fi voijuwic xxvi no im acton ontahio thlthbday jaxitaltv 17 1001 vlltgk tiiltkk cknts chiii aclon jfrrc jrrss ivl hv thuiutlmy morning vtb 1rruij mm rlnlltigomrii una iitiiuur au rut out rxuumwlin 14 -n- ii i- trinity in b lllillar wll tlltlu all iiuiiuriiiv ul 1ft wlilnl fur llllar uiii lit alii is il uotwl uti ilia alivmitlalwu jllyks- tuunl k rll blauu u uiu inc wm i in r ir ul uuu ixikuou comtukiy kltka- tha oluiti uiu dlui tiafur enaeln lrlcl bhlhnce of christmrs m lucua toiuoha b india 1ooo i iiojo i saqoo jj on n no is on i a no nonl lano yno bji una u too 1 no arlvartlaeianl without iflfl dilution will nt liwru1 till urlll and nlirif1 awwipt nflv traneianl advertlaatilaiiu tnuat ba mid naavanoa a1 rila tiiooui ir i lent will in nlitiowl ottca aatih alra1 vtr nhsllkaa nlljibf imm im rnoqlli thw ontiimmliluil tuuatba i aid for al rttlu ratea ghautfloooiltlalvllauieiit mill ufflo try noon ou tuaadaye anooijitu iayahla inouuily if 1 uooltk kluortk im nr i tor ushusa jdiwdory tqiin m macdonald m d c m succkkou jo j r trmn m d o m to 10j0 a ti 1 lo 1 1 ti y c i kllly ho aiiiiiiiatk ucairr uwivluinry lfin lusmyiitm lormrv df arotimciim u lov onto ami hideucarlorlrk tt acton oirio- hourail lo 10 1 to 3 an 1 t to ii tvt drydun iva uiwruitoir j- ko fancy goods- toys jooks dolls elc trade bank of canada capital paid up 1000000 aasots ovor 0000000 guelph branch savings bank dopartmont hkilllclit gtjkllknt wajtr or intkiikkt baid ou auiua uaikuallau of au4 uiuli inurtl allow lltnlal of liaut ul f withdrawal and lhl of nitimnuj half 111 ajrabl li ltlil jjortrii till iiov1 uttk uouk 1 nuiiyval lha ltyl uumr lletakly rlus ilia union jack o c ruat and uianw vlif nut imj hat now ouiua uaif kouia lut all iult wry 1ji yc ay rout wh-trl- iioujh uiuualrlaj i aoll hut to a aos to um iii uj lota1 th uunl ij battl iii t aff will im iiojij vkhy i qw o clcir at day bookstore cuolph day lell clioap merchants bank of canada capital rest 6000000 3600000 a ci un lilt a l hanking 11usinkss thansacred intersil nl moct favoraliln current rate allowml on savlii iliinu accoiinu and deposit uecclptu lflllort of credit issued avdhntild in ttll prtm tlm uorld special allentlo j lo farmers spti money orders vok ahv iuu vv to ijo cum i woolwloli ami jlaknr ltranlh aviiwu ojiuuuiaw tilv ht miflioiipjii- mumoiym10 a 111 to 1 ill divrii ll blinneot ldb dentibt utouuktowu jcogiilan ddsldb ullhliilt wok oakkvully domu iuic uojlkulrit oinric oviiii uitown m duua hyoum koucui kvmuv niv yuou oto s j m dell ddo ldb dkjjtifct 1iuookv1llm h 0011 luiduatm oy tobomro xju wok inaja tuuafalory 1rloaa uo4rl viaiyimii ijiyu uotuiy lumilwii cllill- ball villi tyuawlay aelouodlc clark lloul vrlday liookwooj jm clian a mclkah otilm to wo hall aotoii wu a molkak jmo a- mcliwy a j uiokinnon lukkutmr boucitqu covyeriucku lllock 1 lliuuiitmu ijflr loirouiun couuiksiou ku irou tikiuo ariiuxvith iltuo fluaat ooriilowii uymiluti 1i011 aitliuoiitiy loauul oo flntt uioiunl ou fajui l rojiifty at r j monauu olik vomtlidlvulon court county o llal ton coiivayaiicaralaiitilraaiijudaui llaal uiuu aultt uouy lo luali aid orviua tarryinau lilook aotoh out mzscxlljwxo vs d a v 11usdand v s lruliuionur vulorliiary colli9 hon uiibr vaurlnary uwjlotl iciclsly ufflouvar worlan llrlir lilii uait door to vt llor ulll lltrmt aoiou ynijitance aglnt w ii dlhsy clatiaral aloih coiifsiloratlonllfo ataochtlou alut uulun vlr ituuraiico contiolu oiilod youtitf ht actou hiswiv qitlllt ortlwa 0 am ada luhlollar at 1aluiu far iutbuuou oto iralarwi aiiilloalloiii for tlm cauaillau a mo luau kudumoiumi 1aunt uillooj ami lor tl itwulratlnii ot 1 rajla liaibs liij lor tail lhrt thirty two vtra sioof lanoa f itanoib nunan u00kliitlpiit auouiil hooki of all klnia maja to vry daatirl i i row nil m auniani ligunbub 11 1 uooitu av uxumxau tacnituun ivivalaotllca nowllllaaa rqulrd luuall acton or mi ily at- vjm hkmhtiikut lilohyumd auoilokkkli vor llta ooumlo of wtllliiutott ami haltou jrtlaruurial ilidvuuu lkkha otrir act alinyrhliltfiiculu aoiou will be 11 1114 to lrun umaoiialilu alto moiiiy to loan ou llio inn unit uml at ilia lowmt ratea ot huuim ul vbooauu iiwutda iiuuiiciiuiud inock uiitai tmox tiiu wullinoton mutual fh1u inhuuancc company uhubluhttd 10ao ud oillm outtlvh ont htioilahu rtuhfcl uuiuo tua any him f rwanlti1 to my allfi lliom ui will iju iruiiiilly i hon vai mi luil to acton livery bus line woll fclnulpitiwl unit btyluli luifa oan hi wiyba uouraj alblaauili a oolllfoilabi bua ulbu till lialliri ihiwh1i u hi bll dlo i 111 uarliiuitaiilliiwlnotraiyi till want of tviiuiiailaltia lr folly llial v jottn wit i la ms t arnlarvi iayablo at any banking jwliil in canada outsldoof i ho yukon terrllory may now ui procured nt ilia dank counter wllliout any delay acton branch any pictures to frame any ticlurt3 to i rarna waters bros auelpa aotqn macliino and repair shops iiliwlyaiimmill rroprltor auk wall ajjulipd wltli sl tlia inaeliiiiary n loamfctuu kli riilrj loinaehlit try antlkfiloulturalliiitiumuu and to do nil kltilaoraiiii nillnu ltornolnaaiidtfiirl blukaiilllhiuij wotwfitk r paira haraiulail liaoauatauiry iiiaiuiar w can riilr any tntcliliia or ltiiiiunijl of any inaka iuw ilunltnluk tuij olllill iloua kctolsi saw planing jutkiw st dkissid and undulsscd bum dlr lath and shinglls sash doors and i1ltnd9 window and door fuamls all kinds op indoor and out door i inisii having n uall n started clock of lumlwir on band orders will in all caws bo promptly ill irlcco oro as low n any olhcr mill turn inn oul vork cqinl in quality cuslom iorb cut at any lime jno xvaxs jauka nnovn sjiagr jrojitjjfor all kinds of wood on band and promptly delivered in any pari of th town its your nerves- it a tho condition of your nervoa that eltlio muuot your lio a round of pluaaurtj or a oao- loss bur don to nuny uomen ufa is one round ol tick nese wcikness and ill beattlt to allempl even l bo jjhiiicbl household duiles atlinea tlicm many of tho symptoms accompany iuj ibis slulo of decline ara i a foaling of tiredneks on wnldnu filnlness dlnlnesi sliikluit eolliik palpltation ot ho liaarl iilmrinovs uf hrcatli loss ol appolil cold hands anil foel lioadaclio dark circles under i ho ryes pain in tho buck aid udc and all iho other accompaniments of a run down and weakened connlltmlon all llibaa aymplotiis and cnndlihwis ar umply tbo result of a tocr uslil and defitctla lirculalion of ilia blood will o wasilnn away of tli nerve forcon r lly ccdinc llio system willi ott- wards blood and nerve pills you strike at lie mm of the dluiaui and lay a solid foiindillim oi which lo build soon tho woljlit iuciiabj tlin snnki n clijoku and hultniol bula ill oul tbo eyu hil bright mid the lltrill tl lonti wjltii uild ttlninjjlh vlbrali 1 1 trough tlm syimu j lliiu ivtr ihiv ul all dr uhttlt dr ward co grant rftsli qri barvers iarno ktilpnioiil jul lo bind ivcrmlr 3flli loouto forchrisliiua i ratio oiould bava hcan vjrrr on dccatnlicr 1st now is your ihanc o hnvo u laixuryno o obuary at al ortlinarynoooaoary prlao our loss u your tain hut tlm slock is too larun for or hnry ncmls anil niiisl 1m h1ucjk1 catvru wilb anil without caton irlcca wll run from o cenls up our prloob ar aluaya ii lulu john ji bond it co iixndljhdu guglph thorps elevator rockood iaya liijjieat cairprico or oata teas harley wbfcat ryo cattle hulas slieepkins nnj wool always qn band i goldic s ac oi hortop and conestoca hour miudcd chopslulf oalmtul oalineil corn meal illil lt dairy salt sulphur alts saltpelro oilcako i lav s6hj corn stock unlc axle grcja lanterns globus etc etc eo j thorp cublph nj rockuiood dont lib around home all winter improve your mind by attending tho royal ciyy uiinesi olkqe wlieiylri the cllyall and see our bribt rooms j w wiaoinx vyiulara ilsuk llulllliitr ivinopuf ouuliii ojt sun savings and loan go jig ad anpcetonqmioqmtl authartiaa cspttl 5000000 00 ten year maturity shares are ruiil monthly inslalmentn of 50c per share for laomotilhs wben payments ccalo 6o oa aid in maturity valuo 9oa 00 monay 10 loan al 5 ttraljjht loan rw repayable in monihly tnsla1mcns on nppll cation lo r j mcnabb agont aoton acton flour mills humphmtio 1 hawkc 1 pranrutora illtbest mattel tilces tald you wheat and othfit grains our make of flour- has won vlilr hjireail ax or ltcst uradc nlu jyi on hand 1lour choi mill 111 u ckac1ui will m ltc al lowcsl juice or casli humpliroya fchawko ac 1 on duimlop solid rubber carriage tire a tiw carrijo tbo that malns riillnu on ull roijls a pleauir pen no u ileal loo for it does away with iho vibralluu that slialoa and breaks tho carries i llio rub a v alsii1 siie ur ur anil ilia al tlsiiuo inavenls tlm orwailnu mid oullliijl wtiioli otligr ura4asiibju4itl taaul lit 6ac ur 1 bi caiai u ijluui jitlitfs otull slto tho ounlop tiro company lbiul toronto out 3 r jon toronto wtnhifeo monihkal oft alll1 ilia inuakat allla all i llu loll of uia buu iu ma wllh lnrtlie ciraidua ulliaia willi amua llno wound olhar coumdlliay mtalaluii ululmuaatb ibabaluakioubd j oil ilia iflksiid waryiallluii var tway frtnil lona abd rinlj all iblr eiifol lay in utliitf tim lt hih lond oo d1 all iboaa raeltua lining taltaa fill it ii y kaa riiaxtl utr uialr baajrt atltmau fiu- callatit faltam huiiwaaa iimii lalua tor tuflu tout all tha fain li aa l pll v lutil ilia f odj kula ul bahlod lliifully tha tra wan alrtlit vluiil avl ayad baauty alnioat lillmt iiaal itwlbbutuatlatu tbal uioa hkita a of loolit vain ludaad uia druma iou1 lallla ii uu joy lo ibanl la uouubl hut ilia uiousbt blliniiiaau1 felory harvaj tliat imlrlotld unl and tley llv- lo ull lit tlory mow til karva1 llld tilblbwlajid woitliy of tha olioloaat blaaalnif l ul kom klmilaudi 6tjioua quaasl worthy of uia swautha aajaaalm of thtr uurala v bihu ilatilau how all tlioubt of udnad conia is oy lu 1iimi of ku as tha ilufelaa ii ot of ulajluaa llelio forut lbs ilij ii uattiblr biousail suj smiling ttjun u4uiiolli4lrtlulnfehaai ccloj tti niotl tluw joyllt ayaa ar nllaj wiui uara taars of joyous lisiwkrallua as tin band pi homa hl htuna- u lid tumultuous hta ai bun walooina wmi though war domb rroudlyrit oil vuyal bannart 1roudly mats lha tlnkmjjkl lat all voloaa about if oaajinali i ltor tha i toys bava mow com bek 11 si oiui v o duae k ctt atiilekn 1m ii pomibl- lint li you sj- crying sriht did i uol ull yu tht i should dls- obhrifa you if i found yoeincltltiif its this fool uli vlihiiparhitf any tnor poor kttblftau onail bad un duatlntf tha elojiutly furniabad drawlo nxnit and be stood lfura an exqulaltt litu tutlnri of on of th tlm sparklini iriab lakev mt in tfod ltfa bora- with m aky byoud lika hqdiii bmbar stood with bafunroii to ltn t iu ipl ir rojy ohk tfflmjodttir tears i ooutdn t hp it msatij sb aobbod but it pots mfn mind ot boots 1 horns 1 scornfully echoad ur arnolu your horns i a slunity id a bojt it iaol likrly yon svsr csw sucb a spit as tliatt daad did i then insutii annwarvl katbuun and many a tims for w lived juil bayaut ihim sm tjrcn khof wbsu thsre there that will do said airs n coldly i da not oar about any rami niso nets kstbltii did not undsritsud lbs flvs syllkbud word but her uiok haturs tain- prttlisndod im b tur aurcsstlo t na th ttars- wsra froatn in tbair fount the lariat spots jlowad n sttbar ebsb blie looks down ou ins ta if i wars ft dotf 1 kalbltcn tliouubt to baraalf and sure its tha asms imii and blood god baa oivun us bo lb how would sbs bks il i wonder il it wers bur iu a kiruk laud nd navsr s kind trorj spokiu tobar i ob if i oould but ses lbs old uicthsr and htlls honors and tedtly thats bol a baby ytt i uul th wm blu s rolls btwo uu nd ita all alona i am 1 poor ktl1rn i tla sinos of daaola tion osmo upon licr with a slcksning paws jual then as aba stood bsfars a plrturs of tbs awtet iriab laks with lbs wt spusbas oq bar cbssks and mrs a molls cold bard voi co ytt sound infl in bar sars its graal trial to bs obliud to do with thsa wild ontutirtd irish ksthlccn was just brinulny up lbs tray and mrs a f noils words sound distinct ly iii her tali ks ah- paliaad oil lbs top atep to an breath of courss my daar aald mrs tudor audly ajinpalbitleally tbeyrs bad thoroubly and ayttipathttically bad tha whola it of em id unit thsm all back jq ilicic ditiye connlry if it isy la tiiy pqwsr- fl wish thsy wars all st ths bottini of the saa said mrs arnntl sharply aud thsn parbaps w would havs a obaues lo umnloy bwadlsb or china or aomabody that vouldat unt mm tbalr brj is that you ksthton 1- why dont you lrlnu that ic walsr iu atones inslaad of twj- hull tbara kalblsau obaysul but lbs drsary boms- alok faslinii that thrilled throufth all bar pulaa can laaroaly bs doribod if i wss only si boms ay in aba thouubt in bonny ireland wbers lha pnortsl siid msbilast bavs a kind word for each cthtrt thay soorn aud bals uia huru j and aurs ive triad lo do uiy bal but tho lady baa ljot a baatt of atons and oven tbs ohlldran in ths nursery with their v ranch mslj uiaiks atua of irsh kallilson and tho lotirly tills wept hsrwlf to bleep upon her solilsry pillow tbst nluhl it wait a mro clou i ol a room wltbaul either liihl or vautilatlou that sbs ooou- plal mr amott tbouulil any puo- was lioo1 eiiouub far kihlau onad tbs bed wn bard and inaufnaunlly provided with olothliik but as mrs aiuolt oaralaas ly obgarvad it was no doubl url dal lulisr than what sha had bau uj to al bums and sha bad juil paid urasri i sake son a go a thousand jnlurs apuos for ilrsplny br orawiuit room wltijowa with uca and brocalalso of oounur tuw wssutthlufi luft for auub u trlfl- as tha ooiufoi 1 1 of bar aarvtiiitu iu kalhliii slob ihatum i hills julian arnolt arks una day libs orla so niuoli aud looks m wblls 1 mr arunf h klxlty bulli uhi bcud man nf fuily of ibmaaboulu llsllan up from hi iiuwjjiapr wbultlos thucdilll mmiilnaratuv b ikd of bia wttu i bot yuu look a llllln aftr lour tfirls i of eoarm 11 do ndamis arnott sharply kslblaati ja only mnpintf olisi sllut aollen tblnjj al bl and i aball dlvobartcs bf nest mouthy naulio baa a ooualn wbu wknta tlm laco ifu sba any frtouda in this country kautlaniboanr v no that j know of 1 llosros lo ma i wouhln i illoharya her tban it woold b tu- bard unlos kbo bas aoinally boa 11 gmlty of mine fault oatilloman diidarsland tiotbloji of lha mstistxetnaal of a household said alts taitly a nlrb bavaut oar aansativn nalutcal allhat tliay lira ijuiu ussd to kuixklotf around to wor 1 1 ara yuti uo1d down town now i iy i lsli youl atop hbd ask 1c halt to kfip btrs dim niuruln llttlo olaratica la favormi alylbink awilonii i hoji oct tba mot hof ahswarad but i a way a lk to tkm tbeas tbiuifs in tlma dr had looked krava ovac clarunooa littlscrlb ho lovoionurlly ultrad tb bams oi a rnanant typ of fever just tlu raidnif in llm oily i wlh yoa bad saul tat ma befora ba kaid ul i fa lis loo iu to sours ths loniilion of your two litllu ouos hut with cotuluil earn i think w my sava lbs liltls follow you bava a uood btnu l an axoallaiit ous i can iruit nslslls as i woiild myaalf yuu aro fortuuslt suit ths doctor lis bad sosroaly oloul the hst door ublnd bliu wh11 nitalio cumn tiher uulraaa- my montli sxplras to morrow mstuins will you pay me my weud mid tat ms taka my daiariurs st ones t uul natalia tlis baby la sick katalu sbruurd ber aboulders onas first doty ii to ants ull ma dams j would not ruk ths infection for twtos wbst you pay me and natalia peeked ber trunk and de piatad without nweu com inn into- thy nurjery lo bid 1 his citrines iooj hjo tbs eook waa nest lo ijiva warning matilda tbs laundrsas louk hralf off without avtiy huah pralimiuary uramony i know wbst lha ft vur is said sha and tniasus canl eaptot wsrs noln lo ios our hvss for a bit of mousy im rolutf loo said lbs mauutrs mrs arnott wouldnt bavo lilud her qattrnt if wod all bsn djfotf and l lulisys in doinaj lo others as thsy do in ma and almost btfor aba kuw it the htriokau biotbsr was ml all alone by lha badslds of ber auffsriua babe neighbors cruaad on tbs tthsr siil ol tio ttrml like priaat and lavlle of old fruuda conutitd tbsnmlvai by sending to anrjniro even blrsd nurata avoided ths malsnl favtr is tlwrs no ons to help ins sbs moaned wrinyuiu bar while jawellsd bands totbtr have all pity alid obartty and wotnauly aympstby died out of tlis wortd 8bsl uruajs t aoina landed sound katbuau onsil was at ber si da busied tn arrauiug tbs i this i iboujjbt you loo bad float katli issu hit cried out burs maam what should i ba goinu for ssksd ktthlmn simply and the bite of aiiblrsn slok sud joa in if ri ubls i nurssd lbs bus brothers and slaters through the favor at hams and i know juil what nsedu to ba done aud ah took littu clarenoa in ber arms wilb a soft tenderness that went lo tha mot bars basil are you not afraid ktlileeu what would i h afraid of mamr isnt tbs uood goals sky oier os all wbatbar its tbs ere 11 banks of ireland or lbs ohuroh itwnu 111 this ureal coofuiin oily ohmasim don 1 fear ilall not tiks the bonny baby from us all mrs arnatla ohildrsn had tbo favar isal of alt shs was proiiraled by il and tcaudnwbulntrdvvriiw7y trus and tsntler kalblseu mrs arnctt said incoher ently the nisi day that aha astup with tbs iriab k1 carafully arrulni pillows about bar wsslsd form ob katblcau i dont desers ibis flura maam if ws all bad our desserts in this world itti a sorry plaoe it would bo im ibinkiu isuuhed katbleeu uut ktlhloen i was bo cruel lo you bo heartless t ws wont talk of it maam dear aald kslblwn svaaivtli hut say just ones tnl you forgive met pleaded the lady ouca so hsujjhty i forrlvbyon maam as fra ilb auusbliir 1 kthlm suntssrtd boilly and youd uiay with nio always an j bs my friend khlsu and mrs arnott put bsr bpa up ti kiss irish kathleens fresh 00 1 1 oh oka tjlyerlht bsvs passatl snoi then bnvsinadiiiiitn and woiuu of tbs bttls psojle that kslhlmu nursed throuflli tbs fsvar aud strangers who visit in mrs aruotle bouts soaroaly know wlitl lo make of tbs plump comely mlutlle ayed woman wlio tnovoa about ths house apparently as much at home in ll as ibe mialrnss herself who ia always conaulled about avarjthinjt and trusted with all bsorota is she a bousakesper or a sarvaut or a ralatiou 1 souls ouo once askotl and mri arnott raiilied tills is my true and truatod friend kthlhi o noll i mpiiovinq thc oppprtunitv my amall iiboudw was ready lo slart on a lonjj proinisad weeks visit li bia rsnd falbara in the country thoro wis au axaiparatlnjf delay in lbs appearance of tbo osrriaus lo take iib ti llio sutlou tbo yisunu man workaj off his impalleuoa in various annoy inu ways for half an hour than suddsnty ha was aeeu to kuawl basida a ohalr in lbs oornrr and bury his fsos in ins bands aftar a fuw mliiuus ills motbur aaid well ksnnslb wbst ars you doinjjt just uvtlliik my prayers bs i up for whtu im uohiit t be pul at jraiidnas lbyss nntliinu to do bars aud i skpsol lo bs piutty busy whilu im thuru a tuhillulli fall holemn faoad man wllb nswapapar wall i ms thurj wus a slinjiilar aoabuul l ous of tbo suuuhur b iiios out ul ths stuck ysrds yanlerday a man wbu was ittsiiliiij out of an upiiir story window lut no aud dioppa1 ulsly fw t and wasu i burl a tmrtitu l4or ibuiar vnil how ill i uul bsppu v tlolemu fsowl iii-u- iby ww pls tbs fullowlntl inlctoallnu tunas aio told of luobard wakuor in tlm a iifi wifujtf by auuuil wilhalmj tlm ilbrtthj vbdln u any ono who wl bed 10 onto tho nr row clrclo of watiuera- ftleiwla was oum pallod to earn that prlvllaga by takiuk oars of a suporannualod dtitf or a dmppled oadary i was preaeul wbaii tha yuuntj gouotcss arnlm was ooudurud into tho horn for inourabiae in wblc w ktpt a oollmtlotl ofeud and infirm ewif- mili of dlslributlnn eniin ills frlnds aftar making ber f balloon auiofi tha ilimates tbocounleis had to slifii a paper in which aba promiaed lu uko lha basl posslbls oars of tb animal as lun aa ii should livs as a return for llio aaivioas rendered to mankind by animals tbs last tims i iir dalraall wa ber was bard at work ou trlalram aud leoldo one day ss lis anil f wars yelk ntf together almost in silnuos for ujtn ou a slroubla raoais ulloni vntturii lo iu larrupb tbs oorrrtil or hi though ba jtlflelily stopped and mulsiluwd anurily look lookllistol ii polutad to a boy who was faelaiiinu about a lars atons oua sudor astrinit lha oililr aud of wbioll ru lltd lo a dons ictf wauuelr rualiad up to the lad and asked wltal ti was dolnj gointt to tlrown tbo dag usld lbs boy why xrosuss bos o mul nn oot has lilf i i uul ifowlonif bavs you bad htm about un yvfu as a bous joy us usod lo drsw milk ami variables to market bo 1 bxolelmad waynar and now you wont fiva this faithful servant food and loduiuu iu bis old aa uhamo on you 1 no ws can t bs both red with a sick old do answered ibe yoke proasedlnu with biseieoutloiiera work ilut wauneraabtad bis arm and sabl k hero s a llistar about 71 oellu i will buy ths do tako ourslf off and rs tueoibtr iliitlou wrp about to do tome lb i iiu sbameful a hant fl tbs sllny of iuttralliude a kesuly as a mau tha boy thanked him and went off blushing a utile hut carefully poaketluu tha coin the dotf aiumplwi to follow but was driven bank warner now tried to eoax lbs daa la slay wilb us but as bs ktoopsd to alroks blm lbs beast bit bis band wanner turned pals and o lie rod a sharp cry of pain and i raised my cans to chastise ths snarlluu brule dul vanner stop pad me would you punish him for bin true to bis old master ba said we bandaced tha injured baud and wonderful to ruats when wagnsr made a second ultemnl to rarest the dog lbs animal as if con saloon of bia suit and anxious to niska umands now lioksd the baudthai ulroksd him and from tbst mnmenlkstp wlionrniirwiti6tv csl soon prsatuted a rupaotable appearauot waa oonslantly al the masters aide wanner could not use bia riht band for two yvseks aud bia work suffured sarioutly in constijuenos ilut no ons aver heard blm utter a word ot complaint though usually bo was impti or tbs sliublatt annoyance or interruption trantlallon from the library jiigett just fon tun lrisnd your snn i tioderstaiid lias utorary aipirslions data bo write for monay tainer feliu all the tlm lie waa inoljucd to bs f4oeliom what quantities of driad grass you keep bars mrs uabtinsl nios room for a donkey to ifdl iuto 1 make yourself st bums sha re spoil dad with sweat gravity how ontf doss tha train slop here tbs old lay sakod the brsksman otop liacaniwjrtiltliajiinqtiryliqur minutes from two li two to two two i wondsr mnsud tba aid woman if that man thinks he is tbs whittle ths landlord of meadowbroak farm allowing tha latest arrival around this bars spot la kuown as lovers lisp the 1air arrival ssioondod flach an un picture que old spot beneath a uijjht mars of a willow i how in iho wotlj did you ooma lo glvs it suoh a romautio uamo t tbo landlord cause ys cant all here five minutes bsfora a calarplllar drops down yojr neck i whats tills exclaimed the division guperinlendant heres in application from lha station anant at new lra for elflht bsslilani barege amaahsrs tba the man muit baarsiy i dont bsluvs a a trunk baa bum put off at tkst pi sea for six months rut you know blsoblat olerk sxplalnnd llim tbo rials federa tion of womens glub is lo bs bald there neat thursday aud friday ohloago ttuxttijitau the oaloon nam odiouo to tmem a number of whfikay papers aro clamor ing for a obauga of name for their plaoaa of hutincb they think thai lbs natns 1 saloon baa come 10 ha so odious 4s lo bs hurtful the would rather havs them callad wineshops or user stores tluu loo they think ibe word trafllo burls them as lha eapreaslun liijuor trsfllo hail iwen uuod bo mupli by tsniwrauce aglta tators ltt them reel aiaurdd however that there bro no words in llm langtiaje tba would not ba degraded by being used in ooiinsoiiou wilb tboir baninful wicked datealbbls buiiuess gal thilr placas of 111 resotl and death palacoa and llio word would soou bo reoklun wilb tbo vila odors of psrdliluu iho fact it ihiui me era doing tba tlovill u busiiieae and arr dreg log down 10 rum every ons and overyllifnu ibov tuuob jvjdo or whiskey tloti is sa rspuwbls a u winn ahop or a gin ptlacs ijirnttl int lrettjftir caliind cun lhuro are anuia curjnus facia about our calendar no oenlury oau bvgiurou wad nniiday irldsy or llumbty ilia aama cslniidsru atn bs usjj overy twenty years ojtnbur biwsju biylna on tlm earns day of ths woak as junusij april au jul hep tumbor it dootuntwr 1 uurusrv march and nuvcuilxir lwui on tha same days mavi june and august always bjgin on dlfferriul tlaja from iob ulher and svry ulhar inoiilh lu tho yur ubrlsttnaa day bill lbu llisltif fuy uimi on llm u4ine day or lha wek thu tlri m uul diyu j tho yuar aru alwuju lllu mmr 1 11044 lulus do not at 1y in lup yur wlit- 11 11 ml srlkun is huu uuwu days ulotu aud awf 4s- tub jllili civilitv is good cap fal look at l army of sad ii au 1 la women lu our stoiaa i hois la itol i ihiiovc as oaptbla or liournt a oors of workai- in uia worbl yal s kfoncli or i aboj will a11 iwloa a many ikkib hi tho sama lima and thu mutuiixr wl 1 omoa aijalii and sgln in ba aarved i y tl sma woman avhy7 iilaiallvllnd a nitrous iur is hotmlbiiig pitiful at wll a rldltiuloue in tbo jlidlllareum lha liauuur llmsmiilriulnnaairmny of i- lullll urtit youiiil iitti ti i wiinmii uhlnd nor omiins yi lixilny is luir opltl ily killing li in or linwm thay aero i hr living uu i ttim mora nlvil thay am im mora lley all moat of my rrsdare know a fw aalrh woman who bava remained in soma of tha old blklneaa bnuwis nntd an honorod 1 id i aud by their ability snd cuurtasy bava tnalu for tbainstilvas boats of frleiid il is a pity lust tbei fooliab yuurg paopls douli uul usru llnlr bud 1 sfnm ibam an amirio11 molhr in lu mw uum jvurmtl a commknt on matiiimonv in onn of sour uiltttkes tlkiii too inuob asked a itolurr or an audiaiioo of woiudii i for it i aud another is not having enou fin niarly aury ont is a mlaer of jillily men ars willing to otlnb plassursas il ill ilulwomsu miiil bav nvayytbing just so uaforo thsy 041 abandon lhemvm to anjiyment aud ujan i hay ars usually loo lirsd lo take it its a dieaass but forluueuly not ineursbl women say it is easy to talk ibis way but thai one asnl bs laughing when oum ik hurried and worried all ibut i in say la that yon might its as hurried but you wouldnt be as worried j did lsuth i happened ones to spsak r my bu4baud lo a liltls lib i aud shs aald why i dijut think you wets mar ried whylunukd oh oauia gauss why cans you laugh so louub wasnt that a commentary on matrl many michigan advoeau a mammoth watch thar will be a mammoth waich ut lit louts worlds fair in 1003 tha walcb will bavs a polished metal otn and will us on its baok and lie so urge an i roimy that people will ba able lo wlt around inside of ll aniouug lbs moving whosti it will bs usarly asvemyoflvs fii iu dums- lar and mors than forty ft hlgli wilb neat llitla alalrwaya running all ubim it tbs b si a oca whel will walnh a inn and tba halraprluif will lu as ll lok as u mans wrlit the main apring will hs ibras liuudrad fott in tennth and ma is of leu sprung steel bauds iwo inohw thick ljound together gnidas will point oul aud name tvsry datt xtin walcb will bs wouhdby btsatn regularly at a oarlais hour during tbs day it is inlarfiellak in ihu oonnaclian lo rsad ihst there is in llerlln a watch which measures one fourth of an inch in uume ur its face bulog about the uiae of the bead of a larua ilzi taok or nail it weighs leaa than iwq grains tray anil kospi per f eol time a uttneaa joy our duad of all lbs influences ibst work in a mans or womans life i know none purer or stranger than the baud thu i w know it is only when a mother dies thai her children iwyin lo understand whut tluir malbar was anil only aftir years whan wa lookback on our father thai wa bs bis exoellauce his integrity his tnsnlineav and bis wisdom it was aomn time bifurii the disclplse got a ilimpis ol jssmi only alter bs had cone lo haaveu and it has taken algbtaan qanuiiiellajniaiiualbafiill4ieiibu of jeaui and ba ia alill qrowinj inbunian thoodht ho il is wllh our daad j hoy ars living lbs only mam ber of oar family that are fully olhu and know the meaning of ihinjjb and llio will or god niiul ptfeot- ly now near thay bring tha unseen to us i tjiato is uothlug bring ihn unsarii close asva cbriit aud thoan that havo ioue in lo join blm iau msolsrcu at drill in ths early days of fia p renin i war 111 boutb africa a btrga number ofcoloniilt werorearuiisd and bsstly llokoj jutobhtpo drill they ail detested but ohoorfully put up wilb it lika trus urllun onuo oooaiion an ofllccr wse putting a frash batch throuuhl their fsciima form fours ho shouted and thay bumped luto something llko order as yofl wore bo called aud bank thoy oum rxospl one fat farmer who stool block still as yoa wars again ylshiooillesr in the bawd- dersd mans ear ilsg pardon sir mul ured tbs man but im blessed if know wbsro i werol woululiku to oki him you sign ibis deed of your own froe will do you m id a m t asked lbs notary public what do yon mean by that demand ed iho large red faced woman i mean there bad bjn no compulsion ou tho pail of your husband hsa tbarot iliint she pj to ulsted turning ti louk at tho mask liltls man sitting bshlnd ber id ilka lo see blm try to compel ma 1 vounq man uuwiae ihcroaro jmt as many opportuuititui to dsy fur a yunuif mat as ihcranver were katn 110 a weik mid upend it al as you u alutik and tbrru will ba an uld bl0 with poverty haa f r weak for tho first ten yearw and follow h up wllb oarnful lul uota habits and by iho time jou aro llfly tbara will bs in rusrvu a ban tsoino umu polouos fur the retusinuijj jeeru of hfo tbla is tbo whole scorn i ot bucooss ti xonjj f rm woriu tliaraa au it at ilia liiiumi id hie i lid a ilimliti i win 1 win t u wlladyalmlll of uioiuyaw kd i 1 r 11 u b w llaluv vlwea a i a ja- ojni aahi lu ai of ilollijluij wli ahl u vtn llallutlutil to tba i ljliltl aii li a that a kl that t uil kli a iujlkllliu l ratolii ii w uu lilw that latwa ti al ofau tiull aud ol ili ullvl an i i tba balo u xiu w til koik thai tha win hi i klfinl a amnaiteoundldailir of lis w will hraklilk of iu uuii wu of l ll anl f lllglt that uimmi vt rui u i jsnlfltu nlfltii utmuh fihih a tltll ll too thick youiitf bwynr wtih uu priniiw mnlrd a moleroofn uglad a kinsrl boy and wall at for bis n unts in toil at any rate hi door opine 1 aud u vnloo sikoj if tbs uwyar wkn in james said lb youuj liwar lo bis ofllos lw l widi you 1 l in lha 1irt national lljhk and 111 bun that lbs amount or llntl draft u ij 00 instead of 1000 and ufuroyoo return drop into ur jobusonu nflio and loll thsm ivs oollaott thut bill ofllthw for blm while you ars iberaalsp aoros ths hall anil ull mr foubll uuloto lb i uota for 1 is pld i shall tuke proontling hurry now jams as ihfus is a ureal dral o work lo do this morning tha wrll trainail boy was going out whan tba prospective client ssid this id 110 plsos for ma with a 10 debt to collect limti lis iliesppsard down tba stairs and lha young lawyer salj waerily you utfutto jmc i bad it ou loo thick that tlnto- the minlstkra strategy one qundsy the minister or a small northern country paridi church had tba mutartuoota forget his sormoli aud did not discover bis loss till ha reached tba church ouddeny dea struck blm ho sent far john ths iwnlle ami itiktruotod blm to tftvo out tha ouo iiuudrd aud niuatbsnlh lslm contsluing km verses while ha hurried homo for hi sarmao on his journey back lo ohirrohhosiw the fslib f ul beadle stsndiug at iho church door wav ing bisarmrand uttrng him to hurry on raaahiug ths door he extnirmd are thsy all singing yt john ay sir replied john tbeyrs al il yet bul tbsyrs ohsapin ilka sparritm tha arqomivt the drink cursk drink u lbs ourwofthooounlry il ruins lha forlunts ll injures the health ll ties troys tho lives ot one in jo ul us popula tion and anything that oau bo done to diminish this larribla sacrifice ot human ufa and human lisppmiua iswotthy of all thn attention and smjy wa can givn il if wa are adsnt tlm very alonoj will cry oul ii i could destroy to morrow llm desiro tor strong drink in lbs peopl 1 of lowland what changea wo uhnuld ueo i wa should ess our usola and worklioiitt empty and wo should fcs mors iivuj ontil in iviivh months than aro cnnmnic i 111 a cntury ul bitlar end amsa war jusrpli ghuiubrr lain a douutrulcomplimgnt the nowly tkclud mayor if a country lawn wan about lo make his llrl jouriey in ibat capscity ibrouub the uco tbs towunpeiiltu lladarral gdibkttrohsll afob of 1 worn under whnli ho wss to was a tliral crown ehouj i lianj but mounutl by lbs word ho well deserves il hut lbs wind blsw away lha crown aud when ilia pompous major patted under lbs arch lo tho ureal vv ol lb two who had voicd agaiuut him only a rops wllb a noojo al llio end of it denjjid there wilb ha woll ilroervca it olsniling oul in bold ndlef buvo it fit hit what will thu harvcqt do mamma now o anil iay nood ulkhl to yoor govarnass like a gooi btilo uirl and jivn linr a kiat lilts fuss iii iay good ilbi but i wont giva ber a kiut mamma thats naughty i why wont yon give ber a kits litlle iubk ileoatieo sha alapa pcoplov faces whon they try to kisa her mtijrai nowplnnt tilknonhiihi ml do as you aro t ild litlla fuss well mummy ir joti dont beliovo 1110 ask papa i punch two scotch uullu two oporetirs in a border town of tlcot- land wars disputing about a new ceineti ry bsalds tba elegant railing ot which thoy wera standing one or ihrm ovidenlly disliking tbe oonllnonlsl fashion iu which the burial uround was belig isld oul do- clarsd in disgust id rather dee iiibii bo buried in tio a plana weel it a ll 0 terra iovero wi mo said iho olhcr for t ii liw buriod nsowhoro euoiflm psntl aqalnbtthl flatiuns 1 our mlithodtl anchint in digalug at iierinansuui lb to bu hsii brunulii to kuhl a pilur uover with bills one on i of auulhur tha patt mod lo ltk ih mi wss msdii of umn arabiu wlirli sopsrslil ami sltiiiiued thsy wuru fuiiud to lu prugrsui and su- iiotiimriwnn uf pubbi iiiinlliths and iuc hull proclsuialiuj wiiuu hiiehuil and wifncosidtii tumllde in iurli mlur iinlirly thy ur l thu tbioliold id uiilul i inntiu lluroruta in ilit tbkil vliiiu itiiir awutr uk lui iu uwltttyj tn1 wuplluus ilul hoodie luikkrilu iiii ltly oirs ll mlki eai i iloddkiu 1 lu urn jou a iloaubel whslisis oiir dilluiluin nf a ibuia- llsl nu nlrpd uuandoriiig miki cautious ly tisoiiasiftiit luyailal ilnks d gov er maul orluij take boll an prvld fulks wit every i lug day tats and woirr no wsi lbs positive unswjr i bad sii monl s u govurmenl relicus wbrn i wu to juil dsraaiu1 unouuli d in il wukhiiikitou hi tuitnlu in to thaub a iotiru1 cluoiuioiigi r who baud an alluulnu to iho hiiiius1 ttul bsd onriuh od him uald lo chsrlts ltmb in ihu 0011 res of a iliauuuiou un tlut poor uws yuu must ur in mind kir 111 1 havn k ud of tl t tint ol slnlf wllb h oi p is call lbu milk ot inimui untin liuli louk 11 1 at bun ttrally an i im thv 11 a vu- x uiu kuiiul lbal ni all into uhuas kavorsl ysarj jto