xhkjbanjc of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up 1 26000000 reserve fund 72500000 total assets 084607845 xoarly tun millions of dollars a q hamjiav vlpolrueidout board of directors ohn stuabt rroaldout ko itoacu jojlw 1ltoctou a t wood a ii lrtufrorouto wm llubon mi tuunbull cmliier h 8 steven asst cashlor h m watson iuspuotor george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special intention given 10 he collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united fptalcs drafts ori great britain bought and sold savlna department deposits of fli and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added to principal every year whether passbook ia brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large suras j p bell agent v georgetown ont table spoons dessert spoons tea spoons in solid silver silver plate and solid nickle bigger values lower prices and a better assortment to select from than anywhere else bring your repairing in to us we always give satisfaction qeothynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont i qttan jxtt vt thursday march a 1898 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free pre a a reporters this week march will winter novor bo over will tbo dark days novor go mast tbb battoroap and tbeolover io always bid under tbo snow abl endmoour little car lovo hrkl tla boaqtlful thing tiio wjurleatmoatb of tbo year love is sborteat and nearost tbo spriug reeve storeys conditio after the operatloajast weekmrstorey rallied very eatibfaotorily and aiade en couraging profjreae for beveral days the past two days ho baa dot been feeling bo well but aa wo go topreaa this wednesday afternoon hia attondlng phybloiau informb as that there ib some inaproyemedt in hia condition well the chanfiooame didnt it yes tbo election was on chooseday congratulations i john r barber mpp thefirbt of marab jt 608 will bo re membered fine weather and excellent aleighing tbopaa week tbo boys are playing marbles again tif ring is certainly coming next meeting of eaqueaiog council will boholdon tho slat inet the millinery ladieaare attending the wholesale openings this week heliotrope in alt bhados ia tho popular spring color how do ypa liko it if the usual prediotiops coma true march will havo a severely lionlike exit next bitting of the fourth division court will be held bore bext wednesday the g t r and the o p r are both cutting rates aa a result the homber of travellers has gone op with a bound mr john t elliott father of dr a8 elliott baa aold bis farm on the second line below the mountain for f 0000 he will settle in aoton a prom in ant hotelkeeper was caught elllog liquor on sunday night he will have to answer to tbo charge in a day or two guolph advocate dwellings continae to bo a a premium in acton mr e matthews moved ont of his residence on mill street on tuesday 7 and next day two families moved in eight thousand blocks of foe were taben off henderson spring water pond last season and it looks as if a larger quantity woild be out there the present winter loofc out for the soap agent who offers a premium of a brussels rag with every one hand red bars of soap pqrebaaed the soap is no good and tbo premiums are not delivered v mr john ben net formerly of the commercial hotel here and lately of miltqn and streetsvillp removes this week to mount forest to tako charge of- the coyne house dr j m bell dentist of brook viilf has decided to visit aoton professionally every tuesday after tbo first ot april he is a rental surgeon of ability and will soon makfl warm frlenda here the liadic aid of tho methodist church balllnafad intend giving a bread and bolter sooisl on friday evening march 4tb at mr stafford bennett lot 8 con fi erin tentertalnraent to consist of masiorflcitatfona and parlor games ad- mfssion 10 cents all aro cordially invited the news at home mostly of a lobal character and every item interapttb awtty iowtt in texuft mr albert liuig writes tbo fit hi viivau that tho iaiog brob project on cop o com pany iri now doing buuinees down in texas lie aaya it fa warm weather down hero a great many of the btore doors and window atand open all day as though it were midauromor fruit and vegetables are displayed on the streets in front of grocery stores eo you may know it is warm tho polltloul meetings in actou tho only public rncotioga hold by tho poliiioul parties in acton took place laat fiidny unil saturday oventnga mr bttrbtr a c mccallum bndmriii p mooru adroaaed the liberal meeting on friday oveuiug barrister mokinnou occupied the chair mr kerns and mr houdereion wero tho speakers on saturday qveniug couocillor francis presided tboball was crowded on both oooasious both parties and their candidates wero eat is tied with the character of fboir reepoo- tive meolingrt tbtbyiuw to bo topted the transient traders byrlaw whioh baa preased wib uuwelaome severity upon new merchants who have established here the pabt twoyenra is to be teated at to ita legality mr j d mbeeo druggist is the latobt bnaiuesa arrival to whom the provtbiooa havo been applied ho haa paid the 950 fee noderprotest and entered aotion against the cbvporation for recovery of the amoant the case will come op before jadge hamilton at the bession of the fourth division court to bo hold here aoxt wednesday oth inst the yew baptist minister rev w s moatpine b a the new pastor of the baptist cburob will preach hia inaugural sermon next sonday after noon at three oclock the congregation will extend their new pastor a cordial wel come and the people of acton generally will be pleased to add the name of rev mr moalpine to the list of paatora of local oburobes on wednesday evening otb inst a pablio reception will be held in the ohuroh to welcome the pastor a short programme vcitl be provided and amoog tboaoexpeoted to take part are miss nick- lia and mies frazer aotoni and mrs mckinjay georgetown addresses are expeoted from tho local clergymen the pablio are cordially invited tiio c o f exhibition tho vitaaoope exhibition in tho town hall last wednesday evening under the auspices of tbo canadian order of fores- tors was a novel one to an acton audienoe and it took splendidly the peotureb of tbo numeroua residents thrown on the eaavaa was a very interesting feature of the program one the electrophone gave several fide selections from leading orches tras badda and singers of america the moving pictures showing characters and events in lifelike action formed tho principal and boat feature of tho program me the montreal ftro scene and tho negroes eating watermelon op a wager were especially fine pictures tho forest ers are to be congratulated on securing such an enjoyable and novel exhibition the audience waa not large but the hall was fairly well filled epworth xettfno entertain meat the entertainment jn the methodist eh orononmondaynightrandactho anapil ooa of tho ep worth league was a gratify ing success the entertainment con bis ted neighborhood news churchill bpeoiul fvangeliatiohervicos will be bold ill tho congregational church churchill liring ho wholo of next webk tho putter will preach u fpcoiul eertnon next sunday ut throo oolock during tho week appropriate addresses will bo delivered aa follows monday 7th by rev thoa fl rogers b a georgetown tuesday by rov t w luxford v weduosday by rev wm bryerb thursday by rovb h mcpbereon and r b cook friday by rov j a molachlan m a tho meet ings will oommenae each ovoning at 7 10 oclock everybody will be wolcomo coming and going vlsltor to and from aoton and varlousothor personal notes everton mr ii sarloa has rented a farm near brampton and will soon bo moving to it ltov mr bukcr boing in georgetown sunday morning tho service waa jad by messrs jobu and daniel robertson of napaagawoya andjd stewart rockwood thoepwortbloaguo meeting will bo led this week by joel ruddell of tho bethel appointment this wilt bo tho first tjtne ho has tnfttm ohargo here aud we aro aniioua to hear him tbo delegates to gait repurf an inspiriug and moat helpful oonveubion everything waa good we only wish more of our young people would makq a epecial effort to attend incotings of that kind limehouse mlab katie sharp has boon teaching in rockwood publio school the past week or bo id the department of misb straoban who has been ill mr w marshall has tbo misfortnno to give hia rlfjbt foot a severe gash while chop- ing in the bush last week measra john marshall and joo garvin left yesterday on a trip to england in oharge of a shipment of cattle local politician a have been interested in attending pblitiaa meetings tho past week boms are stiallod with the resnlt of the eleotipob some are not at the labt meeting of tho township council 910 was voted to thomas marshall for tbe bapport of batty trahay milton rev jamoa w h milne b a of maaeewood has accepted the call of the globe cboroh congregation in ottawa qninn bros of brampton bought a number of fine draft and oarrlago horaes hero last friday for shipment tbo county oonnoil will moot bore next tuesday for the match aesnlon the milton creamery business ia extend ing to points in eaquesiug and nasaaga- weya iulto a distance rev mr tough of hornby was taken down with congestion of tho lungs laat week but we are pleased to hear that bo ia recovering mra tough was absent at the time ia paris where her brother mr miller died two weeks ago tho bhoe factory haa resumed operations in a small nay tho firm ia now winn ficto alias mabel bcndrtt baa paeeod iiqt beconj yoara cxaminatioa at tho toronto conservatory of musio thooretioal depart- mobt 1 tfaoi o mio t l our canadian fisheries a surplus of 9208000 over tho year ottawa march 1 according ia tbe fiiheriea report jast isaned tbo valuo of the oanadiaii fishoriea last year wa over 130400000 thli amount divided by pjoviooei ni followe nova sootla 007pw5 new brunawiok w70al33 dritlah columbia h 183009 quebec 3037w ooltrio l0os774 prinoe edward iiland 970120 manitoba and kortbweet 7518 tbe provlnooa of new brnnewiok qabeo and ontario give an aggrajate inoreaoa in 1897 of i576b10 and tbe other provlocoi show a deoreaie of 8fl7334 making a aurplai of 208 000 over tile total valae of ths irevioai year auction sale xmmuniat 17lb uareb aaolion eale of farm atook and ioiplsmanta the property ofbobtn qarvln lot25 oon leiqomlon salt i at 1 o dock vu ileunimt anc tioooer isp jfyoo want flrit oluagaalpb iab and doori at qaelpb prloan t bnriot oan s order at bitr planing rail and the lessons they teaob by bev dr soanlan iliabtratod by 70 views thrown upon the canvas by a soioptlcon tho leotnre was iutnrebtinflandinstrnotivo and praotical leaeonb were presented during the lectnro dr soanlana eon sans solo aad gave an improaaivo recitation on a boys opinion of a prohibition law very aoocptably misa etnina graham of 6lenwilliamssang several boiob daring the evening and was very woll reooived tho sonday bohool orcbeatra also rendered a aeleotion with roach acceptance tho loaguo ib arrnjiicg for a bbfles of popular entertainmenta fortbo spring mouthb an eati mnblet family removal for fortynine yeant mr edward mat- nassaqaweya whilo driving homo from church at edoo uillb on sunday evening labt one of naasagaweyaa younk bporta had tbe mis- fortune to collide with another rig and atone consequently bo waa thrown out and the horse ran away amashiog the cutter badly messrs qeore anil barnaul agnewof nassogawcyn havo purobased tho threshing macbino oulnt and cbopporfrom mr john anderson they havo oommeuced chopp ing at knatcbbull and are giving good satibfaotion it is our painful duty to ohroniolo the doathdrobsrlcs wilfrid fourth son of mr and mrs david h taylor of nassaga- weyaaged0 years he died ou thursday last tho funeral took plaoo on saturday tbe revdr scanlan condaotcd tbe fun eral aervice tbo bereaved family have tbe sympathy of the community in their bereavement messrs janaea miller and joseph d thews has beeoft resident of anton tbia is tlic plaoo of his birth until manhood was reached ba lived with bis father tbe lato abram mfttthewb on the homeitead at present oocapled by james broffrn eiq for twentyseven years tbo family have lived in their homo on mill street owfag to tbe removal of tbe two eldest daafchtera to berlin and the proraliicg prospect there for tbo family tboy decided upon removal to that towp they are an eiteemed family and their removal is muoh regretted the obildren were among the most regalarattendantb of the metho dist sunday bohool misses maggie and nellie gave appreciated assistance as mem bers of the ohuroh ohoir for years and last year miss eva was president of the junior epwortn league they will be pleased in a week or so to welcome oallera from their old home at their new residence no 1 coartland ave berlin tbe best wishes of our oitizenfl accompany mr matthews family mr matthews himself will remain in aolon for a couple of months yet to saperintend the oreotion nf a stone shop hoxt to tbo dwelling whiqb be arranged for last fall crewsons corners maroh boa come in yenylamblbe it was a beautiful day- ifit theejeotlon and great interest was taken id ithsroaboutj qoito a nnmber from tbtstfoidity attend ed the liberal and oonbervative meetings in actou on friday and saturday evenings of last week- a few from here intend taking in the foresterh oonoart and ball at eden mills tonight mr win wulklna rjuolpb spent sunday at bis home in tbib vioinily j misbmaude innorval ifrs d copcland and mr wrft glamblr of georgetown spsntbunday at mr jar gamblos mr r gibbons reoetved by telegram yesterday tbe sad infelllgonoo of the death of bis brdtbor mr j gibbons of learning ton tbe particulars ot his death were not given junohsyrnpatby is extended to mr tilbbons ibbla aad bereavement mr lorensto orswson of lather visited friends hera last week mr and mrs n jforbes and miss nellh and master willis visited friends ia ballin afad tins week c 1 b land sales for tebraary ag gregato 21000 aores far wbloh fgflooo was rsallred a sum three times aa iargo as that received daring the same month last year tbe remains of george w ferris ballder of tbe ferris wheel at tbe chicago worlds fair are sui held at tbe crematory in flitsbnrg for hie unpaid funeral expenses iontraotetl over a year i ago tho fnkb pitslbfl invites all its readors to oon irlbuto to this column if yoii or your friends aro doing away ou auolidy trip or if you have friunda vlaitlug you drop a card to tho ciucn ijtubb hoove and mrb wrlggleawortb of asb- grove visited aotoa friends yestorday miss mina walker is borne from toronto mibs lotllo wood of padmero ib visiting friends in town bov rj m gkasford haa buon ill tho past weok with diplitherla miss emma noble ia spending a week or bo with friends near rockwood miss pbotnio lang epeut a few days last week with relatives in brampton e orr left oh friday to visit relativeb and friends in eramosa miss annio stephenbod hab been visiting friends in rlamlltoa the past two weekb mr forsythe of burlington bai removed toaoton with bis family dr and mrs j m bell of brookvillo vidlted aoton friends dq tuesday mr fred- goodovo of trinity college toronto wasnp on taesdsky and took in the election mr john modocalcl oarpenter leaves tomorrow for british columbia to seek his fortune v mr john cole of georgetown spent friday and saturday with former sohool- matea in tows mrb t s ward of aoton spent a few days with mrs a koowibs last week palmeraton reporter mr thomas ebbnge who has been in ill health ftir some time is feeling some what better at presout mr n weber who was in the hospital at toronto for eome time is reoovering bnt is not able to work yet messrs john b cameron and william joans left on tuesday for johnstown ny to take sitaationb there misses hattie and edna thornton lave returned from a visit of several weeks with relatives at agerton mr a o 0 warren came ut from toronto oa friday evening and spent several daye with bis friends here mr n c royoe of walkerton spent a- pleasant visit at the home of his aunt mrs e royoe and other relatives last week mrs dr paynvand obildren of rich land iowa arrived on taerlay at tho home of her father w n btorey esq reevo mrs harry ebbsge and children of toroato have been guests at the home of mr thomas ebbags and other aoton frlendsthis week messrs w h denny and j a speight attended tho annual meetiug of the oand- dian mutual loan aol investment go at toronto laat week mr j j peareon rotnroed to bis situa tion at hartneyon monday after spending a couple of months at tbe home of bia father exreeve pearson mrs carman wifeof bev dr carman general superintendent of tbo methodist ohuroh in canada is serlcasly 111 at her homo in toronto and hopes for ber re- oovery are not entortsined messrs fred osullivan john bern- and peoroetown georgetowne happy today for tho first timo in our history we have a real livo member of parliament in our midbt were- proud of john r barber m p p and hes proud of us tho oleotora of his native towu the tier aid of this weok roports the joyous event as followe john r barber is eleoted the liborals of hallop mado their nnauimoas ohoioe and many conservatives said amea i the vote polled on taobday was one of the largostin tbo history of political con tests in llalton in georgetown it exceed ed that of 1891 by 87 georgotown gave mr barber tbe handsome msjority of 141 ths vote standing bb follows bamibn kmins 1 nol jm- 48 no8 ill 48 236 01 mr barbers georgetown majority 144 at about 780 tuesdayevoning it was leirned deonitely that mr barbers majority in haltpn was 181 there was great rejoloing among bis georgetown friends end many who bad gathered in from the oountry tq hear the- newb mr barber waa surronnded by many of bis f riencla who demanded a speech he mounted a dry goods box and in a few words expressed bis thanks to reform ers and conservatives alike for the honor they had done him he had no desirs to boast of his vlotory from a party stand point for many of hia friends had risen above party feeling and supported him aa a friend ho greatly appreciated this daring us remarks oheor after cheer greeted ths rew member for halton mr wm mcleod follored and express ed tbe great pleasure be had in tbo resnlt of thehaiton contest he had been- well over the county and everywhere the good name of the oandidate had gone before him he was greatly pleased at a victory in whioh the conservative friends holped aheerfall and with good results he was sure they would never regret the step they bad taken mr r milligan and oonnoillor brooke also made brief speeches bonfires and band mnelo galore were tbo order of the evening f with hoods banana- rills bales talk and ehow that this medi- cine has enjoyed publio oonfldenoe and patronage to a greater extentthan accord ed any other proprietary medlolne this la simply becanse it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than what hoods sarsaparllla does that tells the story ah advertisements of hoods sarsaparllla like hoods sarsaparllla li ft we havo never deceived the public and thla with ita superlative medicinal merit la why the people have abiding conudonce in it and buy u pays to buy atbolkrls it pays to buy afbollerts the almost to the exclusion of all others trr it pre pared only by c i hood co lowcll ma honrlc pillc y pls to take 1iuuu s fills wjtll hooda sursaparills of it is early to say spring moda tom waraer albeit uneht adam kingsbury left on saturday morning for the crows neat paaa to work on the now railway uuder oonatraotion there tho many friondd of mr thomas o moore who haa been lerlausly ill for sev eral months are pleaied to see him able to be aboiit again though not wholly re covered ho is gradually regaining btrengtb atifletlob 6t bt holeiifl weal wawauoblt who hive been viaitiog in nabbagaweya left fpr homo on tuesday mra colin cameron of naaaagaweya la forlornly ill at present wo hopo she may soon bo restored to boa lb rockwood there died at bu borne eramosa on wedowday 23rd olt very euddenly mr peter mqqrejtor farmer in hie 03rd year the deceased was well known throughout thla part a an industrious upright man he wata native of pualinoh and tbe eldest eon of the late doaglas mcgregor of that townahip be waa a aoninlaw of post mailer stlttoa of gaelpb mr lather keitle of haddocks drug store guelpb who was threatened with appendicitis haa fully rooovored p 0 atkiason of gaelph sold a fine general purpose mare to mr fred marsh of rockwood tboprioe paid wsb high tho kanota madiaine co gave free oonoerla la the town ball last week to advertlie their remedies tbe sales of their medio ines wero very fair a contest for a limp to bo present ad to the infant getting tbo rnost votes oaaaod a good deal of excitement it was won by jos james b tbe rockwood and aoton boo key teams playedja draw game hero on friday night thebooro waa 0 0 mr hortop had ahothsr conaervutive rally hore on monday evening messrs hortop 1511 iott and maodonald upheld tbe conservative cause while mr galbralth of tbo tvercttry npoko for the xilberal party mr elllqtt of milton made a very line speech one of the best mado hero this eleolion askatiug oir nival id announced for next butaiyveinnk mllo d ooomuo raco and a halfmile back ward raco will be bold for whioh good prizes will bo offered big increase in trade gratifying report for the seven monthe endlna january 3 1 ottawa feb uoih saturdayd official ofiwc contains the trade returns for boven mpntbi endidg jn 81st last the total vntnmenf trf1e lfl38b431 aompared with 8152 170710 an inorease of tb 1002 721 foroarreui jear tortlie seven mouths the imports were 172 nmm compared with 103 568 ou an inoreaao off7 oil 088 over 1807 the oiporti were 1111271832 for the peven moot ha as against 9h0 002000 an inoreme tor tho aorront j car of 1 24 c7i 000 tbe duty oolleoted for the seven months was 111034830 oompftrtd with 111131 400 an inoretm of 80 1000 vor the month of january alone tho im ports show an inorease of 93100000 and tho ejtporuot over n000 000 the doty inorasmd for tbe past month bv 0i0000 i over ibt umi month in 1607 february roll of honor list of tho pupils who won standing 1 at last examinations tho monthly examination of the pupils of acton public bohool waa held last fri day and resulted as follows krbt dkpantmbkr oiusa v clara cobban 298 s bertie speight 205 editb nicklin gertrude narry hattie oram 0a one aabject absorbs all others this week and all thoughts oonverge to this one oenter tbe obildren wear their colon argoe for their side with great enthusiasm even if they cannot give a reason why as is thfloaeewitb many older politiblana thay take a certain side simply beoauae they follow in the hue of dadyology mr barber held a meeting in tho town hall monday evening to oloae up the oam- paiga the ball was crowded and large number a failed to get in mr barber made a strong appeal and was moat heartily received mr n w rowell of toronto delivered a most convinoing apeeoh in defeooe of he government espeoially on tbo tjaestions of the bnrplas and tbo department of eduoation mr llndaay ooonpied the obair three oheor a were given for tbo queen tho government and mr barber quiet steady work was carried on all day tuesday by both parties tbs sleighing is splendid and everyone la making good use of it tbe rev joseph fennell preached at bnrllogton last sabbath tbojuvgamitouou but six cases of new window shades came to us yesterday and tho prices were so good lhat we must give it away cloth shades with rollers 23 cents each fringe and laco in proportion c l nelles thb lerper cublph the hammer and saw is in full operation at our store the renovation is under way in good earnest every department is to be reconstructed in accordance with the growing demands of a growing trade in spite of all opposi tion in spite of the hurdygurdy character of some of the dry gocds trade that has been prevalent here for a season or two our trade of the season just closing has taken a long steptn advance februaryj 1898 our sales are on a very large advance of february 1897 we are looking for work ing for importing for a very big business this coming spring and are puttingour store into shape to meet its increasing demands together with the renovation comes the advance guard of new pring goods a few days sooner than we wished for but they must be taken in they are not to stay however and prices this season are being marked closer by us than ever in the history of the past everything is in full swing and bargains are bristling all over the house e r bibllert 25 and 27 wyiklham street guelph co olaas iv sontor jeonlo oarney itoblo bmytb 374 beoie wallco 270 mabel moore 268 glass iv junior mabel sopor bttie modonald 20fl geo oram 250 lottlo ebbago 258 marks possible 800 t t moonc tesober second deribtsxkkt beulors ida laird 288 alary qoodeve 285 josio stephenson 235 florence snper and herbert fyle 270 jnnlprs myrtle msttbess 281 how- land browd 208 mmd rlendersod and boy arnold 2s0 marks possible 800 0 mopiiaii teaober tiiino nsjmbtubkr senior glass ena pearson 196 razei mann 189 jennie smith ljo junior class daniel bitehie 103 baby clark 184 frank havlll 181 marks possible 200 i epattiasox teaober rouritri dlribtjhnt senior fart ii ohirllo matthews 194 myrtls dills 188 mamie agnsw aad myrtle sopor 182 intormediato irt 11 roino mallen 198 clifford rarnsbsw 100 martha storey 190 jooior part ii lissle wolsford 184 morlofriok 180 willis kenney and alsx moqoeen 175 senior part i eva jeans and vincent goodeve 200 laura colemso 180 flor- enoo speight 181 marks possible 200 e h mcqobitn teaober have y neu if yon snltor its agonies and tail to get u ruii ita aotion on nervo palo is soaply marvel- ions nervillne is the moil pleasant and powerful romedy in tbs marhss try it killed wh int arinfrtioit ont march i ajex monab a wellkaovrn resident of tola town was killed on saturday eviolajj by joplt express while orosslog bo railway traok he was seen helplessly intotloatod a is rnlnntea before the aooldsns be survived tbe acoident two boars services for bev f w thompson ol gnelnb list suuday mr tbompbou pruuebud at geurgetoivn and ashgrovo lor mr mltobeli mrs palllgrew of korval sister of mr thornpaod has been at the point of doath for soveral days and be has remained in tbo vicinity since laat week miss hutt spent saturday and sunday in ooslpu vlbitlng her brother prof hutt of the agricultural collego miaa cometl from toronto has bceu visiting ber brothers for the last two weeks ths bo v mr finney and wife of manes wood wero visitors at tbe presbyterian manse aud tho methodist furaonago last week the ministerial assoolation met in the rooms of rev t bogera b a lsst monday tbo subject tinder nnnnlrtnrailon was ohuroh onion the bov jos fennell gave an eioellent address andeaph one preaeet took pari in tbe disodssion that followed arrangemenlf were made to call a meeiinst of tbe ladies of the town to make arrangements for organizing a branoh of thswbtu thq bev o a mitohell b a mias gartloy and mies walker attendod tbe epworth ltsgao convention at gait- last weok mr n w kennedy mr frank bced miss beod and miss lindsay attended tbe convention at brampton the stadents from tbo guelph oollege passed throagh here last week eo route to brampton to iospeot dales oonservatory and soms cl tbs large stock farms in tbe vioinlty there is an appalling eoaroity of food io many province of spain tbe prioe of wheat is high and bread riots are of dally occurence at salamanca where it is feared tbat martial law will be proclaimed a lot of secondhand watches in good running order at low prices at prliigles guelph second hand watches tak en in exchange for new ones tweeds i tweeds tweeds i we are offering special values in these season able goods see the display in our window rlt is but a sample of our stock if you once ask the price and examine the quality we will risk your buying overcoats at less thau cost c f aoodmre co hot01n these you want worth wear 8i0rinods vecetabie and flower all standard kt ids 3o a package or 10 for 25o mailed to any address postpaid guaranteed fullsixed packages quality the very best seeds imported direct by ourselves ordkk liarlv seed grain all kinds poas oata barley mammotli long kcdmangcl loc n lb li lbs tioo turnip seed any staridird kinil 15c rt lb or 7 ibs for ix 1 long or short while hold carrot seed 40c a lb geo j thollp seedsmari market sq oublph potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes dehverr ed at symon bros ac ton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots shoes cormuxvnd main stsacton style strength choice cheapness the combination is offered in our stqck of now and fashionable goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of boots shoes and rubborst examination will show that our stock is especially strong in style besides being un- equnlled in variety nnd first in favor because of the high grade qunlity nothing will convince like personal inspection that for seasonable goods and reasonable prices the best pace is at williamsvboot st shoerstore mill altteet aoton jehtn flbcqaeefi leave your orders now for your winters supply none but tbe very best scranton coal delivered i cin supply egg stove and nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season by mr ijrownscus- tonicrs whoso business iimurih waa much appreciated i can givu oven bccr service this year anil elicit a coal delivery to commence in september r john mcqueen georgetown electric works t 8pb1ght proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors yatbr motors and hydraulic rams plpefcudbuun fittlnfl and aaneml fiipfji ln ufltdgmulpjwubftimbrutdgnuenlnfl i in prmwrea to aa brmlnff on whsj eonfaftea from pj dlorola kruno aa wlmfjaeonfafteairom piraok to tulgent flpolus bwdlfliunbnbtoaqrdwir3 06b9 kmv la stook vloyoffm snmsllm 1 npoki lulllaeoibtf snannlswl v wwi- mrty l9a sairaego opticians and fine watch r guelph ont istero springb hisats in hhrdrndsoft shhpes newest stytjes all colors starting as low as 75c up to 3 we handle only the best makes a very special offering this week of winter weight beaver overcoatings cut prices to clean our winter goods leave your orders and save money 25 coats for 20 22 coats for 18 and 20 coats for 16 made firstclass in every way new furnishings and colored shirts latest goods epnelson 99 wyndham bu guelph the treading tailor and furnisher cash and one price jl we have practically nooldoods to offer everything new fresh and uptodate larger stock than in former seasons all from tho hpst makers latest novel effects make it a point to see our stock in above lines l mill st acton cheap fencing evw as well as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this yoar than ever before they are the best ask you hardware merchant for them smtf