u hjc ctott frrc tjjltiss iiuikhimy aiuljst j7 ffljr lloung jfolhs aha vaa jhoa wlfcx re hit mini aur i alisll slrse i i tiling last ir r uiillug sliw liar strike hat ii all hicatia in nllu klits llsud ulke a ixi1lar a ack aa fr n ihkir l lour ln i ham warn fro track sow m ml tion lttltt nil r mkti or worla lark till ftrrli t hllr i 111 wi w tan n i ari saved my life no h opal can wall but toajl- mony with o truo rln to it for tho groat south american cures y two wonderful tfstimonials itllm matibm tim i at booth american hhenmallo uro is safe it arm irna uuibcu qnicklt liittm mittnl nltcl atxl an abmilnte cure in ona la ihrea dayi work wondcn in the uiol acute form of ihoumiliam and neuralgia i wai orlpjil ed eoljial i had lo uso a lllok to get a boul rilea james a anderson of cat gar w t at timos i coffered an told misery i tried every medicine under the son hmiil ix weeks lo llio hospital under xcll lrralmert wilhoul toy re tuf i ii induced to try south american llhemnalic ure after uaiug two bolllea i throw away inv slick and went lo work aud have worked every day alnee ami that was two and a half years ago huls i brlieve it sated my life ta the kiaitiva iran ill n of mr jame mcllnue of jamestown huron uuty onl in waking of i ho miracu lima uiro complication of kidney troubles by the ureal houtli amerioan hldncy urn thia geiillenisn wee ao a verrly affected that hi physician had lo attend him daily to tako iho unnn from hlii i he lira i duae am him relief and half a bottle cured htm completely diaaolv ing all otmlrurllona and heejiug and olrengtheiiuik the jiarta houlh ainnrioal kiduey urn la a klduev specific only and il doc all thai ii claimed fur it every tune stomach ask slums thirdadfail chronti dlaoaaoa are due to diaordered nerve oenlrea cure the nerves and you will coutrol tho disease bouth american nervine haa proved tin thou aauda of umra it la a powerful uerve builder and hi caaea of acute indication uud dynpepsia haa effected marvotloua cuni ooo wobetor of forest wrllea tur a iiumbrr of years 1 suffered greatly from uervouaueaa twitching muaclea biki sleeplessness 1 tried almost every kuowu remedy without relief 1 waa in duoud aa a laat resort to try houlh ameri can nervine the first hot tin be in- filed me and five bullies oured me itlsairrand medicine aud i owe my lite to it in aa irish daily there recently appeared ihia advertisement wanted a gentle man lo undertake the sale of patent mod- icine the advertiser guarantee it will be proll table lo llio uaderlaker kiirn kiirm there are more than one aort of korna homo kuru la plautad in tho ground and the other aorl don t oeed plauttug ibey krow uite uaturally on men a loca and don t ncd hoeing thia kiud of koru haa two aorta on gentle or lender like utitll hill jouca alcpa on jour fool when il gels boiling mad and a wear a like everything the other la a hard headed aud makea a raw all iho time especially when your boo l a are on i dou t liko korua and uao the ni trading medicine putnams rainless corn t tractor which re in uvea them pain leanly in iweuly four boura hwoelhearta and wlvea are culiroly dlf latliurlnr hrulta bo ab ur c urlrlt an old and honored practitioner in uelloville onl who write hor waalitik diacaata and acrofula i have uaed bcott a hmulaioo with the moat aal lafactory roaulla lukoepyour own aearet la wltduin to ejipoci othera to keep ii la folly alaya oi hand jklra thomaa il forter tower ireland f wrllea my bjo lrt inuniiia uld had oroup ao bad thai iiulhiux gave him relief until a ueiyhbor bruutht me auiuo of dr thomaa hcleolrio oil which i tfave hnn ant in all boura he waa cucad 1 1 in the beat medialiio 1 oer uaed and i would uot be wilhoul a buttle uf il in my homo i jjera la a uioraliiii uillueiice lu loafh injj herdutated man in by vliluuofhla aullft until h voiuld not brihnliapiinaaa in tho porion atifteriiitl with jyiprpma but hhhii har apar4la haa cured iliany ihiiiaaud of me of thladiaoaar ii true t hn atiiiiiaiili rrulatra iho liowd an i putn jill llii iiohiuory of iho a jinn in jon 1 working nrdur u nreala a good mppelile aud 1vna hialth nlrriiui and hrlppinrrh llfkxl a illla aol harmonl ialy will hood a haraapahlla uru all livor ill another of coiirup hn m ahoutud eijjltrd irlah harliat and a hnt dual twtlhrr achurn thntchu no in oru minute i hnu ben in thb dairy butiiieii all my life and havn many time ohuriiwi for an hour imfori bullo would apmiar an when i heard of a ulinrn thai wool 1 uliurn in a minute 1 cinliided l try it i very- day for a week i uitil it and not only could i ohurti in a miiiutc but i ot mure and iwllnr butlor than with thu oommuu olmrn thia ia very important imfurina tion o hullrr maker i ll chnni work oaaily aud will oil urn an ordinary churn iif in leaa than fit aeconla i liavo aut two doxen of ttiean ohurna in the pa month 1 very butter maker dial haa iten me ohiirn in iraa than a minute haa bought one lou can obtain all diinired informa tto6rtajr4ii ilia 4liuruby ajj j 1- caany v go ht loin aud llioy will give you prompt and cmirteou attention a dmk man no cripe when yon takq deed pill tbn blj old ftuh- loned aukarcoatrd pills which tear jpn all tq plarea are not in it with hoot y to take hoods id eaay to operate is tru f floods p11u which or a ii ap to iuln tntcvnrr renpect w iii bafn rrrtaln and sure all af inicirlsta 2ke r i hood ft co fjiwel mai the nnlt ii i la to uke m u hwmi a haraanarllla bevrve nnlda are easily ciirrd by the uae f illakle a anii romtimptl vn syrup a medicine of extraordinary peunlraliuk and healing properties ll la acknowledged by those who have used it be ng the lent heme sold for couhs colds lutlnmina of the iiiiiki and all atfeotioua of thu throat and chest its ureeableness to tho taste makes it a favoiyo with i ad ten and childreu y always turn leavea from the top with tho middle or forefinger a r mnliltmtliil aa their name signlne uili i ilia are a combination of uxahvo jinocipka with the beat liver medicines obtainable ihoy cure aick hoa ische onstlpatlon hilousneaa ilver om plaint i lyapopaia and all deranged condltionsof the alomach ur and dowel an empty head and a raltllug tuiifuc woll together golftor silver youd aivo ah von hrtvo of both to hu nrihtnrod to honlthdr au imivvn orunt curnii nru bpnalflo cujhh for fannolflu allmonl ml ami 1 1 1 h j h f udnf in thirty tulimlh ii mot nlcrniinit tl l troiibh htrnni wtut i to muii fur ir atituw i nit rtlu ilmrl hut it u hornii mil by llio lixlitmny nl iii in nam in who lo l- r lo lay rm i urn tin iiixiiium iiialihl i ihn riw by flu uitidirful iiuratno r if dm ti tir oaaily l iiiiomh h witrlicd 111 turn i hi iiuiiikeat cifra ii uti r l or hi htcphcu n ii trnublikl with ut kv lu art pa i ii in iho id hrnlh i lea hull iplla iho i anl i bottlnof dr i liotlw rutin ly in well luid xtroni a il n i ii i in 1 ilearl hf hi ay j an i i lit iho uat truulh vi mtltll ik rikht to mm aflat of llio trou bio attaika thi dimi ae rumi the cntih lltniii h oil n 1 h iiih mid n pilkly anl p rman nljv dr a atarrhnl i ntdtir dh til itiia nn i ii hoai iii friwl fr thia initliiinnin mnlnrty tiy tnm ponttlvd lire urn milking hn jirnlnrs day in and day nut 1 am nighty ymaraold 1 liavo had atarrh for itlytttrw ur aguow nlnrr hal lowrtcr nircdmc mid 1 tunfc upon my ouro as aliuoat a mirm uen lowia of hliamohni vj aimph rull in thu iiliki tuny l tin iuki htnp ii ihroun ratarih htup iii i id i nil iiji tin catarrh dr akiiew d nliirrlml iowdrr ta harilllesa and eaallj applied i inf d an i lov f in nam ill ul rr iiiinikh of ril ki f lib ii in i h only lost f 11 rh n rl i -r- f r t diy i iii v r i hit u n i woohy hie u t lkl mi 1 mn aflrr nil nlid tin try your i oart an indri i unl truly i ilnn i lo ink i i i v nkrpln nn i nif v mn mylrai waa b oloudrl an i i ioul1 not t ill i my thouulitm 1 hnil k thriiugh nu uptration in tho bow of rthf but ntil riinaiiied gounrally broken up my opjctito wnn k tin anl i waa almost without hope or ambition soar i feci jlioroiihty rebuilt llirouh iho use of milburu a heart nn 1 tiervo pilla and it took only thru or f itir ekn to ii ll wk trfls indewtunp ilio plirnsn ll 1 1 indenture wlifoi- li utlll friiiinntlv i in wrlttnn roiitrscln 1s prulmhly iinttn ihirllli to iiiohl jmrannir h1ii i in now n id hug a deed mjimlrii t ml did in iiiitlliift a lg g hnn aururw ll u toji of thn doonmmil from mio al lo lu jin olhor all kukiuii ihrtil wnfn fliu y writ ii in duplinnti ii pun i tin uniiiii hn i dfpnrohtni ut and tfnpar nlnd by ciutling thmii aparl with n knifo in a wtl iiisunnr rofurrml in omi of these iiihiruiiii u in wnn given to moli party unp mid the f lot tliat tho two doju miiula wnnld exiotly join taoti nlliur was uidenci of tllnir gotiiilnniicrn liltkr lu iiih vnrmii on iliimaii ioarniug wpoaka of two porno n it 1 hn lw in loot lll aurli tn iii tnlnn d a urenl sonl 111 t itl if 1 tikland l a sllverpair of dll whit ll n r iiiri il til receive llio inelii 1 naa pou ml win ii an imprunion la lo taken ii rutiijli an onlh n it thn t lle imr shiuj of ihe seal iaaiui inuli n in dininol r an 1 three piartt r of an in h hiiok ill v dr aguow 1 ntmint will caro all caaos of it king ill ml from 1 to it niklits 1 i1u apphoalioi iniuga comfnrl i or llliml aud lllrt lug id it l peorlnaa alert tirea-tetter- rau hhetim hrrwna- harln r ri iloh an 1 all rriljiton uf the skin 1 uts hold by i kaiiimwii lui do you miderstsiid l mnoh ui if lis spoken n irith norway tmu hyrup ciiren ouili oldn nd all ihriint and i ung 1 rouldea price and flk diamond hall let us shovv you diamonds our mock la larger than any other in cnnadn our value a unequalled in america every stone is pwrbonally selected from thn cul lers in amsterdam and reaches lht woarar direct avoiding every profit but dinmond rmga from s6 to 82 goo each orders ijy mail racorwo our host attention money cheoriully re- f o r of- goods it desired approbation jiartal o ivriebros diamond merchants co yonok d adclaldk 8ta i driatoi 3 i bristols bristols sarsaparilla j jwa pills r h bioni n ii i iltsl nf it i ivr uui hiuiki mkjunie i to light have mllbtirn 1 but i am k liu k f iii in f m ifn i nlj ki e pilln lid glal mrrd i dlr d i was lery bad lant auiuu ci witn colic and a few doses of wild htraw berry ored me 1 am safe in recommend mg il as the beat remedy ovor unud 1 call uvi apeak too highly of it mm ain i herlin i tut moi ilbltll the wa o local ton more likely to be pure and irua lbau uo lliftcrate the kov 1 1- mar leu aabbury iark n j whai du you think ut ui ma jas mi arthur i ih hubert hlin loroulo ala4n thai iho suiliuu o witghl a 1 ivor amd hlumaah illla marvellous had bqoii iruuhled with bitioua ami aluk head acjie for years uue lix taken aocordlng to directions reuiovod the cause uf all the truublo aud restored mo tu health aak j ksnuawin obouilal and druggist about lbim get a circular tdmko life a mmiatry uf luvr and ll will always be wurlll llvlllg 1j riimmii wunrts of all kunla from children or a lulls i r 1ow a worm hyrup ia a aaft add aure remedy a flirtation la a hluah lu day a ory lo ill iriuw and a blush every day ihrryaftor all the clogged nufl of the bowels iotiys and lwflr carrying oil 4rdully i wilhoul acakcriing lite livstem all the impuii i ties and foul humors nl ilhc scxrciiont al the lumc time corrvot- llnf acidity of ths istouaeh curing bill ioobiimi dnpapsla i hmdaebaololbmi illutburocoiutipa- uoo dryiww of tha ua droptj dlm- hms of vulon jua- dk salt khsmai i bttlpalas sorofult rioiurlnr or tba iraart ntrrousaut bdonarttl dahuhj ball these and nanyothn jniiur mrpta1ni yield to the trap milucntr mfsbgr tv 1 aw ash teau sjsfw itmllbuhnaco johto ft is not luik lh1 el tl i i to posilious of morn aud attainne tv is the natural ooiiaoiuouco of high au noble purpoae coupled with ludustry hov m u coleman fieardslown hi blck uoadaclie and oastipatiou ar promptly oured by burdock tills 1 sa to lake sure in effect ttrliufjur 7 trouh a speoino for rheumatism lout and chronic complaint th it nisc unl 1unly ihc iii i all lrtiiiiisls anil general healeih aluminum wli l is i sis 1 hat unl rneu in n oftlr pretllrt linn lllili ut l ll i rrn jrhahh metal ll looked tike a inrui jcnt1 rontctiln i tin ih mdl uf th worlls o llilllliil i poal liiu awrdrt to mri o s mimbe i o lor taud an i i pnght linos hn illy 1 in liaiiofirto makrn wl hi hi ted their vtuik in uiiihiui u withllu world mil received ihn highest honor h tie sum to m n ihn sow combe tianon at houlh v eat or of ihn music iatillinii al tlie 1 or onto txhibilinii ur al the ware rooiup luj7 i liurch hlrcel t i he always place a largo book un iho before opening it tho beat ough ore i hagyaid oral ualaam it heal the lunka cares coughs and oulda tabic unfortunate coil ll tl 4u ult m- consuinitnm ii n ii i il 11101 untoi inn ii it- fmnt un i- n f ii i olluiujlliii win ii tu tiri tn jr linn w ik i llll lliw n t lu 11 s 1 ll 11 dt nt t nrm iti 1m k i i ik l iii llll tilt iii 1 w i to tikt i art i- to ilit n mi in wnli in nnh u itil iu uilt scotts emulsion ot iim i nl tilli ic iliwilil1t w ill in lli i i k liliiiiinnt to iiiiim w lit ii i f lot it tin i in ike t u nth win it r iw t oil ll ll oil wollld l i ii1i ltll h ibllrvillr l t v j1h si ur bodlea live lu houara iwuauatj tn souls live ut bottles a chancfc to makfc monty 1 imtb berries grsprs and lhniihrr a year old fioah aa when ickiul 1 ust llio t aliluruia old rruceaa do mil heat ur seal the fruit just pul it up cold kerpa fwrfenlly froah auil ouata alm al iiulluiiir can pul up a bunhel in irii minuup 1 anl week i sold dirrolluin lu nrr ld families bliyuuu will ay a ilolur fir illrnliuui when i hey see hid teaiuf ul nniiil uf fruit as i lit to arn iuitii hniln poor like myself 1 oousider it my lil to gia my elperletiuo in aultl ami fcrj niuft trill fflif one rail maka ous u twu huiidit ddullars round homo in a few ilaj a i will wflh sample of frulcaiid con y in in ilirooiiimv i any uf your resdera fur vihhtriu two tet stamps which i only llio dial uilol ill m hi 1 utils mu if we uuld see iwllrr ihe wtiill wnnld t ball r wllj lllr rl lll ihewthi l- fflll id htpln who iibm fails beuaue of ly itiliouan si aud lonallpstiuii whih in respouslhl for nine lenlh of life s miarriea llurdm i uixd lllltera cures iheao iiataais aa wul aa all other disesana uf the sltirnacli uvrr boaela a ml blood in ll cast ll if ii 1 la 0h iiitiov unit nil 11 i r diatihin iirri4 t moor 4 0nll lll l llpmiti iiidiliii ii l itelliur itali i r ir m t 1 1 k i i t lllf u sor noil vi twr llullle davis lawrence co lru moniilal o ih the greaumt an 1 krandeal fuiindu buill 1 aokllik it a man la u moral hov o j daies haddoiillold 1 tulr hoolototi to nuturul culoi ug hair lo allsfactory any prupai rnk iep hull ampu paukako can gol oolor hy aciidiiik pay pvotiikf ill to i lie regular p i c if u doen not reator it lot if uiakn any llrt they n lh a proponm fail- wl y t hi bhillli iii llll f j ii- i 1 1 hru llapa i lilt t lle fat if llahlj th kbtrlc t wllho liol go on also boll ot lioadacl i aru ill ma for reslor but noter had 1 olu wilier win i l hair lu ii taken befui mr j u iux lull it i ilitr int i ioa1 t itrel ihc lu h lieilion can iiitial tauat 1 a seketablo 1 ill ul i x a wliili v reltif anl ifr h low vnhl every family should know that v vegetable j- pafwa l tbhnai a it bltuhnal iiaa ml d w i dbrrul ill iis ui u l arliul u ikllava ulausa painkiller vv re ii lltsjrrliwit illr ruaaii s ail painkiller sfttar bsktki painkiller fvtjyivt iv olirm ula hum pa mosersj painkiller riirmi meltamr rre jjjf liajibtlt vrudlj ur eitaraally na ihjiuiha ihltig 1 tell you what 1 lined houhiui- 1 tired to go out anil rub up agaliifl thu world 1 el mu sell buytln 1 ifty yoaia auooa lu otl k oiuirl ea i iiyseulcry holera ohc rauipn howol i omplauil of summer and fall ott stamp ur i uwlcri 1 traa uf wild klrawberry aa iho beat nmedv in the market ii save children s uvea never pul iron or steel hltn in a 1 bus mouth in frosty wtalhor wnhout first warming them i hey wiu take thn skin if llio horse s tougc- agitation in the world uf horn paihit mod ioi oo has been its very sojl of prugross as ill polltlot and religion thn dllllqulliua of opinion and ihn mdlviduulity of men havo boon parent to thu liiagreenieuu by which the slaodard uf llieie bottles hnvo been elovstod ho wilh most uf our famous jircparstiotia foromost in illilraliou of which truth standi the world famous remedy to general dnbilly anl lau umliio wlur nnd ivlut h whci ibtaiu able in its genuine blnukth in a miraoul i ous creator of appoliu vitality and slimu laiit to the general fertility of tho synloiu ijuiiiiiie wiuu aud us improvement lias from hie first iicovury uf liiojreal virluos uf quinins as a medical aguut boon one of iho most thoroughly diaconatd remodloa ovor olfered tu the public it n uue of the great tnuios slid natural hfo giving btiuiu laula whli h tho modlcal prufesslu havo been ompollol tu rt t ogniae and pnaenbe miwri isurihmp a lyifrati ul loroniu havo 1 von to iho prrpiralion u their pure gmtiliio wmib tho kmal l dun lu us i in hirtauce aud ihn standard oacollenoe uf ihn arlluln ahlcb lliey ofler lu thn public mimes into thn inarkni urged of all lh lufrcln win ii skilled obsorvalion and cieutiflt opinion ha k led ut lu less perfcit prepaialluua of ihe juat all drnggllsellt furs tors to the i ihitmn u thu knk of pu i i hasiuk t ura this irm in n ik ttnd il their advance i kve u a ct as wo a adtrulkoii mu j1 lruy i b icn dual and ataitka htil at pruportloiiatcly lot thu latcal sly let homl for clruuls low print ji to fu i t to t- 3 to j j bo sib to srj i 1 maiitha mad up in f macrab a lu z7a yonge ulu it i ui unlu bll kf lllkd hitlers tl 1 i am ail n 1i lay 1 bullornd iron bill i mln 1 night ufl r nighl but au liroly net byho uao f i ii h h nn i ii hut h duok ii 1 hiallhy a molaren dentist 143 tongs 4l tononio ktrsalaaa ho del of tooth for x furs a una uually ilicniuoii vcal gic ye ihlulh lull krt p w l dinbbn cor king and vingi t- lorontu piano department at industrial exhibition toronto all who lutei sled i ll m uuttli ubh hinted t vibii ihe waiorotma life ii h wiuiii th mi i t 1 j s ah ion i hum najwcl the un iiisttumul- u hit h ai he 1 for ihrlr allpojlor nu e and prefercuco of the rao i hy the iuol rmiieul aulht nlirs lo rhihllliiu ipetlal ludu mrlila ill b fit id for thoss w hu nuy uui be prrpartd in ia liu wilt n a kraud pihrtuiu etlenie al a rcdiiliii pr g chasers and i will he arrau ll uot f uuth uur i c cflstorla for infanto qpd children others do you- know h rvr ilateman a limps halfrey s cordial many soealfaid boolblpb hymp ami j oat remnlbw for lilt irnn are ciniqainril uf opium or moruluia t knrw that oriiim rml inurplilnn ant stuiafylra- narootjo nolsons f ouuitrloa dniftslstanra p yhn kwnw ttmt i- without labelling uieni p ih t f po ynh know tlml ym nhoutd not pnrmlt any niudlclno unless yuu or your thyniilot i now t t what ll 1 1 roinposral f po tob knew tint a trln 1 1 n fhirny veipntnblo prppnrnllon lu ingrodlonujir publlalind t iii t mry iwtllo t po yns know thai j lorla ia thn prraertptlon nf ll rnmmu ir bui that it ho been in unn f r irnarly thirty yuira ami thai morn laslurta of all utlior remodirm for children itmblnl t purutltbid lo sell narcotics bo gtmn ynt t that a hat e i uut ralnnt oftlon deimrtmnnt of tho united rfnl po ton km other rthinlrlca i in in inniint nxrlu i to right to ir pltfhor and his assigns u nan caatorlat and lln fomiuta nn i that lo imitate them is a stale prison ortenae i po ton know out one f ityi rnoanns lor crdnlins this jeoarnmenlpromciionw bocaiine cailtvrla luul hern inrn to he sibaalntatly havrtstloaat po if on know that 35 atorac duocst of unorta afe furaubed for 35 osmta or una oont a doaef ion poaeraaon of this nart ban unbrukissteati pa yon know tliat when be kept wnll and that yrl uay ban vajj thassi ooartfa crajrortbfawtajt trwry aro taotav act preparalion your chudran may thy fkoeltafjo sfprwatnrti nf pe children cry for pitchers castoria pa1n0i1e the piano lb no longfilt ci asbld ab one of the luxuries of tiik homh to be enjoyed only by the rich it has become a necessity and the part it hi ays as a bouhch of pleasure and inspiration in the home has made it one op the essen- tials in wodbrn uouh life buying a piano por the hour is a lifetime investment great care should be exercised in its selection a poor piano is a never ending source of trouble a good piano costs but little more to buy and costs llss to keep and also improves in tone and action with use the best is the best investment thereputa ttf ot the maker tsvn best coahantiie the qermflkdheintzrvin c bjbai m enjoy the enviable and world- kjlvm lnns wlob distinction of being the atilxl inilvu hlthlst op high grade instru ments and their real meri i has been established by years or 1xphriencfc and ikvvnhight honesty in the minutfbl dbtaii oh conb ii ul hon whilst all that stands oh hultlty power and mellownhss in tone perfection in touch swhft singing quality delicacy and durability are io lih mum in thlab twtl famous pi nos famous the world iivhh iti nth honor of canada writs nj for fuaa catalsfbm blmh iiaki ains diiiii am ilatiu f hullin a sji nktowrg t at un ny j hcnlmn a co bo stoiuway u33 lwayti1v railway timef table crandatrunk fiollwoy ii 1 1 i id fiolngl a 1 1 tl is lln lal juimrjtiil i good looking lassies lu ialmlfr savage co lj i i 1 l hs cuelph j acton flour mill 1 cheyne cheyne proprietors a ceja- of useo flanqs tarem in kxchangb pom r auovi htakeb amd about 00 second hand oftqans to sell at a sacfttrice yccaam 1 sb tonqc st toronto 1i11k iinlrr kiiil arti in kmii1iiii nu 11i llir 1 ulll floor bftan 1 j special discount for hugusf ill 1 k uui i lii drlss coodi i iniiif- mil liillrliniiis cottuni 1 ilkini oil cloths clem- ilubilv t i ni 1 il suniintrt ir groceries 1 i risli and il the lowest posmbli e curneysco mill street ai m 3 3 j 1 tjjectiye ii t usekeepexa 1 1 lima junli n lur proiotvn iij thi f r ihe pun haae f appropriate 1 jlmu ug id ul irriui 1 all aiuh i hey ll be aur rlanl lo urn upon how nail in iiriri kiev an will if their aelo hog ia mado from our stock uur htiiine keepers tan hud many articles they liotti this spring al voi y low ltndertaking t itir at xk la lomplete all oxoellenl aasorlmonl 111 all tho lily alylea ui tf 1rioes lower than over oiltiia or oaskets delivered ui hti mil a tiiu hirst class hoarse al reasuuablo obarge j a speight co shorts j aiilall klntuof 1 ub1 at rioht prices kvery order will rcmva mull t all iitloi al 1 will beilelivitrrd to any art ol tho town our loruio are rali bii1 ne rice fur all don t furum to patroulxe homo imljtlr ilvn ura fair trial and we will inavn the miller for you to ilacklo aa to the isllty of lliegooti we tnauufaeture orilera taken al uicmlll or at j hauuawliil drug htore cheyne fc cheyne j h hamilton marble and granite hitmllton a block guelph new conelmiimuiit j lie olve1 a 1 au i o a f i i norway i mnirn sweda iijiiiiu russian ul ailllu i rvfu-r- i scotch or- bfcsl uualitv j ii 11 anl n tun new implement wahehooms main jtreet acton john mcqueen havliu i bbihi ll n witrero una mrs mckllu haa a lull urliniit ot agricultural liu la kiusl a wood smiths fulk al i toultluud 4 scott oshawa ohitls and cultivator kltiir plows ftowatiarv tu fit m11 jtluil titi w a i i a- t john moquejih for twknty six ykars dunns baking powder thecooks best friend lahqcbt salc in canada i f tviij 1 ju i a 1 ufa btrvat and i at ih the 1 ia tl wit t mms fj o c r rvx a r r- d sr r rs t t r i q guns bicycles ti tin in t i1lj is hi 111- 1 ui sh k l mlljl it t s hi issih imh tl tun iliuusiiul duns uui kitl s uui tin tl ik tit r withv ul ici t liw mi u rtus so pu 1 in niirit rur t it 1 1 it m pi 1 son ij i c l l 1 11 1 l si 1 1 u l l thk john ikikkltllii wlk ompvmt li l g 81 yongq st root toronto 1 i 11 v 1111 1 i ilu lust tla sin i i ill v hi or 1 mis ll si 1 ill upon w h mdh7vvs mhhchant tailor acton wtst will jju nn hn u l l of fnock 1- ll uimklll ilisllip lh lks lcs cill iu sl i ii iimul still i nil nu 1 lllllllills lll ll 111 m new fhce in hn old plrc8 halii 1 urdiaanl ihuatihkklirfkmxt will l it ll ii liuta i rktill anuhjii u i 1 all it 1 111 i tl lie h dial 1 i a tuiul luu 1 illau11tl tu iuln hi in i whnie will u t mil a ciiiuiileln auiek of nl i ill- kf ullrttin i auh itllth kraph a i fiali hills mal hamkm ami ioui tll in cvva hy ilnllh lliat t skuk waairef k 15 collins oavura trad malta ouion patiara ooavaiohta rirlil mll it v v x a y ui imulf li u ll l upidilo ivlb mentitic wetitan 11a sell iikmi the eerfect tea monsoon in ths womo af from thi ti rknt to tmi ti co in it nativc puh tt mhi t 1 p i k il l- afsjl llui in- but ll very freah ltaa git nil m k i trwiutm m sarha said at llw aaiua hj 1 lili nil 1 1 j lb andauu in ill till 11 1 h ii 11 j 0 si id 1 11 u 1 1 w l j i7sit lat lo