Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1898, p. 1

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volitjme xxiv ho ii acton ontario thttksday september 3 5 1898 price tehee oems ib pubitlsiheo evert thursday mornimg at thb free freabsteamprmtlngooloc vjiliistrbbr aoton ont tanua or snoaoniption ono dollar per year ttrlotlyjn advmoo all subscriptions discon tinued when the time for vrlilob they ha vo boon paid bu oxpired tho date to wblon every abiorlptlonlipald is denoted on tbe address label adtssttaxha bates transient advbrtise- menu looeota por notiparolluqo for ntbt in- exilon s cents per line for eaab subasquont asertloa oomtbaotitltbs the following table ibowa ur rates forjhe insertion of advertliomouta for specified periods ipaoc 11 tn1 6 mo 8 ho 1mq olnotiu 10 luohw 6 inobea j llnoh 6000 3300 9000 eoo 3800 9000 j900 aw aoflo 1900 700 9do 700 aoo so 100 advertttoments without spool flo directions will be osertsd till forbid ana charged acoord ngly trsnaieat advertisements must be paid n aavanoe advertisements will be changed onoeeaob month it dilred7fdr ohanftea oftener than once a month the composition must be paid for at regnlu rat ghanaes for contract advertisements meat be niheoffloe by noon on tuesdays aooonnu payable monthly hpmooeb editor and proprietor our school book stock is the best tho exercise books scribblers slates pens nhd other school sundries are bigger better and cheaper at days bookstore day sells cheap traders bank of canada authorized capita 91000000 htueiituss biwdorp medical tohn m macdonaid md cm buccessoe to j f tjrkn m d o m office and railuenoecornor mill frederick etroets aoton as eiiliott mdmb aoton giuddatb toronto unrvsnsixr office corner mill and jobn streots acton agents- book bnalboaa is better tban for years past also havo better and faster selling books agents olearldr from 10 to 640 weekly a fair leadors are iquoen victoria life of ur qladatone my mothers bible storlos pro- ftresalva speaker klondike gold ftotda woman glimpses of the unseen broak- fast pinner and sapper books on time the cradle y- g alt het son co limited toronto sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont guelph branch sums of 1 and upwards reoeived on deposit and high oat current rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly v deposit receipts issued for largo eolins deposited- advanpes mado tp responsible farmers on their own nameb no obarge made for collecting 3ales notes if payable in guolpb a general banking business transacted a j j3v jones manager qotirfjr authorised capital 600000000 d r dryden etb bub txxboatand nosh molosna block douglas bt near p 0 gtjblph office hotms- io am to lpm andato6pzn sondaifl- 10 am to 1 pm jdsntal i bennett lds dentist j obobqbtow8 omxabio j p coghlan d d s l d s dbntist work cabbroxur done pbiceb modebitk officii owsa bnowws dnya stobb hocnb bveitr jdat fnou 0 to 6 jm beix dds lds 9 dentist bbookviixb uomon olujdtutx of tobohto univhrsitx work mule satisfactory prices moderate vuutnto datb monday afternoon camp- bollvlllo tuesday acton offlco xjiarka hotel friday ilookwow- brjg h cook dentist cor college fit and bpadlna ave tobonto wulvult aoton on the flnt and third satur days of eaoh month qrrxobmr adam cooks rosldence alln street m clean mclean barrlsurs solicitors notaries oonvoyaxieera jroi offlbe town hall aoton wk a molbuk jho a molbin j mackinnon binnibtuv bouciton cokvetinoxq ofiioimui street in mattbewi block upstairs rb moleod uawutcbo souoitob conveyance tfatn street goorgetown ilpnov to losn at lowest oorrentratei r j monabb olm fourrtibl virion oonrt oonntr ol bil- on cbdtonor agent fire and ijue auormnoo usil eiuu aksot monoy to lon etc ornoi ferrymanablock jkotoh oni wscxtlainioys h bnex qkist ottiwi ouud1 8olloltor ol patenuf for invention etc prevaree apphoiuon for the 0n41n lvsrnsaborormratentofflce end for the s5uonosttide mirke bend for nun- pntet twrtrtereeperleneo clranbls bonan bookbindbb wyndnmmbt aoelphonteulo wynaumm w atore aooount booi of e11 klndi made to orjer farlodlealiolstur deeorlptlonouefullybowta bnunrneellvkpromptltdono m- arruoe lioen8es h v moobb itwrrn ormaaniaob iioine frltateofflda nowltneueareaolred iesncd reildenre in tuo otonlng free preii obloe aoton jstm hebjbqcbek xnc5 adotiohbib for the oonnuotof wellington nd rulton order leflttbpnpm offlee aoton or trorielaijco in acton wlllte promptly t- endedo feeanoaom to 6a6v0b iabk 8aijis alio moner to loin on the motformblo nmland n lowert ratee of inter in naiofiooitndpwtrde weulngtonmatoal fire insurance company bi13lihid ims imbdbamob onoaeh and untoal pn any eoumonlcatlon forwarded to ray tddrei bo 6m or wspborie h will be promptly t- 0bntatio8ag a0ton eachine aad bepair shops bbhbt obiddbui proprietor xnintiiif 0uniufooi bt iiiiniof woo in itooliana promptly fiswoofladotiiw un wj on band tttapnonoooinii tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 86000 paid in maturity value 610000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent aoton cheap paints dont last long it is money wasted to apply them the cost of putting ona poorpaint and a good paint is the same the putting on is generally 23 net of the entire cost of painting it is true economy to buy the best paints the sherwinwilliams readytouse paints are the best they last a long time sample cards by writing keep jt tlio coal bods on the oblffonter tbo teapots on tbo floor and on tbe oarpoti far and noar burnt matobosby tbciooro but do not call tbe servant rilo nor blamo the loving spouse tboyro absent for tbo aatnmsr wbllo tho husbands kficplngbouao tbo water pltobort all aroflllod with lemon rinds and ipoons thp salts opsottbo sggua splllod the dlsbpans full of pranes theres that to make a liopaewife stare on tabic board and sbdf for this brlghtmortai can prepare a lunomion for himself the slabs piled full ot dtiups tuat are painful to the eyo 1 iho birds quit sieging aai the oat has gone away to dlo tho papers that aro codoid stijl at morning noon and night have all boon blown about until the front yards out of ilgbt all undisturbed tliodust libpread and cobwebs in a wreatu hang down from ceilings orerhead to littered floors bonoac but oro the folks retnrn hell got bomo help to move the mats and oloan tho bouso and tban yon bat lol on twas ever thus t- a 17 bulletin attt jfomiliy lauding for bargains as w aters beos have leased de cartarets store next pringles and intend to move in about the 1st of september quick quick 1 quick for bhrghins latest andbest designs of 7vyplnv2wnts in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reductlort j h hamilton proprietor snanite marble works is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come arid see the largest and best imported stock in inc dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adlan or american granlle otttoa nd worlubamiltoirs block woolwicbaniinorrolksts cu9lph pnt brmnohworja xavrhtmburg oat photographing interiors by fiasliliglit h hamflhaw your own photo artist vvbo stays with you the year around has everything uptodate in the flash light photo line including a lenae which works at an angle of go degrees and is specially constructed for interior pholoa such aagroapa in small rooms it can not be excelled leave your orders with me ior eithe interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the work will have the best posslbl attention my prices are as low as those of any reliable travellers h ramshaw aoton phbtoartist yoa furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have wffbeen able to offer better shoes for the money- 4nmnsand wo mens jans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and biioa dealer mill street aoton j mbondco hardware agents gublph mokeea dyspepsia powders mokeus emulsion of ood livor oil mokeos carolina ploo balaam mokees liniment mokeeb kidney pills mpkeea antiblloua silla vegetable mokeea blapkberry cordial mokeea compound syrup of hypo- phosphites mokees liver pills loo a rjoi mokeeb fragrant an tlfloptlo tooth waah mokeeb flavoring esoenoes vanilla lemon peppermint pineapple pear orange raspberry strawberry mokees baking powder the above are a few of the many sterling preparations we manufacture each prep aration has made on its merits a wonderful reputation xfyou want reliable family medicines use mckees they speak for themselves and once tried they become before all others the household remedies see the grand sensen display in our window we carry full lines of stationery and school supplies wall paper etc j d ivickee dispensing manufacturing chemist acton ont telephone correspondence boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has hadlarge experience in city work consequently able to fill all qrders in the neatest possible manner fineturnedwork and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and moln streets acton k nobbysuit for fall and winter cooper d akins thetailor8 now is your time to 4 a nobby suit for fall and winter ns we have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at fight prices fit and workmanship guaranteed first olaas and uptodate overcoatings a good rnnge of fall overcoatings call and inspect ourstock before leaving your order cooper sl akins main st acton bring your custom logs in and take the lumber homo w y lumber planing mills nassakaweya p sayees proprietor has constantly on hand a full line oi lumber lath burigleb oedar poota wood t0 custom logs and bill staff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best oi satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p sayers jtujjjditbll or high bohcol- hoold not overlook tha neat ad vant- aga of a nraotleal ooun of instruo tronattfi vbublfh shoruian4 iiistitute famisbssiomii ooinmdoa naarsepumtrotn wrltaoroallmuttereiud olronlarsyrm 1 v t sbinr ntnoira kaej ro rrance of dell drll naa till he hsid hsif natarslly blooded and soft bnt ithtd been bleached by eaa and weather qdt wa hfehas as eared bay bu face was tanned and be walked with anoeruin banking rait that oomos from travfllfng after the plow toiling over soft ground and keeping foot- hold on tteep billsidef dell had lived to be twentyfonr withoot even bo mnoh aa looking at a girl since his aobool dnye in fact bell woald have bad littlq time- ti devote toglrlf he waa basy from early morn i or until night about the farm and if there were a fe days respite there he bitched up his tm tad drove to qrotfland to help bis brother in his celery and bwect corn fields ono day there waa an excitement in the mason farmhouse dell broafjbt a letter from the pottofsoo tot hla mother and she read that miss hamilton who bad extn- sfve forebtintireeti in the yiolnity would be htt guest for a day or two wfaue looking over her property do not ihake any f ma abbot oae please mien hamilton wrote i know how busy yoa are at tula season hive dell rnn down a hen and 1t me have a potpie for dinner dell broiled at the medtion b his name he bad been too young to remember miaa hamilton when she went away but be was proud to know she remembered him i suppose ill knve to meet ber sit the tra1n said dell with the peon liar drawl that had aomo to him from puritan green rnoudtain ancestors suppose ill have t drebb up of conreo drll and pat tho beet har ness on the horses and tike tho wagon to tho creek and wash off the mail 1 guess bheu gt csod to tho mud aaiddtll wliod the train climbed the hill and anally e topped st the hillside depot dell waiting holding tight rein over his fractions farm horses whioli were unused to tbe locomotive two women were banded down from the veitlbnte one dell knew was mibb hamilton and a small blonde person by her side waa a itranger yoa are dell i koow- aald miss hamilton coming up thieti my friend mib9 8ajbfl and the honda vision nailed at di 11 and showed her pretty white teeth igan yon git in- aiked bell for tbe borsoa were reetfeas atad he oonldnt get oat t3 aeaitt them and all the way down the iwh he sat very jllam tho relne conaoions that tbe prettiest girl be bad ever aeen was alttlofij behind him and probably conntrafittog btm with the men who drove for her at the park and on the city bonlevardt when be stopped tbe horses at the farm gats and helped tbe ladaea down from the high vragon he thought to himself it waa like lifting a doll when alibb sayles pot her foot on tha step and held oat her handb to hiva if she had been looking at him sha woold have seen that be blushed clear up to bviifadtd wtite bair bat she wasnt looking she saw only tbe farmhoaae hidden in the treos was conscious of the drifting scent of violet from the garden and felt the sun light falling like a benediction over all dell watohed her going op the path to mecthfs mother standing in the porch in ber beet en if 00 dress and freiu gingham apron she looks like a ypllitr bird he boidto himself a thoniand hones b had seep a graceful bird polled on the step of tbe porch ready for flight into apace tha atory of how dell oatne to worship at the fair girls shrine it a abort one the firat thing that he did that morning was to pick a great bnnoh of vloleta r from tbe border for ber in the afternoon he was ber guide to the innermost reoaaees where natare elides away her sprlcff jewel of bepatlca and arbutus ho threw stones into the creek that she balgbt orois with out vetting her dainty feet he showed ber where the wlntergreeo berries grew occupy ber time and beneflt the appoar- anoe of ber neigh bora kitchens there waa a world of tenderness in delpa vpice when be tilked to the girl bddono did he grow tender id his words however only onoo when they were sitting on the porch toward evening and a mosquito came hamming about dells ears he struck at it with hia open hand and it flow towsrd tbe girl dont eend your moeonto over this way to bits me ahe said f thats what id do if i waa a moa- tjuito said dell without a sroile and with la degree ot eirneataeba that almost frigbtsped hor- she went ioto tho house then i and dell enwberno more that even ing and there wdaa little etrain in his left side that almost chocked him when he thought qf ber ho tohhla mother what he bad said r i meant it too bo said and then added desperately x wish i was a mosquito dell laid fail mother yon most not say such things she wont like it she isnt plain like ns and she wont know lwtotakelt bat they are going away in tbe mornldg bo yoa mnet bo ap early to drive them to tbe atatlon as the train left at an early hour every one was awake soon aft daybreak when tbe girl came down ettlra dressed for ber louraeyhotlookbdatroundfotdell7lfl was not there his pluoe at the broakfast table was cleared the mother huetled in testinq his nerve on time the fair war talk a tar tod the trouble the big man bad been holding forth to tho loungers in tho country store and tho little man had warmod bis way into the conversation much to the diagubtof tho big man who taunted the little man with not having tbe nerve of a woman this promptly brought forth from the little man a challenge for a test of nerve which the big man cdfadea- cendlngly accepted now what i propose bald the big man taking cbargo of the affair as big men are wont to do oapeaially when a little man is oonoerned is tbisbam yere has got a keg of powder and i propose that we put a lighted candle in it and let down by it and the one who seta the long est has got the mobt nerve a murmur of admiration went around the loungers at this bold proposition bat the little man stack up bis nose and said guess ive got tbe oboosin of this yore nerve test all right eonny said the big man with a wave of hia hand and a bmile of the little man turned toward the window and gazed absently out in the direotion of the old mane boose while tbe big man waited with a grin on his faoot finally the litt man aroaq and eaid tblokett and langhed bmanlft ihe wu afrsim to eat them he did not say mnoh disk seldom said much but bo loved to bear her talk shes a pleasant girl said the mother to dell that night x said dell ahei a great talkor mill salos might not have felt oomplt- mentsd if she bad hoard delli comment it was ft in cere to edll ft was a great thing to be able to talk s tbp days following were full of dtligbt t- tbe girl all the glorias of the spring ipricg woto heaped upob bar birds awakened her in the motalog with their musloil voices bbe broogbt bqms loads ofdligbtt torn- the fltldi and thswoodaio- tbe aiternoon and in tha the evening bell told bar stories of antnmn bnnti audi hnr idgs- he told how a woman be knew had become si mlesionary and she baa gone to teaob the hea then asked the girl nw drawled dell x gneis abas what you call a home missionary she goes around blacking stoy dclismctbereipuined that tbe woman in qoettlon had a lightning jlioklng out- flt sand she went alwot thv mlborhbod blaoklug atovea wltbont obsrgw j oat to di11 had to goto grovelind this morn ing she bald little peter fergaaon will drive yoa to tbe depot but be didnt nay goodbye to na aaid tbe girl i call it unfair of xell to go away without aaylng goodbye well he had togo early and yoa wai not up said the mother and he said i wasnt to diuorb youv drll driving down through the shady roads on the way to grovelind with bis white elouoh het over bis eyes and his shoulders stooped forward as one sits when thinking heard the whittle of the train at tbe crossing and a topped until tho ket rumble of the wheels bad ceased then he touched hia horse with hia whip and went on for tbe first time the birds sang unnoticed oyer his head he did not see the carpet of dandelions by the roadside nor did he hear tbe tinkle of the brook as it dropped over the tbe rlato lodges iutv tho ravine he heard nothing bnt the bonn d of a young joyoas voice that bad made mnsio for him for a week and saw nothing bat aglint of yellow hair that waa really nothing but the sun shine playing about him and that night the girl went into miss hamiltons room and sitting down on an ottoman laid her bead in the other womans lap and cried what is it bernardino arent yon happy fyee she aaid i am happy but i want to go hack i want to go back do yon buppoae i will eomi time i think it my lktly suid miaa hamilton but never mind yon know what happened personal purity thomas alva edison was once asked why bo waft a total abstainer he bald- 1 thought i had a better nee for my head the answer it worth remembering by any young feljow wboraeaue to use his brains a wonderful battery they make every morning tbey take up their work and otart as on our dally plena are or dally duty if we have not tried thfa etimulna or that stimulus not io the plan for which tbey were made the young man who means to do the beat possible work his body and mind can do keeps his body and mind pure aa clean from ootflidofillb aikdiaon keeps bis brain this is what la meant when we are told to keep onrselvoa as pare as little ohildreo aro tho jn on who ore traincljqra football matob or a running match cr a boxing match have to keep their bodice from any stimulus but that wbiobia given by food prepared in the simplest way so aa to bait the most simple appetite it is not simply that a mane body must be in good order itself what is needed is that a man shall be ready and able to govern his body he shall say go and his body shall go he shall say go faster and hia body shall go faster bis will his power to govern hfe machin ery dependa on bis keeping himself pure rev e e hae in temperance ideae a death trap among the strongest influences towards prohibition are snob oases as the recent death in toronto of james odbnobtie brought up in comfort the son of a thriving oitfson and ts nephew and namesake of a dominion senator otoco- hue began ltfe with every prospect of saocese and prosperity bnt early in hie careerhefell a victim to drink he filled office after office and- lost oach through drlnkl he inherited a email fortune and diasi pateditindrlnkl ho became a tramp a vagrant and wanderer throughdrink i at last ataggerlng along the street upported between two dissolute and abandoned women be stumbled fell betp- l opon fra im ready for that there nerve teat the crowd followed them out of doors where the little man promptly made for a mud puddle and waded through and insist ed that tbe big man bhonld follow hia example then be made for the big mane house and threw open the kitchen door and was about to enter when the big man said uneasily bee yere the old woman has jes mop ped out in thar wheres yer nerve sneered the little man this brought the big man in with hie muddy boots and as they stood on the newlycleaned floor the little man said yer wife has jes- gone aorpss to the neighbors cause t seed ber and well just stand here and wait tillehe comes baok an sees who has got tbe most nerve the big man moved uneasily from one foot to the other while the crowd grinned in at the door shes croaaiu the road said tho little man beads of perapiration wero atanding on tbe big mans face bat tbe little man waa calmly ohewiug a straw shes oomin in at the gate announoed the little man shell bo yere in but the little man was alone the big man having fled and the little man said as he wiped bis feet on the graaa i knowned all tho time that ho didnt hev no nerve but bee yere put in one of the loung ers i dont see notbin of the old woman around shes takin a lot of eggs ter the mar ket obuokled the little man i saw ber go afore we lorn over yere we will send wo more sons to the war a noted writer aaystbat a bed isabondlo of paradoxes wo goto it with reluctance yet we quit it with regret wo muko up our minds every night to leave it early but we make up our bod ion every morning to keep it late yet moat of those who htivo become eminent have been early risers peter the great always roso before day light i am said ho for makingmy life as long as possible and therefore bleep bb little as posfliblo alfred be great rose before daylight in the brourq ot early morning golnmbue planned be voyage toamorioa and napo- ieori his greatest campnignb 0 opernfena waaan earlyrisor- as were rcoat of the famous aslronomeraof ancient and modern times bryant rose ak five bancroft at dawn and nearlyall oar leading authors in tho early morning wabbington jefieraop webster olay and oalhoun wero all early risers henry viii breakfasted at 7 and dined at 10 john jaoob astor and cornelius vander- btlt were aoouetomed to rise at set times each morning end co retire at definite hours even though they had oompany wollter roott waa a vqry punctual man jhia was the secret otxhi sj enpr rnpna hutu iiayuonu i do not tuinlt tlio uayaaroloht wliou woiittond tho county fair i novor 6top to count tlio cost or puriclrlou only noodod lliuro vhon wlfa ami childrau wear tliolr but i dohot foar a daflli of raiu and proudao 000 thoin uiooly drossud do not bollovo tbom woalt and vain tbolrliappyfacos mako mo glad as tbtoub crowd i guldo tljoiowon i do not take to ovory t acj j am novor caljod a country swell but up to dato i like to bb audftll mylovbd ones jubttbosansc 80 at tho fair ffostrlvo to sou tho latest things lu stylo and uauc pioirresblvcia aploasautword in all macliiacfl tho rakethoboo in blooded otock in fowl and bird tbu fair oome progress boafwill show eaoh ydar and those who nlsli may lcaro of mans dovico and womans art j3o to tlio oounby fair i turn j in cvory ono i have a part wrong side out when people get out of the wrong aide of the bed in the morning that ia to eay begin tho day in a cross faihion tbe difficulty cau generally bo remedied by selfapplied moral means a atory is told wblab suggebtsa cure for thle tendency to get np wrong aide out as it ia some times called at tho national con gross of mothers reoontly held in washington mrs leeds stated that a missionary in spain had written her that in many porta of the country thei women wero marching through the streets with banners on which were inscribed wo will eend no more eons to trje war we believe that something like 100000 of thebe young eona ot spanish mothers forced into the spanish armies havo already died in onba alone with dnethoasandth part of the money now ppent on war the children in all the schools of spain oould have been eo humanely eduoated that war would have been impossible and the same would be true in america and other nations we are rlob and spain la poor we have between 70000000 and 80000000 people spain between 17000000 andas000000 if other nations do not interfere there can be no doubt of tho firbt resnlt of the war bat what may follow no man can at present foresee geo t akoell penny for a priceless book a working man purchased for a penny an aged looking volume bearing a date of 1540 thetnah i tried to read it but throw np the attempt apparently in disgust and the volume was relegated to the cupboard a friend of hia saw the book and took it to the british maaeum authorities who promptly made an offer of 00 tho highest eum the librarian is allowed to offer with- out a epeolal vote of the trustees had tbe man known what he was about he wonld have stood out for more as the authorities would have paid almost any price rather than let the book slip through their fingers it was in fact tbe first book printed by gutenberg and waa therefore almost price less it is needless to say that the work- roan was satisfied with his pennys worth the correction and died change throagh drink i toronto jkt- too much for him a prospaot maine correspondent contributes this account of tbe diaoomflt- ure of a would be irnarl young lawyer who finally in a oaio of atanalt and battery asked an old man of tbe vicinity at what dfstanoo he waa from the parties when the assault happened just four feet five inches and a half answered the witneis how oame you to be ro exact ajked the eoo n set because i expeotedeome fool or other to ask me and aolmaasured it befortv and after there is a groat deal of difference she said with sarcasm between the way a man parti with his money before he is married and afferwarde yes replied afr penny wise before marriage when he gives her a flo bnnoh of flowers she eeyav thank yoa george yoa are so good arid kind and generons i but after when he gives liar threefoorths of his salaryshe merely looks hort and lays xs hat ail the bookman tells this atory illuatrat- ing a sohool examination it appears that at an elemontary exam ination atio english which was hold in a sohool in new york two sentences were given out to be corrected by the younger scholars the firat sentence was to be oorreoted as to its aubjeot matter and ho as aen as to u s t-heae- aeblevemente he made it a rule to answer all letters the day they were reoeived he roiei at 5 by broabf ait he had broken the neck of the days work ss he used tp eay writing to a yontb who bad obtained a situation and asked him for advice he gave this counsel beware of stumbling over a propensity which easily besets yon from not having your time fully employed i mean what tho women oall dawdling do instantly whatever jj to be done and take tbe hours of recreation after business never before it not too mnoh can be eaid about the value of tbe habit of rising early late rising is one of the first slgds of family degeneracy kight hours la enough bleep for any man very frequently seven hours are plenty after the eighth hour in bed if a man ia ablo itisbjb busineas toget np dreaa quick ly and go to work a singular mibopanco has happoqed to some of our frlende said hamilton at tbe instant when ho uabered them into existence god gave them a work to dp and he also gave them a competency of time bo mnoh that if thby began at the right moment and wrought with sufficient vigor their time and their work would end to gether but a goouvthany years ago a btringo mbfortano befell them a frag ment of their allotted time was lost they oaqaottell what became of it but sure enough it has dropped oat of existence for jast like two measuring lines laid along side the one an inoh shorter than another their work and tbelr time run parallel but the work is always ten mlnntos in advance of tbe time they are not irregular tbey are never too soon their lettors are posted the very minute after tbe mail ia closed tboy arrlvb at tbe wharf juat in time to see the btcamboat off thoy come jn light of tho terminus precisely as the station gates are closing they do not break any engagement nor neglect any duty but they systemattcalty go about it too late and usually too late by about the same fatal intorvel somepno has bald that promptoeaa is a contagious inspiration whether it beau inspiration or ap acquirement it is one of the praatloal virtues of oivilizition poahxng to the front cider the enemies of prohibition aro making dpeolal effort a to oonvinoe the applegrowing farmers that their fruit crop will be of iobb value if prohibition widb in the ooming vote it is argued that tbe answer yea to the ballot question mast be counted as a demand for tbe prohibition of the manu facture of older of every kind the facts of the obbo in relation to the not proposed that the txuunfaoturo bale or use of unfermented apple joice shall be in- terferred with the manufacture and sale of formentcd eider ought to boatoppod che ballot paper aabs the question aro you in favor of the paesieg of an act pro hibiting the importation mannf aature and aale of spirits wine ale beer older and all other alooholio liquors for use aa beverages it will be notiocd that the beverages to bo prohibited are all classed aa alcoholic in moving the second reading of tho bill in the house of commons the minister of agriculture baid the word oidor moans apple juice wbiobi liaviug been treated in manufacture baa become an intoxloating drink and it does not mean apple juloe simply in its raw state any one who states that tbe prohibition proposed is prohibition of the manafaoture sale or ueo of fresh apple jalco or opple juioo preaerv- cd without being fermented la guilty of in- excaeable mibrepreientation thousands of drunkards have started tbelr downward career thousands of ro- foiraed men havo been tempted baok to evil ways by the hard older inducement there is no form of intoxicant more mis- oblevoas or dangeroustban what ia known aa hard oider tho ubeof that lutoxicant la common it ought be prohibited in brief then it ta proposed to prohibit the dangerous and injarlous alcoholic older and leave the harmless iweet older alone alt i bo ft t prnhih vninii were the sentences the hen has threoleg- whodoneit when the papera were banded in it waa found that one of tbe examlneea had apparently regarded the sentence aa sob tly connected in thought for bis answer was as follows the ben didnt done it god done it why he wanted war your husband is one of the mon who were so anxious for war before hostilities were declared wasnt he t yes if he oould have had bis way hav ana would have been bombarded the day aftrrtfcermaino wssbownnp j well why is it that he isnt fighting i see that ho ia still here why should he be away fighting t hes operating a flag factory and olcaring 150 a day out of this thing i guess john knows his buaineas form versus taste elder brotherfreddy im surprised to see you soak your broad in tbeaiab its exoeedlogly bad form freddy tvell its awf ally good taste for in the plebiscite is concerned it will have no more relation to simple apple jalco than it will have to milk royal templar under no obligations shave yourself sir dont you aaid a barber who was trim m log the bair of a oudtomer yes replied the customer how did yoa know well rejoined the birber i know i havo never shaved you and idoaometimea trim your bair besides tbat i think a barber would do a little bitter job tban yoa seem to do very likely wed have pretty hard workmaking a- living if every man was like yon pursued the barber after dipping and snipping a few moments in silence perhaps yonro in businein aint you yes well epose no barbenovor bought any thing off yoa how would yoa like that 1 dons think it would make mnoh differ- en rejoined tw cuatooier my bnal- nesi is selling pipe orbani and the barber finished the job in allenos youth0 companion as m al i boywoinhthhabttof occallo u- aliy revealing tbe cross side of bia dlspobition in the morning wab sent back to his room by hia mothor with orders to take off every atliale of his olotbing tarn it wrong side out put it on again and then come downetatre tho mother flatted for a timo and the boy not having appeared ehe went np to aeo what bad becorno of him she found him standing before the looking glass a piotare of despair his clothes were wrong side out and there were seams and ravellinge raw edges and threads and rongh epotb the boy presented a deoldely fantastio and oontrary look well my bojy aaid his mother hov do youikttf 0 mother lie gasped its horrible i cant i put them on right yea she aaid if youll put your temper right bido out too and promise to wear it that way but remember if yoa forget and put your temper wrong aide out you will havo to put your clothes 013 the barno way the lioy qaiobly restored his olotbea to their pormal arrangement and came downstairs in good temper he bad learned the lesson founts companion sober at last oyeb hes sober becauso hes dead this was said la all seriousness tome by a friend regarding a mutual acquain tance of course it was said seriously it isnt a thicg to joko about though strangely enough adrunkenmans antics do almost always set people laughing such atticb aro among tho saddest thing in life but my friend was very serious in tell- ingme of this man who had been almost constantly drunk and who woo only soter now becauso dead shocking enongb lant it ono woold think that a single lesson of that kind wopjd eaffica to heop upy young maqor- womanfrom taking the risk of death by drink and every one who tampers with- drink takes that risk but one lesson isnt enough soores of bright young men and women take that rlbk daily tho truth ia that alcohol btands alone in this respect it is among the moat torrible of curses atid yet the evidence of us had effects appear tphve tho leabt effect in the way ot warniog why is this i dont know if it isnt that tho drink appetite ia so easily formed and is so btrong in its hold on the by stem that it captures insensibly all mental pbwors of its victim isnt it a thing to ehun think of it being eaid soma day of you yea hes sober because bebdbadwm a martin in mew york witntiv the flag and the regime int when william mokinloy was major mckinloy he onco made an address in which lie described the difference between the ainerioau volunteer and the soldiers of other nation a tbe men who weror hia comrades in tho civil war he said not only fought bnt thought to illustrate thla he relatod an ancodoto about a yooog soldier in bomo northern regiment whose duty it was to carry the regimental flig on the march the boy ran on ahead with the flagttreamtngln the air the colonel waancenaed hero ho cried bring that flag baok to the regiment i tbe boy turned and replied aw yoa bring your reginaertt up to the flag i a qemtlbhint mr giglamps who has been osught by the keeper with some fish in his basket under taking size- oh or well youiee fact is my glasses er maguify a good deal makes things look larger tban they really are i eqeper about to receivo a smaller lip than meet a the occasion ah makes yer put down ashillin when yer means alf a crown somotimeb i deejay sir 1 ptuictt you need the best the diamond dyes color all classes of goods diamond dyofl a far as genoral naeful- nesa ia conernod are far ahead- o all tlio adulterated paokajo and floap grouso dyes now before the public theu croda paohage dyes and toap groaae miituroa trs very nnlimitod in their powora lie true ihey give a nmbltoco ot oolor to lliin and flimey fabrics but when tried on good aram raateriali and beevtor goode eaoh ae tlin- neui woratodj tvfedda and olbthe they are almply worthleta thediarnonddycerowingto their grta- noweraof penetrallon their perfeot solid ity and depth of ibade thoir pnrlty and brilllanoy are adapted for all olasies of gooda from tha thlnnett gaau to lbs heavleat tweode rhla greatrangeof wotk poaiibla only to tbe diamond dyeila what baa made them to popular all over lbs world if you would do your dyeing work in propir atyle uao the diamond dye avkld all imitation paokige dyea and aoappreptr- atloua tlio diamond dyea aro aral and beat or hofno uae

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