Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1896, p. 2

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s ir hinimox ihiio- oiitmalay hmi mii nl li id limn lltu lirlch liy tln fluv i o nr tif hflllnnliaiil aaalalril hy hnv o ii i aim ford ii a of loom town mlaa mnl i auuo uiklitr of win liiiion i 1j of a ion to ai uh al drurtdii on tin la ml btn l r vtnrmitll alalia atlihl ml kara iiahiiai al llmd nori1 hoiul toronto nil balurday a ilk jju1 amu wl luw il llm i to iwiniii iltlllilay ol traialhfr and ill ynarn ije cton jfrtc rrss tlltlllhday hi 1tl m11h 10 ihllli notes and commbntb tho irat fivialan in tlio i tome on ilia clov or nor general warratita ijueation on monday roaiiltotl jiuij government major ily of ii with two i iberai acata vaaanl i ho queen lm ainifotl liur willinuntiae lo rtceun a politioji jrotalink aaitiat tlie trafllo in opium and iiriloii liquor to whiab aro attached no von millloti littnft larea bir richard cartwritflil is lakiujj ate pa to inform birnaeli aa to liib way a id which trado may bo dctolonad itfl rat addreaaed a letter to tho varioua iloarddot trade king for information on ibo atihjeol it latlio intention of tho ovurniiienl at llio i rxt acaaiun lo uitroducu a bill pro vidiun for third clam tliik in the civil horvicu tho policy of the lair lovern munt wm lo traltialiy rcplnit llm olaai with temporary writora tht arrangement for tlto uw aerucu botwoeu belgium and a it ml a which have been complottd brtwctn tlio balkan steam alnu lompany apd wit canadian ltovtrn incut cantamjilalo a tliroct eervite between canada and antwerp mil llonloieno a the lurte forbidi the re laodlttn of the armeuiao refugee who were taken on board tbe varioua warahlpa in tho harbor durhift tho rtoonl maraacrea al conatan tinoplo itio ambaaiaiora of the varioua pqwcra bto placed iu a aotnawliat awkward predicament dehuito aoiioii will be ueoea ary at ouce the proh bition holottalioti waited u mr laurier and aotno ol tbo mimatera at ottawa iaat thuratjay aud received aamr auoea tbat tbo dominion plebiscite would be taken at an early date at a iubafaent meeting of tha dominion alliauca a roaolu clou waa paaaed expreaauiit aatiafacliou with the reault ol the mooting llcpreaentativoa of ihe allan aud dumm tun bloamabip companica waited upon tho government on saturday in reference to the matter of tbe aubaidy for a winter aer vloe between liverpool and cauada they are deairoua of having tbe old aubaidy re aloxtd to tbem and lo be permitted to call al portland me aa well aa either halifax or bt john during tbe winter monthi a movement on foot liaviuk fur ila object tbo aocuriux from tbe oatiadian gorernmenra grant of land to each of ibe aurviviug volunleera who waa on active ervice al tbe lime of ibo fenian raid in 1h4j col hiiubolham of uuolpb j 1 mcmillan of arthur and olbera of the veleram of that day arc cbamptomou the matter of courae all tbe soluuteora of mi are in favor of the graut 1 be control aud mauagemont u tho montreal luhj llrraltl havo paanctl into tbe handa of mr j h llrinrley editor aud proprietor of the hi tlunun juurmtl mr ilrierley la au able uowpaier man aud baa made money in all lua vculuroi and it la hoped that be will be auccraaful where many have failed in uiakiuk ho jmtti a iiayinf properly lie la preaidcnl of tbo canadian ireaa aaaociatiou ihia year aa tbe aoaaou advancua ibo euoral tona of buaiiieaa ta improviiif but retail tner chauta generally wbo have viaiiedlbo 311101 are reported to bo buying carefully buoh a oourae la to bo uimmeuded al tbo proaent time tbo condition of the import and ex port trade abowu by um parliament ary rolurnpal brought luwn convoyhiu a warning agnmal being overloaded ire paralionaare now being made to b audio the heavy grain oropa ul ontario and lueboo and a largo buaiueaa la anticipated altliotrgh pricea are low housh or commons bar total prohibition bnaulod in u o parllamont bulldlnue at ottawa i i nt a hopt 4 a probilituf j li juor ikw waa ouactod on 1atliamout el all y tutor and tlio coiiacuottui la ttiat tbo muili talked of huuao of ummuna bar nu mora honoofurtb uilraly loiialatura will be unable to go below ataira to partake of their favorite tipple or lu parley with thou fneuda over an alobolio glaai ibo inter ual houiiumy committee id tbe pttpular chamber uompoaod of mr biteaker ldgar bir fucbard cartwrlgbl and hun moaara daviea tart aud tieldiug uiul aud pa aud a roaolulton lhat tbe bar in ibo baaamont nl tbe uonae of cummona be abaolutely abolibhod bubanjubully the hwakei gava dlreotloua tbat the order ahould bo alriolly oarrlad out jtlat before tbo hpcakcr aunouiiuwl itie action of uie internal koouomy coininl al a private aoaalou of tlm huuao ho waa preaantod with a petition signed by a ni tier of nietnbera baking lhat the bar ba cloaoal in the meautlmo ihe heimu bai remaana ojien and it la mieailile thai ii may pruol by the auptreaalou if ita i vlilui on ihe oiniiiuiia al u brampton winb ita ult tha llduldatora tf hautinrl ur loaai on apial ihe coarl of appeal baa bauded out judgmeol lu the appeal brought by lloberl ilaggart tha liqoldalor of uaggart uroa of hramplou againal ibo lowu of iranp loo when llagrarl uroa failed thefown bald a mortgage againai tha ftrm fur 176 jo00 they aold under power ol nfa in hlrmort ad tn ftcink an aoldaono of tbe machinery auioaod to tbo pramlae rho huidatpr of lb firm amid lo rrcovcr the amoanl of the- machinery au old but the oourta dtamiaeod bia action and now tbe courl ol appeal dtnia-o- hla apcl rrime mlulater ho of japan baa re signed the oommorolal hotel at ankleok ooiwm dealroved by ro on 1 urday oigbt aud wbro bu lu death neighbo news nuwa itarrtn auppllod by corra- ponilnnta and exahonaos limehou8c lov t i ktuvoiik prrached in ilia irca byti rian church fnf 0 on hnuday af tornnoii hfifrco nt our riaicnla havo viaitcd inroutolair mnnilay wan thn fnvnritu daj the niinual pio mo of ihe ircabyli rtivn hutulny holiool waa held tucaday ftfu r noon a pleaaaut tlmn waa a pout mr win nickill who bau hutii in ham la with moaer john and laano noh ukiti woollen m mm facta rem lor nwvoral montha ro turned homo on tuesday an iiiloreating game nf baao 6all look place at ibo pic tile nn tuesday between htowarltowii and hinioliouao i h viaitora won in a cnrobr jh to jj i il hliarp waa homo again thie wtuk and acted aa nno of tin playera in llm baao ball match on tueaday rockwood mr i boa 1 j ago v b who has practiced in waterloo as a votorlnary urgron for iho paat four ycara haa ileoldml to removo to toroqta where he haa eecur eufa very lucrative poaition km veterinary aurgootilot eaton 4 ou ho will havo o barge of about one bundred horaea in thn cuy and two slock farms owned by thi company and run in connection ytilh uiolr larfte dopartmonlal alqro mlaa k hyan of uoorgotoww sponl laal two woeka at hook wood miaa m la in bo la vlillitig ui jenrge town moaara john klracbaii and j tarriea drove to laria on halurday and roturued on labor day mr jolirrf1 bad an annidont on monday by which he broke lua buggy badly it ie roportoj that tlic b rami gricnl lural booioty intend lo havo a oimely ii y o givt nubl rvi oncorners iho lotontn lai 1 ho motlmdial huroh hero lotrtnl h ihl im aiimvoraary nt rvirc on kiinilaj dili hopl aud an ptitnrtaiimi rnl tin llm m n day o veiling fufwwipi mcnarit floorge ami an i haa oaiublo went to hamilton laul fok f tr a loal nf fruit y mra ju oarkya inning toronto lair and niagara talla thia week mlaa may crewaon npout a day or two thia week at niagara kalle mlaa jeunel tciifjbury lofl for toronto thia week mr win ijwby who ba- been in iuhioih all aummer and who roturued lo acmti laat woek v lai tod frienda al hi old home thia week mr wm gamble of georgetown mail ed al mr jaa ctmblo last week mr and mra hob i moore and family of acton visited at mr n rorliea una week mr has oamblo loft fjr i oronto 1- xbibilion on monday to upend a fow qeorqfctuwn ibo 1ublia library haa joi j the inuubuce should give a literary lonr to the town caplafua grant and moore are receiving the congratulation of their fnouda for their aucoeaa ai mar kit men al toronto and ottawa tbcj won revoral haudaomo cash prizes i be itev halpb iufl tbo for mo r pastor of the ongregattoual church haa we ouderatand accepted a call from tbe un gregationaliala of bt clair mich mra and mlaa uoodenow are apcnduig a week with mra it ii jernin of niagara tails out ou t riday last tho olua la lei ohampioua of the coutral diatntt played tho aral umi llual match lu the champion abip aeries with the alerts of bt alb arluea lu tbat city ibo game was a hard ono but the boy a anooeodtd in addiug another victory in a boo re of ti lo 2 hov mr iecovor of jatniaca occo led the cougrofcatloual pulpit oil bunday laat and oreatod a moot favorable fmpraaaiou tboao wbo heard him are loud in bia prala ea ho may poaaibly bo mr lull a ballin aiao lho farmers aro buay liore aowiiig lliuli fall wheal or ibrcahlng i ho yield ihl year la far ahead of laat yoar especially tor wheat and jmibbb mr john kuasoll r left for manitoba on bopl lit we wlah bun nuccoie others with tbo aaiiui fnvor aro wailtni tor the 1 lli we must culigialulau uui b- y wbu worn bo buoceaaf ul at llm rn out drjiurt moiital examination mcatn m rra u itus bull and t wiley were u jcesaf ul lo up holding tho reputation of lullluafa t mr crea ia at preaenl allcoding lite model at mil loo hv mr moh i n l i t preached hero on ihe 7tli mil mi amp boll being al norval and i ulon iho babbatb huboola from i ihkuiiii white hurcb an 1 orceolw had a very pleaaaut pit nio at stanley 1 a x lltu trd wtial haa llppi nl lb ualiloaia 1 melbudibt and i ml liian h h nit 01 what ib the mailer w i llo ii i u ball loam i wbo u not going l itallioafd oh hv tombsr ihtb 7 nausaoawlya al iho laat mooting 0 llm v hi alilp c unml nalaun mol augtilui lot i ihi lor aheop klliotl by dog mr a am quo 1 1 at kinoaili u lad log relallvoa aud fnopda li naaaagawt j a at prcaeiil f- ihl ainpped a una llro yo old abort burn hull and two ii im almr hum bolfer calves to the induatrtal i i hibitiun al 1 or onto uu woduoaday laal mr wiu hudd of lleu mills also atil oil a ttno honl of llovou ualtlo lo ilia ci hi billon aud mr aloi hums o lramoa fine five year old abort liorn bull mr juhu auderaon thrrahar wbb oil work for a oouple of days laal wtrek putting new hue in bis uglier ami now machinery la in tlrst olaaa urdor attain moaara nlokoll aud mtohlo have put a new bridge over tbo rlvor un ihe ouelpb ruad the road ii now in ttral claaa ordol fur ira flic he aeaaun for ahontiug tvill aoon be around again and then wo will bear ul so rue big aklrmiahea kepu mbttr i lib la lho lay that partrnjiru and bare aliooliim ti intra in bevora faruicra hi thia viuiiuty ume finished tbpir fall aecdlug mr and mra hiahard lluaband ol cayuga ro visiting relativesaud ripuds in nasaagaweya at prftaenl l 110 unlock tuoaday morning iutar wheeler hie murderer u annie kemplou waa haugad at digbv n h killed on the track thomiin mocnrthy run ovor nonr carnpbollvilln bint wnclnnnday man nautili thus mi hrthy who lias boon working in tho ltiiilly of cnmpholl mllo htil w itlllml uu wodimaday after luitin i in hix ncn wulklig along urn an inloihjlcl nuli by iwo form j wrn pi aiirjthr wttt vicinity when be rtnb i mr i i hristio a in mi ab ml n uiihi antl a larlt r imlow ampin ihllm im wan nlkmg on tho luttroof tha inn k and waa htrutk b ijo tllthbui of ii wm frt ighf ouig taut ibo op of hni in ul wan liikiu ott nud ixith bin lagu wru ampuutud a lltlhbutu tbu klici in wim pkkul up hud tnkoji hack lo the i he t nuie tlnvor nlutt a lhat ho naw the man on tbu track and kept up acun nunl wluntlti 1ml hrpai 1 no alluntion to il and tbu train wan going an faal ihnl it wan im jmisaibln to atop il before reaching tbu man i bo dcboaacd waa a u i rancor lu lho vicinity and it is not known where ho enmo from lion i i avih wnncln itii by iolamn lion lor or hi vorli ou 1 ueaday mr ialtnllo who elcolrtl in north oxford to succeed hir oliver slowm in inpiitario iglilatnro assembly by a majority of 701 in lho ikctimib on monday dr ailnma indepeudliit wdh bia oppoutnl llm aculliii mutch on mini lay for l- a aidr uud the liampioiimbip of lho world over lho famous i haincs cciurau fromillt ury a iiietiuot to tin alnp at morllakti 1 uglaiid adiatnmn of ii mild without turn was wort by tlaudaur oforillia out by ten lengths lime j i mm 1 mo btanhurv s lime was j i mm 40 sec a valuable exhibit hnynud doubt llm ri att ixblbll of dlaitmindh i k r mi ti lo lint tonnlry is now dixplnyt 1 nl ll lulltrial 1- air in loront ii ta iho jroti of ihi oll known bouat uyinhirtix if lunmnl hull will m a ninrvel of clcganti 1 1m artu lun displitjod raugu all thn way from koll to stmiol at- b llm laat namiil piocn m a tiintilll i nl iil kltil con lanutll 1 l di iiiiuii ih llm i ilnl wiglil of uhl ll m 0 par cent luiavier olan the teleliralitd iiblnoor dlaiuoud now in pobiraaluu t her mnjunt ijuoon lotorta auotbor piece which is attriillug most avurabh comment ih a diamuii i and mpphiru broach which an cimt dupli cate of ono prmonlud by lie ar of ituiaia loll it ii 1 niiethb maul of wln ou lho occasion of her marriafi july laat the display of ntigu is almost ho wilder nig and includes otryttlttlp from a nrat lilllo folitairo diamond at slot ftj to im1 th cadi all miuuor ol lylrb ami ombmatioi tliao mlllit tbe gtral i air ill mlaa one of iln bnal f4aluron iiolus tliy in a ho a point of seeing tbe tihibit of ityuo itroa of iiiamoud hall money made in a minute i have nut niadu ids than aixlon dollaia any day while eell ng etiulltihal ice ream i rtn rm any one ahould matte from like lo l dollars a day selling crea in and from boy en to leu a dollars a day billing freexerti us il la audi a wonder there la always a crowd wanujig cream ion can free ed orlsin elegantly lu ono minute and that astonishes people ao they all want to taalo il aud thou many of thorn bu ttvttfra aa the cream id smooth mud perfectly frozen 1 vory frcuxer la guarantood lu freeze lho cream pcrfoolly in ono minute anyone oan aell ice cream aud lho froezor aolla ilnclf my sister makes from ten to llfutm dollars a day j 1 t ascy t o i 1 i i hi htirka hi hi luuia mo will mail jou full pari iculara fret an you can go to work and make lota of money anywhere us with uun freexor im can maho a hundrttl gallolia of oroam a day or if you wish thoy will hire ou ou hes1iid girls the ablest off women journalists ln- dorses paines celery compound mrs itnuj tlrry ominonl aiius robpoottti it tall bxhibltlonb lul itialil inn h wi wuinki drygoods and clothing exceuence ai llll tlsllst lilllumvci kll nlvt1 ilia lilt bftjll limiiiiiir hlll nlv1 llm iii ii t i hum ulc ulll 1 iii 1 ll mill i ii pin i- i i 1 in bn n i i ui ui iiiil nn nui iii in mimjun llll uiiw illy ulllll 111 ii tntrani i in u i in in in i i ml lit u ii i i i i i ki i i ii lilt i 1 j ll im i inul llh iil l ch 1 ii k iii inn y ll i i in inl i ll iii ii1ii n i i an llu liillu ll mi i ilul yitu liavi uu nsmhtd tu in llni blorc and ll iiiimtinl ins l nii hll iii im im iii tht i uliiliition yuu mill lit ui tin lily mil it will i inrc yuu nt fli milt i n i ni n yuu wiah ask mlnitn i ii ivi yuur pan ik n i m hi ul iniel in i i i lin u h i i a ill i mini icic im nil i i 11 c 1 tlri 1 i in iqlllllll s il ii i 111 mil i i i i ii i ii m i i i i k i i- mini tlt jsutcliffesons h toronto am- i b w i uiiok i mi i sul llll- removal notice to is jikw chotnlbt st druggist rookwocd alaartmovwl u oin lormorly hiki iiv ukhhiih w ll ja1iu v honh wlieri llioy ill li 1 lol i thlr oivl frluuili and ulily opli ul atrtnn willi lit- i iiiit irtik an i llniiilnli i im iil n iti 1 lo llm uibianl at h llluilulalv rliu iiljui ul it j irorti hut k wvuj wbu nrftow th prtsithul of thn woman a national tnaa ahbociallon of tbe 1 oiled hlntoo m a udy journalist of notti and roputatiuii ihu aotivo profruaiou of journalism haa kept mrs hpurry up in date lu information aud prngrcaaivo in ihoughi whim llirro waa- evident need of a remedy in bertamlly ahe waa well aware that 1atno a clory compound waa the beat medicine lo use tho following uuthiibiaatic lot lor aent to woiih aud hiohardaoti o allows tlio happy riaulta from tho lnt of all medl olnoa ikaii bint a f iw wti kn line of lanm m colory comoui i by my hlraroll mother hot been of grrat betielll to bur and proved ift niy uatinfactuiu thai thore s nnthint llko it fur tbu headaohta and olceplraaucas incident to impairod dlgea tion a nieco in my family waa alao cured ot insomnia by using ope botllu ot taine a colory compound vuura vory trill uansaii it hmiii in osory lixriif cunatla and the 1 nilod blatea women are now atrungly advocating lho nan iainn m utury omjiound svomali tiltl mid young kiiow wtll that thia medicine la hprmally adapted to all the ilia peculiur to lhnlr hi a whin it is unod by ihcait k aud differing uura limy nre bloii in gain alentlily in hialth hlrriigth andvigir no rihni m lefl for doubt to llm uknptiti and alubbtirii mindod iudiod ual iho joyous transformation from sicknosb ta health la going on in thousands nf homes all nor thin broad anada of oiira and llioao oiicq alarmed about tint aafuly of lovod and dear mica now rejoice as they ace thn bloom of roluruing health lighting up aud iwantifying features once pnllid and wan utar sick iriouds rt member that yoi nnuuut trifle much longer with life in iroiibka if mil banished nt nurn may taki you olt at any moment jtoar in mint thai iaiuti s coury conioinnl 1 guaran leetl lo euro it will meot your case no mat tor how bait it may be may heaven give yoti faith suflloiout to use at loaat one bo tlto of natures curing mndicitir in order that y on may bo coimnced that it is what you need to turo and mako you well you mual iot paine a auballtulta and imitations will i over do the gcod work henderson co rcton iltjn abtrliatmfntr- illusk and lots for bald tvr mantles iii1ih i miokii arlon liiakkks stiiay e rilah ii n th r ii i l lilt il i it 3 1 i ii nrly um illi tr iiatlll liillur- ll i 1 in iiii hi iih ly j ll i im1s1 si ylhs in ai i i in1s 300t0 500 mado or saved a morth iortrali aifonu or p i un wli lll iail in itio i uiinnaa or any um uiul aalla a oirt i n toonoy lirliiuloit atnaily liiitliiraa wtllioiil liittmt iim any raphal lot wliol illlnu lo wirk liard can tiaally niakn llm aliovo amii urt ry lutintli i r w j vou jiont mind raw weather 2 lit n oii liiu- our cliiiliutj or wris interlined with i ibrc chamois it is the t7iipltt uui stirt st nlet lion fiotn t iil f mil wind th il ni i in hi te ostiul lu nollnniy is s iiit 1 lull i 11 ill c lis itlslhf i nl- 1 ii ll u sulflicss 1111 txd l i umtm uui nrcr lnk to tslrl lire n ilur il lit ilthful iruitli t i ttu btkl in all mci uilt oik ill 1 fluid to du wltllullt the i umluii it wji only 25 cents a yard look for the fibre chamois 1 ihcl mi all n nl iu ve tanncnts jjji and take no others l tfi si seftae ibjs f99 s ftft55s s jss a a 35 the frank dowler go l i liuull i il 1 i mg touu a mure bt k ii it lit 1 1 iii 1 11 ik 11 1 mem businbb horn of our lo prus somt ikni 1 mnili thcnisclvlj onl lu siiintwhcic siilii llu want tu bu 1 sun hut inanj iu hiiilin out th it tlu siu tight tlsh hu- ikss is tlu oill wl it tin iloilung iiglu ihu mtu 1 it mi luit hi is t lining ui wt ii u llli tin l ik it ist nt slink hid l hi sut i v isioil tf l got ti l ultll wt ihl imli i 1 11111 islli 1 1 iili 1 in n is t iiiulutl hi iu hi in lulling uui c lnlhmg tl llu i t c ish muust in ki m d1 llu will tli of room tl ou 1 disposal giis us 1 1 huu 1 to kt 1 p the s i oc k 1 inn is not 1 house in canada in a u tu i and fiw in is good a pumtion to do tin llothing liatu liitng pr u heal clotlm 1 s i know t titl ulu n a gu mini is 1 ight tnd what it l ik s to piodut il lui kikwudgi tf tin liadi is a p tu lion to our t usioiik is t ihin tie i iilju 1 1 idi lhat utn t lit foil nd 1 it vi hi 1 1 111 t1kh coijahs vshiiirs and ith uniiiulotiiin a 1 1 k 1 ill 11 ii 1 1 n ili r t 1 1 llu r 1 ill ii 1 ml 11 1 1 jit lit the frank dowler co iltlll i ilsll house lliuitllllllul iluli i qk prnnrbeck6r tinsmjtii 6iovot ranges furiiiicih 11 i tin copper and ltun quudii c a pannabecker ra secords block mill street acton rramr stuknotb ud xnasoxx flavob js eveby paokaqb ceylon khuia tea in lead packets only specially sclcuid lllit k or mixed half pound and one pound packets ar m i tiitoii ui 25 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound th davidson hay ltd w agents toronto pall st of mantles wo lief fti 5nnounee that our kail stock of mantles is about complete and otitfrifor public inspection we liave spared no pains tb procure the newest most uptodate styles alues will b found ijctter tlian ever before and the worluninshtp on ill jr idi s from cheapest to best is such as ml hrst 1 1 iss inikt rs turn out w 1 i 11 sukt- iu 111 is auction sale ok farm slpck implomtfntb etc tim tit livn rrrrlyoil minim 1 11 frui 1 miih i i la umlk li at ii iiv nl li a tllllwttn rt lialfli1 m i pitiul tuesday 20th september at nn tiqlorlt hi folluvipit htotk i hay koran nilnit vaara an i 1 llt hrro rlnliia i yian w ii nialrlietl j lowa i imiawl tolw ltti calf l mltnra rulnit l i li miami 10 im wllli ralf i hlxnr rlaliih ir hli rltia lalvira 11 i- ra i kprtnk i lei imlltupnth i i uiulxr waimtiu mh nw i till htikuy iirl no 1 ctittnr i i i 1 lltiraa itakn now 1 kaiutliiu lllll i 1 ham new i lamilna mill liinltiii 1 hun li ilarrtrttliuorlna ttfotli lultlaur 1 llci l hay hacli i aati ltam hcalna o1ln ifli li 1 iloail cart rxxl aa nrw 1 htotm 11 ml i laritnoat him li ilila jm biialioli 1 1ml ll i 1 nil dtiul i harimaa i aolt inula hat rtkxl aa now i aolt ilmiitli manx a nnrl 1 ilartuikhl j tu wlilrtl tro jsirkl i 1 toiiiitin tor i iiiiv i iiitnr pl 1 1 w i i himtt nuiikfin i j mwliari i i all llualil 1 tiall llaaki i i llrali itaoa i si u lltu k 1 drill tliiu hlun f llakra hi i hluvi hoot malttr htlli al a uu f llm tli hay 1 lluv liru si j 1 tilllh tl it i iart u altirlnu trnikl an i i nt ulttnr tliinu ttxi mi tner um in m ih u tutmh ol- hl i- ll um hj a 1 uiilir aal uorlhal i ml iwuhi u fur caati lly raali m llrsvuvr all kill t a ill will ill imiltlu hvh h iim tllil 1 ol l fiess ioods b a ia culors jusl to h ind aluib an iigia bhadii lorrict no trouble to show goodt buy or not wi hav i hand si r tl valuable farms wellington llalton brtuc durham haldimaud lvrth bimcoc liaritaiii if atilil lfnrn 111 ilmt i jaiiuau kur torm ami lull jirli ulai a l i j e mcelderry socrutary 11 tf i it ami ontario isvlstl m i s imil holll t oueifm ohi t j lh i 1 1 i tht of hlaik good utiiit nl li nit ci all wants i m ok v milk a mini ik a1 ii u raounl i 1 on a stearns i ol rtibii htpti li utile lite vts 1 t w alark aireht ai li good looking lassies ink ll lua poccrics lis ilninsl doubktl tl liu 1 it d 1 t is m izawattei blue klbbi tnek a perfect blend for 25 ecu henderson cfe co hcton w h rdk7s merchant tailor acton- is lo be found in ihe same eld place doing a high class railoring 1 radc i vcr garment guaranteed perrymans block bctvage jk li i i ls guelph ukokgetownk livkst mtoit 6ibs0n millar go woliavi idiis a mual auocoaaful luainr ur lal yoau an 1 wo now hajl on our ui llh oi uiilliuunuigul ol ulb int ami lalvat lln lu llllthh uouuh mil- n ticluaftit ia iwallm u mlo yuu tliu o l laloal and iil atyllali uindalu uhi al iiflun lliat cajmul ih imaloi i lam a ilul an mt aaiulla1 w am t rt wo waul tutiirata ur waul ual iwtuct uui iu laih aalihk untar uad u lihoi all ruuiil value at i uu lll mid uia aat tl tuotilaaiil juallllh j tat a ullle lllar uiau 1 111 alaowlinr a ara ultoriug vou 4 it iutludblualla lu llulo lima tl m kuaw if uiimhciiiatdiu atlatitluti uu lt bocuttio a umaaaur aud uien ilka mauj jil 4 olialouiar mftclai hbaaar nauuj l aluaaarar ullaarwl lu uin 1- a- v1 lliaui rbt 1 tliaoi ilia 11 1ut tmm i go euonliom llll uu acs uui valuajlii uoaa koala irofc klaimala urn ill jl gnda o7 hal- dr ttu m ulut koala r uaillna uudoraaar alo fine man class tailorinq i la all alinltlul farbnr 1 ihla llllr tallortim our ih i 10 c f n fall lu ihu uit umortalliua lu houltb kuu lliti utah au i laullau kultlima truirauriita 0amwtliia ot ijualllv 111 b unlali itaia lllilr iluaajtlud ukmh crtlnlnlllmlh onhltrualh ovkltloatm ovkilcoatrj 11 lluya aud uia uoya ltfra u a iaa jaokata uu a fauiau ia tliu will in it ila w kl tour falf aud wltitr outltl no truubla lu abow gooda call and tiiaiiwii u atuca atud wtll oauvlutiu vuu ulal lil til aoa u kl tha bat feoda al tic oluaral irica lluttar aud thill takoti lu tiada uii180n millar a co ium lllock ururijatowu i tr day uarijalii dai 1 h bloia juuilxlu alotl lot all

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