Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1897, p. 2

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s viiiaw in hockwooi on saturday iiuu jiibt to mi- ailil mtn wt bliuw wooii ntaititiiv vaiih 1iiiiih at tlio iculdmioo of the brlrius fiilliur on woiluustlay july 14 by liov v cooiorjjulianiliiiiklitijr of jacob iminiuor libtowii to t hpeitni ward of acton tholmpai is 1aini at tlio rcaldtfiico of tlio briduh nuruiitn iiibniicii oti wednesday july hth by uioltov dr kuunlou hoborc truus- ilulo to carol iuo duufiiiliir of john laiufi vied mooiti at mooroabiirf on thurbdayiaiid july lily bulovud yifu of william mooro br agoa hj yearn mn tmtjxjm8- thursday july 20 1897 notes and comments the sultan imb ut inst issued an irade banotiouibf lio settlement of the frontier juration in uccorclnnco with tho wishes of tho powers ajholjupiineeq oubiuot hqlvo agrood to tho proposal of the hawaiian government to submit the questions tit inane bo t ween tho two governments to arbitration j vtho dopoaita of canadian chartered baukirj aro how over 8200000000 which is 8i8oop0bo mora than a year ago batiks nfo jnolinod to discourage deposits and are caftor to find good outlets or their burplns lundt mr a w campbell instructor on good roads has for- eomo timo been busy in eoonring an estimate of the n amber of bicycles in the province of ontario there ievvery littlo data to form an idea for there is no form of repistratiod the estimate ho makes hbwovor ia that there are 100- 000 bicycles in ontario representing an invoetmenfof 30000000 lord aberdeen hatweceived a despatch from night hon joseph chamberlain roferring in the highest terms of praise to tpo boldierliko bearing and appearanoe to tho discipline and behaviour of the colonial troops all of whom won the bebt of opinions on all hands mr chamberlain said he could not allow the opportunity to pass without special mention a cablegram from a prominent french operator is said to olaira that franco would havd to import gloooooo bushels of wheat this year or 60000000 bushels more than alio imported last year the russian crop is said to bhow a deficiency of fully 10 per cent and tboro is auo a larja shortag in the hungarian crop amounting arsoordipg to so mo authorities to 10000000 bashels the ontario government ia evidently determined to protect its timber lands home timo ago a plan of fire rangers pro todtivo association wasformod among the lumbermen tobattlo with firea jn jtbe- north mr j r hoakeo has just left for tho north to improve the system and make arrangements and plana for a central office in algonquin park to keep are equipments and generally improve the arrangements for protection against tire at tho mealing of tho provincial board of health inat week dr bryco secretary presented lis quarterly report- whiob atatad that the general sanitary condition of the province continued good and only two or threo serious outbreaks of dibeabo hud occurred the increase of immigra tion will increaastlo danger of smallpox and kindred diseases the scarlatina out break in toronto wbioh had existed all the year had resulted in 1188 cases and 03 deaths but this was the first outbreak in 11 ft eon years neighbo news news items supplied by corres pondents and exchanges ashqrove harvest is in progress and tho husband- men expect yoiy man tn do his duty mr john wright is recovering from a bevere illness mrs j a lambert and little son and mr art trimblo of mt forest viaitod at hoevo wriggle worths last week mr and mrs burton of alluudule wore guobtbat b k ruddela last week mr atlibton thornton met with a rather serious accident last wfiotrr whilohttyroff bo got a fork run into his knao mr wm carroll and daughter called on ash grove friends last week mibs annie mcliowoll of vapoover and miss xsa- irvine of brampton oallodat it dakaiast weoki nassagaweya examinat y milton the successful candidates who wrote on tho laavlner and entrance papers at muton hi oaiididntofi wrote for en trance and rio pahbofl 117 for public school luuving and 17 nihaud the marks re quired wore im anil 012 roapootively those having a after thoir namos have failed in sonio subject to hit iwv but- uro rcooinmcmlul to pass i-uhiiimh-iiooi- mvlnd 7ii juiinlu h aiutyifioii wilton 7iti j nek wrtikon milton 7irimaliul mcnnli muton ml cliinipntturhon milton w7ainoa muartlnir no 11 nuluon miss lilfie dolmage of 0uelph spont a fow- weeks visiting friondtfjn nassagaweya miss es j wilson of guolph spent sandayvyith relatives at knatahbull mr and mrs wnirb taylor and family of guejpti vfaitod friends in nasaajittwoya this weak mr hugh mclaughim lost a fine hoifer a few weeks ago 8omeof tbejooal weather prophbtb are prophesying a catchy harvest this year it looka as though thoy rnight bo right the crops in this seotion of the oouutry are the bflbt that tho farmers havo had for several years the quarterly communion and sacra mental eervice of the kbenezer church will bo held noxtsunday morning at 10 ho oclock the rev dr scaiulan pastor will proaoh and offioiato the monthly consecration mooting of the epworth xeapuoofchristiauiln doavor of tba ebeuezer church will bo held next sunday evening at 7 oclook the topic for the evening will ba st paul and bis relation to industry and st paul as a prisoner of- jesus christ there will be suitable musio rockwood a garden party is announced for friday evening ooth inat to bo held at rev d straohana by tho kings daughters the hiluburg ladies band will be present and will be assisted bylooal talent admission lscehtfl mr geo fadmore dropped doad on tho road on monday last deceased was over bixlyyeara but was in fairly good health and was working at the time of bia death a bioyoligt had a narrow escape while riding down moores hill one day last week two frisky bovinea were pasturing ou the hill and about the time tho wheelman was pftsaipg oharged jsaph other locking their horns and blocking the whole road the bioyolist was going too quickly to dismount and in his turn charged tho sportive ani mals with tho result that bo landed on ono of them and was thrown thence to tho ground he was not hurt at all and his wheel also escaped damage numerous improvements are being made near the iron bridge whore a new pump with a wateringplace for horsoa and a new sidewalk have been placed rev dstraehan who for some twenty one years past baa been pastor of the pres byterian churoh here has resigned his position and intends moving to guelpb mr straohan will be very muoh missed both by his congregation and the villagers generally he preaohea his farewell ser mon on sunday evening aug 1st and will move to guelpb in a few days thereafter miss c jones of the gnolph ilerhld licj ihuvoy dixon milton il myitlo fiulilu milton fljl kilna sitkor milton 011 kluruiiau ialtciaon wilton tuj vmfioiuorvlllono h kaquoainy liii italiih soiiuiau no unolsou i20 ipoz rjindfluy mutou 017 wm avnifitronii 1111 ton u17gurtlullyililumihu cj llobovt ilurlmi milton oh maticlallehmiltariv iikiliihirnriisini siihgauawoyu 1iu1ji muooijfniiiascb j ujtkpbdrt ietrlo mjjtin il4 nom lnnttiiimilioii 9i5 miuivilliltprimlltoi sba haefilo tulfcr ko ii trafalgar osonulllollotilinuji no lotrufiilbar rulo mogrlovouiib milton i5fl nolho houliatn slflton ciy albert kui no kkiiuealng 638 nuncymalion kali nafrasbawoya w2 ilarryjjowii mil toil kuvtiatuo mchiifhlso 1itrafalear 6jsvlliiini moifat kill ton 518 may soaumn no 12 noluon 517 andrew wiukiub no k esqucfliug 516 eliuaboth llaynton no a noaaagawoya mb llobblo cook no 10 trafaljar 609 maud carrflilko no 2 eaqnosiug oohhushou cloinuntb milton 607 hattlo jobuoon no ii trafalcar v 501 weiiloy lawflon no 2 eaqudblng ititt hurbortlmiriluy no 1 trarttltjar ijl albert vikiib no 4 iffil cbobtcr wallace no- fi usqucsing tmrafiliuriiowutuuturitolvr 19l mary itouiimly no j nnsaagawoya 167 franlt martull milton ih3 charlciu dolby no 10 trafalfjar 1h2 laura doufitiih no 8 trafalgar 470 lidwin nooll no 1 trafalgar 17h edith mcnlvoti no 11 noluon 475 josbio uhiica nou nassagwoya i7i irod switzor no ill toronto 173 ina loatoi no 10 nolaon 470 loonard fijmrling no 10 trafalgar icti albert wilbbii koo nasaagawoya ij7oroata diawiy hlltoii 401 victor natl no 8trtttalgar 1g3 james mclttrty no 1 ebouobidr 4i0 john fox koll nolson 457 hannah modowoll no 10 trafulgar 457 william joliiibon no 14 trafalgar 453 annlo littlo noh naasagawoya 451 carrio dow milton 451 annlo kills milton 451 wms douglas no li ebquoelng 445 ltoydonilcclurp no 10 trafalgar 4 15 malcolm a holiuus no 2 nassagawoya 441 alonzo wharton milton 440 edith hiiatlor no 21 toronto 430 aimop conway milton 3 mary a cainiiboll no i eaquoaiub 131 boiiliiadlacklocklsba naaaagawoya 433 dor tun shlalilb no inoiboii 430 mary mcduto -r- vu frod jhamilton mcllton 4i5 vllllaui mulinnoe esquoaing 1115 laura earl milton 423 maggie moilatt no tlnaaflagawoya messrs j 8 deaoon n j wellwood and c h lusk constituted the board of examiners helpless for a year bowed down with rheuma tism and sciatica i from tho iobt saokvlllo nti reoords like tho following carry convla- tlon- with them and in a praotioal sense it minht bj eaid that this is still j ho age of miraoles mr edward downey of mao- can n b saye i ffkvo boon a resident of cumberland co aomo years i havo been a great sufforor for upwards of ten years with sciatio rheumatism i was tortured witb-eever- pains wbioh at times would become aluiost unbearable and i think i eu so rod nlruost everything xnn a a liv i w soor hiat i could not wo k and part of tho timo rwas not able to eve i movo about i be came soweakand my system bo run down that i dospaired of ovor getting better my cafio was an almost hopeless one and as i tial abandoned work j was almost helptoss tor over a year 1 heard of dr williams pink pills and i was induced to at loastgive them a trial in a short timo i began to reoovor and the agonizing pains left my bkak and limba so tbat i was en abled towalfi otit of doors before i had used rnore thaninalf a dozen boxob i was aim oat entirely well and oould do a bard days work 1 had agood appetite and be gan to gain flesh and feel like a new man iam freo jrom aohia and pains and havo dr wjllimw fink fills kothankior it all the reporter oould not help feoling that mr downeys case was a striking one as ho now presents a atout well built figure btrait limbed and as smart in his move ments as ayoung man of twenty canada cqld measures for opening up the yu kon country discussed by cablnot ministers ottawa ont- july20 the conference of ministers on saturday was attended by hone patoraon scott and sifton mr modougall commibbicner of customs was also prosept tho question of making borno provision for opening up the yukon country was considcro6v it was decided to order two cuatoma officers from victoria to establish stations on tho other bide of the news of the day n epitome of the worlds doings durlnffthe week the wanderers and parkdalo bieyole cluba have bothboon fined for selling liquor without a license acaording to statistics just issued it is loarned that during the year 1806 england imported from cauada 01765 tons of oheese mr and mrs gladstone on sunday celebrated the fiftyeighth anniveralty of their marriage they are both in excel lent health the grand trunk car works at br antford have been closed and notices posted instructing the employees to apply- for work at loudon it is verry currently reported that mr whitelaw beid propietor of the kew york tribune wilt succeed mr sherman as seoretary pf state peter monally a boston man perform ed the feat of swimming tho english channel from dover to a point three miles from griz nez france on sunday night andrew corcoran aged 20 eon of mr james corcoran of strom neas7ocit was ihrbwn off his bicycle into a look of the welland canal feeder and was drowned in a letter to a friend in montreal sir wilfrid laurier defending himself in aocepting knighthood eays he jvas not consulted that he found the decree signed by tho qoeeu awaiting him when he arlved in london and he could not have ref ubed to accept the title and thrown the ofuoial doaument from her majesty into tho waste paper basket new canadian flag halifax n 8 jnly 2fi it looks as if the dominion government had in prospeot the selootion of a new canadian national flag a sample flag has been received by admiral erbkino from ottawa for his opin ion i is a b fla wi a tt gcreat building sale at contractshave now been lot for tho lncgo addition to our btoro and workmen will proceed at onco to oxcavato in a tow days tho bnck wall must come down and wo aro anxioiib to get our stock into as small a compass as possible during the next two weeks so that keduoed and iu many casos sacrifice prices will prevail boforo the contracts were let wo submitted an offer so ridiculously low that we didnt expect to got thorn for a largo lot of wash goods tho vory newest and bebt goodb of their kind to be had to our surpriso our otter wab accepted tho invoices camo yesterday the goods arrived this morning there is a largo lot of thorn but wo havo put a quick march time to them in the shnpo of low prices which will chea them out in a hurry ilere they aro lot no j is 5765 ynrdsliest qualiiy fine scoich zeyhyfginfjhanis ihb rcafthing worth regularly 20 nnd 25c a yard to be piu otisalc tpmdrrow jnorning at 6c a yard lot noj- is 869 yards of ncwesforgaridy piques worth regularly ujc to bosoidatsc no 3 is 8421 yards of real indigo saiin heavy german prints worth 17c to bo sold at lzjc lot no 4 is 615 yards light and color challies handsome patterns newesi designs to be sold at 4j0 lot no 5is 367 yards bedford cord skirting worth 7c for t2c lot no 0 is jotyardspartce percales pcrfeot washinggoods note the width yard wide regular 15c for 5c varcheapcr tnn 5c prints lot no 7 is 100 yards ladies duck suiting newesi make and newest colors to be sold at 10c worth ijc and 200 yards real imported english duck suiting worth 20c for 12jc lot no 8 is 64 parasols mainly all black to bo sold at just half price 82 lor i ji for 50c 50c for 25c 25c for i2jc a great snap lot no g is 2 ends of splendjd quality dleacliqd twilled sheetinrjalmost s yards wide lacks 4 inches these arc in ends of 3 to 5 yards mostly 5 yards worth regularly 30c to be sold at 15c a yard there arc several other lines almost as big bargains as above but time and space does not permit usmentioning ererythinqubtfbvertibodrcmombw they are undoubtedly the greatest bargains in wash goods ever seen in the city or elsewhere the zieglerhinch co guelph 4 iotoi if the rider is satisfied his mount is a the easyrunning wheel that can always be depended upon prices are still i oo and 76 169 yonge street toronto agent a t brown acton d it dryden ryu eaii timoat anij nohk ihook douglap st noar 1 o mo leans gukblh office houhh 10 ain to 1 pm and 3 to 0 nui 4 blxndatfh 10 bul tolpu in bbertisemenlb teachers if you want to make 15000 durlug july and aubuht in a good cauio wrlto or wire uio qulokly t ii linbcqtt toronto out wanted i can iry ton aoiiayfl w to a l o maturu ago rofldouient ami tact to anend bcr tltno lu a good caubo t h lin8cott toronto out wanted teachers and othor bripht mou for vacation or permanently to aoliolt for canada an enoyolopodla of the country in five royal quarto volumes no dollvarine comminuon paid weekly the l ikacottcompanytorontooot wanted men and womon wbo can work uard talking and wrltlnr aix lioun dally for nix days a week and will bojpoutodt with ton dolftj-wook- ly addroea i- kew ideas co medial building toronto ont yollft spare time j men wotnon to conduct baslneti at jbotno work ivitmple writing and copying hblb of addremoa received from local advertising to be forwarded to ui dail no canvassing no previous experience repaired but plain writers preferred permanent work to those content to earn 6 or more weekly in spare time apply to w a nit en pu co london onti agents second edition quoon victoria exhausted jubilee edition onpresfl best history of the sueen and yictorian era pabllahed tho only anadlan work accopted by her majesty bales unprecedented knock tho bottom out of all records canvassers scooping in money even straight weekly salary after trial trip the bradleyrgakretson co limltod toronto ont neini caslt store just opened opposite the jdum1n1un huiel brand new goods in dry goods groceries crockeryware etc -i- rb0ught for spot cash and will be sold at right prices give us a call and see goods for yourself terms cash or produce jomcbeath acton ontarro mg tho feoling o confidence hithortbnotod in butsiocaa circlea in ontario oonttnnea to in- crcaaov and prospeota aro ut tho moat obeor- inf character the tono o markets ia firmer and witb ajargo wheat orop in view at good prices wo may look forward to a good autumn trade thoro are good many orders being bonhod for staple dry goods while grocera and hardware jobbers report an aotlvo trade bemtttancea are airly eatisfactory with improvement re- portod by nearly all wholosalo dealers so save n financial export was in town last week bev d btrachan of hespeler visited his parents here a few days ago he received a call to brockvillo wbioh ho has acoepted and will soon assamo tho duties of hie new pastorate georgetown afnft honae greeted tho sabbath bcbool eohola rs of thobaptibt cborch last sunday childrens pay rev o g langford d a with his assistants who had tho during the last session of the legislature authority was given tbo municipalities to aot abide a portion of tho roadways under thoir control for bicyolo paths the aot r has already been taken advantage of in the township of east york a seven loot path having been laid along tho kingston road from the oity limits to tho village of east toronto tho distance ia over one mile and it cost eomo 100 to make the path after a six weokb trial the experiment has been declared an unqualified success the bioyole traflio is separated from that of twagorib77mi6htbt under the statute authorizing tbo construa tlon of these paths it is illegal for vehloles to trespass on them no doubt in the near future many of tho principal highways of tho province- will be provided with bioyole paths the tax bylaw passed tho counoll disposes of a months accumulated business the municipal council mot oh monday evening in regular session members present counoillors denny brown smith and arnold promptly at eiht oolook oaoooillor denny was noved to the beevea oh air tliq committee on finance presented tlioir eleventh report reoommending pay ment of accounts as follows jlv fearson suntlrlos ii c6 davldsltlls teaming 16 40 anthony mason teaming otc 6 45 wm l worden work j a ia 1 robert dlngbain work 4 32 glitu foroba rubber co coau dec sh 73 taul oodtroy oloanlng chiinuovo 100 ii v mooroprliiungaudadvortlsing s 10 kdw mntlliowb teaiutng o 17 so training 6 the children for lliu uuuiiuiuii deserve special praise the hayncs quartet to of cheltenham assisted the choir and sang quartettes the obudren acquitted thombolvos very creditably they were i accompanied by piano organ violins and a cornet the oho rah was beautifully decorated with potted plants and flowers maple limbs with caged canaries which twittered in the branohes as the children sang a collection was taken up whioh was in aid of sunday sohool finanoea and a good sum was real ized little miss hazel mann acton assisted in toe eervioe sherman kiokley son of policeman etokley onelph had hja loft foot orubhed between the bumpers of a f reih t train hero lost thursday he was visiting friends at olenwilliams and attempted to cross the track over the bumpers of a freight stand ing over the crossing ho was taken to the general hospital guelpb and had lna foot amputated the annual sunday school excursion witl take place next tuesday to burling ton beach all the schools unito many of tho epworth leakue delegates are making excursions to various parts of canada before returning borne bev 8 a dean b a of saginaw mioh with his wife and danghter are visiting miaa stewart of this place mr peaiija weloomed as au old georgetown boy and was for a time ou tho herald staff a goodlynumber of bis old friends came ont to hear his lecture on men wanted and enjoyed it very muoh miss graoe biokott of bel by illinois is visiting her aunt mrs elevr g a mitch ell- the rev t albert mooru and wife of balmerston were guoats at mr d summit at tbo liood of tbo jjynn uanal arrangoments will also bo made to enable canadian boats from victoria to report at junoau and tako up their loads to the hood of tho canal for transport throng li tho posees tho question of improved polioo protec tion tho catpbli aliment of additional mounted police posts and tho alterations in mining regulations was au disouased at a meeting of tho cabinet on monday tho polico force at prosonb in the yukon nnmborb 20 in all and ft ia almost pertain jackiuuio usual plaoo and a white diamond on a hold of green with a maple leaf in the diamond that tho government will increase tho number to at least 7ii nud probably to 100 men at present tbo question of allowing amorican subjects to receive miners licenses has not boon disxasaod by tho government it is learned that tliero ia u very strong feoling amonght some members of tho government that aliona should not be allowed tp receive liconads why said ono of tho ministora today should wo grant them licenses to rniuo and then have all tboao thousands of dollars carried direct ly oat of tgo country and into a country that legislates flppeoinlly against us wo had hotter allow the told to remain where it ib something muat bo doee but so far the matter 1ms not been dlaousaed several ministers aro understood to ltave very decided views in favor of establishing this prohibition of aliens licenses canada wassecond death of h d a ross montbeal july 20 hon d a boas a wollkcown and wealthy member of the legal profession died at bis home here last friday mr ross held a prominent liberal position and was a member of tho mercier government it is rumored that bis great wealth wilt bo distributed am t comm of t oit mr rosa wae close on eighty years of age a wellington grain thief why not grisp this great opportunity to et the balance of our spring and summer goods at less than the manufacturers prices tht-ite- pike roberts 147 brunswick ave toronto gukmii july 20 adam meln ofj pilk ington twelve miles north of here was shot perhaps fatally by a neighbor named albert house this morning whilo stealing grain mein is in a oritloal condition at the general hospital beaten only by england in volley firing for tho mackinnon challenge cup mpvoj by w e tjmith seconded by h t arnold that tho eleventh report of tbo committee on financo juat read bo adopt ed carried tho bylaw to provide for tho expendi- lures of tho municipality for tho current youf wa i u trpduccd read the required member of times and paasod the various rates were filled in as follows one and sovontybight hundredths of a mill on the dollar for interest and principal on tho town ball debentures five and three quarter mills for support of the public school thirtyaevon onchnndredtha of a mill for interest on tho cemetery deben tures and adding to ho sluking and said debentures utnetenths of a mill on for interest on the public park debentures and sinking fund on ssrid bylaw one mill and ihirtythreu hundredths for interest due on public sohool debentures and sink ing fund oue mill and thirtytbreo hun dredths for firo apparatus and sinking fund and five mills and flftyfour hun dredths for meeting tho general expenses of the municipality and the county rate for tho current yoar in all seventeen mills i council adjourued ut 1110 oclock i willi la a student from knox college proaohud in the presbyterian ah u roll last sabbatb the bev l perrio b a roturned last week from visiting his father and ia now at lindsay enjoying tho balance of his holidays messrs j g harley and 13 finlav attended the maionio grand lodge at brantford last week mr and mrs john mtllardj of australia have beea visiting mr a chesblro the reports of success in that country havo been very interesting to their friends mr chas kahrs son of our reeve is gaining quite a high reputation as cartoon ist for the mali ami kmultc the wheat is all oat in this locality but it is still standing in the field because of wet weather next sabbath is quarterly meeting in the methodist oh u rob london july 20 at disloy last satur day iu tho volley firing for tho mackinnon challengo cup eqn added competition open to teams of ton and n captain from eng land scotland ireland wales canada and each british colony or dependency one each at a distance of 500 yards from the kneoling poaiturn a single rank with five volleys oaali at five targets tho cap was won by tho english team with a score of 87 the canadian team was second with a scoro of 70 the john eaton failure we intend to clear out our spring and summer goods regardless of cost dress goods at cost v all summer wash goods at cost prints at cost and less parasols a large variety to choose from prices cut in two ladies shirt waists ladies collars and cuffsgloves hosiery small- wares etc in great variety nf fine highclass tailoring westillhold the lead in this andwhywegive- the best fit best arc expert makers of awnings tents tarpulins fly screens balcony curtains storm 8ash etc workhiahship best trimmings and the largest and best assorted stock to select from we have a large range of scotch and english suitings to be cleared out before the fall trade at very close prices j gents furnishings timnnrn jtilyf tlio oretliiorh of tho john ljalon co wlicn they met friday eaglnq i saeretly uylaq a military cable between vigo bay and gibraltar according to lbs paria matin it probable lliat the dominion govern ment will place a royallty upon fiold taken out at lbs klondjke district aftornoon wore presented with aethternent ehowiiik n delloiglioy otsiol82803 while the miheoiirod liuliililioe nmotint to ftlbfl- 17h il7 lliero uro uhtjelh of only dluloa to meet them the lirni ehlimato their los3 by firo ut sii3ii 57 tlio inaarinde polioics smflilo aroliolll by tho bank o toronto for a claim o 8j07coo ou sat urday evening tliroo of tho dirootor of tho coropnny wore arrested aliargod with cpn- epiraoyto ilefrntid tho crcdi lore miltqn tho cominurelal llotcl ie advertibed to uttlb pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty ealing a per fcet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue tain in the side torpid ijver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 8mall phi small dose small price substitution tlio fraud of tbo day sec you get carters we always keep in stock the latest novelties in gents neckwear collars cuffs tc in our hat department we have just received a large assortment of straw hats the latest styles in the market also hard and soft felts readytowear clothing boys suits youths suits mens suits bicycle suits in this department we will give 10 discount for the next 30 days dont fail tograsp this great opportunity to get goods cheaper than you can buy them any other place this is getting noted throughout the whole country as georgetowns livest and cheapest store gibson tijllh m qg roe blockrwtwin st colrgtbstfn produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills death to the pests bo sold by pliblio miction on tho fotirtoeulh houndolgnorlrmpeotfolyiolloltuiopatron jtt aga of the pnbllo and inform thamtnat of anoint ivct vf j onto yobi alltldt o d maxwell who yas for sorrfe yosrs in oharge of the toronto pr email briok ib terra cotta coa works here was in mil ton ust week ilo i shout to remove to waterloo new jersey he v and mrs mhuly left last week foe orlmbby park where they will spend months vacation mr tojcie b a a clever student of knox oollogo will preaob in knox churoh on 81111 day ilev andrew j armtronrj und mis holen arnibtroiifl of nabraeka rade mil ton relvtiyea a briot visit last week acton livery isb bus line poison kills pure paris green for iotato bugs well equipped and btjllsh riga oan al waja be scoured at hla atablel a oomfortable bo meata al tralna between 9 am and bils pm oaraf al attention riven to ovorrorser tbawanu of commercial travel- lera fully met john wjlltam8 pbomikton of twvbuhtnittiiti can think soma slrnpl ff3pten on wealth lonjwaatwc insect powder for flies etc tanglefoot the sealed sticky fly palek catches bm it in your pocket when you order your clothing here oi we just opened a new range of nice new style suitings they should sell for 21 and 82250 our prices for them in the best style of the tailors art is see our afvvarilisifo sihflt 3 25 new ties the latest just in all styles at their work speaks their merit examine the awnings just put up at moorecroftl acton ordevsromptiy filled prices reasonable terits to rent for all purposes great event of trie jubilee year canadas victorian era exposition and y r torontp aug afar 0pjgp creat attractions nevvj featurea special jublleei noyalttea vthamtiialill ventlons in the induatrlall and amusernent fields irrv- prevemen a atfvarioe ment in all departments excelling all jprevioua ycarsj bntrie8 close auo 7th cheap excursions on all lines of travel for priie lists entry forms programmes all particulars address lbmnie j j withrow prealdont h j hill manager toronto jis drug store acton wm cash tailoring and mens furnisriihg store of guelph 99 wyndham street georgetown electric works manufacturers of al dynamos electric motorsi water motors arf hydraulic rams p ano btaaiu fltuna ana general ran a blngmolrdwlteat- parad to do braalng c mv lajla eonnrted from direct 9 braalng on jiioyelj 1 am prapai ium haodlbrbanttoait im of eaa kept in al j fall una of spoiiaa kapt in alooi uarantaad vleyelaa anamallaofli vm ajspmqht

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