Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1899, p. 6

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m w mi ijo you get up wltli headache is there a bad taste la lvyour mouth then you havo d poof ippetlteund a iycok dljos- don yoa are frequency dlxzy alfeayo foci dull crta drowsy tou bavo cola hands and feet you get but little benenrfroni your food youhavono ambition to work and the sharp pclris of neuralgia vdort through j your body what is the cause ot all this trouble v constipated boweb jjawlfcuf piavliuawntf nlf m zj323jsfeantit moil hevo been vary longtime ago a traveller who bad lost hia way strayed- into tbia rough country through wbioh ho made bis way as best he could in a pbaeton wblob had vary small front wheels as he drove slowly on he noticed an inorcoslng procession of stragglers who followedthe vehicle with their eyes apparently flied on ita runningrgear the procession was prrhoipally ootnposed o boyr and al last tbe occupant of the pbaeton booame so irrated by thia uninvited osoort that he stopped the bone and demanded of the leader of the procession a ianb aorawny boy about fourteen years- old what he and bis frlendawantad why replied tbo boy with oyca still faatenedon the vehiole we wanted to see how fer youd get before your big wheels ootobod the llttlo ones l if pma hbrr own boat babies and barns a happy young father and r fa inpennavlvanli he judnit fitt fmas thtjb8day july 6 1699 q3jt igouttij folks bo wb1 harvests oomirig and onebeara oer the wheat fields tipeninff ears swaying on their fragile spears from a bird tbroat elear anil light bobwbltol bob whiter grateful waves off alni perfumes here axe rosy cookie blooms blnengraaa panicles aof t plumes dewbespangled charming bight bbbwhltel bob whiter low the bawk rnaraudlngalla- frtghtoned allp the aloes your quails through uioatskoandralls again a call that oheery pipe bob whlto i wteat rlpef bloodred id the bronaetrunked trees gberxias good marlllaa tbeae ideal cherries it yon please anaweribg fifing of bob white hotqultal notqnltel 4o the orebard applea greon golor of the leaves are seed here prw a windfall found v bedstreaked apple on the grondd calllnganawerlng bobwhltet no man nan pteaob a troth till he bah drat lived it the superiority of mother gravea worm exterminator la shown by ita good effeota on the ohlldren parohaao a bottl and nlvelta trial ii la the liar who saya that there la no snob thing as truths the thief who dootaree that every man baa bia prioe y dea pf bdratn purity 4mr b j belli new armagh aifor nearly sir months i iing aobes and pains bjibiat i ooald mother been enjoying the looks of their flratbom son forten weeke when their large new barn burned a year or two later when thia little boye flrat aiater noa a week old the big and handaoma barn built to replace the nrat one oaught fire and went down aiao a aeoood little litter arrived tbo neii aummer on the third ot july and the next day while the eldest little boy was playing with fireworki the third barn naa burned yeara went on and the farmer hid ballt two big barne for bia inereaaion needa when one fine day he waa told that be waa the father of twins for a moment be atbod dumb then be laughed and aaid good i thats the way it ought to be ive got two barne now a barn to burn for eaoh twin twins are right i but at last aoocmot berng and twine were both proatrlmf and th farmer believeathat hia tudk haa improved a 3liqht mistake ethel had formed the very uubeooming habit of saying hm when she did not quite underatand and herannt bad been teaohing her to eay beg pardon instead the following day abo waa overheard talking with some of her little playmatee my auntie says yon mustnt ssy hrn she explained- you moat aay baking powder the danger season an appeal to the suffering and diseased polnea celery conpound the great deliverer and resouer cures zven at the eleventh hoar at thia time we dealre earueatly to appeal to men and women who are ailing aod in a low oondition of health i there are thoaaande oteiok people disappointed and now almoat bopeleas who have eeaaed tolbiok of their danger imagining they are inonrable beoauae their dootora have feiled and the vast varietioa of medioinea they haveniedhave prodaced no good results courage once more coffering brothera and aiitaral rekindle the almoat dead embers of hope yopaadly deceived and disappointed oneal freedom fromdlseaae and auffering and a new aodjiappy life will be your portion itynrthmv fith enough t make- trial of uapproaohing atltola and obliging oonduotor went ufi to the ie1y jadyv who i vtis evidently travelling alotneanoy sal i madame have you a oimpaniou voh yea kir martha aiih made roe fetnb along her little black ridikule that ahe oyila a knmpanyuo tv no i nol i mean an osoort i a ht sir tad she looked at him bard enough to break jier apeotaoles a fellowtraveler with you explained the conductor deaperately blie rose her uplifted hand looked deadly in ita black mitten garnitnte you goodfornothing scamp do air 1 the idee of mej a lone woman rwith no natural protector but a ohaepakiuytivered now toatament baviny a avtfsvelin with me i your htotheir ought io over your ienperdenoe youugman and ill haveyelo know tbat i kin git along tn the world about aa well an any 00yearold widow that you eyeratraok agin f by thiatime the condootor waa nut on the platform wlpipg the perspiration from hia faoe and ewearinp that the old letdy might go it alone to- her hearlf oontent he meant no harm a london exquisite in amerloa he wonldbe oalled a dude bad gone into a weat end restanrant eaya span moments and was far from pleased with the way bis order waa titled doyon call that a veal cutlet he demanded df the waiter why snob a outlet aa that d aninault to every eelf- respeotingoalf in the brilieh j3mpre the waiter hung bis bead for a moment but recovered himself and eaid in a tone of reepeotfol apology 1 really didnt intend to lnault you air r- on the first indica tion of diarrhoea or dysenterya few doses of drfowlers ext of wild straw berry will promptly check the advance of these dangerous dis eases it has been overdo years in uso and has no equal for the coreof bovel complaints of young or old tlicro are many dangerous imitations on the market so it would bo wise to see that tie full name dr foomt ext of wud strawberry is on every bottle you buy inetant aooompllabetl a pertt wane bottle interesi makea aoma people blind and others qqtok sighted the prult pooaln cure for dya- papala pr von atana pine apple tablets iqoents and 35 oonts they are u plaaasnt aa tho frnlt itself ch 1 llytpepsla dolls the sparkle of tbe eye ana de the hseitand mind s dyspepsia weakanatbe blood and bleaobea tba red ont m the hps and oheeka 8 lyspepaiaaaimithebttangthoat the slnewamnaeleeananerrea a dyrpepsla drtas uptha inlosatif life thns uepedea the functions of every ile loosens tbe hair mars the ipleeand fills the month with that ufa giver and disease banlaher peine celery compound thaf has in tbe pest rescued so many from tbe grave if providence and one adtioe should inspire you tbat there is life in m pvljmigmlkltrtaxat be ipbhrhki during the present boated term of sommer il is perilous to neglsot yoar aebe paina and anfferingl insotlon and wilful negleot for one day may result in death yon suffer from nervous prqetratlon liver disease kidney odmptainl dyspepsia rhsnmaltm neuralgia headache impure blood sod digestive troubles yon should derive instnnt inppirallon from the army df men aud women of the best families ot canada wbo have kivfu their written testimony in favor of painea celery ooni- poond and be further eooooraittd by tbe reoommandatlona of the moat eminent medfoal meu who presonbe fsiuea oelery compound regularly with auob testimony and tbe indorsation of medical men la it wise or prudent to negleot the uso of earths beat mediolne t he or aha who refuse life and health it surely worse inert a skeptic bear in mind that paloea celery compoou j ooros even at the eleventb honr the fear that ia life to us tho atmosphere there never was and never will ba a unlivereal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to wbfoh flesh is heir tho vory nature of many onratives being soon that were the germs of other and differently seated diaeaaes rooted in the eystem of the patient- what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other v7a have however in quinine wine when obtained in asonnd unadnlterated state a remedy for many and grinvoue ilia by ita gradual judioioua use tbe frailest systems are led into con- valescenoe and strength by the influenoe which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping tplrita of those vyith wham a chronio atate ot morbid despondence and lack ot interest in life ia a disease and by tranqpiliziog tbe nerves disposes to aonnd and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veius strengthening t cautorla is for infants and chutlrcii castoria is n ltarmlcss substitute for castor ollv paroboric drops and soothing syrups it contalno neither opium morpuino nor otlicr narcotic substance it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years uso by millions of i motuerscastorifttlostiqyji3sosinsrinfl allays fpverlsh- ucss castorla cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorluv clloves ftcethinn troubles cures constipation and flotuloncy castorla assimilates tlto food lcmilatcs the stomach and b6wcl8 of infants and children irlylny ltoaltiiy ftntl natural blocp castorla is tlto childrens panacea the mothers friend castorla cstia is an- in children mothers hove repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children dr c c osooon lowell mass castoria c ih o well ntlaitcd la children that i recommend it iih buiiciijr to nny pre scription known to me ii a auchkb m u lit oojklyit v 1 the facs1mile signature of appears on every wrapper thk ochtfcuh oomcanv tvmoahv ejtrttt w vrjstrt c a great opportunity the casqal observer fn tbo chicago ooort tnirht have jhourht the ceee an ordionry tlruub bat from thotit rained teooa air of the speottore and tbe look of repressed exoitement on the jadaa faoo it waa plainly more important foffioer aaid thejado ijrepeib -tho- charge that there may bo no mistake he wor thot draok yoar honor responded the bluepoat with evident care thot whin oi arristed blm ho wor beein dohblu his narrow escape slake hate then raldiost ahontedhis flcudtoweitvillebe told me i waa facia honor go and havo him make a census of theoity bt fanl iihb recently adopted a milk ordinance that provides for ctinapeotion of all the oowa from wh lob milkirtaken to dopply the city by heok maw ex ol aimed an arkansas youth who had just returned from a twentymile joarney on tbe oirv i oame might near not going to westville at all dont any i inquired his mother did it hftpppn t why yoo see when i got on the ears i happened to take a seat facing baokward likely aa not i wouldnt have noticed it at all till u was too late it a drummer hadnt asked me whor i was goin and when i tbe wrong way toward eastville in faot i eeou my mistake the mi n ate he mention ed it an the way i tnrned that seat over was a caution to anakea 1 good roah it would have been a pretty howdy do if id been carried toeastville whar 1 dont know a boui i new york iforw go didnt walk for 5 months doctors said lbgomotor ataxia economic po is boourtid with n canadian steel air farmers who study economy cannot ignon wind power is cheapest the canadian otor fho fact that alrrnotor will iny for itsell itt 2 yea iump all your water f kun tho rnochinery in ya barn the last also the and india australia we have supplied the c p three years with about 20 outfi british government in cypru as well as in england egypt c write the ontkrl6wind rngin and pujktp 00 jlijtf itd oronto he british flag atlantic avif largest manufacturers of windmills under you can get it pumps of evoiy description at a litinq pi rr all qo bs delfnered undertacing parlor suite v sideboartl bedroom set an extension table v lounge a stand a mattress and springs or any other article in furniture requirements itonlyj in all its branches calls day or night attended coffins delivered r prices to suit every ones needs j a spe1x3bhttfc co acton mlllrarns heart and nerve pills cure a disease hitherto regarded as incurable tho case of mr g o archibald of hopewell cape nb a cut of wliom appears below is ono of thq severest and most intractable that has eve been w ilii burden of and cradoallr dsstrovs jala ia ourad quleklr and all tronbt j duoomlort of lndlcwtlon it rsmiosd and rsllavadat oooe by drvoo slant- kusappta tablata-tkr- ibfallibls ramsdy sseanlsabox so tablets in a box small eiaa 10 oants sold by at brovd beware ot blm stbo bates the laugh of a ohlld dr lowa worm byrup la a safe aura and reliableworm expeller aet equally wall on ohlldren or adulta be aura yon gat lows knowledge oan never take the wonder ont ot gods world is the baby too thin does he increase too slow ly in weight are you in constant fear kfavvillbeih v then give him more- fleshy givfe him more power to resistdisease he certainly ssejs i fjatvforiung s sjttitirjs prniiii8 jfusit blfen14kethe jfttd trtrtshuw siawf w healthy arjlmat fonotions of the ayetera therebymnklns activity am 1 leeaawfllllllll i i ill i iii io itls organs which naturally demand looreasod aabstahbe reaalt im proved aupetlte northrop a lvman of toronto have given to the publio their quinine wine al tlto usual rate and jtoaged by the opinion of sclentlati thle wins apprpaohaa nearest perfection of any the market all druoslels sell it marrytitns enstagement naming the day some persons hove periodical attaoka of canadian eholera dysentery diarrhoea andjhnve toiw groat preramlode to avoid th4iumsn- obaiiiee of writer oooklnt end wreen f riiif lit snrp to briutf on the nttokp to fiooh prrson- we woull recommend dr j d- kelloggs dysentery cordial as being the jbost mediolne fn the market for all aummer oqmplainta- if a few dropa are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no farther trouble wul be experienced one ot the slgbu at freaport jta on a reosnl fist noon was agrauddahti of 14 yeara teaohing her grandmother bow to rldsablka bagvarda yellow oil oores sprains bruises sores wound cols frostbites obllblalds stings of inesots burna laoslda contusions ato prioe 25o a smart tblug a muturd plaatar oahwim krj iwaiw jp9tfj-ptffr- 1 trie ueot money is all thavtranlacs ibertlalnbavinhll sisaplsseosss le due to tisrvque esolie tanl the deuoauly ootistllnted ihl nnanoarutabnalnemmnaaifioe rhpkiniijjpaaaii ring lph lossi8lrnal tie bard to aohool tbe heart to be in eplte o injury and envy generoua still from stratford ont mr h wilkinson writes that he expfrlenoed great relief of muaoolar bbenmatlam from naing two boxee of mllborne bhoamatlo pillf tlilf remedy la a anecinbfpr rbentttaltam fiialioa lumbago neuralgia and gout kindness la wisdom there is none in life but needs it and may learn milburne sterling headache powders oore tbayfprst beatleohe iq from five to j twenty blnntea vand jeavo no bad aftarvffeols one powder si 3 powders 10o 10 powders 2bo a faot i foundry or an agenoy for aupplying facts upon anyspbjeol at- abort 1no11isesthe4rjaaateyoutwcicibliiaol women for infaato and children i smjks trie srsolier vsliohad afgreat oopgrega- tidu of htfhgry sunlewoi him and apanl ilie bourip frothy aiidwwdhqneoilal talk riilsaydi an oppor luultjr whleh sf angel messrs t mixburn co lean nssuryou that my case was a very severe one nntl had it riot been for tho uie of milburiis heart and nerve pills i do not hcllcvo i avould be wiva today i do not know exactly mint was the cause of tho disease butjt gradually affected my legs until i was unablo to walk hardly any for five months i wasuridci tlecaro of dr morse of melrose who nid i had locomotor ataxia and gaveitio up as incurable prsolohioiia wclucnown physician of boston toidine that nothing could be done for me every one whocarno to visit me though 1 never couldget better i saw miloums heart and nerve pills advertise4 and thoiight i would try them anyway as they gave more pro- miseofhclpincmcthananythingiknewof if you hd seen me when i started tat tli tret out of my room and saw mo now wofkihirf every day you wouldnt knowmy i omwor p o vlckey of matiie j reported from the eastern provinces and iii cure by milburns heart and nerve pills the more remarkable from the fact that ho was given up as incurable by worthy and respected physicians the disease locpmotqr ataxia with which mr archibald was afflicted is considered the most- obstinate and incur able disease jof the nervous system known when once it starts it gradually but surely progresses paralydi6r the lower extremities and rendering vie tltn helpless and- hopeless endunnfr the indescribable agony of seeing himself die by inches thatmilburns heart and nerve pills can cure thortjughly arid completely a disease of such severity ought to encour age those whose disorders are not so serious to try this remedy tbo following is b4 archibalds letter maple leaf grain grinders 10hn mcyoee agent for the above baa changed ia ware- ooms to building on w si property john street who ny be seen two sizbs f0r anv rowsr no 1 has iolnch rever sible burrs inch sdnglo irrs i botfi- have ballbearing i nrr plates si springs ahakefeed rjod fine and nut with least power always uaranlood a- trial given hundreds in use bold shapaly itmulrco limited tford ont and s complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs n my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on tho property will attend to the wants of cuatomers frost wood bindsas am 1 jovxrs j jbuar atorjlilln pt mttllllttokftln exprual 8 sjpm 1 exnressm moll j 7 jsp mail bunt ooliif 0 u i nijal iw tusu ov oxohimo wjh j i0 ioio ends tm 10 23 am and 0 m fflst j thlifco table weat uitol june fioln ioln actoi jbtis line t wonmuippod arid btyllah hlgpoari al- w ways be sooured at ii ales a meets at amana tie nro nl attaotion given toevoryoraer nnta ot oemmerolal tratel- i iota folly met jjin williams fnopbieton evfqnjnd eden mills the place to go for the est flour ppink every day at everton mills and tuesday thursday and saturday i mills yivsbuyidg wheat no credit eve at 1 li mills j middlings chop feed c for sale henry hortpp un savings and loan go hi 0 office- oronto ont auarure cajjltaj 500000000 1 iyeai roaturity shares are paffl- mc bly li itoitnents of 56c per share fori onth when payments cease j600c n lurity valnefixoboo loan at 5 straight loan or monthly instalments on applij j monabb agent acton ur custom logs in fake tho lumber rj irne with you augustn senbers in 80 daya oni prize nothing- elso in the world saved me butthoso pills and i do not think they have an equal anywhere the seyenbbicesl tookhave restored me the full use of my legs and me strength and energy and better health than 1 have enjoy cum along time g o arcuibauj hopewell cape n b in addition to the statement by ur archibald we have- the endorsauon of two wellknown merchants of hopewell cape n b vis messrs j e pickson aud f j brewster who certify to tho renulneness and accuracy of tbe facts ats trtven above milburns heart and nerve puis sum 50a a bbcor t for ias at all-drun- ssts or sent mabv- uilbora at toronto ont uullagatawny ia from an tst indian word nleanltig pepper water often people oatoh a worso cold in summer than in th winter dont negleot it oheok it at onoo by using dr woods norway pine syrup the best remody for all kinds ot long and throat trouble a flath oflightniog la often a mtlo in lenglh the deaert ol bahara ia three time aa large aa the mediterranean sea it you want io be healthy during lb warm weather see that yonr bowela move fegalarlyiverj day if they dont tak laxaliver pills the natnral laxative that never gripes pnrgea or aiokens all attempts of foreigners to establish direct oommeroial relatione with the interior of china have no far failed w m m as 1 theblgheatqnalltyaxlog tetolcs wulcli forma a coating i rfe altwesnrrr mtm tontalnigronncl j n perfectly bncoth llyi5p9ftti ltkt pseifyii jo tu conventtfot immmmmuiimmmmm v- swwwffffimf tods rand copd for years tlie whenblcy were having trj spite of all the canadian who i soplgliaiii 1 a- ufttctuter an0 riders the world over jt bicycle chains which in 3 vear and atretch ii was a a way oiuotithb difficulty 5 this paid by thil ofabsoluti this part of th sowolw ing eatab right to titlons b saogoodm with ti the wilson chain with which bed birds are fitted u r llurr ibr planing r lijwasaaavyeya jts cot wpv- ssfirmti ss ll tois bes i satfifactfimilpnces very chean anri fl tosyit tsomers ppiket g psayers ftifitio tailors announce to thqfr lzriil public are nrxw jk bprng anf fffsttvij i joo stjf the or ahd bsth t are shovj nfew ikan london see ur itjfai rjion plates 6 si ow our goodis a trjrc r call and seetis itai iworknianship gv ir- s f le igeats in acton for b lebrated bcllw rp itfw ich does not fade or fie i s color in two years vor ibney refunded kcl oper tt akins lun it acton 1 engraving v to engrav1nc 1 m alf tones todontoon iyemnqe itlntf fcoolta jnvons oil arc nwinit or modtl of 4 mm umsu jw yon arc nwinrtl ttn br modtl of yon ovtoltlqut nntl wo will tc sa ir j b i duniwastclr v tq wlison ono of theesperts uny lt bring be rod bird nenrer a state ufcoi iy j tit todslated c ip4tant whsnby the centre iliardetned vinajhe hardened steel pin th j ilftt i iiktit tjy since th ithe- cltdnaavtlcl t cbafn thanueacrur- laawdtbeiamealcan jiavo been many iml- imitations lione are ej blrdt are fitted uvniiiiii mini sinn aa to wliotlter it m 1 wo nuilio ft hticclaltl wqtoil in other hanc pturnlaliod hatliorf itoks sxptoti elnrrrs ornilustes or thj hbllh1liiulnchfllors if llilvrnity mcmtxr tnimieswwstmrwori aliinit wnter works atf station ahoc tlrmlcr r jk n domnoinatau oaa hltoiac wishikotoh oo ioo ybapafi kxperiftnof pwitwrri sanddsr mm

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