlg lower and of th fountain and building go it rally is aiiisiilng in lha towr aloiitt uj 000 elaairla lamp ar uaod wliiu no ivai ihan 450 000 lamp are imad in th llluuiiuallon at u oot of about t0p every ulghl canada whose slid ii within vlw of tha k position ground but who torrllory stretahe from ih atlaulla to tlia laoltla and from lb ureal lketo th unkuown region of th arctic i auougly in evl- doiio in all dpsrliiiiiikl and la command ing special alloulloii for her highly auues funiorlloullural hiiuaretaimnalr ye jilblu thes ar each plaou1 lu th goii eral ballduig ilevulthl to tholr ttpiitlve hut canada ha a dllhictlte ami highly ntcdllabu building which is vulnd dally by thousands from all pari tbe caiiad luilldlug la in hi uulheast ru pari of lhf giuuiid utfnate mali end j he tjlrtllbm it fa a handsome ilruo lure oo by 11m feel in dlmualona and two a tor u a blgb tbe alyle of architecture lahlisabatbaii a statt work rapioicullng slona in lha first and ha tuber in lha aeon nil alory tliorp are ln vflng slndln iroin the troul al ulu aide ot the hi i i irenes to lha bnudlutt and ttolwai tltva bin varaiids and a balcony ovar thn iiuth wing n htagoiisl towor in thla rri am lha udla rropptldn room the lirdllriiinri inoepfion room and a moot in y room for l canadian rxhihllor in ihe wintn ulnparn tlin iiflinoa it ibr wramn- aloiirrsol thn iiitnlu coverniiionl attl th iroviiicoor tftulo ami tholr eta ft fit lh mar of these tiisrtrrsls an cshlhit room 41 by to feci lurn ar shown the natural inenurcni uf catiade thn indlviitial rimhlts i ahowu u ihrlr rolotun ill vilonlii mm varlon flshlhit hull tlin f 111 tipaitloti riilf ovl w lis of iholuililliir ar usntillud will nilr plueamg unu thu harmony of thn oolor miliouir of hie us poejott being liialuuliied hnru the nlrlor iora s are rloti am hnhatori- ill ilrllliine roliiroiti will u in ado to lb hlkbiua bouellias utlh wonderful midway mihlch i vastly anuria to the midway of the worlds kslr at chlosgo lvhhton mr and mrs jamo hoywi ami mr and mr ldwhl hoyro aiapoiiilliiil a fow days with tholr paron i hi- on iholrwy from tht 1aa anierloaii lo ihotr home hi luult hto marie mr ii torner of campbsllvlll i hi lha village idta jotf dayau mr hoy lullrell of toronto i tlia goet at present of mr wm jacksons uev w if qsruham hd of itook wooil proaahod lo a full house inorulnu and evening last hunday and a well liked by all the asrmona war vroollnl over forty dollar wrn subscribed toward bew abed monday ovon lugs concert was mrly wu atuiided coualderlug tba rein ly in theevauiiig the slugibgby tbe jolllff brother alone and with miaae talbot and imdlhg aa quartelle wa excellent mia j weather tons hootch eollallon w well given we felt highly favored having hr on the platform it tteingalong tlmrislnoa an liver ton audience had that pleasure luv mr vlemmlug uav ii llraud mi joullhoru leonard lioree and john omallhom all acquitted iheoibolvc veil and this with chorus mad up an en joj abla programme the decorating committee rtcolved great praise for the fin display of plant aud bouquets tvrooeod of concert elevoii dollars alo lu aid of church abed mr hogg presi dent ot tha llpworth lcagup in ihe chair itoyul val ofihlr- nnllotl from cnl town inal frldny oilb tnw aug 31 t be luj al yacht ophlr with ihe duke and dcohee of oornwall and york t board aailai to day fur iu viuoiit h was l lltt ropottod thai ihy would lil the lalabd of akoaiisiiiil but tills koporl wa ul correct theyachtla duo to arrive at halifax oa lie pte ruber llb and at qoabso ou urjum- her jl tbe catidlri lour of tb duke ibfltjucheaerie tirwed loeodoo ocinhcrul when ihe voyage toward kngland will begin the dinkult thing u lo got foot in th btlrrup be prepared a man who ioctj inio husine ufa with lllllo or no knowbwga of hutncui metliod iuvllc allure no man can wt without lha tools iluslncut looll arc i knowlodk ol huulneia nhalrs tav coiiraa in thn retleralrd buunciu college of ontario with school at toronui london hamilton ottawa simla gall cuelph si catherines tuv general infonnallon urilo to tho royal city business college tradorn utuik dulldlnu j w wmog1nh cuelph ont jprjucipjij nun dq uhows that the ulood and ntjtlveq need toning ul thl condition csubsi moro canu- ln suffcirlnu than ono can im- ublnehow o wellknown lcxater- lady obtained a cur after aha hud bayun to hazard hor condition n hopalua tvroni tit ailvocsts kilr out a run dawn aystrm i whs i a world of misery lhos few words implj and yet thsr are thousands throughout this country who ar suitetlug from thl condi tion their blood la poor and wstry 1 they auiiur nlmosl ooullnuoiialy from head ache ara unable to outalu rsstful bleep aud tha least exortlou graatlyj fatigue them what i hooded to put tha i aletn right la a lonio and experleiim haa shown dr william link till to h lu ouly nvr falling toulo aid health rsstorer mr usury parson a ripectd resi dent ot kxaur ont u on ol tlia many who have tested and proved lha valu of dr williams th filla 1or many mouth aha we a groat agiurtr from what li ooiumouly urnieil a run dowaayauni to a reporter of lha adihkiiu ah gave the following story in the hop that other sufferer might beusflt from her expert once for many monlhamy health waa in a bad atal my oonslllutlou being great ly run down i wsa troubled with oontlu ual headaches my appetite wam poor and lb uait xeitlca greatly fatigued ma 1 ooaaulled a pbyslclau bul hi tteatmul did not appear lo benefit m and i gradu ally became worse bo that i could hardly attend lo my household dutlo i than tried several advertised romtdle but with out result aud i began to regard my oou- dlllod a hopeua a uslghbor called to ea ma one dy and urged ma to try dr william tluk iilu ilavlug tried so many medlclna without benefit i w not easily perauadsd bat dually i oou- euted lo giv the plua a trial to my aurprlia and great joy i nollodd an im- provemaut in biy condition before i had nnlshod lit oral box and by th lime i had taken four box of th pill i waa fully restored to health i uo longar autfer from those sever headaohta my appetite- good 1 can goalx my hotuahold dulls without the leeai trouble in fact ful ilk a new woman all thla i owe to that best of all nwdioiti dr wllhame pink pill aud i would ilro ugly urge olhr hiiffarera to give thani a trial dr william pluk pill ar teoogulawl tha world over aa the best blood and tierv toulo aud it la thl powr of actlug direct ly ou ihe blood and nerve whloh enable thee pill to our auoh dlaeaae aa loco motor ataxia pralyil bi vltua dance aclalioa tieuralgla rheumatism uarvoua hoadaoha th after tifuola of la grlpp palpltatlou of the bean thai tired feeling resulting from tiarvoui proalrallon j all dis ease raaulllng from vlluud humor in th blood such a aoiofula ohroulo ary- bipeuii ato dr willuui pink illl ar aold by all dealer in uiejiolu or eau b had by mall post paid at 0 esnl a bos oruiihors for j h by bddr th dr wllllamu mulloiiie co drookvlh oui l tub fall iaifiu llat or hhhltiltlon whloh will mont intarwwt reiprei neiuilor i w lo lupt t tupt an llept it iu hspt htiu tupt jilia lupt h uspt wu7 oot 1 u ool 3 oot iu oct ii id ooultlu toronto iujuiuui i wssuru itudnu cuual ouelph korllisru walkurlon horlh votb uswmarksl ilaltoii ullloii uurjiuioraliusvllla houlh waurloa kuufclug aalon world valr lincklon tiitre wsllluglou vjruui urlu utu 1 lo till r we orfr ou lluiulrad uolun luwaid for any oadof uaurvh thalckuitbl be ouratl ly halt lvuiili cuix v j oiluhuv a oo voulo o we lhauudataluns1 haydkijowuv j cliausy for ilia last nftaon yar aud ballsye hini -r- uy honorable lu all buliib tiausaotloiia and rlueikilelly ahld to qarry out altuli una t ions wjabrthalr hrio wiirt ju tmiux wholusald tu toludo o wtmuo tiimmiwa uiuww viniiiu iuu lllaltoll halls iuuli cure i uhl hiuuuall hillug lliuuy upon uld blouj alld liiuouus ulfauas of hid ans4ni ruiiimila1 soul fm fos tj pr uttlw uom f all oitihgtau hall a yaiull pill eta the ut aoton mocliiuo and hciiaii shops llfcmuyowwdlilli lroprulor allkwll sjjuipimj with ad u ntasblnary irrnaary to iajula ait mijnl u tnadbln ry and aartaullural liniiliuvnt and u do all iuilorsuroaiuiglr blaekamluilng woodi a a aaiisfaoiory didw w- ca raplr any machine or inttilxnaat ol any btalts ik guiubiliig abd nllurf dona amateur cameras knd sxjnppilres premo poco ray magazine cyclone mtlntinci srames x 5 aiul ckblnct 35 cnl3 phlntma papers solio ar1sto velox photox h rkmshkw photo kviviar kcyon the ontario seed and grain separator co limited fehqus ont wh hemsipreet flolon ilia tccured the agency for ilalion county iortlm perfection fanning mill and grain separator maiiu fact u rod in r thla is ilia mill which is crealltigu much talk aud fuclteinenl among lha ihouaond of larrrtttr who have- witnessed ha operation hi cleaulng and uinaralliig all kliuia ot grain and aooda at tha ontario agricultural col leg guolph during lluievcunlona through tho montli of i una hi la the mill which took a bag and a half of timothy teed cleaned iy oua ol tha alleged latest improved mllla ready for sowing hut saturday during hi llallon farmers 1 xcuralon unit rcmovil ovr a ikjck of bqiu ol injurious wwiln including lamb uuriur canada thlth altocn aorrel curloil dock pigeon uood calch fly bind woed and lilaa haw it will pay fjrmera id hau mr hem llrool show lliem thlj mill luefuro iuarlilluj or preparing lliclr uraln und uod for crop children cry for castoria pilbs ol juconbv it lako tu tulify venm jioopl it tales wry llllloiheia lo tet uw hasl iil mlufrllm f fioo nuf 1 uuj now 1 hi lima lu uv4 moimiy and h ih lul vehiw also to hw your fur remade or lrmolcjloil al buimuer prices l h e lafqntmne kind ltvtal lurior guelimi w si w it f h w w 7 ffwi m- 8 f f9 the b grennan co tweed news 1 right now xs a good time for ypu to buy tweeds wc arc totting jjo about 100 piece of xinc tweed and cloths at about half their value they must jo for they are in our way want heir oom and money lor other fjood- youll buy uimo anyway why not now sic herelor prices- 1 fine scotch suiting 6j to 7 yds to piece regular siasand 156 a yd to clear at 75c canadian suitingu heavy weight worth 100 lor 750 and 50c short end- 2i up to 5 ydi to piece splendid for boy si and s125 qualities clearing at 50c and coc a yard heavy union tweed only 25c a yd heavy wool serges for 35c a yard ladies 54 to 58 inch tweeds regular 1 and 5125 goods for 75c 150 to 2 qualities for 1 a yd 75c and 1 serges for 50c a ycl i an mnisuol siiiitt waist bairgaiu for saturday si quality waists to clear at boe mu bbtrlisfiiituls ironprry for halo nuhilln ol a 11 111 itity ir i 111 bu 1 a 1 1 ui wu hi uhtltkut oinldliulilc owcllinu oil ball 1111 ihh1i1lw1 liivlilj mtllil 1 lltt j ilku 1 uul hiih i ull 11 ikiim milortlljnmulvl imhihi h- will wl uul uu ul 1 h1 1 ln in irllaul 11 alii tnuln kl ai tllaii ailcalllii in uuliay ii actli i uk i1xiii i ooi llall itatla ulll for haijk houoti and totu in acton rili uudilt11 trfsdraalel xoiity l llocluij id t liwl uuulofa ruudlieasl nruiid joiilallo ilnllliiuaiil tot u a um1 trlm trtilt li largs sla- li two nb liullilltii lot 11 iae wail faacwl ami nuiiilxir ul fruli in th abase uropeluos vflll ire solt si a aacilnea on teiuia to suit ll purrjiaaar tt6y rsriil atily v liu juluiwr ij uuuui lutll til km u jiriu u j monallll aoton theb crennan co becords block i ttliillhithil frll mhntles just to hand this week 5 cases fall mantles of british german and canadian manufacture we have taken great care in selecting our mantles and believe we are showing the best assortment of any house in the trade prioes range from 275 to 18 if in the city call and see us we shall be pleased to show you these goods j a mcihtosh son 77 upper wyndham st gxjeljph m r ibbons 250 pieces 250 just think of it black as well as colored silk and satin from 3 incheto jinch wide and from 2c to 25c per yaroc and a dozen pieces of fruncii rinnons besides a large quantity of velvet ribbons cotton and satin back at all prices we deem it a pleasure to show our goods c f goodeye co mill btrcot acton se ves its hot hut wo he lota of icc ckliam aud 1ck colo ijkinks lo cool you off our driiil comut ul ko cmam soda n thu following lljvon ivfbny jejniuj caooolaf iiapjj mx jlbjerjoau tiratajd alia lkulld drink comdatliig of wild cherry hujlnrry crin lmnn iour lllich lloer lngiir al crnam tioda ijdiiioii aila mid lco cold ki lilt 1gb grbam hflwn r jinlcbi boasd ilsanila aaiary 1 soniralealoa sejanr pa4 mei halurday m adranaad aaen weesi hta aaiasaae nwey ad ra a j aaen week ht uiluju0uab3ualtaua hrr ouiaaemi do you wf2it13 of course you do and you want wrltlugmaterlau w itav ivrythlng you ve111 rpjia along thla una in eluding v kaikiriog wrltlotf voilk kulcd hutnarotw knvlopea acrauut b iitr se our mkw tiuily rjotk iaviu its ih very latent thing aud i ur llcularly nlca for your socl ly correapordeic 7x t boiitfn chumist acton auction balk ok tm- beit bkitths buiilio not1ch u hertby luen that par wuliu suiboiily of order jn couiidt the iud sttd wlilto iimh tiisnsa in ute follow- inc toxtulilp in ui uihthiut of atxjoua namely rtlia towualilpe of obamau pait cianiaiiiuj4ayia amnaaaon cuxsit uilatukoh wurrxiji cuavie and uitthaaiman parti and eaitala araas uatwaa u 110x01 til bnd tbe amaow uvea water lit 111 ulairtct cf tiilw 1uy sill l offered for sale by rublle auction at ute varlianint llatldliira in ute rlty oitotonu on tokh1uy u huvkhtslkntm ilav 01 helticuil4u next tluis bour of ouh 00 look la tli iut atllieasnjllin and plac- certain forfalu1 and alumlaowl luiuia in lha townalilp u iior himauoujm and lirmnrotu lu tlia duirlot of li ihoiitiu and couoly of vietoa u 111 t aitared for sal ula tmrnliaaar d tlm latut lirtli la tio lb wgli to out all kinds of umbu tutt eorululutf i mi and ooodluon of kale and infthmatlou a to atwui ami lots and imicaaalnii ootnprued 111 maeh imkui will lie funubad dll appncatlull altliar panooal ot lf isuar ta ui iaruilant of crown iul toroula c ui tmmtl tlliibr saneia st ottawi tliuir lltit lm and tout aimivh fe j uaviii cotumuular crown land department of clowu land timouu juue 1 1101 m1i no unauthorised pulitleallou of till adtrtuamnl will be paid for toronto exhibition flag 2glh lo sept 71h loot sfi si 65000 jvayoj sbii umuryjditl otijy tfovl nod high cjux fcifwajnnoa jheafurwj julhtatly ratt juovst stjt qromt hrunjaa of canatfah old may swf oui caut studaats tvxsvjy sicncizjr 3ku haduoed tlntoaon all lln of tyavol anduktw eultif vucvu if j kill lnaldaut muhto toronto georgetown carriage shops th beat place in tha county lo get your earring or any other repairing done i irtt chus workmen an i beat materials always on liaiid a full stock of buggies market wdons lximbor wadidona calt and tadmtfaxut-yoorgilo-uod- ihavolha best silo rod coupler on tlia market i can fumlih you und a and coupler complete cheaper than youuenget tlicm ciscwlieru j m 0tlluu successor lo culp il uckoimlo gbokgbtowin cublph central exhibition 8spt 17th lath 10th sipbciytiu trrawctioisis sootballt open to 4 local clubs youll ftrvt toa0wajel open to counties of wellington waterloo and llallon and a challenge match county of llallon a city of gulph on wednesday ihih at 3 o clock p m slake purse 810500 come and wdil uus1c iyjrbx avxuit musicjli socucrya hand cheap llailway rate shiyla freight halo- price idtt and nil informallon from jamlsstaukiy wm ia1dlaw inslilotil lion 4jq sc lteduced prices bolanco of tblu montii ihulng hiofliinliulor urauguu orjeis willliowlen ill uur finu tlolhiiig ut re ttucndpricirr lknit dtlay a dayn placinif your order call ami iinpot the stock und irti thiuiielitsilurtil vrry low prices lor hkit canh 111 feiulhiirltiiui hip giurjiiih1 wm m ooopelt un ialinn u st kkt mctoisl w t 1

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