Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1896, p. 2

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a r y j b jj j neighborhood news t in anion on wixtntaday dili hep r to mr and mr jnlili h riiliiiiinu a mafitlill mill hifsinv al tin rial iniriif the whin tlllli noun ion i rl i lii tiw hill h i h t mr mill- ot trnfaluar mm lilt i ilniii x at hi rt mi in ii uklho jrldra pnrauweii thuriu luth h iiinfhlmr a mllnlii ii nf t ntuun in mhry tllot ilaiifjl or of ii llorlrti lit akatlawiiia tnpn f iii mlltuu tjiuiihimy k itiimihh 17 lhirt notes and commbnts f it in reported that tliu 1rlnouof walea haw anaiiycd a mrutlilu between the czar ml iorcl snliabury at ialmoral when iho turklili iuohiiud will bo dii umed the llmr au snl unfile of now york which onjjtit to know what it ia talk liik about in una oo tin re i ion mvax ua thla bit of rlieerinc nowa 1 horu n nvory whero a rowliik projudico atfnlnal the lujnor trade y i ho ttal stitli n view in a lliorouuh diaouauion on lliu prohibition ipiuatloti in view of tho cominu plebiscite invitta atiktfclioiia ah to llio boil in ci i hod of nrnk- itik koud tho 7 oh rm deficit in llio event of tliat ax beinp relliitilhed liy pro hiltllun ioto1 prohibition now prevail in llio llouio of commonn of canada a vole on monday lo prohibit ita baio au placo within tho prooiuctb of tho hnuo nm rarriod without a diactiliiiu voico holh mr mirier nud tfir chariot tupper npuke in fvur of l hul total prohibitum i ho oaucub at oncrmlivo mumlier of 1arliainont on monday decided not to mow roaolutluii on ilia corroapuiiduuoo imlwccu lord aberdeen and hir charloa 1 upper but tho i prcmior will mako u apeeoh on it 1 hu oppoaittoti will not provenl pro rotation at llio cud of tin month ilnro iamit uilw lively competition for tho ami in tho bona i e rendered vacant by thb death of hir david stacphcraon it would not bo aurpriiiik if llio jovurninont were lo givo tho position to ouo of ha pxrly friouda tina a a matter of fact haa ntivvp item suppllnd y corroo- f f vondaits nnct cx oeonoetowl miae annio andotipfi of palmrmlrm ta vlailluiint mr j i willann mr ami btfh w kni of lornnln tiro vfalahik hopda in own hirn it n ofttnnil ih mitnu tiotparrnta mr ntd irltn in imlin mr iuv lisrhrr left for montreal rm monday imyiiin lo wrilo on tin junior mnlrioulnlpriti iianiinatlin al mi ill i nivrril ltv itural huaii 1 i u noil iu ap ndtnu ft wook willi lliu niullier aud uiati r t montrenl hov d ii lordun of watnrtown n y occiipnil tho pulpit of iho metliodwl church on hunday ovoninf laut mm llilnlicox iho jjotpol lomporaik lecturer of iara ont la too luring every nihht ttiia week hi lliu lown hall under llio auapicca of llio it t or t kljo i aialaud by her luunhtcr mlta irene a vocalist nrd otoculignil ol conaidnrnhlo nblllty mr ilitrhcox koct from hero lo anton coin mouoiiiu horvicna there on hunday mr nolaon l htindih of i ncoiube s v 1 who civ me cut to bo t routed for partial bllndnega which waa rapidly br coming rwrtnatiotit rolurneil liomnl updv after liavink coimullod with aomo of th bent apecialin and who kivu him no on courarnmont- thai hnr tth will ovnr be roatorod iii ixva tho dcoposl aympalhy of all who kunw him mr w diuii will accompany inn milton rooutlouctl ao lar thoro la not one uioro worthy of ho senatorial houorn than mr jamil llinob ofliuclph itml txml kiiiurr 1 bo anlo canadian irado atlll advaucoa aud tho import inio great dritain from anaa incraaaod ii pr cout dunnii auuat ah compared wlthaukuat of ibii while tho brliiah imporu from all coun irica have incruaaed only 1 per ornt tho import from auada for llio elhl month tucrcuaod i1 400 ouo or nearly 10 por cent whllo the driluti importa from all coun irira nicreaaod nuly i per teul i hit hultan iiaa apparently douidtnl lu defy the power and it to bo uopcd that tin will abide by hia deciaion for it can hardly rail to raault in hi- depoaiimn another tnaaaacro la euorally apprehend od but it may bo taken for rranlod that the powers now appartinlly thoroughly aruuaot will tako atepa to prevent ita bold fleotively lkrried out iitaovldont that i- n j i and ifsitoachnd tho end of her pal louoo and la pro pared to take action that briiik the iam llio powera will bow to tho nrioaaily for joint action lu order to pro vmt tho immediate general coullakralfon which muat ouiuu if ouo power wont lo work to pull down iho ottoman ompirr it tnr au extra of the tmluin ln tlr haa jnt been laaurd with a proclamation waruinit people aaiiiat a broach of iho ioroitjn hnliatmoul aol llio roaaon for una la that reproaoutaliona have boou made to ibo ciovornmout by tho bpauiah jouaul hon era i at montreal that a ablp la uow boini ittud out at lovoland with loluu teora to holp tho lnaurjfenu lu uba aud that aa the proclamation of proaidout clevolaiid prevoula tho boat from cleanup from a unilod htalea port it la lutondod that the boat ahall oluar from jlevelaud to n aiiadlau or i prlbiimably 1ort rllauloy and thauco to cuba 1 he lory n a wildly improbablu one but uio iwuv of the mrtte oiita la a fact john head haa drciiled to roliro fnim thn buaiueaa winch ho iiah rarncd on lor aomo eara in mil ton at the indutrial i air lorotto w a iawretice of milton waa awarded flral priko in llio lion carl aud cob clam for hu br it iiiih holler by crown impurial iho aecoiid annual oonveullor of the 1 pwnrth iokuooi tho milton diatnot milhodmt hurch will b hold at oakvilk day mo i aiiik ml i ion and harl hrown of drunnjum wnru auuceaful in wimiiiik a urui number of iirion in lh honoy awarda at lh ludutnal 1 ihibilion at i oroulo i hoy ou s 1 1 bittwect 4hen iho ualtuii arulltiiral xluty haa lul llio contract fur llio building ol iu now hall to john boinorvlllo tl a linculoua of tho builditift will bo iiixlli foot and u will aland near to and ou tho loft iiaiiii mdo of tho wale it la lu bo uuiahod by out lat special aiiuivoraary aorvicca at iho u 1 often been done be of the camhdatew tjhurnti mviidwood irtl bo hold on hnn day at 10 jo a m aud 7 p by ilov h ii williamoii vurk thei ill 1 ape i milton i evening bopl jud lliu fh oocnaiou will be aaaiatod by mr iho favorite aoprano uf torouk firyau oraiiiat of the hu hpiphany toroulox ujiduul4id caldwell and aljaa lii o iho crewbuns cohnerb iho u uad niicd to tho ii ion uudnr ad ml ml tjeymuur to reudoivoua al balcouica 10 otitobor aro diatlliclly con uectod wib iho change in dntlah jwlloy lowarda llio porte which marked the arrival uf hir lbillp urno the untiali ambaaaador in couaununople hir i hllip wilhuut otsiatioual deolarliih a more active aud hnlatod 1 tifjhali policy haa louvoyod the iiiiprcaaiuu lu oluur 1 uropean iliplomata at onaiantinople that lionucforlh the hurouruu oonoord will be btttwired to by 1 naud unly hi fr aa il auiceaavlb a purely 1 nilllh policy ijiore uiubt be no nioro uaaaaroa of 1 briallaua ur moauliu mob rloliiiki nor ulcltluit lu eneral inurder wltlioul jirai tllal in lor veu lion by i tiklaiid willi ui without the appruval of tho otlior kiwora uhiumt outlook fohcanada i on i mu bopt 1 a there arrived in ibia city yn lor day u youllouiaii whoao preoeuoo lprqiablukoiia the interoal that aiiada a mineral woalth awakonlo in lnlad mr a mauioaii uf the k i aadciihtll htnol 1 undou h urm of maclean t cu miuuik iapilallala la iho poraou referred lu maoloati 1 to have illllolii in ibo hld mine uf huulli africa ntfw buibim auatialia and tho tlnfled hltalofl and am uow acokiutt lor now wurlda to oou juur a number from here will attend ibo tiuolph uuiral hxhibilion tin week 1 ho uicktal tlirealuutl we havo hem 1 uf ilua acaaon wan dene by win orippa thrcehiuk macluon on iho farm of john bennett on iburaday lnt lu live nun utea he throahod twu luada uf wheat i bat la ijuick work iho an u dock exprcaa train tt woat waa dolnyoil fur aomo time horo on monday qvouiuk llio train waa hoavily load ed witb paaaetikeri from turonlu tair aud wblla oaoaudluk the heavy krado near the corner lbe eiiiue broke away irutn tho real of tbo train oauainj tho delay next hunday anuiveraapy aervicea ll lie hold in tbo church here morniun aud avouipk in iho iiiornliik hov mr howell of acton will airdrean tho con and in the oventiik hov mr cilpin of tho hverlou circuit on monday evonltin au ontertaiiimoul will beivcu wliou addreaa ea aud recitaliuua by 1imi taleiil wid tak place mr and mia a uu of lat 1 uthor ajkint a day or iwu laal wnek with mr oeo cuim mr and mr i i orb uf liuiiuville pout a fow day lant weoh al mr n 1orbci mr aud mra it dim of hunt ho viiitod friouda lu tin vicinity laal weak mra 1 hamahaw ami iwo children of 1urt huron who have been vuilinn friend lu una vloltiily fur tho paal mouth return cd home ou haturday mlaacal- aud a duiuao and mr it uloniaii apont a couple of daya laal week in loruuto and llamillou wearoaarryto hoar of tlie i ill ueaaofmra i haa taylor uf aliimi lor marly uf llna plaoo ashonovc hnmo of llio fiirnhajvn lirkun oiiltui oorii of wlileli tjinro ro imii nn juaiiil tji liorcntiotiti at hid katnu farm hill line twn inrn hiioh hnvc ikcu llljcd mid aiiothnr ono in in itio ounrxr of irntion mnrn fnn tint vicinity iipriil a d or morn i th mu miiou of ult nuik tnili v r ferfrw- miii i morrimu who win airintmly lurlltli t rimivuiiiitl mr 1 a hiwhon of itrklthi i villi iiuntslr i wnli urll mth i si ui of imhaaii r on i mm unit kit llltllh nfallllllt nm ih iu of follow mr mlolori unit minn antolui ikmik i m and h antotnn htr ull kinp your oar uuil oyoo thru llllthu h miry mr malioliu mc ollum kindly uijiirid at mr ii ralmiti hutiln limn nj- iiuaiii iiik miuy irimla 1 lni iih lil blown nt uni u re out who waa acr jmu barn iblnlo ho out mil lo kind nf 10 lriipftirni i f balliimafad k fn mint mury i utki al inronto juurlion mm ihuinpbuii and u1 i lull amp bellnn jiymn a loljay in urn cily mr tind mth ialmrtr of 1ornnlo are tliikt ackort mr km i if kin nrdtno it hpndin a few ilny a mr men a h n jin to a w of our joiink people iiavo roluriiul li nut ili hi hooli ii minimi on vodndy irntt mr mill of irafalar look in himulf a bride in iho pemou nf minn i knne of tho r hue i riu iho knoi wa ind by iuv i i nmphell heforo a uu rry cuuipauy of frlcndrt iho oiinfj i on phi urn hpeiidnik thitlr huuoy motm lu i oruulo and ht renin villo wn atliom in wahim them a ioiik aud provpvtvuawufitoy tutut hfv civiejtiliiur noxlrnlny in marked otir our rnlnndar an our mm holiday i ixllbnll luoroahu an i races will hi llio ofd r of the dny oiiruluu n nolel fur at itn rxumplo t trrid in order nn i md rnniluil in aiirniiiiidinit nllajca a ii nbwboh thb uay a i biilumu uurl lion i dvtard lllnk arrived al no lurk on the ate puul bttlluiloy mrn ifatllo nolun ihn mnlalui tried at haiidwich uu a hariu of p her huabaud wan ac juilted an old nimi named william jlai onnabruik ionhlp yrarr i atfo ooinnultod nun ide by outturn ilia throat with a raior i ho hultan of lurkoy ib id to be in capai italod by dieao from uvuruink tllo country and iiib delhronemout becoinea luuru prubablu lvcry dny arthur 1reiitlb wb f lud guilty al lbe i olxorn ainuen uf ibo tiutrdcr of mr ihoninb 1 m and euleiiluf by ban collur lloyd lo be liaihd on pcoember 17 halher than pay ho for infra lion uf uf ih i ipinr i tcetino acl mr a mc ouall jiruprietor of the lmorial hotel i llbouburk la npeiidlii twenty day a lu woudatei k jam uro a optra mouse and ndjoiuin build lua were burned ul ben ton harbor mich on hunday auaiuk the doalh uf elovou llrcuidu and injury to a uuiuber of ulhera and eittallliik a loaa of about l 101 fcultor a tablh from lncr irl of irpt ftn i h in tu itla 1uhhc of ur uaulitau la ii liarauiially in vnauatiu anaiia a mineral reouroea in a day or two 1u ioavob foij ltoaaland takluu in on ih- way llio ontario jold riion in the haitiy uivor and lake uf the wooda diilrlola uriliah columbia mr maoloau tbiuka la apleiidldiy bitualwl for ecurinn ciiliah capital uecauao ou mm an lea lion with tho old land ia ou eaay and hoiinl hulkw oou 1 11 trvet homo bole i ht jubn a obur oh on i in n ik hov alio rwe oy of hi 11 11 p lorui to preau ld ho uim u 1 he at ton auoo wbb very la k ho and mr j 11 tu 1 at wootl vtitod friouda h ore dun 1 d v rek ib muni real indite o have tarled lo build the tnldtfe uvor ii river nu ii will bo in ho1 abort a 11 met aorvn- w hoi 1 u 1 otbj lor lar llullh ul him ay iiilrni rf i he churn i waa uiuel doco alod will iloei the aerviua leiii coiidu clod by til pa blur j no monabua team ran away a ud camo to a and mill by runn n into a dlrrath poet o i monday mr 1 var uf lu orpnao o i ia al mr iriikh black an a viait mra ialanu t1tu llli al al mr d htowa t l dlnciltno illlforont iiiabflb of llie nidi nl in i rnliipalu neclnlly tho lit of the ll alaudard deillchrt the tern wae earner lovar1 mr br an the apread of free ailver doetnue yuh the farmorn uollior important topic of licunaiui in the deprtniout of io i foorrn of ibo world la lord halmbury ou on el an prooilion in ircliou iulb iho cueral auhomo for a iiaiienl inliunal uf arbitration i h editor alu cover ittonl of the atrikink levelujeliluuta of tho mouth in uullli 1 llopeul stranger than fiction fb the tfjth conoennind john qmuons of east london ho wns tortured with tho pnihe of solntlo nhoumrttlom trli doclorn nil bortn of mlldb7io itntt wunt to thn honpltnl invaln or willlniiitt pfrtk pljln cured him wltun all eibo hiunlluil i roiu lln i on lull advurllaer i in in axhuvirthtnu ii utnt worhl wliluh mr iluliii ibbuiia n rai htut ul juptn avriiuu i nt clm heiicoforhi plnro implicit lunlhluti i yi oiki 1 1 tin jinlipnoiit uf ida uif mil theotlior hie urnlne junlitli of r willlimn iliik 1ilti in hi enne ho iwoiul hnn i in haul mr gibbon thought of the nmrdy lliu pllla did the real and tu dy mr nbbuna la a well man where lant fall ho waa virtually crlpple an jiyiyrrt reportor oallod nt tho home ho other uveninif and waa trot at lbe door by mr tllblwna lo wrom ho told the object of hu viil and waa cordially irivitdd in 1 hu roporlor had no aoonnr ot comfort ably boaled when mr liblhina wont into at adjoining room i ho mind nf olukinti botlha lujttod tliruuuli tho half 0mn door and winner clibhuiui reap ho had in hh arm a whole hafkol of imhiiu aij he haa to ahow fur niauynd many a hard carrim dollar aponl in uoleaa drtika aa mr libbona wivi i lay allowing iho bottlca and doacanlintf uxin llio imglenoy of tho modlcinra they had conlainod theoportcr had abiitidant opportunity of marking tho pergonal appnaralioo of the man iii pat ch butraya hi 1 ulih birth and till fac t hlill lra tho li arka or ailfltrlnh but inn frit mu ia erect iii tep liftht an i olnatic and whrti ho liu you that hn can work run or jump with any man jui ouijot lillp bill imlrve hlill tie 1 2t year of no and wbm borrt m how hoa1 htratford i iimland hit camo lo tnada in 1hhj and incaled al call wilt re he i well and favor ably known ho worku i fur the hon mr tnuni member of parliament for a loiij limu and auvou urai ho m mia alice mann alboofcalt after mr lib ikiiih rtnund lo london ho aulllmi down near tho ear bo and did vury well ttlwnj iiavmu plenty of work and alwaya liaxiiiklho itnncth lo do it ho oared uiilhlin about a wutiiuk until one day a year oo ho tmk an a uto allauk or nciaiiq rheiinmlliii ftd lowing wc tgpt i lav down on tin ilxir aid mr nbboua in tellnik hi atury tilht and day ufforuir terrlblo aiouy i oonld nut rl up a atep and my wife bad tu help mo up from iho floor i fell the paiu in my back oral 11 thou apparently left my back aud tfol into my bipa loctora camo here tu ace me they cao pie preacripllono hut none of them seemed lo do me any uood the nolhbor could hear me all over queen avenue when i would et an attack of the paiua laal fall i waa taken out of una plaoi in a haok aud taken to tho hopltal 1 remained ihero about three wceka aud tho doctora did what they could for me but could not tlvc mu any relief at tho end uf three woeka i camo home aaiu suffering as much aa over my ivifo ut hold of a pamphlet winch told of a number of re mark bio cure by the uee of or william 1iuk illla and wo determined tu try them 1 look about tbreo boxoe and fell my acl loliiif a lltllo mr 1 took thirteen w44htmhth44wlvthf1hiih from producer to gonsumer what makes sutcliffrt su ilrttintjudy stitgliftu ib lln tint libit acttii3 the imr i h uili7tif- ill tffc tunc sltiv my to live our ciitonurs lilltr mul i t i ir aliurti nin i ih roul fif m in uhit r tni on inner i 1 iim to pitrun inty priiltyof cubt v buyu i li i t ijclii in lli inu i iil continental mrtritcis rfur- ing tho sti inner months ttczutt in the riglit thnififi fof iill nnd they wire suphoil with the cabh tacnjlilcllflin ro ttltr ul tiittjc of e crytnnrcisinn to fji t thqclmirr nf stticls mm ni souk s i i itr t uli i i no ol i y ui it in turn it urn you in ty br sure is r il t i i vv cnuuln t oiler you inom imk if yon wnnt it if ti buy your uoils 1 y trml ot r drop us a i irtl ami we will null you unpl of invi mt siinjh ibh anil also inj uu fret our nt vs i alalojjue for f- ii nil ttinnr all qiicntionnrhcrrfullj insworcd i ctlcri or ordcrt rcccl dl he core i n clock answered iinc day ijsutcuffesons box lid i ml hi i he hopt i aallodhhe a ber ami ib hit ber number of llio 1i mu aiiuouucrmoul dumol and monl uif ntorlitik publiowlioii yol iaattiil oonlaiti uu lea ihaii nine biii nil fully uolurctl plate lilulialuil droaa mod en and milliner lu oludltik jjilal plait n of mollrillum and hitytlo attire au1 hivi the lliat author itaiivc anuuuiioeiiieiit of the coming alylo fur autuiiu wear ll la a highly liiloreal hb iiimbrr to tlie ladlou of the hooebolil aildrra all uuiuiutik al i hi to tin irunt 1 uldihiiih u of lurouu 1 id ii biol ist wl loroul il or lu iho i u ttm or tl btleiu k i tten miyturtiwn huumjllon pne of iho iei eimif or i 1 i- ihi- uojj nice i felt lha icaal mnkjetlon uf paiti lu you feel ihat you aro entirely ured aaked the reporlor u air i can k out and do a da a wuik juat aa well an over 1 could i feel ctfcclly itruiik aud have a good aipelilu nu i dun t waul auutlior attaok uf qiokneoi dkt thai aajd mr ilbbuua as ho lighted tbo rcjioricr lo iho door mra lb bona waa not al homo ou iho oooaaiun of tho roporlor a ural tlit hub o juenlly lie ulled uu her and received au ouliro continuation uf mr cibboiib atury he waa homo all laal auinmer aid mra jibboiib and ittat aucual die paina were nu aevoie aa tu bnti him duwu on hi knee and tu pavo hiuibelf ho could not hot up i hud it lift bun off tho ii mir many a llino hu aceiued power lo iho bollie ho nliowed yon had almoat all of them been reatedjy filled au that tho number uf buttloa ib no crltonon of llio amount of medicine taken before ho look ihe pllla ooiiliuutd mra jibbona 1 thoughl my liuabaud would never be a bio lu stand un r i tht auiii hul now alio added lu part iiik ha la aa well ab ever ho waa or wllliaiiin 1iuk illla create new blood build uji iho nor von aud thua drive dioaoc from tbo yalem lu hudroda uf caaoa lltey bavu cured after all uthor uicaioinoahad failed thua ealablihiny tbo claim that hey aro a marvel anions lbe triumpha uf modern medical aciouor i bo kouuine 1ihk illla aro old only in boxea bearuik tlb f mark lr william 1iuk ill for 1alo 1 eoplo 1roleol yuur aellfrum imitoalliou by refuaiii any pill that doea not bear tho rrialeied trade mark around iho box iiuk ik lor ml j i s300 tto 50p made or spvod a montn portrait ailitnla or peranna wlm will lart ii lliu lilnm or any ouo who want a ul ui money lirtuoliiii taly hnaltit wlllmut invent auv caidlal lull who la wllllnu to work hard armdyn tb tiirinil an aavo aliov aiiuiuul nvery moiitli lit not retlp iliilnaa i mean buluoh allre wltlitanil- for renlv tltfc intr itsatiosai 1 ri hftb ae iuu iii i ti a acton saw mills coai and wood yallpb j7t7vces brown lu lath hbititllea coal and wood cualanl woo1 alway dellverwl to any rijoiilili itanlwood and alab 01 on baud telenbono cominu tiarl 0 break up a cold in time v jbtno pynycectoral tt qtilek ur lur oh 4 1 ih i koi i mm- llltli iiiminlnifth od ik mmtm ku tic n it l il lr1 larfo lluillff 1 is i ul v i ii henderson go hcton mantles lalksl si us in all linhs pall s f m vc beg to announce thatoor kail stock of mantles is about complete and open for public inspection we have spared no pain fo procure the newest most uptodate styles values will te found better than ever before and the vciinl1ttflslnp n all graders from cheapest to best is such as onk fiit lass makers turn out jlflta alrrruatmrnlr wasti uhi iiiaithhi mn oh 4lliiti to travl lor reaimnbo-elt- luliinl liiu in ontario maiaryiwhi dajtabl 11 a rek i y auiritaihiuen iolllnu htnilaiinnl it lerantn a ih ll mihwimtox laripel t iivelffitfriftv satloni krirllulllhm clilcaof ii 01 sk m mjts por sale pi i in v rnm liiiiit auuhi i took a tiiok f uooii1 aatan iikikkiis astiiav i ham- i iiihii tin it nil e of tth ul v birikhi toi in euu 1 raturatnir parfv latt uuiutli lour iiarlliin bnllara all mttml tlio ownera will obllnn hy provliut trwtjarahiii a bin nxihiiiho an i reiiiiivlau tboui s aik if kfrllirithos ctou i o wantci isflv nuly liuranry liavluil inatlnb ore bant lu auadi waitlvnynii tlfo ihuioki of our lal lr your i ing 93 iwrlanfa il ii you ara not vam eipoiiaoa write u ct fur particular liberal oohiuilaaioiii art time mrn larmera aotia abould itxik llili it iinlter tliall wurklilk on ilia ml nffera a obaiico or iriiiotlon apply iow and gel nliolrn nf terrttory htosr a wl- imngton toronto canada auction sale ok farm stock implomarita etc tli n uiidnraiauml hare received inatniotlnna from it uk tl l h ok toaell by publlo au tlou uu lliu weat half lot ho con 1 fuquraiuu rrn tue8dav 20th september at one n clock tho fallowing htock i hay llnrae rlalttr rearm and i tlay lliiro rlink i ynara well uiatoliixl i con ui- puawl till witli ralf i helfera rialnr 3 ynara uiipeaeil to tin with calf 3 kteora rial nit ii year ahnrinocalni 1m 3 hprlnfl itja 1 oray ltilt rlaliir too yoam old mtlkukth 1 i ill i lmr maioton rood aa now i tup htlcu nearly no i culler koad aa tiew 1 horae hake new 1 fuititit ulll bat haui new 1 ranulnu mill 1otilnu 1 katl iron harrow 1 hprlna tooth cultivator 1 plough i hay hack i iat ltil ficatea wuinlia qd ua i larue oat hut hom 1 buallala 1 rd ho i atl tltmliln lumaa i aol i alnale llama food aa new 1 ott iloush llaruoaa h onrda good lanlwtmh jotu uliinlotrvea i seek okea 1 ttuiwuo for bubuv i cutler rule 13 cow chain a hora lllanketa new j crowbar 1 half huahel i liafl llaakot io drain i lata 1 hloua hook 1 irlndiuu hiuuo for itakea bpadea hhuvola hooa j llallnn heyttina also a float tlly o timothy llay 1 dalay ci mm no l new 1 olllo floe 1 lrue watcrluit tro and a lot of other lb nip tod n um emu if i o mootlpu thitmb oh km b alt mini uf 0 and ernllt uu atiprovo1 julnt nolo hi i per cent off or caab llay eali so hhhf ii i- all will lie aold without reaorvu aa the proprietor i leaving the farm i sclt a it a hekikhuan auction do r t press oods a t ia cc lors just to hand valuer arc riht i d shades correct no trouble to show goods j ol ou or not i i an loo crt illy ibo il to tho freexur and iiiiooth and perfectly fruxcu una baton ahoa people and a crowd will tfahor lo eo tllo freezer in oreraliuu aud thay all rant tu try iho cream on can aol i cream aa f aal aa il can bo made and aell fretxera to many of i be m who would not buy au uld atlo freezer 11 la really a ourioally and you can belt from i lo b worth uf croam aud lx lu twelve freetera every day ilii make a food profit itntm hard time and ia a pleaaiit omploymout j 1- aioy t u 1 1 t hi t hailna ht si i ouia mu will loud full particular an 1 ufoi lion l i appllt ri i tid ill njiloy otd ll manitoba oeiau to- t 1 it ui iow a woman haiu1 p 1 i pi in iltu of of hi lo a o attach in pan y lbe lotitf oocau journoy a ud the a tea from lulud to abaltalia aud now ealaud iniliiated atrodtl amat the mliua out ihero and bealdea whllo lint ah olumbia haa lul- of froab water in weal aualralia tbo trrocuriua of the iluid uf wurlim lrlkitt purpue vtab moat diitlnult ll hun arrived afvatfcouverand eiu barked ou board ih atcamer lmpraaa ot china for home uiihuudeyi ill- rooop tun wa attended by lro number of jllilioau ou bunday a numbiir of mt t a clou cuuroaiiiu alleijod mm mr trod uumer proprietor a mualon frr pool fow hia uld hume mi ltookwuod dui oullo a iiuiiitur or iii uya i ixudon t mp ut ed to iho 1- raiuoa maml of pi job mr join 1111 relumed lat wbr ojouru in thlumo mr hill baa bee reaidonl of rook wood and vicinity fur 17 year when mr 1111 jk came here thoro waa only one iiuute in ibia neighborhood tliat of ihe ll j flarrl mr harry haa romqduliod aud repainted bia houaoa on uourko hlreel which malor tally impiovoa iho aparauci of ibo oaal end i oior and atu and lllliuua derange moblb aro ihjallitoly cored by tho i ill i iy i 11 iho luiuauh aud bywula fnim ull blliuna mailer but they open the ax ore tor y veaaola oaaaiujf i hem lu iour ouptoua diiubioub frou lha blood into iho bowela after winch iho oorcupled maaa la ihiown out by the nalural iiaaau uf tho uxly 1 hoy are uaed aa a teucxai familpicilitito with the boat mmixuii ovoiuiuiulal euloipnati and volunllry oulallo lioparlintil of i ullot r an 1 ita work an 1 of miy uf the animation and aoointio tilal iiavt uen fotmed to advauoe ailoullure in ontario auuh ab the dllloruul hvu a took abbooiaiioub the dillurout dairy aaaooialluiit oiu faryior in ll lute ott ihhor loading arllclib lake up tjiu hilu ibo heavy lloio irado ibo 1 tiriobu uf iuipovorihelhiil how to make money out uf loulli jhulonif l lada eli luauy of ibcui illunlralwl lbe pruitrainiuu fur tbo year iiuludo a iuiubor of urliulo oi lle llairy in lilr the rileep luduuy the he i in i lok indutrv sb melloda of illlr hill table heel for hieoil hoi i to we ooinieo i y i a imilk olb uaoy tune over llie ubci tit pint whiuti ioulv im no voluiiu lahilo him and snow alioe by ilov jhn mu0i baa jnal beeu la ued by the mulhodial 11 mk uooiu a ik ly in iriilnxtou aay debt ao i thauka to tho 1iaiaahor bual ueaa lu the paal an woeka 1 iiavo made it uu 1 very liouhikeeper waula a dtah aell them with bit profit lo biiiaelf lbe imhwahur la lovely you uau waal and dry tho family dlahoa lu iwo miuutoa and wilt nl cllui yuur handa you can rl pirlioulara by addrraiiut iho mmud lly iiabwaber o ht 1oui mu tlioro it bi inouey lu llio huaiueea fur an aoul 1 uxjiocl tu oloar tl ink tho oorullik year i need tbo tnuiioy why not make it mi 1 rall by hint i un u iii in s iu ii i in wklki iliu hl u j iramplm h pi 1 vllltu1 ill llailnl ll ii ii h ilurdook illolll am i i annul kevp ruin mourn uthor 1 have aold bundled nea i ouuht lu know which aolu t a wunderful uiedlcino agricultural uueipi college a broail anil llirouclily praeticml otlucalloii ai very aliiall coat for yoana men wio lutand to bo larniera he ml lur circular glvluit information ax to oourae of tutljp teniia ofadiulutou wut au v jambs ulfaib a trexjdes ouelpli aukui imk1 rkmoval notick 7 b shrw ohouiist druggist rock wood ii rnuivd1 ui proiulan toruiarly oceunloil ly ukmhilh w it jaoo a- hom1 wbare tbev will uo plea chi to mr ttnlr many frieeda and liatruua in tbo future aa in tbo paal we aball only aupply our patron with tba puraaat drue aailcbeiiiical t lie obtaluod in tile market al sltaxri drug stum aocfevrood i f a hlaek goo aj llllt of ulack gotl rtnu nt tu im ct all wans i di i llox i i aledouli nlo no ubjet bettor ijuallllod tu write upoti ih i allied lliau mr muduuitall hinoo early boy hoot i hu ha traversed tho wild of tho aliadiau north wcat and kiiowa it trum lakb huperlur lo tho ivocky muuulalua muatauulariy ho baa withal llio faculty uf dcplotluy ina fuuialo kiiowiihiuo and lxpruaaid 1aiiuuu4i i hi yna piuvou lu ilia pruklou vuluiue on pioneer life in llio fax vfeat 1 omt 1 ako aud 1 rairln wiiiob waa read with avidity by llioao wbu onlay well told a need o tea uf exuiliuit and dauber nil adventure lluao worka aro well calculate tn lupire a hoallhy in tor eat on tho part ot i ur youik mpli in 4bn ijower jiroviiicoasl oir own inuulry irloe in t loth ii hi i lirmt0tl oillui hovor botiieia a uuok when alio ha duchess of oxford llouauae in thorn tho urn anawors ao uul to a touch llaati be brihlniiod up or abut down luw at a ultiiiieiil b liulle an t i- alwaya ready ft r euiirhonoie and tho brat hi lint oven k i feclly even lliruuubout ly u iteol tin- h a jmiic jiknk f0lniut co bill toronto c a pannabeckor agent aclon nwr iatlsl hngltsh a ml mtiii in j li 1 ew hats 01m lu kt m lltft allll i it 111 niimuiis newest ties ul i i new scotch tweeds litmutlull lltmkiii llll f4 tl tni an suri uf gelling ever tune tin i id sc up to date coild from r e nelson luitlini 1 nloi nt 1urnislitr iij wjiuiimiii si utljili uelpli teiilial kvliibitk sepunnber 15 16 and 17 w mclaren gq special prices in shoes for show week cll id en our atook uf hooa c ill be pleaar i to have yo bak for price the jciulinjr shoe stoit w- mclartn a co uuolph wi hac oji hand several valuable parma wellington hi uct t i laldimand sinn uc j r tlmtux an uiprojvwd lai aia bimmi tarlqua laea aul will bs aold malion durham perth i a i lwfii tltai uf jauuary l ko tern a full parutmlaia apply lo j e meklmrry soorotxry 1 1 r ii 11 am uwta1mu inhhtukst am ha 1noh hootbt quelpm ont roccrics i ilmoit loulltd i late i li i k i miiw itttt lilue kililio ivifeit lilund for j eenl lent arson fe co hcton t new fhce inhn old plhce llaviuh un liawl ilia touk aud u will vt air it lluluiua 1 mi hi ihuullr auuouuo to all im mer outtiuiera aul tllo publlo nnorally thai i liavu ouinui need i uinnaa al hia old aland on main mlrthit wliorn a 111 ib tot mil a otiuiplala took uf rtnlelaaa iikkk mutton iaui1 ih1iik rreali and hall ii klrt hl halhs and poultil y lu i rleea aa low af art wi aluiualll rnk otrrrry tt srr waufffir lib on e b collins pringl watchmaker i cuelph ont l

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