Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1898, p. 4

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r schedule op convictions returned to the office of the clerk of the peace for the county of halton during the quarter ending the thirteenth day of september ad 1898 iltobecutor i g harley j liomis turd 1 inerbon colling stuiion bradley wiiikm vanallcn siuibjn hrdlcy do do willhm stewart j units campbell mary oku 1 homas campbell william stewart mariha dasher ilionas i john hilson willhm thompson thomas a reynolds j g harley do do robert mothers jiiucs l willsan ohnglassey deiiindam george king george winn jr john w coifing edward ijurko alexander mccutchcon john brush samuel brush robert deforest peter malloch thomas w phillip albert taylor robert deforest fi ank flood george winn jr alexander hartley charles wright james p mullen george king john rjce william logan john glassey jr elizabeth grandon jylatukji ovcllaruk violation of truancy act assault do drunk and disorderly vagrancy breach of town bylaw do do do assault vagrancy nonpayment of wage assault do do do do vagnncy breach of liquor license act violation of truancy act drunk and disorderly malicious injury to property violationof village bylaw assault datk of conviction i8q juno 13th luih may gth july 4th 6th gth 61i1 9th 13th ant ioth 9ih august 2nd june 18th august 15th nth 13th june 13th x5ih august l2h july 15th uly 18th nami oh justice c ii kennedy and w h kahrs s dico and h f larl s dico do do do do do do w h young j li learson s dico w hyoung samuel dice do do 4 v h young and c b patterson c b patterson gh kennedy i f do do do do vv h kahrs da do amt 01 i ini 8 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 june 20ii1 1 00 1 00 1 00 8 oa 1 oh 1 00 1 00 i 00 1 oo 1898 uly 61 h uly 6ih treasurer town of mf ilton do do do uly 2cth i uly 28th august 3rd august 15th 20 00 5 00 2 00 2 oo i oo i oo august 13th september 3rd junp 29th august 12th july 18th t whom paid 1 reasutcr town of milton time given for payment do do do paid on conviction formerly returned committed in default for zo hours committed to gaol for six months complainant treasurer village of acton treasurer town of milton 5 days time gh en for payment committed to gaol for six months treasurer town of milton do do do 1 a reynolds treasurer village of georgetown do do 1 do do do do do do do paid on conviction formerly returned forthwith in default 15 days in county jail paid on conviction formerly returned committed to jail for 30 days paid- on conviction previously returned i hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct schedule of gonvictions returned to my office for the quarter above mentioned milton 14th september 1898 t g mhthes0n clerk of the peace county of halton for when thothudren get thefr fcetweandttkecoldiveihem 0 hot foot barb a bowl of hot drink a dose of ayers cherry pectoral and put them to bed the chances are they will be all right in the morning con tinue the cherry pectoral a few days until all cough has dis appeared old coughs are also cured we mean the coughs of bron chitis weak throats and irritable lungs even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of pouring oil on troubled waters the indiana wat kept dry by tho drip- ingot oil from both bowt and although tremendooa fleas were running and break tag they could not oomo on board this vtn certainly moat praotictl illuitrktion of the old aaylng as to the pouring of oil on troubled waters a proverb mb old aa the bible but only very recently applied thanks to the hydro- graphic olllcaof thoutiited3tatefl and now very generally followed by seamen tbo world over it waa an american also red field who flrat thoroughly found out and explained the true obaraoter of theae revolving storms and to him all seamen are forever indebted in nilnft oil it la astonishing how email a quantity will anffice just a quart or two in a big bluffed with oakum hung over the bowa anal allowed to drip drop by drop on tea sea where it spreads out in a thin greasy film over the surface of the water over tha film the wind slips as it were ud hai no power to bank the water up into waveai which would break over the ship hundreds of report are on file in the ofboe vmteatipg 4be macyellonsjauita of this simple agent ofufety st nicholas englands heaviest motive loco- the great northern railway company are thoroughly testing a new engine of greater power than has yet rnn on their line it is the noalobt engine in tho king dom weighing 68 tons or 00 tons with tender it haa ten wheels four ooopled wheels belog 0 feet 6 inches in diameter while the cylinder are 10 inohea by 24 inches stroke tbetjotter is 14feot ttinalx eajong in tie barrel and is 4 feet hinohea in diameter riving 1442 square feet of heating surface and 2675 square feet of grate aroa the boiler preabnre is 176 pounds and the cylinder pressure fa 181 pounds thia locomotive has made some runs on the flue road of the great northern between kings groat and york and the reanlts obtain edjuggebt that a number of that oufli will be built for next year the performance of the dunalaatair however haa not yet been equalled the greateat peed got being a fraction over seventy- three miles per hoar westminster gazette glasgow house we take pleasure this week in directing attention to our splendid range of ladies and every doctor knows the wild cherry bark is the beat remedy inown to medical science for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs put ana of dr ayers cherry pectoral plajjrs war ojfecfn99 adrtott frmml we noy htm ot tae amt eml- nntpliricsun in uu dilmbluu uauoal opportaatttes an loaranwt- aan mlrailr as jjira for bmqrm miijealmhm writ fraalr 31 u the parson and the prince uekttttixssrx tu0rsdat seftembeb jw 1898 eir paling alh bitter and a tlio ipplo that rtowh hlahei li she bast upon- tbotreo tbo roio that ib moat fragrant auways has the sbarpost thorn i tho pavrl that ia the purest lies within tbo doepj filst bob 4 and tho docda that llvo tho lonseat aro bard est effort- borne 1 t tho love thats won too lightly la not tremaareft aa a gem the words that flow too freely neer have the greatest weight mat approdatas his blculngi if bohastostrivo for them bat novor knows thefr valoe if theyre passed up on a plate 1 it wu an ayrshire parson and into the oastodaary prayer for the royalties be had introduced a feeling referenoe to the acoi dent which had befallen the prince of waleau and now brethren continued he unwitting clerio we will join in sing ing hymn no courage brother so not stumble the congregation saw the joke though the minlater did not glasgow evening news its a wiae woman that qan make her husband believe he is boas when she is the power behind tho throne why go limping and whining abont with your corns when a 25 cent bottle of hollowaya oorn cure will remove them give it a trial and yon will not regret it it always harts a girl when one of her old beetpx marries her beat girl friend doan cnrea a manitoba man mr alexander fraser miami man writes i cannot refrain from recom mending doans kidney fills to persona troubled with sidney disorder for i believe if they could oure me they could oure any cm6 when a man ia ashamed c the faat that he is about to get married be will make a poor husband mother gravob worm exterminator is pleasant to take a lire and effectual in destroying worms many have tried it with best results youth is going to do things tomorrow that old ago didnt do yebtorday for internal or external dbo hwgyards tellow oil cannot bo excelled as a pain relieving and boothing remedy for all pain for every dollar a man wins on fabt borsea he loaei two on slow onea a man of irregular bohl wjijflod one of milburns sterling headache powders taken in the morning olear bis bead steady hia nerves and put bim in shape for hia days work price loo and 25o ijpattoria la pot up la eaetuo oottlu only it knot gold in balk dont allow anyone to loll jma anything ilse on the plea or promiu tint it u jut u good and will answer orerj pnr- biae b that yoa pet 0abtobia unleu man potseuei ealtcontrol be ia little every dog hfts hia day bat like men tbey always want two sores healed hqw to oure headache soma peopla suffer untold miaory day after day wil beidaabe there ia reai neither day nibt until the nerea are ajl oraiitntl tbe coma ia general a dlaordi btomaab and a oara oaa bo flffeatadl aiiog parmeleoa vegetable pilll ooniljji ing maniirako and dandellod ur finll wark ly aander p q wrltei i fin parmolees pilla a tint olaia artiole t bilfonb beadaohei aftor woman geta married aba can oreato a positive aenaatlon any tima by uppearing in a paw aait o olotliei wormi oannot extat eithir in obildren or adnlts ban jdr jjoiva worm byrnp ia mod 25 all dealen a bride alwaya atarta in by lving bar hnjbsdd half tbe olotbea oloiok batwitbln three wooka all bia olotbea will be hanging on tour nails cuenmlicm heloni beware i you may bave an attack of cramps and diarrhoea aitereatibg tbera jaat keep on hand a bottle of wild strawbeny and youre aalo it onres orampa golo diarr hoea dyientery and all bowel ocmplainit t t w t man w attain amoko and apenda bis olgar money for other ihinfia is that be apenda foar times as muoh ai hia cigars wonld ooat hm coughs and colds need not bo endured they can be cured and that quickly many mixtures are tem porary in effect but stiotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypophosphitcs is a permanent remedy sores and nloers ot the worbt kind are readily healed by bnrdook blood bitters take ii internally and apply it externally according to direolfona and seo how qalok- ly a cure will be made oar mistakes eontribote mnoh to tbo wisdom o others there never was and never will be a universal panaoca in one remedy for all ills to which flebh ia heir the very nature of many cntativeb betas snob that were tbe germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient whatwonld relieve one ill in torn would aggravate the other we have however in qainine wine wbea obtained in a sound linadolterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual jadlolous me the frailesteyste ma are led into con vmlescenoe and strength by the inflnenoe whoh quinine ciorts on katores own restoratives ii relieves tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a ohronio state of morbid despondent and look of interest in lifajs a disease and by tranqniiizlng tbe serves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion ot tbe blood wbiob being stimulated oonrseo tltfoogboot tbe veins strengthening the healthy animal fanotiona of tbe system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally jematd inoreoaod aabatanoe result im- brovedjlppetlte northrop a lyman of loronto have given to the pnblio their jolnine wine at tbe nsnal rate and 1 by tbe opinion of scientists this foe approaches nearest perfeotfon of any u the market all dnjgslats sell it never remind people who have been married longer than six wesha that they married their ideals milbnrns sterling hoadacbe powders are easry to take barmleia in aotion and eure to care any headache in from 5 to 20 minutei most abirtwaists at this season look as faded as a woman who has been married ten years kidney trouble for years all who arten irinsfjef sad forebodifigs of autumn wbathbr thousands whodread an attaok of catarrh as winters cold approaohea- yet catarrh can ba banished under the maslo touch of dr a smews catarrhal powder this is not a dogmatlo slatementstrong as it may seem leading members of parliament the most prominent clergy men of the episoopal presbyterian methodist baptist and roman oatholio cburobea bava borne testimony to tbe effectiveness of this medlolne mr john hackdwards tba pouplar parser of the canadian steamer atthabatca is one the younger a man is the moro be has to nnlearn who waa oared of intense suffering from catarrhal tronbles by the use of this tnsdt- oine good samaritanlike he has ever since recommended it to any who suffer hesd off aa attaok ol catarrh by having this medlolne at your band sold by a t brown the hardest ot all tasks is to be good on the dead svel of a dally life t the oil feeds the blood and warms the body the hypophosphitcs tone r up the nerves the glycerine soothes the inflamed throat and lungs tbe combination cures this may prevent serious iung troubles joe ami ieo all dntggtsta ttjottft bownbi ckealni tonne fox inntf and ohiwreu shell t6e enemy ot bealth and happi ness is ibe stomach sourf la there dlslrisi after sating f ia your appetite waning do you get dlsxyf have yon naostaf frequent sick bsadaobei forcrnnnrra of at general brealinp dr von btanl nospitojaa these dlstrtaalrjg iaymptoms they aid in dlgeallva organs core the ipcipent or ibis ebronle oases- ssoeni sold by a t browa i had salt rheum of tho worst kind as our family doctor called it and could not gfet anything- to cure- me i read of burdock blood bitters and determined to try i got ouo battle and be fore i used half of it i could tell it was doing me good and after taking six bot tles i was per fectly cured and tndny am n happy w a b nothing did mr r e pitt any good until he got doans kidney pills througrhout tho county of leeds and the town of drockville there is no medi cine gpoken so highly of for all kinds of kidney diseases as doans kidney pills ascanadaspioncerkidneypiuintroduccd by mr james doan of klngsvllle ont in 1885 tbey stand today far superior to all tho imitations and substitutes that have been offered the public in their stead mr r e pitt the wcuknewn con tractor and builder voices these senti ments when ho says i have had kidney trouble for years i had tried numerous remedies without much relief and had given up my back as eone for good but since using- doans kidney pills the result has been marvellous the pain is all gone i feel like a now man and can highly testify to tho virtues of doans kidney pills doana kidney pills ore sold by ah dealers or acnt by mail on receipt of price 50 cents a box or3 boxes for 135 tbe doan kidney pill co toronto ont snake charmers ought to make exoollent bartenders llartjr to itenrt trouble mrs sellna e core amliorat n s says at llmea i buffered intensely from palpitation and fluttering of my heart i was weak and my nerves shattered mil bnrns heart and nerve fills have regu lated tny heart toned my nerves and built up my health a great many of the thought a man baa today appeared in yesterdays nowspsper the proprietors of parmelees pills are constantly receiving letters similar to the following bhioh explains itself mr john a beam waterloo ont writes never need any medioine tbat oan equal far- melees pills for dyspepsia or liver and kidpey complaints tbe relief experienced after uaiog them was wonderful asa safe family medicine parmelees pilll oan be used in ell cases requiring a oathartio inspection 18 solicited rilway timb tabd grand trunk halfway ooil wkht o0iho kast matt 1002am irxpreeb a ort p ni kinross u 21 p in lxproei in ml h m mall 7 15 p in mall g 14 p ni alixod 10 cu p ui tiui or globinll xuixtt qolue wortd 40 ft ni aqil 6 60 p r3 going elaot 10 25am and 0 60 pan thin tlmo table wont into effect on moudnt may lntli 1k mjssesjackets for the approaching sea son our selections from the best makers represent the latest and most advanced stvies produced and the prices will be found the lowest consistent with quality an workmanship hendergpn fc co rcton shoreys ready- to- wear clare serge suits made from pure worsted stock so oz to the yard in weight absolutely fast dye blue or black double wrap italian linings pitllar sleeve linings in four button sacks well tailored and right up to date brsntford calvanized sieel wind mills and tovyers joa f over aiuf pump- xg wsrnja- rerzrai covered qear patent itouej ana bmbotrines maple loaf inders two sues for a21y power no i has io fiich reversible burrs no 2 has 8incb nttvbtiits eottihave ball- be a ri n gbrur r p latea relief springpaaqdbhake feed grind fine and fast with irast powar alwaya duaraoteed a trial given hundreds in uiie we make patent roller and balfrbear- ing steel windmills of all kinds tbe finest in the market bes material ugh tea running send for illustrated catalogue bfwnttoro john mcqulefl agent for the above has cbangad his ware- rooms to building on w- e smiths property john street wliere mny be seen rsosr wood bmvsas jknd mowxrs and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs nmy absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to tbe wants of customers johk mcqueen retailed at 1200 tailors ask 2500 sec that shorqys guarantee card is in the pocket of each garment z it means satisfaction or your money back a woman with gloves on oant handle a baby the toy it deserves good blood and sound umclos scotts emulsion is a bloodmaking and strengthproducing food it removes that feeling ot niter helplessnoss which takes posseaaiod ot one when snfferinft from general debility thebtitjah museum library has com plete editions of shakespeares works in li foreign langnages death fr suf almost a fatality but for dr as- newa cure for the heart strange story of a north west lady a death to be dreaded ia that from suf focation and yet this ia one of tbe usual phases of beart disease mrs j l hitler of whltewood n w t oame aa near this dangerous point as need bs she says i was tnooh affected with heart failure in fact i eonld not sleep or he down for fear of so8ooation i tried all th dootors in tbia motion of the aonntry bat they failed to give me relief a local drnftgist recommended dr agnewa care for the heart i tried it and with the rsinlt that reformers should devote more ot their time to refomtera reforms piles cured in 3 to 6 niqhts dr agnsws ointment will oara all oases of itohlog piles in from three to aix nights ono application brings oomfort 1 for blind and bleeding piles it is peerless also ooree tetter salt rhenm ecjuma barbers itoh and all eruptions ot the skin 85 coots sold by a t brown printing the sort of printing we do gives that proper air of prosperity which should be carried by every business mans stationery we supply only the very best qualities of paper envelopes etc all at prices as low as consistent with good work cured of that tcrribledisease mrs maodalbma voigt rhinelandont b b b is the best remedy in the world fof eczema saltrheum tetter scald head ob1jb shingles boils pirn pies sores ulcersj and all blood ani skin diseases soma man are worth more than oth era and some are worth leaa liver tronbles biliousness sallow com plexion yellow eyst jaondico etc yield to sile95 ojummjilnr eius they are sare to ogre sa l a thing of oomfort ia seldom a joy to the woman ofifaiblon iitoimnluf i im a e that i did know before and after takldg farther doses ot the medioine tbe trouble altogether left me it ia not too mnoh too ear tbat it saved my life sold by at brown summer girls think there alionld be enough naval engagements to go round grand beroedy for loughs i have used hkgyarda pectoral balsam and found it a grand remedy for oongbs fand eolda and highly recommend it o m dohersy camilla ont there are times when the abionoe of oranklnssa shows the absence of aense lbtlammtory jlhenmallsm mr u aokerman oommeroial traveler belleville writes soma years ago i nud dr thomas ecleotrlo oil for inflammatory rhenmallam and three bottles eftrotod a oompleta eura 1 was the wbols of one summer unable to move wlihout cratouas and every movement oaused exoruolatlng pains i am now ont on the road and exposed to all kinds of weather hot bare never been troubled with rheumatism iflooe i bowsver keep a bottle of dr thooaaiiloleotrloloiionhand and i lwyi reoonjmend it to others all the land above the sea level maid not fill up more than a third of the atlantio ocean the acton free press empire typewriter price 5600 visible writing n addition tool the advantages of the 912000 machines tho ontv typewriter manufactured in canada fully gurranreed circulars and testimonials write or them the williams mfg co uimitod mtkori of celebrated novtwuliama sow lug maclilnob montreal pq agents book bnilnoh libottortbad ior yera pat ftlso abfcv butter and luter wflinff book ageou oloaridr from hio to 610 weekly a few jeadeiq ar qaaen vjotorla calls of mr glvatone iuy mother diblo fltorioi pro- ffraulte bpeltrklondlkb aold floldi j illmimoa ot tbo unteda brotut- fmtdlqdaiaidbqiiir dock on tiiaa tbi dltadeibyqanbktson co umlted xoronto jcpiplmffiel suffered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness cored by milburns heart and nerve pills no trado or profession is exempt from disease or derangement of tho heart and nerves tbe pressure of work and the mental worry are bound to prodnoe serlooa oonsequenoee sooner or lator ppy r oss 1 tosi te sisssstsssttti u t esse sos as tsitsee shops and wnrerooras calls atiendeid to foot ol willow si day or night x j a speight co mr donald campbell the wellknown carriage malor of harriston ontsswidt i have been troubled off and on for tea years with weak aotion of my heart aui nervousness frennentlyinyjieartwould palpitate and flatter with great violence alarming me exceedingly often i baa rived almost immediate benefit they re stored vigor coiiiynerveaandatrangtheael myentireayatemromovingeveiy symptom ot nerve or heart trouble and enabling oe to get restful iiealtuy sleep milbnrns heart and verve fills bars 4 palpitation throbbing dlasy and faint undertakers and embalmers latest styles exp a j firstclass hearse moderate charges fubni op all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n stlngqfi rockvvood will receive immediate ijttentlori tn n kt f0rqwalk anulriwci cheapest mcmullens fencings and netttlngs com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices all jbther varieties obeap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant or mcmullens goods if you cannot tny of him write to the manufacturers at pjcton ont or to tub d gkenino wish co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jamss coopbb montreal qeneral agent for railway fencing

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