Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1897, p. 4

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gcij ctoit xtt tyus iiiuumjay maltcu 1h 1h07 jljt jloiuuj jrolhs till 7ftj iiimj mffivi ulof jour l vi ly s i i mil llllu tu may u 1 in unii i now hit uu ir tin in 1u at i tlio htttdmrl wij or i our o i will ulirtn lktiiuiu it ibii t rijht luluu mull willi mi cunlj so t u 111 1 take ii l lto n i mllm tlio littlo juulduu wlm could hu gonerouu bo hi 1 fortli tbo tamjitiik cmiuj wliii li will ojol wistfully hi it itli a r uluh tjuiilt iiruiliid llu jjontlilu ileal niul quick hintl by fur tho blbbcht cud of may hiilo candy utlclt 1 ooi may a uioiuatit silont stood uurb htait oil down hor chook oiu junto uno favo at what vgaa loft hut not a word could speak lhoii suddenly with somqjiow turjufiht may blr blue oa grow brbjit o will i fiboald you take tho alio ld lathurlmvo tlio blto little quest timotrtys stomach it ia miigulur to nolo how careful aomo of tho pioplo seem to notice the advloe llu apostlo paul gao to- timothy aboat uib poor weak stomuab and bow little they euro about ail tbo root of the teachings of tho apostle nobody knows what ailed timothy any- hy lrfepybtfttementabouuhw aioknessj iedhis oourageand is pure ueeawork except that mado in the verae fhyuiciaus would tell yon at once th ut there uro diaotibcbgt tbo atomach and other infirmities whero the worst thing that could be takou would bo etroug wine moreoveitbobolly hnowrwhat htnd of wino fet paul recommended waa it the kind the butler made when ho pressed tbo rapeb between bib fingers and bore the eiprebaed juice m a bilver or golden oop to tho king or was t tho kind that was mudo b boding down the grape jaice until fermentation is impossible and thou pre serving it with care thus making tho wine a food qa woll as a drink it might have bceu either of these and waa as likely to bo ono of tiem as that which giveth bia cblor in the cup or that brings woo to all who go to seek mixed wine at all events the wipe was not to be tubmen for pleasure tjat asa medioine and there waa to be bat a little wine perhaps a tcaspoonful or so in water and tim otliy was so strictly temperate that be would not take oven a little wine for sickness till ho got a prescription from an inspired apostle though somo who qnoto the passage would take a prescription from any red nosed doctor and would boon venturo to prescribe for themselves the temperance irishman is said to have remarked when confronted with the puhrmtp an sure me name is uot timothj and mo stomach does not ache ac sajtjuard wanted as many as possible of the rising gene ration of tho male persuasion from the dude with u shadow of a mustache to the little upstart of tender jears the object ib to form a gaping company to stand on tho cor ters and at the ohoroh doors- on siuidnv their duties will be to obstruct thtcntrance totmoke aud ohew tobacco to avojd h appourftnoe of imorau0q in and spit it arouudoa the steps where the babinebbp ue 8addied v ammaifl and 7- the bqy hero ho wuo only fourteen ho is a boy full of fun and perhaps some mischief but ho loves his books dearly no lint already looked into hib future and ohommi what ho wants lo bo his boohs of honor in lusn and he haa a hih idea of manhood both injiabolarnhip and morale how bo imiicii fa nrf am bo nsofululujia bundle 1 toethor ia surpristrfg nis body in a compound of uood huiltli vigor and good iiiuscilh developed by play and work one of tho eportb in which ho moat do lights ib hwimimng he i quito at homo in jho wator and might bo called a water animal or nprito in tho country whore ho hvod itf quito a largo mill pond it wah rarobport to awim from shore to bhoro swim on ihb back diyo tojjio bottom and out up all manner of antics aa if ho wero a aea lion or aoal one day he was swimming wjth a little fellow not far from his own- sga though not juite bo strong he said to his roato im going to swim asrosa the pond so will i waa the response in they plunged jlna few minutes they re itched the opposite ahoro puffing and blowing after a httla reat ho said im gqing to btvin baok do will t was boldly said out our boro tho winter months bavo brought be reavement and darh clouds of sorrow to many homes in ctcnaju authors mothura si4tct and brothers have been removed by tho grim reaper death the minority of whommight have been saved hud thoir honda given thorn said no ttio tuoaanucli4oburfli ptnoveolerreompouml strong onpuh but boy hko conlldcns of his strength bo insisted aud iu they plungqd oui hero loading when moro than half way over ho hoard a ory jdf dls tress turning ho found bis fneud had given out and wae sinking what a- situation i it might woll have appalled tho hoart of the btrongost swim bis strength did not forbakd him this is the story ho told his father after it was all over papa when i saw him gadowu i just thought how ad his papa would feel if hie tittle bay never came home so i sutav i will never go home without him fie swam to where his friend waa straggling to aee whether ho could help him aa soon aa be touched him the little fellow seized him with a death grip and both went under but our hero came to the burfaae the other olutohing him then i remernborod he eajd that you rouat strike and daze the ono who is drowning eo i btunued bim and then caught him and tried to swim but- was bo tired that we both went to tho bottom then it came tajsoe that my feet touched bottom 1 musnuck and try to foroo tbo body towards the bhore as soon as i oame to tho top down i went again and agairri roso and bank but at last i got to tho ahoro my friend seemed dead then i remembered that i raubt roll him aud get the water out of him bo 1 oarried him to a log and- worked till ho began to breathe then 1 felt so happy that his papa didnt have a dead boy i wab there ever anything more heroic that aat ia worthy of a place wittl grace darling indeed when ono thinks of tho presence of mind the thoughtful love and courage it ia unsurpassed in hiatory r n stddub d d women s dress can gather jt up to whittle and mark and otherwise deface tho buildings and tress to stare at the females as they pass make insulting noues and low ulgur remarks about their drese pereon and character inexperience will not debar any as if ouch a failing should be found it will bo oxcuaod aa thov will aoottlbffrirtjrofloletjoy from othota those wanting to enlist will be in at tendanco at tho church doors and on the corners each sabbath morning and even ing boforo service where a suitable person will he iu attendance o take down their names ago quantity of brains length of scrvico ohi in a book kept for the purpose to prevent too great a rush it may be stated that nono will bo enrolled who possess intelligence abovo that of the aver ago donko gods country a southern manitoba man who moved to montana a fow years ago etarted baok a bhort timo sinoe and left the following farewell on tbo door of his shack four miles from a neighbor sixteen miles from a p mtofhco twenty tivo miles from a rail way fourteen milea from church one bun drcd and eighty miles from timber two hundred miles from a canadian half a imlo from water a quarter of a mile from hades the panto distance from a blood lliriaty half brood god blesa oor home i gouo back to manitoba which is gods country to get a frebh start the editors table tho march ghautauquan is announced aa a itomer number and has for its special features exhaustive and attractive artiolea on arioua phases of homeric art and literature tho masterly paper on horn- ono art by prof alfred emerson is accompanied by twelve illustrations of greek urt the stones of the iliad and odjasoy are nkilfnlly told by prof william iiyiltapploton and prof abby leach prnf angio clara chapin treats in a pleas ing munnor of the womon of homer whilq tho homeric age is ably pictured by prof martin ld ooge one trial of mother grave worm ex terminator will convince you that it has no equal aa a worm medicine buy a bottlo and see it it doesnt please you an irish hostler was sent to tho stable to bring forth a traveller s horse nat koow- mg whioh af the two strange horses in the etalu belonged to thot ravel ler and wiah- brought them to the door the traveller pointed out his own horse saying thats my nag certainly yor honor i know that but i didnt know which one of them wae the other gentlemana no gripe when you take hoods pills the big old fash ioned sugarcoated ppls which tear you all to pieces are not hi it with hoods easy to take hd easy to operate it truitf of hoods pills which at up to date in oreiy respect bate certain and sure all druggists 25e 0 i hood co lowell mass tho only tmmn to take wli hoods raraqdarllla- on the earth the infinite haa sowed hie name in tender flowers os haw a so many gone i frofessiorfal etiquette re sponsible to a certain jiktent friends and relatives filled with remorse paines celery compound oould have saved the majority it saves liffe when all other medicines fail wjorlhlesh and in many lubcb life debtroy ing medicines that thubick aiice were forced to swallow in many families a too aluvteh obedience to medical diutattqn kept the true agent of life from tho aiok and dying bach past records of victory aohioved by fumes celory compound woro sot asido it was unprofeshional to introduce the jife aavieg compound in any way i ah i romorso w now doing its quiet and offeptivo work and those most closely interested uro suffering for their negloct will you reader allow eomedear relative or friend to puss from life without making an effort to save tho perishing ono by using puiuos celery compound tho chances for life saving by paino a celory compound aro great aud mighty even though your friends have suffered long and ilea red that point whon tho family physician can do no moroj oven then there iff hope if paino a flfflflrycom bo u tho life aaying work tho deaperato oaaoa overcome in tho paet is the bright and living proof that painoa colory compound makes aiok people woll the truly lionebt phybioiana of the day aro quietly and unoeabingly recommending pjunoa celory compound as tbo beet epring medicine that ailing men or women oau use its wonderful popularity bab induced some to bring out imitations that are vilo and wortblosa seo that you get painoa with thebtalk of celery on tbo bottle label and cartoon break up a cold in time by using pyny- pectoral j tho qiilnlc cure tor couons coi is okoip mto- cnitis no vkllss etc mks jnsriu r offjl soruu en ty y cet nil 1 v firu to wr icj i pf f ii i fl 1 1 casy1 victims- a largo percontago of mom bora in tho com mono suffor from cn- tarrhtho hodo of fifty found in dr agne vsicaiarrhal pow der they tj1 thoir own story of suooossfu irocovery through ihte remedy mr w ii bonnett member far 1 aat simoquunilfottvniuoolhorti oftho houas of commons hiivo ovor thoir own bitfmi turub told of tho goodeffootaof dr agnow s catarrhal powder what tho romody has dono for thoan purlismentariana it is doing for uiouetuidh of o hura in pubho and pnv ato hfo tho domini u over with cold in tho houd it gives mi ucdiato rdiof insido of half an hour an i v litttu poruevortnco quickly rida tlio luu 1 of all trouble jt ia easy and pleasant to me and pro luco9 no hurtful aftereffect sold by a v brown tho uu which you committed twpoty yeara ago haa loat nono of its hoinouauoss by thclupaeof lime but untosn sincerely repented of still btanda ogainat you 1 nut lxuctlj klclil ihoaunia of pjoptoaeom this condition they are not ejok and yot they aro by no means well a riuigto bottlo of hoods sar sapuritla would do them a worjd of good it would tquo tho btomaoh oreataan abpo itevptiify andonrich tlio jolood and give wonderful vigor dud vitality now ia tho time to take food a pills cure uauaoa kick headache indigoation biliousness all druggists 25oonta thep l emulsion is invaluable if you are run gown a i u a frjodayrvell as a medicine the d cremul8lon will bultd you up ft your general health is impaired the d l emulsion 1 r is ilia best and most palalabla preparation of cod liver oil agrcoing with tlio moatdou cato stomachs the d- 6c l emulsion i j prescribed by tho leading pbyilclan of canada thei 4c l emulsion is ft marvellous flesh producer add will give jou an appetite 50c si por bottle do niiro you get i 0avi8 lawblhqt co ltd llio ttiiuloe i montreal pill i i t i i u at a crowded concert a young lady standing at the door of a ball was addres aod by an honebt hibernian who waa in at tendance on the occasion indade miss said he i should be glad to givo you t sate but tbo empty ones are all full wonderful pllea cured in 3 to 6 nights itch- i rig burning skin diseases re lieved in one day dr agnows ointmebt will otiro all cases of itching piloa in from threo to bix nights ono application hringa comfort for blind and bleeding piles it is peerless also tetter salt rheum eczema barbers itch and all eruptions of tho akin kehovea in a day u5 cents sold by a t brown aunirav 1 ti ppx 1 1 1 i fitnlj i i r it m m r i r mudi furiu fill ciuuporl lr cm ii o lutiihn of littlo ko her n b wtlin i lull ml l m ft enrn fnrr c i ihn 1xl k ii nj mf1l 1 tuiigrawlllliuvoiiijilur xjirgo llnttle 35 ctb dims lawrlncc co lt proprietors montreal nor the not tbo warrior nor tho statesman yet the master worker as such hat teacher m our day loads tho vanguard of humanity woman why you have sallow skin pimples eruptions diecolorations why resort to cosmetics and powders to hide the effects q he jlrat number of the canadian jeachvr ia before us the now paper takes tho plaoo of the ijdocational journal whioh hm for many yeard been the loading edu c it ion a papor of canada it is edited by mr g e henderson and a btaff of special irtti mid if wo aro to judge by the initial u w would say that tlio editorial work it incompetent hnndit among the dopirtmunti of tho new journal we notion tin f ill vim elitorinl bingraphioal skutthis spfoml papon current event liftll ciihh lourlh 01ab third clasd in i pnmary in all of iheso departmonta thnro in much that ia helpful to teachers pdlihrthul hemi monthly by tho educa tion il puhlithiiiu co h j richmond htitit west inronin suhaoription 100 por yinr virtu ih like it rich stotut it h boat win n plum i t pithtoiitnd furtivonibi ii a vice when it licuurnmh triiiiuy knd helps lo orubh thuwiuk mil iiinnctnt in an irinh provincial paper is the follow mu mok i whereas putriok o connor latdy h ft hu imlgfiiifh thas to give notice tlmt if iih hois nut rotnrn immediately and pay for tho emtio ho will bo udvertlsed that wr a triumphant appeal of an iriui luvor of antiquity who ib argatog tlio hiinononiy nf ho old arohiteotura over tho now anid whoro will ou find any rn j i ni biniihhg that hai luslod so long as tho iiiioieiit an interesting item thefollowinghatory was related to our reporter by mrs jaa hccaw wife of tho well known bhoemaker of otbawa ont this is what mrs mocaw says i was troubled seriously for a long long time with my heart and nerves and had a very severe attaok df la grippe whioh left roe mnoh worse in every way at times tho palpita tion of my hoart waa so bad that i feared death my heart oeemod to go right up into my throat and caused a feeling of suffocation most painful to oodure then al other times there was a great fluttering df the heart followed by a sinking feeling dizziness etc i was feohng extremely miserable when i got a box of milbqrnb heart and nerve pills from mr t o ryleys 4 rug s and commenced taking them from the first few doses i improved rapidly and nin now muoh better than i have been for a longtime my appetito iagood and i am wonderfully improved in every way i can recommend these pills very highly aa i feel that no other remedy could have per formed such a marvellous chango in so short a timo and itk me plea to let others know that there is a remedy easily obtained which will cure thorn and that very quickly sigued mrs jas mccaw oahsfwa ont laxa liver pills ouros constipation lousnebb and sick headache 25o bil- dr agnews liver pills regulate the system and restore to the oheek the healthful rosy bloom and peach blush of youth disorders like theso arise from sluggish hvor trom ono to two pills a dose will clarify and purify tho complexion in short order dr agnews pills at all druggists seo that you got what you aak for 20c for 40 dosep sold by a t brown if you host jour knife slightly you can put hot bread as smoothly as cold open as dnj it ia given to every physician tho for mula of scott a umulaion boing no secret but no buccesbful imitation has ever been offered to tho pubho only yoara of exper ience aud study can prbduco tho boat castoria for infants and children 1 ho poles of jupiter are flattened almost exactly like those of the earth the pbo nomenon can be plainly been with a tele acope do not confound wruhtd liver aud stomaoh fills with tho numerous cheap purgativo pills that only aot on tbo bowels wrights liver and stom pills a given to you as a treatment with full directions of how and when to use them the cost is 50 centa a box ono box cures aak a t brown druggist acton about them und get a circular dont hoadache powders will relmve that violent headache in lesb timo than it takes jou to read this they are safe eucceaafnl eure 25 centa a box -3-3-t3- i dtaiiriicea dysfiftery h3 nniljul jiowei coairlaixts a suro soft quick euro for ttieso 2 troublui is i 7aiivkmer rxnat divio used internally nod externally ip twobizca 2tc andwc bottlci j 0 h h h o t ie thifto ilmlls tifwittira is oa tiry vnppifc anrcmia means want of 15lo5cl7 a defrcrency in the red corpuscles of the blood its cause is found in want of sufficient food dyspepsia lack of exercise or breathing impure air with it is a natural repugnance to all fat jroods scotts emulsion is an easy food to get fat from and the easiest way of taking fat it makes the blood rich in just those elements neces sary to robust het h by supplying it with red coi- puscles for sale l sccnumlioo by ll dn gfis a i fcoit bowne dtlavlllr onl wantedbkvbral faithful men or woman to travel for responsible eaub- ishod houaa in onurlo salarc jflo payabla is weekly ami oxponias toalton permanent iteferenoe bnelosa self addrmsm itatnned finyajoiw tbo national star ilutlilhik ohloano books are tbo truest wealth of the world ami tbo fit inheritance of generations and of nations thero never wae and never will be a universal panace in xne remedy for a ilia to whinh flesh is heir tho very nature otmanycutauvca boingauoh that were tho germs of other and differently seated diaoauea touted in the syatom of tho put ion t what would relievo one ill in turn would aggravate tho other we have however in quinine wine whon obtained inaboand unadulterated stalo a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual jiidtoious ubo the frailtnt systems aro led into cod valescencu and strenuili by tho influence whioh quuuno exerts on nature a own restorative e it rdiovcs the drooping spirits of those with whom u chroma stato of morbid dchpoudctn mid lack of interest in hfo is a disease and by traiximluing the nerves disposes to sonnd and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to tho action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the vt ins strengthening the healthy animil functions of the system thorcby making activity a necessary result strengthening tho frame und giving life to the digontivo organs which naturally demand increased mibhtanco result im proved appelilo northiop ltman of toronto havo giuu to tin publii their quiuino wino at iho ufual rate and guaged by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists aril it it is calculated that the avcrago weight of a bhooting star does not exceed from ono and a half to two grains thero is danger in neglecting a cold many who havo died of consumption dated their troubles from oxpoauro followod by a cold which bottled on their lungs and in a short time they were beyond the skill of tho beat physician had they used bioklea anti consumptive fiyrnp before it waa too lato their lives would havp been spared this medicine has no equal for ouring cooths colds and all aitectiona of the throat and lunga painkhllr painkiller tub great family medicine of the age taken internally it cures dtafrhaa cramp and pain in tho stomach sow throat sudden golda cougha oto eto used externally it cures cuts bruises burns scalds sprains tootfiaoho pain fa tho face neuralgia rheumatism frosted feet rinnrit lnr rnltitncj lo i h- ut boui do 1 f0 liar t i ih vi ii n y t ti ft lni y hftt l n hill r wuiw o 11 in n mt rltv ih ill tl a ptpirt putt niidjibuwuw ft hood iutlijaiuuiru h vulnytl ttmnlh inlnmllnr wlljili ttni mil vullutilu luil lly t llui onowliiuie tui i tte kl ibrmlmrli nmnt bf rfmoytnu ru no m ii li 1 n 1 fit n ri uutloa k1 1 tu lrry duvu i ul 1 i r- y ifjh sjni victoria australia haa turned out 58g- 612 cunccb of gold during tho last nine months at increase of j 1000 ounces ovor last cat- a dinner fill many persons suffer ex aruciatiug agony aftor partaking of a hearty dinner the food partaken of ib like a ball of lead upon tbo stomaoh and instead of being a hoajthyntrirnout at becomes a poison to tho a pr pa vegetable pills aro wonderful correotivee of buch troubles thoy correct acidity open the seorotions and convert tho fbod partak en of into healthy nutriment they are just tho mediaino to tako if troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia trno patienco is not meredoggednos it involves both faith and hope find tho clinging of the will beside for tho sako of that faith and hope lo tho great end hoped for and believed ih tho medicine for ltver and kidney complaint mr victor auger ottawa writes i tako groat pleasure in rocom mending to the general pnblia parmelee a pills as a ouro for liver and kidney com plaint i havo dootored for the last throe yeara with leading phyaioianb and bayo taken many modioinoa whioh were rocom monded to mo withouteliof but after tak ing eight of parroolees pills i waa quite rolieved and now i fee as free from the disease as before was troubled r unlocks am3 pll the dogmd venues of the bowels ttdneys and liver carrying off gradually without weakening the initcm all the tmpun itles and foul humors of llhe secretions at the inmc time correct- ling acidity of the 8tomach curing blll- irainess dyspepsia heada6hesdiuin65s bwtftburnconstipa- uon dryness of the skin dropsy dlra- ness of vision jaun- t salt rheum slpelas sorofula iwutterlng or the feart nervousness ad general debility jheseuuulmanther rfilar complaints yield tho happy influence or burdock blood ibitters lthilburhaoo joitonto prospective housekeepers a borious quoation for probpeotivn hoqsekoepors is tho great original oqtlay necebbary for tho porahaso of appropnato rarnituro and furnishings wo eau bo of borvico to all such theyll bo uurpriaed to learn upon how small an investment they can begin with if their selection is mudo from our stock older house keopors can find many artioles they need this spring at vory low pricoain our warorooms undertaking our stook is complete an excolletit asbortmout in all the city btyleb in trimmings and finish prmes lowor than ever cjofline or oasketb delivered within gvq miles of aoton vitst oiabs ilearboat reaaonablo charges j a speight co shop ajvd s8owj100ms oqr willow ad agnes streets glasgow house acton choice novelties in springqoocls now being placed in stock daily secure an early ssoice from our pretty range of dress goods henderson oo the right house cor king and hughson sts hamilton high grade carpet clearance i or this month only we have decided to make a great clearance of surplus stock of carpets ind for this purpose hie mode deep cuts in prices not th following list 27 pieces beat quality rqyax wilton 91 regular l 85 made and laid acoording to tho official reports of the japanese qovornmont tho island empire contains 05 520 teachers safe certairf prompt kconomic those fow adjoctlytfa apply with peculiar force to dr thrnae loloctrio oil a standard extern at and internal remedy adaptod to tho relief and euro of cougha sore throat hoarsoneaa and affeotions of tbo breathing organs kidney troubles oxcoriatlona sores lameness and physical pain jupiter ia five times as far from tho bqu as we are and the years on that planet are each as long aa twolvo of ours awful heart disease death charmed away under the spell of dr agnewacurofortho heart more wonderful than a fairy tale la the story of mrs roadhouae of wjiiaoroft ont a new medioine oabinot indicates time for giving each doae to the patient alao the kind and quality of medioine a olock and extra dial with movable banda aro also plaoed in the oabinet men and women agree that corns aro painful not easily cured aud quite usoless men aud women who havo ufloclputnqmcorelilxlractdr testify that it is the boat acts without pain and cures uso putnams painless corn eitraotor whoro diaeaao has effected tho heart the remedy to bo applied moat bo speedy in ita effeota or all may bo lost mrs itmd bouse of willaaroft ont says cold sweat would stand out in great beads upon my faoo becauau of tho intense suffering from heart disease i often felt that the death struggle waa at hand no medicine gavo me help uutil i used dr agnows cure tor tho heart in thirty minutes the severe pain was removed and aftor taking little moro than one bottlo the trouble had vanished i know nothing of it to day sold by a t brown brtekacbft faoeaehc sciatic rnlujb xcnrolgle pains ralnf lit the bide etcj fwnpttr bcuctoii unl curvd by thedcu menthol plaster nrlnr mlwt your d al uentho riuter f ir knnm inlnln ii o baric an i lumbiiro i hnl oalbulnslt trrnn mrnd uma aa aantd biirnni il raiillrri nly t in fr thfrartllka owilta lapulntk klliabeutuwii out prleo s3c 67 pieces best 5frame brus sels regular 1 35 now s110 made and laid 32 pieeea good quah y brus sels regular 1 15 now 90c made mid laid 25 pieces best quality tapestry regular 90c now 75c made and laid 48 pieces heavy make tapestry regular 65c now 50c made aud laid scores ot enda of allwool and union carpets length ranging from 3 to8 yards all clearing at one price remnants and odd patterns of jtoor01oth and linoleums at nearly half price regulur 25c for 15c tegular 80c for 20c regular 40c for 25c bissolls worldionowned carpet stteepern regular 250 lor 8185 hearth rugs largo sine cha goat regular q 60 for 5 velvetrogular 2 30 for 8175 kyber regular 3350 for 2 50 goorka reg ular 8550 tor 84 50 highclass curtains cream and white irish point lace and tamboured curtains irish point regular 8oo for 8 500 railway time table crand trunk railway 101141 i aht mull 1 xiiro mull i i a ul i spun t p in 1 x tlm 7 llll in mull r ir ii 111 10 17 il ul i 11 1 111 10 i i ill i nl ol loslvl mail dollll llt j 15 ii ul ililllllllul ul gollik 1 st 10 n il 111 mi 1 5 1 1 ii 111 11 5o for 1100 for 1850 for 1900 for 4600 for 900 700 1000 1200 1178 tamboured regular s15 110 for sloflo 10 00 for 750 1150 for 850 700 for 550 blaukets fine white and groy blankets standard sizes 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 lbs at a regu lar discount of 5c a ib oft our regular close prices goodp stored till required thomas c watkins february ith 1897 the right house ethel group gold mining company of r08slamd b c authorized capital 1500000 shares treasury stook 850000 shares of par value of 91 por share head offloe roaaland bc mineanorth of rossland head of murphy creek davis lawrfnce co ltd proprietor mohthkal ask 7opr grocer for tor tsbte and dairy purest and but only black or mixed half and one pound packets retail 26 so 40 b0 and 60 cents a pound thebest thc davidson hay ltd wholesale agents toronto 10000 look for this print in the snow it in the pnltcru fllu 1 luftlic flranby rubber and overshoe lic i t turn jou bu i pnruf rubbcuur otilhx nsu fur rmili hiiih look for thi3pitttni on tin- lnil jh re is nuncltho 1 1u0 n gniiby tlmt is nut oil miu tsluiu ns your hoot lccuu a u1l3 im iiduil lo fit ccry shaix of shoe a rublxr thntilots licit fit the hoot will flrnw the foot tratihy jcubbrts nre thin light clastic and nt ptrc4iy they wear like iron president and manager i- l clark of kossland 13 c vice president and 1 reasurcr j fyfl acton ont secretary l l devoin rossland solicitor j l g abbott depository bahk of mont teat toronto off ico39 adelaide 8treot east 1 his is a develop ment compmy orginized for tho purpose of buying selling und de yelopingmimn srihali ool umbia and is at present engigcd in active work on six full sized claims viz ethel no 1 ada i iron king no 4 blue belt no 1 l ik no 1 and tenderfoot nil in ono block and situitcd at tho head of murphy creek in close proximity ttr thc yellowstone group and heither belle iho lthcl group properties nre well mineralized ai proen by the assays ore tikcn from a shift 15 feet in tho ithel no 1 and from another shaft 21 feet assays 7 to s12 per ton in gold which compares very favorably with the assays of ore from tho richest mines in this the trail creek dis trict at iho same stage work is now being pushed rapid i j and boforo midsummer the tnanagcment fully expect to lmc shipping ore on the dump dcelopment work cin be carried on at a minimum of expense thc northern end of the group being nearly 1000 feet higher thin the southern end mikes it suitable for open ting by tunnel which does away with cxik11siv0 hoisting and pumping plants its rommiiy to iho trail smelter with a good roadway directly to it and the ery near advent of a railway the preliminary survey o w t t ethelgroupv- wlll place it on a working basis excelled by none in the camp the eagerness of a me he ah capitalists ind mining men to secure a controlling interest in this compmy js evidence of the richness and msrit of these claims a limited amount of the companys treasury stock is being placed on the market at 10 cents per shire the proceeds to be applied towards further development this price is liable to advance at an early date without notice stock certificates will be issued to pur chasers at the companys offices in hossfand and toronto and the slock may also be purchased from leading brokers the capitalization being only 1250000 per claim and the rich indications of the ore together with careful and practical management should assure good dividends in the near future the operation of the mines will bo under thc direct supervision of c w smith an experienced mining engineer from cripple creek colorado and tho greatof possible results may bo anticipated intending purchasers will please write or wire for prospectus or maps to the ethel group gold mining co 39 adelaide street east toronto ont or columbia avo rossland b c e b collins butcher doairoa to tliouk ha numerous customers ior thoir uboral patroirflfio ulnco ho com moo cod bualoohs itiotjatiuary and liopaa thot by careful and courteous attention to merit a coutiiiuonce ot tbolr custom a c aeaortmont of first clang ijeoftttutton uamb 3ork fresh and sftlt hams sausages poultry x ijard ao in beason i ricob always hit low aa coobistont rith tlie bontquoutr fromjit dellvory iat stock wanted 1 n cohtttsa acton steam a co0k proprietor fitat class work guaranteed in family laundry worlc shirts collars cutfs etc work ailed for ovary monday aod thursday and delivered ovory thursday and saturday a cooka- acton- livery bus line tbo undersigned respectfully bollolts tho natron hbo of tho publtpt andipforrnfi tbomjat well equipped and stylish b88 cap a ways be seoorod at his stables a oomfortablo bus meets aj trains botwoen dam nnd 8 16 n m carefql attention givontoovoryordor thewantb of commorclal travol lers fully met john wjlllams pnopniktou georgetown ejectria works 5 j bpbjqbt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams impo and fi i cam fitting and uoncral itoimir ing being enulppod with a sb brazfug macfiinc i am preparua to do brazing on bicycles frames o wboels converted from dlreat to tan goo- spokes handle bars bont to any desired auglo fall lino of a pokes kept in stook satisfaction ruarantoed bicycles onamollod in auy color t j speiqht geargetowrj acton saw millay and wood yards j7s7ris brolflzn manufactooen xnd dealeb in lumber hath shingles wood eto all kiodb of wood in stock and promptly dollvorod to any part of the town at roasouiibo prices ijardfrood apd qlapbcaf utovo lonnth alwnyn n hand tolophono oanimuti catlop to cure rheumatism tahl bristots smrsaparilla it 13 prompt reliaftle and neverjls lllmliii l aak ygur drpst rff ftr il bristols fpvttlghlvap nnd dascriptfon may aiilnvanonw 80iehtjfi0 amerioan ann mmn munn a co 301 urondwny now york

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