Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1897, p. 4

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thursday m artc ii 25 607 ije amuj jfolhs tiii iittie ci hi that orjiw vi hlio was bittiuk up btrairhtiii a straightbacked chair tliito wftniit a buarl lu lior shining hair tliuru wlnmt a hpcclt on lirr dainty drees aiui hur rosy fuco vjib full of dlatrchb when i druw iioar to thin nmldmi fair shu ouddouly rumpled hrfr shining hair and dropping downln a lump on tho iloor uplif toucher voica iii wall most sore now what la tbo matter my pretty maid 1in all grown upl phodoldfull said and im loncbomo ob loiionoino an lotiosotna can bo for ilumpty dumply and itlddlomorco tliorca ijittltidoyllluu who uetdlo croop under our hnystackyiuui fail asleei ho isnt my frloifu b1icj mother dear did up mybair inthib twiatbo queer and tho dog and tho iludlo tlioy loft tuc too whuu tho baby liito awmnan grow tlio dlih bos bidden a tf ay thjtliu spoon r aufl tho oowhlw stayed attho- backqt thu fijoon tuoxhtlooldaypiuttuwhoswopvthosky is caught ifijiorcpbyobahiyli aiid dtyc and jack and hibjjovttfttalbft caioflud x jjincjubegau to improve- my mind v wouldnt ha seated notaainglo till to- if tbo uugaboo isbould moot tqutgbt tho boroy man ld bosladto oo but theyll hovor no novor come back to inol watcuod in tbo gardon last night at dark a fairy favor to and but bark i my mother is calling dont you boar young ladies dont sit on tho floor iliydoarl hothouse lives disease germs in homes that are badly ventilated sickness and disease prevail at this season why should he how any young fellow can have the face to walk injo your family and deliberately ask for onoof your daughters passes rap that it is done every day does not lessen -my-abtomflhmenttho-subitraenmpndenco- of tbo thing there yon have been six- icon or seventeen or eighteen yeara of her life combing her hair and washing her face for him p it is luoky the thought never at rites you while yon are doing it that this is to be the end of it all what if you were married yourself t that is no reason why ebo should be bewitched away into si separate establishment jnbt as yon begin to lean upon her and be proud of her or at least it btands to reason that after you have worried her through tho measles apd chiokenpox and scarlet fever and whooping cough and had her properly baptized and vaccinated this young man might give yon a short breathing spell before she goes he see ma to bo of different opinion ho not only insist upon taking her but upon taking her immediately if not sooner he talks well about it- very well you have no objection to him not the least in tho world except that when tho world ip full of girls why couldnt be have fixed bid eye on the daughter of somebody olae there are somaparcnuwbourogfad taberidof tbeir- daughierp bi no eyes are as plentifnl as blueberries why need it be this particu lar pair isnt she happy enough bb ehe is pontehe have meat and bread and clothca enough to spy nothing of love what is the use of leaving a certainty for an uncertainty when that certainty fa a mother and yon can never have bat one you put alt these questions to her and sbo has the saucihelsvto ask if that ia the way you reasoned when her father came for ouv you disdain to answer of course tt ia a mean dodging of the ques- tion but she gets round you for all that antlbodoebhortoor though- you try yoar best hot to like him and with a well if i hidsf i rnub order her weddingdolheb muttering to yourself the while fliear dear what sort of a fist will that child make at the bead of a bouse bow will she ever know what to do in this that or the other emergency she who is calling on mother fifty times a day to settle every trifling question what folly for her to set up house for herself how many mothers bavo had these fore- boding thoughts over a daughters wedding clothes rand yet that daughter has met life and its unexpected reverses with a heroism and courage as undaunted as it every girlish tear bad not been kissed away by lips thai alas 1 may be dust when this baptism of womanhood comes upon her eanny fern paines celery compound gives new life it should be used by every ailing- person this mouth tly all important thing for- nervous aleopleu and rundown peopo to lino w is jhatpaiueb- celery gompoundbuilds up the whole physical system improves diges tion and regulates the nerves ely accora- plibliidg this- w6rk abund regular and refreshing sleep ia insured ibutdaily helps fleaubuilding and the gathering of atrengtbc in the winter the majority of men aud women have lived hothoase lives tliou- aauda of homes are badly ventilated and without proper sanitary arrangements tho air ia full of pdieoq germs that are inhaled by the iuraatos and- wa find aiok- nesa and disease holding bway tble 1b the mooth when tho blood ia impure when eruptions boils and skin diseases make life a mi t ia the month when we see the hallow faqes the hollow cheeks- and sunken eyes be tokening ill health and weakness this ib the month that demandb physical repairing and cleansing in order tbatthe seeds and germs of disease ray be eradicated from the system pttinea celery compound ia the medicine needed by every brokendown and diseased mortal at this time its marvelloue virtues have been noted and commended by the ablest physioiana in the worldand itsbest and strongest advocates ore those whom it has restored to perfect health dr a w k newton an eminent physician and burgeon of boston eay a vpainos celery compound la not a patent medicine and it mobt not be con founded with the ordinary nervines bitters and aarsaparillas ic is aa much superior to them in formula and results as tho dia mondia superior to the glass it purities the blood strengthens the nerves and is natures food for the brain i bad some trouble myself from blood poisoning received in a very delioato surgical operation tha formula of painea celery compound led me to try it and i was much pleased with the result i pre scribe it for men and women who have no appetite cannot sleep and are weak and rupdown for this condition and for disorders of the blood and ne has equal when a man or women baa loat appetite loat bleep and feels that life is a burden that persqn ib in a serious condi tion i prescribe paiqee celery compound for my patisntb who have these oommou and dangerous symptoms with invariably batiafaotory reanlta it is the best poaaiblo remedy to keep up ones strength and energy during the spring and summer months seaforth lonff romomborod trouble now a thlna of tho past asouforth ludy gives uh account of her rcbcuo from a lifelong ailment uver ainco i can remember i bavo aulttircd from wouk natiotiof tho heart for boiitetimu past it c aonhtautly worse reducing my health to n vury low blate i frequently liutl huuii ahurp puina uuder my heart thut i wan feurful if 1 drew a jong hroalh it would oiuao death in going uputairn 1 had to stop to rot aud regain bicuth when myxltildren made a uoisa while playing i would ho so overcome with uervousuobs and weakness that i oouldtjot doauythiug and had to bit down t regain composure oftentimes my heart would eoem to bwuii and give me great paiu my ltmba wore unnaturally oold aud i was bubjeot to uevcre iiondttohes and dizziness my memory beoumo tiu- ief tain and sleep detiertod me vl havo buun iaktng milburna iloart and nerve pjiip liich i got at mr foara drug store and hb h rlhiilt anr very mdoh better i halve rmprdyod in- haul ill aud strength rapidly stujo com menoing this treatment tliqbuasjug of sleep is restore edtb ne myhbart is much btrdpgerand tho opipreasivo senbtttiou in it baa vanished i can now go upatuira ivithpiit btopping and with theigreatcat of 0abeaud ino longer suffer from dizziotm or lieadaoho it seems to mo the qirculutibu of my blood hae become healthy and normal thereby removing the coidnebs from my limbs i can truly aay that milburna heartand nerve pills have doribmo a world 6f good signed mrs jamos oonetahh scaforth out mrp conatablo is tho wife of mr james constable who has been a resideut for over 25 years and both ho and his estimable wife are well kuown in seaforth and the surrounding country lflxa liver pills cure constipation bihoubneso and bick headache 25o jtvefietablefrcparatlonforasr similaunguetoodflndrcgula- llrlhestoiruuhsoiklbowels of mi in itx ptbm6tesxlgeshongheerral- uessaiidresfcontalns neither ojmimmorpliini6 nor mikf al- notkaadotic apctfcct remedy f opconslipa lion soursipmachdiarrhpei worms convulsions feverish- ness andtos pr st 13 tnc simile signatu of thalthe fac8imile signature isonotib tli ouse 3or king and hughaott sts hamilton this is the dress goods reoeption week txactcqpy or wrappcb oaitoria h pot up la ostfis lottloa cnly it tot lold ftt built dont allov anjcnn to iall jm kbytbioa alas oa tea plea or promlaa that it li jut aa good bud will aniwor arary pnr- jw bt that yon got oabtoria relief for ljzirlg z emulsion id coxhumptlon and all 1vno diseases pittinuofiilood cavqbfkommof appetite v dediliti the benpolsor ibis nrtlclenru nl tuautfcttl a htlinniil of tho d a t emiulmi i itoxeffot a ridoruliixhlnu coukii wullt imu tmuulrtl mo7or uvrr m yiir otid hivo nniil iiiiiilonilijt in wljilir inked tlli himlrlxnaa w- i i oi a 1jlii luotlmo caino aromul to tiko it 0 t r vixtimcr ntnai soc ami 81 nrr bdiiiu davis lawrence c0ltw mciical o o 0 o o oo o im all rundown said the clock in its peculiar dialect i wish some ono would come and wind up my affairs a healed her ald thinks rheumatism is born of the lower regions but proolalms- south american rheurhatlo cure a heavensent healer much in little is especially true of hoods fills for no medl- olna ever eonbuned sogreat curative power in so small spaao they are a whole- medlclns make a note of this every little while we read in the papers of borne one wbobaa stuck a rusty nail in his foot knee or hand and that lockjaw resulted therefrom of which the patient died if every person was aware of a remedy for all snob wounds and would- spply it then all baoh reports most cease the remedy is eimple almost always on hand and oan be applied by anyone and what is better ifis infallible it ii simply to amoko the wound or any brniae that is inflammed with bqjnjpgwopd or bornf ng cloth twenty minutes in the smoke of wool will take the pain out of theworbt wound repeated two or three times fl will allay tho worst oases of inflammation arising from the wound ehsit alimys ready ways cfflcleht always ufoctory prerent a cold or tcyct cure all liver ills sick headache jaundice constipation etc 28c tho only imiu to tako with hoods fiarsaparllla love is too serious a thing tobe treated lightly thats why- the young people tattoo lamp down somewhat pillanthropy henry humphreye eabt london scuds his unsolicited testimony i was seized with pa infill rheumatism in my loft foot icoald not rest with it day or night the pain wftb so lintenbo i tried many remedies bnt they had no more effect on m than water on aduokb jjacki was perimbded to try south american rheum atic cure i followed the directions close ly and in a very abort time this wonder ful remedy effected a complete pure and there has not been tho slightest hint of a return of tho disease- it is a sure remedy and i delight to herald tho goodoeas all over thelond sold by a t brown or philanthropy to give you aood health for 20 cents the cost of dr ag- news livbr- pills sure safe quick and pleasant to act no pain no orlplnff marvellous mechanism the human body of human the human body la an epitome in nature of all mechanics all architecture all machinery of every kind there are moro than three hundred and ten mecban- ioal movements knownto mechanics of to day and all of these are bat modification of those found in thc human body here are found all the bars joints pumpjpipea wheels and axles ball and socket move ments beamp glrden trusses buffers- arohes ooiumnb cables and supports known to science at every point mans best mechanical work can be fihown but to be adaptions of processes df the hnman body a revolalioti of drst principles used in nature for siok headache for dibtresa after eating for biliouaneis for coated oongae for constipation they work wonderful cures all druggists havo tlism 40 in a yial 30o sold by a t brown it iind the eye a perfect the eye is camera photographers eye ia a perfect camera the retina la the dry plate npon which aro foe n fed all objeoth by means of the crbialiino lens tho cavity behind llitti iqiih is tlie camera the iris and pupil are tho diaphragm the eyelid is the dropshutter tho draping of the optical dark room ia the only black meinbrano in theoutire body this minia ture camera is belffoooaing selfloading and eolfduvelopiiig and takes millions of pictures every day in colors and enlarged to lifo hip scotts emulsion makes the blood richer and im proves the circulation increases the digestion nourishes the body it cor rects diseased action and strengthens the nervous sys tem in a word it places the body- in the best possible condition for preventing the germs of consumption from beginning orcontinuingtheir work in tnat one sentence is the whole secret book covering the subject very thoroughly sent ifreejorthe askin scqtt a bownjz oelteville uixi when tho supreme faculties move regu larly the inferior affections following there arises a beronity and complaisance upon the whole uou uneqnalled- mr thomas brunt toyn- dinaga out writes i have to thank yon for recommending dr thomad 12oleo- trio oil for bleeding piles i waa troubled with them for nearly fifteen years and tiled almost everything i could hoar or think of so mo of tbosigave me tempor ary relief but none would affect a cure i have now been free from the distressing complaint for nearly eighteen months i hopeyoqwill continue to recommend it rheumatism can be cured iu january 1890 i was attacked with sciatica from whioh i was a terribje suf ferer and i could find no relief for nine months then dr halbteds treatment cured me and t have never bad a rheumatic pain alnbei alex mank sen- age 83 yra acton marob 15th 1897 a london justice recently buntenced two bioycle theives to six months hard labor farmeoleott pills possess tho power of acting specifically upon the diseased organa stimulating to action the dormant energios of the eyatem thereby removing disease in- fact a j great is the power of this medicine to oloanbe and purify that diseasea of almost every naroo and nature aro driven out of- the body mr d cars- welt carswell p o ontario writes i have tried parmeclcea pilla aud find them to bo an excellent medicine and one that will aell well dont get mad you lose by it overy time hard a nnft enrna nannnt withfltand holloways corn cure it is effeotual every time get a bottle at once and bo happy dic menthol plaster thktbpreicslbnluanuinrplaafofbikiiirninr ofcam of nourtjtrlq trnd rliauuiatlo wilni nd m tnrr tnucb plmird with lha oitciund pleaunbusi oflu ppillcoilh w 11 oaorkh ikk 1ld hotel oxford itantoa i harti mod uontljitl 1iutoni in ictonl am oftntucuurrdeunwtum nml anil in trnrycrif tlmtltfnvaalmnitlnatniianilpeminnodtrelloc j il oobk ii 0 unalilnutnh ic jl cures sciatica lumbaeonen- rttlsla pains in kick or hldo or any muscular pallia price i pavln jb luirrcnco co ztd 8flc solo proprictora montreal m t a tha london timet puts next yeara american imports of cycled at 40000 do not confound cvery rtamily should know that a very remjjkauiamedy both for 1w- tebnaxj and external una nud won- dernu in its quick action to relievo duueib painkiller fesssf nlllr dlnrrhorn nihrnlcry 1raiuim bulcra and all uoni coniiuluu painkiller iiswktra rlrknrm hlrkllimidnrlic pitln in lha hack orhlilo niiciiuuitlhu and ncnntlslu painkiller bf ilitcko voitjtinvamr tho iht limmext ill t uk itltlub filtriiv ami 1 hjiasrt tirnxr l iii nitci ofliruten tuln h rnlub hcvcro viris iic tried ml or hi ritrcr pimiit hullor nml i iiiiiii n mimllrjlih i iincr painkiller sjaimfl iiiii t i l 1 tlllt til ii ii in in his vegetablo pills dr parmelee has given to the world tho fruits of long ecen- tiflo research in tho roalma of medioal science combined with now and valuable dibcovorieb noyer before known to man fqrdelicate and debilitated constitutions pavmolctidjilb act like a charm taken in small doses the effect is both a tonic and a stimultrnt mildly exciting the secretions of the body giving tono aud vigor nature gavo tho little dog lots of bark to muko up for his lackofbize a subtle thief spnngdross qoodi v bolectlona of tho nowuet in oat woavoa from all tliu luading lreaiinoiab mftcbn uro iipvylobo buuu on our comitom our stock in now crfm- ltltjto uuil wo auk your ltianuctou colored qown stuffs twcod kiructa u iiiclieu wido biteclal at ho aiidyoc canvuh hjloctfl u luolius wlje spoclal at 05 03 and 75c hilk aud wool il luolioa ivldtj enoclal at go and 70c fancy drcau ltmijtbi allk and wool mixture with tho now cauvua and grouadlno uftucts no two uliko raufjlng from 10 to eiboq for tailor madepr esses covurt buitmfia vulour suitings bcotcli twoodh t boo our wo scotch tnooda epooiul ulaok canvas cloth fi i nc lieu- wido joa ltlack uuuvaa cloth l lljua wltle37 oo and 75o fancy suk warpmounlug bpcclaltlos flue frouoh noveltlua canvas oltecu plain btrjikibiiiml luuoloowr icxcelleaixttaong our xinodb comliigai qiey do dlroct from tho manuiaoturora placo uaiu a uoaitlou that our valudb aro always right atwuya a little potter tliananywuoro else wo are careful that every tiling la just aa stated all linon dooi not mean a mite or jute or cotton but puto uax oaluch blench ad uanimk65o 08lncblivajhod damask 73o 70inbhuiaachoduauiahk 7so hxl0x4 unbloachpd fllotbv 3us hxlqxi fino uloacbad cloth ai5 to t5 turkiuh table laddlng cg inebos wido 6115 the now ioliuhiqg jolotbiiolvyt onual to pbamoih- tbroobiroo iaj in tho wash dress section many oxoiubivo linos for wliloh wo are solo colli ok ago n t lo hamilton now french canihrlca very boautlful bloubo gooda20 2j and u5o now cotton cropona 3 inoboi wido is 16 aud 20c wiice cottons fruit of tho loom and dwhjht anchor looj lonodalo 191c finn kuullah cloth 10a kw yorkmlllblrldo of tbo wet waniautta oto at jpojiular prlooi shirt wnists and blouses made from cropon new blahop ilcovca wblto luiln collar soft auff 9205 mado of linen uatiito floral deflijju yoko back aoft front laundrled collar 235 flno mualjn lilousos laundrled collar and guffssyoko back with imatu si 115 s lus and 185 fino cambric shirt walata bishop ileovoa uuadjiutabie collar and cuffs oqc 7c i ei10 61j5 and eim american underwear uowdb tuckod yoke turn dowu collar trim- mod frill and iniortlon h5o oowiis aamo stylo yoke largo pointed bailor collar handsomely trllnnfed with om broidery iw ladlos drawer made of looadalo tucks lace trimmed 1u0 ladles dranertt lonsdale mado vary wido deep frill t trimmed laoa and inaertton 6180 ri- corset clover bquarebaotdd front trimmed ombrolddry and insertion 08a c hade fronr lodbdao6quaro yoke of looo and flue muslin loiorttoti inutllh frill odgod with laoe 8ij5 j jfo w hottsemtids aprona opened tozdmy vailoqs bjylea priom fromtiso t fine silks aro they too finer dootjudgo by tho look- oak price hera aro ioni of tbo now couiora ralkat silk atripoand chock moitly light ahadoi ji60 printed japanbso- bilks 27 incbos wide good variety of patterns 7flc printed foulards navy and white etc 7- inob 75c mervellleanx brooho 33 inch newoaf shadea bandaome effects 7oo 4125 aod 6135 new colored taffeta 31 inches wide 50c bamplosoii application freight or oxproao prepaid to your neareat railway station in on tario on all purchases of s10 and upwards tripinasgwtol march 13th 1897 the right house wo otlier m r- equal our spring styles they are uptodate in quttlitv styl8 price every tyle of hat that is the newest is here prices from 385 down to 100 bailway time tabib grand trunk railway nointi miht uoiha kht 1 kaht 10 11 am curiini 10 clim mail 11 11111 i kxnrctji kxproib 1 us pm uxurvtb alwl 7 l pm mull i mixed tsli 01 lxokintj mallk joing wuat 1 13 am and tiho pm going east 10 13 am mul 5 45 pm this tljuotahiu wont into oltect on monday nov uoth lhhi l a more than your life is spent in -jdiir- shoesv then ivlij not have thefn comfortable the ease of a shoe depends ojv the rnatdrial arid fit that is the reason our snoes gtve genqral satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spriiig styles and best quality at wr boot 0c sihoe 8tore mill street acton gastoria for infants and childreii tisfw umllb lliuitnrt v restaurant etiquette here waiter this man is ahoking to death a fdnesof water quick lam sorry i cannot oblige you but i am not waiting on him oh i the misery mrs oalbralth of sholburno ont was a great auffererfrpm indlff- estlon the sane of so many lives south american nervine released its hoidlt relieves in one dity vvrigbls liver and stomach pills with the numerous cheap purgatjvo pills that only act on tbo bowels wrights liver and stomach pills are given to you as a treatment with full directions of how and when to use them tho coat- is co oenta a box one box cares ask a t brown druggist aoton about them and get a circular dont headache powders will relievo thai violent headachvin loss timo than it takes you to read this they arc safe successful sure 25 cents a box kidney troubles steal on one insid iously a slight coldthen con- ffestlon then inflammation then the deadly malady brlghte diseasesouth american kidney cure- is a kidney specific it relieves in six hours and cures never falls money moneys talks whaf- about hush harper bros the story in told df the firm of harper u rot bora thut on ono occasion a muoh- rebpeotod but dry old friend of tha family called on tumoa harper and after a time diked him how he uud his brothers dis tributed the work bo i wren ihem john mr harper said good hnmoredly attends lo the fliiauoefl wesley to the correspon dence fiotclier lo the bargaining with authorit and other and dont yon tell any body ho bid drawing hit chair still closer and lowering the tone of his voice i entertain tho bores little williemaw why do they say a man rips out oaths mamma looking at father because he ia ustlally on a tear when ho docs it- hock tho door before the hor3 is stolen purify en- rich and vitalize your blood and build up your physical system before disease attacks you and serious sickness comes hoods sarsapirllla will make yon strong and vig orous and will expel from your blood all impurities and germs of disease take hoods sarsaparlla now r hoods pills are the favorite family cath artic easy to take gentle mild 25c i was for a long time a great sufferer from indigestion i experienced all the misery and annoyance so commou lo this ailment 1 tried many remedies and spent a great deal on doctors bills without receiv ing any permanent benefit i wan btrcng- ly recommended to try south amnrioan nervine i procured and used it after nsing only two bottles i am pleased to testify that lam fplly restored to health and i have never had the blighloat indica tion of aroturu of the trouble i recom mend it most htartily sold by a t brown an iiiih rhl9trftlo cflnhuriugsomo boys for loitering in the streote said if overybody woro lo stand in tho btrcot how could anybody get by 5ei w mr jamesmobrino of jamestown ont says i beliovo south american kidney curo saved my life i was bo severely afllicted that my friends had to attend mo daily to take tho urino from me mr a williambon cuetoms officer kincardine ont writes i can highly recommend this speoifia as the greatest of boons to suffering humanity for all affeo tiona of the bladder and kidneys sold by atbrown has a record 40vearsstjccess it 13 a sure cufte pjahrhcea rt5cnviry oouo cramps ctioiera infantum wmmer eomplainta ikkildrck or adulla itfiinfiivtr in killer iiiiiiiciher 31usfitnie statement and ft cant be mado too strong or too emphatic it a a sltnplo safo and quick cure for crampfl cough xlhoumntlm oollo colila kouralffln dlarrlima croup tootlmoho two sizns 28c and hoc run itliuuiintibiii ho curril the application of nervilinc norve palu ours which posessea such marvellous power over all uorve pain goes grontly to prove thas it can nervillno sots on i he nerves soothes them drives paiu out and in this way ijvbh relief try it uml he convinced there never was and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho very nature of many cutattveh being audi that wero tho fiorms of other and differently ssaiod diseasesrobtrdin b what would relievo ono ill in torn would agiftavate he other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stalo a remedy for marjy and grievous ills by its gradual judicious use tho frailest systems are led into con valcscenca and atrcimth bythfilnfltiqncfl which quinine ixcrts on nat ores- own restoratives it relievos tho drooping spirits of those with whom a chrouio stato of morbid despondent and lack of iutercbt lu life is a disease and by tranrjuilizing the nerves disposes to sound and ro fresh irtg sleep imparts vigor to the nation of tho blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animit funnlinni of the system thereby making uutivity a ucoeshary rorult strengthening the7rnme and givlcg lifo to tho digestive organs whioh naturally demand increased hubatance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to tho pnblio their quinine wine at tho uninl rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches neareat perfection of any i in the market all drugglbta sell it tankful tatters doy soy dom dere eski mos is awful poaceful fotlors leigh nreat i should tink doy would bo jos fancy gottin thirty days when do days is free months long thvr6nsdaiefntregleotihbaoold7 many who havo died of consumption dated their troubles fromcrpoaure followed by a cold which settled on their lungs and in a abort time they wero beyond tho skill of the bebt physiciun had they mied biokles anticonfiumptivo syrup before it waa too late theh lives would havo been spared this medicine has no equal for curing coughfl colds and allaiieotions of the throat and lungs r enelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph n b8ee our new colored shirts kelly iiaiq store headquarters for the campaign prepare for winds we wontdoiiuyonr attention to the fact tbatwe ara prepared to aapply yoo with lumber of suitable length for yoar barn doors viz 10 12 13 or 14 feet alio sashkrrrr doors frames mouldings eto for bailding btorm doore pnt ap at aa low a rate aa pobaible repair yoor pomps or put in new ooea before it ia too cold wx can do it shop at foot of rler street acton thos ebbace manager pianos yiolins mandolins flutes drums organs guitaas banjos aocordeons etcetc the only store in the city where you an get the best quality of strings for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner c w kelly 95 upper wyndham street guelph open as day it ib givep to overy physician tho for mula of scotts emulsion being no hocrct bnt no buccesbful imitation has ever boen offered to the public only years of exper ience and study can produao tho best prospclbiirl housekeepers a serious question for prospective housekeepers is the great original obtlay necessary for the parcbue of appropriate furniture and furnishings we can bo of eervice to alt soofa theyll be sorpriaed to learn upon how small an investment they cad bcrtn with if their selection is made from oar took older house keepers can find many articles they need this spring at very low prices in our warerooms undertamng j h hamilton dealer in marble and granite hamiltons block quelph having oa band a large quautityot scotch norway swedish and russian 1 grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock nowpurchased i wi sell at a reduction of 20 percent and will nllow all expenses to customers to and from our works john h hamilton job minting jncluding booksj pamphlets posters ii hoadi circulars ftoio exocuter in l boat style of the art at moderate prices and short notice apply or address h p moore fnhbpnrbs offl ce a tto murray florida water gentlomeu is not oqe man as good as another uv courso ho is bhoutcd an exoited irish chartist and a great- deal better positively cures coughs and cold8 in ii lu b t l u a m- ciillriarrrmiiity tritfl and truer aobthitig ond healing iu its fleets w c mscomiina ft son lloiiclietto quo tffjwrt in m irllrr hint rrir- lrpl itred hn c utucmiuif i iiuiiiimiim in 1 liratnml tronchul iilb rl nlmrtiinil v o mccotnbar ofj longitandtnitoii r mil j ii iiitty cliemtst yoiiro st toronto writes our ilook ib complete an excellent assortment in all the city styles in trimmings and finish prices lower than ever coffins- or caskets delivered wjthin five miles of aoton first- class hearse at reasonable obarges shop and showrooms cor willow and agnos streets j a speight fc co judhuwi8tspehfuhe mm py n y pectoral s i wh you w j m ja i a jai d it jl id t iit t r l there is style in footwear aa there la in hhf weather iltmimt kiiurnrllnti to all who 111 liuvlim iikikrn tamoorthtt i nam it iio liithmrramlllra nltt oryoiiiil lklniilnntti in ullli mn i1111 ihvii wiinlnrnil rrrotniuonj it aa ja kiitt jlcliia- itokir s3 t wrench co i iropriclori fajbstl urown havo you read thib artiole on how to tell a bad egg junes no but ff you have anything to tell about a bad egg my advice is to broak it gently wantbdsevljuaii faith iuij men oil woman to travol for rohitoimllilu entalt- islied lioiino in ontario halnrv 7h0 payable 18 weokly and uxiwiibaa loiltloit paruianoilt iteforenec igiiqioas boirndilruiihou n tarn pod envelope ti10 nntiounl htar ituildliih ohtcaqo jkubbeandjavflrshotacjnodelled jofboois they are thin so as to prevent clumsy appearance andio 1 feeling and to make them so necessitates the use of the finest qnality of s grabber while sranby rubbers and overshoes are up to date inf style fit and rinisli the retain their old end quality- igmriby 6ts wear like iron the firtestpfaega84 re and rich in lead packets only12 and 1 pound sb so 40 60 and 60 cents ia pounoat all grocers the davidson hay ltdwholesale agents toronto jtdmiomb apvrlqhts 4o kh and doacrllitlon tnnr kwliotliur an hitontlon i i comniun1caurina atrlotlir 80ientifi0 amefllcfln beavtuiilj raelaol ilook oh latjufts loatniud inntoat etrtmliii ion of jjrunstnwa inryton eirentiiik munn 301 uroniltvi hpeclninvooptoftiuiii ilano n ooul free addrou a co iv nuiv york- ipmgyiyyjyib iallffejilviaiij

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