Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1899, p. 2

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suorrrhwontnin quel ph on wednesday march istb to prof and mrs a e shuttle worth o a 0 a oil married 4 mutiiikaon lawson ip quelub on tuesday 7ui march alexander mcgregor tfaiaaga- weya to uella tlausutor of un andrew lw- hou acton luinrron iixniiaj at the home of mr bob- art hnmiltou urokwood on wednesday usud mircb by llav x godden m a charles heiiuam tq mlm lena hamilton lianr anmbhon the residence of th waauw iiuutuw ivuhmjuu bluuulvofl murati mr chariot basby eldest aon of jos opu xiaiby esq tq hebeoce daughter of the lata bodjamln audonod bag ecuott ooanuf at the homo of the brides lumber liower ateauoaotonon wednesday evening s3ud march by iuv h a uaopherr y ijop dr ah elliott of gtwroetown ion of john t elliott eaq aoton to hale daughter of tba uto jamee b oobban d1bd ai mccluhjiiu aotoo od tuesday ant warob muy morrow wife of joseph tfoolure aged 03 years and 11 months iikatt at the reeldenoe of hla sonlnlaw tor onto on wednesday lath inst jamm batty q 0 a natlro of helton countyaged 81 yean iflit jfm 3rm thursday mar0h 53 1889 notes a com judging from tbe legiilation now before tho local ljgmaturo a iwotblrda vote ol ho pebplo will hereafter be required to seonre exemptions to msoofsotnrerb from municipalities aooordlng to returns reoeived by tbo provincial board of health the deaths in ontsrio daring tho month ot februsry amounted to 2568 or 137 per oent per annum this ia the highest death rata yet reached in ontario being equivalent to to 80800 a year from all oaoiei tbo homeaeekera exourelon ran by the canadian faolflo bailway isstweek was almost twice ai largo ap any started on that date in any previous year in all 676 adnlle and 01 ohildnn were carried to the wst and the train which waa ran in six eeotlons included 74 outbade of efleoll mr joseph obatoberlein secretary of state for the colonies has introduced a bill ia the hooae ot opmmooi empowering local authorltlei to advance money to email oconpleri to acquire ownership of mall houses on the principle of the irish litndact and the small hoidlnge act he eald he thought luoh a metiuxe wond make belter citizens and provide at popular form of thrift tho bill provides that 210 may be advanced on houses of the vslaeofjljsoo j the- ipeeoh from tho throne at the opening of the hones of oommoni at ottawa but week mpae the following reference to the takpn gold fields maoh information hubecn obtained einbe you iaitmet relative to the extent and valae of the depoaite of rold- and valuable minerals in the yukon- and other parti of canada the retnrne from the yukon have eo far been nffleiant to moot the heavy expenditure jlwat found necessary to inoor for the purposed maintaining law and order add it hai been thought expedient in tbe pribllo iptuiat to aothorlae the oopatrnotlon of a- line of teleftrapb for the pnrpoie o maintaining speedy bomnaqnioation- with the people of these diatant terrltorlsa iotone example in eaubllahlng mnnlol- pal elect rlo linhtlnd is likely to be followed by othor towns the burlington ctauuc of laat week glfei thepattloolarireapeollng ooil reoentlypobluhedby tbefampbaai and com menu as follows why can we not do tbe same thing here f we haws as live tnerohanti and oltlrene aa any olhsr town has and thart m no donbl whteterj that iltble matter waa ahoronghly diaogtaed house qf co parliament opened by lord mlnto under brilliant surroundlnsts ispeech from the throrie ottawa marobaa the opening of parlianienl last thursday was an nnuiual- ly brilliant effalr viewed from every possible standpoint lord mlulos urat offiolal appearanoe ou parliament hill was alllcoiu xne crowd mat rvccivird him outilde the parliamerit baildinga wae numbered by thotiiaude while iuiide the oroih was eo great both npon the floor of the senate and in tbe gilleriea that every available- bit ofspaoe was oocnpled the senate chamber penally so sombrr digni fied and venera6ie was tnrned ino a very garden of beanty by tbe brlllalnt toilets of the jadiea the eriiecn robu xnx tunohs i ills excellency aald in meellnu you fortbre flrat time einoe entering within nrty duties as the repraaentative of her majesty in thia uominltid ll ffords me great pleas ure to be able to congratulate you on tba large degree of prosperity which the people of canada at preient enjoy a svidenbed by the expapaiod of tradeandcomoaeroej the flourishing ooddllion of publlo revepnes and the increased number of immlgranta who have beooms permanent settlers amongst us to those evldenoee maybe added another wbiobia even more gratify ing tbe almoit total oeaiatlpn of the oonalderabla exodus of onr popnlation which at one time was a regrettable feature ot oar affairs continuing reference was made to tbe treaty negotiations tho yukon paying its way a redistribution bui and tbe formal business of the eessinn hovtoo thb adbbesal hf bell the member for east prinoe moved the adoption ot the address to hit exoeueney in riling to do so he was greeted by applause from the government benches mr bell olaimed the indulgence ot bis hearers while he set out upon what he termed an unknown lea his flrat referenoe was to that portion of the speech which spoke of trade proeperily evidence of ibis prosperity was ho laid not laoklng in the awelllrig trade and revenue of the country b- then proceeded touohing upon the industrial activity immigration propeots the joint commisiiod penny poitage preferential tariff- etc mr martlneau montmagny aeoonded the addreaa in frenoby rostii aiysnuk nicniasma fostmssterqensral mnlooks report shows that the dsflcit in bis department has been reduced from 781163 in 180590 to i 1 c an a has been mada on mauroarrylng oontraoia ot 497731 tbe number of postoffloee has been iooreased by 170 ainoe 1890 it is eillmated that the number of ieiters in 1h98 exceeded the previous ysar by 1115000 in addition to letters handled last year thin were 38168000 poitoardl 8581500 regiatered ieture 6678000 free letter s0c05oo0 newspapers and periodicals as wall as otbsr matter a dy8pe r buttered from thiepietresslnir mal ady for many montha founc only one medicine to help him and ptaoel betors tbe ralepaysrf in plain facia and flgorei that burlington would oon posaeas ai good an eleolrlolljbt plant aa any town of iti size thero il no reason why tbe corporation cannot put in a plant of ila owb and derlvo some beheflt tbers from there are not half a down bniioess men in town who would not disoard the ancient oil light for tbe electric and we feel latiifled that aobrea of residents would also adopt the new lyitem the ooet per year ji no greater than oil and there il no dirt or work or breaking ohinj- neyi with the elsctrio light let burling ton bo in front ffiebprbbs job printing db jvnvelopea received we think tbem vory nice and and are well latiifled with them am b chine mloh mr j a e toronto aays ai you will see by ibis i reoelveoltbs lelurheaoti and anvelopsaj to say that i am thoroughly satii9edwlth the work is putting it very mildtaitwic cards vsrj satisfactory the 8400 ordered have been reoelvsd print s00 mori making the arder 5000 w f l cv-anejliiv- vv tba two jobs of printing rscelred tbey were entirely satisfactory bbonld we in tbaf olurersqaira mora we will bs pleased to give you lbs order 0 s e sarnla tbs farming oommnnlty at fort robin son and many miles around are intimate ly acqosihteov with mr harvey hortqn he li a young mm only 28 years of age who farms in summer and follows a ateam threiher in antumn and winter while yet 10 yonng he his had his share t or pain and iloknase par reporter hearing of mr hortons afflletlon sought an interview with him wben he learned the rsporteea atrabd be readily consented id impart full ptsiliiwblchsjegiven praotloally in his own words ii do jiot court uewipansr nrj hi yet 1 am not afraid to say a kind word for dr wllllaroi pink villi for pale people- in the summer of 18971 wsi sadly afflloted with stomaoh lri a deranged liver and general ty my entirs system waa in a mor- iuomtjpij i fall aa though t had an oppressive wilght on tny itomaoh snd eat ing waa sometimes followed by nanses my nights were made hideous with un pleasant dreams i tried a good physician sns be doctored me for liver trouble aod driptpsis but wlthons avail and for a year oould find no renisdy that would ours me i fell perfeatiy worn out had no iirsngthsppetite energy i was prevailed npon by airland from a dlitanoe to try dr willlatna pjpk plils i prir- chaaed two boxssin june 1899 although i thought myself beyond cure yet the flril box had each a lorprising effect tbet i look conrsge aa my strength gradually began to rstorn i oontinoed taking the pille sod now after uilng nlns boxes i feel wm ararand am in spltuaid iijfcsoanvaavdindrt wblliiefors all food soured op my ilom achandoipaed awful dutress i oan now enjoy ufa and am atlifled thai dr wil- llami pjnkpiile have saved uis from un told eufforlhg iwlplf atthebob the municipal council counollor fvlurraj makes hla j dablaratlon- and takes soati tbe cppnail met on munlsy evening in regular aeaiion members preient rceie pesraon councillors pjark clarke and fianoia and councillorelect j a murray this was mr murrays first attendance tbu ym i ahianou in the eaet elooe new years hi confreres groeted him cordially andexpreeied pleaeuire that be bad at aat arrived to relieve them of a share of tbe responiiblltiea ot the work of the council mr murray subscribed to bis dnolara- tionsof oflloe and of quatidaatlons and took hla nest the committee on finanoe presented their ilxib report snd reoommeuded pay ment of tbe followiugaoooouts w a jobnaon blectrto co supplies emu j barvey rolihtanddutyoaooal si 10 b i moore prlntlob 23 is canadian general eleotrlo co sup- pliesa 90 79 divll atllli teamldg etc la 03 thomas brunt oosulngpowerlouao v 1s5 beardmore belting co laclog 80 asots moved by it a murray eeoouded by 1 franoli that the sixth report ot the oommlttee on finsnoe juit iread be adopted carried tbeobalrman ftiked the advice of the council in the matter of planting treea in the park he favored the experiment of removing trees from the busb and planting tbem while the frost wae in tba grnnnd the matter will be duly considered tbeconnoil decided to discontinue the morning eervioe of electric light this week aa the sun rises early enough todiipenie with the lervioe the morning pervioe baa been provided gratuitously by the council to the pat ot the light it was not been very tnuoh done inpbb to asked for but it has appreciated and has popularise the system this is one of the sdvantagis of a muniolpal eleotrlo lighting plant it belongs to the people and ia operated with a view to giving the greatest poailbls apodmmodation the goanoil adjourned at 8 oclock inspector deaco advice to tho teaohers in tho cpunty publlo sorioole the annual report of j b deaoon pnblio sobool inspector presented to the county council at its laat meeting oontalus thp following advice for teachers 1 give prominence to the tbree ba with proper development of the phyaioal mental and moral f aoulties including selfpontrol 2 teaoh literature before reading and thuravoid guessing and btumbliog 8 insist upon round regular writing evenly spaced in every form 4 oivo no exeroiis that will tend to deteriorate the writing 5 avoid so tnuoh transoripllon that popilsbeobma careless aa to form site and neatneie of letters and words 0 have all lablea learned thoroughly and impross svery rule by an abundance of elmpleproblema solved mentslly 7 teaoh so thoroughly and keep pupils so well employed throughout sobool boura that vbomework can be wholly diioarded be rednoed to a minimum halton 8pr1nq a88ize8 the charge against samuel derry of the campbellvllle mall case olamleaad neighborhood news news iterris sunplleo by corres- pondonta and bxonanges crewson8 corners we would like to know were some of the sure ligna of early aprlng wltoh ipnie of local writers wore proud to liereu forth during the puet fewweeki have gone bptlug hai no doubt canoelied all ehgage- roeuti until some f nrthur date avood bees and aprlng work in general willihortly be tbo order ot the day mr geo knox intenda oloslng his ebopplngmill for this season on friday march 81at a nnmber from this vlolnity intend taking in the free concerts lu acton- ibis week a few from this vioimty attended a aopial party at mr- 8 bootiv near eden mill on friday night last mr andmrs j armstrong attended the funeral of mrs armstrongs father in erin last week l mr j coleman left on saturday for hamilton to take a pavilion nlghl engineer on the steamer ilaccaaar mr ohai gamble and hit eoulin miss ctsnnls campbell of buffalo spent a few dsys laat week visiting friends in elora mrs b watklns who lias been spending several moutbi iu nprval returned to her borne la thia vicinity last week mrs watklna is muoh improved in health mr w cann and miss a canu of tiuther apeut a few daya last week at mr geo oanuv mr and mra james ramahaw epeut a day in lowville last week rookwood the spring anises of this oopnly were held at milton on monday before mr jusiicsroae there waa but one civil and one orlralnlal esse on tbe dooket this was tb e e h d f i having robbed tbe mail at campbellvllle on the 12th january last the grand jury did not consider the evidence agslnit the prisoner sufboient to put him upon his trial snd threw out the bill opnieqaently berry was released from custody without trial oheerful lookscant crown a fssit nolens tbs ooffee is all right f relief in a bay the red letter promise that never falls in cases of the severejt and most chroulo stomaoh rdnbjes io naingdr von stans pineapple tablets nature decreed he pineapple ai one of bumauitya great panaoeaa medical aoienoe bas sesrobed it out and now its at the door of every sufferer a pleasant and poeitivs pure 85 cents sold by a t brown mr and mrs george clarksou were presented with a bandaome pair of easy chairs by ibelr rockwood friends on the oocaalon of tbeir leaving for islington geo smith the agent ot the maiiey- harrii co had a great display of implement here aothnreday of laatwetk all the maohinery for spring delivery was unloaded at the station and a group ef about fifty of tbs buyers with tesms and wagons were photographed with tksir purchases the farmers were treated to their dinners st the expense of the maney harrii co a meeting of the officers and patrons of the cheese faotory was held- last tuesday the treasurers report waa read aqd officers for the enioing year eleoted mr t west formerly atstionagent here was in town last week a large crowd attended the carnival on it uit bum very good ouitumls were od the ice those in oottome winning prizes were best coitume ladyf 1 mils manning 2 mies lee best oostnms gentlemens john btracbsn girls race roia bertram boys rice a bolton among other ooitumei noticed were the following girli m monro gypsymaid b oummiugafanoy ooitumb k bernard nurse a bertre aunt nanoy n egertcn autumn a collins summer a hsmiltcn sonflower m cnmmlngs italian girl e gllleapie globe h hearst peasant f hamilton nurse j hewat highland girl li holden red- rldiogboodm dyer innriae boyi e hamilton uncle bain w lundy poster bill e fordaometljlng awell e wood farmers boy c collloi negro swell 0 warner pickaninny h lee spaniard h sbckett tramp g socket put o date h dyer wencb m mupro- indlau among all the mocking horrorb of chronic ind- gestioii and liver com plaint node ii more unbear able than that dreadful sen sation of gid- diness in tt lllrh the whole world iridoorsorqut becme to swlih around before the sight in the most sickening and nauseating manner until ones entire being becomes faint aim wretched with inde scribable misery i wan auncjiiis witli wlint the loctore enj chronic indlfrcatlon torpid liver nml verh writefl mre blartha k nnrlmni ttf new prince geortte co va the doctor did mc no good my syinptonik were rldllucai in the need palm lu lite client and all uneasy feeling- alt over x also sliflcrcd with female weakneu i was oil rundown niiaconla not do any work at all without luiflerlnff from nervoun nt- ucjcs i wrote todr r- v rlerce of nultalo k v for adtdec he ndvlncd to tine drrlercea oblden medlcnr dicoery and favorite pre acriptloti r did ho and lined five bottlca of eacn and i cannotexprenn the benefit i have received from these medicine i gained in health and strength when i cornnieueed to uie the medicines- 1 weighed ontyiu nonnds uovri weigh 140 pounds i thank god and ir piercefor my recovery my husband ane frienda all thought i would die but today 1ani a wellwonlau the wonderful effecta of this trreftt dis covery are genulncaiid permanent they are not due to any false or alcoholic stimu lus foritcontainsno alcohol real sub etantial healthy nmsuclnr strength is biiilt up the stomach and liver are tonedthe blood ispurined and vitalized the nerves are steadied tbe entire constitution is re juvenated and renewed in case of constipation there is nothing quite so effective as dr- pierces pleasant pellets tbey act comfortably though surely they do not gripe you dp not be come a slave to tbeir use their effect is lasting- there are countless substitutes but nothing else is like them coal business changed j-c- hill hajparchesod theooalbabliiess of mr john moquean and la prepared to deliver flnt class boranton coal lu fornaos stove and nut alee promply and to tbe bat faction of custo mers genarally ibavo alio porohaaed the wulgb scales and will give prompt attention to all orders or thoir use j chill active solicitors wanted everywhere for vthe btorvof the phlllpplnee by marat halsmdeommuaionodbytdi qoveroment aa offlelal butorian to tbe war department tbe book was written in army oamps at san fran- etsoo en tbe paeiflo with oeneral merrltt in the hospitals at honolnla in hobg kontf in tbe amerioan trenobec at manila in tne insurgent oamps with agalnaldo on the deolc of tbe olympla with ijeway and in the roar of battle at tbe fall of manila bonause for afienta brimfol of original plotnres taken by govern ment photographers on the spot large book itowprtoes blffptoflts freloht paid credit tf i ooofllcla boo dotflt free address f t baitbeb beey star innraneo ballding oblcsgo 3nrlline iiing dress i acpis i disbiiax i kv t mrok iqitli i2th and am- r unusual preparations have been made by ulfor this important event we will place before the public a grander display of drees goods and millinery than has been come early as we find it td a greater extent etch season that the finest thinga get picked out the fiist days of the opening by connoisseurs in millinery we will perpetrate no panegyrics on our work butinvite every lady to see for herself the triumph of the millinery art a free ride tocuelph ery lady coming by train andtbuylug lioooworth ol millinery and dress to ever goods we i allow a sum equal to the full are from acton to guelph tlie frak01iibr co guelph su savings a loan co head office r toronto ont autorind capital boo0o0o0o bismarcks iron nerve was tbe result of hla splendid health indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach liver klrin b sas s breeder if yon want these qualilel and tbe aucoesi they bring uaodr kings new life fills they develop every power of brain and body only 25 oeoti at j d mckeel tenyear maturity shares are paid monthjy instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 8600 paid in maturity value jioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan 0 repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton v 1998 we continue daily to open up goods of the latest novelties for spring attire new black dress goods our range of biac all wool goods from i 25c per yard to 200 new black sateen ribbons and gloves newest patterns mrints extra value in sheet- ings pillow cottons and musljris large variety in wools utiions and hemp carpet new floor oil cloth in 1 ij i arid 2 yd widths j extra value in lace curtains art muslin scrim cent8 furhf8hlng8 latest shapes in isnglish and american hard and soft felt hats t v newest novelties in ties braces and collars leadership in crocerless m feg0 bring your custom logs andtke the lumber home with you in a palnlsis photographer is more needed than a painless dentin remabkablh rescue never szplsin any blunder worth the name esplaios itself volcanic eruptions are grand but skin eruptions 10b life of joy bucrklens arnioo salve ourei them alio old bnnnlng and fever sores tjioers boils fslonl corns warts guts bruises burns soslds obapped handa chilblains y best pile ouro on earth drives but pains and aches ours guaran teed bold by j d mdkee a prbb r to quelph the frank dowlsr oo anhodnoe ibalr millinery opening ana drssi goods dliplsy for tdeadaj waanaibajf l arj thondiyi fbtmh ssthj iih iwdvflo satiauaai la this wellknown nrm that jhjr m goom wiiraelftbnhtossrstofto a imliijirtm lidr atjlo by t worth of mil jlniry and opening la lhmf italic fad jltvkne lot march arfe6veslilustrstedriiolseh ot maruri- pssll sad lo turlobebearttr litotwpiirb ilnt iprivjtiinafoor remiiuiibftplotprii wblob have attrsujtid spciitenfyou aplveroiuurstudybfdlsrasll rdumutmoar of bllaabatb ohnr aiuwifcfr piroilrhvindsallaofthe bootbobo ov sbiaiai jjaf bttiitiptiilt of bi9rt douldd ryadalf jw marpbanlbvaniir thsfims to put oat a- flrs is when it mtomjramjpliaiija like a dra in tbs bsglnnirig jt is easy to oore t lotirtriigoeaontnemore it d thp flrtlalgn when tbo oough barlai and whip flash ie loeticure it with bhllobs opbbaad uoeattmplloo ours u esntav moanuarid floos bottle tour money refunded if it falla to core kobody baaavar discovered what pallbsarars at a f unsrsl tbihk abonl when thb whistlb blows it il a algnaltbat the iralb is oomloa orjmfiaijd atulyodvwkenyonopbgb it la signal that oohsumpt6n is oomlogj and you hi better look ool t oonmmpt la to itop thp conss wayteiaep i l ukaamioli mrs miobiel curtain plaineeld iii makes the statement that abs caught bold which ssttlad on her lungs she was treated for a month by her family pbyslclao but grsvr worse he told ber sba wis a hopeless yiotim of oonsumpiion sndthst no msdloins oonld oars hlr hsr drurilia anggeated jsungi nsw dlsbprtry for oonirimptlon 1 aha booght ia iusmdtibef delight to banehtled from the flrit ilose she oon- llnusd iu usij and after taking six bolllsa fpuhdbersslf soond snd well 8ho now does biir ownbpoaswork nd is as well aa arar ha itiit sold by j d mokee largs bolue 60 osnu and iiop qanjamciiadiyaari is otmi mriimiliijlyg1itib- monay rsfbnded if it falls 0 oure tpbao what wewaiiyi rlohra 10 have what oibornfsn want is power stobvijyfl to be bound bjtna snd foot for yssrs by the online of disease ll tb worst form of alawyaw tsrmloh tills hbwauofl a have was mrte fra he ays f vmwis basnreu jjc belutswnyeiiivihriiha tvtpf istf blllatiraiiiimxla 4 flatterer is ooniidered an enemy wben imit many a iealikln ploak is av sign that the wearsrbai seen better daa- ji i- ths svirata wotnab hurna ooal as it aba wers io business with tbs coal dealer a mm never gets so deaperata that be doaettlrebowoongeinsdiclsrimtes 1 thars sre uo irampa in alsaka because in jhat ollmats men have to work io keep twirpl- the brantf brd oil and gaa syndicate is boring lor gaa near tba old tills range in ijeljih- r y mr o a robinson managsr of huf bankof british north amer lea kingston himigti nv v tbs nprtb pols is llks a worrfana podkst evsrybpdfknows wbirs it abould be but llndcljr ttnca it y wm tarnboll birrlalsr of oalt has been appbintedvpoatmsatsr there tbe salary li aboptllaoo vmiiiwhvisaj a he caudiink or leave ualcpbla not aacpbleot leaving it alpnafibelipfarlnklpg- i-i- trjisrtli i wjji an aooty ipne gaa machine exploded at zariob waterloo coonly one day tail week in merner broi general store completely demblisbingths building the foroe waiso great as to blow oat the aide and front alaowreoklog a number ol bandings onlhe opposite ilde of the etresl and ehatlsring windows two blooluidlitanl the shook was felt for three miles the loss on itook li eitlmatsd at about 1000 newhopefor thebyipeptio dr von btapa pieippls xablsts ire the jjjfipap tloy hfttjtftjf rant imdonirerthaybobwu id toidrlopa drag jorijiiieviiiitonlh the most djauoat apd isdeatlvemomabh aid dlgiitldn stop fernnntalionof the food good for the blood good fot tbe nerves good for tbe brsin make flesh increase curs iusatpbisoh 86 oenu sold by a t brown mr wa nn amakers advice tomklni good morning mr wanns- maker i have oalled to ssslf jrppiriiiive mi a paltloa in yoir tabiliimenl i oan turn my hand to almost anything dspeirlmint ahd you ars tbe twsnllith man i have refused today why dont youtakanpwlloeld whlehsheie lass oompellilon and better pay r tomklni iii obiy be too thankful if you can pat me on track of rush a poll- tion s7vtsrs lumber pianino vivi t mills nassaravveya heia ulifrtisfttnta private sale of household furnitopb and effe thb wliolo of the houieboid furnltara and ouier effects belonging to the lata william ismond also the articles about the barn wllrbe dlapoaed of by private lain pardee may call at any time during the day or evening terms cash tenders will bo received until noon of tbe flth day of april for tbe posltlou or oaretalier of knox obnrob aoton partloalara m to the duties of tbe offloo may be learned at tbe offloa of dr b aj mokeague the lowest or any ten- dsr qotneoessarlly accepted odavidkon chairman 1 8 a uokhaouk u x be6retary oardof uaoigers upijodate bqiineal methods nd prsotloe sretaqgbt tbororisbly at tbe oubuph business college and shortliand iiistitute individual tnluon no class es spring tsrm wtllooramanoeon snsssay april sip i if yon are interested a any way wrlto lor circulars jlbllallpprinolpa rgckmood at q t rstatjqif highest cash pride for wheat oat peaa barley rye buck wheat eto for the oontsnlenca of farmers i will keep the following kinds of goods on band whleh i willsell at reek bottom qnelph briosrfsed oorn bbl and seek belt land ballvdalry and sable bauktertonadfloidloatloar oatmeal srnmeal beans tot barley flax and heal ouoake clover and tlmotfiy baits baltpetre etc seed sulphur geq j thrp 8lhble flratclrass fare going llareh 30th to april ardlnolnslvo return- rosnp toandlnotudtaj aprlltthrlbuo between all atations fuoenadaxart bprodand deuoit mloh and to but not fiiom bnlfslo hlaok bock snapeneion bridge and niagara- falla ny irmi ewr- ftrnirit on surrsnder vfoerflflesteslinied by brlnilntl single flrstolass tare and pnerttjnl bstwssa stations inqsnida wmtoftatbmiu7- west of ilontrssl togaibeettoaaaitsw brantwlok ancvnovaseotis r r- cuing marob lrth to april lit lnolnilve rtturs- lag up to and including april loth 1809 tickets rates and all information from agents of grand trunk hallway system h s holmes agent aoton o dickson dlatfassr agt toronto 90 wyndham st today and every day during the week ib will b e a at ou s i l p proprietor has constantly on hand a full tine ol lurnw lath shinglea oedar posts woodj jbto custom jogs and bill sruffcnt to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket psayers coo tfcakins aregoirigto make suits viplat avblcx reduc- tion diiing ithis month in order to u make room for our bnog ws5poii a suit or pc0fat is your pppbrtuhity u during this jntialivfahaviiispect6ttr stock pncfes vyill be right and all work guaranteed first- class and up to date coop rakin8 main st acton newest styles in uptodate spring hats we direct special attention to tbe following leading lines of hats the henry carter the wkefleld and nslsons bpeqlal these hits an high grade and guaran teed both as to quality style and color any man wearing one of this popular make dl hats rosy rest assured that bo is in the front rank of fashion and alio that he will get absolute satuntction our prices for these bate are 8250 and 2vs- we have bats from sloo to 226 aa well but we call special attention to above line as they are the best makers of english hats nnd areatrictty uptodate see them and be convinced caset aud biacriuae quelph jstamaant tafoiv oeafs rrumiahsr oveltlet w iikh citttntv li imrtlimlis liof llltis- llnfbnue ralsettm overllei which eaunot l imd ebwwnms fautlful enkrrea plates and hnndreda of lllru- tratlbna rnm rwlare rlvrs practical infimba u6nor ail u would ratal tka voetawes nil mnyhetrtlftal see what you can get at flourmfewstore mill street aoton best family flour norval brand pure manitoba queen all kinds of mill feed all kinds of chopped grain baledhay ollcake another car corn just in biobisst pbicxscasb ror 100000 bvsbxjs bacb knn or orajk weherebysjllclt your patronage nnd would like to buy your grain istearns product for tin point of variety id perfect work in every detail i believe to be without a peer ta the woifd- dont buy an inferior whkbl when you can get a stearns for the aamembney or less iisthfilc7v kotoii ajhobisit twi fjh agsitwsa a alranger in a atrange land with neither worl nor ntoney whsn a friiod of mfni if lawyer advised mi to tatovbppkabanoysaylngnwbadwuoatsd hlmmirbcabvmilngillksdrownlngjnen grasp at straws it took his sdrloe and in flsearijaidvanuwitb tbla eum startsd mypirsmdl boalotss ii i jon tbjftibtidwttl braduyoirreiion oompioy llmlled of wiw raipit and to hla txaotlfol litttra lodiood ay6yi oweanubhofmyfp yes yooog man it you have anything in ujimoi march 3jnd 1899 hamiitnmb pavrtitp grtopwmft pr trw fomamai cqmihoi tlllwnttimmreiaust dutsnswyorkptjlsdlphtiailtoronlo pptkal-collegea- t call early and avail yourself of his vajuablejservicesns this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free o charge no guess work but a scientific certainty difn- cult cnses accurately fitted an work duarantlsbd atsriiisywdlaitarlvau hien i arnewahdfel acton thubbday april 6th 1899 smbj jllwintv tfkip tnrtiiaof thia flrra jfor iglhta iovyasrs vr k opening bkhtoppkul week ia unmlmouily conceded to have been the most succeaiful evept in tho hlitory of haml ton and indeed we yrppld have been surprised bidit not beep so aa our preparation ibis year sjsffifflffaastj vptei kale than ever before nopttvlous ajnngbu found us wim such tnsgpiant and je5s xrothjww goods in evetemeat iew have we been belter equipped 10 mpet your evefy requirement in our line rj-tr- i- tt tr ssatsnmlp j batjow pricsavta a bad fix mjmikmfluiiim6ci know faatltvon i w wssistnh merchsudto but would empbaalre thlitbf ottr ampe cbpltaland uprivaoe fcuus tor wstffofe fronl lha ffwr ebdrifcmmw bring tbekfrpbslble jmougnpmttavv f 1 1 v ssswsiis rdrlng your goodsty oat wa m vwymv ww bmshffi8r w w deparlnteoi are found to bo no ayfi irpewn iowntedwe will be pleawd to exchange prylhschlrg vvvktv- v-v- i v sijlvv r- v- yv- frj2i m iiar mm w j

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