Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1896, p. 3

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bank of hamilton iiuadorrtaftr hamilton ai irt lu ft ilkmntltr plinit tot i ami t dat1 uni boabd op directors j1in htlaiit a c himhn i rthllltll i- lrl i nv i m nv i naiton urn iu ii a t a ii ikkitorflnto t wu oinhoi m t tt iiniitii ruhlnr ii ii hthlhi nami isihur ii u wathon uwlor agencies hamilton uterinum a hiiriud alllilmi liorllu cbchlor unuruoiowii ilrbuahy i li 1 uckuowllhot if on nt purnltlltriiiiiit ilia eil hound 1orfrbln hlmoox luruum vi ib kan i british correopondunu amorlcan oorroapondonto new von fourth national hank hanover nell mal hank hosto j trmtco llurriorusrinoll nallonsl hank of llllnola ud ui hank darttoit itmlt national hank 4 maa c rr national hank of commit agonto in montroal tim llaukof toronto georgetown agency note luecouiited and advance muli n auit tide boeurltie collection iiiaitd and lrafti the newsawiome montly or n locnl chnraotor and ovorv item intoroatlna- abtti uilil ami a poluta in canada united h nduiecontlnontof kurnpe iiikiii ilble poluta in canada united hla in nandum- favorable term int savingb dopartmont depoell of si ami upward- roeilvo1 and t allowed iron daut of deoall to dato of ilbdrawal htkglal dbfohlth alao roeclvod at current ratoa it inlaroai n u 1 iwsohtom- a wall papers all tho yoor round you ill ft mi our slock the lnrtfia iho che peat tho ilol wall papers ellldft iapcra window shade curtain pole now line conalantly arriving yon wifv- elll omo larpera fur tho fall boo our beautiful patterns irom it upwarl oeo hymds acton ont fjbrukii tihi ie vrton fxtt fjress thursday bhptluilhh 17 18 little local brieflets whloh cauuht tho eyoo or earn of prt proas reporters this wqok finn autumn weslber thefuau push till tho end of tlio iar for ioc acton ttuion kxiubilion two wmkii from to day and lo morrow the midnight train paaiing aolou late ly at l jl ha bern cmcollod tho inter pronuclei christian i nd vor convention la in seaaiou at ottawa 370 ticket to toronto wore noli at acton while l lie biu fair wss in prorrai ouelph central r ihibttiou la in pro greas llu week tin la i lie lat and beat dy mr rred bicord haa faioiod the fiu imkh wlh ebmbel of mlveoun and iowa papers a large number from aoluu and vicinity have attended uuolub central ki blbitlou una woek a new house ia in course of conatruo hon on the comer of youngnd i vol htroeu for tbs aliases moloan cituena i what about tbo oihuuik roent to your tire brigade tuiojcatol throqyh thsae columuat the first annual bpworth league eon vsnlion of uualph uialrlct will bo hold at fcrftue on monday in hi lual tot si on tho ovouliik of kuua church induction a kold brooch with hair tilling loser can havo it at una oilier lrepsrslory aorvlcoa were cotiilucloj st bl andrew rhurch tnuy aftcrtooii and evening by itov iiukii a macboraoi acton ciuolph mr re my tho milton base balliala tiam couio to tmn snd the final a ml dec id i uk match for the chsmpioualup of the halloo 1eel loahuo will lako place at goorxrlowtl noil tuesday lie ware of ftlo lnlted htalea bill con lauutntt the portrait of dov wuidoin no eucb htlla wars tsnued by i ho uuvcrumout kut couuurfeilers have rocenllj been ral lui lite 2 bill lu 910 in addition to tho u pctlal j ni whiob spiiesr in the lul of auion i muu exhibition llev v aiher let nit aim ullor a cssti pnso lo l tie member of aotou bu bsll club who throw a baar ball the arlheat itov my doddcu infuiuia the i u 1sksn that inaiosd of tho en lire debt ou bl albsu a iaraonstte belntj lljuldsld by tbs ofloriutfa l tbo harvest festival na 17j m the ooiinre i mm teleti tnr iltiitat llquar srtltnh i llo hrl if cnullolloll ulbliflci in uil iimiii of tin milton fmihi lliow thai on llu lth iiumi clark of tlark ii ii i ai inn in v iiivk tnl of violation of tho i j i ir lnonn atl hefurn jntzfrs hull jiilt lutil sjcmni and rnilii m i khlhll ol llo wallnio llmiaj lltoo a nkxxnitkid on itin i till julj and 11 ik i 8jimmnthlioala iniuiv icrmhl xccchjwry lilcf lmo ivarddii tnialoy lias aunt out rircularit tn tho deputy ward en thrnukhmu the jirovinoo inrormltifl tlicni that under llin new filiation porlanioti ilia not ahoot orsuon bllterua or ulla at any i lino during the cr without ukintt out h perimln the 11 rile are rest chvoiirr and it m not ltipnjhl udviaiblo lo nllour tin in i bn in ruiiimtod iro f national c7hsutf ilr j 1 wilknaol douiiaf hsx btiii jrnoltiioh iu auton for tour yuara paat bm iicihibmi of hn raollco to ijr morirr of ursitmoville dr wilkiuaoli purhrn takiim an iuiorlsil mkt ttsduslo oanra in tho chicago iteulal olliffo and will nubaiiiditly nettle hi one of the clhoa ilurinu hi lay hoto the lr sud the misses wilkinaoii havu m in numerous rneixl in town and their removal will be recruited llu r itmi tluttir hthllntl i lie 1 p worth lujguu uf the llnuk church wi i hold s harvoat luimn featuul next weduosda avenhitt jird inat the program mo will include addremsoa by ltiv h j molntjrr w ii csruhsm ii a hrin itov iclor otl in rroilatlona by mlnaea tlim walker snd tjlara moore mui o hy dliani quartolte luh and the urno oirhcatra of oaprliikn a choice to i iiijipcr will be served from 0 to k o ul im k onvdjancod will r post other hevj l howell m a arine p to ho pnnnocl by tho cotincil nftor onoultntpn with n oltlzons cbmmldoii ill gallon have oil car rodjiccd iho debt by mr ooorgo hyuil mad a aaj du oovesf isst week in relatijn lo the ii aye of bis eldrst son charlie tho lad oyce bad bwu irouhhog htm fur aomo liuio and bo took bim to s amoialtat in torouto ho ascertained tbal hla right eo la antlloly aikhusse mr a r formerly of th ftxamplou cunaervelor haa hrej of of pouuoe and will aliortly beam the pub liostlon of a paper in toronto devoted to tbs interests of jsrkdsle mr campbell la su sbls newapsper roan and will no douits have suoossa aoouple of ten jear old isd lu town wars before ills worship the luove on monday eveulnn charged with susilug the oanvss touting uss1 st lugeul csmp m councillor lirowo a buah by llev mr ou pi ibo caiivss wss rsatorsd sud tlio boys psid tl ou dstuanoa snd coau lu reuewuik hl ubwsnpttou to tho fsss 1esie mr a c matlbewa uf chiosgu 111 asya 1 never lose my iu uuost iu my native lowu aud tho tun 1kiuaa aaama to kro mors and mure wel oume rscb year i so it bsa sttslned ilr uiajurity i oflor my coiinrstulslloua and beat wiabca tor ooutiuued oro4erlt mr ultohooa gospel lauiperauce ki luier ullbe new york natlnnsl laolure uurosu asilstod by bor dsugblsr irene honor gtsdusls in slooulion will opsn a ajscissol msstings la lbs town ball next baddsy with ssrviqc st sud m 16 p in a collection ol 6c snd upwards si ibo dour as i bsvo dknoscd of my denial practice sll sooounla owing me are request d lo be pd by the jlilhoil afler that data all oulalslldlujf sccuuuts will be plscetl in other hand fur collection j 1 lialx4 vios aduilrsl uir john llupklusliaa been appointed to oummaiid ttio msdllerrsuesii kjusdron ihst ilaoklnm t ougli can be u i kly ourd by llsgyard leplursl uslam lrice jlo a mlrlct fitlmjqf iurrer it i rumored that llio career of tho maple ieaf loo work which atartrd opuralioiia hero about hire mouth sji ih shout onded 1 ho propnolor h l haur owitx left a couple of weeks ago ostensibly lion trial lo purchase stock and has not yet returned whether b hs gone icrinauaully or nut wo cannot say but there aio a number uf creditor who would hko very much to too htm bsok with s foil purtti in addition to unpaid accounts for took s coiihidorh e tnnnnl is duo hla auttern and maker here for wago lloutnl to tin a siices i he priaa lut snd poster for acton ttnlou klhlblilon to bo held hrm on iburadsy and r ridsy 1st sud 2nd october have been circulated the speoisl hit is s manifestation of the interest taken in this kipular and successful fair by our citizens and uumeroua oulaido friends the nuro her uf itoil i pbeuomodftlly large sud ci inprise no leas than 53 llimi these embrace pnxa ou hursea cattle dstry product sud s lung lilt of rnuoollsneoua priaura all of which are of s more or leas attractive chsraalor with good wsslbrr act m i uiun hiliibitiou will this yesr piobsbly bo die beat of us ten yssr of itctcct in a nrtr limn an csienblve aud moat annoylug ftcoideut oocurrrd st alr itobert mciherson a second hue 1 aijueaing one day last weak ihe annual threading had just taken plsoe aud he grain placed iu their rcapec tivo bins iu the granary of the new bsru ercood this lummer when the mud ill gt way and the eutlre con lent of the granary wero precipitated into the stable ueueatb hover at hundred bushels uf wheal oata barley sad peas were thrown luto s permiscuoaa mssa tbs mud sill waa not properly aupportod aud the builder are not receiving very oomplimcn tary roferonce lor good workiuauatlip by the neighbor aud friend of mca miltiarou ihe lor lhruu the achieut will bo con iderable a fufwri umtitta m tuitcu it i with icciai pleasure itial the t i iiin rccorda the uooca uf mm nellie ampbell dau uf oa uuuullur camp- boll who waa fur a number of ears an est coined realdout uf acton rur several years mia ampbell has beau lu training in the nurac doparlmaul if the htale ho i1 la i at iluflalu n bho recently panaod her final ciamluatiuua and grad uatcd with uifli tauilllig occupyitig tho fourlh place iu a cl- uf 110 graduates mia ampbell aucceaa doo not end with her graduation hhc has scoured s post liuu in the hoepllal as ssslslaut lady muporiulon lent and ha charge of a ward of about fifty patients st s very good star i be many friends lu acton o ml camp bell will be pleased lo learn of her success w ml s lauaj meeting ibo suuusl meeting of tho woluau hlaloiiary bociety of the melbodlal hurch here was held last thursday ofhiere wero elected for the coining year a follow lit un ri loe iraa kl ilo i run kin u i kl acton ilimiciptl inupil iii t al i ht u dllhk mfimuy ntin ng 11 n moii mi inhkh nil m lit it 111 11 mil in itin h tlr ihe jlr os 1 ins 1 r i lol their hi linlh npiri runl ii mui hd ps uk tl itsk ulltu- f lot illi htlu hl 1 1 1 ii 11 f j ml 1 ih s flhilnin ii aduii k tw la 1 ii lllg n l moved ly i ii mallh william llrown that i ulrl hl xconihd hy part of tho id he adopt committee on i luanre sd fftrned movd by a 1 nhklm xuhd by william uiowu ibntllin r cmim he sud are hrri l spji uili il a in until tiu tu ai i u i 111 i hi nil i in pri itriug a i ire i anil if y law nd t i run nub r thr nkiit bihly of ouinpl mi- with tho rruircmaute of the undci wrllrrn nhsixlalion merh w 11 hlurey j ii ivaron ii moore h urimlell john i iftmtn uiiuf lliemiut lug lo u islltd h the k v arul bum ki kllln with roferonce lo uoiiipleliou of wmk for tlui yor by lira immilleo un hiroel- nu walk ihe htrcola and yslba ulimiiltlie have decided lo build a now aldewhi on iho wel aide of main birrot from mil hireel to hurcli btrcot to ennnrut with tlio how walk from f hurih hlrueao gne muuki hy a 1 niaklln eecouikd hy 1 1 rancio that i ho chairman f the street and walk omimttee bo grantid a up plcmcntary uin of illy dollar i onnplitu lll r mr hbndlrson ol- haltyn ttio mumber from ono of tlio holt oat bnthoirrountih to bo mom actlvu in thu hoiiao i lie iluulrtal lu it gtvtitt in itv bketiha f parliament uiiiiih f m i aud ink ret a wit t f tnkii hnrni iinnu of pruiiilni ul tiiitmlm n f l lit ii tine of mt man i iu ilium f wl sslurlsv thqiollowuin rolon t wan mule ul lliu iueiuler f r halt m 1 in- iiiiiiiii ii lion hum iihii hu ir f yearn onu of tin hotttat bull i khii if lun two jiartn anitlir hue txm h lion aud tnr rkctl inn gnl m hm rn hiiliin the peal ion year but tho laiuo al last seem l tmte lxi m drll nlrly dei did in favor of the uueitrtatim with mr lln only the nirvii i b elrclim in gain in tmi ifwu lost tt mtdkmu won retainrd it in a bi clrtion lu 1 i rino il by tho uiiaoating of mr honiir n anf sgsin won it in hie last vtmral rlrrtiui in all lllrso ojiitrsu mr hrmlrr theluorstue en lldil while hi pirly i i m heiidermi w n t in r 1 i in i 1 great eilntll hot tllrrn in i ill til i that iii nppoalll n hn will t umk ii lurr active lie i well ma ill i t ink n part in pirliameulary ojk f r i in a of good preeeucr apeaha ivdl m i hrln n large mornhaitl aud i ukri n iiih in to discuta buaiiio uhtiniih the star accompnir it i ill very ooil profllo ahct hen f mi llnlrr son a he take an in i pi i l i mow and as be hint- lukl f i n npif olea the i- airs catl monky n nw an increase of t 7un va i not sdi naaiuna to oroi lo 1 ai ttiih oi 1 ave bee i publihed a ark l liuu is h u ove r lat yiar ll l o vidcnlly duo tu tho vun uf c 1 na great amuaiadur 1 i llu h hang i lie tally crpt 11 the ha r ul irtvi i 1 1 ihui wr i i mm m it k i 711 i kind gome from public institutions aa well ai from filvttlo individuals ml lu mill it til ilitlm i llkn t llm oiuiiwinul llvlurdluii hocrslarr ura jauios ltoore ttwiauiol ul a hlalilmuaou lidullo liiuuilll tba rilcrt auj kl jaiiiu uiun un j mo uulm klra j t louau il ul a tl llrown mra mac hi 1 lie was owlsd as dele gate lo attend lb annual convention uf tht inference hrauch to ha hold at hamilton lth 7 ih aud hih ol october iheausilusry bera haa had a eoccesafal yesj its meet lugs have been in t etesl lug and much mi l unary intelligence has boeu diasemlusted maow night louccrt 1 be committee lu charge of the annual ahow night uuuuert bsvo srrauged fur a oioiur programme tor rrldey evening iud ootubor ihe bhaw rutertaiuineut o including 11 n bhaw ii a prlucl pal uf ihe school uf elojullou lu the lurun ui onservatury uf music miss ids wind hold su arllil of rare dramatic power urn ileta itoss elocutionist unsurpassed in huutui and mr celuiy kpuuey a moil inrtslile lmmirouator have boon engaged i hoy will enact oouea in oust uino ruin classical tragediea draruaa aud cumnlici humuroua character ketohra and inunioal inogologuea fsmlng lu jrcsk costume with del ol um light rflct1 lu addition tu the abuvo the misse mulareu uf oodsrtob boot t lab oauoe arliats snd vlolloials snd a fwat class plwr will add several u umber lu ihe progi amine wall iafier iumanu at half price window aliadssmfrieuifio curtain pole all colursicooiplals sid at the drug store tut ntv uiuiuut liiaxss ihe now marriage act requires that both brldo and groom make ahdavit whan procuring a marriage liosose iu ordar to avoid in cunveuiouoo sud uuneoosaary publicity the uudersigued will wait upon thai partlea desiring llenuaas st tho bums uf auy of their frleud in town to laaua documents ii 1 m ol isaucr uf msirls licensesi fun i mtmi ultlu a clou toidy tokmlelgo ito n of i allio i ulri nipii inlivilukl coming and goingf r- visitors to and from aoton art varlouaothor pofaonal not on the kiikk rnitss itivlts sll its readers to ttllf irlttnin lo tlila column if you or your frloud am going sway en a holiday trip or if you have frlmlvluinii yen drop a cent lo the pus 1iia iho mtaaot holl- of hock wood vwed friitiuls here on ilaesday u mr ial kelly of htratford msdo aclon ftinnda a llj ing yiiil last week mr j w ijoellr ol bl cslbsriflee wss in lnwn s day or two laat work jui hi maggio hmith lafs yeelentay ror itcltevllln to resume her a indies mr cha taylor ia rtry 111 snd her frn mis have uo hope oi recovery itnv j w iur of toronto junction apcnl munday ith aotou friends mr john mollao of bt calbtifuas wss in town on a brief visit on 1 hursdsy ul william allan has ao far recovered a in b4i able o walk duwu town again itov it w william ol vienna visited fruiida in tht neighborhood this week mr i i chrulis and uiss chrialis rn guest of actuit friend isat week mr 1 msdduok hss secumd a good luiaitiou with ihet baton co toronto mr c cray of ielmarston cnt s fewlday st iho maple during the weak mfa powell of thodford wss a gaeslt the homo of mr ii b holmes for week snd airs joeph holmes viaiud st csmpbellvmle during the mr rolstiv mr j c hill and jimmle and tugeno of lolmlu ohm vuited at the old h6ms line week mr 1 ii snyder of klmlra was iu town uiuiipluof daj i i week ruiewliig sl hiiti mr j u bmilh aud miatea mary aud magkte vi filled their later lu lulbur dur nig tho week mrv ftr- twry of quelph viaited al llu home of hor father c 1 hill lr mr at i mia thus homer ml l nit 11 week very p caaautly with frleuila at niagara 1 all ud 1 orontu mr w hill ml hor daughter hthel of monroe ml eh were k oi c t hill 1 i luillig the wnh unv 11 a maophersun atteil led the iiduiiiou f llev w a j mrunst knoa hurch liuilph on 1 uooiay mr w b bmilh and mr bmith of lovtrland ohio were guest st rairviow 1 late tbo u d home last week ftcv oanun bwetnry- of bt philips church xorouto waa the guest ot itev j k odden m a isat friday minn itrlla graham who has beeu vtlt ug iilt brother in detroit for several moiilh tolunieil borne laat thursday mr lirury r hill of uulfslo n y in d a brief vih to hi old tionje this week he i doing a good business in ltiiilo mr and mi henry buydor and mr aud mr adam bnydcr uf mount forest have been vilting friends iu aclou and vicinity line week an obituary notice of mr litoeal it adam uf draytou wboao do ill was re corded in these columns laat week ssys hs we born at aeon in 1h40 moaar uuuld and newell ul mlhoo deaf mute pen i munday with hiss maggie bmith pi lor lo her drparturw for tlio liihlitutlon for the lea aud dumb at belleville hldrrs mum aud waldlo mr and mis john cameron mr sod mrs wllllsco moihsil aud mr aud mrs james lackoy atluuded the luduolion ssrvioas al knox hurch cuelph on i uasdsy mr 1 1 buyder managei of tba lradeilink north bay aud his little diikhlir laiy arelhe guests of acton iclativc mr buydei a mother mrs k hi del llmira i also with htm i at buudsy wsa the ailh aonlveraary of ttm efllonicnl of itev j ii mullsu as paiior of bl andrew church fergus belluoiii am table lo ihe uocasluas were pioaifru by 1uv j w ltss of toronto junojipii anothth smart woman my husband i poor bat proud and ha dues not want mo to work ss 1 have nolh nig to du 1 get rrstlos snd aflar reading in tuur paper mrs ituisell a sperieuoo oiling self healing hal irons i con tuded i would try it 1 wrote lo j f l esey a co bt louis mo aud they i lad uioso nicely uist 1 felt very much encouraged aa toud ss 1 gut rny sample nun 1 etarled out and sold tl iron the first day cleariut tl i 1 bare not sold less ttian m any day iluco and one day sold 17 i now have 116 claar moony and my huibaud dace nut know 1 bsvo been work mg at all bul i am afraid ha will bo mad wliun i tell bwn have 1 done right or huuld 1 iuilo work aud leave him lo ilrugglo aluuet ai amta wira 1 ou are doing jut right your buabaud liuuld bo proud of you go ahead aud how die world what au euergelio woman can do i hat soil heating iron muak be a wuudortul seller aa ws hoar uf so mauy that are succeeding selling it good is eflsantla to wfjt m hoalthkverynook wm fgfdtm and corner of thp i uuu syateir u reached hy the blood and on its quality the condition oievery orffsn do pnds aooffhlood nteans tronir nerrea mood dtfrestlon robust health impure blood means scrofula dyspepsia rheums mamcmjtarrhorolhbrdfaeesre thoaurrst vsy to bare rood blood la to take ifooda barsa par ilia tuishisdlclne purl firs s- ullies andcttlebce the- blood snd r sen da tbe tlantenu of health and alrength to very nerve orfan and tlasus it creates tood appetite wires refreshing alsep nd ears that tired feeling h mem bar hoods sarsaparilla lhrtiel lnfbrtuiehmtrurllll pnrtflrr r un rni lu ufierata -7tt- gb rymn cs eos dress jvtaking dpaitment is hotst openti6r business wc rcopened our dressmaking department on tuesdhy sept s for the autumn season as formerly it is under theiiandcmt nt of mi stott experience and skll we scarcely need remind y u llu staiulrcl of ccill characterizes our dressmaking tjepartment is a high one and thib standard wi maintained in the work turned out this fall r of whosi ih t whit h be fulu dress goods and dress- making j ng l ollln t llu till hcuhoi1 our tnnriar iiuh been uwuy vihiilllo iviltiing luillruh it lunlltoll and tin umial will be ublu to huji ply her mini ciihlomern uith tho nowewt and preitiost our htock ot niutcrtald has had largu addi- tioim during tho pitht ntiuk to hu that it ih coinploto would not be htatnitf an exact lalt tor our drosh uiiodri stock ii novor torn plott we me all the time add lug not a week but bnngh tia fresh iduuh hut to tjay that it m onormouf and we think away bejontl uii thing you will find iu tho ut ia what wo behuvo to be a fact it taken pluck to buy borne ol bo 1 inert m point ol quantil au 1 nowlty that we buy only a hrt elaan tratlo like tins could do it our ntnd hatt alwaa been to offer our ctittotn urn the ij irctui mutermu that lire hiiowii our intimate connections in the old country with the bit mukurti and deulert offurd ua a wide lield tor our bolectiona we umo thlb wisely dont tear hat joii mtiat necch aaril go to an extravagant price our low priced goodti ahow the aantu iood taatu and corrc t nt les aa do our high priced und moat tielect tnateriala we aak every lady lo aee our dreaa jooda alock which will he tihown gladl and without undue p eaanre to buy itu a treat to aue a stock hliuoinber wo deal only in dry uooda we tutlv the dry uoodn radu and leate ofjiur branchen alono we acll dry qooda lo perfection e k bollisl a o lb kud 2 wjuillla i bu ol uuklpu ont 1 u publlo belli vulolil aid rrll ua la tluu havo used 1 aluo ohry oinpnuui for tbo bououl ol ul i and young aud if i wero poeaiblo lo ubliah all llio atalemeul made b the inmatea aoort ol the loiter would provo titteroallng and onlorlaiuiiiit in lutltutlous like thoio rofcrrod ii where hundreds are tare 1 fur every yeal all the coiiim uittli h ldiaaa f evry dav life are found and many hundred havo burn made well and alrung by iaiuc lelery t omouud utlil thu p i an isusac these lulllulloii rfoio unable t by the ordinary lusaji lodaythl giaws s wok i uj b on m many uf the lerloat aid niiial prominent of ur ublu pler and n othoi iiodlltne will lxi lo lorn to 1 bul 1siua celery t oiiijwunil whu ii how ttie mlerm end ouiilblrlio iu wlmli tl luodliiue 1 held given loiuinoiiy for 1 auto holoiy in pound i iho liumeno outuntual eluo lloual house oil llio bl i awrnlioa litar moultoal and known aa the t invent of the uuly namoa 1 ho ladle uf llu house wrilo sa follow ws leal it a duty lo add uur uumuny iu lavur of yuur wunder wurkuig ialuo a celery compuund many hater aulleiing from dwhliity dwpaia alne leaiies and luligoatiiu have ueoi pi i ly ollovid after taking ii ws shall lrongly immoul it uo in all our huue as tho beak etdlmiiu to restore health and fclve tune and vigor lo ihe uorvou etom ittoil want flral jour stouuiph pr till your ordi r at inn wait and see id- n1av sty i 1 niw shaii d 1i luol i scliuol llooks a new lot f scliool bup- plits now on bale at the uruy j v kannawiri dlttlouiut acton oule immde i s whs but wtjnjrou puokal- prices tba apaoe la ml whll fpnipr rd ihtindow shkdbs xjmbluallun icrfacu wuuderrul value baud fur samples will u or the coming season our dressmaking advantigt s will l man with a hright in u and taking stock of dress materials in all the new imported weaves n expert stalt of dress makers to make them for you and charges very mod est rrrfieud considering the class of work produced we look for another busy season of salisfaclor work in this department this lall we guarantee ou satisfaction here you will he di lighted with our dkhsm aki nd dhpaktment ituttoriok pattorjis on hand q b ryan co quelph georgetowns livest stoke 6ibs0n millar go walisvortons a moat luocoaaful liualliaaa in yarn witti a oooiplela aaaoctuiaul of tba tiawoat sid lateat itylea lu dhkhh ooooh dltrbh tkiuu koh hc tberwaaonwe have iwvn ao auoceaaful ia lcsuae we gwe you ilia bo eat laleat and rnml ityllali utodatn food at krtoaa lb at cannot bn be tan in town or city ul we are not aallaftml we want lo tin mors wa waul yoor irada wr want it all we never bef ort bad ao larve a block navar bail aa good all rouod valuea and you will tlml tba assort menu and qnalltlna juat a llllle bntlaslban sou will laawhare wa are oflarfcig you btrtuig induootnsnt lo trade here and wo know if we once scare your attention you will baoome a purchaser snd then ilka many ouiera a regular cubuxnar hikci hhbaso flfnuel til gtaatcat valuae aver asarnd lu town aa wa have iiurrhas ad thara for iwu ban tba manufacturer price don t go blsawtiars lilt you see our value in otmf iflannala itna and all kltmi jthuiiib ir ooods hmall uoaiory ledlaa undorweer etc dove vtnk hiou oljlsfl tailorino it it sa barottted fact we lead in uiia olben follow in a br oatcb trada but w to flua tailoring ouritock 1 now coinpleto for uia fall in ul latoal liuportauoni in hootch kag luh truth awl canadian hui overcoat insv ale quality luvely guarsntend iknth 1 ha laleat noveluea ih wtwi collars cult ovbitcoath ov kltcoath on kltcoath in lloya and uans iloy kmfera hum taa jaekeu men fanta ate till will l tba jitaca to get your fall and winter outfit no trouble lo ho- good call and ilibiwet our lock am wa will convlooa vuu that ulu i uia dae to gal uia beat toooa al the eloseat prices mutter vdd bcx taken in trade gibbon micialt a o itoe dlock ueorgetowu good looking lassies riiauioutal or otberel ui irveiaa laai j on ea ireooiulug ram wa f iruti ut but 1 u uut tjf o tba uiuel t t taalod free b au o uelai tsavage co j i v i 1 1 fc11 guelph chab l nelle8 oity bookstore cuolpit j moffats music stoie rcton oist vuu eu puiulum lb world renosv1 dominion pianos 6 il hamilton uut ii llc and qi trniu imhi enallal sootci it bbst quality otll aiio impact organs wanttl bkk11ai raitiikuc mkn oh wuiitau lu travel for rssaaalllef oatab- i uuvarie aalarv ttm pkyable xpruaaa toattluo eruisusii i t il lwkt a 1 t t tlio h hlrlubi 1 rtloal i t i till uvaryu anyltitui klmwil aleuiunl au lr llulldliih 1iil i tkhue vor until i i for ilauus aud oman itarllaa a milk a minltk audarsoub uiarv ilou record waa tuede ok a stearns a few of the man snaps at joodeves ar firorern comment und onlin it ii n lit old mro it wiutlfiir si- fic tpan ttitttt i u ifanuil ciuriinti 7t i tnr 2 m cltockkitv iin iiimi hum g 1 u in jlisihill iiiii wlillu l il hi ii i kh lot lutoiv chioii dry oodis tahiti oil ci ll 1 i i iuil null i i u unl lru imnln ironi r u jiiril up junl up c f goodeve next post office acton r3 ad this it will intkkesr yol no nictttoi what your occupation may bo to da c luoti lut it uoc lu iwo uivliig y ao nlvliit half the nrlce for xbt tile uiiiiar leoder internal haa i aul monay ln will te 25c 20c i be i oo i ii ua city of ouslph rsiiulma ws sre in a position loday to fill tills want there li in flnu in ciaila d jloj tli hualnaas that nkill i with m large atorea iaiii loo llraiilford v no i lock iualph llarrle ijnuaay hrockvllle snd iatarboro uterfom w are th only nrtu thai ran ull at th trlees whal wa aim kl ii uiaell itooia and hhoaa iitly al trlco tltat th two le will rimie our way i wlh to i lionaat in bis matter and 1 bellnve i have your eoiindlioe i ooavl not do what i iironoea lo do ii i uiouulit you dl 1 not helluva in what i ut io not look forgondb at half nrioa but look tor iroodi wlui ball the rulu come end try ua and wa wilt aatlafy you it i tlio only way to du builiiaaa neill the shoe man cuetph glimpses of the beau liful it pays you to come out to get a glimpso oi the beautiful new stooks now in fullness ol bloom all over the store it i ehuwiiik ot full und winter jackhlti uinl ca1 t huven x dkippcd n prutti iens tit n oodnuha in jfutlionno tin tat n a nuppl tor udiucii ut d mru und thu pricta uru aa tun it- the ijdn am ntlicili nnd right judge tlieito phrinciitri l un nlunuitrd on pleuttc reiuiiiiuati etiruhillt dtiiuhill ht ic it i coiuidutu und tho gin niuiita urc nml rctretthingl prutl thun cm r i i ir in htiltltltii nk uutl wc invite ull bltortt to ju iti i mil uiul ree our dinplii ut thu lion wu uamiru i u ot u lien i welcome und ourvcrj bent uttcntltni wu unk no one to lui lull vie ure ulwuh rcud to null wyldtl j d williamson co m and macdonnell streets uljtl t- m th e righ t house tuug nad hughoou u i jul jiucult to cud uew forms of expression in i 1 tlsbineut la attracilvskarb our belief however 1 thai aiairvted ute menu are out of plsoe that plain dearly put euuouuoetueuta osaotly alatliik what la meant aud capable of no double luoeulim i the best sud way to reach lbs public ileuoe uur card are always plainly aud trulr as pressed and consequently easily undsrstool the reo hss luvansbly been generous aud thia fact haa added encouragement to paraevore in plain alatemsuts utterly ixuoilu any attempt u mlaiead or ouufuee- hub week however our taak la sou lite una sayluk good bye tu all aommer ountsuls of the msuy case arrlvlug daily ulylruo rulrffully ewhat caay a ktioda aud blddiu i urusalun h welooluo to tho for more tbsn qfty yeara we bsvo bee adopt lug ihe beet methods uf tradluk in muairsas of lbs day whatever la beneficial i r business i be remit our sale a ere kusiri wo bulneaa m hamilton alway muu aud advancing with the r petrous wa iuiokly inosiralo r on th increase w stark atfotit acton horrat a mubio stoiue nottt door to symoa urdi asaf wantedan idea z- wee lasr aaas ssveee wesllh fas tea ijsstphwtoelef imveauuas wasted ileuud sll iuesllon tin old established buaiuesa ws uavor lu s brlloi pusltluu lo ester lo ttio public ihsu it is at the present lime during- the peal few day ovor iwo hundred osaes of dry uooda have oroeeou tba atlantic and are now belun dlatrlbuled to the d i huron 1 departmeula at iho hlhl hum the markinu room ia la tod lolia full capacity aud our i a rye lar la more than busy ffstllnk the several department fully oiiufplwd fur tin aeaaon s tralo 1 ho dsweal oftsct aud tba very latest products ot sallied workmen from the toai dnaoofacturinii centres of the wurld are represented bare and every niece uf merchandise imparted by us h- been made expressly for ihe rail buaiuea of ltkm tba koodf are all bought with lbs ulmoal discretion due ood are ahcean wilh artutia oare the lis between public snd alore wa novor- so joae the aarvioeablonoea of the alore wss never ao apparent the bilk depart luslit 111 dress loud department the mantle depart iieut iho kid hove depsrlinsni tbrao different dopartmoiil sre miiuwiul tiekuliful koyds worthy yuur attention thojrras c watkins scpiliiilm ull ivi i ilk kiclu iiolm j ifjrr

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