Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1901, p. 1

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voijumis cxviiko acton ontario tuuusijay alhunt txk 1001 muck tjutiflk cjontk ofhc aton jm press evehy ijiullmday mohnino it tuk- vrrn lrhlrani rlutlue offlrc uiid iituiit aotow ont tuu or lliiuaouiirrimi m itllar por yur ttrliiclyln ilvlir all auunllpllong llaoou uuu wlaii tlm thu for which th tiav tu 114 liu il the iltl u whleil auutorlplluillapald illioud oil 11 adiliea ub1 j alivnuriaiki iuttijialniii admrua n4 0nt par wmrrjhu ormt tu mtuoii 3 coiila jr liu fur nanli auhajuaul iumtuuii comtttlin- iuraath lollowiii table ahowe our rat for ilia iubbiiioii of ajvruaiiiut lor apaelfled pstlo14 oainehm i tea r ijuog ianoo i afoo iainh 1 uoo moot 11 co i a no- 8 laallm i fedjm i 13 00 i 00 i dm ilooli pfl ub0 iho iw advaruaaniant wluiout apwlfle direction rill b inmiud till f owi an t oliajga1 ituid tn1j traniutlt a4ruaftiatit canal b paid in advatio adractjaatuauu will b euanaaal ohm aob bmdu if daalrl vor aiaiia ufladar than ano a mouth uia dompoaltlou moat b paid or at ragulal rtua ohanffmi for dontrul advartlaauiaiit inua i a ilia otdoo by noon on tueeday aooounu payabl monthly hlw rllor mxdical ttoiin m macdonald m d c m v uuccunmait to j v uhen m d 0 m i f la 10j0 a m to i p ti ajul rithoj gray m c m mcgill xl 11 0 1 ulllhuuiullf ili 111 qmbuow klkuumu llaltlali llmiklcxl association utc suoixaaau yo im asrxy offlokrlbflak mrl aolouout d u duyden e uau tumly amu nob luurdif orriu ifouua 10 in to 1 p lil olid 3 lo a p ti huniiiys 10 atu to 1 p lil l l bennett l d b dlintibt okowlatow omtabio m bell ddb l d b otflo otr urowti a drug- lltor homo uiauultoa owiwto uwivriuiirr timd dav tuaaday uioaivtlu vrl day uuokwtmhl tlht uual iiaulauo uud h a sal ad a j mackinnon 0rlcuiu hul iii ualuiawa llloclf upaulr ju mciikod llkjulrf kltjoiioilaiiu couuiuhom- ui von tiklmtl ayrlluvita uain blrwu oaoriautwii uoqjorucillf joua ull ulouo 10aii ou- alat umti ou ajrui i ropty at li- j mcnaull oukvomtlidlvllou couft oduuiy ol 1u1- km cunarajiorajautvlirdbiilijlrixaaulruo ltaa1 luul laut uolly u loau alo oriu- brryuiaitalllock a0t0m i out visckllxxxo vs x it a p husband v s lion uauiuar voudnary unio1 qmta of wnnlin itajrtkat tiilff bajll dou to vol huir illll hut aetoo tnsuuancii agunt loaial a toil t conrdaratllilljuaouuqu afial uulua vi laautallu qouipahua ooim youurf hl aelati henuv quiftl oitawa oauava boliolur of iauuu tar iuvaumi to rrpafa aflllotlona forth cajjajuu xhimf lon adkurnitj iatanl oihom kihi for ui ludlatraalbtl of taj ujk luttd tor vun pblat ttitrty two vairi mviuuo f iran0ib nunan wyodliaiu lit oualpb ouuilo uwryillluiiiblor aooooa hookm of ajl wluja lilaja lo orat tirlodloia it ty tlarlyuou bavtttuy bouud ruling taahm4m ota titlytlou m aluuaae lioelibub it i uooim iuy ay ilajuirjuij lixmmu lrku0aim navlutakarijuu4j laauaj a i tmlulatlm 111 ul bvattlll vrvrm 0m a0t0m w liu u auorl0ukm or 111- clquutio of walmlmftau kuj hallou onuiauflktuia vilmm 1kmaa unlm a o urn or astuyridnolu adlotl vih u pkoblptly al uuulaxtto truia ltoubu also uody to lou ott th uoablavaralil oma au4 al tti lowwat vl of lutarwtlx uma of tooatid pwlda i airy llui llll jomo ilclkll lhon by ituhkl ii r llmcrm ly wimtuii ciiuuciiii i lllo iujuirt crown my mrgjjaitii iiillinlalac ly cjtawfutlu 1 ltd octojhijtv liy noumib anil nil hid oilier lalo novels uultabtn foe hummer icanluf at days bookstorer qltv oullq chdkp traders rank of canada capital paid uploooooo assots oyor 9oooooo guelph branch savlnfjs bank dopartmont ukihtht jukiikjt uatii iv intkukllt alil tut auuia odfoallail of ti ul lil il iniqhhu iriumhltu lulo if iuliawal 111 ut cum poulidxl lialf jwuly adaitoa inula to nnla fatuiam ug uiairohii iiainoa at tli lovaalouiratii l jjcmlmrs luajla lw nolliwlliitf aaloa liuua if patafal in oualpli a gumaj halilu buuiiau taitoul j v it jonmh merchants bank of canada capital 0000000 2600000 a general banking business transacted iiilcfcit nt matt favorable current rale ullowcj o savliiiji bank accounla and dpoll nccolpla ledofa of credit lmuct available in ftl partu oftha uorld sncclal nlltnlloj i veil to farmer bualllofta money orders you awv uuu up to 950 payable at any bankinjj point in canada oulido of u10 yiilion torrllory may now l m iny dolay acton branch j it wjx1jlce ha4r any pictures to fltame any plcluwa lo 1 ramo hi up to waters bros ifywmaw etrttl odbtph procrastinate no dont do that but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or huy a new one wo can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed ohajrleb ebbaob miln st ac tou eixcelsier bakery a brqcery tlia bummer weather is niw iiqia ill 6anv eil in addition to our dally iupply of brtuil buns cakes elc wa are now pre far ed 10 supply tha public with pure loe kreatn summer beveraeb dud wo are matin a sclally of icflcreani bodakiid aodftdrllilii tciierily wo have hi u firl cus wmu foiiiilili mid keep it put ttupnllod wllh ice cold nod and iho purctt fruit ilavorv portlsnd c3vceist parmers why not he iplodale mmliortrd stur luiportrd a illutciioukn mid briirrokito iheui are tlm brands uo liamlla all high class cometit be up lo ilslo and liavo your tlablo cellar and wooil liouui loom laid lit cement special prices on larije fiiantllic3 our prlob am always llluht john m bond co guelph in floetriv nj uah vkhcr liiafiy ilaya ft tuijrliimxltliau w lr tlau lit tiiump tit uiaala liinllirai utuf hair wliaii a ittii u til ulad ol i tlllalthaothar tila1 lih tllf- whtt ta ixtya willi aiivy wlileti uiay farm 11 y lrurad diijmu iiald l u mtlu iftinll ltttrawall lfljl ilia iilil apiltitf oold alid blar ovor lllortlta wuuu of lilchry ab1 or oak ail and ilana tjkjinlljd ut kalilud tlio hutllua tt til oli lull oil iu aila hi ijuall would wulatl in ui cilllltt rhhatllllntf fallow iii uta nld of ul brhlatll willi bi1scbf2 jme tnfe 9 10 l2c a lb y standard nd manilla the celebrated mccormicu the best twine made for length strength and weight guaranteed also tlifclt jjrnat jiliulor mawatandslml hay rnbo call and m litem ifay rakes ro and iac each ilarvcit glovei 15 30 and 35c each tails grocii aoc lb imlato biiif killer ac lb hellebore 30c lb siuk shot ioc lb instant loute killor 35c can lamberts death to llte 35c pug also sprayers of all kinds geo j thok1p uicxdx ailain f lutlxittcntij arc cuslh a rockwoop nabbaqaweva saw and planing mills lumber and shingles kt cojnibst ir1cs bill kluff cut to order wood at it 00 a load at the mill p sayers proprlotor sun savings and loan go head office toronto o n auinlwtf cajilfaj so0o000 00 bullhcuillkd h o ilaicuo thb wullinoton mutual plhfct inhuracu company tfuublbiho1 laio lloadofrloa quelih on 1hhuuanqu on cajtliauii uuluaj flu auy dniniumilimtiuiva luiyuilxl u my ajd- llos d or ulaukioa ui will u4 proluuy kluudwl to j01ih yavilt au uualpll lec 8hun chin6se lkundry in mrs secordv block acton laumlry colloclod mid rluruol 1 anilly wajhlnk til loaaonabld ratts all work iftiw by luud no machlneu or clionilcau llmt shun iroprutor j lively tb unjalttl rauully nillolu ulruu a- uf 111 tublla klid lufuaui uiul tbat wall kqulvto nd htylub itigv ovu kd byb4s4urd alhlalbt a oointulnu bn luxukll tialli bttwsau iu a 111 kud a iu l ot jdful kltsutumihlvbuuiataryuiilar tti want of foini4ajroilaltil lutly bia v j01in wnblumtt fsavbuituli a uror stock of ynccrln tlisn vr ba ford and lha public know our prices art rlj11i t stathamson main st acton kotow saw mills lumber lath 8hincleb and wood bimsiiuo lumiinit uouan lum llill lath and ftlovk wood of all kindh kept co awtiy on hand- ton year maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 130 months when payments ceate co 00 aid in maturity value ioo 00 uoney to loan at 5 si might loan 01 repayable in monthly instalments on applf cation to ft j monabb agont aoton tile sign of the blue bell j is a reminder that you need not wait or inconvenience yourulf to see a customer in person while your competitor who has toue in person w aits you can have a iltlvail iniuuvilw at any bay station tho bolltolophono co oi canada ami til uladuw talk alid kblli sulb would alt tiiiala tilt 111 furaala allajaa ullud u lllelr i hal 111 wouu klntf uliwatlia tajuij mini uia4jblrd sat and calliaaououhaxim an 1 tlia kjulrru and uia clilpmuuka lla 111 oliaaauiltgll lllaaaiila t all j ilia daltar akwa4 of tan 111 unplaauttl iu iii lliaktaaja iii 111 tuiruara bj uta blj kaji taller aa wd urw u aanly lilabtlooil wtiu w tliouulit llieouulry ulila in tha itlaii1 of luly wi ui vary falrt tu ofl from aoelllu scliool or iiiaauu or ui jolly l down tuaoh latia w woulil wjttdr wllii a marry illua ilia on tliatltbllitftlid uit ui country lovr 11 oil a bay kaal waj lloijtr lu ula lil ooo llfi til tli and aliil w d jialiit a future plaluta toueliaj wlui dolofri moat tlllalla aa waaat lliaia lu uieomair of tin old trail fuo tllftra 0u lllulit 111 tlapyy ilraalillthj w war allunutiaitdlujiiiud up 10 uar 111 kata of llaavall w aoulj altnoat litajr hi tuj wllall kutima dxlaimuoti lltpaj u lirllilultiamr- on all utall kluo iiaa told bt ab waj niuny j to liaar on uiy liad uira new a daarl frlogaj wltb latii ar way no and tit mtuy a udmj of ava lu liar dr old lij today yat hi tlma of low la liumlul lu our loaouim aa itilaua tbumttd bui of h c- grk iorlh in the urinal ikikinmalit liallut dotod tbnao nvldaiirv of a iortnur imir ouiuxxl ami limiirlu i ltu tlu on id tho wtrn will a i llv lhku old ulan bwd urav tn liu rtiniira outorcj thfii paid llicm no likirltniltuii how your adooiikimxutmna ml- wlltoiit mid jii lltowi could you ud u ur frail hi 1 lixliilia or a weak ur ho wbil w hunt and tlfi tierobout7 tha puitlwmaii all knullahor and i uoa uliifi imw you ar from thorn paruluo you mluhlllkoa talk with lilm bout boui mil willou uuvol at hr lal lltll ttortooiy aa h aui oar aooommndatloiia a you vary urn i tod but w can jjlvt you a hi at trot bf uroh leave mi tlm floor and plenty nf milk amf writ hret7 if that will au- wr jul thtblnt ui wilun said tha httaur iiaanljiy wndoul earn a lilllo aboul rkhar and aloh hk tli ot aid t plank4 ilka volvt ul a uiaii tlial baan on tha tramp all ilay can you do ibla without iuoonveii oolriif yoaraf ura wilton v al tba auund nf wayn voiqu tlm woman urumj toward hi in with a nmll it wilt b a plflur ah aukwarad to ao iom ona from the outaltla world of wklob at praaaut wo know ao htlu and i bavo uo nil lo aak what krl of dar old euuuud you ard from your fccoanbujii mo that it omnia ilk muuia to m a dwollor in a alraiii- laud yaaau mouulth wayu i uluv avry oountry baa hi own pedal ur pronun elalloti aud i am ud to hav ohauoml into a oountrywomaua- houi my tiama u wayu my falhar la blr athaarn wayne of kuivy mount an h ssltl ihla tha old man roe atwl looked al lilm for a momsul inuntly while the mumlo of his fso work ml utraualy than h left the room ills wif i baavlly aa kh lurtird to mutitilh my huabmd baa baaa th victim of a wronu wbloh has anpstrlatod him and stettil 3fnmil uamng a porcdt lfily james brown tfermfi sabh wamtwll clalu uuily lu luul ura ouu niiaiiolal rapuutloui iwi pr wwaaly a br day lalusy ai luawa train tit txijia til 1 art ill la salary cainiiitaalob aaiair paid au maturda and itwnw pitmay atftaitaail atau wah utail ualuuouituullaaaauamut cmaauo bluint uoubl cilaninc and moving show the neceklllcu in ihu uiy ot uew furniture matrillussks springs etc and johntonl co ore confulcni lltcycaii idl your wants vtiry sallructur lly aiut at the lovuest lulii pdcua spccul attention l then to llpholslerliii clllwr in liuw work vr dpilriiij itcturo 1 mudnti li a ipeclj1ly all onkrt rocolvo p ulltiiiilun mud inn jthlimulho nd lohnsioiin cu lb now huy livorllfl huribiiit aupply them caiiwit- uuul- u lr ul1 nuhhii uo variety hull of all kind- lu stock luefur itlliuu johnstone co iturajturo koauoni a tlndortukonj main ht acioi uy mat it uorrn i 1ell you brown tharaa a apian a did ohanoe 1 be cayiul air rowna word were inurrupud by ute ahaip oraek of rllle and a doe which had been brows ing among the new row lb la a partially cleared woodland dropped dad atmoal before tha found died away the uaxt momsut a jounk girl darted forward ami ihruwluu burwlf down bealde tha prally oreature olaaped her arma about lie nek and moaiud and aobbod aa though bar heart would brak a few rapid itrldai broubl monullh wayna to the apou lis alootl foe a time silent wllh a look of couoru upon hu bsndsom tace then heisil i m sorry i shot your ptt i did not know i thoughl we wave stul lu the wlldi if joud hev walled a tuloule id hve set you right- bui you were lu stioh a construed hurry bald brown at the sound of the latlar voloe th girl roee smljenly and driad hariaate is it you jerad browut and did you urn by and e poor brownie killed 1 i wouldnt have ballavad it of you r now clitld end ibe lustia roah voloe aofttned luvolanunly utuuj bu weather beaten faoe toward her twant uo fault of nil ha ii thai strauitr chap hadve kept hie atre opo and ualnd to me iheru prclty aye would b bright aud pit a two dlbiottdi luauad ot balu all bunged up a oryin lllllana eyaa ware- bright enough now aa ha ulauord toward th uuwllllutf offeuifar i never rarttted anytlilou ao much in all my life and it you will aopt this trinkit as a tokau of uisl r it will please me greatly the youuif tutu basuu- ed lo say astnliso unoed at the rlritf ba drew from his finder and offered ber a ray of aunltghl haaniftd caught iu lb blnde brill iant which lis had and spark lod like a tjry eye uhe held nut hkt baud and mou telths faoe brlkbltiad as be placed the olrolet in ita roey palm but blsvlaagd olouded as sujdauly as with aniuiparloui aoornful rbture llllau load tl away lulo the tangled uuderbuab ijova la prioslsae and id toes otunot be paid for rhi aald lhisvry quietly but bar ilpe ijqivird and bar uuom bvd oouvuulv ly in liar enforoed oalmue aa she turned aud walked away tliatna the wlinmeokiud i hanker arttrl said the old hunter admlrlugly thats rare gflt tha gale true lo the baokbona her hood will cant niihar be bought nor told uliua as pretty as a picture aud i iiaver saw euoh an air of quiet dignity evsn among old enuunde proudet daiuee i usy brown this rand new world of yours has jjiveu me one surprlsa at ur a not ber over tluoe i lauded i wlh tuy rltle bad burst though bfore ll eol thst unlucky ball boor little girl i how she grieved aftsr bar pat 1 im acquainted wllh the will qua and it you say so ill take you to ibelr ularin aud you kin mska yar paoe st your ul dure im main aorry youve lot your i ring and all for nolhlul f moumnia more and the two wire standing by the door ot a oablu oouatruoud ot rouh iufr- a gniitle looking womau answered to jated browns knock aud auked thani into an apaytmeut which wu evldaiilly at ouoe sluing room aud klleheu lliere wereao4nwartlulaiultwhlah wemed liiuougruoue to his principal prl of iu furulahlng for inaunoe ou the primitive pii uulieotn uor alood at abliiiad alab of timber liown into bhap by au ax wild buiqiortad by of th bama unaklllad wurkmaiiahip whll upon u was an en ijlllalle 111 i jjmimm oabluab dooatd with two or thaa fragile oupe and euor whlth wuald bavaait a pulletilor wild by thalr rare aud dalle bauty abd upon sum rudaly ooirauawtad haojuaafabalv wai volumas uf ubeduwpwere mluoa ufl i jnlijjfuu ud ui fir owning and a wall friend would liardly know him il bra bltleirad him so hat lu a rli momaul be look a vow of si i no uniil h should be fully aud oomplauly vlndloated lu th ayu of the world ft be tola anyway atrange plaaae dout tiilnil blm ilud not lurm a living erealure th homely bupprtab1 was aoou bprad and the uuexpaolad guots invltad to partake of tha plslu but wholesome fare ah tlm paaaad ou aud lillian falud to appear monului wan oooecloua of afaallng of soute dlaappolutmeiit he was curious lit child again and know it mamory had played blm tsue in invaallng bar with such wondarful beauty of face aud form he told her mother of tha mi for innate eojiifwfmju aud asked ber to mako bla paaoe with luiin ure wilton smiled at the young mans esrnaatncaa it is not ilka lily lo bold anger aha id but she givfti as much love lo ber paly as soma women do to their ohidren i suppose shes crying ber heail out now in soma ona ot her favorite hauula there le hardly d nook in the woodabul sbaa familiar with i ll waalang aflar the roll of lbil liouio bold were asleep before monlellh yuldad lo tha drowsy fad but youth is elislio and ueeda but littla raet and ilia earliest birds had aeartialy beguu lo twitur their msliu- bouue before be wab dresaed and out in lbs virgin foret looking as frth in bla young manhood as though the dewy brightness of tha glorlou mornibj had penetrated through evry fibre ot hie being a roy glvatn tu lb east told of the t irtb ot day aud ihilhar he strolled ti watob tha flrat golden shaft aut out by bar courtier lha sun buddecly his eye reetad on an uilav lpoud sight upon bar kneee in an opu glade was lilian fluinu a basktt with the wild strawberries that graw in fragrevut profuslou around hir looking up she aaw him and roee to her feet halt shyly ehjuald the basket toward him will you have aome berrka alrt bee bow nloa am ripe thev arl and plokad thm for your bakfaat i folt bo aoury that i threw your pretty ting away thai i got up early i loould not sleep for thinking how rude i war will jou forgive me t it wsa booh a sweet feirliah faoe that the young mtne first impuleesh to band aud prtas a kiae upon ilia innaoent lips but aouiitblug ju the anpreailon of the grew clear ay raised to meat his oontradioled lb oral iinprosiinn of her chlldlsbuaaji bo ba bowed ills hauilaonis bead and said it if tor ins la ask pardou i was ibe real offender and i shall fel that i have made my pesoa if you let ma pick the rost of tha berries while you cather a nosegay to put by our mclhara plalu at brek fast tbli was the beginning of a few weeks intarooursa uatwesu the young heir of our- rey mount and the beautiful forest maiden wbote praeul lisrllage wsa bounded by tha tour walla of a rude log cabin with iu aur roundlug clearing barily is rue enough to pasture tha cow aud to supply tha few vegelabua needed to aualaluufe but twiflly aa ihedaya flew by thblr ineinory was dtallnsd to ostt b glsmour uvar their whole lives wlm n monlellh recti veil a letter oon- tain i uu a peremptory aumnions home he waut wih a ferltng of aancero regrat lilians lips were in uta ae they parted but tbaaipreaalonof her ureal pleading eyes haunted him for day a ho oould ioaraaly refrain irom catching her to hia hsart and kissing her sweat lips hut he thought of hia proud lady mother restrained him aud ha had too mnch honor lo title tlm sweet uoeu ot a iwvrtiiilbb with the iuteullou of claiming ii aa hie own ihue ha liasaed from lhisnu world taking wllh him ilia magical hrluhtuee which of late had colored lo bur young ay- evorythtng lu jirlh or sky while ui ahl lilian thought with a pang was ha not jjolng leak to that rircu of brave man an j sir women of whom ha had luld her uooftuii and frum whluh hhu win uoorumly shutout ifuhe ihe nrtiat vhild uould oidy lie hhtt tbu huuld riil b rraarvad forn alan uuaia ottj yoortgar and fairer by rigtl ahould claim a abara tell me try on baa no ouo tha power aa yet lu weavo a charm about that hr which i know lo bo ao liug aud tender 7 montellb liaacd hi wavy brown locka back from bla foiahmd with an imntuiil keaturo hwil klw that hi parnt wlaheil hln to nbooa a wif from amoui tho oolen of fair youag hti irn bla rquala hi rank with whom ha was dally brought in coiuct bui with nujdenroluloti lio turned uiliu mill hir h would which feeling ruled para mount id ber heart ioto or prid lh truth la rriother rnloo th young ladle i maet lu aoolavy am too artificial thaooly girl who bjcr oaneed my heart tij throb out of it rngolar faahiou was la tha wlldu of america and h waa a mare child bob ber itolulem tialurt waa a traoapardnt aaadewdrop and abe was a lovrly aa tho toaabud upon whlob ll ru iuly wayna looked at him 11 unooii- ocalftd aurprlae could thia imiaaaiond young man bo hr indlfterout moilitb 7 bit laid her jawalad hand tenderly upon on nf hia 111 to about her my eon aba mid i am dcaply tnureiui thau with an eloqueuo inaplred by tho beautiful memory of bla foroat idyl montellb deeoribad it to bla tuoiber iu a few brief but flowing aanuueah al be repealed lilian words aa aha resoled hie paaoa offering lovef u prloolo slid its lues cannot be paid f jr lady wayu ayekludl that la a noble natur i go monteltb aud win her i will reoalva this young american girl with open arms aud ae to bar adueatlou m yae if o that bhe may beoomaa tilling wife for a wayna mother i bald montellb are you in earncalr veal wsa the auawr if aa an unformed lblld ahe wan such a regard front my oritloal aoa aa to mako hied indifferent lo all others it a fu and ooutluuod tba lady with grav tlujulty the grafting of a lui irom lba people tlnon an old atook ban ohm bronitht wjtli ting upon the race may it bo ao in thle lublano 1 mother you are ati angel 1 said monullh praaing bla lipj ukon her fair old forehead no tlmo waa loat now tbat lb dl was oast atoli moment was walghttd with lad his btauroom was aeoured in th tlrvt outgoing btaabter il lacked but two dayaof ibetlmaof mlllug when a grand parly cama off which created a aanaatlou in the world of fashion blr athesrn waa or the crowded aasembllee ao it doyolvadl upon monteltb to aeoort hie mother ha waa standing lttualy near a group of titled dames wban ble attention waa at- i traoted by uie delioal oreek profll ot a young girl who wa haunlng to tha words of an elogaut soldierly looking man who atood beside ber moving forward almoat i involuntarily be gained a full view of her faoe something in he finely out outlines and in the turn of the proud little bead struck montellb on strshjtoly familiar aud oauad bla heart to thrill wllh almoat palutdl iulenally but ittonld not be lilian bla fore t lily aa ba fondly called her lu bin thoughts vat ihla young stranger bad prloeleae gama anclroliug her white throat and liealling amid bar bended hair and she was evidently bthoms in the brilllat boena bhe turned and thalr eye met a jltish ilka the morulug eky spread over bar wjiila akin ifar sweet lip parted in a joyful exclamation bha oama asgerly toward blm and held oul bar little glovadiiand dont you know mel it is lilian tjucle ihla is mr wayne whom i old you of my amsrioau friend tha aoldurly looking mtn bowed low a fellug of unreality surged through mon ul ills frame aa ba answered ble sal a it i ion but clear thoughts came when lilians uncla considerately left them to talk over old tlmea aa htj mid plbaasutly he offarwlhar hlc arm for a promenade and beard lilian- atory her father had become isir to the family estates by the auddaa death of hia elder broiber bafore that tba real culprit for whom ba had suffered had beau atrckii with remorsa and ootifoaed bla ao that ba had coma into bia inberitsnoe with an unsullied name aud waa no fred from bla vow ot silence you wouldnt know my father lilian said iu conclusion ha ta ao changed u kept up hia book knowledge through all tho lonely year a and ba li now quite a br and ahlulng light among literary people aud la an honorary member ot a number of foreign aooielloe well lilian that all very pleasant t3 hear but tail ma about yourself lave you kept a mamory of mi in your hoarl all lha years j lilian looked up into bia faoa wllh her great aarneet ayes aa though bha would read hie soul aud hen bha drw off one of ber k and held out her band with a ureal tbrob of joy monteltb aaw upon ll tha ring she bad once ao sooru fully ulooarded after you wsnl away aha said i spent inauy waary hours trying to find it 1 foltsolonaly aud sorrowful that it ani ed aa if it would he ilka saeitiu yon i bail almost given it up whan ona day 1 aaw it shining liko a ihtle spark ot fire uince than itbaa never lalt my finger as monlellh imprieouad tho tender ban j ha wiltpared maanfiigly that baa always been a fetaful ring llllau aud do lady baa ever worn it un1s she were ihe balrothsd bride ot a wayne or ht wife will you wear it still t yea if yon wish it moiiinllh the words would havi haeu in audi bio to any bul a luvaru ssr hut they vibrated through ble heart with a matody whoa echoes will rioh dowii through all tha cytmlug yre ut moulellh waynes life ciililllrul vlliw of it yee said hi geulle u tliulsl i oou faa i am uuparelitloue enough to wear a luoky atoutf auddn you really think it glve you luokf wl atrivuiaulllr anolurimu homancl tliakailof aurdnpmk uftho unlud kingdom itl and i u graph horvica bettavoloiit uuly a i abardeell mid that ihy had tom back lo the old mall ooanh days to kit the irt miuaaapeot of the toatl barvlor and to llluetrali this i livrrtod a romiitin incident whlnlj maiiroil in th r inn of jamas t mora than two i umlrrd jpr ao hit john ooahralir boil nf lilm old nobleman irj iwndooald wa i of t who uioujtht ttio llbcltlv slid inter rat of the oodntry wr in datikar owlnrt to tit policy of the flovoriunniit of lb day ana rlud it blr johow ulrayad into lb bands ot itm mmy ami waa lodtd to 1minborgh jail ou night uto door of the priaon opened and b heard thavolo ut hi dauubter oriaal who wa kllowad to bav many talks with him meanwhile tha news cam lliat hie oou demnatlon had won battled by thvatuuoil and tho mall would om tmst wk wllh bla death warrant micil cohraua told bar fathnr that aha had lo uo away for a few day ta mid i hope yon will do nothing raab and ah rphd that aba would do nothing very rash hhu rod from edinburgh lo berwick wbero bar old uura lived and there bh obangad her ninth for th cloth cf a boy thau sb rode u a plao between berwick and belford wbrw she mad inquirlo rrrard- ina tbo kings mall maaniis anl where they uaad lo put bp arrlying at a small inn about four mluo south of berwick aha bakl for bometblng lo aat th houe told bar not lo maka a nola uiidm in lbs bo lied h kinue tnall bimurigtf was aklmp do b qulal she mid with your knit aud fork rb bettati her meal can you get in aomo waurt th lioelem said why a braw lad like yon ahould sup uu hsv you no oold freah walart if you tilve mo water i will pay you the same fnr tho ale tho hota xplaineil that she would bay to j l lb wall a long dietetic off and it would ll tu tnluuta but tho girl or rather th anprcit boy adad lb woman id co for the wur w i n j wli ilia rjai l i 1 iii 111 cina box bed lhro won lb msll meaennger ack fallow with bu matl bag under bis bead ualng it for a pillow lba table war bis plalole and very uarvoitsly lb klrl withdrew tha oherkeaj no aooner was this donethititha iimiiu ralurnad with tho waur tha uirl tinlahad bar meal want on the road mad a circuit and mot tbo mail mangrr and they rode tofialher a ml after a abort chit bite drew a utile tiratvr bnd said my fruud i have a fancy for this mail beg ii it u a joke said lbs meaaaiigr il is a prally poor on bhe took out a litlte pistol and premnlod it the maaner palld oul hlapistol and snap i tha flrl mlaaad flr lis threw it away end drw tha other snap i ii a liad lo band ovr the mall bag and aha rods into an adjoin log wood bhe opauod lba bag and draw out an official wllr and rode with ll ti bar nuraaa bouae where it was found to coa- tain ibo dafclh warrant of bar father it wah put inlolbe fir a gh rrionied her girls clothe and rode quirtly tu eiln burgh that causeil so much dslay that tbey msnagad lo get a reprieve and her father was mvad he ihe epraker had a peronal inlereet in thai lucidint an ba nuderatood orlaal cocltyaua was a direct auoeelorot lady aberdeen tub iioval visit ao i lwmr thai tliial liii il ii i-alll- wjllii ill til a lp tlio air that tilua itir hu k n 11 rrii i i l illlull ilulll uui all i 1 loll wh-r- ulu tmimfiuu rllllll klljlu lwli idiikiflil lij aiillhu alii raw i rum tliu niilii ut- iiil sot ui liolur utll- i iiml nil on thn uul hie ly- ilulidatllumbwbt oii1iuii 1 lollra it unur tlirouuli all hi- lni uy aud tralolub at uluil hi jilaardiiiii f uy fiiraltioiilaiil t- thir ruli ulr ourl it u u n h f aiilwulliil liashli- fruui th nbalr lliat li iml l by uiaaurvaiit llwrllyt i imii down th llnwr fiuil vlus ami liiuath on hi bwvui aoaidad air th laflaiu ari lil bul ulr lauly 1 ha iil ilv4 in miti to li- i li j prauliii iiik fur tlmijory ho itrarlnuly uia lo haio 9 a ar in lhwijutlteunl utmu jubt oi hn doalor i ao what tha malur is its dyeppil all you have to dn ia to laugh harlily hofur and aflu- etrli mflh mr bloke iiiipokiblo i uat them my- mu and waeh tha dlalifn msaia what the matter with this ootfun ilu hestly i msdo it out of that auballtule for tobacco jouva allowed tollo abiut tho liouiifl colony i wan ud to fjul out if it waant yood for aoninlbiug ohlcano tfthumt a oolorri wiinisii throw uu odd and nde uf inojicluajnft sfur hf hubanda dlh into the llru lliu txiloiou that iidlnwewl narrinl thn tnih tlrn quo of tbo duka ot cornwall would u uura of a htaity welcome in all parts nf ihe llrlliab empir because be la ihe son ot the boveralgn but be h wluulng ijoldeu opln- lona by lha bound ootntnon ani ha is dis playing on hia trip around lbs world the addraaae be gives and the iblurshawrilee away from the guiding band an wise oouowl of bu royal father biow him lo have au abidlnu fund ot tact and good aeuse ula letur to lord hopetoun tba gover nor qeneral of australia la remsrkrblo fr its bimpls language farling uiiu abcnca of the sidled commonplace which ao often makes royal addreewa uo painfully forroal aud cold ha gives tha australians v arm pralso for their instinct ot order fur lha readi wllh whlob thuy hsva formed a vclun lar army now numbering twruly flv tliouund men aud for ibo example timy hava ut o forming a csdit jiorp which balde the bausfll of ihe phioal iralu lug luoulcstta into tha cpmlng genirallon that spirit pf subordination which la to eeaautlcl tiol merely to the solduf but to tba development of the uitionsl char aoter tha duka oertsinly appears to hava won tha graaual possible popularity ilurlng bli visit to australia aud while il hia uivan his iloykl juighuees much practical infar mallou it baa also brought more fully boms to the australian hia oouuoctlou wllh lba ilmplr it has shown tlm poopu of the new oom mou weal h that they really stand olo lu tho national hfu of ihe vast empire far which thuy already have fought so well the influllncti ot homtt thk home life ia lba beats ut all lite and ft happy home is asssutlal toelety and suo coe lit any dspartmsul in life oooaalon ally a niri or woman la strong euougi and bufilolsutly wit oon tallied lo endure un happluoee al home without fllnohiug at any point at duty but the majority era not ao they become diunouragad loa hesri and at lasl broak down dvlanynf tho aud dan aud aurprlaing lapaoe aru to ba traoad toaltud almott any utorm insdl any foe endure any hardship or auffariuu which may fall in hie lot in tha world if ha only has a good hum fullotuympsthv and love into which ha may rotieat thorn in ho grows strong iu it ha tiaa wimethlnu fur whioh to qmltire and nght many a itmna sucoes aud many a wouisue triumph are lo le allribuud ti tbo happy homaa in wbloh they live lhar is no olher piano ao much ilka heevti thteeuuof htavon as a happy boms jvijjorwh wiiat vou dontlbav wont huiit vou tha windows men powtnl moviu inod- alu i evh vawd aald uha no wonjb tba cla man hud a oountry servant waa given a ticket by lmr mieltfci for a locul conceit bha arrived homo rather iataud wsu qunatlon- tlotirl by her micros on the mallr x cama away bufuretwaa over who rrplied and lhy wrd hurrying it on oauku thy vre uinglflg two at a thus when i lelti tf m a town counoillor of cork iralaud la crvdiud with ihla remark hum can be no doubt of the viruleuco of thlu apodriulc for i know of ptoplo lying dead from it who never diod before llm imiid iullemsn thus ohivulruuuly defended a oolleaiue i strongly protect auauut this attack cu my abant frieud for surely it ia net rlht lo hang a man behind bla burk a lilllo girl bail uenl uok her platu for turkey tvo or throo tlmoj and had iwen helped bountifully to all tha good thlui finally aha was ohierved looking rallmr dieooiisolalfly at lha unnuisbrd pstt ot her dilllier what lb iitatlef ethrl v asked uncle john you look ao mournful ilisfejust the matter said ethel i am morn full aud then alio womlnrud why everybody isuulied the pol was waliluug tha ninuol can you tel me the time i asked tho stranger but the poet made no reply hava you a match inaliud the slrauuor but lha poet waa alien il wsa not until tha stranger had askud tliroo times and the potrdpoudd then ha inrnd and said what do you moan by intsrruplltig me dout jou know 1 have a train ot thought 1 that may be retorted the stranger but it isnt an accomidalion train chicago aruu an arkangaw tbavlllli have you apont all our lifi rlht hero in this odd pleoo t stikett a sirsuuer uf an old fellow ha osme aarois uted on a rail fanoa whitiling lu front uf a lo and slab cslin in ouo of tho btokfauntios of aikan- ata not by a denied eight wau tha terse reply i been lijnr lha ut cr part o the time bul lall i hov trsvl a fnr an wido ever btwi abroad 7 wal not iggaokly lo n abroad iinlua you call u goln abroad la un from hero way over to fcteruvlltu i been bver ihsr twice in the last forty jeur ii a thirl tii an a hall mlla loli torvillf an liatu lit on furder than thai for mo an mj olo- xamtn waul clean to hogback rldiju on our uoddln tour an that is forty one mllci from bore then i been over o lelviu county lo uee my wifou olku over tlioro an thats twenty odd mlloa from bora i lien i bosn aver to uock hill rz many ts four llmou an thats tighteon nillo bay ivo bau hara moalo tho time bul i travillod far an wide just tho mmo ivo ston tha four story mil over at ioteraburg an thn angina an kyara ovtr to posvlllo i i i 1 on mn three mile au its all i waut a tha peaky thing ivo uoeti a cult uith two beads an a fuller thst ooulil oat lira and dsnea ou broken ulaas in baro fmt i been a man hung nncn an a homi race far a puraa ot 1a5 n ilr i i o boon fur an wide an i rokou la scon ihe lnjojod o what thora la tn una in tlia world an i dont lot ou dulu any more gaddiu n bout aui i tl iiiiuh nlllv bltaki iiandu onu day mv brotbur uiaii mil drivuij in the country win u a ultunir kl ipn him by otolsliuiug lumil ui ui unit icj be my bursa i luota not roplia 1 my brnlliur i haiiitht hor at a hvury uulih unit thy tub aim from hosui tliuo psaisd nu it urew al lail to be a i aource uf urpilse tu bir aihsani aud lady i wajaoibaluoutlllhlheioiily sun ami hlr did nulm loliiid u marry one morulug sa lady wayne was matml at brekfal muiitellb as wu his daily uua tuiii li in with a huuoh nf tlowr- and ttliv ilieid bldo his inullierm plau ah ftfuitlallli ah mid imlllng up lulu ble hsudeom faj ibeee utuo fclun did you hevau wuh you ya4larday f jesllluly j aud hi spile of it you lot a 5 iold pliod out ut your pwkei tore your oial by oat oh lug it ou a nail sprained your aukle and falul lu le ibe btialuea deal ut which jou apild muoh irue rplu i- k upllmlsi bul think what mubt bav bappaaad tu ma it 1 badutbad my usav stone 11 111 i 1 sai 1 iho man wh l du ou flllhtr my b rolhsr x ihu urd hi st lln homo was i0lj to ltol him u u valll ho nam inst u of ilia pink 1 uu t hor it u lald uial a uriol hdn bl brouuhl lotulhr lu a room the parrot fur tho uuof lb piiug said to the dog lllo blm lha imuu iwiug thai thy dog clnu unthlug oim lo attbgk want fnr the parrel whlohhial atno1 shaiant ita tell uathur bfutalt nj lulls perub ilia ivmud that ibo parrot alter tuapcutltig dsms aid to hlniu iolt mi ulk toomunh 1 ihla leaguod blory tor all our teadoi in tcmtmur biiidauy bu cried nut uhar ly n lly 1 qulok aa a flauh thu homo prlokul up hor asrs and i mkod urouud nvlly mid lha man mi ping iu front oumrxjsbakilliaiidel upuamu thu horjuuli u im 1 fti man tn uku now mv tll nit iha ihuru lu- 7 thu ttiur hu lar ufl imuliul 1 ihu ami mii l my hu it klly j llm way iu ttalii i uku i- tu uk llmxt 1 tone lba wlimntlelu llr luttllh ufttr i lursapaiilu- ii

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