Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1896, p. 1

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s h v li volusfe xxiino i j 1 acton ontaiuo thuiisdav kkptkm hick jt 1 bmi r ill i ok tiihkk cents r ffiljc jsxlon jfrcc 3rrs5 la iiiian- kvkhy thuhhday mounino prrc prrsahlcatn nintlnn olllrr him htjtrjkt acton ont trdiiior hunst niiriri ono dollar iwr year trlcuyln advance all iibscriplltua ilisrnn illiuod when thn lln fur which ihey hats lnw lald liajoilr th date to wul h oyer ub ri ill 1111 iald la demited mi tltn armroas label aritntiait itatrn traualnii advertise 4iodu luoeuls jor nmiparoll hun for oral in ertlun 9 oents wr lino or oauli titmiioiit insertion ootthiit iutkb thn follow i u tat in ahnwa jut rtlm tor thn insertion ol advertisements fur iaalnthl period rtk i j tii llm 3 m lui 1 00 i a1 do i j 00 i t 00 100 woo lm 3 00 j on lino 700 gu s oo i i no stjionii hammorkkjj tknnin itafnilktn hark hall hats mins animullk cheap l clear ilieni out ofkirk 11 a it i kn ill7 v m inches loinohos 0 inehos 1 inch i n no a ivertlaimmiili without aimcinr directions will ha i riser tad till forbid and oharund aerord lnly transient advortisotiiotiu niuit ha iwlcl in adyanos advertisements will lie chaugmi one nooh month if dnalml pur cliatiffn nil oner than otlco a month iho ciiiihatlri must he paid for at ragulai rales changs for eerntraetadtnrtlanninuts muat ho in iho offlc by uotm on tnnailayit- ii roorik ibdltor and cronriator traders bank of canada tutlrorlzud capita j capital t i ooo ooo 7hb ooo 3o0 uoo days bookstore oublph day sulla churn h j tbiisinjaajdirtrtorir t v uiun m p c ml a b hluofl m n aito j i iialhtmj m 1 v i 1 f m j and h ok ufr l llca tl juh mlrit cl 1atronrkti hollcltnt lthoumatlbii audi alarrh hualllob a lfhht 1 iii ilim a oraduata i ilia onlil inrlnar ii honorary njciulior ol iho vuiermry modii tiocletv omit ww llualiatida lot a coo l n c da uulbvvuhiilr mlrliltrd to dental ll oknnhtt id8 dhntiht ukiukittuwk uktittlo jm iiili ii 1 h idx i- tll j i wilkinson olkco oiwu earr dai hhril utlli 4 uoudij iuowlay and i- rlday over ttin trn uaod lu paliiloaa aitractlun m lxqal lean a mclkan llarrlatara hullcltuia sulil uu4ii to 1iitat fun j to loan offliw town hall aoton wm a hqlkax jho a mtn d ouulah 1 mutthay halllilatkiia sol u itnfa ninjn ria iswi gunoii ijt 1arkdalv a 4 sulkinmjn liaiibibtaa hi n utll til o moiilmkn a j 11 oillkot likirkuiii and illlwu r j mlnadu clerk fuurtli ultlaluu ourt ouiilj ut tli uoal katau aitbul unu lulwu ru orru a llatltio iihxk at ton o i mts kxiansuui itajwroa a iluall ilia lor ttio nallau ai loan and kg r iatuiit lllllcna ami tut il jliul tlurt lu rou oiinoice rplih ial k i huiilu hllt l woftit titioa irtjirtntiir ltd cltll- jlkancih nunan hook hi m uoi tlllaiui i otlwlloau nl oyotr loirt ii tut in mull imuuil itullur tiaatli aud iniiulllr dona m ahulaui ik jnhl it 1 uoouk italian or uaiiiiikik inrsni llio otltoi oltneaaoa tn i nl al laaiadiicn in liu uiniiluu h iroa odib muc job 1klntinfi 1s i hlmml kika iaoillilata lii ml huli liiculan ao an 0 h ii mat afyla ill liiu art al inodsratd jrltea an i uii liurt tiulca lv ur addraaa ii i kauouu kaaafnxiiunio aui walungton muiul flro insurarlco company kituuaukii hto b onti ud uuli loiuuiuuloauuua forwards t i lot 1mb ur tadsnhuua 3b will t proui taudo u john taylou aau mm ubmhthkkt lioimasu aootioitbbb kor taa uoanhaa of walllugtoti aiij 1 11 toll orilarlariallhakb imm uffloa acuni oi at my laaldauaa lu aatou ill la ruuiitjy at ludodlo knaarluil lo a oo foh faiih bales dont you whnt a cnl haiikinithtihiiiru trmihail t i w jni longer evenings wall papor room moulding pictures frames a cornico polos m artists materials f etc at lowest prices ci direct to watkks bkos aalvpost office quelj williams boot shoe store our policy ti 1 1 ills our aloroori ilatantiiiiul kh lair ainaru drajlud backntl by reaourccaand ulllty thin niuiia dial wo nta th6 cuiunuin ilia ixnicqt of tils lowoal rlca jkiaaibln every in o do not 1 laughter our good nor aac- co any ajwclal hue to bolatar up another but chaao ramfully buy cluevly and arr uuu mlad lo aoll ou it arrow manthia ol proflt liave wuu a roiutalon for reaanualila prlcea i wi inlnud ahall stay ailtti ua and tlila prill uii ukiir article in our uck it- to lra1 1u iinol itaatoa you lo deal bare txwauaa ibrti la a niml lioneat lyataru of alu our uuxk la com p into id otory hue 61 iho uteat mnd root fhlopblo itylea lo mens ladles oiru boys and children8 boots shoea illl m willi uis llll st actoh w b huts0n sons t tl al i rfulli futlilalml uttry i dado aupphiil wltli ii o lolluoli bull i n an i ixlll1 uk i and jmli mauillml ii n ia tntikba liiu iupa and rllttnma and an ar ul lololil um uu j t tohonto tiik mktllodlhtclllhch acton a in and 30 i n j luaeonducudttlie laurdull lutltad 41iie of t urlall- kulw mnia it uitrtirw- lr lay aiaului all vuun ia cuelph branch 3 htirn of if anil iipwardn moiihol y on jcjatiiil ij utortl intoi paiil or ijortni vnjhk till itaihikh avi ut bunii loam i iii thn leaiuti of llln xjio aad aad loaaun of lovlliu j d all ill i la antwor for ploaatim and pal iexait iuliilitii i dnpoatcd ntll liiy- lari no charttn tumlr lor rolli r pa able in ulili suggest lamps new ainci ii in just up rul iul l ou c ant lu lu in here pries ir ilk iiik no uliiiktioii i l aluis pl imi lo h iv ii j m bond co hardware k k ml dia twi on h r ihirtii umx l t irthila ticlivnl thn firat lovu jo 1 1 or n hr hit- it ilrt oil r ii marrnakr i wu lianhl into urn ilormilory ol hi llluih orihan hd mo not a i i may bu niinlcil b lion i fur ll4 orphan tlocturs liav mad but fur the uhildron o ol 1 ii dcocaari inrmoal in n miaa lwlht wi w mclaren ilub guelph mf uehrkno hlcti h t w fhih phice we ilka to anil ur iiili brll i mi any other iuiii an ami hit in lr mm aod yon wilt be on vi in cd that tin iii h i aluh in huolwoar la nt the lraitm mum mium w mclarhn a l u lh rltlllllkv nil that la inft of 11 uiflulil hrlubt ilr ait v hi ita uidi aa brllllaui iliraxoa dflllildua i unln hi 1 nth n iiii1i r din lalaloa t n beaut kit ulllulila 1 in riy a a f nvor t lalalna ir lotipltorr lm pr ivluu i nan aaa ud tll 11 ill hi l ibo aa til at ol all la lo ill ill nil dfvid r umaler than dnath ht ru fiirtuuna llm 1 lull arallalaoa l or far dial iwll hearta na ranuwl la a low rav alarrnl willi all lea tl blloltlfll boa ttlflll da lea n khiiow a owy lalale am itlad ii at w ilvoi a tri did ii roiihli tlm limit nr ol lot n initnlliiir ln 11 rod aiidlayi own to ran a till il hie wln nol at ill my iihi willi a brnahhlff uoart that krao cuitarrod with dajala ijosuuiiii boauuful dalalea now ailowy dalalea ulttih ttnfl oliihwll ml ni tin iilli mo brlirn tlio waah i nunpiian it a about liilinny illroy and a awulkd hiilf aalil llfu aorvaul clor kiunry mitmi ui thn k it u mini pwlgtit howevir watted until the irl ivn iio boforo aha jmuioii iho nolo oitlyjn live aurpruo aha road iho i rl ii l 11 1 jouutod lu of any ae elua alio r linn i 1 kind be rod how ood ly ht nan i will aui olll illiu aald allr but no romaiico ahall bo in my lik with him uo ahull find mo liko a atom he ahall liavo the urn i of vrife he wanta it iviw curly whou the door boll clanoi uti 1 a tut roaiod tlio imitf panada and tlic h in elm i a r ia rd 11k atruok liad racctod ily fur liuu uu dor ibo rduii i in klal lo flnl oi hero aid a jtij id mill i lhoiikhl you wuilld tm aei bh unimli l do what i aaked hut 1 hato ut my into irfull well linaliio that i aay tu oil kfjalii what i hi imkml al him and he i itiat alio mlttd in an old n in bar r a ill way will dii iihti mi my dear bo mod i co 1 mnl make it oaln fol i aulon machiuu and- kciiaiij shops hbsiiv lltlmhl 1 fiorlolor all wall mjtiltpil wiili all iho marlilnaiy n a aalalaetur inmu r ue nan rvpatr any ti tililm in lliil 1 ul ant iak imi uiuuiiii aud lhtu dyun vv hakber bros paper makkrb georgetown ont ku a mrmaiautt or machine finished boot papers h 10 ii uhadk wkekm ikwt lto hvpr tiaed in una journal la iruu llo tbovt nulla wfcl bahheh a uhub gutlph business college shorthand inatltuto auttift our hllhtltk htlllnikh loi llofiiuhb and hborlbaud and tyiiowrllhim oiiuraoa a awalalty i- all hi- shiomi coltioiaocaa hapt lal ttrllo lir clrculaia acton livery bus link n unl iai luapocthilly aoiulu tbs im atv ut lb- publlu aud luffuta tbaui that wall knulppwd and btjlw rlg oam wja b bmuiw al ilia atablaa a ou in fur labia bua mui tralna bvlwnan u a in and ih l ui afvtul aluintloii k oavwrjrunlar tlio wauta of oiiiuisrolal tiaal lot fully mot john williams ilhil ulfttul shaw 4 tuhnhh itrnhaul tir i i- i ill iualnplun phtublu ii and ille works jas- packha est pressed 11 i i 1 h i issbuuii w 1 i bhamp 1 oh screen oootci doors phnmta molillkoa pumps 11 mi al rallk prn utiutt ul of hlvnr titrool acun thos edbace manager coal wood john mcqueen l pliilltlco cudl stove coal cheutnut coal op bbst quality s u akvmi i hiulll wlllb iiiiilt ml i john moqukuin u llltlo bard lothui alio al t 1 tin iinal renin iikjvch me he aald 1 in lu livc with 1 hunk it boat to mrr a and i knuw no ono like ou nu lie 1 o h two wlvea before i aluil lli neither of them com plain oil u tin- i believe i have a very nicu lioim mill rosllj it will he a very in itli brtlrr ihiiition f you lhau bonik main an lualilullull yuu du it ulmirubly bul i lit la to umr lalho waa older than kf at fiiundi i ihlnk he yoi i aay he i r l id and wontlorcd wliolliat ho ahoubo iaiiy in thn future at inaat aim hinl wit a dnitrrn iif bittorno i mulched him with hi- romttnao out of tlm iioatlnn between two liko oi malchmt imn nnd wnt further tho bell tluklnd in i tin ball jint aa aupthr tiiim win ovir lit it nvoumtc n inomoirtm n anrvant nam lo mil mia dwihltt it a a uniit lorn no 1m dmi t know wlio ho wauth hiiii mill homo on who know 4 all about tliu pi coo liu luld uif and dura wrtil kilo thn parlor a burn looking room louu mid with white walla a panel carpul a library table a horu hair of and aix ohalr ami tlio jiortrau of urn founder of tlm liomnovor iho mantel piuco i hero alrxxi iimlrr oil p irlrait with ui- oiimiw on the marbln itmiir a icnlleniaii dark oyed daik liaired with a faro that wt nut io much liandaumu aa ihiihtful writer often nuoiiil a tp d ii in iliacuaainir what it ib that moil urn in thn women whom iho fall id lovo with when they aay this la iho worn in for mo i i i helievo the woman who meota for the fir it titue the only man ui earth lo wrhom ahu would willtnuly kivp hprnuf hndouer oipu anil kill and ilul ml had come lo ml hlio had waitd thrty yuara fi uow alio did dot know wind it mo an iinronaoioui aiullo i ni in her lip a illil lo hiraofl bluo io i ilnah to her anioolli i lurk hhe lookrd prnllier than nho could ha v in aiiird pcmalble of at llmt iho atraiihiir told hli biiiiuraa hi ift1 rothrr had diod rife hi hnlr liu in lie a id i am a buchrhir bin i i4il nrrnkajrfr lliimr tarr i hry nond not hveouthwriiy it la not churl i aall mla iwiht lr lllwood uvo largely to iho homo in tun ufouwe x ha ihtldu j uout4rd little ladlua an i kciillemeu i boy arc wall oduoatod tmijhl ho uiaea of tcood ocinty ihty will have a rollrnialu uourao wlitin thry inavo una ulair mual of the kwla ikoiii to her i think 1 ln hi oiiooae liuu iirofcaaion i hero would be at loaat no lined of liaalu n the ik tlmy tolko1 likftln hwllle hte mil cro1 ihnl bo waa wba uilklit tie 1ohcd a kir muii he linu r 1 alter 1 e boy a had oome and k ho r mo on i io murruik and aaln and u u i be oatetinlblo motlfo win to am hlil ephewa bit ho alao deairod lo ooo mlaa h meanwhile ir 1 nory ualle1 every altornoon and otiultt d with jora aa lo thn new parlor oar pel ml lliu o una huy kooti ihina a lit aall what la the uao of kollnib a iji r ilia i will lade toon or ohiua thai t in and ucr make a labia look woll ten lea lle ibuik about a bouao bolom lu llo widow if i houhl be lull hhe la dctlmhl p i m 1 1 kttiury to himaulf rill waaafler iho ew iii 1 on aiuvud and waa bollik drilled u her du tea 1 mian iwiltht who nil inly a id befort ovory uiie too re 1 m i be i itrnol or lly unfile ovuii rcihn atralod uo u know kot selhe u ever llkto liho thai nor in doa r maria of ouiau mil id m 1i hut you remarked i your 11 ot to me lhal of colitar juual 1 1 had done ivith ui 1 ronniuco lon a lr lmory i nol happv hint aftcriiooi i u lle aoa ahoir al iho hotel walked it ouly a llltlo h aiicr bit in ihou i ufteu i the iw mid ii bul he waa a look a lun lolly ride d itablnik bin horo al mil lo the beach 1 he i til calorora oi pooled ila inailo it i ool coouki to ro he ant down behind a uliod tho bob ai d nil ii if he itlle i i voiy ntil jilt on it l dar you ii luve ii 1 1 tl ui hhi i dn l ii ink iuii mwci lo uiil liul i forfeit a o for life an b dallfferoil half of all lha kp of i id ml tile tti lull falho if th loll with iiollhi invbita of iiidiilry in doubt you havo una will make every hitirt from me 1 ahall i my plaoe m my ny brlakuoai i make leant of suoh uaaca i wi me 1 an illd l t llk t 1h liidiy lmryllitnii i il before 1 ii tear up your am iiontmit ibat all ahall remain ai lill then he tnawored i al liter all all uu aay la only true nu hie lunalc i boe mynawer 1 ilrry mu and i will mako a will loaviutt uii evcrythiuk ou our wotldluii day lhal mould bo uijmt alio aald it inld he a will lo bo cuulomlcd leavo mo homo aud an income hlie named iho until moderate aenalblo and you v ill bay i ha laid i proinlaa ot niie i blibii make it bcllor tllku that bowbe ihillulluii mow li hi- rev t know tv uuu mi pkol iltullia irouklt uy it 1 n pil and l haj uory h who iho ita and o away in a minuto morjii httlo boy rtihhcil up to the and jnoond amd poked itwitli lila api hr- ilcroa dead man iio uald a drowudod rload man no ita a tipay man r pllud hilly lot a pile akiul on him thn thry prixcodtd to do until hilly do one i niiclo bcckomni ami limy tie parlod on lha run after the last liain iibii homo oil ward nil elderly knilleman look a nndwioh and aonie alo at tho liolel boforo ttottintf tutu his nl mo otnptlnil a hrftt ileal of rnnd out ot lua hrukela did not fuo llo waitera ml boomed lo be the caihior aald iu a temper it waa dr lmor mo drova htraifjhl homo and aat down at hin doak thanwioavon 1 can apjmar lo 1iavo the lwul or her ho aaid apitefully hut the ucit tuna i propone to a woman i will not loll her hint romance in out of iho ipioatiun then ti wrote- mnoliwiiim i aufan old man hut i oud i liavu niair a till take i barn loo uilicli the great oerman k1rmes lary rhcouieiibi yni yoit like tint matroi loalru i hi her l plaoe la bbiii you kliaa dwiitht only uolioed thta nolo by riaokfti her uojiaenmnt rluil lit ilnk ootlon and aondinn it back hho did not js tho molrotia plaoo and alio married mr hllwood very ahortly dr lmory la now conrliiiy a tprl of an teen who vown alio adoros him and wirhca very loudly that ho wore hem he hkeait a boy who becamt famous a iwy only an jeara old irm aalliti with hi father down the danube all day lonit they had boon aailinu paal ortimhlmy ruina frowning cantlea olniatrrb lud awny amunti the orajj anwerlrih olilf ijul village nuitlod in auuny milloy and horn und lliero a deep horyo thal optnd bftcu tronl iho eliding river ita hollow diatanii blue with falhomloaa aiiaduw and ita lour iiiiob and altlliieai btirruin tho boy a heart liko aoino dun and vaat cat hod rut i hey atop led at uiht at a olomter and iho father look little wokuy into tho ohaol to ao tho organ it waa the lirat larko crgtn tie itftd eifor aoen and hn taoa lit up iclifhl and every motion and fttlilude of hia flynro eapreuaed a wouderink rev athor bi id ibo boy lei mo plv well ploaaed tho father complied 1 hen wulfaok puahed bbujo tite nlool and when hia father had filled the reat bellow tho eltin uricauirt atootl upon the podala how tho deep tones woke the bombro atilloea of tlio old church r ho or nun conic i imo rjiiol tiucoulh creature roarluk for very jo al tho tjkreaaea ot the marvelloua ohild the monk cation their aupjwr in tlio refectory heard it and dropped knife and fork in aatoniahmeiit the orwamil of the brpthorliood waa auiomf them but never had he played wilh audi power 1lioy lllencd ao mo cruaaod ihomnolva till the prior roae up and liaalenoil tuth tho cltapol i be other followed bul lu there waa no urcaniat to be neon though iho deep lonoa till maaaed thcmaelvb in now liarmoniea nd made iho sluuo arclios ihrlll with thoir kwet ii la ihe devil crluj ono of tho iiuuka umwiuit clufliir lo ul laiiupamoua nil kivmy a car oil look over li in ahoulilor 1 ihe drkneaa of llo aile il u a miraulc nali olt 111 iten the boldest of ihou nioiintol tho lair lo iho orhn lofl lin atxul aa if ot oct tat to 7th in borlln ont aintflo railway faro to borlln oo and hob thn great na tional colouration i lie lth ill toiitloinai wivs lorllehadhal iholbbcf iheao boy laid befoiu hi in and waa lo uiit fui two nrpllaiia to fill their la when ttiuy alimld be k but lle preaei ol mi ulwood tavo hllu illence ii i juilo the k of a liiinily parh b iiil i lie thiya plajud aboul lu will thou lllllu alauloa and lllled will while ul tliuao paiuteil patu which all ol piomuk dim buy wt the auaanle 1 hry look oil iheir ahoua knd atuuklla aud waded alouk thu qllfto of the water i lie older pooplu aoem ed aa happ aa thuy and how youu al ual thry aal dowu vorji neat lo dr i inury wllti iheir ba ha lo lua and butiow aud llltlo while olio and hold it tlol with out liuwiiik luuaelf bo could not id lloir faora ho yuii know why 1 aaked you lo tome here i ald the owner of lha brown iibiki lu mind the nil idreu aa hally ay eplicd the owner of iho while hand so lo tell you biipiothluk aaid miihi hand liarlliihlillli nan preltiol and awectobt of all create i u li i have loved you from uid lrl ujiiiiuut i mot you lo vou think you wool 1 mind marry m a mall who has ills f i une yel lo mako could you be p or ill hlni and yet be happy u you and i ni hah nin t lo aak you lo do just ihil my bk you liny tlcure ireadiiir from pedal in p ilal and at thu mo tune clutching al tho key auiye wlh lua hlllohauda kathcriuit hand fuls of ihoao wonderful chorda ai if tliey were viyjoaa lltugtu them out lulo iho boiluid loom behind hfm he heard mil hint aaw uotlilti boaldo hi i eyea beamed and hit wholu face iibted up with i in paaa titled joy i miter aud fuller rtiao the liarmonlc iroaiuum forth in wolllun billowb uii al laat thoy boomed lo roach a auuny ahoro ou whitli they broke aud then a vluaerlti rlppk uf famtuat melody iliikerod a inumuut lu tho air liko ibe lal murmur of a wind baii anil all wa i alill llie boy waa john wolfuauk mozart siiuhi bbkmun luh btuutnib twenty live year bmi i o 1 llownit ao uiiuolle to sludeiili wa printed oil the la i ttjn of a populai copy thhik ubllbod by i j kay bhkollcr ou guelpll it lift intluciilod the live of many or the pupils uf tho pnbllu auh b lor kimh and hua created 10 their tlllnd a hrallhy halreil -tiliou- iu of iu word luck uu ait llie icblloot ul yooi wu furluno holy upon your own trough of body and ml lkolor yout mnlto rlolfiehi lailh hoiioaty and udualry and lui i i yo in k i 1 inn the ho innt ono in ihji wan orijoliajly plnnn a three day a fair bill it vfaydefj m tune itaixptfcpxinswrr 0 wiiui ac4rl 1 far atlhiiier iver a uniitin ami oiptivalinu popular gt rrin oniertniimont on a nljanlio acaht la nimiit lo imi hi nn in lirrlni onl callrd the kirmea which will u a faithful and rtalitic reprosoiilalion of ioi life on a fair day a whole village is ihu built for lha purosc the ailit of which lone ia worth a vtail lo the kirtn linn drtiuof wllk0 manlrna apd matron- bo and man all dressed in iho ijiiaint and picturnaipio villain coatutnes of the various parlaof jermauy enliven tho anenn and tho rmiit brilliant proscbbiona of the v i inner fascinate tho visitor in some of iho many bootha and huildiuita n f rash mentn arn served in dertnan atvh while 111 liner kirmea soiisetlra importwl from iho ialtiurland are nlflred for sain or croea frm tlorman dnmniilr ittn enacted al every ntup ihe vinior will luid new aifjht to lulcresl and attract hfin die kirmea ij aiirply mgiihctnl and ihe adiniiiiilraimn under whose auptci a il is i villi have earned the remit i on of belli thn beat unterlaluera in canada tho hrmui m hold ii ihm wsborijynajly plnnmil jlodocl ix da a solely bcceii bo ita airapins no iiumoroua and ao thai lis fame spread day brought now lhoiinnla of viailorv the loadinu nowapripefa sent pmnl oorroa miiideiits to u many of lle moat prnimn en i and public of llie provitne aided il by thulr conlribullons and all who saw it were overwhelmed by the riiniiiltooiin and 0 ik mvl lly if tho cnterlblnmunt tina years krmoa wll t i under ncalo than ever il will imiii ou oclilbor let and i inllnue for aik whole day cluani on ctotcr 71 li it will rank with the inml proinliinul and aoclal events of tho boason in the dominion and if on wili to enjoy yourself or com bum biibluea with pleasure o to lterlln on any day belwenii october 11 and 7th and spend an evening with thoohrrrmnlttrrni ponpto kovfnlt informaliot arnd for ono of tho oelobratetl hiruics catalogues which may be had froe uf charge address hirmea admimstra ton llorhn onl tickets for ibe klrno al borlln will be aold at aiiikle ural class faro rroni tho iul lowintt it h stations duelpli lu bl marys lucluriive call to htmlra mclu aive stratford to wnikliam via iltowcl inclusive ivlslcy and tiolcy to ouelpb via rlinorstoii mclu ho all tickets klhxj kolnj tlol lal to i til niclublve valid ut return till out jib lor further tutor mntloii liuiuire at 1 h what followtu hie old minibler closed iho but oil looked around thochuroh ho aaid when you make a fi it not your ncli neiuhbor the maimed and the blind of oh when you t home lo uo1 ha till stack ilkiiinit tllh iiaits are told lu call to ider what boatdo food wilh wbluh to make a feait and who are tho pour folks sliuui you auuuki bid to il ioople laticod amhiiv at eauh other lor lto itood man waa full of ueor butlk ilul the idea ihe tun hearers it bothered 111 doira a he i alone in lua room imul wan the black biuttli aou whom hia father oy dint uf hard work and aavlnn tmd aent lo oolite ho was ifraloful to hia falllrr bul ho fell that hi rduoatlou had milo a real k bolw old i hi cum ho had jnciiiuni were ins olaasuialei moan to spend una afternoon with soma of them discussion a per ho hod written on tho hlalury of hia native slate instead hu took ii down lair lu the kllclion whore lio talhir aul inolber iu their hunday lollies sal noddiuit over tho ore 1 waul to read you romelhiuit 1 have written ho mid cheerful 1 boy drew up then ohaira then y sparktuik with pride aud deliifht aud list oiied willi a keen shrewd intelligence ibat surprised him 1lir were able ti to correct aumo mialakcb that he bad made and l kivo him imo fauls now to him 1 haven l had am ii a pluasaul a day fr year ilill aald lle old man when tho paper was hnishml his old niolher said nuthlw but klcd hei eyes full of t tlui hhilllcdus uvhhmul wo ku who hod iho hallt ttliit tl wllhiin ol llj plia lb- ado ll u till i ill bul i r fal k if u lol the luiimiilo coin cull a id ms i allur ibis they walkud aboutbt rardoii awhile aud tho day uf the wtrtuuik waa tl idviiih liino to qiul a now matron fur the ualablinhiuenl mls twllil was cor tuiul ub duiuoatica aay hotter ui her 4lf bul she was not elated in nil hltl regret btoioiuto hr lieatl a liu walked about iho place whore alio ha i lilu j uluhjidutil so n picltd tl the hnlm and bluer yu reman b ibat the kreal uk is lo uko a laic 1 r ion i im totauxib lu road and the siall hitatoub k e bullo i hunk well if yourself strike oul a ssume you r si turn ro above ihe mark you in end tu hit iv lllly costs i olhliik iu 1 buys nvnry thia k 1 ueriy iu iluolblo del drmiub tlon with arnl t uiottv re tho lov rs thai move ih 111 1i i deoejvo loll t tattle 1 o in eaiuosl he self olinl lie k u a head t e pakirs adver uao your bual eaa 1 xi your i 01 and frllow 1 an love 1 rtilh and vt i lie 1 ou con uy aid bey the la w u roy ian mu uo uurk i a 1 i you paiwr a alalemaul tit ihe white i i honl 1 i i i ityl l ha il paverly i 1 rather lw tv wltuotil ou and ha duu l look happy ui t i wliou i both must i onuaci my wuddin ihuuitlit i had uutliu proiuived lo marry an i 1 v soil voice y u aiieaoblhnl 1eir ul aa for lib ou than live appj dtu able dill by did jim no uco fell hi i m day u eel 1 romance and i uiau who only i ut in house lo me one day iry huatd ihuu jlu itiiei would malum any head hair to natural color in three wooks i am very lod i bent for a sample pu te and lu leas than liiroe woeka my hair waa perfectly realurod lu natural color my wife a hair waa a liijlit red and by ubiuk ilu ullov her hair la now a boaullful auburn anyone tu ot a pack atte of zulu ullor by aeiidlii jl iwu coul stamps tu wilson a u flow concord ohio and if it doen not roatoro the half li liatuol color in liiroe weeks llnyy will ro turu your stamp il uul ouly roslurea llo hair lo natural olur bul will slop tho hair full inn oul unuiudlalul v and is ouu uf iho beat hair louic made and uu take no rub and if it dues uol satisfy ou pertcul hcripluii ho item ho is llerr will tlm rl noil ao and the li iimly a uul of the a itulllll my heart u ihm hai k l a vanished iuv ami 1 am analu a in llmtae k biilih 1 11 o tsrn dear daar doar t iii 1 nrli ilfll hwoet t ii lain an 1 id loi ibat 1 vml and tltn ao mil lilt n iul and ihe a 11 hut dearer tin an ill n 1 tl 111 in lb alar k ihibm d ii lni in tho l ir if llo ul wlmll o mir i he hail lnru oluinplx ln lllrplu loi ii tl wlio wv alai ehlldish oara nr hni have hijil away will how ilul dmaiua and uuurry ma til the umbr ihiiiovi ii hio i li1i may pla aa 111 blllr tri nrsl71itieiwi ilutam the meanino of the silver agitation i he eaartice uf tlio stlvur movement ih a rhinh omj uriil b rhcil and fj an has lor ritra eiercued an fnilanl over weoiilnh lulluence tintrulled 1 rniidruta and on lie pulpit r-rnike- lit foro il ititftiit morn lb it four or five per cent of tho population of the i nilrd state- il ha mnrr leal mltueiiru ii silap uk the pohoy of tho nliou than eighty per cent of the toiliiiu massea 1 ndrr a s stem of xipular itvrriinieiil this ciuhol ouu furevir iho jxople will yel rule and hub her juration look a it they had taken the hit in lluir mouth and wore resolved l have a ureal deul to ru as to rebellion wealth unfair m undue co it hai itreerw- rcpnsrti old ed ii ratio to com uf 10 lo 1 iiual credit and lead lo that is jiil what 1 1 does uul man to tell hi silver dollars i will injur th a panic in wall hu ha wants he behoves mid tins of courae ja very immoral llial a lare por lion of the money owed in iho creditor claaa has beeu unjustly acijilircd and he is nol worried at llie ihouiipl lhal tho debt should bo paid in silver riven lhouih ii is really bul fifty cenls on the dollar the mpveflicih or silver la not osontially dif foront from a mactnont lo strike down special privilege lilijli dulie- and laud monopohci but it la more suptucially apeoious and moro easily and iuickly sppeals lo ihe imagination and aympathy ol ihe maaa of the petiplr it look now an if the nice arrau acaiust ihe new movement were loo slrotk lo give ii any reasonable chanco uf success wall street is thoroughly aroused aud will spend ill millions freely lu cruah nut stub a dangerous iheor hul ihe iliht is an ojicn and uudibiuiid one ihe silver mm will point out that they aro llhhti okainst liieao very forces and appeal to the victims uf the ijold power to protect ibem elves from llinr am lent and implacable enemies mr llran will have ihe sup port uf itioiu liu are faelnik iho pinch u of i oily of uportuiilly in the industrial coudll on uf the iibiiuu and who would like lu see eiibliutc coudltoiis iipruulcil thouith rev hi tluu aud a little anarch wore involve in the trauaactluu hon j w 1 o in hoptemlr ai iubas ohiginalandexttnbtu ori llrrti may be iu enlarged upon and viewed through such dlfloreut ahauuels of thou that ihe result arrived at is utleu robbed ot urrl all aemblance uf tho or initial idea and thus il is iht wo are loo apt to look upon men who rd mere eatnnders ot ideas ai thouith they wcra orikunvl iklukers the viry fountain from whicli priui iho ifcrnib of original ihouthl when iu iruth ihey aro uriml only in brcoudary vmws which lhe uka of oslab luhod ideas whrfl a blanch i loo hi tree l ed ou the limb of an ajiiile tree till branch wll yield pcara i il i be argued iruin tbli that ihe a mo p wluch prolues bples on ihe other brail litis ol die tree doe iiol piihlu n tears on una b ranch just aa the saji ul tho apple ireo lnuiialir lha pr arn through iho medium of lliu branch of iho pear tree ru iho uric idea fcede llie mini ut tho luvrutot of uii iho cliaraclerltli i f ills nitxl greens for autumn mhonh l fcis lldll al v uf hie iul f ly thuy iii t tamp a htvi a now york bun nc mau ruooivcd tlio otbet day a cuk drawn ou thu i ith tiny uf uro iifoulh mail it bul as he is the 1 ith chlldln his family he cashed i with met and our b shucud by ii uu ivho had busl ueas dealings with lltn a promlueiit man iu this ell siiuwed the wiilur an application lur a situaliou rromvod tho other day from a youu man whu lleadod each pato with a toil iliat onnj man in still without a job i here is no plethora uf tjeuulub rikbtoousuo bul there la an awful surplus uf the kind thai looks for trade and proloruicul through doiiuiux its urab ihcoe men with uiid hapd un ihe uiblo aud tho other ulutuhiu his nei ihrual or in lua pookel are moro mouoca tu lhrisllaully than all the atheist ou earth and iho devils in hell what iho woid doeareapoot is goodness and a man docs uul uciid lu uuui sirlplura lolls to niu vtnoo xhiio he lis the rl kind 1 wuuld ralhur know what a man a wife or ompluyves thtuk uf him ur hoar what the travellers eayof hi m who sells him guods ibaii nol my iuca- from hia cert ilea to uf uhuruh iiieiiibersblp it s in the liuiiie store warattious or factory uial tho test o ituodacas la found harlee ihckcti whon aaked lo addros a largo boys school in uoaluu aomn years ago whou visiting tho hub aruae and said amidst nuprcaslve silence lluys be good aud sat duwn oh i lor lhal noodiiesb whicli llku the pre clous ointmoiil tills the surruuudiug al uiutjilwu with its fragtuticu aud lurus the arid j nee r i lulu it garden uf roat llsny aav gold is being hoarded yo there are lliouando uf people in the oomr- iry whu aro cuutiiiuaily eohaugiug guld for all vol 1 hey are dentist wi nrod mood haraptrill lu riimli and purity jiiur bluod crcato an pwlite aliufclu awn i rwrtliuik alt p t itaincud uyiewnnltkiill 1 th matlv ol every lupi uvoiuoil in lo oai ilnjuri uf dyo blulls llua hiving l ho no dyers all over tho world euh ivul eve udvunlage tobsassod by ihe laru- lu1 aulnrers on oarui have you tried lite hi 1 hy i aal dark irnu diamond lo i aal imivi iroflii and lliamoud lo 1 aal hot lie oreeu t ol llie dyelu f w ki and hh lout la lliese tirncn are 0 rlai ly iriumphi 1- vr lha cuiiiuk autumn the abott lreena with ihou vanod atioilo liuiier a llreeii m rile 1 reel biuuawtieon illn ian ireeu and did urueu will bo all the rage fur ladle suit and drono i o inly lha diamond and you will nurely lel the bo i renulta and oulora itosluoss is nut as lluklo an loin but will uol brook lualloutidu a chanct to makt monty i have berrlea grapca an i pcaulus t year old ireah aa whou lckod i use tin callforuik culd irooeas do uul heat oi seal lha frutl just nut it uj cold keopi mirfcotly fresh and cuata almoat unlhiug can pul op a bual el in ten minutes laal week 1 aold directions tu over 1 jo families anyuiiu will uy a dollar lur tlircolluui wbtu the ut lle beuliful ample o ituit a i litre ro many jicoplo poor liki myself 1 uijaider it my duty to h ij laparisiice losauub aud fcl uonlldeiit afj uno can make ono or two hundred dullun tuuml homo in a few da a i will tnai ram pie uf fruit and cunlplolo dlrtctkin ti any ul your tea lore foe olihlc n tiioem stamp which is only thl- actual rtluf tin sampler- posts e eli 10 mi i i n w ht i mi- mo a7 7

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