Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1896, p. 3

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if bank of hamilton jlkadoptiohj hamilton lul1141 iaih 11 iiiihniivi kntfn tot a i auiti tiiljiuki ml ink h ml hid board op directors 1in htuaht a m iiamhat irt iviwiilmil 111 ii a wmi a ii iki toronto i wu hjihik m i tuiinmum aallr hi htiwii nasi ablir y ii m vtalbon listr agenoies llauilluin llarlou hi ia last i ul amistuu llnrllit liealoy iiirutan tlrlmsby lltiwl lllckuuw mill mi fount purrnl trnnuuvlllr istan hound iurt kiju hliiiom ivrmk vingliani brttlbh corroapondonts oniov national provincial ilik f i nt d ltd amarloan oorronpondonta mw von i- on r iii mtlual hank ami hanover naiunal hank huntoh iiimniattoll tltruatgi lit riiuu- marine itauk cnu mu national hank of lllinul ami union national hank durnoit ihitrolt national hank hmacirv national lludt of cuuimirn agents in montreal tlin juiili of toronto qworoetown auenoy notoa illaoouiiul anil advances mailo on suit ilila mcurimoa collections iiia1i and ilrsrts louktil ami aolil on ll acceeallilo nolula in anada uuluxl hiatee ijnaal jlrltajn ait d mm coutlooutof hurtte upon moat favorable tcruis savings department deposits ot anil up wart la rocnlvnt and lutaroat slluwud i rout tlalu ut doimslt to lai r ithdrawal hpkcial delobith alao i nee i ml at ourrent rales of interest n u ijwm1htonp au- nt school hooks scribblers slates tuns inks envelopes note account books the laigest stock i h lowest price at quo hynds acton ont bcijc rton vce jrss thuitsiiay mmjrti j7 lhottj- little local brieflets which caught tha eytts or ears of froo proa ropqrters this wnok la otir aubacripliou paid t lalor day- a wock from monday tit don daya ara orally well oer the farmer km al work on ibeir fall mdinc applet aro uuuaually i iililul liuro at present hesoeler baa decid d to bold no fall fair thi year bond llio iruer lnr lo jour bojt in ilia north weal l iru doti t read alvt rliaeiuuuta von boul i 1 1 a profitable ireaton a ralo of taxation llim eai will be is mill on the dollar hallon haa not yet been rearranged uuder tha new couuly otitic il act thorn aa morton barber liaa noli ln buainoaa here and nmovod to mtllun c or rea pan douce without tlio writer a mm invariably kuca ir to the wailo basket the i- all ciouol the uueluh uiiaiuoaa college will oommenco on lueada hopt lal orniovtlo rata for thin jnr liae boon flxod al ti mil 1- lora alao pay ri roil la a current iucalluu in all airclo at present aru you tt u loroutu 1 j i hibuion tlio iuurtti iiviioii ourt will bold ita next animal bero on 1 buraday lulb hoptetiibor uloyollata who ride tbeir olnola on tbe aidcwalka ot hurluitm aro liable to a fine of from si to ftjd krln dlaue will bold the ainiual t mu holiday lo morrow a ala day will be peiit al huiloy lark iiv ii wotdoo a uite reaidence ou mill btreel will be oflered fur bale by auction on saturday fitb boptotiilw tbobarponlcr are uow putliiik on ibe roof ou tbe uow tan yard at ltcardmuro a co i uunrrv lialhxlw feet chaa t goojdvo uf hiplev baa re moved lo ac ton and will ahorty open a keneral atore in maltbowa dlofk jo ileaoendluk a ladder on 1 ueday llcota havill luada a mlaalcp aud aeverely rpraiuad bia rittbl foot he i ablu lo be aronod bawver tbo auuual mosliuk of ibe llaiiiilluu cooferenoe nranob of ihe woinau mi lonary bocldly will be bold in ouleuary oburcb llaiiiillon on tbe litb th and mtb oolober a regulation panacd at laal aoaaiun uf the 1ruvincial 1 calaturo tuoa tbe dalo of rr openliik be publio loboola ot citlca towua and lucoriwraled villk d bib aohoola fur tba urel of boptember it uiiow edo rally tbouibt ilia i halion jtllalion will tfo lo oamn una yrar younx men hould ktfow uial tbe couuly ounoil baa framed twenty fl oetita a day eatra pay fur acb vulunlrer wblio lu camp aolon 1 ire llrlkdn liaa bad under om aideraliou tbe bublinu of a ureuiau a luurua ment hero itila all but have decidad lo otpono it until ncl aeaauu a oriel of oouaeru will howevor bo bold lu tbe fall and wtuler tho lita 1iiant la uu die in ibe froo readmit louiu uf tbe lauadlau aderllaliij atfency al tbo habiblliun uruuuda during lorotitoa kroal fair our aubaorlbera wbo attend tbo air will ihua have au upportuu ity lu road ibo cuanlry nowa livt up tovouhphiviltotb if wo road f auinq new fabric anade in oioe toreiku oouulry uibloli gava proleolion irom ould providing a healthful warmth in all vbrtoof waallir we would coualder it woojorful aiu be eovluua of tbo people wbu ooulri lako adiautago of it llul beoauae itlbre cbamola 1 lulto lnuawuilo uj mmt to b perhapa aomo bave not yal tatted iu mcrtla and found out fur them elvea tbe aplaudid winter oomfurt a layer of ii will imparl to all outdoor karmetit 11 wealbor proof iualiliea aro genuine founded on tho fact itlal it la mado entirely from hpruco ibre and ia tberaiore a ouni ulete nou conductor of ould thleaa uall aa ita light wrlht makoa it an ideal addl tion to evoryoua a fall and winter clouilux wall titper iteinuenta at half prion wiudow abado ouuiplolo j jo urtam olo all oolora coinplelo jjc at tbe drug ature it l 0r u ouolpbaaaband doora alouelph prlue- i iohaok can ull your ordur ftl jn iuiuun mill the news at home montly of njfionl otmrootor and ovorv i tarn intorontlno- itrilliititttiti nutl jntuctftw nil 1 uomititlll bo a iny of liitoral in ktiuccimrch in llm furmooii a motion uf lluulpiriroiibylcry will bulliw the lailfio of ibo coiigroflatlpn will proitio illiiin r for ihu itifmbuva of iroabylory in uu liinuitiiul i bo nrdinntion and indiiu tiuii in niuiilrn will lako plnon in tlio after iiihii in tint eiiiniif tbern willbo jik bo tin and nisupiiuii to tbo new pnntur itov ihfli a molhtraon aetna attntvlt r lxlilhltton i bu i intern and dlruotoro if aotun 1x brbillon turt laat i ridfty and hnnlly re vinl 1 1 m lut of premium for the ahow in iijo lu n i uml fllubitr a lixninituc wan nppoinud to ollilt pcialptini and are iwink lihrrull irnultd nnd tuiild liae tlurti uiik uiiiiplrlol lint wcrk 1 in prolil aro no tiriliij for n aunlhiful fuif i ln iianitl luiiloil unltir ilinauaplaea of llm iiiti loly will bo held ou lu avunlim uf the acloitd flay ajilitfm cirnji ip aorffi a fitrmer livinu in ibo noijliborliood of uruill look a loail of ourly apple to wal kirlt iial wuek all ho ouuld et for ibnn that dny iaa ion inula a bm lie aiil talhcr than mill i hmn for thai ho would umpt the in on tho aidu of ibe road o that proplu pan inn lon i jllld help llieiniiilvn on ibu way homo al ovcry mile or no a bin waa ninplitd uu i mlli drivnifj aliin were auipiiu lo aee ilea of rip i a p 1c bj ibo way unit a toff hrntii ttir har tt r 1 lio 1 uri piuhr in in rrcoipl of ail itiler oatllij letter from mr clinton 1 1alknnr of hjkaloou baikatohawan ho aaya wu have lin i ft hooa aommor llila year plmity i ram and warmth the oropa ato aa n fiu ral tbinit looking wull aomo tire extra i out oiirden luolablca and fluid root in an eapeciatty fine rjrop vn bavo bail muru eaa bo ana radubea and lolluoo hiari vo could uar and expect to storo dbuinlaiilo of carrotr paraulpe teola and cabbauo for winler 1 ho raia on the prairio waa a iptundid aiht lliiu apriu and early nummer lu many jilacuo it ia luicfl dcop ou ibo level prairiu a lliiufi that the early aettlera here aay tbey never taw before mr i alkner aetid kind rul to all ac ion fncudi a ttfrnird find iiuccchtut iufill a valuable go d medal waa offered by mr john hirathaii principal of ltoikwood public nohuol to tbe pupil taking ibe hiffheat ataiitliiik lu ibe ilih hchool lntrance and ill bl io hliiooi leaving examinaliopa lo july 1 bo aucocbklul pupil waa mi mtiio mcqueoi iailitor of mr jolin john mcqueen actou when mr mcqueen moved to aoton in tho spring mia mauffio nan mikiujj audi marked prorrsj in lier acboot work that it waa decided to bavo her remain under mr ulrachan a tuition until midaummer her iuccdm in hlnhly creditable both to beraelf and ber painalaking loacher ibe hiitk i ntpn bad tbo ploaauro uu mondayof view lii tbe old modal awarded it la indrod a va lublo mark of merit miait mcvoeen i now r tinned in ml ff al ruualc utorr ttic iurusun ut 1 xtiltiltlthin i lie major part uf ibo entrltra bavins now been made fur i oruuto a lm cxbibi lion which iq la b held from augiibt llal to hoptembcr uth il i pot i bio to elate ihunltelj that tbo acale of tbe exhibition will really bo greater than ever jkovor before did the exhibit cover eucb a widu uiiiii ii they will tbia year it almost look aa if every province had airivnu to do 11 boat to make tbo exhibition worthy of be tontilry thie or courne i nut only patrloliu but m mtenauly xralllyuih be ttimu it ahuw uliuu the maurlal pruaporlty of tbe douiliilou 1 luncorned ecmonu1 dlllrrtiicua aro forjoltou i ho railway bavearetd i irnl onu fare furjl0 round trip or the cnluo exhlbiliou from all wiiiita in anada an i lo run a special cheap excursion the tlrl week ou b pt anil iwu the bocoiki wcrk neiohnonhood now 1 cbming and going nowu itomu uupnllocf by corrnu- pontlonta nnd cxnhnnutja milon jujldunriri mri hamilton bavo riliiriml lldiihi nfur rpoiiuiuu a ploitsunt viunllnn i old oruhnnl iliui lattt mi1i milton onipmi of tl i jlllli jlattaliou rcit u hi tjufr miir rinh it i exixn et that ill bni lu raitril not i drill at nugiiru iiki nnulh iho juiiugiin wlm wmi1 fimn mitloi and vlojnily to tbe nrlhwthl for tin bar vealtnguhlvuk hum rrlvjnf tidily nx thulr dealtualiqn ntxl divlvlon our l killinu u tin llb hetitvitlbrr a khui deal of lnt ril m full in tin mallh bliu a loll tinl iiiiiii to in played liit on hnhfd otr un if joii irjiour frlomti lay lriptir if nu liave k if i on h sen st albii s i burih will bo conducted on htnuy 111 sept i n i m at wbnil itev i loruerel m a of all saints i buroh llsiiiillun will tf tbo preacher b peel a i harvest icrvnfi will also be conducted on llm mi 1 1 doy folluwiuk by ibo incumbent al all of ihrie sorvicea a eprcial olfartory i tiquesud un behalf uf the pareanago dubt uev i amy of naesagaweya preached eicollcnl aorinoils in tho metho dial hurih last biiuday itov blrxbau it h ckwouf ciipicd ibo pnl jni of knox church lael sabbath he will also ulllciato next babbalh itov win iltcr preached at 1 benctcr aud camp bell llle laal huudsy mr it j f dmls ion llc u pied the pulpit al t urwbin tail bunds nil or noon itev j 1 howell m a will bo homo fur next huuday a tirjnti l ity trcaaurrt i i iiaitrl i ms tlual ruporl ut special auditor ld n it r lis wbu baa 1 ecu making a orillual ox amiiiatiou of lilt books of tho city treaaur or of jiiolph during bla term uf twelvo ear lllco baa found llm peculations ami inlerral tbetoou lo amounl lo 117 hj i i i in re is iividatnli of ayblematlo and delilmraid aleallnga iiuoukihui ibe outiru term uie friends of ex ireauror harvey offer the payment uf some sit imh in order to compromise ibu matter and avuid uilml ual pruoaedlnga ayaltiat the defaulting treasurer while there i a goueral deairo i i ira iecuiiwd fur the loaaea aa far aa albln tbo council at it mooting on mm lay cvenluc allowed no deairo to bo a i 1 compounding a felony and tbe cl i ten uf uulph will nudmihl euilain ll 1 ibis upright courao ibo mailer tiaa been placed lu tho bands ut tbo provincial autboriliea hi ion m sty tr uf til lut tut jii monday of laal weak lrwiu 1 vxcry waa ui boforo the mayor charged by fown ulialablo lliadluy witti refuatng lo pay dog lax ijivury was innd i and coats in all iimi on wednuiday lbomae 1 atery falbor of lrwlu 1 avary mculion cd above hail i onatable bradley up before mailmto mli iilluin and ituberlauil u iiaed f baviiik wulituuly cruolliuid uniipornsatlly kicked a horse belonging b tho- cuiiiplaiuauj ibo uvldouco for tho proaoculiou showed thjat complaluaut a horau waa bulug graaoil aiong ibo road in rout of dcfundaula lable on monday morning lu charge uf a eon uf complainant lltfeudaul coining alunu ordered the boy tu tko ins hurso out of that al the same tuna kicking it on tbo aide of the head 1 lie kick caused a largo awelling tho maglatratoa fiuod tbe conatablo ftl au coats in all id 7 ilypepla aud 1 tidigoatluimc w auu a cu hyracuae n y wriloa iloaao send ua leu ruse uf illla wo are aelllug more ut par me loo a illla lhaa any other pill wd kcrp they have aroat repalatiou for i ho cure uf uyapesia aud liver com plum i mr has a hulub imdaay wrttta 1arinuluu a i tile a fa au axoollout uicdlciiio my slater liaa been troublril tvilb severe headache but tlxao pllla bavo cured bjo ihflor in tin hi wur illok rrpiill occupied ll mr hnll h in lug blind up for milion piat olbn ilmptoxiit one u audfjfilhtr too hiimii fur iji ri iinn niiiita of ibo idmiiaud hiu iilw bllllllmg will lie an un rjicmint erin lint iiimaiayfluuaday ivati lnld in lrio aud hmitchmrii from nil over the country went premm i ho ilpir of the ikuj nighlsndern of lorunto mil it bi excursion of the htotm hoiib from llramp ton and other placo ou the 1 ii rt on hand i tin progrummii cnuiialed uf allvololio apnala hlghlauil iluuciuii etc a tad accldenl whioh m likely to prutu ratal ciciirrid in lriu townablp near hillabtirgun i huraduy twn yotinn men named alex glbaon and ilornco hoscc- were loading grain on the farm of mr fioref about two mile mil of thn ullom aibanrwaoii uu load whmi tho liorbiii uddunly alurted and lliu unfortiiiialn man fu backward on ilia heat he wan taken to bla homo id ibo villagt wheti he ilea complolely paraljzpd from the nenk down warda a big div l looked for to morrow ivn holiday wan new r ho tilliiiniaslu ally prr pared for mr jaa a lruou of i nn bus hem ap minted a comtlnblo for ibu i onjjly of welliugtou and took look the ontb i i t hico lait flatnrla 1 or the paat two week r mr i u hurt r of ouingabv lilrii ui low iii llluea b cau with on atlai k intuiu a garden parts will in iiol r al tho h me or mih mil ullliin pnn r ui cveninr nabsag aweya the harvciit homo of vhtnettr rhnrnti was a dcided aiucckb ibu wralltr although a htlle ol wa all that iuld te deal red an 1 a imfft lfonv i itilherid to du honor to tin mn i n i in re wert ncril loada fruni outlph uuil i m d t ampbclullln uc1 ibe rri 1 ilia ul llm neighborhood i htiiiihrainm i waa n tlno one anil ibe rnmniiltre w i pri pared it deserve credit f ir the i xi unit in mi nor in which it waa carriml il i h i hi hand uf i tin gave si dm kiiuoub and the muses amy rfriiil ibnr pait in a superior inannrr i hit mli lumlitlo uf ibe i tkiirm biir ws niitbiu uu ibeir aelecllon waw lmdl spplalled ibobuir alo a dm ft lion lhe muili ajleiled i all llo mumtil inn if i uu mill- and viiuity itin uifiuii iiuiii nllb ibo alllkli tf ho run plate m krltaj aftrmtull isnl lb bellrdi u h lt beaten i ii y will ha ii piu u iwhilu furu hit can ban lie i tin tall i 1 1 tin aingle iiiuii suilluuf lltlrlirl11 ul nn l- inilltriirl r ill h llliiio tin eaihinl etlltig km n fur t lime lii nil 1 her lliu uf tbe but ml n kill- i in wrlli 91 ttil lkbwbunb luhnlm3 ibo ural fl ol ibo s ni laat wndneaja niubl n t mm b reorlud a number of furucn bavi b ulloop wurriud in il in ii i lately mr h walklns bun a omii u r wbu talks ng tw ft i i thn ui e hllln daukhld i mi u rt allen while play in k around lu week foil aud broke her arm below ibu iikw blip rxp r mla i lliau h i lllel at mr l luwuaen 1 i r loft fur tier hi in ua i iii n waa u h fv i people aud will be ulai ii mlies tin i k 1 i lids mr hotmrt r i i i i 1 i 1 il 11 ha unlay mr k hi uh hi m in 1 rule of lo ra i lis lllnl 1 irr mrs 1 low iseul this eek mr jlbll ltamsliuw f i r 11 u mlh who im lun ll 1 g a ii ontb with relallv a here re tun 1 nun tiatur s mr itober mci tugl ian uf lo unto vialtud at bla fattier s b me i e hoy farm nabsakawnya tin we k mea ars k j and h 1 hi rl k 1 1 evia w hi daall o 1 dill 1 n 1 1 11 and w llio ipsun 1 1 run o hi el ml 1 on ha urday aud were i u k sis t ms 1 mo ore iht tjracib or lunvallbt i nt l is al onco inlcrosliug sn 1 l ill ill 1 uu patient carol ull kiiadled at this pui i ul and piuvided with ibu mrus ui fur health may bo eliabli i mm imiri i ei j i the iiieatimablu i leasn g uf ho lib l in ilia other baud urccl ut uvuu mm i mo is at this hlod ta hkely lo uupuji uiaiu him thn life long penally id ill health mail 1 1 inc in a vrailtd life tho aasiipi alive prtweww ca aro at una time sum lu u impaired vlalloro to and from- aoton and varlouftothor parnonnl notoa tliu in k imimm invito all iu road or to un irlbuio to tbt eolutnli if j in nolng nnay nil a hulldi mini i vlsllliiii vnn drop a card to the klimli mr mid mia m kiiinuy of lrlu vjxuill rlndh hnftt lhi wiik mih mary lamberl hdt on saturday to viht hr fflutuli at hihligate mih iiuiiihi uf i irn hkmling a few daya with voton ffientl mum imma iraham of olanwillimt visited aatun frionda ihla week miii herla hnydr of itmira la epend mil a f w dn wiih frlnda in town mihrt kuio oir if anion la viitjig at mr nun ioilii- oram valley smr mr rlhiir lyrtill lain uf ibo ocorge town hrrnlti ipenia diy or twn una woek will aituiiitii mr rte w ii ryots and mra irleal up ut a couplfi of da a ltt week with frumd nt nmgnrtt ialla mri lark and ml annie ityan nt n 1 worn uuinte of ox couurillor hmlth a ciiuplii or daya laal woek mr t h camplh ii a former rtfllaot of a lun ia lying very ill with typhoid fever at hniolul in in hlrantavillo mmi juiaiii modrokor of toronto jwnt n tow dnb iliinug the week a gneet al tile imeof mr fmea i oblmn 1 lleitdtrann l m 1 waa homo for bunds an 1 monday he had been up to north orey spending a oonplo of daya in i ho cnui iiigu i hero mr joseph pulcr of gloveravlllo n y arrived jolcrday to join mra patera and their ihtu daughter ulariau in iboir nsi l wilh friitnda in aoton and olbif annliu lnu ashqrove wing to the unavoidable abaenco of itev mr mitchell ou hundv the pulpit hunt was very ably ii i led by mr george kenned of iliirgetowu miisj dick ii vibiting frieuda in ibo city una werk mia m 1 iron of toronto and misa mi kiutiou ol iiielph spent laal week al mr i sunn- a few of our ni leiila accompanied the it urn n to niatara un friday mr u vleuler i emliuit till week ii i imir mr it llrmik- la a ur iumbei of in n pick i iik hi lua orchard aa uaual una ull lie tipecla to liavo about one bun drrd and aevrul borrcli f fail apple utoiioetown i in nulla are ruiniug dy sod ni smi in ord r to uirroasc tho capacity fur turnnm nut a upirioi juility uf ptr mill stood nr ihliik wnded in new and i u many frlruu i f mr nl mr- irod h hikku yiiijulhib with ibem deeply in th loaif their bab bi who died on i mlu lilkht isnl slier a brief illneaa lhe lecture in ibe ireaby teriau i hurob lliursday evumnk lal by mr oood bait tho itiiniaii jew wa fjirly well utleudnl it wa very kisiruollve slid irlinml lu lioliday paacd oil ver llell 3 isciosno ma lull in tbe after uuuli ticlween the 1 hislles uf 1 ergua slid lhe i iiiip boiiiu llioouly borne attraction tho itteii lauce waa rattier small but llm game was mxki ho snore being i for the 1tnaa in d i for the rhillm ibo en union under the uspioes uf tho h i v lo lhe i alia on t iday civic huh lay vtis voi v largely pslrotnxrd lhe iml a irligblful da arriving at tbe i alls al l l o clck i buae roturning same ill reaciied liupio at 10 id p m wbv- ren lined 11111 hie day following lhe i ilki- bt sidrs dealing expenaea bavo a ii 1 lm if loionl have lleiijed t talk the dark night if you would avoid its terrors and sufferings be wibe and use paineb celery compound 1 1 dark ulghl of airrow aufforlug and urror has ojmo to many a man and woman in our mldal and hope haa almost tlot from tho troubled aud anxious heart i be shadow and amall clouds or iu oilier words ihe sv niptome of dtaeaso lhat wrt uojjjicd and fell sumo lime agu wero lirtkardrd and the sufferer a now find ihunelveb uomplelely overwhelmed and are calling fur succor and release lu ibi disease burdetlod we would say dcpit not ou may rouew life and xatabllib a oundllluu uf health that will 1 una uur frienda amaxomeul and wonder 1 aliie rleiy ompoillld will du the good work for you it restore loal vigor aud vitality g in freab blood braooa up tlif oortc and build up floah and muscle iaiiis a rlory 4iikjund ibeooutur a 1111 la uu now and untried remedy it lias bucn tried and tested fur yean and hit proved 1 4inphanl 111 the met o bat in atociai il ha saved life after all ulllfir medicines failed and baa ibe approval of tbi best medical men on thie oontinrnt if ibu shadow of dieeaa are hovering over uu if ou aru not aa bright energetic and alruug aa yuu were some wecke ako a few d tea uf 1aluo a celery om pound will lone p ouf whole system cleanse ibo bl m i correct ludlkoallou harhn tbe ppetiia and hivb ou a vim aud vigor thai will tboruughly appreciate ii all means give 1aloe a celary rfiua i 1 mid a fair aud luueat trial al ihl lusun and ou will be oompelled u slug lis prsisra as tliouaamta of othera have lion liul the kulno 1 ante a aa thse i v lit iiiiilatitfna ivuiiiioodabflrwirk rlllahalea talk and bow that thla modl- clne hag enjoyed pubtlo oonildtnod and patronage to a grtwitor eitentlhanf6eoh- ed any other proprietary medlclnn thla la aim ply bvcauao l poeseaaca irrcwter merit and produce prclcr euree than ny other it ta npl nlut o aay hut what ilooda baraaparllla doe that tdtki the atory all advortlaemanta of ilooda baraaparllla like- ilooda barsa par ilia it- aelf are bontwt v haw novnr deceived ilia publio and thla with ha atiperlatlvn medicinal merit la why tho people havo hiding copttdencc in it and buy hoods sarsaparilla almnit lo die eirluilnti of all luliers try lb irrpareil only byc 1 hnodamd uiwell maas at u ji aati rn mir only pji o take llootj s puis wllb hood karabuarllla wantednn idea ar and tut of two ntutfrsd usfl m iu rumi mue tat taalr pria onjar sclibol books are now trouble we have them again the worst complaint is too fine a block ekbfic1sbs scribblers see in ind llu 111 ill hookstoir iiiclpli chas l nelles wall a and window kliado- today irll lermai ii yd riuamer of iha drnl luatalmeiil of our fall imjkirta invoice and advice note of further shipment of import from hwitnerland doumaik uar many and treat hrllain bavo 00 me lo hand and boforo tho mouth of auguat bee dosed wo expaol the arrival or gooda from almost ovcry leading manufacturing centto in lump our long pouncciioii aud traiiaactioua with the foreuiuat manufao turera ayor where from whom wo buy dilol places ua 111 tbe very foremost poailiou for advaiitakeoua and profitable buying what does all ibis mean ikl ibalere ie will gain uimhn da ml 1 bml 111 11 n tlian svui ucfoia eopld who want nice good who are tired uf ibo trash and olioddy that baa of lata quoded the market under the guise of cheapness will look here for the nicest the iiowoat ibo moat reliable the ivcal lntrinaic value ird 1 bat wu aro nut i 1 imjie with tbuao who think tbey can pal anything un their cualoitiora 110 matter how jx or the material so long ai they cai make uu m buliovo lla uheap 4 li 1 hat our k aru alwab nut ice able lor llu ir ologautt at lo and durability our milliner jakela or hrcaaca alwaya look betlrr tlian ihone bought olaowhere wboto 111 many cases tho wurk is that of tloo haudp i he beat dressed people he tiere aud the hum bloat ulh him uu o 1 a uiu u buy better i be world u our market nu uue cualomerk inter est belter and no ouo la inuro inady and wlllliii hd life in all potiileludo well for lhu4 who favrr ua with their cuntldoiice lull wu ull e eiyibuk l il v iocd but ull dry good only wa bolievo wo can do tho community 111010 gtml a u ten uf tbo dry uouda trwdo than attempt like some to be jack of all trades and mailers uf ouue i bla la a dupai tmeun al dry lloou at tiro where a atrial y legitimate dry hoods buaiuoa haa full nnd 1 uf dis ie will bulb sadly mallln wlb ma need die lmtu wlno alone can h liy the action of mallnio will ocavvimt upon tbo dlloellvo piocuasra which it rnpldlv alreugtheua and ua periilaiient aud atrlking iiitluance ii un ibu uurvuu- ayalem to which it ki v l ibe roaloratlva pfrwer of tho lody is 1111 menaoly inoreaaod aiiil auutiglb and vg r coma to ihe invalid ao juiokly aa lu worn almutt impossible i ikmiii however has demoiiatcatil its viiiliiiio in l ovale concu aa well as lu tb various lurin by whlcltleaxlity ar g itojn fault nutri tlod inaiiifma itaelf h i by all drug a miik a minli u ii n uiarm lluua ntaunl was uiadu on a stearns w stark atfoat actou g b ryhn st cos i hehe arc busy days with us in our carpet rooms irfssilil tin fact that you ft most to choose from here may have something to do with the orders tht are pouring in at a season of the year when business is general supposed lo bt dull but it is wc bt licvt chiefly because we look well to the quality of our carpets as well is to the quantity and pride ourselves on having the liest as well aslhr cheapest nicr in our carpet history have we hdd as large orders as this season halving a few dis ajo turned out an order amounting to between 400 and 500 yards and being at pre st nt 1 ng igul upon a still larger one which will aggregate not less than 1000 yards linoleums and oilcloths so rapidly hnvour business in linoleums and oil loths inc rcased that we have been forced to provide new quarters for this department we have fitted up a lame room in the basement where we shall keep everything in lnolcums oilcloths c and where the ample room and light will ensure full justice being done to this husy and growing department does any room or space in your dwelling or ofhee need new oilcloth or linoleum if so whats to hinder your buymg now we will makcit well worth jour while g b ryan x30 guelph wait and see our hen isi and scrib bling hook new llnkh nkw styll nkw shaikh public school and i iigh school hooks a new lot i school sup- plus now on sale at the drug store j v kannawin ijhuooiht acton pringle watchmaker guelph ont main street planing mills acton ont john cameron aichlect and contractor uuiullmiinll ouuib hu uuuldluu ktonrr ttafo latest english and american just jntsw j3atb opened to da ntianrrciat thac latest american novelties xnewest ies c tie in the trade new scotch tweeds beautiful d signs i oicl gh5ds yju au suie of getting t vci ltm tin latest uptod lie goods from r e nelson i cuding tailor and burnisher ycj wyndham i iuclli a gold mine for phreisits special atlcn lh 11 i- hii iivcii hi oui mi c dcpail 11 cut this week tt school sh06s i or tin h nd uk 011i1 o kobblo button sliues 90c agulci fcl it miasas pobblb button shoes i5c iegulai 1 25 a laige langu ol boya and yuutns faliojs at clooe prices uhndhichom 4h at hi walker mcbean co the creat cash store of halton county 74 b av dickinu matching j moulding suile1 ituek on ban t at rlcisa lu ul tba 1 1 mas john cameron proprietor e r bollert a co an and ri vynai i ii aiifot uuelph ont brampton pressed brick and tile wo iks jas padcham mm rctkiiaii uv finest pre85ed brick unumtut rue ul ai it iu ifucit nh saiiilva ul lirlua al ii i uuvrvj ua i bo south wolllnton titroot luait ukamhtuts acton steam -laundry- a cook proprietor t ual ulasa work kuaraulrctl in rmiully luitrr wurh cuit fo wurk alle1 fur ovary monday kflii tiiursday and delivered every tbu rails y a cook lliutpdy nil kbichlurd shaws kockwoou 1 ot lurc spices and all litklmi and prtstivtiigrenu isil s vf best quality clean fi sh upto date patent medicines al surprising everyb 1m tl l ut t dining lioin all ovei t nbtl ll hariraius m lh woods uemeniber this stoit carnes nothing bill up it da i tellable goods ici civing new goods ci ly da j i hat is wha is called an upto date a of tioing a ttsh business s05ik mkitrllams iniygit u ndil but look how muth more you haw lo p t tn jour guotls dots it pay those who haw trud it saj no read read and save money iiait lli out prion 7o uki jii i i iu el ull ouaimh rlcu ai tailoring tmllurlntl liraat raluetliiu all rtiuiul in uut taili k 1 trt i 1 tills ll u xn an i in rlurli mvtineut fur us i atoalia i rit i hubtwt hull to untor loi u k iail twoa1 hull lu unlor lui ii ou twshhi hull lo unler foi attud tvhmki hull ui iinlar tt all ml lvalu r 1m uiwrtuully ut mj hi i osttl trtuiuilna wauuly turn uul ilia nonat uailn i uliil irioas uial urdluarv ll itb ul hp u a rallalil stun iisrfta uuds rafundeil l ul our ruaranlaa nolbiur baltar uian lliat i i roaaou uur trade la lucres dutiula thla deiiaruusiil lur iiini tl tlv it ii v llu ubn h twkkii pauls 71tu worth 1 al u uau atwao1 oau ou wurlli hj 13 ueus twswl tosts very oclal l 1m uoym ltutblug wlal a hurry hvurry wa have tin am nu u tba lioya bulls jjdaaua 3 tlaoa hulu fut 4 111 a and a plana hull lur m only a limited number lak huafm a sbue i- icr air ul tan limits aul t ill kllhlii ilia neat iwii wavks lallna tan kllpmita tl iu oloartuu pilot i lottos tsji oafutit 00 rlajli pries t lll tan dlimu l oloatlu pl i aitlxa llutun hls el a olfiarlim irl iillea- llal itiwls el u3 tor taju meam tan tlimtm and ibim uoii a tan llmta 1 a1 fur nn bleu tan oafunls v lor in luu lau uuonli suu lur ol ttl tan oifmls du lla latuat uuallvm lu b uuiattatuiuniu laniai uui pria any ul 1 1 1 hi including tomoui a whlk6r 7vrtgben stco tlic ureal cxsh stores georgetown ahd ioiouto jkf n

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