Ontario Community Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1896, p. 2

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vtlitdt- o t lifjhn y jlontiinoakm nil iwi annul hlh i mr mid mra lln ihiftlji n ami own il ki al i rmumn in hiiiilav aii urt slnr mithtiiril in mil lanubl r of lbn w i wilkin htui uuhitlm mil tmltv of jul thllll auhilst kva loarl ilaililliu aind 1 cara ami h ulolitla ti rn in trafaluor nil tniaday trio mill iiibi deborah ann hshor ihilltvnd wlfn til john tuna bkihi 10 ynara 0 months an 1 j daya hknnkhvin krln township mi kalurdar ninnflnn annual jsinl lumiali i kuraj tli wife of darin kounody in hot- fiiild yoar lliuiwniiiixir at liar late msldenre tornmtn oil wmlililaf itn lull inat mar anon willow of tltt lain job llrnwuri ltf hihi el ynara kijc rtcm jfm tyvtss thuhflday alil ht n 1hvii notes ano comments hutiator ixiuhlioeii lina tntrodiioeil a bill lo amend the insurance act which urottlra that all palmira of inaurinoo nouniislcd by i nltod htatra companiri in canada havjl bo payable tit ltal under of i bo dominion the mllloti itrjurmrr aaya the late dominion alratioti in haltou coal i ho gov ertiruaut about 9000 una itiolmiea too fur itio itoliirnink ofllcer hia jiork do paly llaturninf oflcera poll nit booth priming etc in the homo of oiikiioih on ihday hir henri joly in reply tu mr wood laid it ivaa nut lbn luteutiuu ol the uouarnment to jjialto ty c ha iiu in iho ruloa rckulatinu ltio seloalluu of tfrain stan tarda for man loba and the north weil rinrinx iho prrhoil yoar which would rruiro any amendment to tho hisctlon act tho wmlminnlrr mi rttr on monday ub lialina a long artlolo calling attention to tho political oampaikn in tho united blatea brink ouly a battlo between tho cbi and well but between he american debtor and in ilnlieh oreditora and ad v oca lift 1 1 all man dcblriiiu tbo defeat of fret silver to roil ram tboir shouting for mckinley 1 hare la an active foreign dtmaiiil for wheal bnt grain men say they are unable to put lhrooh any buaitioaa owing to the iftqt tht ajl ihfl ocean apace baa beotalua up a good many are foolin pretty acre on tbia account more oapocially aa rauoh of the apace baa boeu engaged or american krain tbo buying of wheat la beinj atirp ulatod by reports of a large shortage in the ltuian crop mr dsvio kivob notice in the houto ommona of the following reaolulioi prelum oiuii nw onfederati thai tho lime haa arrived when tho north weal rernloriea ahould be treated on the atiio fooling n tlio oraiiiod iruv liinea that an annual atihaidy aiioulil be voted fur carrying an tho doverument of tbo torn tor 10 which atibaity ahould hi alculatrd on the mini grounda aa thoae on which tho aubatdy voted to tho province of manitoba la bawd i- tbe trade rotnnia for uiajontb uat leased being the oral of the current nacal j oar are encouraging ihoexporta allowing an incrraaa of tl imj lmorla on the otber baud allow an lucroaae of 1 715 7rij and the duty collected an lucreaae of jih jlfi join proa um ably american atlvor to ltio value of thiluuh waa cxporle1 ilie tola value of the roe good entered lanl month waa h rtl ihj of tbia coin and bullion waa lucludctl amouutnig to 1 111 c3m tho ijuarterly rekrl of tbo doparlmont tl i rade and coinoterce to juno lotli ihub haa uat boon laaued contaiuing uguroa ibat wlod up helaal raral year aud ahow log that canada a fluanooa are lu a aouud and healthy at to uuricg tbe twelve montba iho revenue waa 35 ooj 77i aa oomparad witb t3 1 1 111 4 hi for tho uroced iou year and the expenditure for i hoc waa 10 56774 agaiuat jlijhh7j m 1hha cuitoma eaiae and public worka including rallwaya will ahdv a gaiu lu otber tparom of revenue mi dor the headiug mia cellaneoua ill can ia a all inn off lbo value of the principal dutiable 1 in porta entered for consumption in the twelve montba waa t07 jw 77 againat kh 51u h0 in the provioun year 1 ho duty waa fjl 172 177 aa agaiuat 17 hoo tijj in irtui tho valuo of free im porta for tho year waa lltwyta the eajiorta for iho yrr wore homo prodooo 8100 coo 1bi and foreigo produce til 540 if i phacfllal encourautmtn r from an outsider r hon w d daufoim pead tho ptjetvlnclnl sqarotnrytcnjoyod llt a short tontiro of hib now horwn totum auguat 111 lid and auddon hitp um urntiilltfuiltt hiirrouinhiig lbn jll no parliament to n h rttnmanl tint iarliainfiit mg wnatlior fuf ha opun ihiildlnga jtbtcrdn fcvethiig ofjjui w iftlour riiiiiiafjfinjiirjbiiu nl mug nirtiijffwuhh to on ifontlay liti in the new par mlnlntoru pnttoraon nnd p1lr elect- oil on tuondttv tiy lnruo mlhovltloa thu dcdate on tht addnusb atirf jll o larl iilng wnatlie in hadtiloru charming iug dn hianmrr rare and tlio eramnuy m nhooinlid in iiirtfubrra and vlauorn mtnda with the olillly wlndil of mid wlntnr lik 1 hiira la iarliainunl hill bki d in llm motlmv mimaliln of an idral niuht aaoriiimii 1 ho beautiful grounda ami lhe ataluly pile of buildlnga lixiktd tbrir ber1 it waa a day that make a man glad ibat lie ia alivr whether hn uiy to the right nr lo iho let of the b pea it or i bo iiiomuor nl llm nniniurn wuro in tholr plaroa at thriff wolick when lhe itcilo aouiideil aiil iho hiakor rauorltd by lhe hargeaul at arrna marahcil in from hia roam at the cud of the corridor and look thliair mr tidgar wore lhe ailk lolxi of hia high ofhve white kid gluvrd aud tho traditional throe corunred black hat he lookod vr7 inch a hpoakor of the canadtan cominoiia ilia kiqellcocy arrived at the henalo chamber pmiclually at throe attended by a very brilliant ataff ho ft ore hla hand ome windoor uniform blue coat wlnto aatm knne brorohea mlk atockinua buakled auona and a fair amouul uf gold lace the common waa promptly auiuinoned lo the bon a to chamber to hoar tho addrcan from the throne the opening ol iarlia ment ia alwaya a brilliant function iho moat brilliant probably that caukda can boaal of hut tho ceremony hold in ibo senate chamber on till ooiiilun waa a tared tar brighter and grander and muni ullful than any tho n pita i hai aeru for many tara ieoplf camo lo the city from far and inar to aoe tbe inauguration of iho new liberal regiinu tho alretta were crowd od all during the early ptrl of the day lowardaj 10 tho uiaaa uf humanity on iarllamoul hill aaaumed aiirh prupvrtiuna that getting through it would have been an impoaaibillly but for the uiicoaeliig cftorla of the police force luaido tbo gallcricra of tho senate ware ill led up ui tho utmixil limit with men ami women eager to catch a glimpao of diet pretty ptianl below and alaa i fear ouly llicae in lhe front row aaw very much of ii year after year lhoe galleriea aiofruwd ed beyond their utmoat naiity people go there who are moht uncomfortable and miacrablo for a couple of boom now tbty will never do it again aud tho next cor tho gallorira are aa crowdad aa ever for lhnas who arc fortunate enough lo to be iu tho front row tho ploaauro an auiplo reward for the troublii ihoy took lo got there there waa ionic doubt about till opening aa to whether lhe country and a woald keep ladles from tgwjj but lhal doubt waa not roattrd there worn more ladle on tbo floor of the houne than at will mourn livirikiji nxj limo wlin ho had uat altitfa lofty publl i piaitinn atldwna iteplluiliiy a pruminuut career williarjfiyuklitb ilalfunr waa anrn on augul ilhftrlai at i orfar hcollan and ihereforo wi a nunparntivoly nung man a jfturnaliat by prufqaniuh bn iu 1h7j eotahliahnd with mr mitheaon the hi fatliarinna duly al wsrlh avr and two yara later in- ami mr iihu auld alartid the amlii ralhurg h l wbloli tho twn have oicr himn coiidnotod mr italfunr ahvah took n grral inlenwl itn local udiiaaliuual and agricultural mat tcra having ihiiii rliairjiioii of both the hi catharinua and amhcratburg public aohool boards anil for twrlvo yrtanr wu prtiaiihiilf of iho houth lnnex agnoultliral hocioty hia funeral at ainlicraburg an hlnr day waa attoudml b 1 larval cour lureo or pcolip eor ai nt lu allacnburg five lives lost a sad fatal flro at huntavillo lnat friday nlht hia 1 xcollrncy read lhe apivch frt throne which waa aa follow hurtllr tu l tk s urntttmvn ta the uuu ut tl nmut maklig n ulin jl l i hiuiohl hn uiilmil any 1arltauifiii lht nrlui l1 llh all m tmt i any ml llm paaaaa uialirlally llublin tbo klttur of tkt ii bui 1 uotio luue an ezoelleut coiiiiuunicatioii from yojr worthy townsman w ii htoroy ui with referouca tu mum oration and enoouraitomoul lo your nreiueu and 1 moat aay 1 lioariily eudurae il we in burlington ban a luntwr tiro lirlilio aa you have ami i ooiihi lor it usually a thaiikleie job for vjmitoera lu thoao urganualluna lor if limy don i loa tho mark aa iiiiik ai a ily hua real then thero la alwaya that fault find u nitison whu crioa out tboy re no good now while wo inwal not expect vulunlaer men to be aftntcient aa i bow who earn tholr living by it jot ihoy oau beqomo ao ex pert aa tu be luvalu able lo auytiva town llul mr 1 ditur you cannot get that dogr of rflluioucy uuloat you glvr ihom omo roiumioratiuu an i a god deal of uiiouuragomonl who uf ua aro particularly auiiuui to bo called out of our couiforlablo imhu on a cold uighl when mora likely than not iba iburmom oter la boluw oru to laka pari in tie handling of thia aulrllig machine which liaxl aaxxu llna llif ii1h rial i rn a liavo txnll alutl alia cul nl itnttrlhfh ul kf ii ur f mi tliomul lataa tu iris nl i 1 1 u lilori tm frttiwlll hunurtmt gtutw nrn iht scti u 1 uthlif r u tc ii m 1 bojhi tl al wlioll iu ia k il 1 rkt aary altatit on lu tlio con lite atkin of l aupplloa 1 lay u l rnl n t in f ru 1 u wile dl want it aud tho oonaei notion la you gel a wotting which ia auythlug but agreeable aud tbia la not all wo mnl remoinbei ibat it daugeruua work to life and it mil and auch being the case if il la unjkjaalblo lu glfo tbo mon a aalary winch i bohovo la the right way and aomo of our uiwna have tdoptod the plan uf rlvltig a auiatl alary then tbe next boat thing ia to give them all tbe nuoour age merit pnaaible i be bugjteationa thrown out by mrfhlurey aa to prlaoa aud remitting ufoll ta are eacel loot and 1 iruat our towu will adopt aome uob plan aa i am wruiait will bat aiipre clatad aod will bo money avail apent in oonclubfon i would juat aay that if ltie uggation la acted uon at to a cum ml l toe being formed to aolicit aubacrip tiooa for uuiforma i aball bo bappy to donate live dollar toward that which ia tho aubitantial anoourftgemonl i hay nood yuura iruly aiki c dim a waterloo fire ii nurauco agent uurliogton aug ih lmwi parllajiianl at tho uuoluaion of ll o apcoch the viceregal party at otico roltred lo iho chain be ra of tho hpoakor of tho bonatr where a brief reception waa held iho common a retired lu their own aide of the ilouao tho vial torn diapuraed and mm coremoniale attending tho ohjuhii of tho now pat lament were concluded by another royal aalute from tirpcau iumt the aubeiuoiit procoediuga iu tho lloiiao ul coiumona whore it waa aifreed by mutual oonacul that the addreaa ahould bo moved on monday and the motion pasao 1 providing for the atrikmu of the usual atanding committee wera brief tbe debate on he addrrii la alill m proftreaa probably tbe hultoat coulotil evnr in jiolitlca in the dumluiou wire lliom for tho election uf the now onulrollrr ol i hi tnma aud minlator uf itllwy in north iroy out and riueeu n ii in uith ooiilrota jim govqriimtifil won by n- 1 y 1mv mtjiirilin in north rt ii m w patleraou a majorlly urui jll while ji ouoeiialliii mr lllair pilod np a ily of gh votca tlifi viclor ea aro planned lo bo nrdornioii ol himi wilfrid i aurlor and hla uuverrlniptit and therv 1 great rejoicing among tho t iienli kill ut kknir iiiwril hir mackonxie itowoll la to lead ibo oj v malllull lo the hoiiatr yeatcrday ho waa waited uikin by a lario ilnpulatiiii ol heiiatora graded by huuator miller and prooeutnd with a rnuiailion aignwl by alt iho oilbenallvo rieliatora in the rlly aak lug him lo aniopl the leadership of tbe cutiborvativu membora in the 1 jor houarluring the proaei i parliauieiil kir mackenzie lu reply aaid lhat al though rrueoted by ht harlee tupper to lead tho 1 onacrvall vo membera of bo han a is ho had decllimd to aotepl the re apuuaibillly but m viaw of tbo fail thai it waa the uuanlinuus wlaii oq hia follow bouatora uial lo jimului load thcii be fel that it waa hia duty to accept the houoi they d pal red tu conor upon butt httwn gnrtrtltj tty haecorif into on tfonday irtt wan alrlikn v rrrmnrrhninuflha luugd aud inn phy ibiih n iiiilo iuvu lip liopi all oul hi mat il i ami- jjn i laat night about ii ouh1 thlm slllagit wai kllol by a flro which civuied lhe lofa or llvo livoa tbo premmoh burned weru uooupil by mra oimifp a widow with whom realilrd lor daughter mra plnllipi widow or thn lain llernard pmlilpa nnr her four chtl drcii ihititif her nlan al tint limn worn mra fipenror ouaiftt ami tint latter iwu chltdron hhortly after tho ocoupiila of llm hnuae had retired for tho night an alarm or tiro waa given by i va itulllp mr uiillhpn and mra i lafo with mate ual siiluilmlo atoneoraii uptitaira to try to aaaiat lluir rhildrcn tu oarnpe i hey wuri not accti alive agaiu hownvur aud it laaurmiaed lhat lilt wer uvitrcumo by thn kinoke and losing couaclouanoaa iar lahed all of the other ocriipanta aucctid ed iu itctluil out with llm exception of mrs h oimifti two luldrnu who both jierlahod in the iuiikh joaklo plillllpa younifent dailhtt r of tho lato mra it phillip died tu hay at i o clock from burn revived in tho flru iho lower half of tho ikor child bo ly waa frightfully brtrrted the ikro wu at far dacod when nulled that lhe hreinou could do nothing tu aavuthe liouac and d voted tboir attention tu adjacent dwolhiga dbath oftlrdavid mcphthson exglrod on shipboard whllu ho- turnlnu to canada to tnkei hla placu in tho sonata lti the it h t aug 2i int it from 1 ivor pool arrived ofl ihit kilnl at h i mj nl bur inaih on board the atnmtii tniiduf i ne and laodml her paaneugcra for thn iowrr provtuifta limy brought iho and i mi uf iho death of hir tlaviu macpherbou who a paaaengor hia death aa iiuoicctod and look placu on holiday at lorlio n wlien lhu i alrutr waa in mid ocean ir wri of llawa who waa also a tabued tier aidml lhe ahtp a surguon and did all lhat wm poaaihlo but without avail hir david mlpiioiboii waa one of iho uol highly rcxpcclod of mia diau public men lliu funeral was held al 1 onto on sunday uhorhth and sltitfch buillut dclawuiu urrnaikiudenl writes to the lnjmi a fnrmcr on halurdaj lual mi oi n nl of iiuigwuuds agnd 10 ixnnrnlllcd biuuido by taking par la green medio4 atlliiduicc waa earlv on the ocene but all ollortn lo counteract tho miiboii wore of tu avail the girl acknowledging her wiali to ond her lite and lo to hor hrolhor who throe wdski ago neil 1 nday ended ilia jror of alu manitoba wheat chop it will hu nlt and in of good c imi man aug ji mr jeukiua uf the p it 1 olograph lhat tom hia own obrci va loua aud reliable rcnjrtb uul in ho ulicvea that lit wheat crop will roach wenly millions uf buthula and nearly all i h ul k l luallty 1 be yield turning ul much hullor than even the iiu at anguiuo auticlpalod ami manitoba furinero iave no complaints lo make cuhhtnt lirfchatuht ingle ml a n mill jtl cclliae lor an i a a araolnr stlc lllla loylt to tbo couceill n ihior itrili 1 rll pi c 111 ha mooy wit 1 lea 1 ban a 1 a hon 1 of aril irea itrili i a h f 1 npr her mat 1 ha hjh do 1m huoda tliuly llliiitt ralrd arlu thn irealer llrilain lhe ho ken a p r on iioi enr 1 mv a leontil 1 a rem ailvou ure in t at great alail on 1llbr tlulo nti imip haa mlalona graph d iii 1 t rerunning reading till be led lo li lhe 1 umber til news of the bay an lpltomo ol tltoworldo dalngb durlnu th wank iluh flro rtguw hi jjritmli co in in bia t new wolni tru aurruundul ami liltlitlliad mi i t v aldt j doling orhitl hi ia uliargti1 with thn inurdtxhll j ii ilmiry mor kapid v letter onll tf a mr hhallgrluaali a fai i jlcn l till from a loaf o ha mi htufd aiiibiiigun iho hack jajjiia nrnk dying two- da talur from hia inarica two at reel nor a noil id mi at lhe croaalng of oureti and hpadlna avonue toronto tuoaday night anil aoveral paansitgora weri thrown out an oldrly woman up pcaol to be f hlieppard of tho liumber waa pinked up doad dtalll la believed lo liar been caned by imirl failuri in uc oil thealuxk crfcenwav3 cabinet called for friday to raonlvu uio rnportn of tho school do loan ton winmirn aug ji prpmior ornoiiway ntini h bn juucailcd- k- cjvliiuel meeting for nrxl friday he will hum officially rrroivo tho rohrl of tho delegatci lo ottawa ami them may i an mo definite new in regtrj ii lhe hciioo ipmati iu act he mon l until then mr hifton will not dmilgu aiilhlog ovon lo intimate frieuda when others fail dr williams prnk pills re store health and strength a woll known ydun lady in nap- onao tflvert hor bnporlonco so weak that shu could not go up stairs without resting hor frlondo thought sho wan in consumption now the ploturo of liualth nnd fatronirth i- kin tin heavi r naaiiifl oil among tho young ladlca of naponee thero ia no no better known or more highly eateemed than mioa mary 1 hyrnea iu deed her arrruamilance and jhipulanly covered a more extended held aa alio la a trnellng aaloalady fur the hobinaon ur aut co and haa many cualomera on hor roulo which rxlenda from oahawa lo ottawa how iiiib 0ung lady liappona to itti the eubject of thia article ia duo to the fact lhat alio liaa recently undcrgmio a must remarkable change through tho uao ot thoae wonderful illlo meaaeugertf ol luni lhe number thrum i la lull of lulereat a t hanll to makl monbv i read how miul your aubm rtbera ma a modthful of ptahls tho tooth perhape more ihau auy other feature enhance or deairoy that intangible booauae oornplcx thing wo call beauty what mro repoilaul ibau diaculured toeih t what unbightliuraa mure iiocdloaa and iu excuaablo t lvoriua ia beautiful wholhor aa aclaauaer or in ua property of imparl ing to the tooth lhat ilanaling white teas ao much doaircd aud admirnl and a rfliaieul ly doea render tho breath a wee i and fia grant ivoriuo lo aim ply tncthii parable aa a toilei roajutaite which aooouuta for ita rmuinmeitdatiuii and nao by hading denliala marriago llcotiaoa pritato olliio u i wltneaml rnjulred 11 p moxre laauor i- at 1kaa 611 1 lo acton ii y oiling ilialih ahra 1 in m one and my lady hinl wru hai i 1 a lley iiai di 1 wabnik 1 bro h 1 1 con on 1 rlllug hem nl ha t nad l 7 hi a iter pyng llo lai- don i an any dor aalea a e ii m e at bun r people co i or on f r brill iho mo ijd ily hi k a irr la ilia usl ila wa her on the narkot ir bus lieaa 11 i lurvaaiug an 1 wu aro ti og lo keep lolir wo oil ir 1 illauhl dy- i he dialiwadier la lovely every huuaekiwr wauls ouo 1 htyo is uo nicuae lu bu jor who ibo in uob money can bo made soiling dish woahera lor full partluulara addreaa lhe mumd city diah waaher co hi luma m 1 hey will atari on on the road to auccoaa a urn an mr anbroau winters waa drowned at piahfr b milla lleaelar i nday h wsb alouo in a boat ami as ho had buffered from epllcpay fur vaara il la aupwaod that ho fell overboard lu arft ml rta tatlpatlil ml bit ir agnew a prfoct ma tr ai headache t uual vatiuu and all 1 loduaca hold by j v hini health lr williams pllk pllla when the reporter of the hrutvr called to make eikjiury into hur cure ho wtn met at the door by llm young lady herself whoao may i hetka and hoallby appearance ave no liidicaliou lhatbe had uudergoue a pro longed lllnena lhe rekrter tueuliuned hli inisbioti ami round mibb llyruea ijulte will lug lo toll lhe particular uf what alio termed an oaoajm from death in reply to the juery what have ir u lllianm im a pilla done for you 7 nh replied why they have done wondera i feel like a new miiiun now for right jrara i waa weak and miserable aud t llmea 1 axiuld not walk i wbbgroally iroublad witty in digealloii and rnurilly could not keep anything on my stomach uol even a glaaa uf milk 1 had dly aplla aovero head achcb aud my complexiuii waa of a tolluw isb hue my kidney also troubled me and 111 fact i waa all aehes and pain lu going u a lligtil of ttifb i lia 1 ollhi r lo bo asaibttd up or would have lo reat aev oral lliuea before i got lo the top at limes my bauds and feel would havn liu moro warmlh in thrin liau lunipa at ice on olio ociaainii while slopping al tu hotel in kingston after waiting on a number of my cualomera 1 feffslown in a faint ibo landlady round me lu this coudltluu and nt lor a doctor whu after tiringin me bark in cuiibriouanro lbvo mo iiiedlciuu to take ho lold mo that my syalem was ro badly run down lhat il waa imperative lhat i ahould have abaulute real ilia medicine had uo bmcllola eflcct thai i could ncc aud 1 tril a number or oilier doctors with no belur renult i booaino ao low lhal 1 cared lor neither wurk nor ploaauro and my friends thought i had gone into connumptiuu it waa al hub juncture that i deler mined to ir william- pink pllla a trial and my appearand to day will ahow you what a wonderful change limy have wrought in me 1 continued taking the pink pllla for lb toe month aud before discontinuing thorn every aobo and pain had disapraied i cannot spaak too highly of thia wonderful mcdioiie and 1 am esgrr lu lot the fact lie kliuwu for the ixiuuju uf other aullorera mrs kyrnes was present during lhu interview and stroitkly endorsed what her daughter aid adding lhal sho believed llley bad saved her life 1 be ei ik- notion ot years baa ptoml that lb fro la absolutely ml di teaaa dm lu a vlllalcd ooiidltlun of the blood or ahatterl nerves thai lr william pink pill will not prumpuy cure and thoao who are auf ferlug rum ouch iroublra would avoid much y by promptly resort io genuine p nil bo perauadeil lu take an mutation or aome othoi reiiirdw from a dealer which for iho aake of nttra jrotjl lo himaetf he may aay is juat aa good li william imk pllla make rich red blood and euro whru iilher mod i mo ril 1 bo auada defeated ibo v am oilor uf bioat by about l nllca in tin lulci iialtunal yautil raoe al i olodu on 1 ursl k k chham now maul in iviinut t j womens hermsdorf dye hose nil till ncvicif mill i h mink lint fn h irw i i p k i up n n m ao llfl in ln tli in u 1 th n llm nciil i uh 1 il pi nnd iu- mil drhr jlcplits i nl ifl unit in mh k thiino thiah p nt tljo ci uiitua n disapajltitinftw- womin sif wflmi s i d hii i il 1 rlhr i wm 1mimi n til alkml 5tout mens suits i u m ikrr re irh lhe lutji 1 uidnril hi i nl rim lb l ur drn in i wo hnw iioihing hut the- bel lrrierv 1 h if rti ro n t 11 t ul uiii r sh tt i 1 i lionrdml n iii ii rll pri i all iiclinnirh 1 cttcrs or nrili lore i o ho m ldllfl i rrtim tn tsnf it nnv di l jsutcliffesons v toronto iifo j xluhltioi houghs restaurant u j yunuu st uii t eaton ladies doaring to btyome ex pert guttere will do well to call or send for particulars to crows cutting school 11 wilton avenue toronto ii durinc aug and sept uo are prepared to innert h dull and porcelain ruwna for only ml w teeth only 7 i aiiiksn i ilm ion irlo a jalluw a dentist n t cur yonge and queen st toronto where dentistry ib 1alnlksb toronto dental parlors or oiigoaud uuoon st vnln opi kluii s li iwrtiiieiual htiir 1 gueii ht- raal now a ileal puihia i11iu lll durliu the i- ibllltlxi oltni iii follow ith ball tone hl f t 11 eilm asinrt toronto dental parlors ill ck hair goods lisedt ivllltl ii lll luwi all leila alt- ailti iu wai tiallilie and all kind ot head ring in on mom variety ml tlu lalis1 attlis iiiiaclill i on llx ulvl 1 1 uhisii im iiu hlali iinlo1 i- llrlloni slei n h w t fkmitkk 127 apd 129 yonge 8t toronto bhanlil flti yonuh sthkl ingtp llm troalmeit let the 1ills ejry lime aud do not i toiionto kxillmtion it um interested in manic or musical 1 btruillculllaajl a has ohvaa iiruel or k olieap one a loliu or any hand iibiiu ment a ii rat olaaa uraaa hand moutli organ or anything in our line call ou t claxton i 79yonce st toronto lht pattnt monumbnttj a i thfc tohonil txhibition till- old m vdk 0i m 1 ho yuuii bcituwf ul i oar approved iiilhod uf photirapht a reduction lo all rsois men lioniug hub advortlaomont j j 7villikirs juj yonab utitklut to hon to p uxifo t tllkllinbry i millinery will uc 1 showy feature of ur business this season miss dowlku hav ing visited the fashion centics of europe pur chasing her goods witli a view to the very best effects it is easy to see the ad intake we have over those houses who delegate to a plerk or salesman the purchasing of their millinery materia i tr attn amtfrtipfmrnlr imrsrc and jtr for sale 1 sttv amdarllrnla 1hoh iiooiii arlon habksmk illlitlu piu intei wrlbt nilttln rnpresrntia in he said 111 our ikiiiu smairv hlihk herlal bla noulrolle i l us minimal halary or in anlialnn all wr klr hteadv ruin ment ihr year rntuid outfit roe eirlltalvfl tiirrllnry ailrlnueo not lioeimaarv big pa assured wnrkara apnrlal indiionmenla tu itekliiiirra write at on for partluulara to aiijs stilt mtiihfin co llocbnler n wanted a si ml 1 we jive experience ao laraoleed if you areiot earn m mir tniiolliytnd cmw wc ua at n for particulars ilhlr o7jirniilmloiii iiam pari hum nun karrnafa bona should look into lids il as iwtor than worklli on the farm and offers a cliauee for proniollon arll now and get chnlre ot territory htosk a wkulinuton t unl eaiin i f mantles here too wc have the benefit of miss dowlers taste and judgment coupled with our own both as to stjles and prices we qan assure the ladies of guelph nd acton of as good service as can be obtained in any part of the world and at moderate tost too hnough said the frank dowler co rent cash house depart mental guelph the right house cor king and hugheon st hamilton foods than lal during ilia uioutb of likuat notwllbatandlnit hie jiriroa are much lowrr uiaa lu formar as as on obr aalaa io ar iiosod it dollar and eeilta iho sains ot ouy nrevloua august in ths blalory ol ibis real iltisi ami mi- universal is tbe apprnclalloti of the announof maata wa are making ibat w el ooundelit thai ibo latter hart of hie mouth wll idw ih aatlaaetory thai lutual lufereat of bolli lhe publlr sbketinq3- ceriliiii the hoods in ibis slock aud slits offerod hut the frooiioy of j abould not uiako lb am couinion i iiblaacbed kbeolluu llolu 1 yanla iryard rixoal flue of koriiiii t ivlflhtnatlul stmk of hbeelli rarda v njs 11 lu are takliu oilraiilail unniusllihl wruallis lu illiui ibat we ulaor ulem vonsllillld b bunk1t bale tills araal uunkst hal will bs of auoh a l m baa iitit been before tlip publo tor a iou8 uuib fcrvery lllankoi la new claan and iwiioct ami warranted to be exactly as repraaaa td to start the lllaukat aeaaou wa will ajlow 3c per lb off every illankat you buy oabpbts our oarpel is known far and wide it ranks of modern n tolling tbe i of tat lw fit extra noallti- tin til a bast now uilugs from whareve i oaai uilnn are ta be had juat to baud ii pieces of naw fiber carpal n i have you aoeu ii uraod uiln lor bedrooms nolins wile 37 ic and furniture covering iiplliis wlita ilia i 111 places of all wool crpals radueed lo nlemlld jhttuiriia i tv uiads aud laid 0 l srit aoc reduoeil lo 0c el j i irsii 111 a jt rthluoni to n by 10 ruli 1 fr j laid lln 1 ll i vi i raduowd u rpluel lo 91 1 iii lt 14 reholsr buna rmlueml ui an si 111 l 1 1 rettiilar 1 m nxturi- u uioil 111 l l rknlar t ml lul u k ik towels u can me inoinr by buylui tnl will r hra tb portnnlly ttrklli toel blerbe1 b i v tuklli towis l urailal ia oibrr lilies kv 3v uc a fiw ol ut 1 man towels left rsduced from wrapper flannelette of wilton cnta ai 1 iu uiado aud laid u lecea of tapaatrv bast uallly uoc rwluc ed lo tso mails and laid plaeea of tepaatry txj rsducnl lo lk iiioiid and laid house furnishinoa just lo baud new cbanllb curtalus nw table covers slecmnl variety uf tab is guv rlueb frunoh rlanhbls- ary obaloe pattems lu btfurw and strip oorib tuo ooo raduowd to loo r ranch klannalt suitable tor wrappers uoderaklrta and baui cowus onli boe for bo ceylon flannels d protly pattania raull4 lu rlcv to boo halesbury klbuoal fur chi ulce ranua ol jiauerua roducwd iroui uo drau wi iroui jou lu sua thomas c watkins i nd isyh the right houbh i have an loo oeahi t roraer thai will freexe or oa id jhrfontly in urn minute aa il la auoh a wonder a crown will alwaya be aryujid au anyone can make from llvo lu la doltafa a day aallimt and from teu ui iveuly dollar a day aelllug fraeaerb aa peuplo will alwaya buy an artlolo wheu it la demonstrated that they oau make mouey by au dtilut lhe cream ta fruaeu liiblaul ly and la amuulb and freo fruan luuipa i have dulio au well tuyaelf and havo frieuda aucocodluk au wul that i full it my duly lu let othera vuow uf the upputtuuity aa i feel ouuudeut lhal any pcraau iu any lucal ity rau make mouey aa any pereou cau aell uraaul and ibo free ior sella itaelf j illli are iho mot j 4 fc lo iiu hi uharlea hi ht ire llao ina hluh alo will you aeu complete inalruc lalioii lllhouaneaa ludi ua and will enpoy you ou aalaty if you uf inula a vial ctt y iheiu jour whule llllie people who see far are the poople who 6ro buying furs every day uo aro sbowmtt all lilt idlest n ladies rirnl ioralau lamb ony lamb and aslrakao ajma and j a kit uprt il value iu i ur hoed wraps hn 1 wiih all furs juat uow we are ahuwiit lhe vtry latest alylra lu 1 ur hiarf and apcilnea our reputation fur the past llnrly years la a uaranlee u itaelf tor re i in bin 1 ur jst j lucstiln 101 yongff stroot s toronto 1111 printing ini iudtml llhk lauibl ii hii lluada 1 titulars v t ul n 16 to 1 i hi ui v ui ii tul abuut thij ij io i l il ii we have jt i ided to tr the experiment it i mining i i i ou gwotk on this basis in other word we will sell j olllt 50c dollar bargains ii ii i gicat fil in llu advcitiaug of the present d i ilcitisti to show how hcapl he can buy goods out j i n tonu la ti wc will show uu how cheapl we can si i 1 in in 1 hat s whcie our interest lies m hluk hint t icam and liu iter lrepon 4 pes u 1 2 re wlnti colon il slnpe lawn 5 pes 5c 2tv itncjiytaupcjl uxfual blue pink cream pes 2 ijt lic i anipn snipe tyjyhn pes 12 l2c cm- silk slnt tpdelnes snawrpatterns j pes 1 i 2r j d williamson fc co wyi dliaii and macdonnell streets qutlph auction sale house and lois- iu acton tbo undoraiuuod 1h otlor for solo by auction on saturday 5th september bis iropertr on mill aud wllllntou htroela ai follows- i ixit 40 on which la erected a commodious well built frame liouao of elcht mom witli bard and soft water itablo and woodshed l iot h a splendid bulldlbb lot at the aana time and place i bono i linu and barnaaa nearly hew tkhms irfit li caah halanre ii uiorlitaan at ila iff eent iot i one half cast balance aa may be orrtinl ilkiil r or horao elr wai iikuhtltht h 11 woltdfcm acton livery bus line tbo onderalkiiod raapectfully oiiclu the isatrod ana uf tbo public uid informs ibem that wall equipped and stylish rl can all waya b soourtd at lila atabldb a couifurlablo bua rnoeu al trains between doru olid h1b p nl careful attention given uiery order tho wanla of com uiorolal travel i era fully ni at john williams agricultural iiioipi college na oularto aartculturw collecra will raopau oelolfar lal a brua1 and tliroucbly pea ileal educallou at very amall onst for young ueu ho intend in be formers bend lor olroalar giving information a tu oouraa of study terms of oduilsoioo coat ate james idllls u a fmkidemt uueliib august imun guelph central exhibition tuesday wednesday thursday sept 16 16 and 17 htm1e lore on all roll war good to return u lo 1mb judte arjd eililbltora ou oartlncata from tbe 1 1 all good lo alal heclal tralu to halt fergus and i u term ad la la stations wednesday eveilug 10jq at cluoe of 1rtta llata and all iuforuialtou from wjkf cowan wu lauxuaw school books ut lead tht trade in low prices lor all kindb of high mil 1ublu school hooks pencils paper etc j owr twtotto x i si hool supplies at button prices x t f sf wa9va fsvaasp sic our special ercise hooks in c s7vtith dlapunaintf ctiatmlat and pookaollar no jo vmtim slilli cull r tub ultbat industrial fair and agricultural kxliiliition toronto aug 31 to sept 12 1896 entries close aug bth now departments superior attraotlona latest inventioaa everything up to date j he peoples great ho it any outing of tho year walt for it chpmt trrslo run jfrcrywkrrr k irla- 1 1st and kulry horua ate oddxea- j j wrruhgw h j hill ukordktowns li vest stork gibson millar co cheap and cood ti u p lmo oiu7 llolhlag o imai j iltnla ifr which m cu mii price undo i ill li lo b ld cm i ono motiikuby bo ta llil lo nhool j ih hi tx oibson millar a co djr u iipj 0rt aoalu n hih cju tvuertai spctll tjr roo block main 8t georgetown riiu plera irjif rr thry i ll uuilcr ud t i tu uluu

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