Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid upsl 2boooqoo reserves fund 7t5o0ooo total aosets i i 18914400 newly ton millions of dollars boabd of dirhotor8 luiingtmilt a bau president vioopnetdent ubo boaon joun lltocrort a t woqp a i life toronto wat quisok h p j tubsibtjub cashier i b b btbvbn assl caebler b m watrboninbpeotor georgetown agency a general banking business transacted jtql responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to i be collection of sale notes and commenlal paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savlngbj5epartment deposits of 1 and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal evcryyear whether pass book is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums the news at home mostly of a local character every item interesting j p bell agerft georgetown ont lkt juton xtt ms thubsday january 13 1890 little local brieflets whloh caught tha eyes or ears of free preaa reporters this week tiio staff of fo took a slide frank harris the energetic manager of r nobles grain floar and feed business here bad a somewhat serious fall in floor on monday evening a ear ol floar in bainputwtothemi st storo during tbe day mud as one of the largo piles was being completed it suddenly took a slide and went through tbo front carrying tbe saah sod glass with it aside from the iosb ot tho shop window tbe loss was amall a victim of the ley sidewalks mr d henderson m f had painful and somewhat serious fall upon the aide walk opposite his residence on bower avenue last jfriday uta eet botb ahnt- frora under him and he fell very heavily being somewhat stunned by the fall the right ankle was dislocated and badly sprained and it bas been very paiofpl for hirxi to get about since he is now however slowly reoovouog the uie of tbe limb ilethodlat tallica aid society 3the annunl meeting of tbe ladles was held at mooreorolt the home of seeretary on tuesday afternoon of week ttio president mrs james neighborhood news news items sunfsued by corres pondents land exohanuoo rockwood messrs t lnndy aud m f barry havo been boaorod with appointment as jastlces of the peaoe they are both trentlomen who enjoy the centldeuoe of the community tho anniversary services of the metho- dist oburoh will be bold on bdhfliy and monday 80th and 80th inat and the pastor rev mr holdeo has beoo fortanate in aeanring the aervioes of rev dr otsrmau general buperiotendeot of tho ohurob for tbeoooasiod xtev dr carman will preach morning and evening and deliver one of his pppular lectures on monday evening mrs michael o counor died suddenly on saturday of heart failure tbe funeral was held on tuesday afternoon at goelpb tbe newspapers now pay postage drover holmes shipped a car of live took on monday lis grippe is claimioh numerous violims at present dr s a mokeague bas been appoint ad medical health officer the rain and thaw last week raiaed tbe water la clarks mill pondabont three feel thssi mr gewtbra one ol olevlende humorists at the town hall to morrow evening the sumaal meeting and roll call of lbs baptist ohurob was held on tuesday eyenlog j the pobllo school board will meet next wednesday evening 18lh mat tor organising x tuesday waa tbe coldest snap of tha rjntsrtjnis far the meronry registered 11 below aero ratlend tbe oineognaeb concert companys entertainment in tbe town ball tomofrowevsning the annual meeting ol eatjueaing agricultural booiety was bold at george town yesterday afternoon saturdays bliuardy weather blocked the roads aud hindered a great deal of th usual saturday travel to iown fuesssrs w stark and h p moore wets appointed moniolpil auditors for tbe oarrentyoer at the initial meeting of tbe ooonoil on monday tbe eaireme cold and stormy weather tbe past weak bas retarded eleotrio light matters somewhat and it will be a few days jet before the ourrent will be turned on the board of health for the current year la composed as follows ree pearson clark t t moore messrs w x kinney bobt wallace and j h matlbaws a meeting of the pobllo sohool board of 1808 vrill be held nail monday evening to complete the jeara holiness all aoooonts one by tbe board abould be presented mr molntosb of ths third line erin bad an ugly runaway at the q t b tracks an tuesday sveoing his outter was smashed aud he received a painful gash on bis bead mr joseph mcintosh wsa a deoided success in bis songs at the oncograph concert new years night jdonl born the cabin jown was one of his best numbers georgetown htram tho sew fifth departeraent at tbe pnblio sobool waa opened on monday and is presided over by miss moqaeen the trustee board have fitted up this room so thelitis really equal to any of tbe rooms in the new building we understand that tbe custom office bsre is to be in oharge o miss byan wbo bas satisfactorily performed the duties for a number pi months past tha appoint nfatti with general approvaf- georgetown herald xk i delegation from the christian endeavor society ol knox ohoroli headed by president a t man will attend the third annual convention of tbs young peoples booiety ol the presbytery of gnelph at qnslpb next monday the w a johnson eleotrio company toronto are installing an ilo slant for tbs oorporationof iont which iholudeellflf lyflvs a all wirin tor ib itfelmmpr frill da on of their inductor tyrjuiitors which ire meeting with mneksuojees caiadla uamfaclwrcr jra rich lady cured of her mi jeatdraonvjimseni revsrltutesb iblft deaf people tinafitlptrboufer the bar brains may hers then free apply to department k biiiajto l flnrltiers bwjil england -f- mabbi lic atoffice or residence no call during tbe day or evening h p icoou leaner auc b banur 87ih xuroirrtjele of stock impttmsnle ate the properly of donald wkoiy- lot ft eon 1 enjosalng 8 miles ljmmti bals at ooe pwatitetms i slflk jbpampiarialict- frm f 7t e u t jm kf stmt www w wjtn ft mouua o muor miitm for juvorda tbe bottom of pgfcurlanae aid tbe last mo- lam presided the ofnoers far the present year were elected as follows piiasmsst alts anthony stepbenaon vica paas airs john agnew broaxtabt mrs h p afloore tnsahunba mrs jennie smith faiisonaok oommrraa mrs j uolam lra i franeta mra a sooord in addition to its oustomsry flnanoial obligations tbe ladies aid has generously deoided to beoome responsible for the cost of installation of the eleotrio light in tbe cfiuroli the old boym appreciate progress tn remiting hls annual subscription to the fiuu pbsss rev h n maeeles of dowaglao miab a former reaident son of jacob masalee esq speaks of his pride in aotons prosperity and expresses speolal pleasure at our progress in puttlugin per manent pavements and eleotrio lights the latter of which he thinks we should have had years ago he predlote that water works wlllhe oor next improvement to be adopted in apeaking of hte own town he aaye dowagiao is a beautiful ally with uniform concrete walks throughout splendid shade trees flue residences and an air of general prosperity this may be aotoaa jsjrperienoe the corporation of beeton out recent ly deoided to install an eleotrio light plant and are now highly pleased for having done so tha plant was installed about two months ago and sines then ths number of lights has been inoreased to nearly tbe oapaoity of their present machine which is onecf the w a john- son eleotrio companys indootor type of alternator whloh is so suitable for a plant where a repair shop is not near by canadian manufacturer this la tbe same olaaa of machine whloh will be put in aoton power boose by tbe w a johnson oo of toronto xnslraofon and bdlseatlon at the baptist tt p tj meeting on friday evening last two excellent addresses were given by rev w s moajpine b a and rev t r forbes on our climate and whats oclock in cloud land respectively the various phenomena fottud in nature such as storms winds eto in connection with our ollmate were carefully explained also the uses of ths barometer tho peonllar conditions exist ing among clouds and their relation to tbs ss w dealt w b r mr f a meetingwsb held on tuesday evenilog at tbe sobool boose to organize for an entertainment to be held shortly in the interests of the public librsry on friday night tbe congregation ol the presbyterian charon had a business meet ing after whlob lunch wa served and a aooial time was spent batllnafad coming and going vlsltcy to and prom aoton and vftrlousotherpartonal notes tbo puhb pbhsb inrltm kll ita tmtlora to con iribuw to tbii column i yon or yoor frlendi aro going awty on bolldky trip or if you bvo frlondi visiting yon drop 4 eturd to tho vniu pukm mr d da maml ii rfgutorod at tha quwna toronto thl woak m gr o o spent friday with aotou fdendi mub agnes atahiron of grand valley waa tbe guest of aotou friend last week mr georito ritchie left on tuesday evennk for durham to attend the funeral of hie mother mibb kate fjynn returned to berlin latt week after ependiojt a week or o at her parents home here mr tplsti afimyan qf thw jeorrf sleighing is here again with iota of anow tbe woman foreign saiibionary society bold thoir meetiug on friday last and had a nice turnout there la s good attendsnea at the literary boofety held la feaoook school no 5 every thursday evening a good debate and programme every night wedding belts are soon to ring in our neighborhood will give pnrtioalara next week miss it bberlook of toronto paid friends here a flying visit last week ktntnerbros are kept pretty busy at theehopptg mill these days mils katie thompson of georgetown pent sunday at home miss feirdie thompson of torouto bpenb sunday at her aunts ura 0 thompson on sunday the topio for endeavor waa missions on the paoiflo coast rev mr milne gave very appropriate reading on tbo aubjeot toronto waa a guest at the home ol principal t t moore on monday j mr ft stuart of hamilton miss m robertson of waterdowo aud miss m mo0at of otrtake were the vtuests of mr john harvey and family last week miss ida patterson is quite at home agsln in her old position as teacher of the fbird department tne pobljo aohool hei many friends welcome her return thevpfljbs faitfi fflrxtly tjmupktorjbn real merit tflwy know rfflod araaparllla abaofutejly hd fnrrrnontly ourwsvvvhan all others pall hoods barsapulua is not merely aslmple preparstlon of barsapariua dock stil- ilnsria and a little iodide ol potassium besides these excellent alteratives it slto o those g a mitt liver remedies mandrake and dande lion it also contains those great kidney remedies uva ural juniper berries and plpslssewa nor are these all other very valuable enratlve agents are harmoniously com bined in hoods ssrsaparllla and it la carefully prepared under the personal supervision ol a regularly educated paerjneolst knowing these facts is the abiding faith the people have in hoods berssparlua a m o sornrlssj3fouan aeewhy- chas l nemes the wallpaper it pays to buy at bolkrts trille cures when other msdiolnes totally absolutely fail hoods sarsaparilla lalhe bestin fact the one true blood purifier bold by sll druggists ii j six for man guelph announce that 1899 will be a banner year in new papers and window shade our row store on upper wynd- ham street will have tho finest wall paper show room tint can be found pays to buy at bollerts we have much pleasure tn nnnnnndnglhfinognerment hnrlng ihk wffnlt nf th lj pcopln who were of such pleasure and interest to thousands of isltors during the past week major n h w winner and wife will be on our carpet floor each forenoon and afternoon of this week and during some of tho days will give a musical treat of which further announcement will bo made major winner age 29 years height 36 inches weight 42 pounds mrs winner age 21 jearstheight 35 inches weight 40 pounds haiuii dhfo are the beat afterdinner noext 8 fllls cllts alddlgestlon aw j d mokeb the drug gist aoton will again be ou agent and show all the samples at guelph prices ii ot m how much can we get g but s how much can we give 3 thats what we aim at and its building tpa jg wonderfully increased business at the gol- g den li g heres an instance oliowrweve treated the s prices on ladies fur capes p geordetown from iheee natural eplrit i oondltions dr many -neaa- frtday evening the x p tj continue their studies in ths gospel by john oumsfjon tirlt and qlory the annosi sunday bohool day ot the methodist sunday bohool will be observed on tho 30th inst special sermons will be preached by bev t albert moore pastor of zion tabernacle hamilton a former memberof the sohool morning and even ing a speolal tervloe will also be held in the afternoon in connection with the sunday bohool when the usual attendance will be augmented by the parents and members of the homo department who are specially invited on monday evening 80th inst jtev mr moore will deliver his popular leolnre gumption grit and qlory under the anapioes of the epworth xeague mr moore jsnordnfy a suooesf f ol pastor and preaober but as a leotnrer baa reosived very hlghenconlumscf praise both in ths city and country vonth beparate after bmlt a conl sry for more than nftyono years ex- ooanoillor and mra john kenney ar travelled through life together their pathway was net always strewn with rosatbqt they have enjoyed many com fort aud joryeara have had tbe saliafao- tluu uf s ths varluua uiuinb uf ili family growing op in homes ot their own amid most oomfortable surroundings for nearly a year past mrs kenney has been in very poor health and tha past three months waa oomtfined to her tied with an incurable disease canoer bar sufferings were at times intense but sba waa lovingly ministered to by her husband and children aooopleof tbe latter alwaya being at her bedside qto sunday morning after a nlgbtuf great- pain her spirts peawtullytcok its fugbt-mr- endjdrs kenney were among oor oldest residents and they enjoyed general esteem they were married at tbe orange coaflly antrim ireland on december 10tb 1847 and emigrated to canada in jans ot tbe following year thsy first spent a year at preioolit anulberi name west residing a short time at erin village bat subsequent ly settled in georgetown where they lived for some ten years nearly forty years ago they name to aoton and lth ihe exeeptlon of a couple ot years spent in arthur their tstldenoe has been here ever sines four tons sad four daughter blessed lbs anion and of these ths follow ing survive mrs edward ooqoh and mra samuel bayson brampton ura atau sprawl speyiide and messrs william and john kenney aolon three children died in youth but the mother deah it the first break in tbs family in thirtythree years many oltiaens attend ed the jnperel on tueadayjaltetnoon to pay a last trlboteof respect b4v b a macphtrson pastor ol tbs dtoeaaed oon- dooted lbs oerimony and was shialed by revwm brysrs a rare oppoflpnlsyfor money saying fa offfrebtijsoatoleajrfag bale iow in progreasat qfhs bight bonssj klnk st 4iti mr jobn jhngon has been appointed collector of ouitoms at this port mies byan will continue in oharge of the office the bad state of the roads has caused a number of aleigha to upset especially on tbe 7th line the eiuuesing ooonoil bid its first session on monday and organized for the work of the year tho funeral of mr wm moore of the 5th line passed through here for green wood cemetery a large number of old neighbors and friends attended the bert ir perrln and g amitobell officiated at tbe rave one of ihe most interesting events of the week was the farmers institute meeting held in the tows hall on monday- evening tbe annual gathering of the farmers is booomiog important to tbe them as a sohool of edaeation and training for solentiuo and suooeasful farmlog the afternoon session was of speolal interest relating to hog raising aud care and management of cattle for dairying or market mr olendenning of manilla ont and mr- woodward of loohport n y answered many questions in addition to their exoellent addreeses in the evening the lame gentlemen spoke and also miss boae of tbs o a 0 qnelpb miss bote wsa received with great spplsuse as one of our georgetown young ladies foe whom our citizens feel great esteem and pride because of tha service ah i rmrfiriny to nnr province- ori the dairying question tbe ball was crowded with farmers and their eons and also a large number of our oltiaens our orchestra furnished excellent mmio and ournewkeeve mr kennedy ooonpled the ohatr opening tho meeting with an exoellent address tbe bev j a- moliaohlan m a of aoton has been annonmced to preach missionary sermons in tbe methodist ohurob nelt sabbath senested with much favor st albkna sunday school repealed their christmas entertainment on old christ mas night 8th january tbe programme waa varied somewhat this time tbe prinolpal teatnre being tbe grand maroh otbe obildrenotthe nationackhloh was loudly appltuded by the audienoe and bad to be repealed boms new tableau were shown this time and were greatly appreciated the anocess ot the entertain ment- is doe to the children and their instructors cold xlibt a hot game after their long drive monday ninht acton hookey team pot op a game that waa as evenly contested ss tbe final soore 8 to 7 in miltons favor ind the sprinkling of aotons aopportora waa as jubilant as those of lbs oonniy towns when with ths soore even three all hajfatme was called although leas combination and oloser obeoblng prevailed in ths seoond half goals were scored more rapidly leaving the final score as above oar boys reasonably think they otn torn tbe tablet on the return game here ths players were milton goal bambrnah point burrows oover cooper i centres motley and kenny winge bowman and tjarhpbellraoton ooarrswackhimmerr point maopberaon cover f ryder oenlres molntrah and e ryder wings modonaid and hcoann beferee a jones milton goal umpires milton adam ohlsholm acton george aftnn 40 ssyleieaf ohleer servoes rewarded mr thomas x moore was appointed clerk aud treatarer of the manloipallty eleven years ago at a aalary of vloo in ths intsilm with the acquirement of the osesslse add p t w the rapid growth of tha munloipallty ihe work of the office has nearly if not quite doubled 1st them has been no inoroaae of salary npr any request for anob dnrtngtll eliven ysara not a cent of money entrusted to mr moore ha gone astray all aeootinu have been carelully and eatlifaotorlly kepi and claimants upon tbs treasury bate bad all cheques delivered to them thna saving them time and trouble with tbe additional urge in crease of work caused by ths eleotrio light ing sytlem with its nsw series of monthly accounts to be handled tbe counoll unanimously felt th the d demand an increase in salary and they consequently reengaged mr moore at i1m batepayers phrnlr j wh0 hatm tbiqgitjba onerous duties ot the office will yrpfticltsibli action toward a faith 0lmawttr6fttysoe tb salary is auiufiphsttsfmiiiorliy oj tnonici pallllttot aotou olaaa v v rospma poio in on dav rarrffiuvebromo qulnlns ahbtats itl drjtsjatiritcirid ths money it ii faili to qui ijttle they also relieve dhrrea from dysriepsm ndigerliun and too hearty eating a per ect remedy for dirtiness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongas roln in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills 3 ladies bear goat capes with opposum cellar is inches hi length and lined throughout with i patterns length and lined throughout with plaited satin in fancy c rfl litems usuu 2s inches in length and lined through- its a wise acre that can ret itself divided op into building lots 8uff6red untol misery- south amerloan rheumatic cure thwarted disease and cured him outright bobort e gibson merchant pembroke says that ten years ago he contracted rheumatism ot a very aevsre type tottered untold misery resorted to fly blisters snd other severe treatments with no lasting good or relief when bops ot recovery was well nigh gons hs waa induoed to try south american bhenmalio core the first doao gave blm instant relief and bait a bottle onred him outright- his own words wsre it la ths beat rheumatio remedy on earth sold by a t brown the darkest hoar is always when you ea p lbs taa bismarc iro nerve was the result ot his splendid health indomitable will and tremendous energy are not toond where stomach liver kidneys and bowels are out ot order it yon want these qualities and tbe auooosa tbey bring use dr kings mew lite pill thsy develop every power of brain and body only 35 cents al any drug store a boll in tbe pot in worth two on the neok volcan eru are grand but bkln eroptlona rob life otjoy buoklensarnloesalvoourse them alto old kannlog and ftver sores ulcers boils felons corns warts cuts bams bruises botldsrchapp h ohll mains best pile cure on earth drives onl pains and aches only 36 oents a box cure guaranteed sdld by all druggists a bird on toast la worth a doxen in tbe bnah no righ to u0 the woman who ia lovely in face form and temperwlu alwaya have friends but tl w w b attiaoh mus k li health if the is weak sickly and all ran down she will be nervous and irritable if tbe baa constipation ar kidney trouble bsr impure blood will cants pimples blotobee skin eruptions snd a wretched complexion eleotrio bitter i the best medicine in the world to regnlste atomaob liver and kidneys and to purify the blood ii gives strong nerves bright eyes smooth velvety sklnrich oomplsxlon it will make a goodlooking charming woman ol a rundownlnvelldonly 10 oents at any drug store straw hats qiually show whloh way the wind it blowing thb h w or thoueartdalavlbn jturned into the joy bongs of the cured by the almost magic medicine dr actnewa cur for tho heart- it relievos i thirty mlntit mn john fittmatrlok of qananoque waa lor ave years a great sufferer from bean disease spent some time under experts in kingston hospital without gelling any benefit and waa pronounoed inourable sbs oommeooed tklogjr agnaws cure for tbe heart and when she bsd ttken three bottles all dropsical tendencies palpitation and palm left hsr and tbe bas bad no return of it and ascribes her onre to ibis greatest ot heart remedies bold by a t brown it is the early flab that oatobes ths worm hook and att- not lik it too abould remember that no other medlolue is like bhllohe oonsumpllon cure in any reaped ii other remedies havs failed to raltsva your oongh or oolj that it all tha mare reason why yon abould try sbllobs always sold under aposlllts guarantee if is dues hot hslp youthi diogglit most give back yoat tnodsy ill cents w aovmi mkl tjvit 11 what iyoa omn 2grenlnnd seal ca u with brown satin qti were sold at 19 50 but these two go at out with brown satin quilled in pretty designs manylfi fq 1500 4 greenland seal capes 30 inches ip length and same style of lining as the other two wo sold lots of them at 828 but the price now is i isealette cape of very fine quality and extra wide sweep trimmed with opposum fur these were sold at 40 oo but take this last one for 2500 ten fortunate ladies will each get one of these lovely capes will you be one o them e macdonald bro golden lion guelph i mmihm m hrppy imxin ybhr usarv mkevlist acton holidhy noszelxies few suggestions which may help you to decide what shall the present be were ready with any thing you may possi bly need gifts that will be cherished by the owner long after christmas has passed everthinc mew new table linens tapestry table cqvers table napkins blankets shawls ties gloves fiae un gifts in tfress goods gifts in silks and satins holiday crocerie8 new gapned goods new raisins and currants figs dates nuts oranges is rushing with mighty impetus last week it was even with several extra salespeople entirely impossible to wait on all ivtio came to buy fm ther price reductions are made for this week and we have all sails set for an immense week of business things are simply booming at this store watch our price list next week what we say we da and the people believe it e r bollert co 25 aud 27 vvyndhamstteeftgtreltphr- noted tea store and china palao a stocktaking sale china tea setsregular price i5 50 sale price i4j0 china tea sols regular price ijoo sale price taoo toilet sets regular price 3 50 sale price 35 toilet sets regular price 3 00 sale price t 5 coal business changed j o hill hasnurebaaestbaooalbntlnasscfllr john moqnsen and la prepared to deliver xust- elassbersnientiaallnirornaae stove and nat sites promplfand to the aatiafaetton ol ooito- mersseasrally i have also purobaaed ths weigh assies and will give prompt attention to sll orders for tbvlr rue jo hill g j 8 ale henderson 8c co ckimiiniiencliig on friday momma january 13th we will inaugurate a great clearing sale our stock is much too large for this time of the year and we take stock next month when it is desirable to have stock as low as possible to accomplish this quickly bargains will be the order of the day in all departments in dress goods mnllnery ftjjle gh i furs mens end boys suits overcoats and ulsters cottons prints boots shoes etc- r nt wait but bring your cash at once as there are many choice snaps that are sure to be picked up by the early buyers mill street acton and caps a job lot at half price coats from 200 up caps from 5c up a fresh lot of christies biscuits on hand kotois storm rubbers lined and uulined blizzards we guar antee them no i quality of the ci r co sizes a little broken clearing at 25 cents a pair neill the shoe man 8 stores guelph snaps in dinnbbwarh we have too many dinner seta to reduce our stock we will give lo per pent off our trpeolal prloea dont miss ibis opportunity dried apples wanted sjam ar where ignoranoe is blias its folly to establish night eohoole his lif mr j e lilly a prominent olllaeo ot hannibal mo lately baad a wondering dallreranos item a ltibsfal deaths in tlllnot it he saytjjuljiastaksnjilth typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia my lungs became hardened i was sof weak i oonldni even all op in tolblng helped me 1 eapseted to dieqlconsampllou wheu i heard of dr rings no discovery oue bottle rkej gsttp relief 1 oontlnnsd to use ii endf nowam well aosl ftreegiv fh mtlolh in- ha prajsai tbli matvelrs msdtwielitlit ktitetllinrfhwdsstrtittir btiv6rldior slthroal airilinhvtrolol 6ftuf anntop pi drngfllors every boiue gotanued vtwis louse porner king and mijgnsonste hamutoii january olialfclig s alite donllau te take advantafe of this rare opportunity let money i l win january 1899 sottta saving ilia redttnttons have been made iu ovory department f v pw h fcn twhtlnn nnly mlitmnf ihw myinnl l coiakkdtutss ooods herns to wiy and brown u ihoboa vide formeriytoo now so wblreormuieen sod brown si inehes vide ormoily bo alleemsa u lnahee forrnetlj sse now too cratnellelnlwnwlnobroraatlsljlo nowajo black dbxss hood blsekamiaraas clotb allwool it ineb fonnerly he now lie maea jsblilwool u inch formerfe too now go 5jsivpoosallvoo m ilvebleswieriji too now bo nearly tun now me its striwd silks ermerly rroopicwitri eeloredstrii s former itlnitoi su0qow 4bo ipm ormnly mo jmmionanlf mo now wtflo k valtw r u dufnwi sriulw- wrmarly lfio line uiubl for molug wvliui msws nxrnzsnntqs rsnucsd rorraer goo apd 85o now 100 cjollsvrs j m ueoallt reuat fit taddlngllavi formerly 90o powso map foaria band tlos ormorly aso now a for 05c fur xpjlrtmxavt caiics ooaey cpo b7 inobw long quilted lining formerly h75 now oppomuin oapoa ftuioy muq lining formerly 910 s3 now h oo ailrmsfasvn oape 71nobm long qutltod itiln llolop formorlv 1000 now 00 hvjfffb llluk coney mnffe uttn lined ipeolal at m0r lllask oiipouom uutft rormerly ssujo now 4800 jaokkt8 ailraobui jackets from 8371 goat btabion iioi1e8 formarlr s598 now fip forromiy 783 now 5c0 yqxtcajf 84vk rourrall tba bight nooae jbourra ure iban yonr railway ftro to and from ilanilltoa by buying soar ftocda at ttaa bight nooae huoh valuos aa we nre otterlng arlng our stannary 81o oonld notpoulbly bo had in ttie regnlar ir vitabls to coms to hspisltili writ forwraplon or m lor information tofiardlng bm raqalfa wo prepay tha oliarofi to any railway ntcrio ota all order cinountlng to 5 00 or over wt00os iwtwas

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