Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1899, p. 1

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volume xxivko 45 aotoit ontario tiaiibsday jrmair1899 pbice thrjle ceints ijt cton jfm ffrcss 15 fcbubetbo every thubsday mobning at thjo free presasteam printing office hill street aoton ont trlotlyin advance all aubaorlptiona dlaoon taum wlien tha time for whloh tboylmvo boon p js tho dato t0 which every subsorlptlon la paid la denoted on the aduroas label anybntiarao iutbb tranelont advertlso- meota 10 oenta per nonpareil lino fornrst in- seruqii 8 aejlte par line for oaon aubaaauent ineartion ojiraaiot iuteltho allowing table bhowe oar rates lor the insertion of edvertiaomenta for apeelnedporiode spies u yn 6 ho 8mol ho 0 inches toinohes- fiiuehoa 16000 3500 koo0 so0 3900 aooo noo 860 9000 h00 700 800 s700 aj a jo 100 sji ie ful orbld sua charged accord dglr transient advertisements must be paid naaranae- month u desired for changes oftonar than s2 mpoalttou must bo paid for atregobut rates ohanem for contract adveatlaementb moat bo n the offloo by noon ontnoadayfl accounts payable monthly d pwooeb bditor and proprietor new combinations in- wall papers side walls ceilings and borders to match the newest and latest colorings and tones at scvtisaanalqarbil somo special late new york papers the newest goods in the market at low prices see them- tis well to remember that day has the best stock of fine new papers and he leads in big value -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized 8 1 000000 capital daldup 700000 cuelph branch wo are how issuing money orders payable at par at any branob of chartered bank in canada excepting tbo yukon district at tbo following ratee under wio 8 bent r slo to 820 looonta 8b0 to sift laoenta euotodio iterate ftoetrg days book store guelph days salts cheap snsinm atttttorp meoicaz john m macdonald m d cm 8ucobbob to j f tjren m d 0 m offlpe and realdonoeoorner mlil 4 frederloli treota acton office hours 6 to 1030 m 1 to a pm and tobpro w barker jbros iborqetdwn ont wii 8fb0ijutt oi machine finished book papers j r v j r forster socczason rro db a 8 elliott latoroaldont phvilolan and surgeon to vic toria hoapital for 8iolc children toronto 0rioi mill strootleuoly oopupled by dr tr dryden firs kb1luuav and nobb mcleans block donslaa st near p 0 qdeliph orrica houbb 10 em to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm bumdats 10 am to 1 pm nioh grade weekly mews the paper used in ihla jonrnal is from the above mills wmbabbkr bros everton and eden mills theplace to go for rts highb8t cuubent ritb op intbbebt kid on nmo denofted of 81 nod upward tarett allowed from date of dapoaltto dte ou wltbdrattal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to roapodfllble farmers on tbelr owu names at tbo lotrest ornreat rates no ohargo made for collecting sales notes if payable in quelpb ageooral banking bualneib tramactad a f ji jones mmnacr refrigerators yes a little early but ypu heed not wait till the hot days cortie when in guel ph call and see our stock our goods are the best money can buy our prices are right and we know you will be satisfied do you need a refrigerator jojortal l bennett ldb dentist i osobobtowh 0nt1b1o jcoghlan drjsrjd s dentist wonxcabkrdlitlohb pluobb h0dkb1th orrzoa otbh bnowna dana stobx houna bvbut day rnoif 9 to 6 j mbell dds xids drnmat bbooxttlu uotron gbasuats or tooohto uhrvenarrr work made batlafaotory frleea tf oderate vxsrrrnof patbuonday afternoon oamp- nelltllle tneaday acton oftlce olarka hotel vrlday boekwood leoju m clean mclean tiarrlstors solicitors notaries gontoyanoara aoprltftefnndstoioan oflloe tpwriballaoton wm a moiikah jho a moleik babbutxb bouoztob convbtaflcba orfiok mu1 btroet in mattbowe block dpatalra r bmoleod t ilaeuustxarsolioktob oonvbtlmotn main btreet georgetown uonertoloanatloweat current rates t j- mowabb olerk fourth dwulon court ooun ty of hal- on oonyoyanesr agent fire and life aasnranoo beal batata agent money to loan etc v orvioa perrymaiai block aotfon ont miscklljuncovs m bnry gbi8t ottawa ojwada solloitor of patents for invention etq loan and baropeanfatentotfieea and for tho begutratlon of trade harks bend for pam phlet thirtytwo years experience jjlbaitoib nunan vt o0kblnpbb wyndnikpi st gnelph ontario qterw aooount book of 41 kiads made to order farlouoadsofererydeaortpuonoajrefnltybonnd bounty nofctif a ni promptitilone m arbiage lioemses h p mqoaa luattur ormwmais xiobmb8 pritatebffloo nowttnamaeaftaqoired itanod at roaldenne in tbo evening freaprm offloeaoton fmhbmbtreet i iiionibib aoonoiman irvrr tha ooantiea of woallnsjton and haltbn- otdscalaftaftabavabapbaaei offloe aeton or etmyraaldenoain aoton will b promptly a- ended to faeareauoed to ood for ami bauds alao rnoney to loan on e xnoa t f arorablo omltand at tbe loweat ratea ol lntenat in anmsofa3iio0avbd pwardaj btinboblbkd b c tiajw the wellinoton mutual fibh insurance company atbuahol 1840 headofflo middllnks chop feed sec for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every auesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop john m bond co- jack wa jaovs birthday the fourteenth at last had oome round mlth ita anantum of preaenu angpugit which bo found c ono treasoro ho aoaroely badnoped to obtaju a flno silver watoh with a fluo luver obaln hosloptwltb that watoh neath hlllllow at night he conjparod it with alooka to make sure they wore right he bellovod la bis watch- hed have doubted tha sun if it had not gone down wbou ha wateb showed day done v eoda plug for his key and bad he bad bis way hed tyayo wound up that watoh about ten time aday as it waa be could never poatpoue it till bed but wound it directly hed risen instead vet after a fow months bad passed strange to y that watch failed to tell the exact time of flay the bands on approaching eaob otbor would stick althougb tike its owner it still went on uok jack blew down the boles gave the balance a jerk but big watoh seamed most strangely unwilling to work its ticking grew slower and then still more low till it ended one day by declining to go jack ppenpd the case to inapee the inside at onoe the true oatue bf the mlsobief bo spied along piece of hair curled op at tha top enough to make any chronometer stop he gave ft acnjjjast to help things along but the pull that fie gave was a little too strong wbls bam i and the bands beajan swiftly to aoour bound the face of tbo watoh at ton miles to the boar jack looked at the ruin and felt rather small twas only the mainspring b od broken thats j he thougbt of the bill and reeolved wltb a groan his tloker henoeforth to leave atrietiy alone elux yamtiy fttmy wellandvale bicycles jg hill agent acton forget is- tjsnot if you want artists goods wmpaper mouldings pictures r fkihies waters bros wxiamhc tievt street store guelph bring your custom togs in and take the lumber home with you s lumber p mills nassagavireya p sayeesroprietoi xtasconstadtly on hand a full line 6t planlngand matching done to tho beat of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p sayers two kinds of men there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those vhp are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer- we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and mrls goodlkriockabputs and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear spr call and see the new welland vale bicycles at the bicycle livery the per- fect garden city and dominion are the leading grades while the perfect cbalnless has nierits which will be appreciated by all wheelmen it is an un disputed fact that the wellnnd vale wheels cost less for repairs than any other wheel the single piece cranks are the best attachment ever adopted the new de parture automatic brake gives the rider complete control prices right for purchasers who mean business j chill gash paid farm produce butter v ohiojfii eggs pbuitry 5 -apples- wanted 1 i- r aikenhead produce co a paesons manager cor mill and main sis acton opposite clarks hotel spring has come and perhaps you want to replace your lnfecjiis with new ones of bright new heavy stock made to orrjer and to your satisfactibd we can give you just what you vantut very lowprices come in and see samples and let nie quote you prices for eavetrougbiog for either your house or barn our work has been highly spoken of by our many customers rkpaxss psomftoy attenvsh to c a pannabecker miii street aoton aakins ythe j aptistio tailors peg to arinqunce to their friends and the public eherally that they are lifiw cpmjlete intheir spririgand summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the beat looms 6e tbe world apd styles that are shown in kew york and l o latest fashion plates to show diiipygoods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated- bellwarp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or rnoney refunded takerj por tj rahted 1 liczie ohlld oome down this loltant what do you moan by being to onladjllke sitting on the topmoet nil of thai fenba 1 the damsel addressed came down iron her high perch and throwing one arm over the neok of the little brown pony walked demurely br hlb aide while the old judge sat in grim state on hia baok they lwere very like this father and daughter lizzie waa hla youngest and though she had attained the age or 18 she was still ohlldlih in her ware the i judge placed hla hand tenderly on the little enrly head here hai my little danghlor been i ob f have been op to the hall talking with the bonaekeeper and wandetibg through the gnat rooms and oh papa aha really took mo into the beaulifal oonaecva- tory and i aawanohlotely flaming pisiion flowora and tha great oreamy magnolia bloitoma aodt dear me i cant tell yob o all the lovely things then i walked down the road to meet you arid i waa ao tired that i sat down on the fenoe tpreal ob papa dontyou wish we hied in arioh a nice place as the ball 7 it la aaob a grand old tafnsion she was auddenly stopped by seeing a gentlemah apnjroaohiog from the opposite side of the road mr bay i believe the judge bowed agent for tbo bl leon plaoe yesair i oarntt to see you in legard to it and and you are mr 81 irfona oonfldential olerk mr hartley i i believe t reoelfed a letter from him today informing me that you would arrive ihla week yea yea come right up to tbe boose and wa will talk over tbe repairs shall we begin them immediatelyj what i my letter but just arrived t singular 1 papa yon dont mean to say you have brought bim home a oonfldantlal olerk f yotknowlherere4havbeaavropmw papered and cleaned and our pink dreaasa to be mad against herbert b leooe arrival bati my dear began the old gentleman joi like your papa to never think of this at all- well i shall see that he ttpul in the little room over the kitohen he will never know the dlflorenpe and blanohe sank baok in at atodled attltnde on the sofa wondering if handsome bert 81 leon would fanoy her lovely pink mornlnj dress that aba bad made tor hla apeolal benefit for of ooorae be would stop at their hooae during the time in wbloh the repalra were being made at this hall the door of the dlniog room aa ajar and mr hartley atandlng the flra in the little parlor heard it all this then was the weloome home thai the wanderer reoelved after roaanidg five years in a distant olime the uars gliatened in his laahea and a bright drop fell to hi hand mr ooofldenllal olerk you are orjlng and dixie pushed the white kitten from herlaphd oamei over tbbla aide laying bar dimpled hand on hla arm lam orry you hearol them bot never mlud ill be yorir friend your frlendahlp a very dear to me my jiluaailu and if the family had only known bow often those rambles were taken their ariatooratta tendencies would have been toarfolly ibooked and now mr hartley sat in the urns little parlor where lizaio had first vowed to be his friend arid awaltod tho appear ance of the judge ha cams ait last you wish to see me mr hartley t yes air i came to ask yoo for tbe hand of youi daughter your little llasfe i love her more than my life judge bay you oannot have her no air i i look for something higher for my daughter than a oonfldential olerk it that is all i bid you good evening next night the judge rode slowly home to dinner feeling a presentiment of evil where is xilazie he inquired of blanche at be entered tbe oozy diolog room in berroom i auppose mournlog after he dear olerk well call her to dinner obild blanobe want but returned immediately with a pale frightened foe she is not there para but this note lay on her table the judge broke the eeal and read a face that had uddenly grown white by the lime that you read these words deareat papa your little lizzie willbe anothers i shall bo married to mr hartley i hope it ia hot wrong for in- deed 1do iove him very muoh as he folded the note with stern features a light step oroiaed the threshold and lizzies arnat were around bia fieok tbp oonfldential olerk atandlng at the door with afaoewhere pride and indomitable resolution struggled for the mastery- pepe forgive us i ill aee you banged flratl roared the old gentleman begone both of yoo beg atarve hnt never come to me for aasis tanoev ob papa i want to explain i wontbear you bo it so said tho clerk gome my little wife we have eaob otbtr you jknow and shay went from tha honaa blanobe surrounded by an atmosphere of lavender and eau do cologne wax just oomlng out of the hysterics into whloh lizzies unprecedented oonduot had thrown her when there came a andden ring at the bell and a gentleman bearing a foreign looking carpet bag was uaherad in is this mr bay the jadge bowed hardly knowing whether to embrace him aa herbert st xeon or fo repalae him as an emissary from the conudential olerk ab boloonololed is mr st leon here ur 8t leon air is in paranham brazil vi think you are mistaken sir as i have been informed he is at tbismoment in his native village herbert bl leon la at homo and has not informed me hia agent i i muatgo to the ball immediately blanobe arose from the sofa shaking the bright drops of cologne from bar curls yea will be tore and bring him homo to dinner papa wont ypa ijl try blanoho wl try 6b papa you are trying to draw on your boots over your slippers i bolam hot this little affair has so upset me he was up and away the lights glimmered brightly from tbe gothic windows of the ball and winked dsnanoeat the mattering storm wiibpat as the jadge rang tbe bell at the great frontdoor mr st leon has arrived the servant bowed and nsheredhim into a room whose superbly arranged furniture struok mr bay with an indefinite idea of luxury lizzie was standing by a tall alabaster vase that stood in the bay window arrang ing the tropical yinea that enrled around its alahdard and tbe light from the colored lamps shone down on tbe burly head so dear to the jorges heart the confidential olerk stood near i wiabto tse your master yonng man i am at your service sir you are i who the m b whether j on are or not i wiah to see mr a3xatov vstleblsmy name sir yon why i thought yoo were tbp oon fldential clerk j never told you 1 waa yon took tbat for granted aa the oonfldential olerk i wooed and won your daughter as herb art st leon 1 oonld have gained no greater treaaure its all a mistake from beginning to end dome here lizzie and kiss your old father new ynrk timti if i could be a boy aqaim if i were a boy ah if i only were i the very thought seta my imagination afire that if is a key to dreamland if 1 were a boy well it i were soon a boy aa i was of the same aorl with the same beginnings tho same blood the same surroundings the earns teachers the same home blessed home i the same class mates the same accidents atmoiphoros and aspirations the same interior opinions passions and oonolcts sbonld i have aqmn into tbe- same life by the same paths with the sams experience and ootoome conld i have made theproduot different if i were a boy with my preienl knowledge of the end or the state of preaent progress toward tbo endi with my memory of the past and roy mans views of boyallfo what woqld i do first i ebonld have an early oodvera lion with ray parents 1 ahonld bring my later wisdom to bear on them i am now older than my father waa when i waa a boy and i might give a word of advioe even to bim if i were a boy i ahonld want a thorough discipline early began and never relaxed on the great doctrine of oroe as the seont of qbaraoter faith in qoosji know the foundation but it mail be a true fear and not a wretched terror the fear whloh is a reverent and holy love for ia loving ring who is a father and who la as gentle as a mother and who loathes selqshhess falsehood and mean- nessi if i were a- boy 1 should want my teacher to put weight of reepontfbilily upon me to makerno know and feel tbat odd tarnishes the material and the ooridltiona but that i must do the work of bolldlng my obaraoter to nil mo with the thought thai lam not a thing a atiok a stone a lump of olay or putty bat a poreon a power a oauie a creator and that what i am in the long run in the final ontconae 1 ain to make myself father and mother older brother and slater pastor and- tetcber neighbor and beat friend books arid periodloale are good teachers classes for lotterploklng and wordbnlldip for dimoult speuihg and reading are very good olaaaea in not so black ab they are painted mioisfora sons find a defender in de gaudolle the frenoli eoientiet and skeptio who shows tbat solence owes great rssearobos to the sons of tbe olergy he bnllda a stronc solid argamentagaipst tho celibaoy of the olergy oh thfs gronnd and saya in clerical families their manner of life their quiet regularity their residence largelyln the oonntry their counsels to ibelr ohlldren the absence of various canaea of dissipation the- habitual vigilance of the fathev and the dotneaito ezarrjple of atudy surpasslriit the advantsges of olher families give all the greater strength of force to the transrhiislon of those faculties which are appropriate to the onlllvatiou of the soiennei the learned author gives hits of distipguiaied anderninent bolentiatband feoholars who were the sons of pastors agasalz berzelis boerhaave enoke euler- linnaeus olbers and a boat of others among historians and philoso phers ha names hallam hoboes emerson sismondl and olbers a glanoe through any biographloal dictionary reveals scores nay hundreds of children and grandoblldreo of olerlos in every range of uteratnre solenoe and philosophy the disposition ot sons to follow the callings of their fathers makea divinity cbnsploously hereditary in snoh worldknown theolbgioal luminaries and pulpiteers aa jonathan edwards aroh- bithop whately bobeft hall ligbtfoot the weileys lowlb stlllingfleet the benchers and spurgoons a list tbat might be rhnltiplied indefinitely to whioh every readerwllt be able to add from bisor her personal knowledge how many- noted posts have been the fruit of clerical matrimony young cqw- per thomson coleridge montgomery beber tennyson lowell arid many others of note look atthe olerioal oontributions to intellectual philosophy in such dis tinguished sons as dugald stewart cud- worth beid brown boyle aberoromble audtbenthatnr r failvre ob success wbatie auceaaa laltsoinowork tremendous towering hko pinnaoles of beauty galnat llfoaaky7 nojor iho pyramids wlioso lofty telgbta stu- doudoub hold but the moulauring dubt or groutuoaa loug bono by ttoeu wwisfailuro isit 11 wo uuvor itoaoli to bonio aunxuill fair tliat wu may liavo lu view t no lor today wo may bo bid forever lay by the work ourfcauilb now and todo down rjoatu tbo wavo the ooral loaoot plying knows nqtho builds an islo from out tho liquid dark then what ia ulluro tl eloiply in not try- ourpart pbrhaps la but to begin th work pox qod ta love all kaowiog uvoa forovor oyer each life holdlnelmpartloj sway no work ean fall that baa oar boat endeavor what it ahall be doth hot appear today whoknowa perhapb aoino life lived limply noly unknown toramo and llolda it valueloaa working for ctod d waya obaonro and lowlr hay wear the orown wlold tbo aaoptor of suoeesa sitwsb efitens bomtt smash the traps general booth telle with a good deal of emphaala trie followlog aneodote a little girl whose older brothers lack of oompassioo for small creatures distressed her injeoted ihla into her bedtime prayer ohlord dont let the little birds get into bobbies trap in the garden please dont 1st them r o i know they wont i they eavil amen dolly said her mother what makes you so oerlaln v why ma viaoae oauae i wabl oat in the garden and amaehed tbs trap w pray for aouls threatened by the traps of satan said the general but thats not enough we mail nmeah the numbers for mental problems and drawing geometrical lines are sioelleut but the beat olais to be earliest organized and longest sustained the class in whloh a twoyearold should be an advanood popil the olavs that never graduates is the class in whloh a boy is trained to say i ought i ban i will if i were a boy with my mans wisdom i should safe wholesome food and no other i should ohsw it well and never bolt it down i should eat at regular honre i should never touch tobacco ohowingum or patent taediolnea never onoe go to bed without oloaniog my teeth never let a year go by without a dentists inspection and treatment never tit op lata at night unlets a great emergency demanded it never linger one moment ia bed when the time came for getting up never fail to rub every pari of my body every morning with a wol towel and then with a dry one and nevev drink more thanlbreeorfonrlable- spoonfuls off icewater at one time but all ihla takes will power yea that is all ii does take ishbaldneverspsaka word to shy one who might be worried about it arid only kind words of others even of enemies in their absenoe i ahduld put no noolean thoughts pioturesi sights or stories in my memory and imagination i should want to be able to say lilts dr george h whitney i have never pronounced a word whloh i ought not to speak in tbe presenoe of the purest woman in tbe world i should treat little folks kindly and not teste them ahow reapeot to servants and be kind to tbs unfortunate i should lay and romp sing ahd shout climb trees explore oaves swim rivers- and be able to do in reason all the manly things that belong to manly sport love and study nature travel as widely and observesvs wisely as ioonld study with a will when thstimeeame for atudy read the best books try to speak accurately and pronounce distinctly goto college and go through college even if i expected to be a olerk a farmer or a meobanlo try to be c praotlou averjdaypnrlattan help every good oaoae nie tbo world arid hot abuse it j treat older men and wernen aa fathers and mothers tbe yonng aa brethren and sisters in all purity thus i should try to be a christian gentleman whole- spine sensible oheerfui independent oonrteoas a boy with a will a boy with out cant or cowardice a mans wllltnd wisdom in me and uods grace beauty and blessing abiding with me ah it i were ahoy i by btsupr vmcitrr in success that book ac3ent the pastor good morning bro bohertr what makes you look sad this morning bro k i have dome to say goodbye mr brown fori am out of employment- and must go baok to england the pastor go baok to england to gist employment what nonsense i i can gat lots ot work for a young man like yoo in this ooonlry- bro it well i have banted high sod low kddt cadgeijdothlng abwhatam1 tb do the pastor i tell you what yoo can do bro roberts take an agenoy fora good book for there is money in canvats- ln literature has been a wide field for mlnlatere sons to oultivate as is evidenced by swift lookhart maoanlay sterne eazlllt thaokeray bancroft emerson bolmes elngsley matthew arnold and a hundred others to arobltecture this olaaa oontributed sir christopher wren f to art sir jbahua beydolda to heroitni lord nelaon tito daughters of the olergy may not be overlooked mme trollope mra barbanld jane taylor ellzibeth carter tbe brontes and mrs stowe how many sons of mlnlaters have become eminent in oivil life henry clay burr the everstts down to prealdenta arthur and cleveland we are prepared for monsieur de candollea figure r and for his aasertion that tbe tons pt olerioal tamiliea have aotnally surpasaed during 300 years in their contributions to the roll of eminent scientist the slmiliar contri butions ot any other data of families not excepting those that belong to scientific professions physicians surgeons and ohemiats s surface measurement to and tbo quantity ot oarpet required to cover a floor divide tbe number of eqriare feet of floor area by tbe area covered by one yard of oarpet example what quantity of a soinoh oarpet would be required to oover a room h ft by 10 ft allowing nothing for waste 10- multiplied by 14 equals u4 iq ft trreaof floor s multiplied by 3 eojoala 7j eq it area of 1 yard of carpet 221 divided by 7 equals 292 yards rurahlred a talk to business boys w onoe knew a boy who wbb a olerk in a larcce mercantile house whioh employed aa eolry olerka balesmen shipping- olerks buyers and bookkeepers eighty yonng men btbides a small army of porters paakera trookraen the boy of fou felt that amid knob a oroyd he the professors baby when i waa a medical student in the university ot pennsylvania said the doctor tbe boys oelebrated an interesting event in the domestlo life of one of the professors in- a nnique way the news that the favorite professor was a happy father reaohed the atudanta on tbnrsday morning and that attornoon arid evening there was ophsultaflon held all oyer the university buildings and sundry dimes and quarters were colleoisd by two or throe ot the students who constituted a sort of flnanoo ooromittee every friday morn ing the professor gave a ieotnre to the students in the amphitheater the subject for the lecture tbat week waa tbe relation of the sympathetic nervous syetem to the nerve centers of the brain and half an hour before the time eet for the ieotnre every man in the class which numbered about 850 was in hit place waiting for the fan to begin and glanolng now and then toward the three long operating tables in tfaeeenler oflbe roomr- promptly at 10 oclock the door opened and therfavorite profeaapr entered tbe amphitheater be oarefnlly oloswd tbe door behind him then with aeelfeonsoiapb blearing of his throat turned toward the class a his aral glanoe bii jaw fell while every one of the 860 fiends lit the seats above began to yell at tbe top of hie longs spread oat upon the three long operating tables were abbut160 babys toys and furnishings of every kind and descrip tion there were rattles by the dozen noahs arks dolls of all sizes a toy oooklng stove a baby oarrlage an embroidered flannel pettiooal a nursing bottle lying in a graduated glass a pair of little blue kid shoes and other thloga too onmeroua to mention after the first shook of surprise and embarrassment the professor visa game be thanked as in a apeeoh peppered with fivesyllabled words for oar ihooghtf ulness in thus providing for the frilure needs of bis offspring but he observed at tor a parefdl examination of the various instruments of infantile delight spread out before him that wo had forgotwtrooa thing a botlleotparegorlo then ha yawned in a way auggeatlve ot midnight vigils and tamed his attention to tbo relation of tha sympathetic nervous system to the nerve center of the brain bat he was not allowed to prodeod beyond tbe flrat sentence or two his attention waa drawn to the blaokboard where some alndent of artlstlo- undenoise had drawn an elaborately deooratad design in red while and bins ohak is marriage a failure rihe poor professor seeing tbat thre was no pomlbllliy of a serious lectors thv morning entertained ns for about ten mlna tea on the text posted on the blaokboard then after invltingjok all to vialt the nerwoomar in the imnuedlata f otore hs marohsd off to the rpnalo of 8j0 volpes singing go taaoblmp my lllue piokanlnny and idaddywoalut buy me a bowwow it wast lost to notice and that any effort he might make would he quite unregarded eyerthelesb be did his duty every morning at eight oclock he waa promptly in ills place and every power that he ppsseiaed waa bvpugbt to boar upon his work after be had been there a year he bad oooasion to ask a weeks leave of absesnoaduring the busy aeasph that was the reaporiaeb an unuaual xequeat npd one whioh ia admewhat inconvenient for us to grant but for the purpose of bhowlng yoo tbatwe appreolate the efforts yoa have made since yonhave been with us we take pleaanre in giving you thelpave- of obienoe for wbiob yon aek i didnt think said the boy when he came bbme tbat night and rotated his sucoeis that they krievv a thing about me bnt it seems that they have watched ma ever since i have been with them tfaey had indeed watobed him and teleotod bim for advancement for shortly aftesrwards be was prohioted jtpa- position oftrnst with appropriate inoreaso of salary it moat bo so sooner or later for there- is always a demand for excellent work aboywiiomeans to build op for himself a anobeaafnl business will find it a long and difquit taskeven if he brings w bear efforts both of mind snd body but ho who thinkato win without doing bis very best will find himself a loaerjp the race stjccess most follow the fair use of dr williams pink pills that is the experience of mrs sydney briioe of deseronto who had buffevred for many vers7wlihrkumatlsm and catarrh of tho bowels from the tbinunb deearontb odr attention was lately direoled upon a resident of deeeronio whloh illustrates in a marked way the merits of that widely known health restorer xr williams pink pills we refer to the oure of mrs drnoe ifbttift8idneydrnoroaretakerotthe hlgta school building being desirous ot giving our readers tbe foots a reporter of the tribune otlled at mra droooe reel denoe and- ia therefore enabled to preaasut onr readers with the following lacta wbiob can be vouohed for by many neighbors and friends of the family mrs drnoe had from the early age of ten years bean a euffeirer from ruenimatism and had endured an untold ambnnt ot suffering from this dire disease she bad triedscores of different medicines to dispel tbe malady but in vain dootora told her ii was impossible to eradicate the dlaeaso f rbm ber system and ehe had at taat become resigned to the belief that rbpnmatiiitrjwas tnourable iii addition to rberafnatlim about seven years ago ehe begavn tosuffer from catarrh of tbe bowels with lie attendant headaches and depres sion of spirits the pain ot tho rheuma tism and constant headavobea wore ber oo the doctors prescribed opiates which dullaxllbe pain but did not repel the die- ease tbo two diseases continued to make steady headway and at times she tell snoh pain that abs-could- not even allow bar husband to raiae or move her the neigh- bora thought she could never get up sgain all kinds pf remedies were suggested and msny otlhem tried hut all in vain prov identially a mra druoe expressed ii the 4 frfbui a oor dusanob on oath and alutael plan any oommnnloatlona forwarded to myaddreaa itextra or tatepboia ss w1u be promptly ettsridadto jrja tayiob agent guelph aoyom machine and repair shops bbrtbtoblhdbrjl joprletor stock is now doming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and sub otjr new linbs a bb weil sqnipped wisti avll the maehlnerv uvnseeesarvtosawi h arvauaaajrlooltarallra saiaaari to jaitnta all repalra to maehln- a arlooltarallniplments and to do all fin taattataotpryrnadnar wlnawiw or implsmsnt gamaiuig ana nllng dons jorseoslnuonsrl repairs penpi e nmn vafonned we oaa repair any of any make saw w tlams milti 8t cooper a ak1ns main st aoton eiiia jtfo tlfutuaclsfjvyeoiby ksi- siijiii i itana oa ator length always filer i im not a little girl 1 was 18 last week pardon me yonng lady bnt oan you tail me something ot the hsll what tort of plaosltlt ob it is a grand old plaoe wltb great stons porticos and marble mantele carved to represent gods and godesms and tbs celling all frescoed in blss and goldsuosau and a big conservatory wiib blue pmlon flowers flaming cacluass arid orange trees with real orsnges on them ob its so nloeaonioel laals lisle yoo are talking far mors than is neceassry go to your frenob immedisulyr v and as tbs abashsd damsel obeyed he heard blanobe say i bignuyontbsfamlly i nothiogbnt a mnfldsiiiohjrkv antipitowlalrbsd idpotoillksblm itss traps some must forqet while aervlng as a nurse in a oerlaln oily in new york state i became aware of lhesa facte there are boys that hays ambition nerve and plank also gifts tnat have tbs ssme good quallies there are boy that lw those good qualities also girls bat ifound a girl pould not stand the wear and tear day in and day put that a boy oould al men may not know ibis fact i ihlok soma muat forget if they do beoanae they jscrn to think ijis wife oan stand at much hard work as tbay can i81lasq0reker uround f co smalt dollticiani want to talk to yoo sir about a ramark yoa roads aboat in yourpapsr you called rasa polltica johii v fey ifttyss it was a very- annoying phldrerrtr and i promptly fired bro r do yoa think i would stoop to book oan vaaeing the pastor somewhat warmly sloop to canvassing i belter- men than ypu have caovaaaed i put myself through college with a- book prospectus snd 1 know many aaoceaaful rpen who got their atari in life as oanvaaters my youngest son is oanfafslng now and he nfakes enoogh at tha basinets to pay his way atthsdnlvsraity 1 loduoed s nian who tailed in basins to taks tip oanvarttlng and he made enough money to start business sgialn i gave the sam advioe to a yonng mechanic who was out of smployrneht aud ha- is now a prosperous publisher why some of the biggest men in history have been book agente i stoop to 0b vaialog t you are vary fortunate thatjon can stoop ppto it i advise yoa 6swyl brtdeyoarrttoo co tmanov ipumjkhv us0b ararbfrit a diffiouut feat piaj6blrtfjv jwcj iwrps robbisr if vf ry isnt this ttutar a trlfis- strong asked the timid boarder while lbs liabdladwmititil thei-iwtii- aipoisftircfrg lit these heavy wiobitsmplla jb facetlpu lbinlsjjwb ajcft grlhiisir fork rltiili vivj esrml fwpwxvssstfii selingmi and mm m jify0mj0 use o xr wllliama pink pills was men- tioned it waa not until tbo end of the tscpnd box that she realized any benetu she then began to realise tliat the was regaining strength before she mentioned this to others her husband alao observed- the obange for be remarkbd one daiy lhoellls seem to be doing you some goodvyou look livelier than you hats for somajurnr she oontiaiued the ase of dr wllfitms pink pills until aha bad taken toprteen boxes with the gratifying and atmoli remarkable reanlta that tbs was ooroipietely cured ot the rhcumatltm and catarth not a solitary symptom ot either tfottjbleremalnlnif mr drnce was present durwgitne interview and oonflrmed all that huiillfabad saidandwaeat delighted as sijpio prtlsiog thltta pfdrl williams elulapillb mridruoo said thai out of gl to bauthaditoldsopreaot tuflarers from virtues of the the undoubted f3g hor life bhe hoped follow her plan of giving jljaftd prolonged trial at she lhal in the end success ollow as iu her own case mu

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