ml a uu i ht u waikku ou tuculy loorulnc i iialsl tlis rllilhiif the brills a srnla i a loltuon tanaea or at acton by l hafcar u a aliurtluuil llruxtt luiti tortnltiealuid walker dauahtar i w ii welhr all it aoun iiikji m i krai mi tumltf vlli july vi lixhllmua in mavlh ysr t i u al ilia rsaldaoos of bar ton in ir j1 huoiy uali ht anton ou wln l 11ijulrkllulmtlli aim hiutlli li of l lain w dllani ubciuio in liar ability four tuuuhday auoubt tub 1001 uditom1al notes 7 of llm stably ou etjnatore celled at the i sin u of oon f muratlon ty royal procla lion to- the mndt only el remain from oularto quo from quebec iwo from nova holl arid one from now ilrunewlck a failure of t baudey buelneas a lhe 1aii american been eiparlanoed- on wuak day the llndertoo avera 30 000 bow but no rmro tbeu 10000 people visit li io show on buuilay- tlii peaplsbt ibis american oootlneot are manifestly oppo ed to violation of tlie eords 11 y in dheutiuj ihe question of teacbere valariee and tlia mathtonenoe of publlo schools in ihta ooonly mr 0 ii iatlerson a member of oekville ttcbool board made a calculation by wbioh bo ebosr that the education of each popll ooets per knnnm in acton 1k and in oekville 20 georgetown is after arnolds factory tho uounoll ravon n ioooo loan for in yemrs mtl partial ix omptlon to boouf ono or aotdnv induethoe dvuxw to he boumitthu tlie clednfeiown 7ra to reporunultie prooeodloiie f lw council lu le l eaye the ifftor tieiniil whli ii t arnold t k blm inen til 110000 w tbeu dieonaeed tiotm mitilln io mr arnold dafliillly dadad leave auh fetid uf lb swaiel place in wliioh he ha thought of locating fend which have uttered blm inducement jeorksuiwu baa bla pref ereuoa the prupoeltion briefly 1 ibu mr arnold oftera u eetabliah bla factory in georretowu and employ minimum foity liknila dallyeclml of bla o family pfeyinjfe rnlufrooui annual wbji of 17000 uboritalowo to grant tlmx lo of 10000 tor atxlmb jaaia witboui intorcal repay lit 100 par anoami and felao l xamptluu wllb lbo esoeptlon of aoliool l for uta repay root uf tba loau mr arnold itlvaa femutity aatlafictory to tl cooooll wllb soma alight roodlfloljon tbo fereernanl qnatilmonaly feaaalj to by tbtfoounoil and tha oleat waa nalbor ixod to prpra by law ur aubmlitioa to ibar rfempayax tbcanaalibvbfed tblaluaatoubifora tbam for mm ak ii li fe axjaar boa no propoaluon feud lby hope the tfeta- payaca will regard it formbly manitoba harvest tliaru la aomalbina 0uteatle in ib j1um of tba urituh 1atrlotlo fund th triort tli at 4733 widow 41iu oblldrau and 0234 other dependaot haya boon teluvod from it up till peootnber vvbatkii fetnoant of aorrow aa a rsaull of llm war in ho ait afrlo la hard indicated mr t w oluoo dirmlor- ot ulnu who liaa jaat roturoad from unflo thajudttna apreaad lbomakaa fea highly ploated with thu obaraour tad ax taut of tlin minim oiblblt from lbj province ontario baa farniabed no fa war than w autrlea or ipeclal roooltloa tb award will boi be made for soma tlmr oaorcatowa i ajjain naeiatlo for th famoval of one of oarmfeoofaloriaa to that town atuaotlv0 lndooemaata are belajf held oak to tba proprietor fend atbylaw providing for tha loan of largo tuts who- oat inursat for long period bliortly to ba aubmllud to the ralepyar what vivid elompllfloalion of the golden xala on tilfl4ajt of aiault to wd this u i hhlpueota of 0ana4l to tho old coontry tbia aeaaoo fall oonaidorably be low ttutae of laat year th total alno may ui femounta to 465050 boim wbu tot the aacne period but year tbo total waa 735 f3 box the kblpmauu of butleron the oontrary abow u lncree of nearly so par cent tha total alooe may lei being 14033 paokfeee fe g038o for tb v aarua lltro laai- year orfengevllle evidently apprfeoiaua tba value of rnaunf featuring ooaoerrta to tbe mouloipallty votiog took plaoa on moa day on two bylaw one to grant loan of b2000 to tba dufferlu coffin fend caakot co and tba other a loan of 10000 to ii q y 1ett who propoaee to atari a blaoolt aud ooufeotlooery manofaotory bolb by law carried the vote of the drat mention ed being bcfl for and 41 ainet and on the 1ott bylaw 35 for and 87 fegajnat uudar ft t regnlatlon laeoad by tbe loalraaatar oeneral of tba tfnlud btat jouruala which are in fleet ft eutarpritea or fedvertlalng olroulara will hereejur be biolpdad front tba privilege of uaing the majlfem the cheap rate gran ted to bona fide newapepera and periodical it woald bo ft rood move to taju ajrallat aetioo in canada here lbe poatal aerrlo bow carrioa this cuaa of matter through tb mail at half tha rate which ba been oharged in tbeunltedblata and therefore at rreater toe to lha pobllo treaaary if a rttaaoofeble rate war ohargej it woqld halp op the revanaea of tb xoat ofltoo department cooaldarably tba tworte of iwo nauooa modn two people who ha hevar bead aoamlawid wajf but of leo rival in ydommoro unit in aym patby for one monarch who loata fe mother feud another who i deprived of eiater the oldeet of thai happy family of child ren who played together in the old garden al oaborna ilotia and in the highland baa not anrvlved her toother muy month the hall and hmpiti ay tb dowa lanprea of uarmeny u tba worthy daughter of hr mother anu the mother of beraoo bbe luheriud tba moral abd in- tolleclual inalltla of tbe one and the trenamlttad the faoolty ad oenv of the oilier like vigtorla of bued memory aha bad idea aud oouvlotlooa the aumeoia uf ft poeltiv4 obaruter kmonjtwblob waj profound muaw of duty fcnd obligation that mad ll impoeelblo for bar to play the pert of a mere figurehead bh loved br hubjeobj and wroutht to the utmoat of bar ability to lift them up end improve their cftd mil alio our conuodporfery tbe- jitraltl publlabed in our aliur town oeorgelowu iuforme it irpeilera iu uat laaue tbak ur aruold aome lilohlh mpj deduitaly decided to leave aotod it u alrango that mr arnold bhould takd huoh ootira uuue aoma tdiuptlug lnduouiank waa otfered aluiller to that utade by oeorgetownaa abow it by that council ininutaw pauiahad lu abotbet ooluqih mf aruold etebuabej hi buel- ilue 111 aoiotl hi the donimaatmioml of hi buins career lid arew feud prospered with libera he become improperly owner of ooiuldorebl volu bee nlwey batl troated wall by the popu feud ba bead ulviiu all thd eiioouraganiaiit by tbd muuld- jpal feulhorltla in utelf power to kraut thai it i lu hi beet inureei to tuoy our oillxeuh ffell uibefebu tjei it i to h boped that mr amou wllb bu wall knowo buainoe capacity will atody tb ijueatlod carefully lu all iu beat lug before b oou- lud upou eo taah a ku a thai uow ttujjoelad ill proparty fclld luureet fere all tn aatod- wilt bid ramoval not jaopardjiuj themf t we tilurtloe it uu jved ilollat iumuj fur aity uaj id caurtb llial cauiiot be eurd by iraji cauirli cure vj0huhh ll rockwooo mr andr normni flni llun a i n he ill t li tuelay in liii rxiii ilur ni hlfjbly cutting witt b qnart this wctok aind crop wilt ba rftnt wttfmivuj majn aug h ileportd re- oelvedby therrt 1rtu indicate that id many tart of manitoba wheat oattlng ha oomraaooad tbl applud principally to that part of the province below the bhw llpe of tbe 0 1- it it will be general lhu week night re not too oool end more ideal harveet weather coo id nolfe imagin ed wheat i two weakajjn advene uf lul year and tbl u a bid advantage to far men thk kinos title london tstra ploodwd with suffboetlon from numerou corratnondanta nnw yoek july s3 b ttumbert of utter have been receive tegardln the proposed extension of the king title according to tba xvindoo correspondent of tb trumnf the addition wblob aeem t find favor la bovaraign lord of canada awetealiaabdjtktntli afrifaj baxolll oorreapondenld anyjet that the two eon of tbiokaof cornwall and york ahonld be created lmnofl or autralu febd irlno of canadft christian bndeavohers oo east this ycah- arm um i cortvejntlon wt rarookvllla toeeday wednaaday add tbnraday ootober let hod and 3rd 1 the tint elected for lha ontario chrtatian kn- deavor unions fettnual oonvantlon in 1001 urookvllui i an ideal convention town with iu large cborebae progaaaalva people feod pretty aoenary aj that with fe etrqng programme fe latg attendance la assured many of lb dlratm will ro by boat m ilrookvilla u s port od the ejl lawrenoe river nd tha toronto fend montreal boat fell call there special red no lion will b offered by tbf railroad end auamaliip corn pan the biq strike is on 1 00000 mn inoludlntf 12000 oklilvd hohainloa oaltodout ilttannaii aug 6 a general eulk order from xrealdanl bhaflfer of the ateel workera- will be mailed to fell thd vloe-prcai- dente of th aotsjgarofeled association to- night ordaring the men oat on august 10 aolee there u rt fedjuatmeai ojf th dlrierenoe in thai meantime the strlk will feffeot all the amajramated man em- ployed by tbe national bteel company vederal buel company and national tube company vreetosot bhatfar say th manafaxtarar have bad aofnolant notioe ila do not febtlolpet tiy t before tb alrlkei goee into eifeot suiqipb ntjau orton without appetrwrit cuw wlllum philip hansevhlmtf irt hi bmrn ofevom augatl willutn rblupe old raan residing- on lb erin bide of the town line about on mile from ortou dommltted eulold in hu barn tbia morning us tied a rope to a beam and jumped from feload bf bay which wu a landing on the froor hi beck waa- broketl u wsj found dead suspended by a rope from beam febout the deutre of th floor ills feet war touching thd rroond iblup eroe from breekfast at eight oclock and feppearod in bu usual health ftodnplrll no sign of liraaally had ever been noticed on blm lid wad savenlyfouv vrn old a wll to do family aurvivd hltii qua bou llved s abort dlauuo from varguo oardan party at oustic hov feithr fnyai annuur evnt mm urqumlirid suooea j- we taebiwlsialidi have kuoam v j cbetmy lor tlia teat ntteau ysara and ballsva bun bt isoaly liucwaretlile ls ail bueutaed uanaasumis i eotl nnauolally aud to oarry out al oullafeuou luaja by their bint wear a tvull wholesale trttaleu toledo 0 wijhliktklukak ataavim wbalasale uru- ulu toledo q iu1i iatarrb ours u lakao tnterually aeung illivotly uuu tlie blood and noooui auriaom of ilia itui taumoalau mat ire trio lie lir ixillle uuldbyuidniciuu hall a family pills are tb beat tb qoslpb daily jrubyd father ieeuy garden party at oualio tht year wad very enjoyable feud buooessful it was bald at thd reelileuo of mr john oconnor ou thuredey svstilng 0u tbd lavll ubled ward ut and hid bulira oompehty eujoysd fell lolleut lileel ved with great table by tbd ladle of ibd oongcwfceliou j tb tirsl imiil of the even lug waa u tug ujwarbetwmu tedul jdpu by jalnse vaxru febd john uuuohtmd afur a dseparatd poll lasting uu inlnuua capt yrrelle rrtell got thj vopd atld wou mr johu 3 drew prealjsj ovr lbs uurary ud imloal biiteruiuuiaut atld opened tlie progrmm wtb a uraoloti ipeeoh hoogd ward bplabdldlv glyu by mr j 0 kuopfsr quelib aud mr millard of kverton aud ad anosllent kwolutlon by mary lxdot olioyu ouelpb tbbpakra we cotmulil u 1m ilugb cuthrrld m 1 johd anderaou arthur fend j idownay iuv vsuhm- feeny who had been buay fell veoiug mluittarlug to tb pleaaurd uf bid bbmeron gueete oloesd the programua by tbeuelug 11 preeeot for their petrauag and neelal- fetwe in an aepeolat manner ha thanked mr and mr ocouuor for their hospital- ttysakrndn hsetsobankdmr o w kelly for the loan of a plauu tbe antun baud dneeouieed aum mualo at iuurval in tb programme a telegram wa received from hoo mr la lob ford who had promised to b preeeut saying be oould dot be on bnud it waa nearly midnight bafore tbe gather yea eeloetned by all tlie n mia m r-mf- tlm1 llo lar a mot loan ll k fiiclr harry rl n icl in u riuqah klewnrt eaault ar fining mr rlswart oty wnu ami cotf and enjoin inclliepulnlincruuati h baa 111 lie mora choice in bis unguals in any fularo oon trnveraary bp may tiatnwttli his uolghbuts mr frank 1a lohl baa improvol au mob bat bo la now aba to ndo k bloyolo fend lila many fiimd ero plakcd tu boo llmlina enjoying himself after five tars attanicn dim tho village mr jsiiioe hillu uf llm armstrong mfg co mint mich i unj monlve visit in tbe old bums tbo union huniiay aobixl p o nlo im1 week wad hot loarly aa urfia a lal j ear on feccomit uf the ruib bnlonrat lbs faruixa u t tit the herinel tbo wore present evjnin tu enjty tbet who however at the kneellog of inolpb 1reabjury last weak luv mr oraiialoiv acoapidd lh call hi colllngwiwl luv mr macpber eon of acum eiminttd to declare llockwowl and 1m mill day ub augml and elo t act ad moderator in the lusalitiuia limeitousif ml- mlnnu nlckl ut u galbariiie 1 apendlng br holiday with her parent bore mia kfue iveod of toronto l home her holiday the ural baaeball uarnoof tbe aeaaon wad played hervou halarday attarnooub4lwn anion boys and thaiwama leain the teai wore evenly matched a to alan aud the game wa vary lotereatlug th aolod uam held tbd lead until tbe ft fill innlngd glvlug our boy one then the home team got down to work boating them out uid acora being fourteen to iwolve lvry credit la diw bolb team for the way they played and the triaoly way in which they behaved after tha game mr d m modermldd kindnm wad also appreciated for tbe way in which be helpsd lha boy out by taking them all down to bin lawn and providing dish els with which to enjoy tbe buppef which lhuladlr of the village very kindly provided mr and mrs t a i von of toronto am vialtlng frienda hare mle mary rliarie of toronto ia pnd inj her vfeoatlon with her mother mia kate kennedy baa returned home after apendlng a few dayd al teln am arioari rbe pggka amerleatt city alid lx position evening service wa held in iheuilhdiat church here by lb v mr hagar jr wbo preaabad ad abltt sermon lo a well ulud house the people are we pleased lobeat that he will again have bervlcd berd licit tiunday availing mie- mccsli i vialtlnd at ur johrl lludaayd we are sorry lo report a vary berlou acci dent which occur red on th fatm of m jbd mcdowell last week while tha two son of mr mcdowell worn unloading a load of wheat which bad been bolslod to lhd mow lu tba barn with a rack hftat tbe lope broke letting both boy fall to tha floor one oacapod wllh a aevera ahaklug but jame wa mora unrortuust and reoelved tnternal lujurlo aud bid blp bone we oraahed in it i hoped that with good oard be will aborlly be around again milton tbw firemed will aeud a company to bl galharlud on tha itbof augualtooomptd in tbe bportd iu thai city our firaintn fendeavorad to make ferrrigsrnenm for an excursion from milton but tbd railroad people would not talk bustneed monday wa loyally obeorved aa ftlvlo holiday tb day waa quietly apiil bomo oitixea went to the 1suameriosu a number want lo lbs qoorg4l3wu racsd and otberaj apent lha day visiting frund at outaidd poinl mr ceorga llowed after spend lug two waakawilb bis paioiiu bare ralurnad to new york last week judge hamiltou ba been confined to hi bed with an attack of erysipelas tbe past week o bo tba iuv mr mllua of ottawa and formerly of lha floaloo church vlalted bis old oonjirfttlon leak week while at uausewood he wan lha guait of thb itoy urqregory illavlalt waa much aujoyed mr cd mr john hprost of luokuow arrived in mil ton lut week alter a three month trip to england mr bproat wiit on to luokuow tha uaxt morning while mr bproat ranialued in town the guest of bar mother mr walaon for a few day tba ualion old uoy of toronto tulerid vuitiug mulon thd day of thd vail fair in hapten bar a gg of c p h traoktnsu are augaged lu putllng in an exlenilou lo th aiding al tba milton xvsaasdurlck co work tbia he bu roudarsd uaceuary ou ao- oouut of the increased builaes bslug doue at thd above work tha farnisr wportjlhai lha crop of wheat of ibid seollou will ba very light tba prolougsd beat and drought ihruuk lha gralotsfe wa dona by the uasaiau fly feud vuab olliar grain hav hti tfored alo bacoud llautanaut k d lanton qn- uhad hid bpscial oonrsd at bunley iar taoka toroulo last w and paam hid xsutinatlon fur a auballarud csrtitlaalr tbe following o audi da u pabssd tilt juuior saving st am in at ion n hrd lu five aubjota u aaklti t hartley 11 u launau h m flmith fl turubull m- cuinuuls and alfiwd llabiolo edwin 0 ltabtsdo o i lluktly l l cartwrigbl aud w uoifstl in thre aubjaot had aoaoaaa tba people apaotl bocnesi votlug ll an uuiuall eurd for ihall rv ask jbswuki faiqxt roads axle jl mkuj light lwuu qrease pootl for cvcrythhiu but rutin on wheel 6ol d cvorywhrd ceylon hndindir i natural laf green teh la free nun tiny jtailu in of untf rnallnr in dainty ami lnvlj i tllnj u llm only it hi- uills athu k uml lu whumirft or tlin inoul 1 lit 1 hl hon it is also a british product saluda oeylon teas aro oold in soulful load pnokotii only black mixed uncolorcd coylon groon broo namplan nont addrocu balada toronto iali hmo at ibe last rr in thig f tbe imormo dlvltou bone f tmperaiior the orloere for the urtr vr iuh1 aa follow w llir lloy waralmll w 1 ku veins jmu r hlln tir uncrluiukiu treerlluualbh it hll vvslur lurcxt a ah ufa mn uanul olia vvslur donn ohtuf ur r uncdiiimoii i lllluclsiawiswsn votvluruirllio 1slnr lk is conjuvtlil fjlara lliib rimnltllla way uslliauu ut w illro tit uechmuitm tbe division at lelermo wa filly one year old on the luth june 100 1 dr and mr dock are th only two persona alive lo day who were member of the order when the dlvlalon wa organized ihey feio wiill the main workera of the dlvmou the emprea lrjrlok of germany el lei t daughter of queu victoria died at tha palace at oronherg on tuesday morning cecil oua who yareuli live in dtir- and who funeral sermon waa preached ual huntley i auo and well lln waa reported drowned iu botlon harbor bul it see mi be naoapod deith the parltoillar bave joat been received absolute security genuine carters7 little liver pills must boar tilgrtoturo of ae pacetsalki vrmvpst tlalow vaary fesasll fesul ki ba ts take u tra carters if fbi bumcht roi duzinog ft1b hudulltts f01 tdii1d uveb fob c0mtipat10 rot uuow vat ru thecomrlexlob cure sick headache acton- livery bus line tb undersigned vaattfullyaollelu tba vlran a uf tbe fublloaud inform tbsul tbat wall aulppd and stylish rig oau ai- ways ba secured itblneublsd x oomfortabl bu ntsauall train between lo am and lid p bl uarsinl attsnunn gf vsu to evrry orisr tb waal of jouinisrels travel lere fully met john williams taorailatim sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont jluthayitnl ctpituj 500000000 ttinyeir maturity aliari ate rud monthly instalments of 50c par ihara for lao months when payment oano loo 00 aid in maturity valuo 10000 monty lo loan at 5 ktralht iain or ronayabls in monthly instalments on appli cation to tt j monubb agent aoton twenty tii0usan1 studbnrs jlavd rccoue ihclr lonunrclal and thorlhaiul training injliead achoou collegeu in toronto london hamilton ottawa manila usfln call cudlpli si catharluui fur general informs i ion vwrlta tu tha royal gily business college tradir dank uulldlrttf w wjooini ouklph ont iiuojiiaf common aanaeaud little learning u mor prttllubu tbauerudltlod attd laok at pract- ibiliby children ory for castor i a kotow 4 saw mills lumber latm shincles anu wood ditnaflki iuminit nouou iumlllilt lath hi1nurh kindft kept constantly on hand i james brown teitnb tiauli lee shun chin6se lhundry in mr intonlt hlolk acliin iuiirlry colticttd uml r itinied 1 umily wjhlit ui ruuiuhlo ratra all work tlonn y bund ko nucltlnou or chcinlcau mod mlrlujn lrop w barber bros paper makers georgetown si ontario colorsd iptspelrs john r barber yplodale business hen vutt tlin louc dlktauor ad buvo lone lllkiuucfl k1iiltuimt iu luclr onlcrk acli tlta local miincer for ralea tho boll tolophono co op canada procrastinate no dont do that but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed oharleb ebhagb main st acton adusinlss woman atill telic ilia opporluji ily ol luting her turn mmlo over or remodelled dur ing lha summer months al 1 reasonable cost by a practical furrier yon will soac time and money and when tho weather for futa nrtlvea you will bo satisfied lo know that you hao the laical sty nntl 1 inest by polng lo l n e lafontaine wholule and itlu iurrlar cuelh onrartl call and examine the merits of thin bupcfiw shoe made in all modern styles of lusth iiu beat grade of leather all bicu aa to he widths for ladies and gentle men this ihoe will cure callouses on the soles of the feet excessive perspiration of thoieetburuiuboltheiei illd it wit keep your feiit cool ill hot weathei and wiiin in cold weather w lazillih7vts boot knd shob dbrudh bole aqent roil ioton b crennan k inf3bk of j saeepinq hedhctions to clear our t dry coodb stock friday august 9thmett ca8h pbices jik yila groy cotton 5c quality for c or 13 yd of 50c swut curtain net and curtain muslins 40 inched wlo regular 15c iho bild jorqnalllira for luc a yd ij plrccs 1laln colorwl batlerna ijjc 10c and 35ciualllic for lot a yd iuncy jallern mirrrjcrisod sattccna 33c to joe qualities for ijc a yd satubday- x pletrrt american tlquc cingliam chambray orrandlo muallna i ind cliock muillnn rp 15c to 35c a yard for jje la plccei ioc mid lajc 1tlnt fyf hjc a yard ij ureas lattcriitt colored and blacva in handmnw patterns rerular prlcei bs to each for zi 75 1 lulru laillcs coloind kllk and laucla glove prices wero 5 40c and 50c pair for 1 jl or j pair for 35c mens s qinllly hata for oc 75c hat u for 47c mens 35c ties for 15c pt a for a quarter mohdaylihem dat 10 inch damiau tabic linen 45c fjualliy for ijc j 70 inch fine bleached labia damaali refiular rijc for 43c 40c tabid linen co inches wide for 3c 33c linen 60 inched wide for 3jc 35c linen for 310 yd 1 ino ilaniaal towel regular ii pair lor 70 ifnavy linen tuwru 33c and 30c quality for aac pair rind diaper towels 3 st 40 inch for it pair tabic napltlnii renular i 35 and bisottdoi for ryc 300 yard linen spoolfl rckuiaf 10c each for jc each tuesday- ladle wnpiwira aud shirt waists i quality for 61c ti quality or vr ah each ladles 3so chenelle cape or foc bach 30 pieces ihacx silk ikca at half muclt dlack mid colored shu vein at halt plucli 7 pieces 34 and co inch cravenette choice color regular i133 and r 50 a yard for 75c a yard 1 piece black mohair grenadlno 75c quality for 33c yd i wednesday- mens fine all wool tweed sulla x to fffo quality for 16 90 mens vests si to 2 qualities for 34c each mens worsted rant tajo 10 3 50 quallileii for lj a pr im im sniis urtf 1- t n tiixvvmcv v ai pieced colored drcas goods 35 to 50c qualities for ihc yd l 6 pieces hook muslins in vhllo and black 10c and 1 ac for 5c ytl f ii pieces tlrlpo and cjieck waist silks for 3c yd rbo embroldcrwl and lac edge haadkcrchlefsrrcguur loc for 7c 4 for 13c thursday- to clear our millinery room untrlmmed hats 81 and j 135 qualities for 35c tacit all our trimmed hals up to t3 each for 30c feaeh all tfa 30 to 93 30 hats for 1 each 1 these nrct only a few out of hundreds of unutual bartfalns wo will oiler each day till the slock is cleared bring tjb youk butter jdid k00s and qkv thk ulgutestfuioks voh txikl the b crennan co secords block acton -aj- ilclu ilirilicrinriils 1iopcrly im- sale amiutlkll of u 111 il villai iiihiily lur uiiii iy 1 a 1 ly in wu lllmlitllkir itksliknck and lot i ou iu- pi ii uiilraltiiu t if lr ul lir rlt i 11 l i irllif it t1 mill liul tl1 louanl a wdlllilijlfslil- f altlit r u mill elit tt fllt1 ynu ih uruo lajn a viy iiiiib lrn lor a loll ifarmar laiullr k n lunll atsly t v rlull lmui ul ly n ids timl to 11 till ii aniiillho-iai-ifm- coniforljiblo dutlliiin fo uau fpilk mxlcaluiil lavliu fcltll tu iraril x llsnlda kllrti 11 1 ll lila i jwllutoi lali aviu rli- 11 la s y tom to rta bla tlustinaalln kxuii mi mill tianl anil of malar tl lrln lliracellaut alile atll tuao aiiuwll u1mii ri iillcallmi tu uuriiarmrtiw- aetpii jtloiuitl ooi lanil hlija did summer for one week commenc ing tnurtsday auausr ist everything iir summer goods cut to cost ah goods are new being this seasons productions 1 x a 3vtdntosh sok 77 upper wyndham st at c f goodeve a cos- fruit dishes glass tea sets op ware o salad dishes dinner sets efifcl cups veetble dishes j earthen j stoneware c cups see tlie oiive dishes stock of foit hxhvl itoufae and lot 13 in acvon ic uiulei aline aftu u the falr imlouslns ui hsilea tjiilnir a rcuohrsaf room j ooiiiriirtsme tlllliii an ll ahuul nrtcahtntitrtllrirof 1tc la aiaolwiinuelulillusliilml i ka wall fentwl snl a liiinibsr ul fruit lisu ttia abore rupertls will tie an 11 at a ucriflca on urute u suit hi tureliar vuf tam tawarkrfjorto itjuemallllielon in the sullhooatii coufit of the countv of halton in the mattor o tho ouardlnnahlp of tho tnfnnt ohlldron of huvli held uaoonaod alifjtcutiom will i nalu ut llnt court of uiecmtilvtir 111 ion lloie his jtjjljolo tiemuarset cnurl lluuas in tlie wuiif mlltuiialur ttia siplrsuuii of iwsuty ye fmnl tlis mat illbllcatluil tiaracf in lalialf harsli uavmaon of u- losualili uf laiuee a in uiadouiityuf llaltou uiolhr o ilia saiit fanl ntilmrail fur an nnla aiiiliitlixj lbs aall harali hsvlilaoa ausnllaii uf jamsa honry lulil and william jorinuli itolil lulsul olillifren of llissata lluklilumnooassa1 hauah luvlokoh ly w a ucltati liar mlleltur dstj al aoiou till lttb day uf july a i itul notice to crcditoin in the mailer of w j la of aoionhi the county of halt on dry goods idferohant rilakm holler uiat ilia saj1 w j ie ha inaje x aa esalanmanl to tua for the thiitnt of bla craditor pursualit tn obaii 17 it h u 1wt and amandins aeu all tioiis liawlriff olaltu ajudoat the said ratals of the ssld w j t era rqulrel to nle willi in imktioular of uistr said elalma duly proved by imdavlt ou or ufore tne faxb day of auanai 1901 and lake nollea that i will attar tlie kalj coui day of abaual luol proceed to dlatrlbule tlis asael at the said eatats iiavilitf ireaard only to uie claim of wtiloli i all i thsu hare hulks w 1 htllickljlkd asaiauas si wsllluutmi 11 wbat foroolo fniiiiy qnj y vmv tkldtfhtrsot u sal toroulo asslauas a itoliellct ualsd uil lllh day of july a i 1m1 auction salk of belt beeths tiji- ifii 1uuwa tfoticii i beiaby clvan thai m auslit to auuuxlty of ordsre lu cnunell uieludandwlitwlikatimiaw in hi- follow- la townahlpe in uie iubvhiot ov auioua baraely tbe townalilim of lalluu nail untlaa ibvalv jamvta amliaaaow cuaaijitf tliluioa wurtmm cuktib and llirruaavoati nartj and oerlaln arses between ihs imioif hivaa and mis a snow tetvan waure in the uutrldt oftiiuhiisu iuv will be rutared for sals by iublle auduoii at tlis isrl lament hulidltir lu uiecllyeftcronui ml tuuhday lbs huvuntifkntu day tf hkltkuhkk basb al uie imur of ohli oclock lu the altar- tlila asiiie time and plaes eaiuin furfelled absudoiiwl ilaitli in hi townalilne of it unsauoamu and limtkuwuarif la lha liuutot of if ii luiisrctf and cuuuty or viotv ii will be nrrr for sale uie imreliaaer of base isltr llerttt to have 111 right to nut all kind of umber tthseu ootiululntf urw and eondllloo of hale abd lufonuatluu a lo arses and lola and nonossslon domprlaed lu each uartli will he furnished on aijillclioii altlir ivisoual or by isttsr lo uie itiiioiit of cruatu ind torootd or uie crown tluilwr ataiiola at ottawa biuir hra uiaia and 1out aarnta it j davih coiuuilaalcr crown laud denartiuetit of crown i ilid taronio june 1 ibol h ii no uusutltorlxs1 publuallou of uil aaertiaiiluiwlll be paid lor buggies carts and waggons iiiavi a full uiu oj dukdies carta market and lumber wagons all my own male which i fully kuaraiilei call and soa them i also sell binder 1 wlnrt 1 niton tea harsaitenf mccotinick hi mi cro lead in j malea of plowi and riow tolnts wortnian ward churns and c wilson i arm scales j m ontlslll succsur to culp mckemio cborc 1bt omn toronto exhibition aug 26lii lo sept yjh 1001 65000 37 65000 c ip goodeve feoo mtltryjtjeatandutyou father n law veiii alteleutav froiioli morel arv as dloioull to uuder- ataud by the uutlhah aoakluf people as vreuah verb lo oonju y to iu nuauolal riiulslluu ujo ihtr year payable h s3 nr day ahsulutaly iiut and au aa- al alralabt ihuw ode doflalta salary mo nlasumi aalary paid aaab ualnrda and eiiwaee mmiay advarteed au weesl btam dauu uuuuubai dauuhiaa or cauuaoo nabbaqawbya saw and rlariirig mills lumbar and smnkles rt xoinaibsr pricos- hill atulf cul lo order wwxl al tioo a load at ibe mill p sayer8 rropriotor javaj auiif jiji jjjjtjays dttjy iinixjja nt sjxpa clx3 juowbardmuat of rsjrti forta by inter- uiutatty w5to aiqviitil7lli jrat jteauiou of csumlimu old hoy a tutil ojd coljsji aruifxmu tuesday sxitjcvilidt 3ud ildduaod katos on all linus of tru vol 11 j hi li iutir toronto i pure paris 6reen insg1 p6wqfjr akfd hfiliifeb8rfi k t broiazn uiilimiut acton immtjjiu al jv snaajsii il i- j