Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1898, p. 3

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a a rambay vlooprealdent che bank of hamilton hhapobhoe hamilton capital fall paid up s 1 26000000 reserve find 77soo0o0 rottl assets i i i 9o144o0 ttlsajrfjfjtop million pt dollsra board of directors john stuart prealdent ohoitoaoki john fnooron a t wood a bljcb toronto wa qidbon mp jtubnbuil casbisr h8 steven asat 6ahier h m watson inspector ceorcetown agency 1 tj a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special intention given to ihe collection of sale ijotes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada ana united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits 6f i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates aid added o principal every year whether passbook a brought in or hot special deposit receipts issued for large sums agent j pi bell georgetown ont d ftl iiimft im thursday september 23 1898 little local brieflets which cnugit the eye or ear of free praia reporters this wook voieearlynuexttkfimlay csoadsi will make history on plebiscite day orilliae tax rate bsa been fixed at mj mills dont fall to use yoar franohieo next thursday according to the calendar full set in yesterday the free pbess to the end of a year for a quarter tka apple- fiokero and paoers will soon bebbsy next sunday will be review day in the sunday sonools the equldoxial galea this week have bean pretty breezy mr s iiairdii tenement on young street is abostbotupieted jkxe a friend with you when you go to the polls xiexi thursday the newlysown fall wheat presents a line appearance in ibis eeotlon well loud tbefaxs paxes till january 1000 for a dollar to any address fppup a watob owner may receive same by oailing on mr qeo yinoent mite morton is putting a twostorey addition to ber house on bower avenue the particulate in the election trials give sploy parllealare to the reading public beniember yoor boys and your neighbors boya when you go to the ballot box next thursday the bairvoat home decorations at snbx oburob tan very much admired on sunday and monday m ornar a bei s a very low rates by the traders bank of canada baa their advetlfsement on the first page neil sunaijr afternoon at three oclock eev mr moalplne will preach on the temperance question in the baptist ohnroh a story till been added- to the steel obltagereosnlyem6toctfotharaarottbe lot when completed it will make gnjto a desirable dwelling ton are cordially invited to the mass meeting in he town ball next monday evening rot dr boss la a pleasing and convincing speaker the serrioo conducted by the womana missionary society last thursday evening in the mtthodiit churob was well attended and very intonating the fasts pnsaa has received from mr henry 3 hill of vancouver b 0 copies of vancouver exchanges deboriblng the new weatmlnsterv the boy al oity horse show will be bold in quelph on tuesday and wednes day sept 27ih and 2tb prizes to the amoont off 1000 are offered three women and one man form tho town counoll of lincoln n j and the resfdentl are oonvlnoed that the women know how to role the town iapieblsplte meeting will be held sit iiimsbonsa this evening addresses will bs delivered by revs h a maopbereen and william bryere of aoton the general conference of the metbcdlit cboroh wbloh baa been in vision at toronto since september 1st will oonolnde iii vrorke today master arihar firatbrook who was run over by a carafeas bioyclist three weeks ago is able to be about again oho leg was badly sprained and be was otherwise braised t the ne at home mostly of a looal charaoter and every item interestlna hns a good situation in new vori our esteemed yonng townsman mr xiowie d orr who went to hew york a oouple of weeks ago has already seoured a aitoatlon in one of the large drug stores of tho metropolis his numerous friends here will be pleaeed to learn of hla suooeas for he is a general favorite prior to leaving a socio or so of bis moat intimate friends tendered mr orr a complimentary sapper at the dominion hotel ready tor service in a good cause ur alex kennedy jr who reoently bellied at dryden in new ontario is already making himself neefol aa a sunday school worker mr alfred buy general secretary of the frovinbisl sanday school aeiooiatlon informs the fnmt faasa that it the convention held at dryden- lael month mr kennedy was elected secretary oit pie district association ilia energies are beioglntoreitcd in worthy ohanbols tvio may vote on tbc plebllalte all persons under the franchise sot of any province entitled to vole on atugait 1st 1898 for a candidate for the jdegialative as6ombly is entitled to vote orthe plebis- olie unless he has heoome disqualified in all raanlplpalities where the voters lilt for 1808 baa been oertlfled to before angnat 1st thai list will bensed- hot inotberoaaeatbe liati of 1897 will be mod very few if any of the votere itata of 1803 have been- cerllsed to conseqnently 1897 hats will b ubed in most oases ko sboddy work about tbli building aoonpleof weeks ago asa sal ebij oar oldest resident was visiting friends in btoaffville who reside in a home the foundation of which wai built by mrv-thos- pertyman ar si years ago two years coming and going vlaltoro to aha prom aotoirand various other personal notes tbo fiuth fabsb invites all its rojori to con tribute totblb column it you or your frieudi aro going away on a holiday trl or if you iieto frlonda vlsltlug joii drop a card to tho pttaa nebs mr archibald cumpbell ia in very poor hoalth mian corral spent lust week with her friebda in berlin miofl gertrodo barry visited friends in the oity laat week mra m 0 orr is vieitiog iu etamoea at tha homo of her brotbor miob lottie m spaifiht is via i ting friends at newtonbrook and vicinity rev r j mclntyre of toronto spent a day or two in town this week miss maggie smith left yesterday for belleville to resume her studies miss maggie mcdonald of balfoantaln jbvibitiog friends id aoton this weok miqs 0 ford 3 of xfafgar ipado a- short iviait tqfrlenda here last friday mr and mrs jamos brown ipxiut a- 4ay or so this week with toronto tolativci mr bert boomer of london waa a guest at mooreorof t dnririg the week mrs bjogh cojecon 6t- sarnio ia upendldga week or so with her sister here miss boflft busk of south a nip ton 1b vlsitlog at the home of mr arch monabb mr will lowry of guelph opeut a co a pie of days at tho home of mr o t hill mrs rev j r qbwell of perljn was the goest of aoton friondi durog the week v bills and mgsal ii pays to buy at boiler ts it pays to buy at bollerti to say we have exceeded all previous efforts mildly expresses our preparations for the cdming season a more pleasing or satisfactory collection of black dress fabrics would be hard to find the world is at presentmaklng most important history md the foture will look back upon this time as an epochmaking era fashion dictates t frum three centres tan ixnilin berlin rishiomnps pncstlis luatk wok 1 ikvucl 1 1 ftlritxtta cnrreit in st it nn i orilnallt ofrlrsiknlliisbenson butltiatia not ail fur fineness of texture and durability of weave 44m4444444444 pfie5tleys black wool figured fabrics inwcje antl small deslgni maulnsse eltccts armurcs and telilile cloths nre unequsllcd ideal in their draping qualities chic and stylish in the eltecti they yield j ithowirsstiaidg from tho 0 t b deppl tothe west aemaphore have beon rembdirontbhlgti poles on tho west sida of ihs station to low polls on the east aiairiintoto- jj p coughian haa with aba aid of tb painters od paper hangars trans- forijswtni praranoe of his dental parioterbrowna drag store they w ilev j a malaohlan m a preaohad an impraailvo prohibition sermon laat sunday rnorning he will deliver a a sermon next baoday evening speolally e th s pl t t the frame for the new double tansrhent of meiars bobertapn bros xn maria street la up and ii bajbg enoloaed the honici will t ocratnodlona and oonventen and wul improve tbo locality how will yoa toio on prohibition next thursday f ii joa do any thlnkldg on the subject igo to the town ball nw monday aranlng and lielr it discussed from the itandpoinfof oomnoon sense by rer dr boss of qdelpb the ravenua oineation perwdal llljertjind the waponslbully of tbatslworeina if tha elsolorato will jffl j lfliddr pattaraoh are prepared ryd mah tnaklng in thtlr laimiifanlmaln streets tft6 sfi ilaamanja maria harrison jr the ami- bw ajnd 85 after he arrived in canada fronjeingund tor mr philip wideman mr ferryman alao lathed and ruttered the house and paved the cellar floor and it ia itll in kod bobdition though over eigbty years of age the oil gentleman is still si le to per- fbrrn a good and permanent work la acton to have it rlnh considerable interest is btlog taken in this qnostion around town and itia rum ored that reliable parties are taking hold of it and that a syndicate is being formed to bnild and operate n rink here the site pro posed ia tbac of storoya lot on itiver street where thepianlng rnlll was- reoently burned this plaoe would bs entirely suitable being hear tbo oentre of the town and excellently situatedas to water etc aotoa is sorely large and progressive enoogh to support a good rink and all tbe young people bops the sobemo will mater ialize an jearp erieaeed- firms appreciation advance sbeete of the nsw dreotory of newipapers published in canada by meairi a mokiin 6v co newspaper adverlielng agents montreal bays been received at this office on page 05 the following paragraph appears the aoton frucupnesb enjoya thadiitinotxou of being the bebt printed weekly newipaper in canada and ita moral and business charaoter ia as qleanas tbe appearance it preaeute typographical eicelliooe ia a qulily too lightly regarded by pobllabera generally but advertisers of higholaes goods are learning to appreolate it prohibition plebiscite sally a meeting in the intsretta of the pro- hibitlod plebiscite was held in knox oboroh last wednesday at wbloh there was a good attendance bar mr mac- pherson pastor of the ahnrcb delivered a atirriog address it waa expected that other loosl speskers would be present bnt they were detained next monday even ing a mass meeting of the oltiaeni of acton and vicinity will bo held in the town hall it will be a general prohibition rally and will be addressed by bevj s bose dd of gaclpb who is one of tho roost able apealiera and writers upon this aabjecb in the dominion ir bobb ia- a reoogoized prohibition leader hie addrssa will be fraugbt with much interest- all who are iotereited in this queetlon are invited to be present a union choir will aing dqrlng the evening premutation to miaa ida grindell laat thursday evening the membera of ml i m orindells olasa ol the baptist sunday sohool met at her home to have tea axtijepend tho evening after tea had been lerved tho guests repaired to tho parlor the following addreas waa read and mils grindell was presented with a hand some apoon uiasbriasxz daabtsucnan wo tho roomhera of your olasa deairo to show oor esteem for yon as our teaoberi and ask yon to aooopt this email gift taatoaen of tbo same and wlibuag you long life and prosperity 91gned on behalf ol the olsas fnanbabtwoon s gsooaall vtllde clax1e hot absioii i geo anolx asxia kausxuw ittui obutdbiv bbbt axuiatboho tjufinn aaafarnoho uartreu bo me in knox cburob harvest home and flower sanday waa observed in knox ohnroh last sabbath ilev h a maopheraon preaohod two very lnstrnctive sermpna- in themorulng and evening- in the afternoon a special aarvioe waa hold in tho sanday sohool ber t r- forbes addressed the aobool along the linei of sabbath sohool work bind interetstiad all present his addreas was illustrated by simpleexparimemti wbloh msde it more eaaily under blood by the ohlldreo on mondayevenluga social and leotnre was given under the amploes of the obrlstisn endeavor society a bounll ful supper was served in the basernint of the ohnroh and jaf tervrrdsajeoture viiaglven by the rev mr knowlei of qaliti the sunny sontb the jeotnre waa one of the moit instruotive and eotertaldlag ever heard la aoton mr knowlea la vary llrtlg pjrinllt na littrnj m a fluent ityle and exoellent deilverj held the attonton otjthoaudlsncecompiotsiy the leoldre was inlarspersed with atorlea aid jokes ol english iriab sbotob yankee and eirky origin which were delivered in tha oharaoterlstlo style of saoh mr knowlea treated of the south neoerally then give tha oharacterlitioa indl pootillar- itlei ot the southern people and told of their assy mddo of life he ipctki of tbe ivil war of 1800 anddeiorlbed the feelings now eilating aa regards ilavery he propbeolea that another war on tbla qoea- tlon will taka plane rln the f alore in oonolodldgmr enowlaa all that he wst delighted with the sooth but wai glad to get baok toqaitilibwl was wail ailafl7d the rsoelpti wire aood xhvonmristi tbbandayaetibeianditoiyvn iajf aatlltiog very uoujslbelr w ths ohnroh waa y tasiftflly daporatad with flowetsfrolt add jr abowed l i a tptetlng of efl insreated in tha aucoiaa of the oomlngplebllolte vote will bebihintbabobfloll obatub otf ilttiow j vsnldg y mrs qeorge dills and biles euta are graduallyoonvabiaipgafleratnonlha illness mr w mobride of waterloo called on mr j a speight last week while en route tomarkuam mr- and mra jas brown vibtted friends in toronto for a couplo ot days during the week mr thos isdmiston and miasea jennie and pearl visited with frienda in selfoun- tain daring the week mr benwich bell and siater of now- market were guests at tlio home of ooanolllor olarko last week miss annie sinith of eolao aud mr james smith of toronto visited at the home ot miss maggie smith mrs george tough of grand valley and master robert were tbe guegts of relatives here during the week mr aud mrs h a iamond of st louis mo who havo been visiting his father left for ghioago on monday miss ida barry balealady in dan ford boohls coe departmental store new market is bpendiog her holidays at home mra 0 t hill accompanied by mrs j g hill of toledo ohio made aahort visit tbla week at the home of dr lowry guelph mrs jamca skeooh and ohildreo of fergus have been visiting at the home of wm bdmineton and other friextda the past week mies lydin e tough of grand valley returned home on friday after having a pleasant visit- at the home of her grand mother and other friends mr and mrs w o beatty and a couple of grandchildren from toronto viaited friends at mrs beattya old home the robertson brothers farm mr and mrs john ferkini- and misa beatrice of gtoyersvlile n y arrived on saturday evening to spend a week or so at the home ot mr w h speight rtillislnarrdmissennlsbonnervil with miss ethel faster of milton and misl lizzie foster of st catharines spent a day or two in toronto last week miaa maude vvatkins of aoton will make ber home in brampton during- her musical oourso under tutorage ol mr walter plokard during her stay here miss watkins will reside with mrs p malloy south wellington st brampton itanner the misseb hall evangelists havo oon- olqded a series of special aeryioas in drayton they were very luooesalal in their labors there saturday morning they left here for oannlngtoo where they will be engaged three weeks they will then oonduot three weeks speolal eervioea in dandaa grtelph herald the many friends of mr john mann were glad to see him able to vlait town on monday during the recent barveat he pierced his kheo with a maty nail and blood poisoning followed ho hid a aeribnstlnioaodfor a week or two waa in- a preoarions condition he ia gradually tstleysighclassiss goods is ejcclusfveiy to this storeand onheadershipn-biack- dressgoodsisatidistratedr- r no idea of pur comprehensive assortment or the rich and elegant fabrics can be conveyed in these columns nothing short of a personal visit will do that fine kid gloves youre sure of quality of kid gloves wham bought here guaranteed goods fit ideally correct and wear the most satisfactory calve gloves a superior quality 2 dome fasteners heavy stitched back and colored welts to match 100 new veilings we are straining every endeavor to make this seasons business an epoch in our history we are aiming at an enormous increase in the number of our customers un doubtedly the country has entered upon a period of financial prpseeritxivingjullfaithin this we have increased our imports tremendously mr bollerfs european purchases areavvay and beyond anything we have ever attempted shipments have been made to us by the s s amarynthia lucania brittania pqmeranian havel salacia jlahn cahforniah and others are still io follow in canadian purchases we have opened facilities through which for vspot cash we secure our goods direct froih tlie ijiggest mills id this county oh the most advantageous basis that it is possible for any merchant wholesale or retail to buy eirom all quarters goods are literally rollingin upon us appreciat ing thepossibilities for a very large trade expansion and determined to take full advantage of it we have marked our goods at a smaller advance of profit than we have everdone imports larger outputs larger and profits smaller and right here we want to place special emphasis on two dis tinctive features of selling which will be strictly adhered toi stvsirictlyonpricfi ij seless iq113kua to-break- a price the smallest child can buy as cheap as the shrewdest shopper 2nd cash only i 7ui ll street hcton the pall fairs list or the exhibitions still to be hel this f centre wellington fergui 8eptt22 28 north perth stratford sept 32 23 esqaesing georgetown bept 28 centre bruce paisley sept 27 28 sonth grey durham bept 27 28 peel brampton sept 28 0 garafraxa belwood sept 211 30 haltod miltod sept 2980 trafalgar out 4 6 eramosa bockwood oct 11 12 worlds fair booklbo cot 11 12 erin erin oct 18 11 recovering from the effeots of the accident the election trials hnlton and a score of others to bs tried at toronto tonohto sept 19 the long hat ol eleo tion protests were investigated saturday morning at osgoode ball by mr joatfoe oaler mr juatloe rose and hr juitioe ferguson in the presenoe of counsel with a ylowiof flndlngilt any wero likely to be dropped and ot fixing ths date and venue of tbbse that wore ready in only onooase waa it intimated that the coolest wonld likely be off and that was south grey the ottawa may be added later in the meantime preparations aro being made for tbotrlala as a reaall of tbadisaubsion a tentative arrangement waa come to whereby an effort will bs made to bold the north waterloo tiial on thuraday next king ston 80 h september eaat llmbton 4th october north and sooth perth sometime between 19th and 81at ootobsr thnan llkly in hllj 1 tnrnnlr r- tha two toronto baal and weak hast logs south brant dundas north lanark the two ollawns halton eut bimeoe addlngton lioooln frontenao blormbnt south wantwortb booth wellington south norfolk weal york and sonth waterloo the dates of all the irlala will be definitely fixed by the jndgei as early as poialble so its to have them tttrongh with before the date of the oonllnuanoe of the aeislon of tho legislature under tbo formal announcement ol the ooort that an election trial irotn the province baa been transferred to toronto for trial there lies the nothing f dither will coma of the protest tbla is ondaritopd in court oirclei bnt it la not gsnarally known tbla means that nearly twentyofthasa set down for trial and wbloh were ohangsd to tor- ontobn saturday lait will in ill probiblllty ba only aiweok until the plibuclte yole onhjwuouytakanlaxwa v- vf- it to curcqtpjtlrflnb dav taiiatlveroaabqnliilrve tbrita ill lists rstuntl ibsmonay itit nils to oura b c byeelections four of the new ministers returned by aoolamatlon vahcobveb bc sept 17 all tbe members of the new provincial govern ment except hon dr moeeohnie having acoepted offera of emolument bad to- offer themaelvea for reelection therefore to day waa nomination day ia vancouver oityi weat yale and the nelion riding of west eootenay in the byeelectiodb for the re- turn of tho four membera hon meairi cotton and martin were elected by accla mation in vanoouver and the stame waa tbe oaae with regard to premier semlln and hon mr hume hail at hastimos terrific storm 8unday afternoon whloh smashed many windows hiarmob ont sspt 17 a tsrriflo hall storm aoaorhpanied with lightning and rain pissed over this- locality this after noon at 8 oclock tho hailttonea varied in size from a cherry to a henaegg nearly every window on the north aide of the stores and dwellings wis damaged the large window on tha north end of the oatboiio gburch was oompletely demolish ed and tho rain pouring in did consider able damage to the altu furnishings three muniotpal bylaws fere carried in gait by popular vote one to dot away with the ward- system a aeoond to- provide 12000 for a new fire bill and a third to purchase the lighting ooa plant and operate it under mbnioipal control every man in canada having a vote who polls 11 against prohibition or refrains from polling it for prohibition will be riving bis oonaeol to the ram trafflo and his endorse- ment to the dlabolioal deedi of tho men whoso buslneisit is to debauch boys exchange a friends advice leads to hervlth andhamness evecrton bqv mr glftvbifordi gqelpb will leotare on ihe plebiscite la the disciple a ohnroh oh monday evening 20th insk dont stay away the epworlh league is prcpariog some doooratlodb for a ihankbglvinr even ing is bood it can be arranged for jast now oar time and attention ia centred on prohibition tha sooietj of c o o f will gather for their annnl lermon next sanday evening in the disciples ohnroh the pastor rev mr seytooe willoffloiate wennderetftod he is vuitiog ms former home in toledo ohio this week bnt will return on friday annlveriary eervioea will be hold at the e ram oia methodist ohnroh next sandiy bev s holden will proaoh in the morning and rev cranston in the evening on monday evening rev mr harvey fergoe will give lata leotnre to and fro in the eternal ouy sandwich and coffee will beaerved- wo notloed as visitors mr and mrs i mocotbheod onelpb j abbot teacher near gnolpb and mr bargoyne aeea oaptaln from england who spent a oon pie of days wjth blabrptheri n jaw mr cannot and will not sell goods on dit and with this knbwedgo no one need feel offended- if credit is refused will make it worth your while to buy for cash we need scarcely say that while our prices this season are lower than you have ever seen them the quality and character of the goods we handle is better and brighter th3n ever we invite everybody to visit the store look through see and enjoy our hands have quick injunctions to worry no one to purchase we want you to see and compare everything 1 dry goods and nothing but dry goods chas l nelles guelph sold thirty thousand rolls paper this that tbo reason you should buy from him ho also hosking william ttamea hammond waa hanged thnrfldy morning at braoebridge for the murder of hla wife he died without a strorgle it is reported at ottawa that the mounted policemen who went in by edmonton a year ago have now reached pawion city- bepbrtai from haatlngs kingston and montreal itato that very severe stormb were expsriienojed in those localities on saturday and sunday handlen more window shades than any dealer e r bollert fe 25 and 27 wynaiitm street guelph henderson 6 co acton orknd dress goods and mantle display it is experience as well study that enables as palnes celery compound used by a mother and her daughtep rheumatism nebvous- neflb and kldotxr dis- eabe banished a letter that should hope inaplr a ouarantbu op newtlfb to every sufferer wsu8 a btauwsoh co dear slra i think ii a doty to writs to you regarding ths bsneflls dirlved by my danabtar and myaell roin tha nsa of your palnes osliry compound for ysars i ru troubled with iheuma- llam and uerroninwi i siai treated by dootora and tried medloloa altar tnadtoliie wi an goo reiolti fortonataly a friend ot mine adtlasa ms 10 try values oelryopmdopd3i dldio axid 11 uiing lijnr bottlei i blind i waa itronkor and better thaii i had baon for yeari my aaogolarwaa oprcd of vdojdfitsaae alter lottartog far twlia yrart 8j cuing a fsv bottaa of palnav wiry ooxnpoond i iaiiffirfiiiiua itom rheawatlsm pertouineai and itidney irosblea to glre the oompoond a trial ypbri slnosrety mas looisxirava cbspleau ont thttj also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for diiitaess nausea srowil ness bad tuteln the mouth coated tongas pain in the side torpid ltver they regulate tbe bowels purely vegetable man pill 8mall dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day see ybu get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little livef pills cuetphs china last freek we had a talk with you upon dinner sets this week we want to interest you in china tea 8et8 wcfcavc just received one crate xhinaiea sets clinsle deatgas add patterns ranging in price from oo to moo ft set 5 dor china cups and saucers 3 patterns to be sold at roc each or i ao per dor large stock of geni jars all sizes saai ddlprl fe go to give satisfaction in dealing with the sight savage co have for fifty years made the repairing department of their jewellery business their specialty guelph the modern grocer being ihe isrg- st makers of refrigeratora in aoada we ake aeveral lines of grocers household rrigorators in ly ityles and a modern assign with it principle of cool sir clr- ttlohbtttlb- alation and j lined why buy a homo mads or poorly tnadeertlcle when yon can get an nptodalo refrigerator for less money t for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham a nott co ltmlted bintlbm for sale by john m bond 4 co quhlpk acton livery v vbs undanlgasd ajollhputi wsll equipped uine soueltiihpai thai ladies wecordially invite you to attend bur millin ery opening on wednesday sept 28 th durmiss gampbbi1lha8bparednopain3xpjimtkethiail banner display in our historyi all are welcome the fashionablo and sotvicable will be found combioed hero whilo moderate prices rule df2ess goods this stock has been selected wiih good care aud comprises an assortment of everything used io tabhipnablo dressmaking blacjc and colored fancy goods in profusion and y 1 be pleased with onr assortment of boxcloths amazon ciotbb serges etc for tailor mado gowns 7u531nties this etoqk is now complete we cannot give any in this issue but come and see the goods no trouble to show coats at any time particulars wo promise you a treat ladies gold tstatches ftoglx- has them beauties at 1500 1 2000 2500 everyone warranted pringl which m ab ioo by so lute security to you new hats 99 wyjtidham st just in the latest uptodate english and amer ican hats range of prices 1 150 2 225 250 our 1 stiff hat is a leader new suitings tieerhewestrimported suitings you should see them now lines of meckwear just in jricija mertwtoibr and mens f on9 pffice only srfj v

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